is this an improvement?

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I had a PTSD dream last night, but one thing was different: I was externally a girl.

Is that an improvement?


Is that an improvement?

charlie98210's picture

I am not a psychologist, but I would say (not knowing exactly what else was in your dream) that being externally a girl, for the first time in your PTSD dreams, is an improvement. It shows that, internally, your are finally accepting yourself as a girl (female). I would think that is a good thing, too.

Maybe it's like global warming...

laika's picture

Like how you can't tell if it's happening or not from one day's hot or cold weather, or even from one season to the next. Things fluctuate, and on a day to day scale it's all kinda random. What you'd probably have to do is assign numerical values to the positive or negative feelings dreams leave you with, and diligently track them on a graph and correlate them over the course of- oh, say 20 years.

When one day you realize you haven't taken any data for this effort in several months because you're just living your life and not analyzing the hell out of every dream, mood, and trip to the store you'll be able to say with confidence it's an improvement.

Then come tell me how you did it, 'cause I'm a basket case.
~hugs, Ronni

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

I'm not one for analyzing dreams?

Andrea Lena's picture

But given your tendency (which I have shared) to wonder about your gender in relation to your abuse? You may be processing that unmerited guilt AND the accompany doubt of your gender as you've questioned at times if your transgender identity arose from the abuse, as many misinformed people so often opine. The dream may be your brain settling that issue by reminding you - irrespective of the details of the dream - that you were abused AFTER you had discovered the transgender aspect of your identity as a child. The abuse didn't cause you to become TG since you ALREADY were TG. Does that make sense?


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

it does

I think a part of me was hoping it was his fault, because then I could get rid of it by recovering from the trauma. oh boy I just realized that ...
