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By Sharp
Sunday morning and Gaby was up early. Then she remembered there was no bike ride this morning as it was the day of the triple weddings. There was a knock at the door and Galadrial entered the room.
“Good morning Gabriel, I am glad you are awake and we can continue with your time lessons. First of all I want you to switch on your laptop and then go to Once there I want you to look for the Gaby & Dr Who stories by Stanman.”
“Found the stories. What is next?”
“Take hold of my hand. What we are about to do gets quite exciting. We are about to digitise ourselves and follow the data stream back to Stanman the author.”
Gabriel and Galadrial started to dissolve and they found themselves in the data stream. They could see doorways. The doorways intrigued Gaby so they stopped at one and opened it slightly. There was Samantha sat at her computer typing away furiously. Gaby giggled. “She has no idea we are here.” They peeped through another door and Angharad was also seated at her computer busy typing away the latest rendition of Snafu. “Galadrial I suppose we better get on with this visit.”
Stan the man had a rough night and could not sleep. So he did what he often did to relax and switched on his computer. Of late he had been encouraging other Authors to post their stories on Top shelf. He was smiling to himself as he had a particular success with one called Sharp. He got down to the task in hand and started to write the latest episode of Drew and Dr Who. He also had been revising some of his earlier Drew stories.
“Galadrial if he only knew we do exist. He thinks the stories Maddy and the others write are all fiction. What are we doing here?”
“First we need to get out of the data stream and into his room. For the moment though we stay invisible.”
They watched as Stan opened up Top Shelf to see what the latest offerings where. He logged on to one and was roaring with laughter as he read it. He sent off a message to the author and got a prompt reply. Stan went to make himself an herbal tea. He looked at a picture at the side of the computer and talked to it. “I know there is a reason for everything but why you did you go? I do miss you.”
For a moment Stan looked startled when a voice replied, “I am always with you Stan.”
“Oh my I must be going off my rocker I am hearing things now. Perhaps I better go outside.” Stan looked outside snow had started to fall. This was unusual weather for this time of the year. The Snow was coming down thick and fast. That had decided it for him. He closed the door again. “Well at least I am well stocked up with food if we get snowed in. Stan kissed the photo on the mantle shelf. He blinked as the letters on the keyboard started to be depressed and words came up on the screen.
“Stanley as I said previously I am with you always. You may write about time lords. However the true lords of time will shortly pay you a visit. Snow and a locked door is no barrier to them. I want you to go up stairs and prepare for their visit and I will tidy up down here. You have let it get in a bit of a mess since I left.”
As Stanley went upstairs a green mist started to materialise. Shortly after that a young woman appeared. “Stanley what am I going to do with you. When I am not around you let the place get in a mess. First I had better smarten this place up. She pointed her finger at things and they put themselves in the correct place. The strangest thing of all was the computer was still on although it had been disconnected. “I know there is somebody in this room as I can feel your presence so please show yourselves.”
Galadrial and Gaby materialised. “Oh sorry your highness I thought it was a lost sole that had attached its self to my Stanley and I was going to send it on its way.”
“Gaby this creature here is a daughter of Oberon. She is also very disobedient as she was instructed to return home quite some time ago.”
“I did try Galadrial. That is why I apparently died. Stanley though binds me to him by the greatest of all magic. I find myself being drawn back here every time I try to leave. Today is the first time I have spoken to Stanley while in this form.”
They could hear Stanley come down the staircase. “Its getting bad outside and it is very lucky Wal-mart delivered the shopping when they did, as they would not have got here now.” All dressed up as if going out Stanley entered the room. He was shocked to find three females there. “Sorry I did not hear you knock. May I get you some refreshment?”
“Stanley sit down please. These two ladies have come to see why I have not returned home as instructed some time ago.”
Galadrial. “Yes we have come to collect this creature. She should have returned home some time ago. However there is a problem she is bound to you by love and that means we also must collect you and take you with us.”
Poor Stanley looked bewildered. Gaby held her hand out to greet Stanley. “I understand Stanley that you have been collaborating with some of my companions to write my Biography. Sorry I forgot to introduce the two of us. I am some times called Drew or Gaby. I also go under a host of other names. This is Galadrial. I believe you are also a fan of hers?”
A very small creature entered the room. “Your Majesty we have emptied the other rooms. All that remains is this room.”
Galdrial. “Very well Bilbo you many instruct the others to empty this room other than the table and chairs.”
Stanley pinched himself to check that he was not dreaming. He was seeing characters from his favourite stories appear in front of him. The small creature once all the others had removed the items jumped up into Galadrial's arms and transformed into a baby.
Gaby turned to the daughter of Oberon. “Have you thanked Stan the man for saving you all those years ago? Now I suggest you give him a kiss in front of us.”
“Your majesty do I take it as a direct order. Then if father says anything I can honestly say I was following your orders.”
Stan. “I do not know how or why this is happening. I though am glad to see you again. I thought I was going out of my mind when I first heard your voice. As for being ordered to kiss each other. It will not be the first time we have done that as I had to breathe life into you that day I found you injured and nursed you back to health.”
“Yes Stan you may have done that previously. Now though my powers have returned and so have the Queens of the Heavens. For me to kiss you now has consequences for us both.”
“Darling stop with the if and butt’s. I take it these two are like superior officers while you are a mere private. So you must obey the order. Now let’s have that kiss.”
Their lips met and their bodies seamed to merge as one. Stan felt himself being sucked out of his body. He could not speak yet he could still see and hear all around him. Stan saw the gas fire flicker and die. He knew the gas had frozen so it must be very cold outside. Yet he still felt warm. He then heard the sound of Gaby’s voice.
“Stanley I know you are in there. Currently you are sharing a body with a daughter of Oberon. Once we return to our home you will have a new body. I am telling you this now so that you will not freak out once we return.”
“Stanley as you like Sci-fi I have decided to return the same way we came.” There was a crash and snow came flowing into the front room as the front wall gave way. We had better go now after we have laid the shell that once was Stanley on the lounger. All three females gave the body one last kiss and then they were riding the data waves back to Gaby's home.
Stanley was amazed at what he could see. Gaby stopped to show him and they opened a door slightly. Stanley saw it was a news broadcast about a freak snow storm that had cut off power supplies and blocked roads in America. In some areas it had caused houses to collapse or partially collapse. Soon they were back at the Royal Hotel in Scarborough. Once inside the room Gaby pointed her hand at the Daughter of Oberon and a bolt of energy left her hand. There was a flash of blue in front of Gaby stood not one daughter of Oberon but two.
“Separation achieved Now Stella with your sister’s help I want you to continue to help the others out writing my biography. Now we can have breakfast and then we have to get ready for the wedding.”
Meanwhile the cruise ships were sailing through the Suez Canal. Kiko managed to speak with her father on the telephone. “
“Kiko I am not sure when we will arrive as I am taking this opportunity to visit several places I had always wanted to visit. Please inform the Empress we will eventually arrive. Currently I have taken the opportunity to visit the Valley of the Kings & the Aswan temple complex. It will be several days before we set sail from here as there are other places I want to visit.”
Stella was looking at herself in the full length mirror. “Gaby the other writers are they all here?”
“Stella most of them are here although there are a couple that still need bringing in. Was there anyone in particular you wanted to meet? Some have already set off.”
“Well I would like to meet all the authors of the Gaby fan fiction. As well as meeting Maddy who first wrote the Gaby series. Looking as I do now I also presume there is truth in some of the stories by Sharp. If that is the case then the person called Angharad is the goddess Isis.”
“Yes I am Stella although I also get a lot of other names. Nobody here calls me by that name. Here I am known as Angharad or Aunty You will make a good addition to our writer’s guild. We have my sister Justine’s wedding to attend. You better accompany me. I have got quite good at looking after my nieces as they tend to get into all sorts of adventures.”
Angharad waved her hand and the next instant they were stood in front of the ancient Parish Church of Fylingdales. They went inside and took their seats. Old Isaac was stood there with Grandpa Starky as his best man. Justine had decided that Draconaris could give her away. There were another two grooms. Captain David Starky was one of those. He asked Neptune to be his best man.
Alice had tears streaming down her face as the best men sat down on their seats leaving the groom standing. As the organ started with Here comes the bride. The first bride down was David’s she was accompanied by her sisters and a group of tinys. The tinys scrambled into the seats allocated to them. Then Justine came down accompanied by Gaby & friends in Golden dresses and there were two little girls in bright red dresses like Justine. The third bride came down with more tinys and wearing a white dress.
The priest turned to the brides and asked if they took the men as their husbands. Then it was the turn of the men. David was surprised when he was asked if he took the Barguest as his wife. He said yes and placed a golden ring on her hand. As he did so rings of gold appeared at the same time on her sisters. The priest then turned to Old Isaac. “Isaac do you take Justine, Lucy, Lucinder to be your wife.”
“I do.”
The villagers were watching the service on a massive television screen. There was clapping outside of the church. As the wedding parties came out of the church. The local fishermen created an archway of crosses oars as they did if any of their number took a wife. In the case of Isaac fishermen from all along the east coast along with their families had turned up to present oars. Not one fisherman or former fisherman wanted to miss out on the wedding. So many people had turned up that trestle tables had to be placed in the main street. Some of the Fishermen’s wives were helping to prepare the food for the traditional wedding feast.
One of the old fishermen raised a glass. “ Old Isaac here is a toast to you and you young wife. It is a great day for our village when Our Queen Gabriel is a bridesmaid in our village church of Fylingdales. I raise a toast to the Queen. Now Isaac as your oldest friend does your new wife have any sisters who might need a husband. If you can get a bonny lassie like that then there is still chance for me.”
This brought laughter from all the fishermen. Some of the fishermen brought out musical instruments. It was time for the dancing to begin. As they did so Pan and his people joined then. Brigid went and took the hand of the old fisherman. They danced together. Old Isaac looked across at him and gave him the thumbs up.
Justine. “Isaac I think we will be coming back here soon for another wedding. I doubt that your friend will waste much time with my sister Briget.”
Isaac took hold of the microphone. “Thank you all for coming to our joint Wedding party & Feast. I know some of you thought I would never find a wife. Let alone one as young as I have. It is certainly not for my wealth. What woman in her right mind would marry a fisherman? I see my old friend Jacob has also been smitten by the love bug.”
Briget was opening and shutting her mouth like a goldfish. Neptune was laughing away as he took over the microphone. “Jacob if you need a best man I am willing to do the job for you like I did for Isaac.”
Briget & Jacob danced across to where Gaby was seated and spoke. “Your majesty we fishermen are superstitious creatures. For us myths and reality live side by side. Many are the time I have seen Neptune’s daughters frolic with the dolphins. To say I had seen them would have had me admitted to the nearest sanatorium. So I kept quiet. I though have just had the Lord of the Seas ask to be my best man. Well I dare not refuse him. Also it gives me somebody to chat to if Isaac is doing other things. So as not to disappoint Neptune would you and your friends like to be our bridesmaids.”
Angharad was laughing away at this. “Briget I am going to have to watch out or the next thing I will know Gabriel have found me a man.”
Nena. “It is getting closer to my wedding and I need to go to Sheffield Cathedral tomorrow. I also understand some here wish to visit Magna and the National Coal mining Museum. So I thought I would combine this with a visit to Meadow Hall Shopping Centre.”
Gaby’s eyes lit up. “Oh in that case there is a shop I want to visit.”
Nena. “I noticed yours eyes and the glow they have. So I suppose it must have something to do with cycles.”
Jenny started to chuckle. “Nena you could be correct as I know of a couple of decent cycle shops in the Sheffield and Rotherham areas.”
Maddy. “Gaby you already ride for Appolonaris so they must be wrong.”
Gaby. “Ok I would not mind calling at one of James’s stores. You never know what they might have in the store.”
Jenny. “Actually I could do with calling at the Sheffield store as they should have a order for me to collect. Maddy you better come with us and then we might get a discount.”

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OK Sharp, I Have This To Say
You are not the first to put me in a story and turn me into a girl. The one who has that honor is my friend Angel O'Hare. She wrote the story Stan The Man.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Seson's greatings
I have just recently started reading this series, thank you.