A world of hurt

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- the gift that keeps on giving!

So okay, I have the means to do something about the pain but after last weeks drugfest and resulting lethargy, I've kept off the meds this week. The flesh wounds are healing, even the damaged shoulder is better and more mobile but the deep bruising around the joint is not fun, you'd be amazed at some of the stuff that pulls on your shoulder, just turning my head can have me in raptures of pain. I had hoped to be okay for a bike ride tomorrow but realistically its going to be the weekend at the earliest, I've been out walking a bit and even that has me cursing under my breath after about thirty minutes.

The good news, on Monday I managed to finish a Gaby chapter, the bad, yesterday was spent largely trying to be comfortable although I did end up with a, er, more colourful head of hair, I think Flamingo pink and lilac suits me - well for a bit anyway, I needed cheering up and you can't be grumpy for long with hair this colour! Hopefully today will be a bit more productive, another walk, some writing, a proper dinner and maybe coffee to stimulate the grey matter a bit.

Today then I've posted Where's Drew?, chapter 32 of Summer Girl, needs must when the Devil plays, the poor kid is back in Gaby mode despite his best intentions!

So adios mon amigos,
more from me at the weekend
Madeline Anafrid



Traffic Stopper

BarbieLee's picture

Maddy, the first time I saw your picture with your flaming hair, I hit the brakes and stared. I mean a how much shock value can one woman toss into a photo? Quite a bit and I thought I was immune to almost everything the ladies could present. Trust me doll over the years the shock is still there and I'm beginning to understand. Like all the other girls you're just being you. Thanks for widening my perspective.
Hugs Maddy
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Your cheering up

Your cheering up almost made me to readjust screen color scheme.

Spread the colour

Podracer's picture

Hey, you aren't the only one who had to smile on seeing that image, thanks :)
Here's to the day when we realise the pain isn't what it once was.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

the pain is getting less

Maddy Bell's picture

I managed to fix the bike today and move a load of paving setts for Bev, hopefully i'll be awheel at the weekend!



Madeline Anafrid Bell