Crazy idea no farther if you scare easy!
Some how in the world I and a few others write in or about, we have elves, fairy, drow, pixies, nymphs, mermaids and tons of other Fae creatures!
The Hekawi Universe by Shadowsblade and Nuuan
Well with this election, an evil idea stuck me!
To start the US federal government being one of those organizations that sometimes does a bad job and other times it goes far, far, far and above the most basic description of the job needing to be done.
Well in this case being an election year AND a full census of who is in the US and can vote, they gathered by accident or plan all the names of Fae creatures that could be considered smart or aware and old enough to vote!
If you read mine or Nuuan's stories you can picture a census taker walking into a Magical Fae grove to count, write down all the ages and names of said elves, fairy, drow, pixies, nymphs, mermaids and tons of other Fae creatures! Maybe the elders cut to the chase and give the census takers their birth and death scrolls dating back several millennia!
I think you can see the next step with this election and covid going on!
A postman stops his or her large postal truck on a clearly deserted walking trail and reads the directions on the top most stack of letters, Violet Sil'iluuth Fialka, 'address' Angels last light grove, tall tree by square rock at end of stream, Los Angeles, CA 90027.
The postal worker scratches their head at the directions while loading a HUGE cart of similarly addressed letters, then drags the whole load far down the trail and finds the spot exactly as advertised all marked by a US post office approved box!
"Who or what lives all the way out here and how can there be 40,000 plus of them!" they grumble while off loading all the ballots into the large box and then leave!
The days, weeks and nearly a month pass before election day arrives. Most of the nation hovers by TV's, computers, their cell phones as the results roll in! That night it seems who was supposed to win what seat predicted by the polls, for the most part does. All over the nation champagne corks pop in celebration of the wins!
As the days go by and the mail in ballots counts climb, dozens of Congress seats, Senate seats, many Mayors, a few Governors and then US President's office itself all fall to written in candidates.....all FAE!
At this point humans of the nation, if not the whole wide world go nuts!
The Fae on the other hand say via the press, "We were here first and you listed, gave and allowed all of us to vote. Too bad you forgot how truly long we live or how many of us there really are!"
Days later the media is invited to an event held in the dead center of NYC's central park, most on hand suddenly learned that the park itself was a 'Grove' that hids many thousands of the Fae and that the Fae were walking among the city's citizens all the time! Then a extra bombshell of that most cites had such 'Groves' in them too!
At the press event a beautiful woman walk up to the press podium and the array of dozens of mikes all surrounded by dozens of video cameras, "Good day, I am the president elect of this nation and I greet all the press. We Fae have watched humans for many millennia, I personally have also for the last 10,000 years myself. I am glad to be elected as this nations President and just so you know in my past I was the elected Queen of the Fae for three terms of a millennia each. We Fae have watched this nation and felt this was our chance to step in and help end your two party political bickering with us adding a third choice....the Fae party!"
The press event goes on from there and dives in to crazy!
like I said evil idea!
Couldn't do any worse than what humans have
They get my vote. Or is this another story?
Hugs shadowsblade
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I don't know about evil, but it certainly is interesting. The Fae certainly couldn't do any worse than the Demos or Repubs. The question is with all the Fae voting, do they change the term limit from two terms of four years to two terms of one millennia?
Perhaps the story is worth pursuing. I don't read much "Other World" TG but this idea does have a certain draw to it.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
you might like this for other world?
I wrote this idea for 'other' world' or alternate timeline for a fan fic world
gary colman wins!!!
Gary Colman ran for gov of California from 2003 to 2011 VS the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger who lost because of the bastard son and maid deal came out! (Not to mention that Maria Shiver shot him a week later after the story broke!) Then after getting California on budget and on track! He ran a massive building campaign that built major projects in cali--high speed rail over 300 MPH north to south and lead improving the one from west to east from both LA and San fran!
Then in 2012 ran to be the nations first black president of the USA and won! but his life was cut short by being assassinated on his victory night in November for his rerun/reelection effort in 2016 by Todd Bridges! The shooting was covered by every network where Gary's dying words were "Whyd you shoot me Willis!?" then he passed.
His vice president took over from there....Dwayne "the rock" Johnson
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
I for one welcome our new Fairy Overlords
I'm still waiting to hear the evil part. And Madam President, please consider me for a position as head of the Bureau of Mermaid Affairs. I'm at least as qualified as the former commercial fishing industry lobbyist who currently holds this office!
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Thought you said...
"Evil" -- not an idea interesting at the very minimum. Something that might save us from the state we're in. Granted, there is a certain danger to it all, and it might even create a new crisis situation. (I was hoping for a more mundane savior such as the end of lead-infested gasoline and the upcoming new generation of leaders.)
-- Daphne Xu
Ouch. I had not realised you
Ouch. I had not realised you still had lead-infested gasoline.
Is that a majority or a minority fuel ?
(The EU stopped the sale of leaded petrol in 2000 and Japan in 1986)
Unleaded gasoline
From the EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) Web site: "Effective January 1, 1996, the Clean Air Act banned the sale of the small amount of leaded fuel that was still available in some parts of the country for use in on-road vehicles. EPA said fuel containing lead may continue to be sold for off-road uses, including aircraft, racing cars, farm equipment, and marine engines."
Most leaded gas was banned starting in the early seventies. The crime rate dropped in the early nineties. That 20-year pattern has been repeated, although I don't know the amount of decrease in crime.
I was banking on the current elderly generation of lead-poisoned leaders dying off in favor of the up-and-coming lead-free generation.
-- Daphne Xu
Red Tape
The Queen of the Fae isn't eligible for the presidency unless she was either born in the U.S, or was a citizen here when the Constitution was adopted in 1788. Since it's the Electoral College and not the popular vote that determines the winner, a write-in candidate is only valid if he or she has formally declared her candidacy to any state where she's running, and designated a group of electors from that state. (Actually, each state legislature has the power under Article II of the Constitution to void the popular election in that state and choose the electors themselves -- in which case it wouldn't matter whether the ones they chose were the ones that a candidate had selected.)
In California and the state of Washington, write-ins aren't permitted for congressional and legislative races: the primary earlier in the year determines the two candidates on the ballot, and votes for anyone else don't count. (That's the California law, anyway. I had wondered about that, since in some cases the two chosen candidates are from the same party, and I wondered if a write-in from the other party might win if the two split the votes evenly. Can't happen.) That's only two states out of fifty, of course, but IIRC there are others that won't accept votes for any write-in candidate who hasn't registered in advance.
I had a comment all thought out only to discover that you covered all of it and more :(
If the fae had been around for so long...
...they'd almost certainly already be counted on the census and have political representation - there'll almost certainly have been massively incompetent leaders of local / regional administrations in the past. Of course, in this alternate reality they may have initially been denied the vote, but it's feasible either during the Civil Rights Act era or before, the voting franchise would have been extended to them. Given their numbers, they may have formed a successful third or even fourth party, which could have attained sufficient support to be kingmakers at least.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I Figured American Citizenship...
...might be more of a problem than longevity. Humans born here are citizens automatically (to some conservatives' considerable regret and/or frustration), but I don't whether your Fae would want to be included in that. They seem to be treating their Los Angeles enclave as a foreign embassy.