The Cloudflare page that BCTS is being routed through has broken my @Voice Aloud Reader (text to speech) on my Samsung Android tablet. I can route to and read the stories on BCTS using my eyes just fine, but when I select a story to be read with @Voice Aloud Reader, the text from the Cloudflare page is what gets sent to the @Voice Aloud Reader app. I've tried clearing the history in the browser I'm using (Chrome) with no change/improvement.
We seem to be under a DDOS attack and Cloudflare is being hinky about it. I hope it will soon clear up.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank you and your team for your hard work
I don't have the patience or the intelligence to keep all this running.
Thanks and Love
Thanks for all the great work.!
Big Hugs and Love.!
Peace and Hugs tmf
Thanks for The Response Erin
This is the first time I've had that particular Cloudflare page come up. I wanted to be sure you knew there was a likely unintended impact from it, and if there was a way to resolve it. No problems (and no Cloudflare page) this morning.
similar problem... "browser check"
I JUST posted a similar concerned blog... I got an error message about needed a browser check before being connected to BC. I think I briefly saw a reference to Cloud Flare. -
I'm just sharing info.
I ran 2 different scans...
McAfee & Malware Bytes found nothing. Whew! Not sure about tracking thingies.
Don't worry.
It is a normal behaviour for Cloudflare DDOS protection. It "checks" browser, and, if you are on VPN or not in the US of A - makes you go through captcha. Normally it should happen once per session. (Love that captcha thingy... It assumes that everybody knows what fire hydrant and school bus look like in the US... Also, American traffic lights and crosswalks look like nothing you can see in Europe or in Asia... And very small images... And idiotic formatting that makes it not fit into 1920x1200 screen...)
I agree. I live in the USA and know what fire hydrants and school buses look like here, but sometimes the images are too small or too low resolution for me to understand what they are supposed to be. I have to really want to connect to a site to go through several tries.
All better now?
FYI - There were no issues, warnings or delays today when I logged on. I thought everyone would like to know.