Well, I promised to relate my experience with the Moderna vaccine, so here goes. This is better than 2 1/2 days since I was vaccinated.
Day One Vaccinated at 6:30 AM CDT. The nurse was excellent, I didn't feel a thing. This was at the local Wal-Mart so after the waiting time (15 minutes) was up I decided to do a little shopping. Got home about 10 AM. All during this time I only had a small amount of pain in my upper arm, left arm BTW.
I crashed again and slept until late afternoon. At this time the pain had spread down my arm and up across my shoulders. I also experienced mild nausea so skipped eating.
Day Two & Three The pain spread a little more and sleeping was difficult, I normally sleep on my side so finding a good position was a problem. The last two nights have been more a series of catnaps of varying lengths.
No more nausea after that first day, but my appetite declined markedly. My normal size meals have been way too much, and I ended up throwing the food away. I joked with the waitress that I was on the "Covid Vaccine Diet" I was assured that she knew a number of people on that same diet but so far they'd all recovered. So far????
Also realised the pain in my arm and shoulder was noticeably lessened. I'm hoping that's all for this initial shot.
They also setup an appointment for April 21st at 3:20 PM CDT for the second shot. That's 29 days, close enough to 30 days for me. More as things happen.
Hmmm, that's odd...
I guess I should consider myself very fortunate, I'm two weeks in (Moderna), and I've experienced absolutely no symptoms at all, not even a bruise at the injection site. Second shot in two weeks, fingers crossed it's the same, Hugs Talia
There seems to be a wide range of reactions with the Moderna vaccine, and it got a lot of bad press in the beginning. So when people had a choice, many opted to take one of the other vaccines. That may be why almost everybody is now offering only the Moderna, it's all that's left in the pipeline for now. Beggars can't be choosers. According to a report from the AP, most of the anti-vaxxers are also trumpettes, or trumpites, or whatever. And all those reports about bad reactions may put off a number of them also. We can quit worrying so much about the 2024 elections, it appears that Darwin is going to have the last word!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Another Moderna experience
My partner just got her first and she had a mild headache, a common reported typical side effect.
So agreed, the reactions will vary a lot.
But it is worth it for the pretty high effectiveness rate.
Second time it might feel worse.
And this is a good sign. If you have it, the first shot has created some immunity towards the virus protein in the vaccine (and in the virus too :) ). The second might be less pleasant, but it will continue the good work.
Johnson and Johnson vaccine
My wife and I both got this yesterday morning. Within an hour we were both asleep and in some pain. After about 4 hours we woke up and had a very light dinner. We Then slept another 12 hours, fitfully due to pain.
Upon getting up we felt considerably better, but I decided that I was not up to the very long walk into my cardiologist's office from the truck.
Wednesday 3 PM
My wife and I got our first shot (Moderna) Wednesday afternoon along with our daughter. My wife and I (74 and 76 respectively) both have only mild soreness at the vaccine site with no spreading since the day we were vaccinated. My daughter (52) only reports that she's a bit tired.
My other daughter is scheduled to get hers on Saturday. When discussing it with her she said that people in my age group (65 and over) report milder reaction to the vaccine. I looked it up; CDC reports that to be true. So it looks like the older you are, the tougher you are. Perhaps it's that we've been exposed to a lot more viruses than others. One type of the common cold is caused by a corona virus, so perhaps the older you are the more likely you are to have been exposed to that virus and have a head start on the immunity build up.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Common corona virus
Last I heard, exposure to the common corona virus has not been shown to confer any advantages.
My guess is that the older you are the more sluggish your immune system responds so the ramp up of the body's response this 'incursion' is slower and may yield milder symptoms.
Every person is different of course.
I guess I am the odd one out or something like that. I got my first dose four weeks ago and second dose today. About ten days after I got first dose, I developed diarrhea which I do believe is from the vaccine hence CVD or Covid Vaccine Diarrhea. I held off doing any treatment of any kind hoping it would simply go away on its own but no such luck. So today while I was at the pharmacy getting the second dose I picked up some antidiarrhea tablets.
Growing up, a popular home remedy for diarrhea was black tea. And for me personally, a cup of black tea will pretty much stop bowel movements cold. So I pretty much avoid it in the normal course of life, in order to avoid the constipation it causes me.
I had my second shot this week. With my first one my arm was a bit sore, but I was really fatigued afterwards. I had a couple days of being worthless when I made it home from work. I've got friends in the medical industry who were in the first wave to get it and dreaded the second shot because of their horror stories. Fortunately for me I just had a sore arm, a bit of the fatigue again, and then I had chills the second twenty-four hours. Today I'm feeling great though, and so relieved to finally be able to feel some semblance of safety after this year of hell!
We got our second shot of
We got our second shot of Pfizer vaccine yesterday morning with no problems other than being very tired in the late afternoon. Today we're both feeling good. No side effects yet. Knock on wood.
Pfizer vaccine
We got our second shots of the Pfizer vaccine a week ago today. My only reaction was mild pain if the injection site was touched, for three days. Since I sleep on my side (acute sleep apnea), I had to sleep on the other side. For my second shot, I had it in the other arm, with the same results: minor pain if touched for three days. No other pain, no headaches, etc. My wife did have some headaches and other muscle pain, also for about three days after each shot. The difference may be that I'm 6' 2" tall and about 230 pounds while she's 5' 2" and about 105 pounds, but the dose was the same for both of us.