Stealing One's Life Hours

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Each of us has only so many minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years in this life. There is no buying or bartering for more. When others steal our labors they steal part of our life. There is no way to replace the time in our life stolen from us. Most figure it's a monetary thing. lost finances but it's much more. As I was skimming the net this never came up in Google but it did in Bing. If one is looking to find how many sites reference back to one's accomplishments it wouldn't hurt to use several different search engines. I found one of my novels posted on a site and it sure as hell isn't BCTS. As one might imagine I was....The way the site is set up they are trying to dodge the DMCA code. Thus my notice to them. Do I honestly expect an answer? No,but hopefully I put the fear of God in them. Could I track them down? Lots of hours and yes I could.
Hugs People
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Friday, December 17, 2021
Sir, Ms:
You have my novel, A Change of Heart, published on your web site. I took a screenshot of same in case we can not come to an agreement it is an illegal infringement of my publishing rights and as an author. The same person who posted it may have also posted another one of my novels, "Model Makers" as I had been contacted about six month earlier for a digital copy of both novels which was suspect. If this is the situation I expect any and all of my published works to be scrubbed from your site and your servers. If you have profited from publishing my works I request you send to me the monies you have made. I also request you request the return of any monies you paid the individual who posted my novel(s) or any other of my stories which have copyrights. Please forward the name and all contact information you possess or is in the possession of affiliated companies or persons, of said individual. I assure you all data posted as 'contact' has been saved instead of vanishing into your servers after I 'send'. You, your company obviously understands the implications of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy from the lack of information of who or what owns the website and any real addresses or email accounts. Obviously you have an agreement from Chiffon Publishers or myself Barbie Lee to publish my novels or my copyright stories? I'd like a copy of that agreement.
You may contact me or the Publishing Company Chiffon Publishers
Barbie Lee
10993 N 2040 Rd
Elk City, Oklahoma 73644
email" [email protected]


Let us know

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

Good luck with it, Barb. Let us know if anything comes of it! You've got the right attitude. We do what we can.

- io

If They Operate in the U.S.

BarbieLee's picture

Pretty simple if I have any problems with them. I file a civil suit in Washita County. They nor their lawyers will show up and even if they do. I get a judgement for court costs, lawyer's fees if I use one, my time and labors and yes I'm truly a professional and expensive. Let's say it goes according to plan. I then give them notice to pay. They probably won't. I send notice to the sheriff in their county to execute the judgement. He will confiscate everything they own, sell it and send to me the money.
No one wants to be on the wrong end of across the country lawsuits. If they are foreign, I'll write it off. Collecting from overseas is like hunting hens teeth. Fruitless endeavor.
I'm not a lawyer, nor a medical doctor so take all my advice for what it costs. Worthless.
Hugs Iolanthe
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Pulling for you

They'll learn not to mess with us Okies!!!

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

NO Phone Unless One Records it

BarbieLee's picture

My landline had recording capabilities. Because of the high charges using the landline I discontinued it. My cellphone does not have that ability, yet. IF one gets into a possible legal confrontation with a person or company do NOT give out a telephone contact number unless one can record the conversation. It can go very wrong in a hurry if they are recording and then edit and manipulate what one says.If they are a con company they may spam one's number across the world wide web.

Telemarketers use this. A person answers the phone, "Hello" And the telemarketer asks a questions which most people respond to with "yes". They later edit the call and that person just agreed to buy whatever the scam was selling. The simple "yes" as they recorded it is their proof.
Do NOT give out one's phone number unless one is recording the conversation themselves.

Email? I have my mail filtered by my ISP before my own filters get it. Out of an average of twenty or so spam emails per day I might see one or two make it into my inbox every week. Quickly deleted probably virus loaded. I do love the ones starting with "Dearly Beloved" as I know they are going to offer me untold riches from a long lost dying or deceased friend.
Hugs Karen,
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl