Uplifting. Part 11

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Uplifting Eleven

I was in a state of shock when I left his office, finding Tatiana in reception chatting to the nurse. As we went to leave the nurse said, “See you Monday morning” and Tatiana asked if I had another appointment as we walked along the corridor to the check-up.

“Not here” I said, “At the hospital - for tits.”

She hugged me and told me that she knew I was a true girl at heart. We went to my second appointment where a lady doctor had us strip down completely before going over every inch of our bodies, and I mean every inch.

More blood taken and a saliva swab for a DNA check and finally a urine sample for a drug check and we were finished. She asked me what drugs I was on for transitioning and was amazed when I told her that I had not taken any.

Tatiana told her that I had only been dressing as a girl since Saturday and was already on billboards around the city.

“I know; I’ve seen them. I would never have guessed that one of the subjects was a guy, especially a guy that had not been taking hormones” said the doctor. “However, that has to be addressed right now. Geri, you head back into my surgery and I will get the nurse to give you some shots.”

When we left I had an odd feeling in both buttocks where I had the injections. The nurse had explained that one was a fast action mixture of blocker and estrogen while the other was a slow release version.

I was to come back in a couple of weeks for boosters as well as both of us getting the results of the tests. Back in the agency, Margo and Francine now had organiser diaries with a lot of notations already in them.

I brought everyone up to speed with my own activities next week and got a group hug as a reward. I found out that we would be taken to the funeral tomorrow with Steve, who would also pick us up on Friday for the commercial filming. Saturday we had another photo shoot and Sunday we had off. This was worse than work!

I suggested that we get fish and chips on the way home and have a quiet evening as I didn’t think I could stomach another restaurant meal and Steve took us to a chippie not far from our block where we ordered our tea.

There was some consternation behind the counter, where two teenage girls were serving.

Finally, as we were paying for our tea, one said “Excuse me, ladies, but are you the two on that poster.”

She pointed out the window and, across the road, was the picture of us, large as life.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you girls, but yes, it’s us. We live just around the corner” I smiled as I said it. “We may see each other on a regular basis if we aren’t jetting off somewhere.” They grabbed a texta and the two of us had to sign their tee-shirts.

Back in the car Tatiana scowled, “My very first autograph hunter and it’s a couple of girls in a chippie, I’ll leave that out of my memoir when I get someone to write it.”

I didn’t say anything as it was a real privilege to be asked by anyone, and we had made their evening more memorable than usual. We parted at our corridor and went inside to a quiet tea of fish and chips and a cuppa.

Margo and I spent the evening going through the fun room to see what needed to go. We dismantled the bed and leaned it against the wall. While she had her head in the drawers trying to figure out what the implements did, I sneaked the box of DVDs out and put them in the second room, behind some of my old things.

We had a plastic bag of ropes and shackles to go out with the rubbish and there was a small pile of handcuffs and gags that Margo said may come in handy if I got too boisterous.

The leather hood and clothes were just too expensive to dump but we did bag a couple of maid’s outfits in Keiths’ size. Actually, we toyed with the items that evening and I found myself with my hands cuffed above my head, ankle cuffs on and a ball gag in my mouth as Margo played with my body like a violin before sitting on me. That girl does like to be on top!

Thursday dawned and we got up, breakfasted and showered to get ready for the funeral. We all had light grey dresses as we didn’t want to go in black.

At the church there was a small crowd and we met up with Keith and his wife. She wanted to know what scent we were wearing as it seemed to be affecting all the men in the congregation.

We told her it was the new one and I gave her my bottle, saying I could borrow the one that Margo had. I told her to put it on tonight, along with a sexy nightie, and see what effect it had on Keith.

After the service we trooped out to the graveyard where a fresh hole waited for the coffin. I stood by Keith and said that I would like a quiet word after.

When everything was done, his wife was talking to the priest and he came over to me.

“I know this isn’t a good time for this, Keith,” I said, “But did you know that Justine was filming you in the fun room?”

He was shocked and I had to put my hand on his arm to steady him.

“She wouldn’t do that, would she? Where are the recordings?”

“They’re in a box in the spare room. You can come around to pick them up.”

“I’ll come around tonight. Thank you for this, I’m so far in your debt I can never repay in full.”

After the funeral we went home again and Margo finished clearing her stuff from the other apartment, leaving Tatiana and Francine to re-arrange their accommodation. I spent my time removing the camera and DVD recorder and putting them with box of discs.

While taking out the recorder I noticed another trapdoor in the floor of the wardrobe. When I prised it open I found a bundle of cash in a bag, and a diary. I put those with the other stuff.

When Keith came around I showed him where the camera had been and then took him into the spare room and showed him what I had found. He took the box of discs and the diary, and told me I could do what I like with the recording equipment. I could keep the money, however much it was. He said that the insurance policy was substantial and would pay for a holiday home by a quiet beach.

I put the cash in a second plastic bag and stored it in my sock drawer in the spare room. The recording equipment may come in handy in the future so I left it in my wardrobe. I was going to have to sort out the spare room sometimes but I was loath to throw out my old male clothing as most of it had graced my body for years. I may do it after I get my boobs as not much of it would fit me then. We had another quiet night and watched a bit of TV, cuddled on the sofa.

Friday morning, we had our breakfast and showered before putting on casual clothes with minimal make-up. Although Margo was not scheduled to be in the commercial, she said that once a model, always a model and you never turn up to a shoot done up to the nines.

We met up with the others at the lift and went down to the lobby where Steve was waiting for us. He pointed out that we all had mail waiting for us and we promised to pick it up on the way back. He drove us to a rather grand ball-room in the regency style and Mario was waiting for us outside.

He led us into the main ballroom where there was a set, with camera, sound and lights already set up. It was set like a corner, with seats on each edge. I could see where we would sit had plenty of room for the actors that would be around us while the other seats were closer together. We met with our ladies from Sunday and they took us over one side that was set up as a portable dressing room with curtained cubicles.

They were glad we were on time as they did not have to rush with the dressing and make-up. Another six ladies were waiting for the other models but there were about ten guys already dressed and ready to go.

We were dressed on and were getting our faces on when there a was a kerfuffle outside and I heard a couple of girls screeching about poor transport and then a guy telling Mario that they had not been ready when he went to pick them up.

One strident girls voice demanded to know what her role was as she needed to get into character and her dresser told her that she was an extra harpy in a group of harpies and had no words; in fact the whole commercial only had a voice-over.

The girl got strident, “I was told I was in a national campaign and all I am is an extra – well you can shove that”” and she stormed out with her friend.

It was time to lift our own friends into the scene.

Marianne Gregory © 2022

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Pride Comes

joannebarbarella's picture

Before a fall. Now the other girls are in.

With and attitude like that

With and attitude like that it's no wonder she's only an extra.

Late and bitchy

Jamie Lee's picture

Time is flying by for Geri, or rushing onward. Breast implants scheduled, and now blockers and hormones. Of course it's assumed this is what she wants. And rightly so.

Geri and Tati have already started making a name for themselves by treating the wardrobe girls with kindness and being where needed on time or long before their gig is to start.

By contrast, the two being late then storming out after learning they were extras, have just made a name for themselves and it's mud. Because of their snobbish attitudes, and storming off a set, they may have just killed their careers. Hopefully!

Others have feelings too.