Audience Rating:
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David, a 15 year old boy, struggles with a feminine side that he is trying to understand. David was befriended by an empathetic Avon Lady that may have had the same gender identity struggles when she was young. Marci wants David to have an easier time resolving his inner turmoil with gender identity and perhaps sexual orientation. During his first visit with his Avon Lady David adopted a new awareness and Stacy came to be.
“When you wear lipstick and panties do you feel special Sweetie?” my Avon Lady asked. I whispered “Yes. I feel better than special; I feel like me.”
“The Avon Lady: Ding Dong, Avon Calling” (previously posted) explains how Stacy got to this point in her life.
Stacy: “I am 5 foot 8 inches tall, have a slender build, shoulder length shaggy blonde hair, hazel eyes and fair complexion. Last week Avon Lady Marci did my makeup, left me free samples and gave me suggestions on how to better use cosmetics to look more feminine than I already did.”
Last week my Avon Lady, Marci, discovered me dressed as a girl and didn’t freak out. In fact she applied makeup on me, showed me how to apply my own makeup, gave me free cosmetics, beauty tips and hope. Most importantly my Avon Lady would be back in seven days. I wanted to look and be special for Marci.
Mom got home about three hours after Marci had left. As always I had converted back to my male self prior to her arrival. The sound of our garage door opening signaled my mom’s return from work. It was 6:30 PM. I heard the garage entry door from the garage to the house close and I met mom in the kitchen. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and said, “Welcome home, mom.” She returned my kiss. “My, you smell nice” mom said. I was prepared for such a comment and said, “An Avon Lady stopped by and gave us free samples. I like the skin moisturizer.” Actually the scent was from makeup remover. My mascara was the hardest to remove.
When Mom was near the dining room table I pointed to the Avon bag on it and said, “She left you a catalog and samples. She’ll be back next week if you want to place an order”.
Mom picked up the catalog and looked at the cover. “Is her name Marcella?” she asked. “I think so” I replied. “It looks like she left us a catalog intended for a ‘Stacy’.” She showed my where ‘Stacy’ was written on the cover. Looking back at the booklet mom noted, “I can order earlier than next week; Marcella’s phone number is right here.” I made a mental note to get that phone number.
Reaching into her Avon sample bag mom brought out several trial size lipsticks, a small vile of perfume, a few emery boards and an Avon ball point pen. “Darn, I heard that Avon has a nice pocket book mirror that they give out. Several women at work have one. I guess they are special gifts.” Special indeed! I had one.
Mom took her samples and headed for her bedroom. “I’m going to shower, change into something more comfortable, lie down and relax a bit before diner.”
A week later: Waiting for Marci
It may sound weird but I spent the next few days, when mom was at work, preparing to see my Avon Lady. At Marci’s suggestion I experimented with mom’s hot roller set daily. I was able to easily try two different sets a day. I used small, medium and large curlers; I mixed them too. Loosely rolled and tightly rolled. Tightly rolled small curlers gave me lots of small curls. I decided medium rollers down the center of my head, combined with tightly rolled large rollers everywhere else gave me the look I preferred; fluffy curls. I still liked to tease my hair where needed. And there was always lots of hair spray.
As I practiced on my makeup and hair my mind would ponder things from Marci’s first visit. ‘Why is she so supportive of me becoming more feminine looking? Why had we kissed so passionately? Why did she have a boy-bump? I wanted to hear more about her comment of having been a young boy!’
The Appointed Day
An hour after mom had left for work I had showered and was fully dressed in her red floral sundress with a hemline that ended 8 inches above my knees. I was wearing MY own sheer to the waist ‘Nearly Nude’ pantyhose, MY full cut red panties and mom’s deliciously short white half slip. My toes, fingers and lips were a matching Peach Coral. While I waited for my hot rollers to complete their task I applied my eye shadow and mascara like Marci had taught me. I was anxious to tell her that I’d shaved my armpits for the very first time. I peered at my image in the mirror and then looked down at the growing lump of my erection; I giggled. It was surreal. I had the “hots” for the image in the mirror. That image was my alter ego, Pretty Stacy.
I had selected a sundress because that was what Marci had worn last week. It was also why I had selected red panties. I would wear the 3 flower hair barrette Marci had given me, a hummingbird necklace and pearl clip on ear rings. They added to my look. ‘Accessorize’ is what Marci suggested.
Ding Dong, Avon Calling!
I had been looking out our front window for about 15 minutes when Marci arrived. It was 10:55 AM. My Avon Lady was 5 minutes early.
I slipped on my 3 inch pumps and ran to the front door. I paused for a moment, took a calming deep breath and opened the door. Marci greeted me with, “I’m glad to see that the lady of the house is home.” I stepped back, curtseyed and demurely said, “It’s nice to see you again Miss Marci. You look very pretty today. Your skirt and blouse look perfect with your kitten heels.” I wanted Marci to know that I notice these sorts of things.
Marci stepped in with her sample kit and waited to see my response to seeing her again. I leaned closer, as if for a kiss, and paused. Marci took the initiative, stepped closer and kissed me on the lips. It was a friendly kiss but not the kiss from a girlfriend. It was less of a kiss then I had hoped for.
The inspection
Marci gave me the ‘do a 360 turn-around’ gesture. I did a slow turn while Marci checked me out. “Well Missy, you sure are looking extremely… girly. The earrings are a nice touch. Based on your pretty hair style it appears you found the hot rollers, right?”
“Yes I found them and I love them! I’ve been practicing every day” I gushed. Marci replied, “Very nice hair style; the flowered hair clip I gave you looks very pretty for a 15 year old boy.” I frowned at the ‘boy’ reference.
“If you like hot rollers you should try the new soft Velcro curlers; no bobby pins needed. When your hair is damp you roll it and let the curlers stay in until your hair is dry. Remove the curlers in the morning and enjoy soft and pretty curls. If you sleep in them the results are amazing.”
“I see your nail polish matches your lipstick. Your blush is good but not great; your face looks washed out.”
“Your sundress is cute and the ivory camisole works with it.”
“Your eyebrows aren’t right. You need to thin them a bit and you need to give yourself the feminine arch we spoke about. It doesn’t look like you used an eye brow pencil. We’ll deal with your brows in a little while.”
“It doesn’t look like you found a suitable bra like I asked did you? I guess we need to go shopping. I hope you can handle going out in public.”
My heart skipped a beat. “In public? In a dress and makeup?” I whined.
“Yes, and with those heels too. I hope your legs hold out.”
“Mom doesn’t have a bra that looked nice on me. Hers are old and frumpy looking. I tried on a couple and gave up. I’m doomed to be flat chested” I glumly replied.
“Think of this as a field trip.”
Business first
Taking on a mock business demeanor Marci asked, “It was very nice meeting you last week, miss. I’ve returned this week to take your order if you have one.”
Marci handed me a paper Avon sample bag. In addition to a nail polish and several emery boards there were also a half dozen panty shields and a set of tweezers.
“Thank you” I said as I placed my bag on our coffee table. I picked up the envelope that mom had left and handed it to Marci. “Mom liked a lot of the things in your catalog but she only ordered four things.” Marci removed two order slips and $25 in cash.
“I completed my own order slip and combined it with mom’s order. I ordered the Rose Mist lipstick that was in the samples you left me last week. Does this mean mom can get an Avon pocket mirror?”
Marci made a bit of a show of deep thinking before reaching into her sample case and bringing out the mirror in question. “Tell your mom I appreciate her business.” I was smiling ear to ear about mom’s gift.
Delving back into her sample case Marci retrieved a very nice 6 inch by 11 inch zippered makeup bag and handed it to me. It was a very feminine looking; pink and white striped with the word ‘Avon’ outlined with sparkles and a wrist strap. The word ‘Stacy’ and three cute flowers were embroidered in large Royal Blue cursive letters neatly in the bottom left corner on both sides. It was custom.
Marci place her hand on my arm and said, “This is for you referring me a new customer and it’s also because you’re special.”
“Wow! It has my name on it! That’s so cool!” I couldn’t contain myself. I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. I kissed her in the manner that I had wished for when she arrived.
Gently pushing me back into my seat Marci said, “You’re welcome. I embroidered the bag myself. It adds a nice touch. You wouldn’t want another boy to walk away with your makeup, would you?”
A boy taking MY makeup?! I looked at Marci and could tell she was joking. It was funny that a boy would want a makeup bag that belonged to another boy. I wondered ‘If I own a makeup bag what does that say about me?’ I knew exactly what it meant. We had a nice laugh over her joke.
More makeup, more instructions
Eye liner
“We’re only going to work on your upper eyelids today. Practice on your lower lids when you’re ready to try. Let’s go to your vanity mirror; it will make this easier for you. When you get more experienced I want to see you apply your makeup using the hand mirror I gave you last week.”
We went to the vanity and sat down side by side and facing the mirror. “Before we can consider doing your eyeliner I need to do something about your eyebrows. I’m going to do what you should have done before I arrived. I’ll be subtle. We have everything we need right here on the vanity. Pass me tweezers and an eyebrow pencil.” I did as I was told.
Marci used the tweezers on me until she was satisfied. “Always pluck from the underside of your brow; it makes your eyes look bigger and it helps in creating an arch. Brows start above the inner corner of your eye. ” It seemed that she plucked away for a very long time. When she finally stopped I turned to face the mirror. Marci stopped me.
“Hold on Missy, I’m not done with you yet.” Picking up the eyebrow pencil she began coloring in my brows. It felt as if she was working too high on my brows. Finally Marci stopped and set the pencil down.
“Now you can look.” I faced the mirror.
Combined with the other cosmetics and my hair style my image startled me. My brows were thinner and obviously femininely arched. Lipstick, eye shadow and mascara completed the image of a young female. Seeing my concerned reaction Marci gently rubbed my nylon cover knee and reassured me by saying, “Don’t fret Precious. What you see will disappear with makeup remover. You look beautiful.”
“What about all the eyebrow hairs you removed? I’ll never be able to go out in public!”
“If you don’t keep plucking the hairs as they grow back your brows will look obviously plucked by anyone that sees you. You may need to use an eyebrow pencil even when in boy mode. Keep good tweezers with you at all times. Nobody said looking pretty was easy.” Marci paused a moment and then continued, “You want to look pretty don’t you?” I nodded my head ‘yes’. “And you want to look feminine, right?” I replied, “Yes. I want to BE a girl” I said softly. My lower lip was quivering.
“Repeat to me what you just said.”
“I want to BE a girl!” I repeated decisively.
Marci gave me a comforting hug and replied, “And so did I when I was your age.”
“I shaved my legs and arm pits for the first time!”
“And so did I when I was your age.”
Giving me no time to dwell on my situation Marci announced, “Now that we’ve gotten that out of our way we need to finish what we started last week.” I smiled.
Looking into the mirror Marci said, “Your eye shadow looks very nice. I’m going to add a slightly darker color on the outside for accent.” Marci quickly completed her task. “Now that we’ve touched up your eye shadow, we can start to line your upper lash line with black liquid eyeliner. The fine tip of the brush is easier and safer to use than a sharp eye pencil.”
Marci produced a tube of eyeliner and turned to face me. I turned to face her. I opened my eyes wide and held very still.
“Shake the liner. Remove the brush. Place the brush tip at the base of your upper lash line.” As Marci was explaining she was also doing it. “Start in the middle and draw to the outside. Begin slowly but smoothly applying your eyeliner. Go back and back-fill anywhere you missed. You want a solid, even line on your lash line.” The eyeliner felt cool as it went on. When she was done Marci handed me the eye liner. I knew what was required.
Leaning closer to the vanity mirror I began applying eyeliner for the first time in my life. It was a ‘coming of age’ moment for me. I felt ‘girly’ as I was doing it. Marci watched closely. “Until you get more confident, and you will, use short strokes.” I finished and handed the eyeliner back.
Marci handed me the zippered makeup bag she had given me. Dropping the eyeliner into my new bag Marci said, “I want you to organize all your makeup essentials into this bag. Pretend you are going on a date for the weekend. Before we leave on our field trip put your cosmetics and everything you think you’d need, including your wallet and ID, into your bag and bring it to me when you think you’re ready to leave.”
“Field trip?” I asked.
“Yes, a field trip so you can gain much needed perspective to your cross-dressing and gender issues. Besides, last week I told you that if you did not find a suitable bra that we would go shopping.”
“Oh, yeah, I remember.”
Field trip and Makeup by Marcella – Every Saturday
After packing my makeup kit I brought it to Marci for inspection. She dumped the contents onto the sofa and began putting it all back in my bag. “Good job. I see that you’re taking your ID and $45 cash. Where is your lash curler?” I immediately corrected my oversight. Marci zipped my pink ‘Stacy’ bag closed. I was to carry it as if were a handbag.
“OK, Sweetie lets go.”
The stark reality of the moment stunned me. Stacy had never been outside the house before; Stacy had never been in public before! I panicked. “Walk to the car? Neighbors will see me! Mrs. Thomas always has coffee with mom on Saturdays.” I was apprehensive.
“Sweetie, this moment was bound to happen someday. Be a confident teen woman, grab your purse and make it happen.”
In an effort to calm me Marci handed me her fashionable oversized women’s sunglasses. “Maybe these will make you feel more secure” she said.
“Thank you. You’ll never know how much I appreciate these.”
“Well Precious, in all likelihood I’d guess a couple of your neighbors already wonder why a cute young girl lives in your house. Mrs. Thomas keeps a sharp eye on her neighborhood.”
I opened the front door and let Marci leave ahead of me. I pulled the door closed and checked to make sure the door was securely locked. Marci’s car was parked at the curb; a very far distance when you’re an insecure boy, dressed as a woman, going out in public for the first time, with Mrs. Thomas as a neighbor. I took a deep breath and followed Marci to her car. A neighbor two houses away was washing his car.
Field Trip
I eased myself into Marci’s car and slouched low in the seat to avoid curious neighbors from looking too closely. Marci handed me a white floppy beach hat from the back seat to help disguise me. I remained apprehensive and low in my seat.
Speaking to me Marci said, “You need to think of this excursion as being more than a shopping trip. This is a field trip that will expose you to information and ideas about things you would never have known about; answers to questions about who you really are. Relax, Missy and take it all in. Life has a lot to offer if you’re open minded.”
We drove to a side of town I had rarely seen before. Marci pulled up in front of a large store front in an industrial area named ‘Lee’s Boutique’. ‘We specialize in larger sizes’. The display window had mannequins wearing lingerie.
After letting me see the large store front Marci drove us to a back entrance. She parked under a carport awning. As I exited her car Marci reminded me to take my new purse. “A girl always knows where her bag is. Get used to it.”
The gentle jingle of bells announced our entry. The clicking of my 3 inch heels sounded loud. A matronly looking gray haired older woman greeted us. She was dressed in dark ladies slacks and a nondescript blouse. A sweater was draped on her shoulders. Granny glasses were half way down her nose and an eyeglass chain leash of fake pearls acted as a safety line for them. This old lady reminded me of my grandma.
“Marcella, so nice to see you today! You’re looking good.” Marci hugged the old woman and they exchanged air kisses to each other’s cheek. Marci opened up the medium sized Avon product bag and retrieved the same 6 inch by 11 inch zippered makeup bag that Marci had given me earlier. There wasn’t any additional embroidery. I felt bad about feeling good that Lee’s bag was so plain.
“There are a few items that I know you use and a few items you or the new girls may want to try. Have fun.” I figured the bag contained a variety of cosmetics and a catalog or two.
Turning towards me the older woman asked, “Who’s your pretty friend, Marci?”
“Lee, Stacy is my newest project. Stacy is exploring her newly discovered femininity and wants to buy her first bra and garter belt set today; and you should be the one to fit her. You did fine in fitting me so many years ago.” Looking around the almost empty store Marci rhetorically asked, “Are you busy?”
“After your call last week I was expecting you. Besides I’m never too busy for a friend of yours.”
“Hello Stacy, I’m Lee. Welcome to my store. I’m pleased to meet you. Marci told me she had met someone special.” While giving me a thorough visual inspection Lee extended a well manicured hand to shake my hand. Lee’s subtle makeup and earrings and image screamed ‘GIRL” but her voice implied something else. “Marci told me that you do your own hair. Is that right?”
“Yes, I began experimenting about a year and a half ago.”
Lee: “You do a fine job. Maybe hairstyling would be a profession you’d enjoy.”
Marci: “Tell Lee what you told me just before we left home; when I asked if you want to look feminine.”
Stacy: “I told Marci that I want to BE a girl!”
Lee gave me a motherly hug and said, “Of course you do Stacy!” Lee kissed Stacy on the head and stepped back. “Tell me Sweetie do you know the difference between a transvestite, crossdresser, transgender, or sex fetishist? Do you know what a sex change involves? Do you know who or what you are?”
Stacy: “No.”
Lee smiled in a friendly manner and said “Of course not but just maybe by the end of the day you will have a better perspective on all these things… and yourself. Whatever you conclude please remember that you are not the only one that is like you; we are many. You are not alone. And you are welcome here anytime you want. Auntie Lee will always be here to help you.”
“Have you known Marci a long time?” I asked.
“Marci and I go back a long time. She was a couple years younger than you are now when we first met. In fact I was one of her mentors. She was so unprepared for life let alone becoming a woman; young, naïve and vulnerable just like you. I took her under my wing. And now look at her.” Pointing to an 8x11 poster on the store bulletin board Lee said, “Read that poster.”
‘Makeup by Marcella. Every Saturday from 2 PM to 5 PM. $5.00 donation suggested.’ There was 5 x 7 picture of my Marci in the middle of the poster.
Marci explained, “In addition to Avon I am a consultant here at Lee’s store for men or boys that need help with makeup and image; boys like you. I meet people that don’t know about Lee’s Boutique and I also meet with store clients that are too embarrassed to visit the store. I help them in the privacy of their home or a hotel room if that better suits their needs. I charge a modest hourly fee.”
“We maintain a list of beauty salons and support services that welcome men in need of help; permanents, hair dye, waxing, manicures, hair removal from their private area, etc. We get a small referral fee in return. Our clients get a safe and secure experience.”
“For private clients I refer them to Lee for larger sized female clothing and other items. You may see these other items as you explore the store. In return Lee refers me clients. We both benefit.”
“We also offer referral to a variety of medical and psychological services that meet their needs… hormones, voice and job training, work placement, etc. I’m particularly proud of our youth outreach and group counseling programs. Peer to peer counseling has saved lives.”
Marci: “If you want to give these services a try let me know. I think you would benefit from talking with teens like yourself. We have private exam and meeting rooms upstairs. A doctor and a psychologist visits us twice a month. She makes sure we all stay physically and mentally healthy.”
I craned my neck trying to see what else the store had to offer. I nudged Marci and pointed to an area labeled “Adult Baby – Diapers and Rubber Pants.” I saw pacifiers the size of a baseball.
Lee: “Please, take a walk around my store and see all the exciting things I have to offer. I want to speak with Marci for awhile so go and explore. I’ll come find you when we done talking. Oh, if anyone asks to help you or has any questions tell them that Lee is helping you, OK Sweetie?”
I nodded and said, ‘Thank you’. Lee joined Marci who was standing at a back glass counter that was filled with cosmetics and nail products. I never knew there were so many different styles of artificial nails
Lee’s store was like a toy and candy store for cross-dressers! There were racks and shelves of lingerie, dresses, skirts, panties, bras, shoes and make-up. There were wigs, hip and butt padding and much more.
In the back corner was a book and magazine area. A tall and husky woman was engrossed in a large glossy magazine. Her heels seemed excessively high. I walked over just to look. The sound of my heels got the attention of the magazine reader; she quickly closed her magazine and placed it back on the shelf. Two things were obvious; she needed a shave and she had a boy-bulge.
Looking around I was amazed at so many books and magazines that featured She Males. I was enthralled and I wanted one. I had never seen anything like this. I picked up a glossy magazine titled ‘Chicks with Dicks’ and flipped through it. There were more photos than words. The photos were breath taking! The beautiful women all had a penis! I had never seen a man’s erect penis before let alone a penis with lipstick rings on it. I’d never seen a penis being sucked before. These were the first blowjobs photos I’d ever seen. I was mesmerized.
More amazing were photos of men who were dressed as women being fucked in their butt by men dressed like women! Several pictures showed men in garter belts, on their back, with their nylon stocking covered legs wrapped around a man’s waist or hanging over a man’s shoulders. Every girl on her back was taking a penis in the ass. None of the ‘girls’ looked unhappy. I was mesmerized, I was curious and I was aroused.
“That’s called a ‘boy pussy’” Marci would tell me later.
I squirmed and shifted nervously. After a few minutes more of intense scrutiny I switched to a different magazine. Visually it was almost more than I could stand to see. If I saw any more I’d need to lie down and get some relief. And yet I wanted to see more.
‘She Male Sluts’ had similar photos of ‘girls’ sucking cocks; big, thick, long cocks! I had heard about this but never dreamed I would see such a thing! I was riveted. I looked at every photo. There was a ‘How to Pleasure a Man’ section with instructional photos. There were close-ups of thick cocks with lipstick coated lips wrapped around them! Photos of girls on their knees; girls holding a penis while performing blowjobs.
The back pages of this magazine had photos of women bent over a cushion or on their knees gleefully being fucked from behind. “That’s called ‘Doggie Style’ Marci would advise. Maybe someday she would demonstrate on me which position she preferred.
My penis continued to throb and grow. My breathing became different and lustful. Still looking at one particular photo I reached down to my crotch to confirm what I knew; there was a definite bulge. I was glad that I had taken Marci’s advice and was wearing a panty liner. I caught a movement from the corner of my eye. I turned to look and I saw the ‘magazine lady’ smiling at me. I put my magazine back and left the book area.
I found myself in front of a long glass display case with several shelves. I had heard about but had never seen a dildo before. Now I had. So many sizes, shapes and colors. I saw two that I would have like to take home and try out on my boy-pussy. Some of them could be strapped on to a belt! I saw plain butt plugs and I saw butt plugs with jewels. There was a variety of lubes! Why would someone invent a flavored lube? Those glass cases and what they implied was only part of the education that Marci wanted me to have.
Walking between rows of clothing I found two racks of pretty French Maid and sexy Nurse uniforms; some came with garter belts and panties. Both styles featured very skimp skirts. Tags indicated sizes that ranged from 8 to 22. Nearby were racks labeled Fetish Clothing.
I found Marci and was telling her what an amazing store this was. I saw Lee walk over to the reading area and speak with the tall woman that had smiled at me. “Why is Lee speaking to her?”
“Lee’s getting a recommendation for a nice magazine for you to take home. Alice is a connoisseur of Lee’s special literature.”
“Those magazines are expensive!”
“Don’t worry Missy; you’ll get a deep discount for being a special friend of mine.”
“Have you finished touring the store?”
“No. I definitely want to see more. And I want to see their garter belts.” I leaned close to Marci and whispered, “I really, really, want to take home the ‘She Male Sluts’ magazine. I saw things I want to know more about.” Marci smiled and said, “Of course you do.”
Marci noticed that my crotch had a ‘magazine bulge’ but said nothing. “I need some time in a rest room,” I began. I winced at what I had just said. “Sorry, I mean I need to use a restroom. Is there one close by?” I asked.
Marci turned and pointed to a closed door at the back of the store with a plaque that said ‘Private. Staff Only.’ “There’s a private employee restroom behind that door. It’s a Ladies Comfort Station and Lounge. There’s a long well lit mirror, a fully stocked cosmetics counter, 3 wash basins, 3 toilets stalls (with bidets), a couple of chairs and most importantly a couch where you can lay down and take care of your ‘cramps’. Enter ‘7749’ into the keypad and go in. You’ll have privacy and no one will disturb you.”
“Look in the cupboard under the sink. That’s where Lee keeps extra Kleenex, hygiene products and her KY lube samples.” I nodded that I understood and said, “I need a fresh panty liner.” Marci smiled. “You’ll find everything you need on the vanity counter; tampons and mouth wash too. Help yourself. Go and take care of business Sweetie.” In an attempt at humor Marci added, “Use as much lube and tissues as you need.” I winced and Lee chuckled at her comment.
I softly asked if Lee would mind if I took one of her magazines in with me…”I think it would help me relax more quickly.”
“No, magazines remain on the rack. You’ll have plenty of ‘alone time’ with your own magazines when you get home. Maybe you should take Alice in with you. I’m sure she could help you ‘relax’ in a variety of ways.”
It was my turn to smile. I puckered an air kiss and left for the restroom. As I walked away Marci said, “Let me know if you need any help in there.”
Lee came over and asked, “Is everything OK with Stacy?” Marci smiled and joked, “She’s fine. Looking at your magazines had an impact on her. It seems something popped up and she needs to take matters in her own hand.” Marci made a not so subtle ‘jerk off’ motion with one hand. They both chuckled. “Been there done that” Lee quipped.
“Lee, while Stacy is getting rid of pent up tension I want you to take mental notes of what I want for her.” Lee nodded and listened intently.
“I want to send her home with the most graphic She Male porn magazine you have.”
“I know just the one! Alice recommends the magazine that Stacy looked at first. In fact I’ll send her home with two special magazines… one will be a gift from me to Stacy; I’m sure you will benefit from what she learns.”
“Lee, do me a favor. When Stacy selects a garter belt make sure she gets one shorter set of black stockings with an old fashioned seam up the back to wear home with her garter belt. Tell her the seamed stockings will be free only if she wears them out of the store; that they are like a sorority prank.”
“If we do that her garter straps will be visible and she’ll look… ”
“Exactly! I want to slut her up just a little bit. Cute girly garter straps with pretty bows on the garter tabs… showing from the bottom of her sundress. I want her to feel vulnerable when she has to walk to my car… I want Stacy to realize that how she dresses can put her at risk. In fact I will re-park my car a few blocks away just so she has to walk farther in public. ”
“Sell her a lacy underwire demi-bra. Fit and adjust it for her. Then fasten it on the tightest back hooks so her ‘pecs’ create a bit of cleavage. Give her a set of your silicon chicken filets breast enhancers. Tuck them into her bra and show her how they work best. She told me she wants breasts.”
Lee: “OK. I’ll show her how a little tape can give her cleavage too. Every girl needs to know about the value of tape.”
“Stacy saved $45 of allowance money and I want her to pay $40. Put the remaining amount on my account.”
“Anything else, honey?”
“Let’s see; bra, tits, garter belt, stockings, instructional magazines and two cans of hair spray.” Marci paused and went through a mental checklist. “Stacy needs a gaff and a quick instruction on how to tuck.”
“Marcella, I’ve got a fantastic idea. I’m going to have our drag queen in residence assist her. It will expose Stacy to a subculture she doesn’t know exists. Let her see how some men attain a look of femininity! The insights Lucy can provide to a newbie girl-in-training will be invaluable.”
“Oh, my yes. She works here a few hours a week in order to get discounts on the tools of her trade. Her real job is performing in a long running Drag act at the old Ivar Theater. She calls herself Lucy LaFemme.”
“Is that the same Lucy that worked at your store on Melrose a few years ago? That will be so perfect; just the education Precious needs. This field trip is getting more informative by the minute. Tell old Lucy that Stacy is Marcella’s little sister and to not hit on her. The kid is confused as it is.”
“Has your Precious seen our dildos and adult toys yet?”
“Yes she has. I want to educate her, not scare her; unless she asks. Be sure to show her your sexiest corsets and crotchless panties and pantyhose. Both parties wearing nylons during love making is special.”
“Do you think Stacy is a Sissy? I don’t get strong Sissy vibes from her.”
“She may not be a fully fledged Sissy but I think it is something she’d like to explore especially since she has spent some time with your magazines. Walk her through the Sissy section of your store. Get her to try on a Sissy outfit. Have her feel the beauty of petticoats and crinolines. Tell her you’ll take Polaroid photos of her for a keepsake; be sure that I get one of her looking very Sissy.”
“Having a petticoated Sissy as a friend isn’t a bad thing. I know you’re running short on time and I’ll keep Stacy focused. I’ll get her into a Sissy outfit and I’ll also be sure she takes home a copy of a Sissy Life magazine. Her response will be interesting.” Marci smiled.
Stacy returned from her restroom break. She looked less tense then when she had gone into the restroom.
“Feeling more relaxed, Sweetie?” Marci asked. I blushed deeply knowing she knew I had just masturbated. She didn’t know that I done it twice. Lee’s magazines had created a strong need for relief.
I managed a smile and meekly said, “That KY is amazing stuff.”
Marci leaves me to make a delivery
“Stacy, I need to drop off two cosmetic orders nearby and I will be back in about 90 minutes. Lee is going to show you around her store and will fit you for your first bra and garter belt. And Lucy will show you several things that I know you’ll enjoy.”
Lee said, “I’m going to have Lucy show you some specialty clothing which will be very informative for you. She’ll take very good care of you. She’s in show biz. This is your chance to ask questions from experts. Take advantage of their experience. Ask about clothing, gaffs, tucking, hormones and sexual identity; ask about things that you wouldn’t ask your mom. You’re a very fortunate girl.”
Marci left.
It didn’t seem too long before I was wearing my first bra, falsies, garter belt, seemed nylon stockings and gaff. I now knew what ‘tucking’ was and I knew how to do it. Lee and Lucy made the time go by too quickly. What a fine field trip!
Marci returns
I was sitting with Lee and Lucy in an alcove near the cash register. It was a relaxing area defined by a large and well worn Persian rug. There were a love seat, two Queen Anne high back chairs, two floor lamps, side tables and a rectangular coffee table that held our drink glasses. There was ample opportunity to sprawl out and be comfortable.
We were having informative conversations about a variety of things; the pros and cons of hormone therapy, if gender identity was a psychiatric disease, how to ‘come out’ to a parent, same gender sex. I confessed that I had a crush on a male school mate.
A little more than 90 minutes later Marci came through the front door of the store.
I stood up and met Marci at the edge of the carpet. I motioned her to stop. I smiled and did a 90 degree turn so she could see my profile. “Wow, someone grew tits… very nice breasts” Marci quipped. She gave me the ‘turn around’ signal which I did. I stopped when I was facing her.
“You look divine… like someone’s pretty daughter with perfect 34 B breasts.
Marci and I went to the love seat and sat next to each other. A large shopping bag loaded with clothes and magazines was near my feet. My old pantyhose were at the bottom of the bag.
Marci: “Well Lee, how did the bra and garter belt fitting go? I hope Stacy found a bra and garter belt.”
Lee: “It went very well. Stacy tried three different styles and she selected, without any coaxing, one push-up bra that most young genetic girls her age would wear. While doing her fitting we discussed the different types of ‘girls’ there are. Some girls have a penis, right Stacy?”
Stacy: “Yes, that’s true. And Lucy is a different type of girl for sure. She showed me photos of men performing drag. So much work to look like a caricature of femaleness. They sure can lip-synch and perform. Lucy said I can have free tickets to her show anytime I want them!”
Lucy: “So you don’t think Drag is for you?”
Stacy: “Drag brings attention. I don’t want to draw attention. I just want to be a normal girl with normal breasts.”
Lee: “Stacy selected an exact replica of your garter belt but in white. I told her to wait for a special occasion before buying a fancy one.”
Lee asked, “Marcella! How did this young lady get a gander of your garter belt and how does she know that you wear red panties? How does she know these things? Didn’t I teach you better?”
Marci said: “It was like a field trip at home that involved garter belts. I love them! I wanted Precious to know about them. Lee, take a look! Shouldn’t a girl like Stacy know about garter belts?”
Lee and I both nodded our heads in agreement.
“Lucy thought a 40 D bra would be best.”
“Of course she did! She’s a Drag Queen! What else did she suggest?”
I grabbed my sundress, shook it and playfully curtseyed. “Lucy gave me a starched petticoat. They give your dress a fuller more feminine look. They feel nice and they crinkle when I walk. Lucy says some girls wear 4 or 5 on top of each other to look ‘poofier’. Thanks to Lucy I know all about ‘tucking’ and gaffs. In fact I’m wearing a gaff and false eyelashes too.”
“I notice that you’re wearing seemed stockings with garter straps hanging out on display for all to see. Whose trampy idea was that?”
Lee said, “Marcella! You know darn well that that was your idea. I quote: ‘I want to slut her up just a bit.’
“Oh, yeah. I guess I forgot. It will make for an interesting three block walk to my car; it will be like hazing college students have to do when they pledge a sorority. I parked out front and down the street on purpose. Let’s see if our Garter Girl feels nervous as she, her new tits, false eyelashes, high heels and petticoats swish to my car. It’s hard to run from danger dressed like that.”
The talk
Marci: “Stacy, I feel that sharing our firsthand knowledge could spare you the problems that confronted us when we were younger. We had no one to talk with. You have us. We hope to educate you about the big, bad world that awaits you and boys like us. We want you to avoid what we went through; primarily due to a lack of knowledge. We would be doing you a disservice if we didn’t share our experiences with you.”
Marci took a few moments to collect her thoughts before continuing.
“Stacy, like you, I was a young boy that didn’t feel like a boy on the inside. By age 7 I knew I was a girl. In Kindergarten I was using a crayon to color my nails red. At age 10 I used Cherry flavored popsicles to have red girly lips. That was about the times that panties came into my life. You are 15 and are just now wondering about the same issues that Lee, Lucy and I faced when we were half your age. I hope to get you through the rough spots in life that people like us run into.”
Lee: “I’ve had boyfriends and I’ve had girlfriends and sometime they were the same person. I’ve been living with a man for twenty years. Our sex life is good. It took support groups like we offer here to help me sort out many things. It helps to know there are others with the same angst – you are not alone.”
Lucy: “Life decisions get easier if you understand the consequences of your actions. Think with your big head not the small one dangling between your legs. I’m so glad I no longer have a problem with anything dangling. Susie and I have been together for more than 15 years. She’s transgendered like me… and yes my breasts are real with the help of hormones and surgery.”
Stacy: “There are four women sitting here. Two have a penis. Why?”
Marci: “Yes I kept my penis; it’s too much of a source of pleasure. I can take the final step later. My priorities were cost vs. risk vs. what is quick & easy. It’s more important for me to sound feminine than it was in paying for a sex change operation so I spent my time and money on vocal cord modification and voice training classes. And of course I wanted breast enhancements. What are your priorities?”
We talked awhile longer until it was time to go. I told them that I’d like to come back; that my mom was going on vacation soon and would be gone for a week. “Maybe Marcella will bring me back?” I looked at Marci and she nodded in the affirmative. “I’ll bring you back as long as you’re a good girl.” She smirked as she was saying it.
I needed to get home and squared away before mom got home.
“Walk to the car? People will see me!”
I said goodbye to Lee and Lucy, picked up my shopping bag, purse and took a deep breath. I was nervous. I was leaving the security of Lee and Lee’s store. I’d never had 34 B breasts before. The stark reality of the moment stunned me for a second time today.
Stacy held the front door open and I stepped out. A light breeze blew up my sundress and reminded me of how I was dressed as did the tug of my new garter belt. Was I showing too much leg? Are people looking at my boobs? Does my hair look ok? Will someone grab my shopping bag and run? Will I stumble in my heels? I felt exposed and I felt vulnerable just as Marci had predicted.
Marci: “Go left three blocks and you’ll see my car. It’s unlocked. Let yourself in. I’ll be walking about a block behind you.” I hesitated. Marci came close and said, “Take control; join the sorority, be a confident young woman walking to her car; make it happen little sister.” She kissed me on my cheek, gave my butt a friendly pat of encouragement and sent me on my way.
I adjusted my bra strap, pointed my tits in the correct direction and began clicking my way down the street. My heels and petticoat seemed to make my butt sway more than usual. The rustling sound of my starched petticoat seemed noisy; it was bound to call attention to me. The tug of my garters felt erotically snug just as Marci had said they would. I felt an erection starting. I smiled and slowed my pace.
I was half way to Marci’s car and was passing a seedy looking ‘mom and pop’ bodega. Two grubby looking men were sitting against a wall smoking and drinking. They were sharing a beverage of some sort that was in a brown paper bag. One guy turned to check me out. He pointed at me! The other guy started staring. Their scrutiny was scary.
The first guy smiled and shouted, “Hey, Honey Buns, nice stockings! Want me to straighten your seams for you?” His drinking buddy laughed, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, burped loudly and asked, “Mama, is that a petticoat you have on display for us? Thank you!” The two laughed and were trying to stand up!
My erection disappeared and I walked faster. My heart was pounding. What if they follow me? What could I do? Dressed as I was serious running was definitely beyond my abilities.
I made it! I put my shopping bag in the rear seat and gratefully plunked myself in the passenger seat and kicked off my heels. I made a mental note to wear more sensible shoes with a lower heel the next time I went shopping; and to not have my garters visible. I retrieved my clutch purse, got my lipstick, lowered the passenger makeup mirror and did what every girl would do. I smacked my lips, raised the mirror back up and relaxed. Hopefully the ‘sorority hazing’ was over with.
Marci was about three minutes behind me. She opened her door and slid into place, car keys in hand. She was grinning at my circumstances.
“Hey Honey Buns, did you enjoy your walk? Were you looking for a date?” she rhetorically asked. We both had a good laugh.
Driving Home After the field trip
I was enjoying the day and sat tall in my seat, unlike this morning. I was smiling and enjoying the ride. Marci offered a few conversation starters: “How did your day go? Did you learn anything? How do you like wearing a bra?”
“Marcella, I am amazed at all that I’ve seen and heard today. What a great day! What a fantastic day. Lee and Lucy showed and explained so many things; things I needed to know. Her store has lots of XXX rated magazines! Lee sent me home with a male-to-female clothing conversion chart; much better than the Sears catalog.”
I took a breath and continued: “Lee showed me Sissy clothes and let me try some on. Did you know that besides being a clothing style that ‘Sissy’ is also a lifestyle that some girly-boys enjoy.”
Marci: “How many Sissy dresses did you try?”
“Two! I tried two. I have never felt as feminine or pretty as when I was dressed like a Sissy; it made me feel like an ultra feminine little girl. When I posed in front of a mirror I felt my penis begin to grow! Lucy took a couple photos of me looking Sissy cute; she let me have them and I want you to have one.”
Marci: “Is Sissy the direction that Stacy wants to go?”
“No, not on a regular basis; maybe occasionally just for fun or to please a special friend. I want to check the magazines Lee gave me but it seems that Sissies provide a like a LOT of oral sex… and… “
Marci: “And what, Sweetie?” Marci asked.
“And they like anal sex. Am I right?”
Marci: “Yes, most Sissies love giving blowjobs and most love a penis pumping in and out of their rectum. It does seem like that goes with the lifestyle. They like being the bottom.”
“The bottom?”
Marci: “Yes. Laying on your back with your legs up in the air or being bent over and being fucked from behind doggie style. A Sissy is on the ‘bottom’ under a man or a girl with a penis who fucks them in their ‘boy-pussy’. It means you’re a receiver and not a quarter back.”
“Does it hurt?”
Marci: “It can until you get used to it. A considerate lover can make it nicer.”
“Marci, are you a ‘bottom’?”
Marci looked shocked. I felt the car do a mini-swerve. Her hands on the steering wheel were tense.
“That’s a pretty bold question, Missy!”
Stacy: “You said that I could ask any question and about any topic. My question is, does it hurt when a man fucks you in the ass?”
Marci: “Before I answer let me ask you a few questions first.”
I nodded an OK.
Marci: “How many times a week do you masturbate?”
Stacy: “Once or twice a day when mom’s not home.”
Marci: “What magazines do you look at when you play with yourself?”
Stacy: “Mom has old issues of ‘Male Figure’ and ‘Physical Pictorial’ magazines that I sometimes look at when I masturbate. I saw a similar magazine at Lee’s; lots of naked men doing things to each other.”
Marci: “How many times have you tasted your own sperm?”
I was shocked at what Marci had asked! I hesitated and slowly began, “You mean this week?”
Marci smiled slyly and said, “Never mind. That answer tells me everything I need to know.” She continued her questions.
Marci: “In all the times that you have played with yourself did you ever touch yourself… in your boy-pussy?”
Stacy: “Not until last summer. Sometimes I tickle myself there; rub my sphincter with a finger and wonder what it feels like.”
Marci: “What ‘it’ are you talking about?”
Stacy: “You know… ‘it’… a penis. What does a penis feel like in your boy-pussy?”
Marci: “Have you ever stuck your finger into your boy-pussy?”
Stacy: “Not too far in. I need a longer finger or one of Lee’s dildos… or a good friend. That’s why I asked, ‘have you ever been a bottom’? Then you would know how to be gentle with a person who was a virgin back there, wouldn’t you?”
Marci: “Are you asking if I have ever been on the receiving end of anal sex or are you asking me to be a friend and slowly slide my penis into you… to pop your cherry and break you in?”
I sat silent as I weighed my response to Marci’s question. I knew what I wanted; I just didn’t want to say it. “I’m asking you both of those questions.”
As I was waiting for a response from Marci a lightning bolt of a thought crossed my mind. I quickly unzipped my makeup bag and swirled my hand around. Nothing. I peered into my bag and looked inside. Nothing. I swirled my hand through the contents again. Nothing. I spread my legs and emptied the contents; I used my sundress as a sorting tray. Nothing. I held the bag upside down and shook it. Nothing.
Marci took notice of my rummaging around and asked, “Did you lose something?”
I began putting all my stuff back in the bag. It definitely was not there. I melted into my seat and went limp. My lower lip began to tremble and tears formed in the corners of my eyes.
Marci reached over as she drove and patted my leg. “What’s up, Baby Doll; lose an earring?”
“Oh, my god, I’m locked out of the house! I left my key on the table inside. I am sooo screwed!”
Marci pulled her car to the curb under the shade of an old oak tree. She turned off the engine and stared at me as she thought. About a minute later she picked up my hand and brought it to her lips and kissed the back of it. Still holding my hand Marci tenderly said, “Stacy, I’ll wait with you. We’ll figure something out. We need to consider our options.”
Stacy: “We certainly can’t wait three hours parked in front of my house.”
Marci: “Do you have a spare key hidden outside?”
Stacy: “Mom left a spare key with Mrs. Thomas! Dressed like this I definitely can’t ask Mrs. Thomas. She’d give me the key but she’d have notified all the neighbors before I got the front door open. What am I going to do? I can’t wait for mom to get home dressed like this.”
Marci: “Can you get to your backyard and wait on the patio until…” Her voice trailed off. “Nah, your mom would still find her son all femmed up on the rear patio; we need to clean you up before she gets home.”
Marci: “We could drive back to Lee’s and get squared away. She has a shower for your hair and lots of privacy. We’d need to buy you a pair of boy pants and a t-shirt. Stacy could leave her clothes and stuff there. You’d be able to meet your mom looking like David.”
I was still stunned. I just stared.
Marci: “Look Precious, here is what I’m concerned about. If the police come it will become a nightmare for us both but more so for me. The news headlines will read, ‘Transgendered Avon Lady burglar kidnaps and force feminizes local teen boy’. You are 15. I am an adult; statutory rape charges would haunt me the rest of my life. As for you… you would always be ‘that boy’ that wears dresses. Gossips will say that you sucked me and that I fucked you. You’d need to change schools. We need a workable plan.”
“So what should we do?” I softly whined.
Marci gently patted my knee and leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes and tried to relax. With her eyes still closed Marci softly said, “Worst case is we’ll both talk to your mom. She won’t kill you. With any luck she’ll accept Stacy too. I’m sure she’ll have me arrested. Your decision today will ripple thru your life forever. You need to decide what to do Stacy because it’s your life.”
Here’s your options
1 – Break into your own house dressed as a girl and hope police don’t show up; you revert to being David but get in trouble for breaking in.
2 – Dressed as you are ask Mrs. Thomas for the key. You’ll revert to being David before your mom gets home but your mom and all the neighbors will know about Stacy. You’ll still be outed.
3 – Wait for your mom to come home dressed as Stacy. Maybe you could sneak in later, maybe you can get cleaned up after she unlocks the door. This results in a very high chance that Stacy will be outed.
4 – Return to Lee’s store, get cleaned up, and buy pants and T-shirt. Then David waits on the porch for mom to get home.
5 – Come up with a better plan.
Marci: “Make a decision Honey Buns; I’m going to sit here with my eyes closed and try to relax. Let me know what you decide. We have three hours before your mom gets home.”
Adult alternate ending "Avon Lady #3 XXX" has now posted on 10/10/2020.
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Her first trip out of the house as Stacy
Today was a real adventure and a day of firsts for Stacy. It's so nice that she has Marci and now Lee and Lucy to help her figure out who Stacy really is. I doubt if she'll opt for fully transitioning anytime soon, she was way too intrigued by those she-male magazines and I'm guessing will decide like Marci did that she likes having a penis way too much, especially if she's with another gorgeous femmed-up girl with a penis; which seems to be your forte as an author. And though I'm basically a frustrated non-op TS who's mostly into cisgender males (or a butch transman) you make their erotic play adorable and kind of hot.
Of course you've had to keep this series fairly G-Rated since Stacy is underage; But I'd love it if when she's out of high school and just settled in her own apartment, indulging in her hobby on her day off from work, she hears the doorbell's DING DONG and standing there is Marci, (who maybe she hasn't seen in a while) with bags of goodies. "Happy eighteenth birthday, Sweetie!"
Stacy invites her in, "How did you know it was my birthday?"
"The client card you filled out 3 years ago had your DOB on it. I've been waiting for this day!"
"But how did you find where I live?"
Marci smiles slyly, "I have my ways..."
And from there it could be as X-rated as you'd care to get.
But today, after her big adventure Stacy has suddenly found herself the classic closeted crossdresser's nighmare of being locked out of the house en femme (Woody Allen covered this one in his film Everything You Wanted to Know about Sex but were Afraid to Ask {not a very convincing CD, the most painfully funny part is his wife shaming him at the end after he's discovered...}). I think Stacy's main focus should be on keeping Marci and her other new girlfriends out of trouble, which being adults could be really bad for them if they're seen as "luring" a young boy into their "depraved lifestyle", the kinds of things paranoid normals imagine...
So she either goes back to Lee's shop to change back into boy mode, or sends Marci on her way and waits for Mom to come home, in the back yard where the neighbors won't see her, so she'd only wind up being outed to her mom. There would still be lying involved, saying she'd been crossdressing on her own + only wanted to sit in the backyard when she locked herself out. Coming out to Mom like this would be scary, but it could be sweet if Mom either knew or suspected + wasn't terribly upset about it. "I love you no matter what" is the most beautiful thing a parent can say. Wish mine had been like that but oh well...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Thanks for the in-depth
Thanks for the in-depth comment. Your analysis is very good. And then you explain about a 3 years in the future solution to the story line. Such a nimble mind you have. "DING DONG and... there is Marci with bags of goodies. "Happy eighteenth birthday, Sweetie!" and "The client card you filled out 3 years ago had your DOB on it. I've been waiting for this day!" - Pretty solid concept. I think it would make a great project for you to run with. Seriously.
Question: After 3 years and Marci rings the doorbell who will open the door? David? Stacy?
I think returning to Lee's to get back to boy mode is logical... but I figured that Stacy should make the decision.
I liked your references to the Woody Allen film (I had forgotten that aspect) and to my writing forte!
Do you recall the Avon Ladies & their samples? Perhaps you were too young or maybe they were not in your area.
And now I need to Google "cisgender males"
Stay well. Thanks.
(air kisses to you)
Great Chapter!
The writing was superb. The plot is well thought out and presented perfectly. The content is titillating. The ending begs for more.
Thanks for your comment. "The content is titillating. The ending begs for more." Considering how long you've been on BC that is high praise.
Veronica had some interesting ideas on how a sequel could go. Do you have a suggestion?
Perhaps go 15 years to the future and Marci and Stacy are living together? Or now own the boutique?
Did you have Avon Ladies in your area? Did you use her free samples? I did!
PS I keep mentally waiting for Stacy to tell Marci what she wants to do before mom gets home.
Avon #3 - just posted
FYI, I just posted Avon #3 on 9/11/2020. I went a bit XXX on what is probably the last of my Avon stories.
Thanx for reading. Regards,