The Voyage of the Visund -45-

On arrival at the city of Yod misunderstandings have caused a brawl and a confrontation. Eriana faces up to Marlin of Brikant, who is in charge of the port troops, and who does not believe her story! It is up to Ursula and Tyra to find a way out of the impasse - in a city where anyone can be an enemy.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

45 - Evening Excursion

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2021 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

Eriana looked furious as Marlin's words sunk home. Her angry response was cut short by Ursula's hand upon her arm.

"Highness, I can see how it might look. The only way this might be resolved is to find Lord Kalmenar. Is he with your men?"

Marlin started. "Kalmenar? He is here?"

Eriana asked, "You know him? Will you take his word, since you will not take mine?"

"I know Lord Kalmenar slightly..." He considered how to address Eriana, ending with, "Your Highness," out of politeness. "He has visited my father once or twice on business for the King. What is he to you?"

"He joins me on my ship as diplomatic advisor -"

"Your ship!"

"Aye, I am owner and captain of the former Einnland vessel Visund. We travel upstream along the Sirrel exploring its peoples, who are new to those who sail with me."

Marlin stared at her. "You are telling me that you are a Princess of my own land, you own a ship and you are exploring the Sirrel? And yet you say that Lord Kalmenar joins you on this ship of yours, sailing the river, which all know well? A strange tale indeed, and very little of it believeable! You have a foreign accent," he then pointed at Ursula, "and so do you! Mayhap you are spies of some kind, come to make mischief here in Yod."

Eriana glared back. "You have not answered my question, little man. Will you accept the word of Lord Kalmenar?"

Marlin considered before nodding. "Aye, I will... if he exists at all. Where is it that he is supposed to be lodged?"

Eriana shrugged. "I know not the particulars. The city is crowded, so I was told, so my men were sent to the barracks which formerly held those who crewed the galleys of Yod. I assume that Kalmenar went with them."

"A likely tale, thought up to satisfy the moment! Fortunately it is one that is easy to prove or disprove." He turned. "Kalis, take Hammel and go to the Water Barracks. Ask there for this Kalmenar and bring him back here."

"That will likely get your men killed," Eriana remarked.

Marlin put out a hand to Kalis. "Wait!" To Eriana he asked, "Why?"

"Did I not tell you? My men will be there... all twenty-one of them, together with our pilot and Kalmenar. All are heavily armed and will likely resent one of their party being taken away, especially by troops they do not recognize."


"Aye." Eriana's smile was predatory. "Almost all of whom accompanied me when we took Boldan's Rock from those of Yod."

"Boldan's Rock!" Marlin's surprise showed. "But that was carried out by mercenaries, it was said. A whole regiment from a land beyond Plif."

"Hah! We were named a regiment, to make our status legal in Palarand and among the Allied forces. Only a small group, used to winter warfare and unusual tactics, could have done what we did. And you must needs remember the women of the Palace Guard who went with us, without whom we would never have enticed those of Yod to open the gates."

Marlin's eyes narrowed. "This tale becomes less likely the more you add to it... Mistress. Women of the Guard, indeed!"

Bennet shot up to stand beside Eriana. "My Lord! Danisa and Heldra were the two who went with Her Highness, they were two of the first to join His Majesty's guard. I have heard the tale of that assault from their own lips." Her eyes pierced Marlin. "If you name me liar, I would gladly meet you in the Ring and you shall see what manner of guardswomen we are!"

He almost flinched but stood his ground at the interruption. "You are?"

"I am Guardswoman Bennett and this is Guardswoman Semma," she said, gesturing. "I remember you coming to the palace last summer for the Harvest Festival with those of Brikant. At that time I worked in the kitchens and I heard many stories of your interest in Princess Garia... though she was Lady Garia then, of course."

It was all too much for Marlin to take in so the appearance of Minna with a tray, ready to set out the table, provided a welcome distraction. She curtseyed hesitantly in front of him.

"What is this?" he asked.

"My Lord, I was about to prepare the table for the evening meal for these travelers. Do you join them? Or are you about to..." take them away.

"My Lord." That was Eriana.

He turned again. "What?"

She flipped a hand. "Leave us. We have spent all day on the river, we are tired, we are hungry. Leave two men at the door if you must but we must needs eat. This matter can be resolved afterwards."

"But you cannot possibly -"

Eriana was implacable. "Leave us. Now. Let the hostel staff do what they must."

Well she certainly sounds like a Princess!

"As you wish." Marlin's complexion, already dark, darkened even more with his anger. "This conversation is not finished, though. I will be waiting."

He ushered his men out and then, with hand signs, stationed one either side of the doorway.

"Do not let them close the door. Let the hostel servants go in and out but inform me if any of those six should try to leave."

"Aye. Sir. Uh, you don't want us to go to the Water Barracks now?"

"No. As you have just heard, that would not be wise."

"Sir, if we are here, where will you be?"

Marlin looked either way, hearing the commotion in the common room and the relative peace of the dining room. He jerked a thumb.

"We'll go in there. It is a little early to eat but as they are serving we may as well take advantage. We'll eat quickly and then we can spell you while you and Hammel have your meal. Clear?"

"Yes, sir. Uh, what about afterwards?"

"I'll think of something while we eat. The circumstance has become... unusual."

"As you say, sir."

Marlin led his remaining man into the dining room, where they were immediately spotted by the head servant. The man rapidly walked the length of the room and bowed.

"My Lord. Another brawl in the common room, I assume?"

"As you say," Marlin answered shortly. "I am here," he chose his words carefully, "for another reason which requires me to remain for a while. I understand that you have six women guests newly arrived."

"Aye, My Lord, they are taking their meal in the chamber which was to your left just before you entered here. Is there some problem?"

"Mayhap. If I may ask, who have they told you that they are?"

"Why, a Princess from Palarand and her attendants, My Lord. She has this afternoon arrived on her own ship from Zemmera, that some now name Tobeligo. I do not know her business here, nor should such as I enquire." The man thought a moment and then added, "But you are also from Palarand, My Lord! Surely you should know one another?" He scratched his chin. "What was her name, now..?"

"I do not know her, and that is my problem," Marlin stated with a grimace. "Palarand is a large land and much may have happened since I was sent to wage war in the west. The tale they told me is so strange I have difficulty believing it and thus I have asked for proofs from them."

He added with a drawn breath, "However, they insist that they be fed before providing such proofs and I can understand that desire, if they did indeed arrive recently. I have stationed two men to prevent them absconding until after their meal. Since I can do nothing and go nowhere until they have finished eating, it occurred to me that you may be able to feed me and my men while we await their pleasure."

The man nodded. "An awkward circumstance, My Lord. How many of you are there?"

"Just myself and three men. If you can feed me and Benas quickly, we may then stand watch while the other two eat in turn."

"Done, My Lord." He gestured. "If you would take the table in the corner, nearest the door, I will have someone serve you directly."

Marlin nodded. "Thank you, my man."

As the man moved off, shouting orders, Marlin and Benas went to the table and sat down.

"My Lord," Benas said in a low voice. "those three women were wearing the colors of His Majesty. I have traveled to the palace with your father, I know their colors."

Marlin's head dropped. "I know. They would not be dressed that way had they been guardsmen, of course, but I have seen -" He paused, briefly overcome by fury. "I have seen Lady Garia dressed as the men of the guard and it was unseemly. Unpleasantly so. If His Majesty did see fit to admit women to their ranks then they would of course require different attire. But did you note the sashes they wore?"

"Aye, My Lord, and two wore the blue of the Guard, but I did not recognize the colors of the supposed Princess."

"They were those of the Royal House, Benas, but differenced with a white band, which I have never seen before." Marlin's stomach churned. "It seems that much has happened since I was last in Palarand and I am not sure that I care for any of it."

"My Lord, you think she is real?"

"Am I certain? No, but I deem it is very likely." He closed his eyes. "We have heard the tale of Boldan's Rock many times, from Ferens and Forgans as well as from those of Yod. I always thought those tales too wild to be possible. Twenty men and three women? I have visited that fortress. Impossible! We all assumed that when a Regiment was described, that is what it took." He waved a hand. "Enough. We will discover the truth once we are all fed."

A woman servant appeared with two bowls of gavakhan stew. She asked them what they would drink and then departed.

"My Lord," Benas said after a while.


"Ah, I was only going to ask about the other three."

Marlin paused, spoon halfway to lips. "I have been wondering about them also. Two wear uncommon attire and there is a child with them. Is one of the party her parent? None seems old enough, except for that larger..." he forced out the word, "...guardswoman. Possibly."

"She did say she had men with her, My Lord. Perhaps the child belongs to one of them."

"We shall find out soon enough. This is all idle speculation. Eat."

"As you command, My Lord."

- - -

Minna approached the table and began setting out the usual dining accessories including napkins, serving spoons, a dish of salt, a plate of bread.

"Your Highness, if I may understand what has happened."

Eriana gave her a smile. "Nothing to trouble you or your service, Minna. A misunderstanding, I deem, which we will rectify once we are fed. Do you know that man?"

"Lord Marlin? Of course, Your Highness! He is presently in charge of port security. As we are one side of the main dock gate, so his guardroom is the other. He does not reside in our hostel but he and his men may take meals or drink in here from time to time."

"What manner of man is he?"

"To us, Your Highness, he is careful and correct. We have given him no trouble nor he us. How he behaves with others in the port or city I could not say."

"He seems angry to me."

"As you say, Your Highness. Like many who are made to go to foreign lands at the behest of others, I have assumed that he would rather be at his home. His manner can be short, it is true, but he is never malicious, at least to those he meets in the hostel, and he always apologizes if he thinks he has strayed too far."

"There is hope for him yet, then." At Minna's questioning look, Eriana explained, "We have never met, though we are both sworn to King Robanar. You have heard of Princess Garia, I suppose?"

"Of course, Your Highness! All of Yod know of her and fear her. A giant who bestrides Anmar, killing her enemies with a shaft of fire from her eyes."

Eriana snorted. "Garia is no giant, not even a monster. She is actually shorter than you, Minna, and I account her my closest friend. We resided together for some days before her wedding to Prince Keren. She has no magic weapons but only the skill of her hands and feet to defend herself. What she does have is an attitude that few women in Palarand, aye, that few in Alaesia possess, and that is a determination to better the lives of all of us, men and women. It is probably that which made those of Yod attempt to ensnare her and caused the war."

Minna goggled. "You know her?" Then she recovered. "Forgive me, Your Highness, it is not my place and I must bring your meals."

The Princess smiled. "I understand you, Minna. Neither I nor any of those who came with me from the lands of my father could believe that such a person could exist, nor that she could teach us so much! There is no time now but I could tell you of Garia if we have leisure another day."

Minna curtseyed. "As you wish, Your Highness." She almost ran out of the room.

Bennett seemed amused. "I think you have an admirer there, Highness."

Eriana snorted again. "If such are the tales told in Yod of Garia, it is no wonder they desire the truth!" Her expression faded. "But I was about to tell her that Garia spoke, briefly, of Lord Marlin. It was while we were at Blackstone House and she described the two Duchies of Brikant and Kendeven and their curious relationship to the crown.

"It seems that while most found Garia's presence in the Kingdom to be beneficial, and even looked forward to the changes she was bringing, Lord Marlin did not, though she did not provide detail. By that time he had already departed with an army of Brikants so she advised me that, when we eventually did meet, I must needs treat him with caution."

"As you say, Highness. I think most of the servants have stories to tell of the time Marlin came to the palace for the Harvest Festival. It was apparent that there was some... tension, perhaps, between himself and Lady Garia, though the stories varied."

Semma added, "But you did not expect to meet him here, Highness. It is unfortunate that he was not on that pontoon when Lord Kalmenar showed the King's warrant!"

"Just so, Semma. But what is done has been done." Eriana frowned. "I think that, from now on, ladies, we shall bring our swords to table each day. It may be inconvenient but should help to concentrate minds."

"It would probably have prevented what happened in the common room," Bennett suggested.

"As you say! But we shall not be caught again."

- - -

Minna had cleared away the meal dishes and plates and the women were sipping what remained of their drinks when Marlin made his entrance. He strode stiffly forward and stood to attention where everyone could see him. He bowed awkwardly.

"Your Highness," he said when he straightened, "if I may apologize for my behavior this evening. The alarm was given that a brawl had begun in the common room so I and my men, all that were available, must needs attend. When we arrived some spoke of a troupe of dancing girls and it is true that the regulations forbid such activities except with a permit and in certain premises. On being informed that you and your retainers were in here I entered and misunderstood the circumstances. It is now clear that you are not entertainers. I regret any inconvenience that I have caused to you or your ladies."

Eriana studied Marlin. "I accept your apology, Lord Marlin." The corners of her mouth twitched as she added, "Garia has spoken of you."

His cheeks flared red with shame. "I do not know what you are to her, Highness, nor what her circumstances are these days. I have spent too long in Yod."

"So it would seem, My Lord. Are you yet aware that she has married Prince Keren?"

He nodded but his expression showed disapproval. "Aye, of course, all the Valley knows that."

"It seems that she is no longer in Palarand, My Lord. She has departed on a special task for... the King. I do not know any more than that. As for my own tale, it is much more complicated. We are here in Yod some few days, doubtless you will learn all at the meetings I will have with those who govern this country now. If I may ask, who does govern this country now?"

"There is a committee of Marshals from each of the Allied lands who provide order in the capital, Highness. There is a civil authority but many in the city question its writ."

"Ah, I see. If you could provide a guide for me and my ladies tomorrow. I have some business, only a little, with those Marshals."

Marlin bowed. "Of course, Highness." He hesitated, then plunged on. "Highness, I regret that I must needs still ask for proofs. It is not my choice but the regulations require it." He shrugged. "If you were ordinary travelers, of little consequence, I might overlook the matter but you say that you are not merely a noble but of royal blood. Thus I must send to the Water Barracks if that is where your proof lies."

Ursula hurriedly put her hand on Eriana's arm again before the Princess could explode. "Highness, I know all about regulations and how they can interfere with everybody's lives. If the Lord permits, I will go to the Water Barracks with Tyra and speak with Lord Kalmenar."

"Tsss!" Eriana turned and gave Ursula a brief smile before giving her attention to Marlin. "Ursula is my personal healer, Lord Marlin. She and Kalmenar know each other well. If you should accompany her yourself to the barracks, as is proper, she will find him and he will offer proofs. I will give you my word that the rest of us will remain within the hostel, probably in our chamber."

Marlin frowned as he thought through this suggestion. "Who or what is Tyra?"

Ursula replied, "My Lord, she is my maid, my companion and assistant." She gestured at Tyra.

He looked briefly at Tyra before asking Ursula, "You are a foreigner, by your accent. Do you come from the same land as Her Highness?"

Ursula shook her head. "No, My Lord. I have never been to Palarand, I know almost nothing about it. Tyra and I joined the Visund in Joth."

Which is entirely the truth, though not all of it. I'll have to get creative if he asks me where I do come from!

Marlin thought this through but asked nothing more. He nodded then and came to a decision.

"Very well, Highness. My men and I have eaten while we awaited your pleasure, so Benas and I will accompany... your healer and her companion to the Water Barracks. By your leave, my other two men will remain here with your party. They will stay with you until we return, but they will not enter your sleeping chamber."

"As you say." Eriana was plainly annoyed by the situation. She smiled nastily. "I will spend the time in our chamber - writing a letter to His Majesty, describing your actions."

Ursula heard the convulsive swallow across the dining chamber.

She stood. "Highness? With your permission?"

Eriana waved a hand. "Aye. Go, Ursula. The quicker this stupidity is finished the better."

"Come on, Tyra."

Ursula and Tyra joined Marlin and Benas outside the dining chamber. The other two men took station either side of the door but Marlin ignored them, merely saying, "Follow me."

"Is it far?" she asked. "Do we need cloaks or something?"

"Not tonight, Mistress," he answered shortly. "It will be warm enough this evening to do what is needful. The barracks is inside another dock gate, the one formerly used by Yod's military. It is not far."

He led the way back to the dock gate and then set off along a road alongside a perimeter wall. It was now fully dark, with only the light of Annis presently in the sky to supplement the starlight. Lanterns hanging from iron brackets fixed to the wall to their left only gave a fitful light, flickering on the cobbles of the road. The other side of the road consisted of taverns, workshops, ship's chandlers and flop houses.

Ursula was surprised to see so many people about, since she knew that once darkness fell in Joth the streets would generally have emptied. The surprise was apparently mutual, since there were catcalls, invitations and curses coming from the idlers. The two men in uniforms beside them, one obviously an officer, kept Ursula and Tyra from being accosted, but Marlin became nervous.

"Your attire, Mistress, yours and that of your companion. I have not seen the like before. Is it a style from where you came from?"

"These? No, not at all!" Ursula considered what to say, then said merely, "They are a style from Joth, much favored by the ladies there. We find them very cool in this hot weather."

"The dress shows more of your legs than is customary. Mayhap it is that which attracts attention."

"If you say so. The length is a compromise to allow us to move freely around the deck of our ship."

Marlin edged the group closer to the wall, but this just meant that they could be seen better when they passed beneath a lantern.

"Where was it you said that you came from originally, Mistress?"

"I have not said."

They walked a few more steps until Marlin was forced to ask, "Where did you come from, Mistress?"

"A distant land named Alberta."

"I have not heard of that land. Where does it lie? To the south?"

"A very long way away, My Lord. I am not sure in which direction. Somewhere else entirely."

He stopped and turned to Ursula, his expression indistinguishable in the flickering light.

"That is exactly what she said!"

"I cannot help that, My Lord."

She heard his exasperated breath as he turned and resumed walking.

Later he asked, "She said that you are a healer."

"That is true, My Lord."

"What are you, then? Do you merely dabble in herbs, as the village wise women do, or can you do more?"

"My Lord, I can fix a broken leg, sew up battle wounds, even remove arrows or gunshot from the bodies of soldiers. Before I came to the Great Valley I worked in a... healing station, you might say, in a city much bigger than Yod is. I have even, on occasion, delivered babies. What I cannot do is cure ignorance or stupidity... or stubborn-ness."

His mouth closed with a click and they walked on in silence.

There were more guards outside the next gate, probably because there were more men going in and out of it, and they were checking them all before permitting them to pass.

"My Lord Marlin! Good evening, Sir." The guard saluted and eyed the two women. "If I may ask what you desire, Sir."

"A matter of regulations, Murek, regarding a ship which arrived this afternoon. Tell me, do you have a party of about twenty men here, newly arrived?"

"Sir, we have many men newly arrived here today."

Ursula offered, "These would be largish men, with lots of hair, most with beards, some of them with red hair. They would be speaking a different tongue."

"Oh, them!" Murek addressed Marlin. "Surely, Sir. If you would go to the second block, I am sure you will find them there."

"Have any been out tonight?"

"No, Sir. Apparently their Captain did not give them permission to go out tonight."

Marlin's eyebrows rose but he merely nodded. "Very well. These two women must needs ask one of their party for some document or other."

"As you say, Sir."

They walked into the dockyard and along beside a stone two-storey building from which sounds of singing emanated. After a narrow lane was a similar block and Marlin turned to the doorkeeper standing outside.

"Do you have men from the -" He stopped and turned to Ursula. "What was the name of your ship?"

"The Visund."

The man nodded before Marlin could say another word. "Aye, Sir, we do, and I wish some of the other men were as quiet and tidy! If I may ask your need, Sir."

"An administrative problem. This woman must needs find one of those men."

The doorkeeper nodded. "Of course, Sir. I expect that presently they will be in the common room with all the others."

"I know the way. Will these two be safe inside? They are not ladies of pleasure but a healer and her companion."

"I would think so, Sir. The men in this block are not like those of Smordan in block three, at least."

"Thank you, my man."

Marlin led the way inside. Stairs led up either side of the corridor and then the whole width of the building was taken up by the common room, which was full of men laughing, talking, in some cases singing and in every case with a mug of beer in front of them.

Nobody took the slightest notice of the arrivals.

Marlin looked frustrated at being ignored. There were no servants nearby to ask for help and the noise was deafening. He turned to Ursula but it was impossible for her to hear anything he said.

Tyra saw the problem, put two fingers into her mouth and blew.

Heads turned, chairs came upright and the sound died - somewhat. Some ignored the whistle but a few took notice. The presence of Marlin and Benas discouraged a general stampede towards the two women.

«Hey! Here is Ursula! Men, we are needed!»

Within moments they were surrounded by men in attire that easily marked them out from the rest of the residents. Their tee-shirts could just about be considered a lightweight summer version of a short tunic but Marlin frowned at the cargo shorts, bare legs and rope sandals the men were wearing.

Tor Magnus asked, «What has happened, Ursula? Is there trouble? Who is this man?»

Marlin had his next shock then as Ursula responded in the same language.

«He is in charge of the troops guarding the docks. He has trouble believing that Her Highness is a Princess. Do you remember that document we showed those men on the floating jetty? We need Lord Kalmenar and that document.»

«Oh, yah.» Tor smiled. «Yes, we all know she is a Princess but she does not act like one, does she? That is one reason we like her so! As for the little scribe, I do not think he likes the soldiers songs so he has stayed in our dormitory. Should I send someone to fetch him?»

«It would be better for us to go to him, we can talk quieter elsewhere,» she replied. «Oh! Will they allow women upstairs? Sometimes I forget where I am.»

«Ha ha! Ursula, I do not think any of these would take you for one of those women! I assume that man is some kind of officer?»

«He is an Under-Marshal, I think he said, and he is responsible for port security.» She added, «He says he is some kind of noble, his name is Marlin and he comes from Palarand. Do any of you recognize him?»

Heads were shaken. Tor said, «We met some nobles there but I do not remember him. If he comes with us, there should be no trouble above.»

«Then let us go.»

After a quick word with his men Tor led the way back to the corridor and up one of the stairways. At the top he beckoned them along another corridor until he reached a stout door set into the stone walls. He pulled out his eating knife and used the hilt to rap on the door.


After a moment the door creaked open and Adin's face appeared in the gap.

«Tor? What is it - Ursula?» The door became fully open. «What has happened? Who are they?»

«There is a problem with the Princess. We need Lord Kalmenar.»


He turned and called. Kalmenar came to the door and started. He recovered and bowed.

"Lord Marlin! I did not expect to see you here!"

"Nor I you, Kalmenar. You are a long way from Palarand's court."

"Aye, My Lord. I travel with Princess Eriana aboard her ship the Visund. But Mistress Ursula is here with you, surely you have already met Her Highness?"

"I have. Unfortunately I did not know who she was." He pulled a face. "When I departed Brikant for the war the King had only two daughters, and both of them were married! I have since learned that Baroness Garia has married Prince Keren, but this new Princess is a mystery to me."

"If you would enter, My Lord."

The four made their way into the chamber. Beds were lined up either side, carefully made, with the men's dunnage stacked neatly at the foot. As well as Kalmenar and Adin the room contained Hashim and Lars, who looked up from a parchment the two were puzzling over. Seeing the newcomers Lars joined them.

"Princess need help?"

Kalmenar explained. "If I may introduce Count Marlin of Brikant. He is the son and heir of Brikant after Duke Visselen. He left Palarand to come to the war while your party was still away. He did not know about Her Highness."

Lars nodded and grunted understanding.

Kalmenar turned to Marlin. "My Lord, if I may introduce Commander Lars, he is the leader of Her Highness's fighting retainers. Ah, beside you is Tor who is Master of the ship, he commands the sailors of the Visund, I do not know if he has any military rank. Over there is Master Hashim, our pilot, and this is Adin, the Ship's Cook."

Marlin looked around and nodded to everyone. To Kalmenar he said, "Thank you, Kalmenar. If you would now explain Her Highness to me."

"The story is easy enough to understand, My Lord. If you sail out beyond the end of the Sirrel, and then turn south around the bulge of the Palumaks, eventually you will come to a land called Einnland. Her Highness's father is King of that land. She is the oldest surviving child, her father sought to remove her from the succession by marrying her to some kind of artisan, I believe.

"Naturally, Her Highness objected to that, so set to sea with a number of retainers and sympathizers. They sailed north, through storms, and beat off pursuit to land on the shores of Plif. There she learned that a nearby Kingdom desired a Princess to marry their Crown Prince so determined to travel to Palarand."

Marlin's eyes widened. "So she - Maker! What a complication!"

"Aye, indeed. She arrived in the palace about a week before the Battle of the Highway. Her suit was strong but Lady Garia's was stronger. Now since Her Highness and all her party were fugitives from Einnland the King offered them sanctuary. It was suggested that, because of their unique style of fighting they might be able to seize Boldan's Rock from the rear, in winter, by traveling over the mountains from the road to Shald. And so it proved."

Marlin whistled silently. "So she is real? Her ship is real?"

"Aye, My Lord, else I would have had to swim here. I am her diplomatic advisor, just as Mistress Ursula is the ship's healer."

"You will swear to that?"

Kalmenar looked offended. "My Lord, you have my word. However, since His Majesty realized that there would always be questions regarding her origins, I have a document which should ease your doubts."

He walked over to his bed and pulled a satchel out from under it, rummaging inside for the scroll he wanted. He handed it to Marlin, who unrolled it and read it before returning it.

"I regret that I doubted your word, Kalmenar. I am fully answered."

"Do not concern yourself with my word, My Lord." He gave Marlin a crooked smile. "It is the word of Her Highness you should be wary of. She has a fierce temper and the battle skills to match it."

"Battle skills?"

"Aye. Lady Garia taught her and all her men much before they departed for Boldan's Rock. Have you yet seen her Great Sword? I would struggle to lift it."

In the dim light of the lanterns in the chamber Ursula could not be certain but she thought that Marlin looked somewhat pale.

"Lord Kalmenar, we have disturbed your evening long enough," Marlin said, stiffly. "Thank you for the information. Now we must needs return Mistress Ursula and her companion to the hostel. Will you be joining Her Highness tomorrow?"

"Aye, she goes to speak to the Council of Marshals. Will you be there?"

"I will. Mistress?"

"Of course. We have done what we came here to do. Good night, Lord Kalmenar, Lars, Hashim, Adin."

They retreated downstairs where Tor bowed to Marlin. "Good night, My Lord. Good night, Mistress, Tyra." He went back into the common room.

The four walked back to the dock gate.

"Quadrant! Any trouble?"

"No, Sir, but you know we are stretched tonight. I have two files out handling disturbances, ah, one of them with unruly locals. If I may ask, Sir, are there any reserves back at the guardroom?"

"Regrettably not, Quadrant, we are busy too this night. You must needs manage as you can, even if it means closing the gate."

"Much as I thought, Sir. Good-night to you."

"Good night. Call if your circumstances become really difficult."

"We'll manage, Sir."

"After you, Mistress."

Once outside Marlin shepherded the two women next to the wall, with himself and Benas nearer the potential sources of trouble. Unfortunately, those sources of trouble were already waiting, far enough distant from the gate that help could not be quickly summoned. They streamed out of two taverns and surrounded the group.

"Look at the po-faced invader with his bit of fun for the night!"

"Yeah. Orders us around but does what he tells us not to!"

"Well he's not going to get away with it this time! They'll play with us, not with some boot-licking foreigner!"

One, nearest the wall, came closer, but Tyra immediately turned and side-kicked him in the stomach. He folded with an "oof!" onto the cobbles. Another clutched Ursula from behind but she turned and grabbed an ear, twisting hard until he let go. She did not, however, holding onto the ear and pulling the man's head down. The others went back at this resistance, which gave Marlin and Benas just enough time to pull out their swords.

"Back," Marlin muttered. "Can you manage?"

"We'll soon find out," Ursula replied. She put her other hand on the flat of the man's head and pushed. He bounced into the perimeter wall and then stumbed back, holding his ear.

With Ursula guiding herself with one hand on the wall, the four retreated backwards towards the gate. The men pushed forward after them but then thought better of it, gathering silently in the road and watching them go.

"I didn't know you could do that, Tyra."

"Neither did I, Mistress, but Bennet showed me how. I was amazed when it worked, but I think I need much more practice."

At the gate Ursula heard Marlin's sigh of relief, but she remembered what the gate officer had said. That man hurried over to them.

"Sir! What happened?"

"They were waiting for us, most of them locals and most of them drunk. We were lucky to get away."

"Ah, I am unable to offer help, Sir."

"I know it."

"If you and the ladies may wait until our shift is finished, we may all go back to the guardroom together."

"How long?"

"Two bells, Sir."

Marlin looked torn with indecision, so Ursula made it for him.

"Come with me. I know where we can find an escort."

Back at the second barrack block, Ursula ignored the common room but immediately went up the stairs. She had remembered the number carved on the door so it was easy enough to find, but...

"Hey! What are you doing up here! No women allowed in the dormitories! Oh, good evening, Sir. Didn't see you come up the stairs."

"It is all right," Marlin said. "We have another errand in this chamber. These two are healers, brought here on my authority."

"As you say, Sir."


This time it was Kalmenar who opened the door.

"Mistress Ursula! Is there something you have forgotten?"

"Only what happens late in the evenings in port towns, My Lord. I need Lars."

He was there, blocking out the light from the room. "Mistress?"

«Drunks along the perimeter road, Lars. Many are locals who don't like those who occupy their country, and I am not sure I blame them. There is nobody to spare for an escort. Can you come with ten men? Fully armed?»

«All the way to the Princess's hostel?»

«Yes, and then you'd have to make your way back here.»

It took no time at all for Lars to decide. "Yah. Will come." He gestured. "Lord approve?"

Marlin looked blank. "What did you say to him?"

"Lars will escort us with ten of our men. They will be fully armed."

"All come." Lars pronounced. "Make sure important lady get back to Princess."

More indecision. "I suppose it would be acceptable. After all, you will be men of your ship escorting two women from your ship back to their billets." He turned and explained to Ursula, "There are strict rules governing the troops guarding the dock area. Ship's crews are not covered by those rules and are normally forbidden to carry arms in the docks or the city after sunset without a permit."

She was blunt. "But you will permit it tonight."

He grimaced but the result was inevitable. "Permission granted. Defense only, but you may defend yourselves to any level required."

Lars nodded. "Yah. Not break too many bones. Will try not to kill anybody, too many questions after."

He turned to Ursula. «Better to go downstairs, wait for us at entrance. Many men coming to get weapons, women get in way.»

Ursula tried hard not to giggle. She said to Marlin, "He says for us to wait downstairs as a lot of men will be coming up to get their weapons."

"As you say, Mistress. If you would go first."

As they reached the bottom of the stairs she heard four shrill whistle blasts from above. Almost immediately men came tumbling out from the common room, glancing briefly at Ursula, Marlin, Tyra and Benas before going rapidly upstairs. Some of the other men came to the entrance to the common room, saw the four and thought better of getting involved. Once they saw the heavily armed Norse coming back down the stairs, they retreated into the common room, which had become rather quiet.

All wore a sword. Several had one or two throwing axes tucked into their belts. There was no armor but strangely, all wore their straw boaters, tied down with a thin cord.

Those won't stop anything!

Oh. To distinguish friend from foe in the darkness. Lars is thinking ahead.

Outside they formed themselves into two columns and waited for Lars, who arrived last.

"Mistress? We go."

Marlin looked at the two lines of men and abruptly reconsidered his preconceived ideas. Clearly, these men looked rough but were well-trained and well-disciplined. He gestured mutely towards the gate.

At the dock gate there was consternation.

"My Lord?"

"I have granted these men temporary authority as auxiliaries to escort Mistress Ursula and her companion back to their hostel. They are the crew of her ship so it is permissable. See that you permit them entrance when they return. You will know them by their headgear, I deem."

"As you command, Sir."

Beyond the gate the men formed a box around Ursula, Marlin, Tyra and Benas. All drew their swords.

"Let's go, Lars. Try to keep near the wall but leave enough room to manuoevre."

"Yah, Mistress. Know job."

That's telling me!

The men actually marched and Marlin and Benas found themselves stepping in time. Neither Ursula nor Tyra had trouble keeping up, but Ursula was sure that, if necessary, Lars would have slowed the party down to accommodate them.

When they reached the place where the confrontation had taken place, the onlookers were there but standing sullenly on the sidewalk to watch the armed group pass by. There was no trouble and they reached the hostel without any further incidents. Lars marched the men into the courtyard, where a number of idlers gaped at the procession, hastily moving out of the way.

«Safe enough here, Mistress?»

«Yes, thank you all very much for your help. As you are here, do you want to speak with Her Highness?"

The question was rendered moot as Eriana ran into the courtyard, Bennet and Semma following behind.

«Lars! Ursula? What has happened?»

She replied, «Drunks on the way home... I think. Lord Marlin has too few men to handle all the incidents so I thought of asking Lars to help.»

Eriana smiled at her. «You have done well, Ursula. Any problems?»

Ursula snorted. «With all these heavily armed men around me? Not a chance! Now they have to get back, of course.»

«I doubt there will be any trouble. After all, they have already seen our men, have they not?» She turned to Lars. «Thank you for bringing Ursula and Tyra safely back, Lars. Take the men back to the barracks now and sleep soundly. If you all come tomorrow morning after breakfast I will speak with you before I go off and meet the Marshals.»

«Captain.» Lars banged his chest Palarand-style and turned to the men. «Excitement over, lads! Now we just have to get back to our billet.»

The men turned around good-naturedly and began to file out of the courtyard. As Lars turned Ursula called him.



«Can you find a whistle each for Tyra and me? I think it would be a good idea for each of us to have one and to learn your signals.»

Lars amazed her then by breaking out into the biggest genuine smile she had ever seen him do.

«Yah, Mistress!»

He braced to attention, thumped his chest and then turned, trotting out of the courtyard after the others.

Eriana turned to Ursula. "Well! Lars is in a good mood! I am glad that you have both returned safely." Her eyes flicked to Marlin. "We may speak later about your adventure."

Marlin then surprised everyone in the courtyard by getting down on one knee in front of Eriana and bowing his head.

"Highness, I have wronged you. I have been absent from Palarand for many months and, apparently, much has happened since I departed, more than I could imagine. I knew nothing of you or your men. However, whether I knew or not, I should not have treated you and your companions in such a manner."

"Rise, Lord Marlin. I can understand the problem you faced when strange nobles appeared unexpectedly. Is all now understood to your satisfaction?"

He stood and bowed again. "It is, Highness."

"Good. Then, as the night progresses, we must needs retire. Good-night to you, My Lord."

"Good night, Highness."

A third bow, and Marlin walked out of the courtyard followed by Benas, who had watched the whole exchange dumbfounded.

Eriana turned to Ursula, her eyes alight. "Something must needs have happened, for you to return surrounded by the entire crew, all with naked swords! Come, let us retire to our chamber, and you shall tell me all before we make ready to sleep."

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