Dedicated to the One I love.
Reading Admiral Krunch's, "Being Christina Chase" once again after all these years is so very thrilling! In some parts I find myself bouncing in my seat like a child. I wonder what has happened to him and I do hope that he is doing well. I think his skills are great enough that he could easily have moved into writing his own published works in another venue, and I do hope that the years have treated him well.
Blessings to you, you wonderful man, where ever you are ! ...
Blast from the Past
Talk about a blast from the past. I loved reading that story. He inspired me to start and continue with Camp Kumoni and Princess and the Plague. Christina Chase was such a lovely character and what loving family she became part of. definitely a must read.
Being Christina Chase
I have never heard of the story Being Christina Chase. Thanks for mentioning it. It looks like something I will love to read. Odd you should mention Princess and the Plague. I am re-reading it right now. The best part - I don't remember reading it the first time so it's like I'm reading an awesome story for the first time.