Another Side of My Life
Chapter 12
By Julie D Cole
Strange how I found myself wanting to join in conversation yet before I left home I hardly spoke to anybody even at work. Mum was always complaining that I locked myself in my room instead of going out and socialising. She often asked me about my work colleagues and if there was anybody who I might be interested in. It was difficult deflecting her when she had me cornered at breakfast or dinner and wanted me to be happy and meet a soulmate like she had done. Clearly she wanted to be a grandmother but she stopped short of admitting it.
Jack was kind enough to deflect attention when I felt I needed to chip in since he had lots of stories from his time in London behind the bar. He seemed to sense that I was a private person but I was sure he didn’t know my secret. If he did have doubts, I think he’d have said something since he was a direct person. He said since he came to London he’d changed a lot and Debs smiled and said that was an understatement. I saw the look and the smile between the two of them that made me wish I’d had a sibling.
Debs told us that she felt Jack was wasting his talents behind a bar that he quickly dismissed even though it was more of a passing comment rather than a criticism. He said he was very happy because he needed the time to find himself and as well as the annoying customers he met some very interesting people who gave him ideas on what he’d like to do in the future. He looked at me and said there were other benefits as well and he winked. I was sure that I blushed and looked down towards my feet. I never expected that I’d fall into this feminine persona whilst taking this holiday. I expected to be spotted and embarrassed at some point. I wished the girls were staying all week since I felt like people looked at us as a group rather than me as an individual.
The bigger problem I was having was that Jack seemed to want a relationship and I wasn’t pushing him away enough. I was enjoying the attention and his affection towards me. How could I keep this friendship without him becoming angry and feeling I was a fraud? He was sensitive and kind and I was already more comfortable in his presence than when he’d invited me to stay at his place the first night. I realised how lucky I’d been to meet him and he’d not taken any liberties. I would have definitely fallen for him if circumstances were different.
Once we were ready to pay the bill I was feeling uncomfortable and I needed a comfort break. I’d managed to visit the Ladies bathrooms without embarrassment before coming to London so I joined Sarah when she went to freshen up. I touched up my make-up as she did hers and she said she really wanted to keep in touch with me and was so happy we’d met. We traded mobile numbers and she asked if we could chat regularly. Then she asked if I’d be spending more time with Jack the rest of the week.
I don’t know what came over me I just responded without thinking for once and said ‘I hope so.’
Sarah smiled and said she hoped things would work out for us so I must keep her updated. She hoped she’d learn a lesson from me about how to attract male attention. I was speechless and said I hadn’t flirted or anything and it was just a casual friendship.
‘Yes but Julie you play hard to get but at the same time your eyes give you away. ‘
‘Don’t put yourself down Sarah and I assure you that I’ve never had a boyfriend so don’t model yourself on me. I’ve never even snogged.’
‘I find that hard to believe but if you say so.’
We joined the others and headed off to our next destination, Covent Garden, that was closer to the West End where our evening show was taking place. Jack decided to stay with us until 5pm and then he had to leave to go to work. He never left my side en-route and Debs made reference to it as we reached the exit of Covent Garden Tube station. He pointed out a few landmarks before suggesting we had a coffee and watched some amateur performances in a bar in the centre of the market area. We watched a pair of singers perform a little light opera that sounded special because of the acoustics.
Whilst wandering around the stalls and small shops Jack insisted we look at jewelry. He wanted to buy me something so that I’d remember him and my visit to London. I tried to resist since it was best we let this be just a memory and nothing else. I couldn’t let him know my deceit and upset him after his kindness and better he remembered me as who I liked to be rather than who I really was. Then he spotted a silver bracelet that was quite delicate that he said he really liked and he wanted to buy for me. It had a small heart pendant on it and he said that was so I could think of him when I wore it. I was a bit taken aback and mumbled that he was too kind and he shouldn’t waste his hard earned money on me.
‘It’s a gift from me so it’s not wasted at all. It’s meant to be worn around the ankle so it’s discreet if you want to wear it when your man is around.’
‘It’s too expensive look it’s real silver.’
‘Well we don’t want it leaving marks on your soft skin do we. I think you’ll find it’s less prominent around London so less chance of being seen by any thieves if you come across anymore whilst you are here.’
As I looked more closely at it the girls saw us and came over. They all liked it and urged me to buy it. When I told them Jack was insisting to buy it for me they made sure I showed my gratitude. I nodded looked at it then looked at Jack and said thankyou.
Debs spoke up ‘Is that the best you can do.’ Maggie nudged me a little and I had little choice but to lean forward to kiss Jack on the cheek. He smiled and returned the favour but since I was motionless he planted a soft kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes automatically thinking I might be imagining it and opened them again looking into his blue eyes and whispered ‘Thank you Jack I won’t forget you ever.’
This was getting out of control. I felt different and I liked the feeling. It was like I was walking on air as we wondered around the market and I was no longer the man trapped in a boring job with no friends. It was like I could breathe and smile and feel good about myself and I didn’t want to hide away. This feeling might not last long so I took hold of Jacks hand and he smiled. I reached to wipe away the lipstick on his cheek from my kiss.
The rest of the afternoon to Jacks time to leave us seemed to fly by too quickly. I thought about going back to the hotel with him to help him behind the bar but it wasn’t fair on the girls since I’d agreed to buy the spare ticket. Whilst walking around Jack asked me if I still wanted to help him for the rest of the week and if I’d thought about a hotel.
‘Of course I’ll help Jack. It’s the least I can do after what you’ve done. I’ll sort something out for a place to stay tomorrow. I’ve a few things to sort out but thanks to you I have some cash and a phone.’
‘Well I know a place that’s available it’s free because it comes with the job in the bar.’
I didn’t give an immediate response I just smiled. Then I felt I had to resist the temptation.
‘Thanks Jack that’s so sweet of you but I can’t impose and expect you to give up your bed again.’
He didn’t press me and he politely switched the subject and it wasn’t mentioned again. Soon it was time for him to break away so he hoped we’d have a good time and be sure to call in the bar to have a nightcap and tell him all about it. As he walked away I felt a sadness come over me. I smiled and waved but I felt I needed to cut and run before this went too far.
Whilst we’d enjoyed ourselves around the market Maggie said she’d finally heard from Laura and Jane who arranged to meet us in the theatre bar for pre-show drinks. As if they’d not had enough. I hoped they were in better condition than they’d been when they dragged two strangers off to their room. I would try to keep a distance to avoid punching Laura on the nose.
There was a lot of leg pulling as we meandered our way towards the theatre stopping by at Starbucks at Sarah’s request. She needed a piece of Black Forest Gateau. Well really it was a dense chocolate cake with cream and cherries that she insisted we all try. Luckily it was just the one piece to share. We weren’t made of money and it was seriously full of calories. Luckily Sarah ate most of it. How did she stay so slim?
It was a nice walk to Soho to the Piccadilly Theatre where the show was taking place. London streets were busy with commuters so ‘four girls’ together in shorts were catching glances from businessmen rushing for trains or into pubs for post work refreshments. I asked Maggie if we were ok to go to the theatre in casual clothes and she said she’d checked and it was ok. Our seats were in the stalls so we looked for the bar to find Laura and Jane.
They were there already with long drinks they said were iced tonic water with fresh limes. It was hard to believe but then they burst out laughing since both had smuggled in half bottles of vodka.
‘We aren’t paying London Theatre prices for alcohol, they think we are fools.’
I hoped they were not going to show themselves up and it was no wonder that Jack split from Laura. Maggie gave them both a lecture about their general behaviour over the weekend but it seemed to go over their heads. Laura ignored me but that was no problem for me. The four of us shared a bottle of sparkling wine saving some for the interval. They ordered 2 diet cokes to go with the rest of their vodka. Goodness knows what their stomachs would be like on the way home tomorrow after so much abuse.
The only upside was that they had at least made an effort to dress smartly since they intended going to Soho after the show to see some life. Their bedfellows had recommended a club with a drag show. I shuddered.
When we took our seats we had a good view of the stage and the show started with a bang and the music was none stop. It was amazing and we recognised all the songs even though many were from an era long before we were born. The audience were mixed age groups yet everybody was responding. By the time the interval arrived we were buzzing like everybody else and Jane and Laura emptied the rest of the vodka into their glasses. Luckily they were half bottles.
During the second period some of the audience were standing and gradually everybody in the stalls stood up clapping and people moved to the aisles to dance. What a show. No wonder it had such good reviews.
Outside the theatre the area was crowded and we headed towards Soho. I said I’d promised we’d see Jack so if the club was expensive it was better if I missed out and went back. I got some abuse from Laura but resisted getting into an argument. I sent Jack a message to let him know where we were going.
We got in the club without any problems since they were offering half price entry for females and the doormen were friendly. I’d never been in a drag club before and there I was as one of the girls. I hoped I wouldn’t be outed. The place was pretty full and some of the audience were in drag and not very pretty. We were shown to a table that became our base. Jane and Laura were quickly up dancing whilst we sorted some drinks. I wasn’t going to last long at the prices on the list and I looked around to see how I might keep safe.
Much to my relief the first show started and 3 drag artists came on the stage/ dance floor doing a rendition of ‘Girls Only Have Fun.’ They were certainly good with fabulous long legs and they looked really feminine apart from the over the top make-up and massive wigs.
Jack responded to my text and said to be careful and to keep hold of my bag. I decided to put my bracelet around my ankle in case my bag was stolen and took great care. The club seemed to have a lot of the LGBT community in attendance and yet none of the girls seemed to feel out of place. Everybody seemed friendly and just mixed and even though I’d never been out clubbing much I liked it. In the bathroom it was hard to tell who was truly female but then who was I to talk.
Time seemed to fly and the second act were outstanding too. I looked at my phone and saw it was midnight. I said I’d buy the next round and I was ordering at the bar when I was tapped on the shoulder and the barman reached past me to greet my ‘assailant.’
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Ooow... It’s getting interesting.
Julie may believe she is going to get out of this but the delight in reading this fear-induced, hope-filled delusion is ‘Julie’ is too far down the rabbit hole. Feeling excited and trepidatious for her. Ultimately, the agony, and hopefully freedom of acceptance, is inevitable.
And now the cliffhanger: Who is the “assailant”?
Next chapter pleeeease.
Thanks Rachel
I'll do my best. I appreciated your comments.
Never been a big fan.......
Of drag bars, and having lived in New Orleans for four years I have seen more than my fair share of them.
It’s not the drag portion, although I am not a fan, but rather the carnival atmosphere in most of them. I see nothing enjoyable in how the patrons treat the performers like they are part of a circus.
But then again, that’s just my opinion and not everyone agrees. As the saying goes, to each their own.
I do get the distinct impression that Laura is going to do something incredible stupid and embarrassing for Julie. After all, why else would the bitch want to go to a drag club. Assholes and alcohol don’t mix well.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Dragging the story out
As a long time friend of mine used to say. 'We only need a venue.'
I try to give some background to the characters and luckily Soho and the West End the venues are lively with a mix of clientele. The area is not like Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Having said that I'm glad I had the chance to visit Bourbon Street on one occasion but it was extremely busy and quite scary. I preferred other locations and music venues in New Orleans. Magical moments.
Oh my
You've left us with a cliffhanger, and I have no fingernails left. Whatever will I do? Really looking forward to where you take this next. Hope you are well Jules,
Love, Holly
Sorry for the Cliffhanger
I went back to this story at your suggestion so thanks for that Holly. My writing style is similar to others on this site and is not the most widely read and I let stories develop if I am enjoying them or I receive encouragement.
I am well thanks and like most people I'm following rules and recommendations in what are extremely tough times for everybody. Hope you are well too.