Got my second dose of Moderna yesterday

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I yam exhaustipated.

My arm hurts from my wrist to my ear, and I'm so tired I am not funtioning. This is worse than the first dose which was similar.

Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow.

Hugs to all and thanks Moderna,


Me too...

Donna T's picture

Second dose was uneventful except for being very tired the next day... 36 hours after the shot. First dose I logged a very mild fever.. be sure to take a photo of the card they gave you. I have a copy on my phone and a copy on my laptop in case I want to print a copy for my primary doctor. I'll keep original document in a safe place.

Stay well.




Daphne Xu's picture

I hope the effects go away. You might also wish to report them. Something I read said that certain effects aren't side effects, but one's body revving up to do serious battle. (My words.) Also suggested that those effects tend to be worse with the second dose.

I've had both shots of the other vaccine. No effects for me, thank goodness.

-- Daphne Xu

That's exactly what they are.

That's exactly what they are. The whole purpose of a vaccine is to stimulate your immune system into gearing up to fight something you don't actually have yet - that creates a drain on your immune system. Some are worse than others. (Think of how painful a tetanus shot is)

In some ways, the worse of a reaction you have to the vaccine, the better off you might be.

As for the card? Don't get in a hurry. It's 29 to 56 days for full antibody expression for the various vaccines. That means that if you've had your second shot, you have another 26 days or so before you can think of yourself as being protected.

I spoke with the financial manager for a doctor's office yesterday, and she told me about someone that 'urgently' needed/wanted the vaccine, finally go it - and then 10 days or so later, tested positive for SARS-COV-2. Meaning as soon as she got the shot, she stopped taking precautions.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


These are mRNA vaccines, that are actually more like gene therapy from the way my doctor explained it. Instead of using a weakened version of the virus, like a true DNA vaccine, they have taken a part of the genetic code of the virus. Specifically the clingy spikey parts. The body then builds copies of that genetic code, which are more unstable than with a DNA vaccine. And can easily be wiped out by the antibodies. But your body needs time to first build the RNA strands, and then time to build antibodies to get rid of them.

This causes your body to do a preemptive strike so to speak, and if it sees the genetic code of the virus again, it knows instantly to get it out of your body. However, you can still catch the virus, so you can't be a dumb about it. It's definitely different, but hopefully it is effective in the long run. The most interesting part of all of it, was they had to use nano technology to create a protective bubble on the RNA, to help them live long enough to get going.

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.

I'm getting Pfizer

I got my first shot last week and I am due for the second one next Saturday.
I'm hoping that I do not have the kinds of reactions you are experiencing. I did not notice anything with the first shot at all.
Have you reported your symptoms through the V-Safe application? I'm assuming that they wanted you to sign up for it. It was something they were really pushing on us here in Minnesota.

I hope you feel better soon. At least dealing with feeling bad for a couple of days is better than dealing with the virus itself.

I’m more than 2 weeks past

Lynda shermer's picture

I’m more than 2 weeks past both Pfizer’s, and had COVID last December (mild case, sore throat, and anosmia). C’mon in, the waters fine.

Latest_me.jpgLynda Shermer

Just keep in mind the alternative

BarbieLee's picture

When you get to feeling like you been run over, think of what if you had caught the virus. Doesn't actually change the pain factor except in the mind. But it doesn't hurt nearly as bad. Do you still have your taste, your smell? Did you reach the point where you thought you were going to die and afraid you wouldn't?
Love, I'm trying to work up some sympathy and I did. A little as no one should go through unwanted pain. Look at it as character building blocks and what you get to tell all the friends.
"Back in two thousand, two thousand one we were all in the trenches and it was bloody hell."
War stories are great except when you are the one in that story living it.
Hugs Sweety, this too will pass.
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Not much choice

Finally got an appointment for Tues. the 23 to get my 1st shot. It's Moderna, but it's that or nothing. Not what I wanted, but beggars can't be choosers. I'll let everybody know how it goes.

But to my mind it can't be any worse than the typhoid series I got in the late Sixties. Thought I was gonna die!

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

May be a signal

If you had a reaction to the first jab, it might be that you had actually caught the virus previously and didn't notice it. Your immune system did, however, and was ready to deal with any repeat infection, which the jab simulates. Then, with the second jab, you're in full mobilization and that's why your arm hurts.

The good part is that it looks like you have a strong response, which means that the dreaded COVID is never likely to trouble you again.

Unless it mutates, of course. Just sayin'.


Glad to hear it

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

I'm getting my second dose at the end of this week.

We both got Moderna - no issues

Bobbie Sue's picture

We both have had our Moderna shots and other than a sore arm (needle going into the arm - the arm tends to object) and feeling a little sluggish after the second shot, everything was fine. I guess we were both lucky. Very happy to hear that you were able to get them. Stay well!


What a difference

erin's picture

A day mostly spent in bed and rushing for the bathroom makes a huge difference. I feel mahvelous, other than a bit of bed-grunge. :)

All of you be safe and get your vaccine as soon as you can.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

It's only normal.

An immune reaction is an effort for the organism - it drains you. In addition, it releases kinines etc. stuff that hurt flesh releases too, and is responsible for some of the pain etc.

The first time you get the vaccine, your organism doesn't know it, and the learning to react on it is gradual. The second time the lesson is already mostly learned, and the reaction is much more abrupt and stronger. That is why the second dose usually hurts more, esp. with the mRNA based vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna. (If you happened to have already been through Covid-19, the first dose might hurt badly too: your immune system would have seen the bugger before.)

Just take some ibuprofene, acetaminophene, aspirin or a similar pill - to ease the symptoms - and don't worry! Everything will be okay. :)

Only One Dose

Daphne Xu's picture

... but IIRC, it has a lower effect. Maybe my info should be updated.

-- Daphne Xu

You can't assume it has a

You can't assume it has a lower effect. It turns out that a huge chunk of their studies were in South Africa and England, where they had the mutated version. It still stopped the 'go to hospital' level infections, but people did catch those.

People have been putting out anti-vaccination messages because of those two mutations, yet refuse to believe the truth - that's a very slow mutation rate, as coronaviruses all have. Influenza, in that same 12-16 month period, would have had dozens, if not scores, of major alteration mutations. Two, considering how fast it spread globally, is barely a drop in the bucket. As far as I am aware, the vaccine makers are already generating new versions to combat all three variations.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.