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After lunch Ursula finishes recounting to the Old Führer what had happened on Earth since he departed. A possible way of extracting the young healer is arranged and an awkward ride back into Wadek follows. Then confusion reigns as the Commissioner asks some unexpected questions.
The Voyage of the Visund
A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane
61 - Unexpected Arrangements
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of
this story are the property of the author. No infringement of
pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2022
Penny Lane. All rights reserved.
"Do you nap?"
They had resumed their various positions and seats after lunch. The old man had been settled in his preferred chair but the air was now warm enough that he did not want a blanket.
Ursula replied, "I can manage without, Herr Scholzer, if you can. I know that the old sometimes nap in the afternoon whatever the temperature. I would not cause you discomfort if you would prefer to sleep for a time."
"Ach." He waved a hand. "I know it is the custom to nap in these lands when the weather is warm but as you have said, I am old and my body has its own ideas. Maybe I will rest later." His eyes momentarily went to the window. "I know that you will want to return to the town in good time to return in daylight to wherever you are staying."
There is a lot that he has left unsaid, including not getting killed somewhere along the way back.
"That is true. Shall I bring you up to date, then? There is not much more to tell."
Ursula recalled where she had reached when Sumak had interrupted for lunch and resumed, detailing the arms race of the eighties, the unrest in the Warsaw Pact countries, the end of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany, and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union. She briefly mentioned the rise of the European Union and also the emergence of China.
He shook his head in wonder. «So much! The world must look like a different place by now.»
«It does. The young do not see it that way, of course, but anyone who is older than about forty will have seen great changes. Of course, the same has happened to previous generations. Think of what the twenties and thirties must have looked like to those who had been born in the previous century.»
He grinned. «Ja, I take your point. Electricity, radio, motor-cars, even aeroplanes! Modern medicine such as you represent, unlike that of Master po-face over there.»
She nodded. «It is true. In general the population lives longer than they probably did when you were born.»
«I am pleased to hear it! And do you think that I am well enough for someone of my age?»
Well, now. I have been given a problem and it is possible that I could use his health as a pretext to do something about that young man.
She switched back to the local tongue. "Herr Scholzer, given where you are and the level of facilities available here, your condition is about as good as it is possible for a man of your age to be... but I have been thinking about your heart over lunch."
Instead of answering the old man she held up a hand and turned her attention to the older healer, Hakarin.
"Master Healer, did you know that the patient has a slight heart murmur?" She tried very hard not to say your patient, as that might be seen as an admission she would be interfering. "Most of the time his pulse appears normal but every so often there is a short flutter."
He grimaced and reluctantly nodded. "It is true. You who know so much about such matters, what would you do?"
He may be sarcastic but he's willing to listen to suggestions. The question is, will he accept what I am about to tell him?
"Left alone he will continue to slowly deteriorate," she explained. Hakarin agreed with a reluctant nod. She continued, "It will eventually become too much for his heart and it will give up. There is a herb known to me named bankside bellflower, do you know it here in Yod?"
"I do not know that name, that sounds like a local village name. Is there another name you know it by?"
"Yes, I believe some call it bennok though that might be a local name as well. I have never seen it but it has been described as a tall spike of blue flowers, each the shape of a small bell, growing smaller towards the top."
"I believe from your description that I may know it by another name, fire blade. Which part is used?"
"An infusion of young leaves, I was told. It affects the heart and too much can kill the patient."
He nodded. "That is almost certainly the same one. It is not the kind of herb I would carry around with me. What is it you suggest?"
"A very small, regular dose of that each morning should stabilise his heart action. I do not think that I carry any myself. Tyra, hand me my basket, please."
With the basket on her lap, she went through the motions of lifting every pot, every jar, looking at the labels and sometimes opening them up to check the contents, knowing full well that she did not have any of that herb with her. Finally she shook her head and closed the basket, putting it on the floor beside her.
"I do not have any with me. Sometimes I forget exactly what is in here and what might be back at... wherever we are staying this time."
He stared at Ursula thoughtfully. "You are on a ship, you said, passing upstream along the river."
"That is so. Our crew is large and some of them have unusual requirements. Presently we are staying in a house in Wadek."
"You are suggesting that you return to Wadek, find this herb and return here with it! I cannot think that those outside would permit you to do that."
She forced a mock grimace and then appeared to think, finally seeming to arrive at a solution.
"Master Healer, I have no wish to return here and you are right, those men would not permit me to. There may be another possible way."
The denial was flat. "I cannot go! While the patient is in reasonable health he is old and respected by all of the Ascendancy. I have been instructed to remain with him at all times. Can you send your maid, or maybe one of those men outside with the herb, if you give it to them?"
"I cannot send my assistant by herself and I would not dare trust any of those men outside." She gestured at the Commissioner. "What about this man here? Would you trust him to do it?"
Hakarin's lip curled. "He should not have brought you here at all! I do not think those outside would permit him to return either."
"You are right, I was not thinking clearly. But, if I might point out, you also have an assistant here. I assume that you can trust somebody you brought here yourself and who knows about your craft. He could return to Wadek with us when we leave today and return with supplies of the herb."
He scowled. "Is that all you foreigners think of our profession? A craft? We are much better informed than any mere craftsman could be!"
"Master, I mis-spoke. You know that I am not local, this is not my birth tongue, sometimes I choose the wrong word. The question remains, would you permit your assistant to come to Wadek with us? I cannot think of anyone more suitable to carry out this small task."
In truth the word craft had been carefully chosen to deflect attention away from Ursula's prime aim: to find a pretext for the younger healer to go into Wadek with them. She had realized that it would be impossible for them to smuggle him onto the wagon, especially with the 'guards' all around them during the journey back. This way, he could legitimately ride with them into town. What would happen when they reached town, that was a different matter...
The young man in question had quickly figured out what Ursula was trying to do and managed to keep his expression bland during the exchange. Now he jumped as Hakarin addressed him directly.
"Karan, attend! You are to travel to Wadek with these people and the, uh, female healer will provide you with a quantity of fire blade leaf. The men outside will take you there and bring you back safely."
"Yes, Master Hakarin."
"You!" His finger pointed at the Commissioner.
"Yes? What do you want with me?"
"Do you know Wadek? We two are strangers here and so are these," he scowled, "women. I want you to see that my assistant obtains this herb and is returned safely to the men who will take you back. The men, of course, cannot escort these people around the town, it would look suspicious."
"I have some knowledge of the area, Master Healer," the Commissioner replied carefully. "I can do as you ask. You do know that my own presence may make others suspicious?"
"Pah." Hakarin waved a dismissive hand. "They are rough and look like what they are but you are one man and at least look respectable."
"As you say, Master Healer. You may rely on me."
That was a complication I did not expect! Still, we may have room to manouver in Wadek.
Hakarin returned his attention to Ursula. "Does that answer you, woman?"
"It does, Master Healer. It was clever of you to think of sending your own assistant."
"As you say. Now, as to this herb, what dose would you suggest and how shall it be delivered?"
The two discussed the leaf and how it should be prepared and administered, the old man watching the interchange with interest. When they had reached a suitable compromise he nodded.
"Thank you, Master Hakarin, thank you, Frau Doktor! I knew that it was a good idea permitting you to come and examine me." He leaned back, his half-lidded eyes fixed on Ursula. «I believe that I am more tired than I thought, Frau Doktor. I do not think that it would be safe for you to remain until I wake again, so I must say farewell to you and your interesting young assistant now. I regret that there is much that must remain unsaid between us. Return to the town with my blessing. It is possible that our paths may cross again but if not, then may the rest of your journey be successful. It has been very interesting to meet you.»
«I was not sure what I expected when I came here, Herr Scholzer. I half expected a tyrant but instead I found, like myself, someone swept up by the forces that surround us. I am sorry that I could not tell you more about Earth but much of what is new I do not think you would understand, it is too strange for someone who only knew Hitler's Germany. I regret that we have run out of time. May the rest of your own life be peaceful, Herr Scholzer.»
He gave her a weak smile. «I cannot see the future but I trust that yours will be better than mine has been. Leben Sie wohl, Frau Doktor.»
With that he closed his eyes and relaxed. Ursula turned to Tyra and spoke, her voice low.
"We should leave now, he says. If we wait for him to awaken again we could be too late going back into Wadek."
Tyra nodded. "As you say, Mistress." She stood quietly, lifting the satchel to her shoulder.
Ursula, the Commissioner and the two healers also stood, the other men crossing the room to the door. The two women joined them and the group went out as far as the kitchen. Sumak raised his eyebrows.
"Your master sleeps now," Hakarin told him. "He does not think it wise that these women remain until he wakes again, thus they depart now. Karan will go with them to collect a herb needful for your master's comfort."
"He is to travel into Wadek with these people?"
"Yes. He should return before dark, the town is not so far."
Sumak bowed. "As you command, Master Healer."
Outside, they found that the dranakhs had drawn back and were watching the men intently. The men were all clustered about the wagon, unsure of what was happening. The appearance of those inside the house made them even more concerned.
Hakarin strode across to join them, the others following more slowly. "These people are leaving now. You will take them all safely back into Wadek. My assistant Karan will go with them to bring back a quantity of a herb needful for the Old Führer. Do you understand?"
The apparent leader asked, "You sure of this? We take them into town, your boy finds some herbs, how?"
Hakarin held his temper. "The woman, as you already know, is a healer. She will provide the herbs. This man will go with them to ensure that Karan returns safely. I doubt your men could escort these women about town without being noticed. He can."
"As you say. Karan comes back?" The man jerked a thumb at the Commissioner. "What about him? Does he come back too?"
"No. Just Karan. The others must needs return to their lodgings in the town."
The man spat on the cobbles of the yard. "As you have commanded, Master Healer. You lot, get in the wagon. I want this job done before dark. It is already more complicated than was agreed."
So. It appears that Hakarin is more than just a healer - if he is a healer at all. No, he can at least hold a conversation with me about the old man's medication so he must qualify as a healer in this country. But I am guessing that he has enough rank in the party to order these ruffians around.
As before, the Commissioner gestured for the women to climb aboard first, which annoyed the 'guards'. They took position on the sacks and the Commissioner and the young healer followed them in. The two sat facing the women. There were shouts from outside as the outriders' frayen were brought out of the stable and made ready. The driver and 'shotgun' clambered onto the front bench seat and without any ceremony the wagon set off.
Once they were out of the farmyard, and when the Commissioner was content that the driver and his mate were concentrating on their route, he held a finger to his lips. Ursula was surprised and raised her eyebrows. He mouthed, "Later, Mistress," to her and then all four remained silent for most of the journey back to Wadek, Karan becoming increasing disturbed but knowing enough to at least appear calm.
The wagon reached town and weaved through the streets to halt almost exactly where they started from. The driver turned and jumped down, walking around to the back to drop the tailgate. He did not look happy.
The Commissioner climbed out first, being nearest, and he helped the others climb down. As they did so, distant whistles could be heard. The driver twitched and took no notice but Ursula understood that a watch must have been kept against their return. By the time she had emerged to stand on the sidewalk and for Tyra to straighten their attire both Bennett and Semma were standing ready at the end of the street.
"I will keep my word," she told the driver evenly. "None of these others will speak of what we have seen or done either. Will you permit us to depart?"
He snarled, "If I must. I have to wait here for him," he jerked a thumb at Karan, "to return. The longer we have to wait around the more people will start to ask questions. This whole business should never have been allowed to happen."
"Then don't wait around here," she responded. He gave her a hard look as she explained, "Finding the herbs could take a little time and I have no reason to see you exposed. Your leader needs the herbs, yes? And I know where to find them. Why don't you find somewhere to put the wagon and then you four go off and sit in one of those market-place taverns while you wait? That will appear much more normal. From there you will be able to see us return with the herbs."
He stared suspiciously at her. "How do you know so much about such matters?"
"You are not the only person who has spent part of their life running away and hiding. I know far too much about having to appear normal when I am not."
He gave her a calculating look and then grunted. "There is more going on here than I understand, woman. We will do as you say. Now, be off and join those... creatures yonder. The afternoon is passing."
Ursula, Tyra, the Commissioner and Karan walked along and joined Bennett and Semma, who appeared relieved to see them still alive and whole. Bennett raised an eyebrow at Karan, who in turn stared at the two guardswomen.
"A long story, Bennett," Ursula explained. "Let us get out of sight of those men before we say any more."
The end of the square where the livestock market was held was now quiet so Ursula stopped the enlarged party there. She turned to the Commissioner.
"What could not be said in the wagon?"
"Mistress, I was asked to accompany this man to ensure that he returns to the Old Führer with those herbs. If I can assume that those herbs will be at your lodgings?"
"They should be."
"Then I must needs go with you to your lodgings, I deem. I am already at risk, this will put me at a different risk. Those men must not know where I go, they will try and take the information from me. From the other point of view, I am of the Ascendancy, I could be attacked or captured when I reach your lodgings. If you can assure me that I may go there with you and depart safely."
I have not thought this part of the plan through enough. I did not think Karan would have an escort into Wadek. Somehow we have to get rid of him and separate him from Karan. Perhaps at the house?
"I can personally assure you of that but I am not the leader of our company. That person may object to your presence. You may be asked to wait outside."
"Mistress, you have been honest with me and I will be honest with you. I desire to speak to your leader... whom, I believe, is the woman who commands the ship you arrived on."
Ursula was surprised. He knows! "What could you possibly have to say to her?"
He gave a sidelong glance at Karan before replying, "Mistress, that must stay between her and me. A personal audience is all I ask. I give you my word that I intend no harm to anyone, whether of your company or of the town."
What is he up to? I cannot think of any reason for him to speak with Eriana. Something strange is going on here.
And he has no idea that Karan is trying to run away!
"Bennett? What do you think?"
"I do not think that she would be in danger," she replied. "Of course -"
The rest was cut off as two of the 'guards' came around the corner, saw them grouped and stopped abruptly.
I had forgotten that I suggested they find a tavern in the market place!
She waved a hand. "Later. It looks like we need to go to the house, I am sure we can resolve this once we are away from prying eyes."
She noticed that the Commissioner was tense, sweat forming on his forehead. "As you say, Mistress. If you would lead the way."
They moved off across the square towards the remaining market stalls, aiming for a street that entered at a far corner.
Bennett objected, "What if this is a ploy to find out where we reside, Mistress? Or mayhap he seeks to assassinate the Commodore before dying himself, as that other did in Yod City?"
The Commissioner asked, alarmed, "What's this?"
"An attempt made by, it appears, a professional assassin at our hostel in Yod City. However, that attack was aimed at me, not our leader, who was elsewhere."
He glanced sharply at her. "On you, Mistress? If I may ask why?"
Her answer was short. "Because of who I am. Where I come from. What I know."
He turned his head away, shaking it and muttering. Eventually, as they left the square, he said, "Mistress, as I said before, I intend no harm to anyone. Indeed, of all those here, I am the most likely to be harmed."
As they approached a cross-street a large Pakmal patrol appeared from their left, forcing them to stop. Their attitude was sloppy, the four carrying pikes lucky in that, so far, they had not caused injury to themselves or their patrol mates. None of the others had drawn swords. The men wandered across but, as they did so, one of the men at the back spotted the group. He shouted a halt and trotted over to them.
"Masters, mistresses..." He properly recognized Bennett and Semma. "Ah! You are the two swordswomen we saw in the market square earlier today! If you may vouch for your party?"
"Of course." Bennett indicated Ursula. "Our healer had some business in a part of Wadek where we would not have been welcome. This is her assistant, these two men were their escort for the remaining part of their journey and they return with us to receive their reward from Her Highness."
It was as if a light had been switched off. All interest in the six vanished from the officer's face at the mention of Her Highness.
He came to attention and nodded. "Very good, Mistress. Be aware, there have been reports of robberies as the light fades. By your leave."
The party watched the Pakmalis vanish along the side street before continuing.
"Even to my untutored eye," Ursula remarked, "that patrol looked poorly organized and led."
"Aye," Bennet agreed. "It is what must needs happen when levies are sent to fight elsewhere, I deem. Not very much training and those being trained do not see the need for most of it. Good mixed with the bad, and that includes the officers."
The Commissioner surprised them by making an observation. "Do not be deceived by their appearance, mistresses. By making themselves visible they already keep a certain amount of trouble from the streets. Inside that group there will be - should be - a core of more seasoned men for the odd occasion when close action is required."
Ursula said, "Let us move on before they change their minds and come back."
Bennett snorted. "That will not happen, Mistress! Did you see that man's face when I mentioned Her Highness? I did not know it when we set out this morning but, to my reading, the word has gone around that anyone connected with her is not to be touched."
They approached the mansion to find that two of the Norsemen just 'happened' to be lounging around the entrance to the courtyard. There was relief as they saw Ursula and Tyra but concern as the two men with them drew near.
«Boys,» she greeted them. «There has of course been a change of plan. We must go in and see the Commodore.»
«Those two as well?» Ragnar asked. «He carries a sword. The young one does not.»
«It is very complicated. More complicated than I expected.» She grinned at them. «You know me! Let us pass for now. We will have Bennett and Semma beside us if there is trouble. Where is Her Highness?»
«Writing letters, last I heard. In one of the smaller downstairs rooms.»
«Thank you, Ragnar.»
Inside the courtyard both Bennett and Semma drew their swords but the Commissioner seemed unconcerned. As they reached the entrance they met Lars, who had come from the bathing block opposite.
«Mistress! You are safe, then. What are these two doing with you?»
«I am not sure about the older one, Lars. He insists on speaking with Her Highness. Can you join us? Bennett and Semma are here but having some threatening muscle nearby would not hurt.»
He grinned. «That all you want me for? Of course I will come. What about the skinny one?»
«He is running away. He is a Yodan healer who wants to learn real medicine. He wants to come with me as my apprentice.»
The grin faded as Lars turned his scrutiny on Karan. «Another healer, eh? It would not hurt, we have room - but he is a Yodan. Let's all go and see the Princess, then.»
He led the way into the mansion and along the lower corridor, stopping outside a door. Knocking, he entered and spoke to Eriana, who came to the door after a few moments. She relaxed visibly as she saw Ursula and Tyra.
"A deputation! Ursula, what a relief to see you and Tyra! I trust your journey was successful?"
"It was, Highness, but as you can see, there have been complications." She indicated the two Yodans.
"Why does that not surprise me? Very well. There is a larger chamber along here we may use. Are those two safe?"
"Probably. The younger one certainly will be. We'll have Bennett, Semma and Lars as well, so there should not be any trouble that cannot be handled."
"As you say. Come."
She led them to the sitting room and took a seat facing the others, who all remained standing.
Ursula opened her mouth and then closed it again. How could she explain Karan's request without the Commissioner knowing? Was the Commissioner about to make demands which meant that it would be difficult for Karan to join them without bloodshed?
The Commissioner solved her problem by going down on one knee in front of Eriana and bowing his head briefly.
"Your Highness? Is that right? I do not know how to address anyone of noble blood."
"'Your Highness' will do. What is it you wish of me?"
"Your Highness," he repeated, and then, awkwardly and very carefully, drew his sword and laid it in front of Eriana. His next words stunned them all. "I beg sanctuary of you. In Yod every man's hand is now turned against me. Now that I have taken your Mistress Healer to see my Old Führer, those of the Ascendancy will kill me if they see me again. Those of Pakmal would capture me and try me if I became known to them. I ask only passage to a more distant land, one your vessel will visit in any event. I will ask no other favor, cause no trouble and I will offer what help I can as your vessel progresses."
A number of small incidents and comments fell into place for Ursula then, but Eriana's next words gave her no time to consider them.
"Ursula? You have spoken most to this man. I desire your impressions of him. He is of the Ascendancy, how may his words be trusted?"
"Highness, we first met in Tserikon after we had spoken to those two men at the lockup." Eriana nodded. "He was rough to begin with, then, not willing to accept the word of a woman. I admit that I did not fully appreciate his final words to us before we departed, he said, 'I can make your meeting safer for you and safer for myself.' I thought then that he was just referring to his group being forced out of Tserikon but perhaps I was mistaken.
"I was surprised, then, to find him in the market place this morning as we made contact with those who would take us to see the Old Führer. I was also surprised to be addressed by him as Mistress, unlike on the previous occasion, but I did not appreciate the significance. He made some remarks as we traveled to the farmstead but, again, I did not pay sufficient attention. I would guess that he did some research, found out that we were moving on and saw a chance to escape."
Eriana addressed the man, still on one knee. "You are of the Ascendancy. Days ago we were fighting battles against those of your ilk. Tell me why I should not just give you to those of Pakmal."
"Highness, it is true, all my life has been spent as part of the Ascendancy. I grew up in the movement, took positions of authority and eventually became Commissioner of a rural region to the east. That does not mean that I agreed with all they spoke of or all they did. I believe that, where I was given command, that my rule was just and that few suffered where they should not. I have heard stories of what Yod's armies have done and they made me ashamed to be part of it.
"I have placed myself in your hands, Highness. I provided a way for your Healer to visit my Old Leader and return her safely to your party, at great risk to us all. If, in turn, you would take me with you beyond Yod's borders I will be content."
"Highness," Ursula said then. "There is a small matter of obligation here. There is a certain amount of honor involved."
"As you say." Eriana regarded the man on the floor in front of her. "I do not like those of the Ascendancy, Commissioner. You walk boldly into a camp of those who like you even less. Do you know who I am?"
"Highness, I know only that you are, perhaps, a Princess of Palarand, but how that can be I do not know. You do not have a Valley accent and your men speak in a strange tongue."
Her smile was broad. "Indeed! We are Einnlanders, but exiled from the lands of my father, who is King of those lands. As you do now, I sought sanctuary with King Robanar of Palarand and obtained it, after performing a small task for him with those men who left with me. Have you heard of Boldan's Rock?"
"I have, Highness, but only that it was a defeat in battle for us - for Yod, I mean."
"I took seventeen of my men, all warriors, and two of King Robanar's Guardswomen over the mountains last winter to attack the fortress. We entered by using guile and took it, causing many casualties. Then we turned our attention to the river margins below, where those of Yod had built wharves against further advances by their troops." She paused dramatically. "We won that battle, too. From across the river those of Forguland and Ferenis saw the battle and came to our aid. Three of my men died, many, many more of those of Yod died as well. We do not like Yodans. Tell me why you should be treated different. Do you have a name?"
"Highness, I do. I am known as Zakaros Stonecarver."
"Stonecarver? Are you then a mason?"
That caused a small smile. "Highness, no. My family have for many generations been lenders of coin in Yod. When I was new to adulthood I underwent basic military training, as most young men must needs do. One day I made a bad swing during sword practice and chopped a chunk off a cornerstone, part of our barracks building. I was given that name in jest and have been unable to separate myself from it ever since."
Eriana allowed herself a brief smile. "To be named a carver of stone is mild, Master Zakaros, compared to some of the names bandied about my father's hall. Be thankful that is all you were named." She cocked her head. "Lenders of coin, did you say? Are you then a clerk? An accountant, perhaps? Excuse me, my understanding of those arts is obscure, I do not know the proper words to use."
"Although I have not practised at my family's trade since I joined the Ascendancy, Highness, I have been well trained by both my father and my grandfather in the art of coin transfer. In that respect you could name me an accountant. Of course, I doubt that I could make use of my family's name should I desire to resume that art."
"You can of course read and write." He nodded agreement. "And you are obviously competent with numbers, both from your family's past and your time as Commissioner. Do you yet know the Garian Numbers?"
Zakaros looked confused. "Highness?"
"I ask your pardon, Master Zakaros, I miss-spoke. Of course you would not know the Garian numbers! Let me ask something more practical, then. What do you know of the Sirrel? Have you any boatcraft?"
"Highness, I have never ventured beyond the bounds of Yod... the original bounds of Yod. I have never set foot on any water vessel. I understand what you ask. You think I would be a liability, knowing nothing and forever getting in the way when work has to be done. I accept that, since it is the only way I can save my skin, even if it is for a time only."
"Master Zakaros, it may surprise you but I am minded to agree to your request. You see, I had also run away, though it was from a bad father instead of defeat in a war. When I left, in the ship of a trusted friend, I had fifty with me and we were as a single family with one purpose. You attempt a similar feat in a land filled with enemies, on your own, with no friends, and yet you walk boldly into the Hall of possibly your worst enemy! The warrior in me salutes your courage, Master Zakaros. I do not think that I could have even considered what you attempt to do now. Rise, please."
Zakaros stood, working the kinks out of his legs.
Eriana pointed. "Sit there for a while, Zakaros, if you would. Your presence will cause our company a complication which must needs be resolved." She stood. "Ursula, Lars, to me. We can speak quietly over by the window."
By the window Eriana grimaced. «Did you know what he had planned, Ursula?»
«Not at all, Highness! I was as surprised as you were. He kept the whole matter very well hidden, which may mean that he should keep his mouth shut when required.»
«Perhaps. Do you trust him? For that matter, why are those two with you at all? I did not expect you to bring anyone back, especially two of the enemy!»
Ursula explained, «There are two Yodan healers attending the Old Leader, an older one who is like those at the Directory at Yod City -" Eriana grunted, "- but the younger one can see his mentor's limitations and would prefer to leave and learn more elsewhere.»
«That is the younger healer, then? What brings him here with you?»
«The old man has a heart complaint and I have a particular herb which can help that. Because of my origins the men would not have permitted me to return with it. The older healer, Hakarin, would not think of leaving his charge and I would not have trusted the men to come and collect the herb from here without leaving a lot of blood in the courtyard. So, Karan, his journeyman, if you will, has been sent with me to collect the herb. Master Zakaros is supposed to accompany him as far as here and then back to the wagon again, after that supposedly finding some way to not be murdered beyond that point.»
«Ah. Almost all now becomes clear but that young man makes himself our problem, Ursula. He has seen and heard all that Zakaros has done today, he will know the man flees his fellows, yet we should not keep him against his will, I deem. That leaves only one alternative and I am reluctant to even speak of it.»
Ursula grinned. «That is not our problem, Highness. You see, Karan is also running away. He wants to be my journeyman and obtain some real healing knowledge. I thought that our problem would be to find a way to get him out of the Commissioner - I suppose I should begin to use his name, shouldn't I? Out of Zakaros's way without Zakaros becoming suspicious.»
Eriana's eyebrows rose. «Are you telling me that neither knew that the other planned to run? Freyr's blood! How do you manage this, Ursula? Every day I am with you I grow old waiting for the next complication to my life!» The gaze softened. «Yet still you think of others. Tell me, briefly, if I should trust young... what was his name again?»
«Karan, Highness. I do not know if he has any other name yet. He will be like everyone else we have taken on and do not know but for him the fear of staying behind is real. If we leave him behind the mere act will put him in mortal danger.» She shrugged. «As to trusting him, there will be time to find out. If he is to be my journeyman then the rest of us may be putting our lives in his hands at some point. We will soon know if his trust is true.»
«Agreed. So, Lars, what do we do? It looks as if we'll have to keep those two here, maybe, then somehow smuggle them down to the Visund in the morning and cast off as soon as we can.»
Lars grunted. «We have to hide this pair from the Pakmalis as well as the Yodans? It can be done but there are questions. Did any of the servants see them arrive? How do we get them down to the dockside? Are we ready to sail? Where do we put them? On the Visund or on the Green Ptuvil?»
Ursula put in, «Highness, I have to tell you it is worse. There are four men waiting for these two to appear with a bag of herbs. The bag of herbs is here, I need to find it and get it to the men, to somehow explain why Zakaros and Karan are no longer with me. I think they might expect Zakaros to run sometime but they will definitely want to see Karan and take him back to the farmstead. If I do not go to the market with an explanation they will try and find us, which could be awkward.»
Lars asked, «How so, Mistress? We kill the men, problem is ended.»
«Maybe so, Lars, but four bodies would attract the attention of the Pakmalis and, eventually, those still at the farmstead are going to come in, perhaps with reinforcements, to look for their friends.»
Eriana asked, «Cannot we just ignore the four men? I do not think they will fare well, wandering the streets at night. The Pakmalis have patrols against such activities. they will surely wait until tomorrow before looking for us.»
«By then those at the farmstead will have raised the alarm, Highness. Besides, given the uniforms the girls are wearing, finding us is not going to be hard, is it? Ah! Of course, those Pakmal patrols. A moment... I may have an idea.»
«Such a patrol intercepted us on our way here but your name was mentioned and they dropped us like a hot stone. Suppose I tell the men that our two were taken by the patrol? That will put them off trying to investigate, at least until after we have departed.»
«Done. What about the servants?»
«I notice this house has one of those double-sided front door arrangements, one facing the street and one in the courtyard. We all depart visibly from the courtyard, then our two just go around the corner and come in the other way. That should be enough to fool the servants.»
«Done.» Eriana nodded. «A good plan, quickly devised. You have good organizing skills, Ursula.»
«Thank you, Highness... but all this has to be done now and quickly. We were only supposed to come here, grab a bag of herbs and return.»
«Then let us go. This time, I deem, Lars and I will come with you and Tyra. I want no further trouble with the authorities.»
«There is another matter, Highness.»
«What? Of course there is! Speak.»
«I have to go to the market again tomorrow morning to pick up some other herbs from a stall-holder. That means that we cannot depart directly after breakfast, if that is what you are thinking.»
«Can these herbs wait? The situation is already complicated enough, Ursula!»
«These are rare, expensive and for Kaldar. It should not be a problem for us but I thought you should know before you began making plans for... departure.»
«For Kaldar, eh? Very well. Tomorrow will require some careful planning, then, but later. Let us deal with immediate matters first.»
She walked off back to join the others. Lars gave Ursula a shrug and then a grin.
«You are clever at this game, Mistress.»
«I have had a lot of experience, Lars. I was in just as much danger as these two are.»
Somewhere along the way the party became augmented, so eight people eventually said a temporary farewell on the courtyard steps to those remaining in the mansion. They walked out of the archway entrance in a group in such a way that noticing two men slip to one side and re-enter by the outer door would have been difficult. The remaining six then walked through the streets to the now-deserted market place, deserted except for the usual evening activity at the nine taverns surrounding the shuttered stalls. Two peeled off to keep watch from the corner of the market place while Ursula led the remainder towards the tavern she thought the men had been heading for.
She was proved partly right when two men emerged as their group appeared. They took one look at Eriana and Lars and stepped back in consternation. Ursula held up her hand and the others stopped as she continued towards the two.
"What's this? Was this all a trick?"
"Quiet! Do you want everyone to know our business?"
She approached near enough so that she could lower her voice. "A Pakmal patrol intercepted us on our way to the house. They took the men for questioning."
"And they let you go? Do you take us for fools?"
She jabbed a thumb over her shoulder. "She is the leader of my company. She commanded the assault on Boldan's Rock. The Pakmalis will not get in her way, nor that of any of her company."
Eriana just stood there impassively, her arms folded, the sword hilt looming over her right shoulder.
The man looked defeated. "Are we your captives now?"
"Don't be stupid. Unlike some Yodans I have recently met, I keep my promises if I am able to. I have brought the herbs. Can I be assured that you will take them to Master Hakarin and explain what happened? I said there would be no trouble and we have caused none. We had no hand in what has happened to your men."
"And those two?"
"Are there for our protection only. They will not stop you from leaving."
He groaned. "Maker! I wish today had never happened!"
"I completely agree." Ursula turned. "Tyra, the herbs, if you please."
Tyra came forward and handed the small bag to Ursula who handed it on to the man who had been speaking. She noticed that his hand was shaking.
He held up the bag, judging the weight, then passed it to his partner. "Woman, I have never met your like, nor did I imagine that any woman could carry a sword until today. I have met few men or women who are as honest as you. It is hard for me to admit but you have earned my respect. If we may part in peace."
"As you wish. I have some advice for you, you can consider it or ignore it."
The wary look returned. "Speak."
"Two things. I do not believe that Hakarin is the best healer for your Old Leader. I suggest you try and find someone who knows more about the ailments of the elderly."
He considered this and then nodded. "I will find someone else and consult. The second thing?"
"If the Pakmalis manage somehow to get any information out of the two they took, then it might be a good idea to think about finding a different place to keep your Old Leader. Just a thought."
"Wise words from a woman, indeed. What about the dranakhs? Will they cause trouble for us any more?"
Ursula shook her head. "I do not think so, but I have no control over them or their actions. Treat them with respect and they will probably treat you the same way."
"As you say." He fought an inner battle and then added, "Fare you well, Mistress."
He backed away with his mate and took a few more steps before putting his fingers to his mouth. A shrill whistle brought the other two from a tavern at the far side of the market place. They took a wide route, avoiding Eriana and Lars, and Ursula could hear a panicked question echoing across the cobbles. The reply was abrupt but still sounded nervous. The two groups coalesced and headed for the street where they had left the wagon.
From another corner of the square, two dranakh observed the proceedings with satisfaction before departing in different directions.
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So, it appears that……
Eriana has found a bookkeeper for her little group, Ursula has found a new apprentice, and perhaps Eriana and her group have found a new spy master in Ursula, lol.
Between Eriana and Ursula, the group keeps growing in size as they pick up new members and hangers on. The two of them seem to be attracting people like magnets.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
A bookkeeper with military
A bookkeeper with military experience, so he should appreciate the realities of logistics. definitely a set of skills and experience they will need later on.
Obviously he may wind up as a banker in Palarand.
I profess ignorance in the what way he may be of use on the expedition.
An extra healer makes sense of course but I am not up on how far you would entrust your military payroll to who till now was an enemy.
for the expedition he'll help
for the expedition he'll help when they are stuck for the rains, as for trust, he'll have to earn it
Well then they should've asked him: "If you are an accountant then account for yourself!"
Not military experience
Being Commissioner of a District is a civil appointment, not a military one.
There is no evidence that, apart from his mandatory (ie conscription) service when young, that Zakaros has any military experience.
Having to administer a District, however, would give him a good appreciation of logisitics.
seems Yod has/had a lot of crossover between military and civil ranks then. Still that's one area Eriana acknowledges that she isn't strong with,
two more runaways
way cool
No peace for the wicked, eh!?
Admin stuff in progress as we speak.
You have to wonder
It's the dranakh have a Society of sorts in their group. I doubt very seriously that they consider themselves slaves.
Well, their role in the whole of Anmar societies as beasts of burden raises a lot of perplexing questions.
The main one of course as why act as a beast of burden in the first place and two if they are that intelligent then what is their game?
I soooo look forward to one day figuring that out.
I'm making general comments here, not speculating about the exact nature of dranakhs.
The big problem with intelligence is that one tends to view it through one's own experiences. We find it very difficult to understand how other creatures can be viewed as intelligent and yet not be able to communicate with us in ways we are familiar with.
Dolphins? Orang-utans? Crows? Elephants? All have some manner of intellegence but their focus is on their next meal or not being someone else's next meal.
There are many creatures which have been described as "smart" but are still incomprehensible to humans. Many dogs are considered smart but will still run off after a thrown ball.
We don't live in those creatures' worlds, so we struggle to envisage their viewpoint. Looked at the other way, they don't need the kind of intellegence that humans have evolved. What they have fits their own life needs, not ours.
Dranakhs: Some questions may be answered in time, but don't hold your breath. It will take a lot of insight to work out whatever is going on.
The words we have limit the thoughts we can have, and they limit the ideas/concepts we can communicate to another mind.
Think about these words - sapience, intelligence, sentience.
We tend to use them as synonyms, so they have become synonyms. But they do have differences in meaning. Words like smart also figure into this smokey mix and can contribute to the general confusion.
As food for thought, I present a simplified definition for each of them. This deliberate (over?) simplification is intended to emphasize the differences among these words.
Sentience - the ability to sense something about the local environment
* * * photocells and sunflowers can do this
Intelligence - add the ability to calculate/compute
* * * computers and dogs and many human beings can do this
Sapience - add the ability to understand, and especially to care
* * * some human beings and perhaps a few members of other species can do this
* * * computers might be able to do this, someday, if WE teach them instead of letting them kill us first
I would guess that many, if not most, of the Dranakh would qualify as sapient. This implies, by my definitions above, that they are also intelligent and sentient.
More About Words
It has occurred to me that the order of the word definitions I posted recently might lead many to conclude that sentience is "lower" than intelligence. Or that another of those words is "higher" or "lower" than the others in my list.
That is very possible, but not certain. Like I said, my posted definitions are simplified to accentuate the differences. These words also have similarities, and that aspect of them is not addressed by me in that post.
I was just re-reading SEE 65 where Garia (just starting her most recent Call) was riding Snep and commenting to Keren that he seemed to be making her ride as comfortable as possible.
Snep's sentience could (but not must) easily allow him to detect Garia's condition.
And, in this limited context, he could (but not must) exhibit a small bit of sapience. He senses Garia's condition, and he "understands" it on some level.
And ... he "cares" on some other level.
The distinctions among the concepts suggested by these words (and indeed by words in general) are quite complex.
Words ... and the concepts they represent ... are very strange things.
I sometimes find it astonishing that any of us are able to communicate with anyone else of us at all.
I'm missing something here ...
AH - a new research project!
As Garia pointed out
You couldn't make them do it if they weren't willing.
Just a thought - although they are telepathic, is this telepathy limited? How much is social interaction important to their society?
Although the humans see them as beasts of burden, they may be using the travel as a means of meeting new dranakhs and passing on news.
Maybe Penny will tell us, and maybe she won't.
If I remember correctly, the
If I remember correctly, the dranakhs ancestors were intelligent. Maybe they have degenerated but kept some part of their social world and knowledge, or are playing a long game like the Hitchhiker's Guide mice ?
Or maybe they exist in other dimensions, so we don't see the whole truth ?
Concerning Zakaros
A man with accounting background and administrative experience, and an unknown amount of military training/experience.
A Princess of Palarand charged with creating a naval force to patrol the waters.
Such a man drops nicely into her hands, desiring sanctuary.
Look around.
Do you see any under her command with a background in accounting?
Administration beyond command of what small force they currently comprise?
And also some knowledge of needs military?
She needs someone to aid in establishing the bureaucracy to manage the naval force she is charged with creating.
It'd be nice if he had knowledge of matters nautical, but that can be gained; no hurry there.
Other than that, he's a very good match to her needs.
Determine if he is trustworthy; I'd say the indications so far are that his is, trustworthy and honorable.
Yes, he served the Ascendency; it's not something he takes pride in, other than that he was more fair to those under his authority than many, and that being what he takes pride in is a good sign in itself.
The Old Fuhrer suffered that fate that befalls many who lead a revolution after it succeeds, although actually far better than most; although deposed, he was left alive.
Mind, that was so they could maintained him as a focus of reverence and distract others from what they actually did.
That's not what usually occurs; death is the normal fate of such.
John Robert Mead
Just so
You win today's Internet!
-- even if you would rather have an older, better one :P
I haven't completely made up my mind about Zakaros yet, but he will likely join the company properly. There are a few more trials to go through before anything is decided.