People have strong feelings about...spanking.

As a few of you might already be aware, I've written a handful of stories combining OTK (over the knee) spanking scenes with TG characters. Most of them were short pieces, posted both here and over on FM, focusing largely on transgendered youths undergoing punishment by an adult authority figure. Much to my surprise, they tended to provoke negative responses from various readers, some of whom found the whole idea quite disturbing.

At first, I thought it was because the protagonists were in their mid-teens, but later on, I realized that age didn't seem to be an issue: even when the main character was over 18, people still seemed to find the notion of non-consensual spanking highly objectionable.

I think I should say from the outset that I have never condoned spanking or any other form of physical discipline; I view it as an outdated and barbaric remnant of a less civilized era in which violence was so commonplace as to be considered the norm.

That said, however . . . spanking is something which I've fantasized about since I was a child, and for that reason I've sometimes incorporated corporal imagery into my TG fiction, though none of it was based on any real-life event.

My take on the subject goes something like this:

The characters and scenarios exist solely within my imagination (perhaps that of the reader if they're sufficiently drawn into the narrative). The situations themselves are often so outrageous as to be completely unbelievable (if not outright ludicrous). In short: no real person has been harmed. The stories are pure fantasy and are intended as nothing more. They certainly do not represent any world view or personal belief -- nor should they in any enlightened society, IMHO.

Anyway, having said my piece on this particular issue, I'll now leave the discussion in your capable hands. Pleased feel free to post your comments and insights below; I'd be very interested in reading your feedback. I suspect the underlying discourse might prove fascinating to say the least.

All the best, Tracy (Transfemme).