I've given up fighting unwinnable battles.
The power held by the unscrupulous, the bullies, the downright evil will not fall to any action of mine. I've spent too much of my life tilting at windmills and its getting harder and harder to get off the mat.
I am just too tired of spending my spoons with no hope of making any difference.
I'm sorry to the oppressed, the unheard, to the ones trying to retain a moral compass in a world to punishes integrity, I cannot help you.
I can withdraw from the battlefield because I have the privilege and safety to do it, and I know many of you do not, and all I can say is I'm sorry I'm letting you down.
I'm just done, and that's all there is to it.
It's not easy knowing when to back off. But it's essential. And, like most things in life we're right about half the time.
Good luck.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
No need to apologize
I don't think you need to apologize for withdrawing from the battlefield, so to speak. We all do only what we can (or sometimes, what we have to), and there's no sense in beating yourself up for not doing what you can't do.
I also don't think you should denigrate your efforts just because you can't see any change as a result of them. Most changes are effected by the acts and choices of thousands or millions of people, no one of which makes a visible difference. It's like how a single grain of sand can't make a beach, but a beach is composed of grains of sand.
Finally, given the stresses in your life (like in the lives of many of us), just managing to live your life is a victory, especially considering how many powerful people want to make it impossible. Surviving is always your first responsibility. As the safety briefings on commercial flights say: put your own oxygen mask on first.