Covid 19 Part 17

Nineteen. 17.

Covid 19 Disclosure.

©Copyright to Beverly Taff 2020.

List of Characters.
Terry Harrington. Fugitive boy marked for compulsory transitioning.
Samantha, (Sam) First transitioned kid Terry meets on the streets.
Theodora (Dora) Leader of the transitioned kid gang.
Jessica. (Jessie) The only natal girl in Dora’s gang.
Charlie Member of the transitioned gang.
Jan Another member of the transitioned gang.
Ron Café owner who lost his daughter to egg-snatchers.
Doctor McTavish. Female paediatrician
Doctor Cummins Professorial Consultant Paediatrician
Sarah. Senior Midwife at the maternity unit
Dawn Very young trainee nurse.
Eleanor Jessica’s mother.
Diana Terri’s mother.
Marek. Refugee from ISIS terrorists in Syria.
George. Clever Insightful lab tech.

Part 17 Disclosure.

On seeing the crowd assembled on the fields just inside the hospital gates, the professor stopped and frowned.

“Looks like rent-a-mob are already here.” Dora offered uncertainly.

“I’ll go around the back way, I don’t think this mob is bent on havoc. They seem at a loss as to how to go forward.”

“They could be blocking the back way as well.”

“There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Professor Cummins replied, tapping his nose sagaciously.

Dora shrugged and sat back trying to look unconcerned. The car diverted off the main approach drive that was bordered by assorted protesters and slowed to take the path took them around the main building. Dora’s heart sank as she saw a smaller group gathered at what was obviously the alternative entrance but the professor diverted again and drove slowly towards a group of cars parked next to an annexe that was built in the same Palladian style as the old hospital.

“What’s this place.” Dora asked.
“It was the old morgue were bodies were transported to during epidemics. This used to be the old fever and isolation hospital so using it as a nightingale hospital was an easy conversion.”

“Jan isn’t in this part, she’s in the main block.”

“I know, but as you’ll readily see, the main block is virtually surrounded. Come quickly now, I’ve got a key to this part.”

Dora turned to see the group covering the back door start to show an interest in her and the professor, so she stuck close as they tried to act nonchalant and enter the annexe. Their ruse seemed to work, and when she looked out from a side window, the group had lost interest.
Inside it was obvious the annexe was little more than a store but there was one person sitting at a desk obviously counting beans.

“What can I do for you,” the clerk asked without bothering to look up.

“Hello Alf, my God are you still working here!”

“The clerk jerked his head up with astonishment as he recognised Professor Cummins.”

“Good God! Professor! I thought you’d left us for good!”

“Strange times Alf, this pandemic makes for strange bed-fellows.”

“So what on earth brings you back to my little fiefdom?”

“I need to use the old fever tunnel.”

“It’s still there, I use it all the time to deliver equipment and stuff. It’s not locked, go ahead.”

With no more ado, Professor Cummins walked down the passageway then down a ramp and opened a wide door. After pausing for effect, he invited Dora in. Dora’s eyes widened with amazement.

“Bloody hell! A secret tunnel!”

“It’s not a secret as such but not many people remember it. It used to be used to remove the bodies from the old fever wards secretly so as not to frighten the patients. Back in the day, the death rates could be quite high during some old Victorian pandemics so when they built this place they thought of a discreet way to make the death rate less obvious by sneaking the bodies in here then taking them to mass graves at night. Of course all that brutal Victorian horror was over by the time the hospital was completed, but the tunnel still remains. Now all it does is serve Alf’s needs.”

Dora giggled as their footsteps echoed along the tunnel until they came to the other door. The professor opened it and they emerged into another store-room with lots of full shelves. On the wall by a small desk the professor found the key to the main door and they climbed some more steps to emerged into the hospital proper. After a couple of corridors they arrived at the main reception where the receptionist eyed them curiously.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Professor Cummins from the Bristol fertility clinic. I’m here to see Doctors Smith and Sinclair.”

“How did you get in here?”

“That’s immaterial young lady, now where can I find the doctors?”

The receptionist looked somewhat suspiciously at the pair for she had already had a couple of protesters trying to masquerade as clinical staff. Without giving Dora and Professor Cummins any directions she pressed the intercom and made a general request for the doctors to come to reception.

“You understand my position Professor Cummins, we’ve had several attempts by imposters to get past reception today. Now have you anything to do with the young female patient Jan Doe?”

“Doe? Is that her real family name?” Professor Cummins asked.

“No, she still refuses to give her true identity.”

“Harrumph! Well she’s obviously learning at long last to keep her mouth shut. Is she available to talk to?”

“You’ll have to speak to the doctors, - and the police.”

“What’s she being detained for?”

The receptionist nodded over her shoulder towards the crowd outside.

“Because of that. Protective custody they call it.”

“That figures,” Dora opined. “I suppose she’d be hounded to death out there.”

“Her own fault,” the receptionist declared, “she should have kept her mouth shut.”

“Amen to that.” Professor Cummins agreed. “Still, we’re going to have to get her to a safer place. This place is wide open.”
They all turned to study the crowd and exchanged brief nods of agreement as doctors Smith and Sinclair appeared.


“Doctors, long time no see.”

“So why have you not been to see us since your moved over to gynaecology and fertility.”

“We’ve been very busy as I’m sure you’re aware.”

“Yes, exciting stuff, well the medical science and what have you," Doctor Smith observed, "but how does it feel to be getting embroiled in the political side?”

“The job is made easier by the sperm donor. He lays down categorical and absolute terms and the politicians have to abide by them.”

“Plenty of sore toes then.” Doctor Sinclair grinned.

“Oooh yes! Noses out of joint, shattered egos, you name it.”

“This sperm donor chap, is he difficult to work with?”

“We don’t see anything of him,” the professor lied, “but frankly his terms and conditions match those of most liberated, humanitarians. I have little problem with his conditions.”

“Good, good. So what do we owe for this pleasure then?”

“The transitioner, Jan Doe you’ve named her. Is she safe here?”

“I don’t follow you professor?”

Professor Cummins motioned to a private corner away from reception and other possible ears. Once out of earshot, he explained quietly.

“She was inoculated by a friend some days ago, miracle recovery and all.”

“Yes, right here in this hospital, we know all about that; but I don’t see –“

Professor Cummins interrupted Dr Sinclair before she could continue.

“She’s in danger doctor. That crowd out there is just the respectable face of the universal demand for a vaccine.”

“Yes, but I don’t see what –“

“The stupid girl caused that ruckus out there by announcing to all and sundry that she was immune to Covid 21 and that she had been vaccinated.”

“Well yes, we know that.”

And are you privy to the other big secret?”

“You mean that ‘super dad’ is also the blood donor.”

Professor Cummins winced at the expression.

'Jesus! Even the doctors are using that name now,' - "Yes, 'super-dad’! Yes him!”

"Enlighten me professor," Doctor Sinclair asked.

“Well at the clinic there has already been one attempt to access the sperm and – or the sperm donor. If it gets out that superdad is the blood donor, that girl’s life will be virtually forfeit. They will try and kidnap her to draw superdad out of the woodwork. Our source has already identified some very interested parties in the sperm donations alone, never mind the blood donations.”

“And they’re a threat you say.”

“You can bet your bottom dollar they are. This place has virtually zero security.”

“Well yes, that’s true because the boundary wall by the river has recently collapsed. There are just some wire fence sections and some padlocks blocking the hole.”

“Exactly, while the fertility clinic has been upgraded since the advent of the Jessica twins. We’ve got higher walls and better all-round secure accommodation. These transitioned, immune girls need to be protected until the vaccine is ready.”

“So that’s two transitioned pregnant girls then, Charlie and Jan; both immune to Covid 21.”

“And me.” Dora volunteered.

Doctor Sinclair smiled at Dora and nodded.

“Oh yes, you're the leader of the pack Jan tells me.”

“Well whatever." Dora confirmed. "We need to get my friends into the high security of the fertility clinic, without being seen.”

“And how do we do that? Young lady.”

“Simple. Have you got a printer nearby?”

“This a hospital, of course we’ve got a printer.”

“Then simply type out a letter to the crowd and while they’re all wanting to find out what’s in it, we four, the Proff, Jan, Charlie and I make our escape in the professor’s car.”

“So what do we tell them?” Doctor Smith asked irritably.

“The truth of course. There will be a vaccine ready in about two to four weeks, subject to final tests and that there’s only a limited supply.”

“They’re not going to like it, that mob out there I mean.”

“There are lots of things that lots of people don’t like. Truth often being one of them. At least they’ll learn to trust the source,” Professor Cummins replied, “and trust is hard earned in these times.”

“Anybody facing that mob, might be torn to pieces.” Doctor Smith opined.

“Not surprising is it?” Dora argued. “All they ever get is half-truths, lies and rumours. I’ll tell you what; you print the notice and I’ll deliver it to them.”

“I can’t allow that Dora.” Professor Cummins protested.

“Why not? You’re not my jailer.”

“You’re too valuable to the project.” The professor continued. “Just like Jan and Charlie; pregnant and immune.”

“But I still think it would be better if the truth came from somebody who’s with the programme, besides, I’m not that important. I don’t contribute to the science or medicine, I’m just another lab-rat really.”

“Don’t say that! Don’t ever put yourself down like that. You’re a priceless mother who carries hope for the world in that womb of yours.”

“Happen I am. But I’m still prepared to deliver the notices so let’s get started. It won’t take but an hour to churn out a few hundred letters on ‘A-4’ paper. I’m not a prisoner and I refuse to let myself be locked away.”

Professor Cummins exchanged resigned looks with the doctors Sinclair and Smith then shrugged.

“Very well Dora. On your shoulders be it.”

“With these words the group quickly wrote and printed the letters before they arrived at the main entrance ready to face the tumult. Dora was holding a megaphone and waving a handful of the letters while Doctors Smith and Sinclair stood nervously behind her with the remaining thousand sheets of paper.

Meanwhile, Professor Cummins had located Jan and Charlie, sorted out the police guard and persuaded Jan and Charlie to come with him. One of the officers accompanied the trio while he checked with his superiors. Satisfied with Professor Cummins' identity, he released them and they escaped via the tunnel while Dora was trying to organise the pandemonium with the notices.

Once in the car and safe from the hospital, the professor found a safe place to stop.

“You have been a very stupid girl!” He censured Jan. “What possessed you to go make a stupid declaration like that?”

“I thought the vaccine was ready but you people were keeping it back for yourselves.”

Professor Cummins sighed wearily with frustration.

“The bloody vaccine is not ready yet. We’ve got to be sure it’s safe and there’s about two to four weeks before the trials are complete. And as for your thoughts on our withholding the vaccine, well your only half right.”

“Whadd’ya mean?”

“There’s only so much vaccine available. The donor cannot just keep donating blood willy-nilly. There has to be safe intervals between donations so that she can recover. So, because it’s so scarce, it will initially be given to people already seriously sick. First, here in the UK and then as best we can manage around the world. Fortunately, her antigens behave retroactively as you well know.

Her blood is the only immediate source of a vaccine while labs all over are struggling to get a tag on this bitch of a bug. Prophylactic vaccinations are a long ways off, as they always have been. This Covid 21 is a far nastier beast than Covid 19.”

“You don’t have to keep referring to her as ‘the donor’. I know who she is.” Jan objected.

“Yes. But you don’t know the full story and it’s safer for you if you don’t.”

“Huh, if you don’t trust me, how can I trust you?” Jan replied petulantly.

“The only thing I can trust you to do is get drunk and open your big mouth. The less you know, the better.”

Jan replied sulkily.

“Once! Just once I slipped up.”

“Once was all it took!” Professor Cummins snapped angrily.”

With those words, the conversation fell silent and the professor delivered Charlie and Jan safely to the fertility clinic.

“You’ll be safe here until the vaccine is available and you’ll be held incommunicado.”

“What! Locked up!”

“Yes, you’re a blabber-mouth, this will be a lesson and it’s for your own safety. There are criminals and even governments prepared to kidnap you and use you as a bargaining counter to bring superdad out of hiding. Same goes for Charlie, they know you are somehow connected to superdad because you’re the first to be made pregnant by us with his donated sperm.”

“You can’t keep us locked up,” Jan protested. “That’s illegal!”

“It’s only for a few weeks, get over it. You’re not going to be allowed to endanger the programme.”

“For fuck’s sake Jan!” Charlie cursed her. “Just do as you’re told. Your big mouth got us into this, so stop bloody whining!”


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