Covid 19 Vaccine side effects

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I've had both vaccine shots and nearly a month after the second one, I'm still very ill at times. Last night, I finally went to the VA and they said that they are tracking these episodes. Will it all be over soon? I hope so.




After my 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine, I had flu like symptoms for about 2 days. Fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, night sweats. My bicep hurt for about three days.

It's possible to have

It's possible to have allergic reactions to some of the stabilizers - I do to most of what they use for influenza vaccines (I'm sensitive to eggs).

However, the vaccines require 29 to 56 days to reach full effectiveness. That is, it takes two months for your body to build up the antibodies. So, I'd venture a guess that your immune system is still trying to build up. Depending on your age, the immune system takes a while.

Either that or the microchip being assembled by nanobots has linked into the wrong spot :)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

My Pfizer Experience

First shot, nothing at first. Several hours later, an achy arm. Went away next day. A day or so later, an intense itch at the injection site, like I get from mosquito bites. That went away after about a day.

Second shot, the sore arm thing, but then the next day, tiiiiiiiiiiired! Like real tired. Like napping a lot. A day or so later, more or less back to normal. Oh, and the itchy arm thing again.

My father died from this virus. Friends of mine have had it and been very ill. One friend got heart damage from it and over half a year later is still struggling to climb stairs. So, I don't care what the side effects of these shots might be, you're better off with them. Don't be lulled into complacency by death rates of "only" a few percent. The crippled-for-life rate is a bit higher than that, and that's almost scarier.

Long Covid is Scary

Sorry to hear about your father. I lost some people close to me as well. I also have a friend in NYC who also has hopefully not permanent heart damage. I'm not old enough to qualify for a vaccine yet but I'll be in line as soon as I am.

An article I was reading at a

An article I was reading at a cardiologist's office described the heart/muscle damage left after infection as being similar to that after having open heart surgery.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.