Becoming Abby's Girl Part 1

Becoming Abby's Girl
Part 1
By: Kokopo618

"Baby, I hear you, I just don't understand how this will fix our relationship," I say, sitting across from my girlfriend on our couch.

"You obviously haven't been listening," my girlfriend, Abby, responds, "we can't just fix our relationship like a car, we can only build it, repair it. It'll take work and dedication."

I frown, it seems like I never say the right thing, "Okay, not fix, build, got it." My girlfriend is beautiful, and I know how lucky I am to have her, "you know how much I want this to work," I say grabbing her hand in mine.

We've been having troubles in our relationship lately, she tells me it feels like we haven't been connected. I'm not sure what that means. All I know is I love her. I'm a programmer, I make a decent living, enough so my girlfriend doesn't have to work. We live together in a spacious apartment. And although we spend almost all our time together, I agree with Abby when she says it feels like we are rarely together. Our sex life is non existent, and not for lack of trying. Something is missing, and we've been having these long late night talks trying to figure it out.

Tonight Abby tells me she has thought of an idea, but I don't entirely see how it will fix, excuse me, build our relationship.

"Can you just explain your plan to me again, start from the beginning."

"I think we should start working out together," Abby begins, pulling her hand from mine.

"Which I have no problem with," I interrupt, "I just don't get why you want me to wear..."

"Panties. Miles, you can say the word panties, it's not poison."

"Why do you want me to wear ...panties, when we work out?" I ask as my eyes fall to the floor in embarrassment. I've never been the most masculine guy, but I'm a guy. I have no interest in women's clothing.

"I read it on a blog, most men hide behind a wall of masculinity, and it makes them bad partner. how can you open up to me, if you deny a side of yourself."

"No side of myself wants to wear panties though," I argue, trying to be polite as possible.

"I know, but once you tear down your wall of traditional masculinity, I think it will free you, I think it will bring us closer, don't you want that?"

"Of course I want that babe, and I'd do any thing to make this work, it's just.. what if someone sees?"

"Honey, no one's going to know, but me and you, I promise. Besides the gym at the University is almost always empty at the time we'll be going."

"So no one will see me?" I ask shyly. I can't believe I'm actually considering this.

Abby lifts my chin, and our eyes meet, "I promise baby, it'll be our little secret." She leans in, slowly, sweetly kissing my parted lips. She pulls back, "Does that mean you'll do it?"

I look at my girlfriend, her soft breasts hang bralessly under her loose t shirt, her beautiful faces looks up at me, long eyelashes fluttering, as her full lips pout. "I, um, okay, okay. We'll try it."

"Yay!" Abby squeals, clapping her hands, he leans in giving me multiple quick kisses on my cheek.

Her excitement warms my heart, and soon we are giggling together as we cuddle close. Maybe it won't be so bad, it's only a different form of underwear. Plus Abby is way out of my league, I need to be willing to put in the work to earn her love. Still the logic is hard to follow, but Abby quickly interrupts my doubts.

She gets off the couch, and pulls her loose shirt over her head, tossing it aside. I'm still sitting as she bends over in my direction, breasts at my eye level. I tilt my head up, and open my mouth, as I begin to suckle gently on her fleshy tit. She pulls back and her nipple pops from my mouth, I giggle at the sensation.

She sinks to her knees, and unzips my pants. She fishes my trouser snake from my boxers, and licks it length wise. Retaining eye contact, she parts her full lips, and accepts my still limp cock in her mouth. She diligently sucks for minutes, but nothing happens, she's pulls back as my cock slips from her warm mouth. She joins me back on the couch, after giving the tip a kiss goodbye.

"I'm sorry," I say after a moment of silence.

She shushes me, "Don't worry baby, it's just another thing we'll work on. I also read that working out improves your circulation. In no time, I expect little Miles to be hard as a rock. I'm very optimistic, baby."

I smiles, and lean over kissing my lovely girlfriend on the cheek, she's so understanding and kind. Gosh, I'm lucky to have her.


"Are you sure you can't see them," I ask, contorting my body in an attempt to check my own ass.

"Yes, there fine," Abby says, putting the last of her belongings into our locker.

"You're not even looking," I whine.

"Miles, baby, I was checking out your ass the whole time we walked in here, you're golden, nothing to worry about," she emphasizes her sentiment by giving me a playful slap on my ass.

"Do we have to use the women's locker room?" I says poking my head out of the room, making sure no one is looking. Abby confidently walks by me, and I follow behind her.

"It's more convenient to have all our stuff in one locker, and besides no one is here, just like I said."

I say nothing. She's got me there, apparently working out isn't a common pastime at our college, especially at 10 at night. We walk to the main room, "What should we do first?" I say looking at Abby.

Abby says nothing, but leads me to a set of Stairmasters. She climbs on hers, and I on mine. She sets her pace pushing buttons on her machine, but before I can do the same she wordlessly leans over and sets it up for me. I could have done it myself, but I allow it.

The machine begins to move, creating stairs infront of me, I begin stepping trying to keep pace with Abby. She might be in better shape than me.

After a while of climbing infinite stairs, Abby turns to me, "So how do your panties feel?"

I panic, and look around the room, thankfully we are alone. "What are you doing? Don't talk about that," I whisper angrily.

"Oh come on," Abby says smiling, "It's just us here. Communication is key."

I sigh, "They feel nice," why did I says that, "I mean they feel fine, I forgot about them even." That's a lie, it's kinda all I've been thinking about. I can feel the gentle sensation of my ass cheeks rubbing against the lacy fabric of my panties as I climb these stairs. It doesn't feel bad as much as it feels ...alien. like I'm doing something I shouldn't be. I'm not sure it's having the relaxing effect Abby promised.

"How did it feel putting them on?"

Jesus Abby do you want to go through the whole process, I think, but I best not say that, no need to upset her. "Oh you know, I just pulled them up."

"Miles, I don't like it when you withhold from me," Abby says her playful tone suddenly turning serious.

I swallow, and try to remember why I'm doing this. I love her. "Sorry. The truth is I did it very reluctantly. I paced back and forth in the bathroom for a while. And then I gently slipped a foot through one of the holes, and then my other. I slowly pulled them up, over my legs. The lacy fabric felt very .. unfamiliar. I think some of my leg hair got caught in some of the decorative holes, and it pulled on my hair a bit. Then once I got to my butt, I had to pull a little harder, so they would cover it. And then I stuck my hand in them, in the front, to adjust my.. uh, my thing. I kinda tucked if back." Finished with my long winded explanation, I look up to find that Abby has gotten off her stair master .
Gym first.jpg
Confused, I step off my machine, and open my mouth to ask Abby what's up, but before I can get the words out, she approaches me, pulling at my waist, kissing me deeply, "Thanks for doing this babe, I think it's will really help us," She says, pulling back.

"No problem," I says still not fully understanding, but I'm in no position to complain. Abby's hands move from my waist down, she's cupping my ass cheeks, as I look around nerviously, making sure no one is looking, "Not here, Abby," I say under my breath as her fingers begin to play with the hem of my sweat pants, "what are you doing?"

Abby's hand dives into my pants, and she gently rubs my pantied ass, squeezing firmly, I let out a gasp. Abby looks deeply into my eyes, seeing the fear and excitement in my eyes. She kisses me again, and removes her roaming hands. She points back to the machine, I step back on it.

I smile as we begin to work out again, I don't get it, but if wearing panties helps our relationship, I guess it's not the worst thing in the world.

We continue to climb the infinite stairs of the Stairmasters for another thirty minutes. At the end I feel like my legs are about to collapse under me. The pain originates from my rear. Eventually Abby hops off, and I follow suit. Next she leads me a to couple of mats. She lays down, and gestures for me to do the same.

"We're not doing planks are we?" I whine.

"Oh hush up," Abby replies playfully, "you want a flat tummy don't you?"

We begin to do planks, we switch off every minute. One minute planking, the next resting, and so on. Each interval it increases in difficultly.

"Do you like your sweatpants?" Abby asks during her rest period.

"Yes.. I mean there ..fine.. a little baggy .." I say struggling to speak as I engage my core during my plank.

"Baggy huh?" Abby says thoughtfully, but I am too distracted to hear it.


"Not to bad, huh," Abby says grabbing her purse from our locker.

"Yeah, I guess," I say not wanting to admit how sore I am, "and we're doing this every day?"

"Every day," Abby says cheerfully, obviously not picking up on my reluctant tone.

I look her over, she already has a great body. Her shapely ass and legs fit snuggly in the leggings she wear, her flat stomach contrasts well with her generously proportioned chest. I know this working out is more for me than for her. Maybe she wants me to have a better body. Well I can't disappoint her.

We exit the women's locker room, thankfully the coast is clear, and I am not seen. I walk behind my girlfriend as she confidently struts to her car.

Abby opens the door to our apartment, she lets me through and closes the door behind us, "that was fun right, don't you feel accomplished?"

"Yeah, it was nice. It's good to get out of here once in a while."

"Not once in a while, every night, remember, every night." Abby corrects me.

"Of course. Every night." I say.

Abby must sense my reluctance because she embraces me from behind, gently grinding against me, "Hey, we're all sweaty, why don't we take a shower."

I simply nod my head like a puppy about to go on a walk. My girlfriend leads me by the hand to our bathroom. We strip in front of each other. She tells me to spin around after I take off my shirt and pants. In a lust filled haze I happily do a twirl clad only in my lacy panties. She giggles and rewards me with a kiss.

Once completely naked we step into the shower.

"You're so beautiful baby," I say taking in the image of my breathtaking girlfriend.

She puts a finger to my lips, "I'm going to take care of you, you just relax, okay?"

"Okay," I say, closing my eyes.

Abby begins gently massaging shampoo in my hair, her hands smell like flowers. What did I do to get so lucky. Abby continues, she rubs a bar of soap against my body, cleaning every inch. She takes special care of my groin, softly massaging the soap on my shaft with her hand. She moves on to my legs, covering them completely in what I assume is soap, then a strange feeling comes from my ankle moving upwards, "what's that?"

"Nothing baby, just relax," Abby says using a sultry voice I can't say no to. She kisses my cock as she continues her work.

She begins kissing me firmly, I reciprocate, holding her body against mine, our legs rub up against each other, and it feels so .. smooth. Abby pulls back, "All clean baby."

We step out of the shower, and I look down at my legs. They are completely hairless. Not that they were ever that hairy, but the baby smooth appearance shocks me.

"Do you like it?" Abby asks holding me by the arm, "you said your hair got caught in your panties. Now it won't."

Still shocked I rub a hand against my legs, the smooth feeling is so unfamiliar.

"Feels good doesn't it, I never understood why men don't shave their legs. It's so nice," Abby says as her hand find my cock, "not to mention sexy."

"Abby," I say as she jacks me off, "I don't know. It's a big change."

"Not really, it'll grow back, and besides I was thinking we could go swimming at the gym some time. And now you may have a chance at beating me."

Her stroking and challenging me distract me from the shock of my shaved legs, "You're on." I say trying to sound confident, I haven't swam in years.

"Come on, bug guy," Abby says, "bed time." Gently pulling me by my cock, Abby leads me to the bed room. She pushes me, and I flop backwards onto our bed, "bed time, not sleep time. But first let's test something." She bounces over to her dress and pulls out a tiny pair of panties, similar design to the pair I wore early, but pink instead of black. She returns to the end of our bed, and slowly puts my feet through both holes, then she gently pulls them up my now silky smooth legs. I must admit, the feeling is a lot better than when I had hair, it's almost exciting. Abby stops before pulling them all the way on, "look," she says.

I look down to see my cock is full erect sticking straight up like a flag, "wow," I say.

"You must really like your panties," Abby giggles.

I open my mouth to protests, but I am interupted by Abby.She crawls from the end of the bed, and mounts me. My waist between her two thighs, she lowers her self unto my cock, it slips right in, and she begins riding me.

Abby begins quickening her pace, soon she has to lean against my chest as she rides. I'm usually on top when we have sex, but I'm not complaining. She rides away, more aggressive than usual. She pounds away slamming herself around my cock, almost as if she's fucking me. She's clearing enjoying it, moaning loadly as she jackhammer her body against mine.

"You like that," Abby cries as she squeezes my chest.

"Yes, keep going. Don't stop," I yell as I approach orgasm.

"Now baby, now," Abby commands as she recently pounds, her ass cheek slapping against my hairless thighs.

I shot jets of cum into her, as she continues to milk my cock dry. She dismounts, and collapses next to me. She excuses herself to the bathroom, as I recover from the hard fucking I'd just received. We've never done it like that.

Abby return, "Miles, could you eat me out.

"Absolutely," I say expecting her to rejoing me in bed, instead she just stands there. So I get off the bed, and kneel down in front of her. I begin to lick her, long deep licks, and I suck on her clit. I feel her hand on the back of my head, and she begins to guide my actions. She so wet . Strangely she tastes different, almost salty, perhaps it's because of our work out, but no, we showered. I pull back, opening my eyes, "ahh" I exclaim as I see that her pussy is oozing my cum from it, the same cum I've been happily lapping up.

"Why'd you stop," Abby says with annoyance in her voice.

"Because.. because my cum it's still there. "

"Yeah, we just had sex, remember."

"But you went to the bathroom, I thought you ..cleaned up?"

"Cleaned up, what you think I've got a hose in there that I stick up my pussy?"

"I, don't know I just thought.."

Abby cuts me off. Her hand, still on the back of my head pushes my face forward, plunging me back into her cum soaked pussy.

I reluctantly continue licking, lapping up my own cum. I try to focus on Abby's sweet labia lips, and clit, instead of the salty taste of my ejaculate.

Abby's grip on the back of my head tighten, and she grinds my face against her wet mound. Struggling to breath, I continue to please her as best I can.

"That's good. That's good," Abby says releasing me. I fall backwards landing on my pantied ass. My knees hurt from kneeling for so long. I catch my breath as Abby pulls her panties up.

"Come to bed," Abby says, "and keep those panties on."

I obey, joining her in bed. I'm conflicted and confused, on one hand that was the most passionate love making we've ever had, but Abby was so assertive, and demanding. Abby slides her arms over my waist, spooning me from behind. What has gotten into her?

I fall asleep cradled in the arms of my lover, my mouth still tasting of cum.

End of Part 1

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed, I think there will be 2 or three more parts, but not as many illustrations as some of my other stories. Comment and tell me what you like and dislike!

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