Covid 19 and still counting past 21

Nineteen and still counting past 21

©Copyright to Beverly Guinevere Taff

List of Characters.

Terry Harrington. Fugitive boy marked for compulsory transitioning.

Samantha, (Sam) First transitioned kid Terry meets on the streets.

Theodora (Dora) leader of the transitioned kid gang.

Jessica. (Jessie) The only neo-natal girl in Dora’s gang.

Part 4

Jessica glared at Terry peevishly.

“Don’t fuck with me. What’s this exciting bit of news?”

“I was talking to Ron about your hiding from the egg snatchers and he looked puzzled.”


“Well he told me that if a girl is pregnant they can’t take her eggs while she’s carrying the baby and the government has said they can’t take her eggs if she declares she’s going to continue having babies because it can affect her future pregnancies. She must have anything up to eight babies apparently or until she reaches her mid- thirties. Then they take her remaining eggs because the really do need the eggs to implant into trans-girls.”

“What! Does that mean they can’t touch me if I’m pregnant?” Jessie gasped.

“That’s what Ron said. He tried to take the egg snatchers to court for allowing his nationally vital neonatal daughter to be taken into an infected hospital. The hospital was supposed to be utterly sterile and free of all viruses.”

“Hah. Some hope of that. Covid 21, puts Covid 19 in the bloody shade for durability and infectability.” You just can’t stop it. I’ve read a lot about it before I ran away from home. Libraries mostly.”

“Ron’s got a computer in his living room. He said I could use it to check up.”

“Well let’s ask him.”

Terry agreed and tapped discreetly on the fire door again.

“What now, be quick, I’m busy as hell.”

“Can we check on your computer about the egg snatching thing and the pregnancy clause.”

Ron was obviously up to his neck if cooking and serving lunches but he reached into his trouser pocket and handed Terry the key to his private apartment over the front of the restaurant.
“Lock it again when you’re finished.”

Thanks Ron, what’s the password?”

“The one you want for the red computer is glued under the top drawer. The white one is different and I keep that in my head.”

Within a minute Terry and Jessie were googling ‘egg harvesting’ on the government site.

Within five minutes they had printed out three copies of the pregnancy clauses and the exemptions affecting the rights of neonatal females.

“D’ you know. Ron’s right girl, if you’re pregnant they can’t harvest your eggs because the risk to killing that foetus is too high. Nor can they endanger your chances of future pregnancies until you’re thirty five. It’s all here. Your safe girl.”

“Yeah. But only if I’m pregnant, like a brood bloody mare. It’s like a bloody puppy farm only with humans.”

“Well it’s that or living rough on the streets and risk capture or hiding away up here till forever.”

“Some choice.” Jessie sighed. “I think I prefer the pregnancy option.”

“You could walk about with a pillow under your dress and pretend you’re pregnant.”

“I’ll bet they check for that. You know, hauling pregnant women off the street and scanning their wombs.”

“Happen,” Terry agreed. “So which is it?”

“I’m fifteen and healthy. I suppose pregnancy at least is not an illness.”

“But you’ll be under sixteen. If it’s statutory rape they might confiscate your child. Technically, you’re already outside the law by going on the run and removing your micro-chip.”

“I’m under sixteen, they can’t charge me with any capital crime short of murder, it’s only a civil offence.”

“Yeah, but the man who gets you pregnant will definitely be charged with criminal rape if your under sixteen.”

“Not if he’s only fourteen he won’t. It’ll just be statutory rape and even then, I or my parents would have to press charges.”

“Fourteen, - hold on, are you suggesting I. – “

“Who else do I know who’s fourteen, dummy.”

“But- I, I’m only fourteen, I can’t even get married til I’m sixteen!”

“You don’t have to get married to beget a baby.”

“To what? Beget? What does that mean?”
“To become a father, to get a girl pregnant. All it takes is biology. You do know about the biology I hope!”

Terry became defensively angry.

“Of course I know, why d’ you think I don’t?”

“I didn’t, I was just checking. If I’m going to have a baby, I want it to be yours.”

“Mine! How in the hell d’ you think I’m going to support a baby?!”

“It’s not about you supporting a baby, it’s about me keeping my eggs and not having my womb torn and pummelled about. Nobody even needs to know who the father is.”

“I’d know. If it doesn’t have an official father, what will happen to it?”

“You read the clause. As a natural, neonatal mother, I get to keep it no matter what.

“And me? Unless I declare myself and prove myself to be the father, they’ll still cart me off to forcibly transitioned into a woman! And that will make me a rapist.”

“Only a statutory rapist, a civil offence and only if I lay a charge of rape. I’m not likely to do that, am I”

“How do I know. You might find some rich, handsome bloke who knows your neonatal and can therefore be certain any kids following after, will be his by DNA testing.”

“Don’t be daft. I can read men like a book; don’t you think my time living rough has taught me anything?”

Terry felt he was running out of arguments and he fell into a thoughtful silence. Jessica sensed her chance and played her next card.

“Listen, if you’re nervous, we can sleep together tonight but nothing will happen. Nothing can happen anyway, cos’ I’m still having my period. It’ll be another four or five days before I can have sex so that gives you plenty of time to get used to things.”

“And you say nothing will happen.”

“You wouldn’t want to sleep in bed full of blood stains would you?”

“Uugh! No of course not!”

“Well nothing happens then. Just share the bed and cuddle me. I’d like that, I like you.”

“Why d’ you like me. I’m just a runty, effeminate fourteen-year-old! Everybody just calls me a girly boy!”

“You’re honest. You’re honest and you care. That counts for a woman, those are qualities she seeks!”

Again, Terry found himself short of arguments and he felt he was being sucked in; the trouble was, it felt good to be wanted and liked. The ‘sucking in’ seemed to be a good thing. And that night, he discovered it was a good thing.

There was obviously no intercourse but cuddling up to an almost naked girl was something he never imagined could be so tactile, so delightful, and so interesting.

When he woke for a moment Terry was disorientated and confused until he realised he was sleeping in a double bed with clean sheets, Jessica was still asleep beside him but better still, Trixie way sleeping in a dog basket by the door. As he sat up, Jessie stirred very slightly then opened one eye and smiled.

“What time is it?”

“Before dawn,” Terry replied, “I don’t have a watch.”

“We need a clock if Ron needs us on time.”

“We don’t. All we have to do is finish the work he gives us. My jobs are pretty much the same each day. I should think the laundry work is the same. Provided he’s got clean table -cloths and tea towels every day, he’ll be okay”

“He’ll soon tell us if it’s not. Who’s showering first..” Jessie asked.

“Flippin ‘eck. This is luxury.” Terry sighed. “I suppose you’d better go first, but I need a wee.”

“We can share the bathroom. Ron’s got his own flat over the front. Come on.”

Pressed with the urgency to wee, Terry dashed to the bathroom and cursed his morning erection. To relieve himself he had to sit on the pan and lean right forward to depress his erection below the seat. He was contorted in this strange position as Jessie walked in totally naked. She giggled as she realised what he was doing and why.

“I can’t help it,” Terry protested. “It goes up all over the place otherwise.”

“Bloody hell darling. Do it in the shower then.”

“I never thought of that. Will you be upset?”

“What! Weeing in the shower? Grow up, everybody does it.”

“Well I’ve finished now. Do you want to shower first?”

“I’ve got things to see to first darling, you go first and I’ll join you in there.”

Terry looked puzzled at first until the penny dropped.

“Oh yes, of course. Okay, I’ll go first then.”

He stepped into the shower and a couple of minutes later, Jessica joined him. He was surprised to see a faint reddish stain trickle towards the drain and he squeaked before recovering his composure.

“Bloody hell, that must come as a hell of a shock for a girl seeing that first time.”

“Only if her mother has not told her the facts. I was ready for it when it came cos even the doctors had told me everything. I’m one of the last neonatal girls don’t forget, they were watching me like bloody hawks.”

Soon they were dressed and working with their tasks when Ron appeared with two cooked breakfasts, cereals, and toast. There was also some cold cuts from the last night’s dinner set aside for Trixie. Even so, Terry slipped one of his sausages to the eager bitch and she wolfed it down eagerly.

“I’m surprised you did that; you don’t eat all that much do you?” Jessica observed.

“Why, did you want it?

“No. It’s just that you eat like a bird.”

“I get by. Now to work. See you later.”

She watched him grab the buckets, mops, and brushes then she turned to face the laundry. As Terry had said, it was just a matter of shoving the linen into the washer then tumbling them dry. Ironing the small tablecloths proved as easy as Terry had said they would and that only took an hour. The whole job only too two hours and it was not heavy work. By eleven they had both finished their chores and where walking into the city centre.

They did not find any of the girls from the cellar and after collecting some sandwiches at the charity stall they walked towards the museum then savoured the warmth as they toured the art galleries.

“Wish I could paint like that.” Jessie remarked as they stood admiring some early renaissance portraits.

“It’s a gift,” Terry replied unhelpfully, “but being able to appreciate them is everybody’s gift.”

“Do you have any gifts?” jessie asked.

“Nothing like that, nothing that brings fame or fortune. I was good at football but that’s never gonna’ happen now. The moment I stick my head above the parapet, - bang! Forcible transition and fucking impregnation!”

His depression was infectious and they left the museum in a sombre mood, only the sight of Trixie patiently waiting by the door, raised their mood. Some children were trying to play with her and the sight of children did not help either Terry or Jessie’s moods. The children looked up disappointedly as Jessie’s low whistle brought Trixie to heel and declared Trixie’s ownership. The kids would not be bringing home a beautiful, well-trained Alsatian bitch that afternoon. They returned to the café and prepared for bed..

The rest of the week continued in much the same vein except that finally, Jessie declared herself ready for sex. The previous few nights had been very instructive and enjoyable for Terry and by the time Jessie was prepared to invite him into her body, Terry was both emotionally and physically prepared. He was nervous, naturally, - but she guided him gently and affectionately to a satisfactory conclusion. The union was all that the pair of them had hoped for and they fell asleep immediately after.

In the morning she found him ready in all respects and once again she savoured the pleasure of being in control and yet being able to let go of all inhibitions. They lay for a full half hour just savouring the after-glow until the clatter of Ron’s preparations dragged them to reality. Breakfast and chores occupied the morning and the returned again to the city centre during lunch time.

At the charity stall Terry spotted Dora and Sam and innocently crossed the square to touch bases. Fortunately, Jessica had gone for a wee and Dora gasped as she spotted Terry approaching.

“Keep away!” She whispered as loud as she dared. Pretend you don’t know us!”

Always quick on the uptake, Terry gave them one surreptitious, knowing glance and veered off to look at a window display. He then wandered to the charity stall and collected a free sandwich. As he sat on a concrete street sculpture, Dora sat on the next one while Sam went to collect their free sandwiches. Terry gave Dora a knowing sideways glance whilst appearing to concentrate on his sandwiches. Dora got the hint and warned him.

“We’re on camera’s all over the city centre. If Jessie’s with you don’t bring her again. They’ve got people out everywhere trying to find her.”

“Understood,” Terry replied whilst making sure to cover his mouth with his sandwich. He then ignored Dora and seemingly concentrated on eating his sandwich while Sam returned with her and Dora’s food. They ignored Terry completely and realising that any seeming interaction would invite interest, Terry casually finished his sandwich and went to stand by a shop window. Eventually Jessie emerged from the mall lavatories and on spotting Terry’s warning signal of folded arms as he bent to study a pair of shoes in the window, she turned and made towards the charity stall alone.

As she waited for her sandwich, she glanced towards Terry who had made another discreet signal to indicate he was going home – alone.

Realising it was dangerous, Jessie called Trixie to heel and fastened the lead so that she resembled a respectable girl walking her dog. Despite departing the monitored zone they still did not rendezvous until they were in the isolated back lane behind the café. They knew this area well and knew there were no cameras this far out of the city centre.

After that scare, the pair never went into the city together again until Jessica had confirmed she was pregnant in April. She had missed two periods and told both Terry and Ron of the good news. She had gone alone to the clinic to avoid compromising Terry and when they tried to charge her for removing her micro-chip and absconding from the system, she was able to quote chapter and verse the gender and transition act.

“At least come under our umbrella now. You’ll get proper care and attention. We’re not monsters you know.”

“The father of my child thinks you are. You want to cut him! Like me; he’s an absconder -as you call them -, as well.”

The clinic staff shrugged resignedly. This little madam obviously held all the aces and she knew it.

“Won’t you even accept us providing accommodation. You could be at risk living rough miss.”

“I’ve got by so far despite your attempts to find me. There’s thousands of us poor sods out there, kids like my partner. But at least for me, I’ve got the whip hand, I’m pregnant by natural process so you-can-not-touch-me. I know the law, and god-forbid it’s a cruel enough law but it protects me!. I’ll come back once a month so that you can check me over, goodbye!”

With that, Jessica stalked out of the clinic and chose a ‘camera-free- route home. Even so she changed her cheap polythene shopping bag and the coat inside it in a hidden alleyway so when she emerged, she was a completely different person. Jessica had become a master of ellusivity.

When she reached the café via the back lane both Ron and Terry were waiting expectantly for Trixie had already detected Jessica’s approach. She was whining and yelping at the door as Jessica turned her key in the back yard door.

She had hardly entered the yard but three souls were waiting all agog. She punched the air in an ecstatic victory sign before flinging herself into Terry’s arms and smiling over his shoulder to explain.

“You were right Ron; they can’t touch me legally and they’ve said they won’t. They still think I’m living rough though and they’ve offered me an apartment next door to the clinic’”

Terry’s smile faded with uncertainty.

“Are you going to take it?”

“How do you feel?”

“I’d miss you.”

“So would I,” added Ron, “and what about Trixie?”

“You’re so right. I cant just forego my boys. I’m staying here – at least, provided there’s no complications.”

“How far gone are you?” Ron asked like any concerned father.

“Two months. I waited for two missed periods before I checked. In with the clinic.”

“You’ll be due for a scan then.” Ron added.

“That’ll be next month. I don’t see why I should kow-tow to their requirements though.”

“You should go,” Ran advised. “These checks are important.”

Jessie giggled.

“You’re beginning to sound like a concerned father Ron.”

Ron’s gentle smile faded as his face clouded and his eyes leaked.

“I lost Lucy Jess. I wouldn’t want to lose you.”

Jessie was about to say that she wasn’t his daughter but Terry’s sudden, hard, tightening hug told her to desist. Having got the message, Jessie eased out of Terry’s embrace and she reached up to clasp Ron’s head and draw him to her level as she kissed his cheek.

“And I don’t want to lose you, - step-daddy.”

“Thanks darling, you don’t know how much that means to me. So; what’s to be done for now.” He offered as a huge grin split his face.

“We still have to protect daddy here, at least until the baby’s born, then we can reveal the father’s identity and he’s protected by the same laws. After a DNA test mind; they don’t just accept my word.”

“So I’ve got another seven months of hiding. We’re going to have to be doubly careful.”

“Can’t they check the baby’s DNA before he’s born?”

“They’re not sticking any bloody needles into to me or him!” Jessie declared angrily. “There’s enough bloody prodding, stabbing, and poking with babies as it is. I felt like a bloody pin cushion this morning.”

“Well, I suppose I can stand it if it means finally, I’m declared a father and they can’t cut me. Just think, I’ll be able to play football and even go to college!”

“And be a proper dad your new son!” Jessie declared loudly.

“Of course!” Terry agreed. “What sort of dad d’ you think I’d be. I don’t go down to the pubs and stuff like some dads.”

Ron chuckled softly before remarking. “Uuhm, - you’re only fourteen Terry. How would you go down the pubs?”

“I was thinking of my uncle. He was a right boozer!”

“Well, this isn’t getting the baby washed,” Jessie giggled, “I suppose it’s baby clothes and nursery decorating and god knows what else until the big day.”


The following month Jessica went in for her first scan and the nurse looked up with a huge smile when she made her first few passes.

“What’s up? Jessica asked as she noted the nurse’s expression.

“It looks like twins, that’s what’s up.”

“Oh my god! Twins! Are you serious?”

The nurse turned the screen for Jessica to see as she pointed out what appeared to be two heads and extra limbs.

“It’s difficult to see how they’re arranged at the moment. Next month’s scan will give us a lot more detail. Congratulations are in order though. Well done Jessica. The paediatrician will want to chat with you about this, and the social worker.”

“You can tell the social worker to get stuffed, I’ll speak with the doctor though.”

“I think the social worker might get a court order to speak to you and sort out your accommodation. You’re risking your health living rough while carrying twins.”

“Do I look as though I’m living rough?”
The nurse did a double take and paused to frown thoughtfully as she re-studied Jessica’s clothes.

“Well I, - well, - no! Actually now I come to notice; you don’t. That’s a nice top and a nice matching lingerie set. Is somebody caring for you?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know; and I’m not on the game before you even begin to think it.”

“So you’ve found somewhere, and someone I presume. Is he the babies’ father?”

“Sort of. That’s all I’m prepared to say.”

With that the paediatrician entered and got down to business. Within a few minutes he removed his stethoscope and smiled.

“It sounds like two healthy heartbeats miss. I don’t anticipate any complications, congratulations. And see you next month. You can get dressed now.”

Jessica did as ordered as the doctor ticked his notes.

“Do you intend getting re-chipped miss uuhm.”

“Jessica will do fine doctor and no, I don’t intend to get re-chipped. I’ll be coming up to just sixteen when they’re born and legally an adult. You can’t re-chip me while I’m pregnant, that’s another part of the law and you can’t re-chip me if I’m an adult.”

The doctor sighed.

“Very well Miss, - uuhm Jessica. It makes it harder for us to check your condition and puts you a slightly more danger.”

“I’ve done danger doctor, this last year has been nothing but danger. You wont be getting any eggs from me until I’m thirty-five or older. See you next month.”

“Good luck Jessica, and I’m pleased you seem to have found a safe place to live. By the way, you should take this.”

“What is it?”

“Your ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card, your certificate of pregnancy. If any pf the egg snatchers try to arrest you, just show them this.”

“Oooh! Thanks doc!”

“Look after yourself and stay safe young lady.”

“Oh I will doctor, I’m in the safest place I’ve ever been since I was born; bye-bye.”

Jessica left and almost bounced down to the city centre as she digested the news.

‘Twins!’ she hugged herself with nervous excitement. ‘There must be twins in Terry’s family, cos there’s none in mine.’

In the city centre, she called at the charity stall to chat to the charity lady and tell her the news, then she boldly marched into a charity shop and bought a romper suite for a new-born. Money was still tight despite Ron occasionally giving her a few pounds -‘for the baby love’ – he would say.

Outside she immediately recognised Dora and Sam sat on their favourite street furniture so she boldly marched up to them

“Hi girls!”

Dora span around with shock clearly registered on her face.

“Bloody hell Jess. Run! There’s a whole posse of egg snatchers looking at us – and you!”

“So why aren’t you running?”

“They caught us remember. We’ve been impregnated, both of us, here’s the bloody certificates. We’re both three months gone.”

“Well surprise - surprise girls! I’m pregnant too. Look.”

She was just about to show Dora and Sam her brand new certificate when the egg snatchers descended on them and grabbed Jessie by the arms.

“Gerroff you bastards!” She screamed deliberately loud to cause as big a scene as possible.”

The posse commander immediate wrapped his arm around her neck and pressed the chip reader to Jessie’s wrist. On failing to get a reading and noticing the crude scar he ordered his team.

“Right take her in, we’ll sort her out at the station!”

“You’d better check this first commander.”

The commander now knew Dora of old for she and her band of girls had led them a merry dance before being captured.

“Keep out of this Dora, is this the missing girl from your band?”

“As I said commander. You’d better read this!”

She was proffering the certificate and he snatched it from her. On closer inspection he stopped dead in his tracks and ordered his posse to release Jessie.

“Is this right? You’re a neonatal!”

“You’d better’ believe it bastard!

“Less cheek girl. We’re only doin’ our job!”

“Read further bastard!”

The commander was already studying the rest of the certificate as he noticed the plastic, credit-card type certificate had a pink border instead of a pale blue one. Then he noticed the ‘condition’ box and read the entry. After a short intake of breath he stared at her in disbelief.

“Yes! Twins, natural conception!” Jessie shouted loudly as she savoured her victory.

“There’s no father declared!”

“There doesn’t have to be – not immediately anyway. Go and read the act. Now you can let me go if you don’t mind!”

He immediately motioned to his men to remove the cuffs and apologised – though it obviously galled him.

“Apology accepted, and I’ll have my shopping back please.”

“There was no need to gloat or boast, Jessie had won her case. The egg snatcher team left to seek other prey. Once they were out of sight and earshot, Jessica let out a squeal of delight and high-fived her friends as Dora and Sam studied her pregnancy with keener interest.”

“Pink?” Dora queried.

“Yeah. I’m a neonatal aren’t I!”

“And twins!” Sam added as she examined the card.”

“Yeah I was pregnant when I went into the clinic. They can’t micro-chip pregnant neonatals cos they’ve invariably conceived naturally. That’s why there’s no chip number. Miss anonymous, that’s me. It’ll be all around Bristol by now and they can’t bloody touch me.”

“Good on yer Jessie. So who’s the dad and where are you stayin’?”

“Not telling and not telling. It’s to protect him and my location. Cant be too careful even with the law on my side. Come on, I’ve been wanting to say this for months since we lost touch. Let’s go for coffee!”


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