my daughter won an award

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My daughter Samantha has won an award from the transitions group she has been part of for the last year. It is an award based not just on her academic success, but her attitude, her kindness, and her overall progress.

When you consider we were told when she was a baby that she might never progress beyond the toddler stage, I couldn't be prouder of her.


Yes I know

Andrea Lena's picture

... but as much as you sired her, you have been a terrific mom! I am so proud of her, which leaves me ever proud of you. I have never met a braver, kinder soul than yours. Congratulations to you and your ex for the wonderful daughter of yours.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


And, where does that come from?

Be proud. And happy.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)