Without warning, Google, You Tube and some others are just gone. I tried a hard reboot and nothing. Much to my surprise, I have been able to get on line using MS EDGE. I think I saw a snipet about this but I ignored it at the time.
Is this permanent? Does anyone know what is happening?
no probs with Firefox.
I dunno Gwen.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Google only?
It seems that going through Edge, I can get on. I thought that perhaps someone had heard something on the news?
Goggle's working.
Goggle's working.
What's that?
Oh... I remember now. I think I recall blocking google.com at my home firewall oh... a decade or so ago.
Google's Fine
Google's Fine with me. I'm using Firefox.
Maybe The Torque came to suppress the disturbance, and calm The Force down.
-- Daphne Xu
sounds like a DNS server went down in your area for a bit.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Google gone.
This is odd. Google Chrome is gone, and my gmail, and calendar
MS Edge works. Its been about 20 hours
Internet down?
When my internet is down, I turn on some nice Jazz and give my internet some dark chocolate and a nice glass of Merlot and it picks right up.
Love, Andrea Lena
no problems at all for me.
no problems at all for me.
though I would never use a browser designed to sell hardware ( everything in tabs = hardware sales design ) or lacking in a menu bar.
( I really detest google user interfaces, they are not user friendly. )
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
No tabs?
What modern browser doesn't use tabs?
And it's not like a CPU capable of handling a web browser has to be that powerful....
Browsers and Resource Usage.
I believe the reference was to how Chrome and Chromium based browsers isolate each tab as a separate process to protect one bad website from taking down the entire browsers, but as a result eats up more resources as resources are dedicated to each tab instead of the browser as a whole.
tabs vs. windows and ressource usage
But what is the alternative? If you open the new URL in another window instead of just a tab then this will use even more ressources AFAICS.
So it is more a matter of usage (wether the user opens multiple tabs/windows concurrently or not) than implementation (wether to display the pages in separate windows or use tabs in a single window). If you care about ressource usage you should not open more webpages concurrently than necessary.
And, ahemm, especially "modern" designs with active content retrieval via JavaScript and background requests (e.g. "single page apps") often tend to consume a lot of memory and processing power. Closing a tab/window when they are not required anymore (hey, just bookmark them, you can reopen them later if you need them again) is a good habit ...
Not Tabs vs Windows, but Tabs Acting like Windows.
It's not the issue of "TABS" in general for resource issues, it's that Chrome and Chromium based browsers create a process for each tab, that each has it's own resource set. Some browsers use tabs but still assign all the resources to the window. Basically Chrome treats each tab like a separate window as far as resources go. This is why you can have one tab fail, and the rest are fine (usually).
I personally have no issue with this in general, and I like tabs. But when using a low resource system, like an Intel ATOM Based Windows tablet with 2GB Ram, the over-head of using this type of browser is apparent.
I HATE Computers !!!!
Everyone seems to miss the idea that working on a Computer is too much fecal matter for me. I'll do my best to keep it going and when the shops are open again, I hope I can find a chip head to do a Lobotomy on this thing.
I am a browser, mediocre writer and that is about all.
For now, I seem to have it going for the time being.
Have you tried re-installing?
-HuGs- Gwen, part of the issue here is miscomunication. Most people are thinking you opened your browser of choice (I'm assuming Google Chrome) and you can't access any websites, but you used Edge and they work. However what I think you are trying to say is that your icons for Google Chrome, YouTube and Google Calendar are all gone.
This isn't going to be an easy thing to diagnose remotely over a forum like this but it possible someone could help you via voice. I know GeekSquad is supposed to be resuming home diagnostic and installation soon (I got an email from them about their COVID protection measures).
On a side note, the NEWEST version of MS Edge (that is more of a swril icon and not the flat blue E of Edge) is actually based on the same base code as Chrome (called Chromium). So if for some reason you can't get Chrome to re-install or work, you could try using that.
In the meantime, why not use your Edge browser to go here and see about re-installing chrome to see if it will fix things for you.
Google Chrome Download Link: https://www.google.com/chrome/
Microsoft Edge Chromium Information Page and Download Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge?form=MY01BK&OCID=MY01BK
Thank you so much!
I did try Geek Squad and they are getting things done.
Thank you.
The Truth of the Matter
From what I was told by a person who must remain unnamed, Google Chrome just decided to do an update which acted like they totally replaced the old version. I may have been warned, but do not remember it. The fun part for me was that I kept the old version and it just stopped working.