Hi to all the people on this site, when i started writing The Girl inside the boy eight years ago i needed an Outlet for my overwelming emotians , at that stage I haden't come out to anyone about being transgendered. I have now lived as a post op Woman for seven years and have never looked back, apart from losing some famly members life has been pretty normal for me.
as one gets older you begin to realise that you have one go at life and you better do what you want to acheive because no one will do it for you. Im now to the stage of wanting to Write again and wonering which one of my Stories to come back to.
Regards to all Carla Bay (ROO)
The big question is...
... which story would you like to write? At least, that's what I ask myself whenever I get the itch to start writing. I've actually been away from writing for a while, even though I had a couple of story ideas, because none if the ideas I had really clicked for me. Then one day, I thought of a play on words of an old proverb, and the words started flowing. I hope the same kinda inspiration happens for you! :)
I too have to write when
I too have to write when inspired, but I am going to have to try to find time and sit down and work on stories I have in my mind. Sometimes the "characters" tell me their story and I have to write it quickly.
Most of the time...
...I'll start off with a story idea, but as I start writing, the characters seem to go off on their own tangents, and I kinda need to run to keep up with 'em. :)