a different sort of dream

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Okay so last night's dream was a bit different. I was in a school, and apparently part of the the cleaning crew. I confirmed with a teacher where I was to clean, and when she said I should know already, I told her I'd been away for a while and wanted to have the expectations I was to meet clear.

I went into the room, and started moping, and then someone joined me, and a after a moment of confusion, I figured out she was a trainee I was supposed to supervise. The dream ended with the room clean and me with a sense of accomplishment.

Make of that what you will.


I Had a Nightmare about a Human MeatbaLL!!!

laika's picture

Your dream sounds like you might be finding belief in your own competence. A sense of accomplishment in a dream has to be a good thing.

A week or so I had one I'll remember for a long time. It might be redundant to call a dream surreal but this was just bizarre. I was downtown in some city I didn't recognize (might have been Denver) when all of a sudden people were running past me screaming like in a kaiju monster movie and then I saw what was rolling down the street after them, it was a ball of people about 5 stories in diameter and when it ran someone over they stuck to it and went up its backside as it continued rolling, screaming and waving their arms, but after a few more revolutions they were either squashed dead or buried under newer victims. I don't remember how I got away or if I did but it was a totally terrifying image!

I figure it was either anxiety about the coronavirus mowing down large swaths of the population (and me being in a vulnerable demographic) or those dollar-store turkey meatballs I'd had for dinner were tainted.
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Had a dream last night too

erin's picture

I had a dream about getting a new dog last night. He was a rat terrier/pug crossbreed - a rug terrier. :)
I named him Spud; he was a busy guy and a messy eater. :)
I was cleaning the kitchen floor from feeding him when i realized I was dreaming. :(


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I try not to remember my dreams.......

D. Eden's picture

As I never seem to have nice ones.

For years, my dreams have been dominated by nightmares revolving around my time in the service. Either the twisted memories of things I did, or fallen comrades come back to accuse me or haunt me for surviving - for failing in my duty to bring them home.

Of late though, these have been peppered with a generous dose of dreams that involve my spouse involved with a faceless man. In the last one, I returned home after a week away working to find her in bed with this faceless man, at which time she told me that she was moving him into our bedroom and that I should be a good girl and go sleep in the guest room so they could enjoy their night undisturbed. Yeah, woke up from that one bawling my eyes out.

After that one, my nightmares from my service time seem like old friends.

So you see, I prefer not remembering my dreams. I often try to stay awake as long as possible at night, in hopes that I will be so tired as to sleep a dreamless sleep. On many occasions this has led to my not sleeping at all.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus