Super stressful day yesterday

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So yesterday was a super stressful day. I got up early, drove down to pick up Sharon and Sam's dog, took them across town to the vet's so the dog could get a tooth pulled, then took Sharon back home and then went home myself, rested, then Sharon called and said the dog was done early so I went down, picked her and Sam up, went to the vet's, discovered that the vet had to stop the dental work because he saw something worrying and had sent off blood and urine samples, then I took them home, dropped off the dog, took Sharon and Sam to get some pet food and kitty litter, then stopped at a burger place so they could get something to eat, then took them home and finally went back home myself.

I did all this while suffering a really nasty PTSD reaction (which deserves a blog entry of its own, so stay tuned), and now I have the additional stress of worrying about the dog.

Sighs, hugs appreciated, folks.


Hugs again!

laika's picture

I'm sorry yesterday was such a crappy day for you.
I really hope your dog is okay, or if not gets better.
~Hugs again (for you, any time!), Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Rose's picture

You're always welcome to as many hugs as I can dish out and you can hold. :-)

HUGS! Sorry it was a rough day. HUGS! Of course, I'm always praying for you, HUGS! and I'll continue to do so. HUGS!



Hugs, Huggles and even more Hugs...

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Lovely Hugs...
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Flurry of Huggles...
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