A Van Going Into A Lake

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I'm trying to remember a story in which a Van goes into a lake and something magic happens.



Funny thought

When I read the title I thought: “Van Goughing into a lake”. It would make a weird picture.

Van, lake etc.

Wouldn’t the lake run out of the van when, after getting the van out of the lake, one opened the doors?

A Van, a Rabbi, and a Priest. . ..

. . .go into a lake.

A fish swimming by looks at them and says, "What is this, some kind of joke?"


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Talking fish. Too funny…


Maybe on an episode of ‘Barney Miller’?

Not "Cruiser Lake"?

This description reminds me of Sigh's Cruiser Lake, except:

* It wasn't a van, and
* There was no magic (at least, not literal magic. Magic of the human kind, maybe.)

He was an Artist?

BarbieLee's picture

Decided he was taking his time going via the back roads and such. Came upon some cows, goats, tractor in the middle of the narrow road and dodged to miss. Went into the lake. Made it to a home where she took him in. Only clothes she had of course were women's. He got to meet all the kin when they came for a barbque or such. They pulled his van out of the lake but everything inside was a mess, including the van.
Darn if I can name the title or the author.

I loved a story similar to this. She was a trained doctor and was switching hospitals. Traveled the back roads. Came upon a PU in the ditch. Man and little girl. She treated the little girl and took both to town to the doctor's office which had no doctor. She finished up treating the little girl. God conscripted into staying a few days acting as resident doctor. Everyone in town showed up to be treated. She ended up staying and marrying the man she rescued.
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

The Mask

She was a trained doctor and was switching hospitals.

The Mask, by Carmenica Diaz

However, she wasn't "switching hospitals." She started out as a man who developed a virus that was supposed to cure cancer, but ended up turning him into a carbon copy of his (long dead) mother. The military took over the project, and it was only after a long time that she got out. She was driving, intending to work at a research hospital and develop something to turn her back into a man, but got lost.

You Nailed it Perfectly

BarbieLee's picture

Your comments about the military and the virus brought it all back in living color. You gave the best synopsis of the story I think could ever be written.
Hugs Asche
Thank you so much.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

The First Story...

...is "Blooming Under the Rose", by Ricky. One of my favorites among his transplanted earlier stories. (But it was an old car, not a van, that he'd been driving around the country. And he wasn't an artist, but an accountant.)



0.25tspgirl's picture

Barb, that is by Carmenicia Diaz isn’t it?
Was Fleurie the “right” one?

BAK 0.25tspgirl

Carmenicia Diaz

BarbieLee's picture

Although she published several stories on BCTS she moved them to published stories and removed them from here. My tiny little brain remembers most stories I've read but not authors nor titles. Anything I write about Carmenicia would be a guess and possibly worse, a lie.
If one Googles her they will find she is a prolific author and has numerous published books.

I wish all those who post and then polish their stories on BCTS a rewarding career as an author. Some of the finest authors to put pen to paper have posted their stories on BCTS. Their writing skills, their ability to pace the tempo in their stories puts them out there with the best of the best authors.
Hugs 0.25tspgirl
May life treat you kind and bless you in abundance.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

The Van that Changed the World

BarbieLee's picture

Fleurie wrote that story in very cryptic style. One had to be not trying to think about the continuity to grasp the tale. I also believe it is SF tied back to Neanderthal story. But that is my interpretation of it and I know I'm wrong because I really can't handle stories that resemble Picasso Paintings in creation.
Sorry Fleurie, hugs hon.
Hugs 0.25tspgirl

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl