As a few of you might already be aware, I've written a handful of stories combining OTK (over the knee) spanking scenes with TG characters. Most of them were short pieces, posted both here and over on FM, focusing largely on transgendered youths undergoing punishment by an adult authority figure. Much to my surprise, they tended to provoke negative responses from various readers, some of whom found the whole idea quite disturbing.
At first, I thought it was because the protagonists were in their mid-teens, but later on, I realized that age didn't seem to be an issue: even when the main character was over 18, people still seemed to find the notion of non-consensual spanking highly objectionable.
I think I should say from the outset that I have never condoned spanking or any other form of physical discipline; I view it as an outdated and barbaric remnant of a less civilized era in which violence was so commonplace as to be considered the norm.
That said, however . . . spanking is something which I've fantasized about since I was a child, and for that reason I've sometimes incorporated corporal imagery into my TG fiction, though none of it was based on any real-life event.
My take on the subject goes something like this:
The characters and scenarios exist solely within my imagination (perhaps that of the reader if they're sufficiently drawn into the narrative). The situations themselves are often so outrageous as to be completely unbelievable (if not outright ludicrous). In short: no real person has been harmed. The stories are pure fantasy and are intended as nothing more. They certainly do not represent any world view or personal belief -- nor should they in any enlightened society, IMHO.
Anyway, having said my piece on this particular issue, I'll now leave the discussion in your capable hands. Pleased feel free to post your comments and insights below; I'd be very interested in reading your feedback. I suspect the underlying discourse might prove fascinating to say the least.
All the best, Tracy (Transfemme).
I think the main issue people may be having with spanking in your stories is that age is an issue, but not in the way that you think.
Spanking is something that is generally reserved for a child that cannot or will not listen to their guardian because adult communication is simply not possible with a 2 year old. I raised 2 boys and used corporal punishment, as absolutely necessary, until such time as their cognitive and verbal skills reached the point that I could explain why they were being punished by another means. (grounding, loss of toys, extra chores, etc.)
Spanking of someone above the age of reason is often viewed as simply abuse for abuse's sake, accomplishing nothing. The further beyond that age you get, the more viscerally society as a whole rebels against it. Beyond the age of majority it's not just abuse, it's assault. Either way, we as a society determine that those things are felony crimes deserving of prison. You won't find many people that disagree with that sentiment.
That having been said, I am a firm believer in the rights of free speech and free expression. If you choose to write stories about characters of any age being spanked, for whatever reason you do, I think you should feel free to do so. Simply tag your stories with a custom tag like "CAUTION - non-consensual spanking" or some such. Then if people object, they're just being argumentative. They were warned of the content and read it anyway. That ceases to be your issue and becomes theirs, as far as I'm concerned.
And having said all that... in the end this is Erin's site and what she says in the end is all that matters. If she says something different, you should go with that. We are all just guests in her playground! (for which I am grateful)
Hope this helps,
Clearly marked
The folks here include a significant number of survivors of physical abuse, including me. BUT
Many stories feature some form of corporal punishment as necessarily integral to the narrative. As you noted, a clearly marked caution should eliminate concern. Having said that, some might dare to venture past that protection; perhaps at their own peril. With clearly defined cautions, the author is still occasionally left with complaints regarding a variety of issues bound to trigger someone.
I had to step away from a favorite author's brilliant realistic depiction of transgender girls recovering from violence and abuse. A member of my late wife's family was killed earlier this year, and just the thought of confronting similar violence, however fictional, was just too much to face. I am almnost readty to resume the last few chapters, but it really was my responsibility to care for myself since I already knew what I faced.
We cannot compel authors to 'label' or 'caution,' but it's fair to discuss the issue. I am severely triggered by any hint of incest, but folks here provide cautions; some even in very bold letters, so I choose to read or not, depending upon my familiarity with the author.
But if I wander into a clearly defined list of things within any story that I know I struggle with, or even something as simple as things I really don't prefer as a reader, I have no business criticizing the author's use of those elements. Like dining out, If I venture into a French Restaurant, I have no business complaining if they feature Escargot and not Beef enchiladas. If I go to the movies and am completely turned off in the first few minutes of explosions in a Michael Bay flick, that's on me.
And on the rare occasion that a caution wasn't provide, authors have been more than accomdating in editing in something to provide a caution. Folks here are great at understanding, and I can't begin to express how much that means to me as a writer and reader. Thank you!
Love, Andrea Lena
My Own Revulsion
I have my own revulsion against spanking -- PTSD, perhaps. Whenever I have spanking in my stories, I have it backfire unpleasantly against Dad in what I remember of what I've written.
In my sequel, I have it backfire unpleasantly on Pa in a very different way.
-- Daphne Xu
Spanking as a trademark
For a while, spanking of the protagonist was sort of a trademark of mine. I've not understood my attraction to it despite my childhood filled with rather extreme abuse. These days, consensual spanking can be quite erotic as a part of love making. I would say that anyone who has a problem with it should not do it or allow it to happen to them.
A difference between a spanking and a whipping
Corporal punishment is effective and not abusive when judiciously applied. I raised two children and have two grand children who were raised with corporal punishment as an option. The key word is "option". When children are quite young a slap on the wrist (quite literally) is all that's necessary, accompanied by "No, no, don't touch." After a short while, "No, no, don't touch" is sufficient. From ages 1 to 3, as their language skills improve, spankings (I'll define just what I consider a spanking to be later) should be administered as a means to enforce the authority of the parent.
Key to any punishment is that the authority of the parent needs to be firmly established. My brother-in-law said it pretty well when he said, "You have to have them whipped into shape by the time they are three, or you'll have an uphill battle until they are 18 and you can throw them out."
First of all a spanking should never be administered on a whim. They should be reserved for specific infractions known to the child in advance. When my kids were young and did something that I thought should rate a spanking but had not been thought of prior, I wouldn't spank them at that time, but would tell them that what they had done was wrong and the next time they did it they would be spanked. It didn't take but once or twice for that to insure that that particular infraction was not repeated. That was because when I said it, it was not a threat, it was a promise and I never let the second time slide.
In my house a spanking was always over the knee and never right after the infraction was discovered. Always, I repeat, always the child was informed that the spanking was due and reminded that they knew that doing what ever they did, would result in a spanking. Then they were sent to their room to await the summons to come get their spanking. The wait time varied. It was designed to do two things. The first and most important was to insure that I wasn't spanking them while I was angry. A spanking should never be a venting of anger on the parents part. That leads to the spanking becoming a whipping. The second was to give the child time to contemplate the coming punishment. (That was the real punishment.)
Now, as to the spanking and what it is. Once the wait time is over and the child summoned. (It's essential that the child come willingly to receive it.) The child drapes themself over the knee and receives three and only three swats with a bare hand (the parent needs to be able to judge just how hard they are swatting). After that, all things return to normal. The parent treats the child as if they had done nothing wrong; expresses the same loving actions and words as before. (NO GRUDGE HOLDING.)
Using that formula my children didn't receive any spankings after age 5. We have three generations of loving family who freely give hugs and kisses between generations.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
"Willingly" needs to be quoted. It's not voluntary. It's programmed.
-- Daphne Xu
In the past ...
.. I have some stories that involve spankings. While it wasn't something I was looking for, if it came up in a story, I could usually push through the scene to get to the rest of the story. Lately, I've been avoiding stories like that. It's not because I think those stories are bad. It's just that they tend to trigger some just ... bad stuff ... so it's something I've decided to avoid.
There must be a line one must not cross
Oppose corporal punishment? I nor Jean never whipped nor stuck any of our children..., although one blatantly disobeyed me, was involved in an auto, motorcycle accident. I was so mad. A few months ago a man broke into my shop as he was coming toward me I pulled the gun off my hip, put the laser on his heart, punched in the one button speed dial for the sheriff dept. He stopped. Would I have killed him? He believed it and instead of the morgue he received three hots and a cot courtesy of the county cross bar motel.
The thing is, compassion, love, and a thousand other things has to be in everything we do in life. I never touched my children in anger. I wouldn't hesitate to make sure no one was allowed to do the same to me.
Back to the question about whipping coming up in a story. Sure, if the kid deserved it, light up his or her pants. People you do understand you are reading fiction don't you?
God, may I be excused off the big blue spaceship we call earth?
Hugs Tracy
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
What Would Barbie Do
Just like Barbie, I raised four kids and did not use corporal punishment.
It seemed wrong to me.
My spouse and I never had a problem getting our points across.
All four have grown to be wonderful adults. All four have college degrees and have settled into nice lives creating wonderful grandkids.
I would grrrrr at them and have them stand with their nose against the wall, if their transgressions got out of hand. Later, we grounded them and took away privileges. Two of them pushed the limits whenever they could. Mostly we used positive reinforcement.
My reasoning was this. If I did hit them and it didn't take, what then? Hit them harder? How hard would be the limit?
I remember my mother using a belt on me when I was in the first grade. That was abusive insanity. That's how it was in the 1950s.
That shouldn't be how it is today.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)