So I am gonna be a bit busy

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I have begun the process of trying to figure out what I can take with me to the new place.

Its a bit smaller than what I currently have, so the more I can give away is better, but I'm finding it hard.

Ah, well.


For sentimental things, of course ...

... some will just have to come with us.

For other things, your heart may be OK with taking a photo.

From a book/article on downsizing possessions: "The blue cup is not your grandmother". That is, the cup reminds us of, gives us good feelings, because it belonged to grand-Mom. If your heart says (maybe ask 2-3 times) if just a photo is OK - click away.

My Mom has been gone about 10 years. I recently "asked" her, several times, if giving her paper back mystery collection to a bookseller was OK. Three or four "yeses" later, I now have ~30 feet of shelving already over full of my own stuff.

Of course I was asking my own heart. Her other book collections (plural!) may be more difficult.

As for her created artwork - my heirs will have "to pry them from my cold dead fingers". (No, wait - that's USA gun control ... but you get the idea.)
Mom gave magazines like Wired and Discover to a fire-fighter friend, to give to firehouses to enjoy. And "Biblical Archeology Today" went to the Christian (not my choice) assisted living place where I did my cardiac rehab a while back. I got happy warm fuzzies from both donations.

my first thought

Isn't that just what you'd expect from Dorothy: give away, not sell off.


Five years ago we moved from a 5,000 square foot house to one with 1,700 square feet. We had lived in the previous house for twenty years. We filled two large dumpsters, sold many things, and made dozens of trips to goodwill. We got down to "essentials."

Five years later, about a third of those essentials have never been touched.

Be aggressive. Most things are just things and are very toss-able.

Good luck!!!


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)