Life's Little Shunts

This story was written nearly two years ago for the First Story Contest on Bob’s Stardust site and has had a few small changes made to it. My thanks to Bek Corbin for the idea this story is based on. Hopefully this little lost orphan has found a good home. Also, many thanks to John in Wauwatosa for his time and effort in editing. No name, person, or thing mentioned in this story are real nor intended to resemble any of the above in real life other than one now deceased person. This story is the intellectual property of the author and is not to be posted or stored on any website without the express written permission of the author. If you would like permission to use this on your website, email the author at: [email protected]

Life’s Little Shunts
By Goldie Hunter

My name is or at least was Ronald Baxter and I know that I had always wanted to be a great inventor like Thomas Edison, all the inventions he made famous and still make our world easier to live in. His success is admirable, even today. It was on one of those strange days that my puttering around lead me to invent something that I came to call the Transcortexial Shunt. Its original purpose was to scan a person’s brain for any sort of problems and could be used by the medical professions to diagnose diseases of the brain and the mind.

Little did I know that one small loose screw would lead to the creation of one of the greatest inventions of all time and maybe the greatest curse to my life. Let me tell you about how it came about.


As I finished up the final touches to the skullcap, I had to stand back and take it in. Hooked up to one of the world’s fastest computers, the cap was supposed to be able to scan the brain for any possible problems that could arise. I had gotten the idea from watching a late night movie called “Brainstorm.” In the film, Christopher Walken and others created a device that could read a person’s memories and play them back into another person’s mind.

My idea wasn’t exactly the same. What it would do was use sound waves generated at various points on the cap’s inner surface to generate a 3D image of inside the brain. It sort of used the technology of ultrasound and an MRI to generate the image. Or at least that is how it is in theory. It’s not easy to describe and I invented the contraption.

I still had to get the software bugs worked out but that was the least of my worries. I figured that I would have them worked out in a few hours, once I got the cap done. Then I would have to do trials on the functionality. I felt that it would be best to start with people with known brain problems. I figured I could find something that was already known to exist even if I didn’t know exactly where it was in the brain. Once it could detect known problems I would be able to improve it to find previously undetected abnormalities in the brain or so I reasoned.

I was in contact with some area doctors to see if I could get volunteers to test the machine on. If things worked out well, I hoped to sell it to some big name medical equipment manufacturer for an ungodly price and retire from the inventing field. Not that I expected that to happen but a person has to have a dream to stay sane.

As I fiddled with the final touches, I finally sat back, satisfied with the work I had done. The cap was finished, at last.

Over the next several hours, the software bugs I had found were corrected and I ran simulations to see if there were any other bugs I missed. All my test runs were clean and I decided to close down for the night. It was well past midnight and my eyes were burning heavily from lack of sleep. I had been at it for nearly 37 hours, if my clock was correct. I always had and still do lose track of time when I am hard at work. Yawning and with a growling stomach, I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a quick bite to eat. I hit the sack without bothering to remove my clothes.


Over the next several months, I was able to fully test the unit with the assistance of the medical school at the local university. The professors were keenly interested in the ultimate functionality of my unit since in the tests it was working as I had predicted. It was able to measure a corpse’s brains and produce precise pictures of the internal structure of the brain down to the cellular level. I was finally granted a decent sum of money by the FDA to start performing tests on live subjects and ultimately human testing.

Since apes were the closest thing to a human as I could get, I was able to test my machine on, I was most fortunate to have the use of the science department’s chimps. I was required to use the strictest care in making sure no animal was harmed in the tests. I was excited about the chance to finally test a living brain.

All my tests on the corpses failed to show any problem with the unit. Only when a living brain was scanned did any trouble appear. One chimp I was testing during the first week showed signs of distress when the unit was activated. My assistants kept watch on the animal and had me stop the test when the male chimp’s organ became very erect and the animal started playing with himself right then and there. It was embarrassing more than anything else. I powered down the unit, the animal’s erection immediately deflated and the animal’s behavior returned to normal.

It took several days to determine it was the positioning of the cap that was caused the problem. If it was off by a hair on the subjects head, it would cause all sort of weird reactions from the animals.

Once the positioning problem was discovered and corrected, we no longer had any further *anomalies*.

Six months of chimp testing proved the unit was all that it was promised to be. We had found numerous brain tumors in several chimps that had been involved in chemical testing earlier in their lives. One curious observation was several chimps for some reason would act like they were going through a drug withdrawal within hours of being scanned. We couldn’t did figure out why it happened, since the chimps couldn’t talk. I thought nothing of it at the time.

The next phase of the testing finally arrived. The human tests were soon in full swing. As with the animal testing, bugs had to be worked out. It soon was apparent there was something extraordinary going on with each of the subjects we tested. One young man with Downs Syndrome became a momentary genius. He was able to talk on the level of a person with an IQ of 200. Although the effect wouldn’t last long, we were sent into a frenzy trying to explain what had happened. It was right out of the sci-fi classic ‘Flowers for Algernon’.

Many months passed with more questions being generated by each twist the unit was revealing. We had eventually determined that the unit was somehow stimulating the cerebral cortex and activating a critical bundle of neurons in the brain thereby causing the varied reactions.

I saw seen mentally deficient people turned into high functioning geniuses, highly intelligent people turned into low level morons. Different results for each person it was tried on. All we could determine was each individual had what we called a ‘sweet spot’ that would induce these varied reactions. But it was only that spot on that person specifically.

I made up my mind that I was going to have to test the unit on myself and see what the specific effect was for me. I knew that I had to be careful since we had a disaster with one subject. The shunt, as we were calling the effect, had caused the pituitary gland to become hyper active and burn out in a matter of minutes. That caused all the body systems to simultaneously crash and he had died.

We had to delay the testing for several more months before continuing. It had been proven that the man had had a small tumor in his brain that had not been diagnosed at the time of the test. I felt horrible about the man’s death but since he had signed up as a volunteer as well as signing a waiver of release. The university felt bad about his death and gave his survivors a payment for his death. They didn’t disclose the amount to me other than it had seven numbers in it. I resolved to make sure that it would never happen again.

I knew the rest of the testing team wouldn’t want me to test it on myself, so I decided to do it alone. On the pretext of doing some minor modifications on the unit, I stayed alone one night to work on the ‘problems’. Everyone went home without any thought as to what was going on, other than I was fixing a glitch in the unit.

After an hour alone, I secured the lab and began the preparations to induce ‘the shunt’. Doing so was difficult since I had to strap myself into the chair as well as setup everything to run automatically. Once I was ready to go, I hit the enter key to start the process.

At first, I didn’t feel anything and then slowly, I felt a pleasurable tingle coursing its way through my body. Then, like a crashing wave, it spiked and I felt myself overloaded with pleasure through my body. It became so intense that I lost consciousness.


As I came to again, my body was tingling as if someone had just given me the best orgasm ever. I was quite excited physically, no that isn’t right. I was TURNED on sexually. I was so horny that I could barely think. I craved sex with my very being. My crotch was practically on fire and my chest was tight. I needed relief and big time. Every little movement of my body caused delicious waves of delight to ripple through my flesh. It was all I could do to keep from moaning with pleasure.

I tried to unclasp the quick connect that was securing my left hand. I had designed it so that I could escape with a quick flip of my wrist but I couldn’t get out without doing it first. I had rigged things so that if anything went wrong and I started convulsing or something equally bad, I needn’t worry. The system was setup to send an alarm, in the event of a life threatening situation but it would take a lot to trigger that.

I was able to extricate my wrist from the straps with little to no effort. I noted I would have to try to tighten it a bit more if I did this again. As I was slowly coming down from my sensual high, I started to notice little things that seemed out of place physically.

First, my hand seemed smaller, my fingers thinner and longer. My nails longer for some reason too. While my hands had never been all that large, you could definitely tell they were the hands of a man. But these things attached to my arms were not the same hands I have had all my life. These were clearly female. This started off a frantic touch/feel search of my body. I quickly released the rest of the straps holding me in place.

My chest jiggled, my butt felt huge and my hips were making contact with the sides of the chair I was sitting in. Oddly, that struck me dumb for a second. My hips hadn’t even come close to hitting the sides of the chair when I first sat in it.

My hands next went to my chest where I felt two very large mounds that were real soft. As I touched them, the nipples grew hard under my hands. A delightful sensation rippled through me as I moved my hands over them. My already quickened breath became a feverish pant. Detached from my conscious actions, my hands kneaded the breasts I found attached to me. ~~Ooohhhh, that felt soooooooo good!~~

As I kneaded the breasts, I became aware of another area of my body that was reacting to these ministrations. My crotch felt like a fire was growing in it. One hand continued to stroke the hard buttons on my chest while the other moved under the waistband of my pants. My hand slipped easily past the belt since it was looser on me than it was before.

As my hand crawled to the *fire zone*, my mind took stock of what it was feeling. I felt silky hair in the pubic area where there had formerly been heavy, coarse hair there. Further down, I didn’t feel the manly cock and balls I was always proud of. The nothingness I felt wasn’t really the complete story. A pair of soft, moist ridges of flesh were there in place of my missing manhood. A finger slipped into the crease and lightly touched a soft button of flesh. That sent shockwaves of sensation through my body. The finger slipped into a cavity that was alien to me. Well, that’s not quite right. It wasn’t really alien to me since I had felt such a place on every woman I ever had sex with.

Slowly, it dawned on me, I had somehow been turned me into a woman! How was that possible? In spite of my burning need to know I couldn’t even contemplate the answer. The sensations from my new body were overwhelming me. A finger in the vagina miraculously grown between my legs, a hand kneading the nipples attached to my enlarged chest produced sensations that threatened to overwhelm me mentally.

Seeking, rubbing, probing, building desires crested like the surf in my mind. My body reacted with an explosion of pleasure I had never felt before. Wave after wave of bliss cascaded over me. I had no idea how long I kept it up. I do know that I continued unrelentingly until I was too exhausted from my orgasms. Once I was able to relax, I passed out again, but this time with a smile on my face.


When I came to, I was still sitting on the chair I had been in to start my ‘shunt’ but everything was back to normal. I could smell the residue of a woman’s musk. I lifted my hand to my nose and took a sniff. There was the unmistakable scent of a woman’s sex on my fingers. My body was still tingling but not nearly as a short time ago.

A check of my watch showed I had lost over an hour of time since starting my experiment. How long had the transformation lasted, and how long was I unconscious? I had no way of telling since I hadn’t set up any cameras to record the experiment. I would do that the next time I ran the test. After the experiment ended, I knew I would do it again.

True to my vow, I did run more experiments. I ran them at night when no one was around, so that I wouldn’t be seen using the machine on myself. Too much was at stake to have it taken away because of my personal abuse of the unit.

Abuse was the right word for it. I was so aroused after my transformations, I couldn’t help it. Everything felt so good after the ‘shunt’, I HAD to do it again. I was becoming addicted to my female body and everything that went with it. What was happening to me?

I had set up some video cameras to tape what happened to me after that first time I ran the shunt on myself. On my second attempt at a ‘shunt’ I recorded the change and watching what happened. I was dumbfounded how drastically I changed. Here I was 47 years old and then in a matter of minutes, I was by all appearance a woman in her late teens. She, I, had long brunette hair, a face to die for and breasts that would look large on any woman of smaller stature. On me, they looked just right. My height was unchanged; I was still a 6’0” person. As a man I was slightly above average height but as a woman, I was very statuesque -- high-fashion model material.

I timed the transformations and on the average -- though it depended on how long I left the shunt running — I was a woman for about an hour. During that time, I was so horny all I could do was get myself off as much as possible before I changed back. I couldn’t help myself. I was addicted to the sensations.

I hated the weekends tremendously. I wasn’t able to get into the lab. People thought I was a workaholic with my staying every night after they left. ~~If they only knew the truth.~~

I worked diligently trying to find a way to remain a woman longer. I was always trying to tweak the system to be able to get more time but I was afraid to stay under the shunt longer than a minute. But I was getting desperate and I risked trying a few seconds more. I had worked out that a minute running was an hour transformed. I eventually went ten seconds longer and got ten minutes more time as a woman. I resolved to try to go for more. A Friday night would be best so that I would have the weekend to work it out.

I built a new machine to use at home but I wasn’t able to get it to induce a ‘shunt’ like the one that caused the transformations. I still hadn’t figured out why it would work on the one machine and not the other. I was able to get it to work normally or at least the way the prototype was supposed to work. I wanted to try to get the two units exchanged but I hadn’t figured out how to get the bulky equipment past security. I thought maybe I could take the primary components piece by piece and swap them out. I was planning to start next week, with the caps being exchanged.


Could it really have been as simple as being a problem with the caps? On Monday I managed to exchange the two skull caps. I took the original home and ran some tests on it with attached to the second unit and I transformed back into a woman. What was different about the original that made it so special? I was too afraid to try to figure it out. I feared being caught and denied access to the machine. I feared not being able to transform myself. I was shaking with anticipation for the upcoming weekend; I could hardly wait for Friday night. I was going to try to be under the shunt for ten minutes to see if my transformation would last ten hours. I had to know if there was a limit.


The week dragged by with agonizing slowness. By the time Friday rolled around, I felt I had lived through ten years. The anticipation was too great to keep me still yet I didn’t even attempt to shunt every night like I had been in previous weeks. I think that was the biggest cause of my irritation that week. I was short tempered and easy to anger. I was like a drug addict going through severe withdrawal.

By the time I was ready to go home on Friday, everyone was avoiding me like the plague. They acted like they were treading on eggshells that might break at the worst possible moment. I didn’t care; I had to get home for my long-duration shunt. I was the first one out the door. I was in my car and peeling rubber long before anyone else was out of the building.

At home, I went into my workshop, tore my clothes off and prepared myself for the shunt. I couldn’t help myself; my hands were shaking horribly as I set everything up. Once it was ready, I sat down in the chair. I had learned to control myself better and didn’t have to strap myself down anymore. I hit the switch to activate the shunt.

The ten minutes under the cap were the longest in my life. I could feel felt myself changing as I sat there. My mind blanked out as it normally did and I waited for the shunt to end.

By the time the shunt ended, I had a splitting headache. The headache made me wonder if the long-duration ‘shunt’ was safe. I knew that the shunt was at least partially successful as I was soooooo horny. I was in desperate need to masturbate. I began stroking my breasts and worked to achieve my needed orgasm.

Before long I was skyrocketing into a series of cascading, screaming orgasms. I kept it up for more than half an hour before I was sated. I wanted to sleep but I knew that it wasn’t going to be that night. I had to get upstairs and take a shower. I reeked of sex and needed to get clean for my excursion out for the night.

I had never taken a shower as a woman. As I got under the water, the force and the heat hit me hard in the tender points of my very female breasts. I had to adjust the stream so that it wasn’t hitting me directly there. I tried to use my normal soaps and shampoos and found that A: the soap burned my skin and B: the shampoo left my silky hair feeling filthy. I would need something else to clean myself with in future.

The cleanup finished, or as much as I could do for now, I shut the shower off and got out. Over the past weeks, I had tried buying clothes online so that I would be able to go out and enjoy my new body for an evening. It was quite a trial-and-error process to get a decent assortment of clothing for myself. Being as tall a woman as I was it was hard to find clothes that fit. Some of the tall sized women’s stores didn’t have an online catalog and it was hard to get things otherwise.

Through a search engine, I found a wonderful site, Diana’s Big and Tall for the Fashionably Dressed Young Woman. Their online store was everything a young woman could want to complete their wardrobe but they took it a step further. They knew that women were not getting any shorter and they made sure the clothes were perfectly proportioned. Tall women could wear this site’s apparel without looking frumpy or too old for their ages.

I chose a little black dress or LBD that had the look and fit of being painted on me. The dress was just short of being obscene since it barely covered my crotch. Of course, I wasn’t aiming at being demure for the night. I could feel the sexual urges building. I was looking to getting laid as quickly as possible. If I didn’t have to get out of my clothes to get *it*, then all the better.

I completed my ensemble with crotch-less panties, stockings attached to a garter belt and four-inch shiny black heels. Once I was ready, I, I grabbed a long overcoat I had bought to keep me decent. At least until I was able to get to where I was going.

I went to an upscale salon and had a complete makeover. I might be a slave to my desire but I had my standards. My hair was washed, cut and styled to my high expectations. I was given a complete manicure and all twenty of my nails -- hands and feet, silly. I *don’t* have four arms -- were painted bright red. My face was made up for a night on the town. I had never paid so much to look good as a man but in the end it was worth every penny. I had gone from a simply great looking woman to one that would cause men to run into walls or trip over themselves looking at me. I got the most delicious thrill admiring my new look. I began to enjoy the thrill of being a beautiful woman.

Once my evening’s pampering was over, I caught a taxi to a night club that catered to the younger generation. I looked so young; I knew I couldn’t pass for an older person well enough to get in some places without an ID. This way, I wouldn’t have to show one.

I got to the club; I heard the pulsing beat of what the young call ‘modern music’. It was loud enough to send my ears running for cover, though that was next-to-impossible since I also FELT the beat with my whole body.

I felt the heat of desire building in my body. My crotch tingled and my nipples became painfully hard. I was going to have sex tonight but I also knew I would be very picky as to whom I went to bed with.

A thought crossed my mind: could I get pregnant? ~~Lord knows, I’m not on any birth control. But how could I be? My body has changed from male to female so frequently there has never been enough time for hormonal birth control to work. How would I obtain it? Heck, I hadn’t even had a period while female.~~

After paying my $50.00 cover charge ~~Gads, when had they become so high?~~ I went to the bar and ordered a non-alcoholic drink. More to get something wet inside me than to stave off unwanted advances but since it was cold, I hoped it would quench the raging fires within me. Fat lot of good it did. I was sexually charged and it was growing exponentially.

I could almost smell the male sexuality permeating the room. That got my juices flowing heavily. My crotch grew wetter. Despite my lust-filled stupor, I did note the more turned on I was, the more men paid attention to me. In a flash it dawned on my wanton brain I was exuding pheromones by the gallon and the men closest to me were the ones that would react first.

Not that I cared. I could smell their pheromones also and I turned into a bitch-in-heat, to paraphrase the vernacular of dog lovers. I eyed the men around me with a coinsurer’s discretion. *I* would choose the ones that I would screw. And I meant ‘screw’. It wasn’t an act of love that I was contemplating; it was complete and utter sex, no love attached.

I locked eyes with one of the most gorgeous young men I had ever seen. In my state of mind, it wouldn’t have mattered if he had been two feet tall and ugly as sin; I would have opened my legs to him. I literally ‘strutted up’ to him and purred in a sexy voice, “Care to go someplace quiet, handsome?”

It was like I had slammed him up-side the head with a fifty pound sledge hammer. He got this dazed look in his eyes and he nodded his head. He never said a word; he just guided me out of the club and to his vehicle. I didn’t wait for him to open the door before I was all over him, kissing and rubbing my tits onto him.

Once the door was open, I was on the seat laying down and spreading my legs. Seconds later, I felt the wondrous penetration of my first male organ entering me. I screamed in pleasure as it slid down the slick tunnel of my newly transformed womanhood. I was so tightly wound, I orgasmed within seconds of his maximum penetration. He didn’t hesitate to continue giving us both a world-class work-out.

I had so many orgasms before he came even one time. I was screaming non-stop while digging my nails into his back, in an effort to keep him riding me. After what seemed like a lifetime, I felt a rush of warmth inside me as he jetted his hot cum into my hungry void. I collapsed, sated for the moment. He was sweaty from his exertions and he slowly settled down on top of me as his orgasm subsided.

As quickly as it started, it was over. I sat up after wriggling myself out from underneath him. He was too exhausted to move or complain about. I left the car and him, without saying anything more than I had at first. I still craved sexual action. I went hunting for more men.

During that night, I think I screwed at least twenty men. I just could not get enough sex. I was on a high and was looking for more action when I thought, ~~I should be changing back into my regular self soon, except I don’t know how long it is since I transformed. I don’t have a watch to show me the time. I do know it is around two AM, since the club is nearly empty and I know they close at two.~~ I decided I should get out of there before I turned back into the moldy pumpkin I was.

I found a phone and called for a taxi. I had to wait ten minutes for one to arrive. Though the ride home took fifteen minutes, I felt it was nearly an eternity. I was feeling like a tightly wound spring ready to break from the pressure. I could hardly sit still from the intensity of the feeling.

Paying the cab and entering my home was about all I could manage. I rushed in the house, and slammed and locked the door behind me. The tightly wound feeling reached a crescendo and it felt like something was about to break. A wave of nausea overcame me and I went down to my knees in agony. I gripped my head in an attempt to make the pain stop or at least keep my head from exploding — this was agony. A loud snapping sensation reverberated through my head and body, then I felt nothing as blackness claimed me.


The sun was pouring into my living room as I slowly regained consciousness. Since the front of my house faces west, this room never received sunlight until afternoon. My body ached and I remained nauseous from the explosion that had rocked me earlier. I struggled to my feet and felt out of sorts. I had expected to see the dress I was wearing torn to shreds by my returning male body. I was quite surprised to find it was still whole and still on me. Much to my surprise, I looked down and found I was still female.

Now I was worried. Why hadn’t I changed back? Did I overdo it when I ran the shunt more than a minute? I had to find out what happened but I needed help finding out what was wrong. That meant I had to admit to my employer what I was doing with the shunt. That I was running unauthorized and unsupervised experiments on myself. I would lose everything I had worked for. Before that I had to check out the equipment to make sure it was not the cause of my situation. Perhaps there was a way back.


It wasn’t until Sunday that I isolated the problem. I ran all sorts of diagnostics on the system software and all tests came up negative. Then I tested the hardware. All my linkages were good and every soldered connection was sound. As I got to the cap, the test results took a nose dive. I discovered that the one-and-only critical link in the cap that I had had to make with a security screw had come loose. I set up some additional tests and found that the field that was generated under the cap to scan the brain had changed to a different wave form than previous tests had shown.

Weeks later we had determined this new wave form had altered the sweet spot in my brain that caused my transformations — but I digress. I tightened the screw back to where it should have been and put the cap on my head and ran a scan.

The scan showed scarring in my brain where I had determined the sweet spot to be. All my previous tests on humans had shown that there was this spot in everyone and if it was stimulated correctly, a change would occur to the brain. Most of the people would become either more intelligent, lose intelligence or have some similar mental reaction. For some reason I had yet to figure out, I transformed, mind and body, into a woman.

For now, I just felt cold. My brain showed the abnormality in the sweet spot. What would happen now? Was I stuck as I was currently? The emotions overwhelmed me and I started to cry.

I must have bawled for an hour before I ran out of tears. Peace finally settled in me and I was calm. It at this point I realized I had been awake for over thirty-six hours AND I hadn’t felt ‘the urge’. I had no burning need to masturbate or to find a man to have sex with — not that these weren’t pleasant thoughts. Was I cured of the nymphomania I had been possessed with? I felt that I would find out with time.

In the meantime, I still had to call my employer and admit to the unauthorized personal experiments. I had to bear the burden of my actions like a man… correction woman. I made the call.


Now that you’ve heard my tale, I can assure you that it has been much worse than anyone imagined. Do you know why? No, of course you don’t. None of this has ever been brought out into the public until now. Why? you ask. It is simple. Because in one respect the shunt worked as it was supposed to. I became rich beyond my wildest dreams, but I cannot enjoy my riches as I might wish.

You see, in the two hundred years since the shunt fried the sweet spot in my brain, I am only fully in control and rational when I’m pregnant. I have remained the young woman I transformed into for two hundred years now. My body somehow regenerates itself in an ongoing cycle. I am locked into that age and pattern I unleashed so long ago. The snapping sensation I had felt that night was the bursting of the blister in the sweet spot caused by my overextending my time under the shunt.

I found out weeks later that I was pregnant. My night out on the town with all the sex had gotten me pregnant. My female body had been in a form of stop-action-suspension each time I transformed. Over the period of the months that I had been transforming, all those hours I spent as a woman were cumulative. That fateful night I reached the point in my cycle where I ovulated. All that sex had forced so much semen into my uterus, my ova was fertilized on my first opportunity. We later calculated my chances of not getting pregnant under such conditions as equivalent to surviving a game of Russian roulette with a live round in every chamber.

My several weeks of clear-headedness I had enjoyed were the result of my pregnancy. This sort of continued throughout my pregnancy. Once I had the baby, I had three months of peaceful doting on my baby before I started feeling the all too familiar sensations of arousal rising in me. After a few days of building heat, I had to go out and have sex again. I tried to resist the urge but it always became too much for me in the end and I would become like an animal in heat until I became pregnant.

In the two hundred years since the change became permanent, I have had 199 babies and I am now pregnant with my 200th baby. I am so tired of being a baby factory, but you know what? I am so happy! I’m going to have a baby! Yippee! Hooray! I can hardly wait to tell my older kids. They will be so shocked. Ooohh, I wonder if it will be a girl or boy this time. Why am I at this computer again? I have a baby inside me. I have to get ready for it. I only have eight more months before it’s here. I have to hurry. I have so much to do, nappies to buy, clothes to pick-out. Oh, I’m so happy!

The End

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