My mom's condition is getting worse.
she's had 4 or 5 delusional episodes today, thinking Mike was fighting a fire in the roof, and Carol was not letting him come down., even though we went upstairs and opened gifts together this morning. Plus, she's not eating more than a couple bites of food. we tried fruit cups and yogurt, but its not her teeth, she simply has no apatite.
All of this stuff is complicated by the fact that: A: Its Christmas; and B: we're in a pandemic.
sighs, hugs appreciated.
Virtual Hug?
I wanted to ask you if virtual hugs are acceptable. If they are, please accept one from me.
virtual hugs are always accepted
be careful, though, you might find a Huggle in your inbox in return ...
I always have hugs a plenty because when you give one, you get one. So more hugs and we'll both have plenty.
On this day of love and peace and family, take a moment to think of the good things you have shared with loved ones over the years. It's difficult, it may be impossible, but it's worth the effort for the effect it can have on your outlook on present troubles. Spare a hug for your mother--borrow one from me, if you feel a bit short.
As always, love and hugs,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
thanks, hon
hugs back
I understand the harsh realities of such a deterioration though I did not have to face it all the time like you are doing.
My partner's mother suffered from dementia for years prior to her death.
She had a dog and never bothered to house break him so visiting her during Thanksgiving or Christmas at her assisted care apartment was difficult though luckily we did not stay in her apartment, too small for one but the fumes were overwhelming.
She stopped caring after my partner's father died and just went downhill. My partner's brother lived nearby and took care of a lot of things but I think he had the patience of a saint to deal with the woman.
For me I've had to see my father go through the deterioration due to Parkinson's and seeing the man I had relied on for my life breakdown before me was horrible.
Struggles with loved ones who have so deteriorated is heartbreaking.
Like you, my family had to put our loved ones in a facility where they could be cared for.
But be careful though, it still means you have to keep an eye on the caregivers.
My dad was not provided with as much care as needed and had bedsores from lack of attention.
We were forced into the expediency of paying (bribing) a care worker to give him the extra attention he needed.
It should not be that way but beware.
I'm sorry that happened to your dad
It has been 20 years though so I can assure you time makes a big difference as my mother had died 9 months prior to my father's death due to a stroke.
My father actually died of the complications of Parkinson's as he had poor control over breathing/swallowing and kept getting chest infections due to not being able to expel anything going down the windpipe.
Point is, he acquired his first chest infection at the hospital he was first rushed to due to his Parkinson's.
He never got over that in my opinion. A good facility is important, especially as you can see the whole covid situation is leading to. Hopefully she can get vaccinated soon before she goes to anywhere.
I am sorry but you will likely have to be strong and hold on a bit longer unless the facility she might be committed to will provide guaranteed safeguards against covid.
Plus one e-hug. That sort of situation is never easy, and I wish you the best of luck. At least the delusions are benign.
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actually they are scary
she thinks her daughter-in-law is going to smash her stuff, or burn her out of the house, or kill my brother Mike.
Hugs and prayers
thanks, Rose
huggles back
I’ll send you virtual hugs and my prayers.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
thank you, Michelle
huggles back
In my thoughts
I'm sorry, hon. I hope everything works out. However, know that you and your mother and family are in my thoughts.
*gigantic virtual hugs*
"All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allen Poe
Big hugs
Sorry to hear about your mom getting worse Dot, I really wish that there was something more that I could do to help. I can give big hugs though.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
big hugs are a big help
huggles back