I got my first COVID vaccination shot!
Now, if they could only make a vaccine for girl germs I'd be finally safe from Jaci!
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I got my first COVID vaccination shot!
Now, if they could only make a vaccine for girl germs I'd be finally safe from Jaci!
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Gratz & Yeah right!
You love your girl germs!
>i< ..:::
How about "choose your sex germs" ?
You want to be like Ken, you get it. You want to be intersexed, fine. You want to be a fertile Hermaphrodit able to impregnate yourself, be my guest (or some talkshow host's).
Yours, Leontine
Well done Dot!
I got my second one on Saturday. In and out in 5 minutes then I sat in the car for 15 mins. No side effects of the A-Z vaccine.
If you are dithering then take a deep breath and get it. It does not hurt honest!
must be older than you look! They are still working their way into the '70's around these parts, Aunty Bev is still waiting for #2
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I don't know if that is a compliment or not...
I'm not 70 yet but I am in the higher risk category due to having suffered from a rare form of Leukaemia in 2009.
That said, they are starting to do the 60+ second dose around here. No shortage of appointments either.
Shocked for a Moment
I seriously thought upon seeing the title, that it was a gunshot. It was quite a relief to learn that it was the CoV shot. I'm still slowing down my breath.
-- Daphne Xu
Same first thought...
But then I saw it was from Dorothy herself, followed by the text.
Got my AstraZeneca today too...!!!
Hugs tmf
sorry hon
didn't mean to scare you.
Quite Okay
That's quite all right. I'm just relieved that you're okay.
I'm a bit literal-minded. Often, I have to learn figures of speeches and other expressions by thinking through them. Asperger's, high-functioning autism, whatever it happens to be.
-- Daphne Xu
I'm glad you didn't get the other kind of shot,
we loves our Dorothy, girly germs and all!
But now I have to go raise my flag
back up from half mast position;
and don't know what I'm gonna
do with all this Irish Whiskey
I'd bought for your wake...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I got wounded twice, first in February and second in March a bit over 3 weeks ago.
No side effects that I could see of.
Isn't if obvious? Have a shot!
That was meaning number three.
Strange presentation of comment
My comment above is posted as an answer to Laika's but it looks like it's an answer to Nellie's when you look at the page
That makes a lot more sense now.
-- Daphne Xu
Best of luck
I got mine and my kids are in the process.
You may get a girl germ shot someday. There has been some work on using mRNA for genetic therapy.
Not sure if gender dysphasia would qualify, though.
Gillian Cairns
Girl Germ Vaccine
According to this public service announcement, https://youtu.be/w6ylxWcwkUM, there exists a cootie immunization.
-- Daphne Xu
Had both of my Pfizer covid
Had both of my Pfizer covid shots. Im an ER nurse so we are pretty much front of the queue here in Australia
I'm due for my second shot tomorrow,
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Got mine last week, no fuss no bother. Have my second scheduled for a couple of weeks. Looking forward to spending some time away from work with the parents.