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The crew disperses about the city of Yod for various purposes. Ursula's needs take her to the main market, where she receives unexpected advice, a warning - and a rebuff.
The Voyage of the Visund
A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane
46 - Heart of Yod
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of
this story are the property of the author. No infringement of
pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2021
Penny Lane. All rights reserved.
The following morning Eriana stood with the other women of
the party on one of the covered walkways surrounding the Hostel's
courtyard. They had caused a stir at breakfast by appearing fully
armed - as appropriate - but a quiet word to the man in charge had
satisfied his objections, if not the concerns of the other residents.
Now those other residents collected on the other walkways, curious
as to what might transpire.
The first arrival was Marlin, who was accompanied by his three men from the previous evening. He came to a dead halt in the entranceway before recovering and walking over to the party. He bowed to Eriana.
"Good morning, Your Highness."
"Good morning, Count Marlin. I trust there have been no further problems after last night's adventure?"
"Highness, concerning your party, or that of your men, there have not. Unfortunately I spent more than two bells after I departed here attempting to quell a near battle between those of Yod and those of Virgulend. It seems that the time of departure for those of Virgulend draws near and they thought to give the locals something to remember them by."
"I do not blame them, either party. Those of Yod desire to be left in peace and those from other lands desire to return to their homes. Add to that a number of shield-mates who did not survive the war and it is no wonder they are at each other's throats."
"As you say, Highness. Regrettably, I have my own orders, which neither side agrees with. If I may ask of your own plans this morning. I see some of your party here, will they be attending the meeting you spoke of yesterday?"
"Indeed not, My Lord. Do you attend? If you do then I may take a single companion. If you do not then I will take both guardswomen. Ursula, being our healer, must needs discover if there is anyone in the city who may supply her with certain herbs. Tyra and Kaldara will accompany her. They will probably want to spend some time in the nearest market." She added, "Considering what happened yesterday, I am minded to send along at least two of my men as escorts for them. Will that be acceptable?"
"Of course, Highness, I would expect nothing else. I will go with you to the meeting place to show you the way but I do not know if my presence will be required."
"It is my belief that you will, My Lord, since my writ covers some of the craft presently in your docks. Are you prepared to attend? It will likely consume the whole morning."
"In that case I must needs leave instructions for my captains and quadrants, Highness. It will not take me long. Ah, if I may ask, your men..?"
"Should arrive shortly, when I can discover what must be done to the ship and deal with any other matters that should be considered. If my men are not otherwise required, may they explore the city?"
"Surely, Highness, but I must needs explain the regulations to them first. Having marched with them last night I do not fear any accidents, but there may be things they need to know before they may safely wander the city."
"A wise thought, My Lord. Ah, here they come."
Lars led the two columns into the courtyard and they lined up behind Marlin, sorting themselves out into regular lines and coming to attention. As in the previous evening, they were all fully armed and wore their hats tied on. Kalmenar walked forward, bowed to Eriana and came to stand beside her. Lars moved to stand beside Marlin before coming to attention and saluting.
«Good morrow, Princess. All present, no overnight problems. What do you want of us?»
«Good morrow, Lars.» She raised her voice slightly. «Good morrow, men! I'll need a small number of you today but the others can explore the city. Before anyone goes anywhere the Under-Marshal will explain the rules, but he does not speak Norse so you'd all better pay attention! Tor, come forward.»
Tor stepped forward from the end of the front row. «Captain?»
«We discussed some repairs just before we arrived. I suggest you take the men you need and spend the morning making everything as it should be. Ursula says there are ship chandlers along the perimeter road if you need anything we do not already have.»
He nodded. «A good plan, Captain.» He eyed Eriana thoughtfully. «Are we in a hurry? I had thought to leave the repairs a day or two.»
«Yes and no.» She grinned. «As Garia would say. I think it would be sensible to have some men on the ship today if just to discourage anyone else getting on board. We are newly arrived and the design is strange to them, with all our possessions plainly visible.» The grin faded. «Something about this place disturbs me, Tor. It may be just the atmosphere around the port, but if it becomes stronger today when I venture into the city, I may decide not to remain here too long. There are obligations I must meet but already I do not like Yod and I have seen almost none of it.»
«What I have seen of this place so far, Captain, does not worry me. But you are right, the port is a small part of Yod and the rest of the city may be different. We will be watchful.»
«Then separate out your men, I'll need to give instructions to the others.» She pulled a face. «And Lord Happy there would like to do the same.»
He grinned. «Yah, Captain. I'm relieved that he will be with you today and not me!»
Tor called out a small group which Ursula realized was most of the sailors of the ship. They stood to one side as Eriana turned to Marlin.
"My Lord." She gestured. "The men standing with Tor will be working on the ship today. The others will be free to wander the city, should you permit them."
"Thank you, Your Highness. I see that every man is fully armed, which is well, but I must needs tell them that everyone else is also fully armed, even most Yodans, and that disagreements can occur even between groups of allies. If you would tell them to take special care and to back away from any confrontation that threatens to become violent. In addition I would ask that they proceed in groups of no less than four to ensure that no-one may become missing by accident - or design. There are those of Yod who, if the chance presents itself, would readily slit the throat of any armsman they find on his own."
Her eyebrows rose. "Do you tell me? I thought this place to be cowed by the troops of the allied lands."
He grimaced. "At first it was, Highness, since the locals were all too shocked by Yod's sudden defeat. Now, though, resentments have arisen and some desire to take revenge. Their number is small, it is true, but the possibility remains."
"As you say." Eriana addressed her men in Norse, explaining the dangers. She added, «Ursula is going to find the local market. Tyra and Kaldara will go with her. Though Semma or Bennett may go with them, I will require two men to escort them. Lars, find me two, preferably of our larger men.»
Lars detailed Eirik and Haakon to join the women while the rest organized themselves into three groups.
Marlin added, "Highness, there are enough men with me to send one with each group to act as a guide."
"I thought that you were busy?"
"The mornings are calmer, Highness. Those who will be on duty this evening are presently resting."
"As you wish, My Lord."
There was a discussion from the groups of men and Adin came forward.
"Captain, I go to market with Ursula."
Realizing why with a smile, Eriana nodded. "Of course, Adin. If you would join Ursula."
Ursula realized that her group could end up the largest one, but having a couple of the larger men around would do no harm at all. Adin's market interests overlapped her own and between the two of them they should avoid any mistakes or end up overspending.
Marlin detailed Benas to accompany Ursula, probably on the grounds that they were familiar with one another. In the end Eriana decided to take both Bennet and Semma with her as well as Kalmenar and Lars so it was just Ursula, Tyra, Adin and Kaldara who set off escorted by Eirik, Haakon and Benas. Initially the other groups took the same route into the city, so it was a large armed mob that filled the main route from the docks to the city.
The road was lined with warehouses, workshops, stalls, taverns and accommodation, the buildings made of poorly-maintained timber. Those about their morning business quickly moved out of the way of the large party bearing down on them, standing on the sidewalks and staring at the oddly-dressed strangers.
Ursula was surprised at the attitudes of those who they walked past. She had expected hostility from all but the reception appeared to be more mixed. There were the expected gasps from onlookers at the appearance of a tall blonde woman carrying a large sword but the pointed fingers seemed to indicate curiosity rather than dislike or disbelief. The 'uniforms' of the men provoked more comment.
"Is this how it usually is, My Lord?"
"Highness," Marlin replied, "those who live in this part of the city are more accustomed to seeing strangers walk among them. The attire and bearing of you and your men is unusual, it is true, but those who live upstream often wear attire strange even to my own eyes. Indeed, it took me some time to become used to the attire worn by those of Yod itself." He added, "I would think that it is the presence of armed women in your party which they consider to be more unusual."
"Ah, of course, folk of the docks. What of the rest of the city, then?"
"It is... strange, Highness. The folk of Yod now have no accounted leader and there are factions. Some would prefer the Ascendancy to return, others would prefer never to hear that name again. Some understand why we are here, others do not and wish us to leave as soon as we can be made to go. Yet outsiders such as we cannot tell who is of any of these factions." Marlin appeared frustrated. "For someone such as I, who came from a settled land, I find the situation disturbing - and dangerous to foreigners such as ourselves. It is very difficult to trust anyone in this land."
"I know it, My Lord. Let us hope that there is no trouble while we are here." Eriana frowned, pointing. "What happened here?"
Marlin shrugged. "I do not know, Highness. There was a fire, certainly, but who destroyed these buildings and for what purpose we do not know. It was done before any of the allied troops came to Yod."
On the right of the highway the existing buildings had become those of a shanty town. Ursula had seen such sights on Earth television but even in Forguland and Ferenis the state of the buildings in poorer parts had never been this bad. On the other side there had presumably been similar buildings but now it was just a charred jumble of debris which everyone seemed to ignore.
Ahead there was a wide space before the walls of the city proper. There was a fortified gateway through the substantial defenses but only one of the two fearsome, iron-bound gates stood open, the other had been blown from its hinges and lay, splintered and blackened, against the wall to one side.
Guarding the gate were allied troops. Once they saw Marlin their detachment braced to attention and gave two different salutes. Their leader stepped forward.
"My Lord, good morning." His eyes flicked over the party as if to question their presence.
"Hadron, good morning. If I may present Her Highness Princess Eriana of Palarand and her crew. Her vessel the Visund arrived yesterday afternoon. Her Highness has business with our leaders and the women are going to the market. Her men are granted ease today."
"Your Highness!" The surprised leader bowed to Eriana. "Welcome to Yod, I am Tenant Hadron of Ferenis. If I may note, your uniforms are not familiar to us. I thought I knew the attire of all from Palarand. Are you a special force of some kind?"
"In some way, Tenant," Eriana replied. "What we all wear is warm weather gear suitable for sailing the great river. We are all folk of the water but come from a colder land where clothing must needs be more sturdy. We desired more comfortable attire to wear while the weather is so warm. Much was designed and made for us by those of Joth."
"Those of Joth? Highness, that is interesting. You will understand that our own attire is less suitable for wear in the hotter part of the year. I wonder..."
"We are staying in the hostel just outside the gate at the end of this road, Tenant. If you desire more information, attend us there one evening soon."
Hadron bowed. "As you command, Highness." He gestured at the gateway. "Highness, My Lord, I will not delay you further."
The group passed through into an entirely different setting. The buildings inside the wall were all of dressed stone, though not particularly well finished. The streets were filled with well-dressed citizens who stared at the newcomers. Marlin held up a hand to halt the party.
"Highness, I will go with you and your parties to the Square of Supremacy," he grimaced at the name, "where those who desire to go to the main market may then part. If I may suggest, your men may wish to explore other directions." He turned. "Kalis, Hammel, you know where the entertainments are. Though it is still early, it is better that they can find their way about while they are yet sober. If you would help them make their own way back to the Water Barracks later."
The two men braced and nodded. "My Lord." They led their two groups off in different directions along the wide road which followed the inside of the wall. Marlin watched them until he was satisfied that there were no complications and then turned to Eriana.
"Highness, if you would follow me."
As the much smaller group carried on into the city, Marlin added, "Highness, I should have thought to ask myself. The attire of your men appears so much more comfortable and practical when the weather is as hot as it has been. Must I needs send to those of Joth to discover similar attire for the comfort of my own troops?"
"A tricky question, My Lord. To begin with, the purpose of all that a man-at-arms wears is to tell friend from foe, is it not? Thus, any change in color or pattern especially must be made at the highest levels in any force, and those changes must be made known to other forces you are friendly with."
"As you say, Highness."
"I am sure that the design could be made available, I know that those of Forguland are already adapting it for their own use. The colors chosen for the cloth should be no problem, of course. But that is only part of the problem. Though our attire is all sewn in Joth, the designs actually come from somewhere else entirely. Have you by chance heard of somewhere named Earth, My Lord?"
Eriana was surprised by Marlin's intense scowl. "Aye, Highness, I have. You have explained all."
She blinked. "I do not understand, My Lord. I have not yet said anything."
"Highness, the mention of Earth means that the knowledge can only have come from Lady..." he scowled again, "...Princess Garia. I am... not comfortable with many of the changes she will bring to us."
Eriana's eyebrows rose. "Ah. She explained this to me but I had not met you then and so it did not mean much. You are like some of my own father's men, then, who always prefer the old ways. But did you think that Garia was the only person brought here from Earth?"
"Well, no, Highness. I have learned that another was brought here to Yod, seemingly for the sole purpose of starting a war with those of Palarand."
"Aye, you speak of Yves Perriard. Regrettably he was killed at the end of the Battle of the Highway. It was he who was forced to give the secret of guns to those of Yod."
"And the powder of those guns, seized from those of Yod, was what gave us entry to this city."
"How so, My Lord? I did not think the Allied armies yet had siege weapons that used gunpowder."
He gave a short laugh. "Did you not see the gateway we passed through? Those of Ferenis used captured powder to destroy one of those gates. I may not like the introduction of guns and the powder they use but I may not ignore the possibilities they provide."
She gave Marlin a considered appraisal. "So, you will take progress providing that it suits your needs but you object to others who have differing needs? My Lord, I cannot agree."
Marlin flushed uncomfortably. "Aye, well, I have had this conversation before, Highness. But you were making a point about the boy from Earth."
"My Lord, I was not. Did you think that there were only two here from Earth? I have met at least two others, one of whom resides in Joth."
Marlin paled. "Do you tell me? Two more? I must needs believe you, Highness, but I fail to understand the reason for their presence."
Eriana waved a hand. "We do not know their purpose, My Lord, any more than we knew Garia's purpose. They are sent here by Beings who have plans of their own, so His Majesty tells me."
Marlin thought. "Highness, will you name them for me, that I might know them should our paths cross?"
Eriana stopped, causing the whole party to gather around them. It had abruptly occurred to her that she was about to give out privileged information, and in the middle of Yod!
"My Lord, do you not remember where we are? If their names became known, then they would be put in danger from those of Yod who still seek supremacy over the Sirrel valley. If, on your return to Palarand, you should chance to call at Joth, ask of Duke Wallesan and he may provide you with more information. He is privy to more knowledge of Beings and those of Earth than I am."
Marlin glanced at Eriana's face after the tone of her last sentence but he did not know why she suddenly sounded bitter. Beside Eriana, Ursula was careful not to let any sign of interest or concern appear on her own face.
He bowed. "I will do as you suggest, Highness."
They carried on walking along the wide street. It was evident that at its end was a large square and the party soon reached it. On the far side of the thronged square was another defensive wall with an ornate gate through it. Around the other three sides were imposing buildings of well-dressed stone, some of which were busy with people entering and leaving. It was evident that they had reached somewhere important.
Marlin gestured. "Highness, this place is named the Square of Supremacy by those of Yod. Your destination lies yonder, inside the Citadel. I will take you inside to the building which is presently being used by the Allied Council, where doubtless we will receive further directions."
Ursula heard the English word citadel as well as the local word but she also heard the Russian word kremlin.
So, maybe this place has some Russian influences? I should keep my eyes open.
She looked around. Many of those in the square were giving the oddly-dressed group some strange looks.
The local fashion could be from eastern parts. Cossack? Tartar? Further east? There are a lot of different people over that part of Asia and they all have different national dress.
On the other hand, I could be making something out of nothing. After all, if the Romans came here, the local dress could have originated in any place and time.
Marlin turned and pointed down a street which came in at a corner of the square. "If your people would take that route they will come to the Square of Commerce which is one of the larger markets in the city. They should find all they require there."
Ursula asked, "My Lord, I am looking for herbs that healers use. Will I find those there?"
"Surely, Mistress." He frowned. "I am not certain," he admitted. "I regret that the herbs used by healers are not something I would have taken much note of. It may be that the usual herbs may be available there, but if you have specific needs, or stronger remedies, it might be necessary to apply at the local Directory of Healing." He pointed in the other direction. "That building is in the next square that way. Benas knows where it is, at least."
"Thank you, My Lord."
He turned to Eriana. "Highness? If you would follow me."
Eriana, Kalmenar, Lars and Marlin walked off with Bennet and Semma either side, but they had only taken a dozen steps across the square when Marlin had a sudden thought. He said, "Wait." Turning, he gave each of Ursula's group a careful examination, paying most attention to Tyra before turning and continuing to walk.
"What?" Ursula heard Eriana ask.
He shook his head. "Nothing, Highness."
Ursula watched the other group reach the gate before turning to her own companions.
"We had better be on our own way. A strange market, strange money, it could take us some time to find what we all need."
Tyra giggled. "Mistress? I do believe that Lord Marlin thinks that I am the person from Earth!"
"I had the same impression," Ursula responded with a smile. "I think you are safe enough, but perhaps we should not do anything to make him change his mind and pick someone else! I had forgotten, and so had Her Highness, how dangerous a place this could be."
"As you say, Mistress."
She turned to the two Norsemen. «Are you two comfortable so far?»
Haakon replied, «Yah, Mistress. Have seen some folk give us funny looks but that is not surprising. Must give warning, the market may have thieves and cutpurses. Stay together, Mistress.»
«A good point.» She turned to the others. "We must stay close together, Haakon says there may be thieves and cutpurses about. Keep aware of what goes on around us at all times. Benas, lead the way."
"Aye, Mistress."
As they walked off toward the corner of the square, Kaldara asked, "Mistress, what is Earth? I have heard the name mentioned a time or two but know not what it might be. Is it a land in the Great Valley?"
Ursula and Tyra exchanged quick glances. Ursula said, "Just as you have a secret, Kaldara, which is that you are really a boy, others have other secrets and the main square of a country we were recently at war with is not a good place to be swapping stories. If we can find somewhere quiet to speak when we return to the hostel I will tell you what is generally known."
Kaldara considered this for a moment then asked, "Mistress, what you have just told me is that there is a secret inside a secret. That Lord thought one of us was from this place, Earth. Is that true?"
Ursula sighed. She asks a lot of questions! "It is true, Kaldara, and that person would be in considerable danger if those of Yod find out, so ask nothing more until we return to the hostel."
The girl-boy nodded reluctantly. "As you desire, Mistress."
They reached the corner of the square and entered the connecting street which Benas indicated. This one was narrower than the one they had arrived by but busier. Fortunately most of the traffic, foot, mounted or wheeled, seemed to follow some local rule about which side of the road to use. They joined a procession of walkers heading for the market.
There were comments from behind causing those in front to glance over their shoulders. When those saw who was following, they stopped and turned. Immediately the entire street ground to a halt as a crowd gathered.
"Outrageous attire! Look! I can clearly see their knees!" That was a sturdy matron who stared at Ursula and Tyra with distaste.
Her friend said, "And their legs are bare! Mayhap they are poor country folk, Hatti. Not all can afford good hose these days. But look at those two men! Have you ever seen the like? I do not know what to call their lower attire and, by the Maker, they have bare legs too! What is Anmar coming to?"
From a different part of the crowd one man said to another, "Neez, those outfits may look strange but I wager those men are more comfortable than we. D'ye think the Boss would let us wear something like that?"
His friend said, "Nah, Berrin. It would cost coin, you know that. We just has to sweat and he keeps the coin, that's what."
There were many similar comments throughout the crowd, some finding offense while others were merely curious. Ursula had no idea how to handle a situation like this as her whole life had been one of avoiding notice, and here she was, the center of attention.
We cannot push through but equally we cannot stand here forever parading ourselves to the locals. If we do not do something, at some point this might turn ugly.
«I don't know, Eirik. We daren't try to push our way through this mob. I don't know if Benas has any ideas. Let me ask.»
She turned to their guide. "Benas? What do we do?"
"Not sure, Mistress. If they was a bunch of angry sailors I would know what to do but these are different. We might end up upsetting the wrong people."
"That's what I thought."
Just as they were wondering if the mob was about to turn on them, help of a sort pushed its way through from the direction of the market.
"Make way there! Go on, go about your business. Out of the way, there. Carriages need to get through."
Four men with white sashes, white neckerchiefs and stout sticks appeared and the crowd melted away, muttering. The street returned, mostly, to normal. The men wore long Indian-style coats of gray with matching pillbox hats. One had a fancy knot of white cord sewn to the top of his left shoulder.
"Oh. Foreigners. I might have known." The leader spotted Benas in his Brikant uniform, also sporting a white neckerchief. "Are you the leader of these people?"
"Not the leader, no, but I am sent by Lord Marlin to guide them to the market. They have business there."
"Oh?" The heavily-built man surveyed the party before returning to Benas. "Just arrived, then?"
"Yesterday, late afternoon, by ship from downriver. Their Captain has gone to the Citadel to meet the Marshals."
"By ship? Surely you mean, by boat."
Benas spread his hands. "Overseer, the vessel is thirty strides long and has a crew of more than thirty. I would name that a ship."
The man pursed his lips as he inspected the group again. "If you say so. What are these after?"
Benas turned to Ursula. "Mistress?"
"For myself, I am a Healer, I need to replenish my stock of remedies. This is my assistant," she gestured at Tyra, "and this is a young girl who comes with us because she could not be left with the other men. This," she gestured again, "is Adin who is the ship's cook, he will want herbs for his meals. These two men are with us to make sure nobody gets the wrong idea."
"Uh." The grunt was followed by a nod and a sour expression. "Very well. I'll leave one of my men with you to make sure there are no further problems. Halk, see these people do their business and then get back to their... ship."
"Aye, Boss."
"Come on," the leader said to the other men, "let's go and find some real trouble." He turned and pushed off into the busy foot traffic.
One of the others said, "Hard luck, Halk," before grinning and following his leader.
Halk turned to Ursula. "Follow me, woman. I can take you directly to the stalls where the healer's herbs are."
And I thought the societies along this river were polite.
"It might be better if we obtain the foodstuffs first," she said. "I may spend some time speaking with the healers' stall-holders."
With a sniff Halk led them into the square and threaded his way through the crowds over to one side where the food was being sold. There were tables heaped with, and reeking of, fish; men with cleavers, saws and knives butchering unrecognizable carcasses; stalls stacked with sacks of early season vegetables and fruit. Adin cast his gaze over all these but saw nothing he particularly desired. The group walked on, the men keeping a look out and generally discouraging bystanders from approaching too closely.
"There. Mistress, this should not take too long."
The stall-holder looked with curiosity at Adin's garb but set to detailing his wares. The cook pulled out some small cloth bags and opened them for the stall-holder to see and sniff. The man nodded before picking up a bowl of reddish powder which Adin taste-tested with a finger. There was a pantomime regarding the amount required, which was weighed and then carefully poured into the first bag. The process was repeated with the second and third bags.
"That will be a Kroter twenty."
Adin looked confused. He began totting up the amounts on his fingers. "That seems too much."
"A Kroter twenty," the man repeated. Halk watched but said nothing.
Ursula stepped in. "If I understand these prices right, he asked for two silverweights of the first spice, which would be six Benis, one silverweight of that," she pointed, "which is one Sol, and four of that one which would be four times two Sols, making nine Sols and six Benis, not even a whole Kroter."
The man looked astonished but recovered quickly. "As you say, Mistress. I must have miscounted. One moment," he counted up again in his head before reluctantly agreeing, "it is as you say. Call it nine Sols for your trouble, Mistress."
The man looked even more astonished when Tyra opened her pouch, pulled out her coin purse and picked through the strange currency, counting out the required money.
Adin took his bags and tucked them away. "Mistress, I have other needs but I might find them elsewhere."
Ursula kept a straight face as she agreed. "I believe that you are right, Adin. Let us move on."
She looked at the expression on Halk's face as they walked on. "What? I am a Healer. If I make a mistake when I'm making a potion or a medicine I could kill someone. I have to know how to read, write and do math."
"As you say, Mistress. I am sorry, it did not occur to me that any woman would be able to do these things."
"Well, if you go to almost any other country you'll get a shock, because most people in towns, men or women, can do most of those things. It is likely that country folk would not, I admit, but even the healing women there will know some of it. Besides," she cast a hand around at the bustling market, "how did you think the women who come here every day manage?"
"They know what they need, Mistress."
"That is not the same as getting cheated over the prices, is it? Almost any woman I know can haggle in a market with no trouble at all."
"As you say, Mistress."
They moved on, Adin inspecting the wares on several stalls but not buying anything. «I can find much of what I need nearer the docks, Mistress, and the prices will only be a little higher. It is not worth the effort.» He grinned at Ursula. «Besides, anything I buy here will have to be carried back, will it not? Why go to the trouble?»
«Your logic is sound,» she replied with a smile.
The group squeezed past a crowd gathered around one stall where a seller was shouting his wares, Benas having to slap away a questing hand and Eirik giving an obstructive bystander a hard nudge in the ribs with an elbow before he would move.
Halk frowned as they reached a momentary open space between stalls. "What language is that you speak, Mistress? I thought all in the Valley spoke the same tongue but had different accents. I know you are all foreigners but where do you come from that has such a different tongue?"
Before anyone else could answer she replied, "We are from Alberta, Master Halk, although some of us were born elsewhere."
The looks from the others indicated that they had understood the implied warning. It would not be a good idea to mention 'Boldan's Rock' or 'Einnland' in the middle of a crowded market in the Yodan capital.
"I have not heard of that land. Is it far away, then?"
"A very long way away. Out beyond the ocean at the end of the mouth of the Sirrel, beyond..." She paused, but she did not yet grasp the local geography well enough to name other countries confidently. "...Palarand."
Halk's face darkened, showing that he had understood the reference to the nation his people had recently been at war with. His curiosity overcame his anger. "Yet you speak the Valley tongue much better than they do."
"As you say. I spent some time in Joth before joining the ship which brought us here." She added, "It seems that I learn other languages easily."
"That would explain it," was the grudging agreement.
Haakon nudged Eirik and pointed at a booth some distance away. Eirik nodded and turned to Ursula.
«Mistress, we have a small errand with a smith if we can find one. Should not take long.»
She looked where Haakon had pointed and nodded. «Very well. Do you need us? I can see a healer's booth right there.» She glanced around. «There aren't so many people this end of the market, we should be safe enough.»
«Yah. We will join you over there, Mistress.»
Benas and Halk looked at one another. Benas said, "I'll go with the men," and Halk nodded.
While Benas and the two Norsemen headed in one direction Ursula took the others to the booth, where the owner eyed the women with amusement.
"Did you all forget to finish dressing this morning, Mistress?"
"What? Oh, no, we are fully dressed, Mistress. As you might guess, we are travellers along the river who have come to the market to refill our stocks. We are used to colder weather and have had these lightweight summer clothes made as we traveled along."
"Ah, I see. I must say, you do all look comfortable and it is becoming warm. You show far too much flesh for most of Yod to consider seemly, though it does not offend me. What is it I can do for you today, Mistress?"
"I am a healer and have some particular needs. I wonder if you can help? If you cannot, you may be able to direct me to somebody who can."
"That is what I am here for, Mistress..?"
"Ursula, Mistress, and this is Tyra, my assistant, Kaldara, a ward of our Captain, Adin, our ship's cook. Oh, and -"
"I know Halk, of course." She smiled. "An interesting collection, I deem. Few of Yod display beards such as your men wear, facial hair is not fashionable here as you may have noticed. And I am Tarlia, Mistress, should you have need to name me in future. So, what is it you need, Mistress?"
"Um, first, there are the usual feminine requirements. There are six women on board, so we'll need -"
- - -
"Milkbane?" Tarlia's eyebrows rose. "Do you tell me that you have a suckling infant aboard? Even so, 'tis dangerous stuff to administer."
"I understand the dangers, Mistress," Ursula replied. "It is for no mother, though." She lowered her voice. "It is actually for my young friend here, who wears a dress to disguise himself but is really a boy."
Tarlia's eyes flicked to Kaldar, who blushed at being the center of attention, but his expression was determined.
"It is true, Mistress. I have the seeming of a girl but I desire to become a man as the Maker intended. I did not ask for these things upon my chest. If you can help me?"
The stallholder's expression was sympathetic. "Young... person, you have one of the more unfortunate ailments that may befall a young man, I deem. It is true that milkbane would reverse what grows upon your chest and there are other herbs which will assist you to become a true man... But."
She beckoned to Ursula, who walked around the side of the booth and leaned close. "Mistress," the woman said quietly, "I regret that I cannot help you or her... him. Such strong remedies are controlled by the Directory of Healers which is along that street," she pointed back the way they had arrived, "in a building beyond the Square of Supremacy."
Ursula nodded. "We were told of it when we arrived. I believe that Halk can take us there."
"That is so, but I believe that, as you are a foreigner, they will likely give you short shrift. If I may ask, which way do you travel on the river? Up or down?"
"Upstream, Mistress, why?"
"Many of the herbs you will need can be obtained in the southern parts of Yod. Others can only be found in lands to the west of Yod. Should the Directory offer you no satisfaction I would advise you to travel upstream along the left fork and enquire in some of the smaller villages you will no doubt pass. Some there may be willing to provide what your young friend needs without... interference."
Ursula gazed thoughtfully at Tarlia. "We will have to travel that way, of course, and we'll likely have to find places to stop each night. What you say makes sense. Thank you for your advice - and the warning. But I think I would like to try this... Directory, was it? first."
Tarlia straightened. "As you must, Mistress. You are here, the Directory is not far. Luck with your quest and I do hope your young friend is able to find peace."
"Thank you again for all your help." Ursula smiled. "It seems that healers understand one another, even though we come from different lands."
"As you say, Mistress."
As Ursula walked back to the others she saw Haakon, Eirik and Benas returning, Eirik tucking something into the top of his tee shirt. Once the group was all together again she turned to Halk.
"Take us to the Directory, Halk."
"As you wish, Mistress."
* * *
They were allowed into the foyer of the large building but no further. The doorkeeper sent a messenger off to find someone but would not even let them sit down on the waiting benches either side. Eventually a solidly built man, with an air of authority, appeared down some broad stairs and approached them. He did not seem amused at the appearance of the group.
"Which one of you is the healer?" he asked brusquely.
"That would be me," Ursula replied. "We are travelers on the river and require supplies of certain herbs."
"I can see that you are not Yodans, woman, I am not blind. Why did you come here? Can you not obtain what you need in the market?"
"We have just come from the market. Stall-holders there directed us here for particular herbs they said that only you could supply."
The response was grudging. "That is true, but because they are strong only those of Yod may normally have access to them. Have you a pendant?"
"A what?"
The man dug under the neck of his tunic and pulled out a silver pendant on a chain. "All who practise healing in Yod are examined and tested to make sure that they may do no ill to any patient. If they pass they must needs wear one of these to prove their abilities. I do not know you, woman. From your accent I doubt that you are from any nearby land. How may you prove that I should safely offer you what you need?"
Ursula could not see the pendant clearly but it appeared to show a diagonal Swiss-style cross with a leaf superimposed.
She shrugged. "What do you want me to say? I was trained in a distant land as a surgeon and I have handled many operations on males and females of all ages. I have even assisted at childbirth."
The man grimaced in disgust. She continued, "Of course the potions and other remedies of my homeland require herbs unlike any that grow here along the Sirrel. Since arriving here I have been learning about the local herbs and in Joth I have been teaching them some of my own knowledge in return."
The man's eyes flared at the mention of Joth. "You mentioned operations. What do you mean?"
"Why, opening the patient up, doing whatever is required and then sewing them up afterwards. In Joth I saved the life of an armsman who had an inflamed appendix."
"Opening the patient up? We of Yod do not do things like that!"
"But, surely you must operate on wounded after a battle? Stitch up sword cuts, remove arrow heads, things like that?"
He nodded. "Of course we do but that is men's work, it would be unseemly for a woman to view such disorder." His expression was of distaste. "Woman, you are a barbarian, I deem, to attempt such things. You shall obtain nothing here. Nothing! Doorman, show this rabble out."
He turned on his heel without another word and walked back up the stairs.
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Political situation
Like it or not it will take some time before the political situation in Yod can stabilize.
The simplest way is probably to infiltrate the populace and keep track of gatherings that favor which and given them enough rope to hang themselves so to speak.
The description of this occupation thus far is realistic and far from the Pollyannish view other tales of these types of situations.
But no, no further introduction of advanced technology until we know who's who imho.
advanced technology
at this point, that'd be hard to limit there seems to be little in the way of export controls along the valley except possibly during wartime, and particularly around war material, they are readily sharing the technology across allied states, and as a result, it wouldn't take long for Yod to be exposed to them. Yod itself also seems to have been (in times of peace) a center of trade and industry, not to the same extent as a certain powerhouse downriver, but enough of one to at least be able to produce respectable armor for common troops. If we assume Yod got their transferee at around the same time Garia arrived, then they are also able to implement those technologies fairly quickly, the methods they used to extract information aren't exactly efficient, even if they knew what to ask for, yet they managed to press what advantage he provided quickly, including figuring out a useful gunpowder ratio.
"I do hope your young friend is able to find peace."
it sounds like he gets it. Not many who do not suffer from similar issues do. It seems it is the lot of those of us who have this kind of problems to educate the rest, which can be exhausting
I suspect there's a report
I suspect there's a report that will go up to the heads of the alliance, and the provisional government of Yod will get some rather.. strict words about their healers being abused.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I wonder
I have a feeling the mention of battle injuries was the "disorder" that inflamed the man, rather than just opening a patient up, if so, Yod is currently host to someone whom has a pointed counter argument...
cracks in the armor, He now appreciates some of the changes as useful, that can be used to expand to other things.
That was probably dangerous
That was probably dangerous mentioning surgeries as she knows no one on Anmar is that advanced. It will give clues as to where she is from.
I overlooked that aspect.
However, I don't think that much damage has been done. All the man saw was a (to him) scantily clad "barbarian" woman who claimed to do things he probably couldn't do himself.
Unless he had actually been in the inner circles of the Ascendancy, I doubt he would even have known about alleged "people from other worlds". They would have kept Yves' origins well hidden.
"No one on Anmar". Well, strictly, no-one in the Sirrel Valley or nearby. It is entirely possible that on the west coast, for example, they may have more of a clue. Alaesia is a big place and Anmar is even bigger.
Ignorance and prejudice……
Appears to be universal.
I wonder if the asshole at the Directory knows Trump? They seem to be cut from the same cloth, lol.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Sounds like Afghanistan
Occupiers have the same problems everywhere. You don't know who to trust.
Marlin, at least, seems to have learned some lessons, even if some of them have been a bit unwelcome.
Ooops - I forgot to mention ...
... that the Appendices are all updated. It was quite hectic there for a while, what with two stories of new names and addresses etc. etc.
Makes one wonder
Whom he ultimately answers to.
Considering the comment above by Guest Reader, I toyed with making him a closet member-in-hiding of the Ascendancy, but that would introduce more complications than I really want at the moment.
Now if my slip had been greater, say along the lines of Jenet's throat injury, then I would of course have made lemonade and built it into the plot.
Not to worry. In a chapter or three there will be some real action and some questions (but not all) should be answered.
well even if he isn't part of
well even if he isn't part of the Ascendancy proper, I suspect the Yoddan health authority is one of the few Yoddan organizations that's been relatively unchanged in leadership by the war. It wouldn't be unusual to suspect that even Yoddan healers take some form of healers' oath that's a variation of a common one across the valley,