Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

Logan looking impossibly young

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Fortune finds us at the fourteenth issue with Logan trying to reenter life and put the horrible events of the last mission behind her. But is she acting rashly, or just foolish to think that events will be so easily put aside? There is still much for the Uncanny X-Men to deal with in the aftermath and that is without turning an eye towards Magneto. Sabretooth’s manipulation and assault left Logan horrified at what he nearly turned her into, but just because she escaped that particular fate, is she any less altered?

Author‘s Note:

Wow. I never thought it would be such a long time between chapters. It wasn‘t writer’s block, although I have worked hard to get this chapter and the next one just right. It was real-life that was the culprit. Lots of family drama, work issues, and a health scare (totally a false alarm). I hope to avoid any more gaps. So as a reminder to those still following this odd little tale, obviously this chapter is still going to deal with the rape to a large extent. If that is triggering, this is not the story for you. I tried to be realistic about the issues, but keep in mind that this is a superhero story, so… you know, not a realistic timeframe and not a really realistic recovery. For example, we‘re still going to have some explicit sex in this one. Please don‘t think it means I take the issues of sexual assault lightly. Thanks for still giving this weird story a chance, Once again, I‘d like to thank my proofreaders. Gabi (Xtrim), in particular, has been a huge help, but I have been blessed with several more (anonymous) reviewers and I thank them as well.

August 20, 2020 - I made some minor edits to the story and am posting them all at once.

Here’s a wiki you can use if you’re really lost: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men

© Nyssa 2020

We judge ourselves by our intentions, but the world judges us by our actions.

          • various


“Bobby? Bobby, are you listening to me?” asked Kitty.

Bobby Drake had been trying to listen. He always had trouble keeping up with a conversation with Kitty, but this time it wasn’t because of how fast she was talking, nor how quickly she switched topics. No, it was because Kitty had casually mentioned that she had brought coffee to Logan and Jean in bed that morning and that they had both been naked. To say that information had captured his imagination would be a gross understatement.

When Kitty had walked into the cafeteria and joined him, Bobby had asked how Logan was doing. Now, the fries and milkshake he’d been so desperate to have only a little while ago were ignored as he listened to Kitty’s monologue.

“They were in bed together?” he interrupted.

“Yeah, of course. I mean, they’re in love,” answered Kitty, unperturbed by the interruption and eyeing Bobby’s fries.

“But I thought Dr. Grey was with Mr. Summers?”

Kitty nodded and stuffed some of Bobby’s fries in her mouth. “She is,” she said around the fries.

“And Logan was with Captain Andrews?”

“She is, I guess.” Kitty shrugged. “It’s complicated,” she said in what she hoped was a mature tone of voice. She took a drink of Bobby’s milkshake. “Yuck, orange? What is wrong with you?”

Bobby had no real answer for that. Kitty began to describe some of their efforts to keep Logan’s spirits up. That was actually what she’d been doing when she had casually mentioned that, when she delivered the coffee this morning, Logan and Jean had been in bed together, naked. She had also included a very detailed explanation of how she knew what the two liked in their coffee and that she had remembered that Logan’s tastes would have switched back to what she preferred before her transformation. She had really lost Bobby’s attention when she said, “They were, like, identical and now they are sooo different. Lolo is totally awake and she’s ready for anything and Jean is, like, zombie-mama and practically has her boobs fall out of the covers when she sits up. I mean, she’s trying to keep herself covered and I have to actually put the coffee in her hand and Lolo is, like, totally getting up and walking around like she’s some kind of jungle cat…”

This level of detail did nothing to help Bobby get rid of his erection, which was straining his pants under the table. He decided to change the subject. “You know, we could have gone on that mission. I could have just frozen Sabretooth solid. Dr. McCoy actually had me do that to the body when he got back, you know? And you could’ve phased through everything until you found Storm. I can’t believe they treated us like kids.”

Kitty looked solemn and shook her head. “Uh uh, the Professor would never allow it. The place was guarded by, like, military guys with automatic rifles and stuff.”

“Yeah, but I could’ve made a super-dense ice-shield. I don’t see the problem,” Bobby said somewhat petulantly, but actually trying to be boastful.

“Bobby,” said Kitty, taking on a tone that she felt sounded wise and reasonable. “It takes time for you to make a shield and if you don’t see them first you don’t even know which direction to shield.”

“Hey, I’m getting better at it. But you, you can, like, phase-out so bullets just go through you. Maybe even set up a cross-fire so they accidentally shoot each other.”

“I can’t just stay phased forever and if I’m not and I get shot, it’s just like anybody else getting shot,” said Kitty.

“Yeah, I guess I can see that. Still sucks,” said Bobby begrudgingly. “So where were you this morning after you delivered coffee?”

“I swear you never listen to a word I say Bobby Drake! I told you that I was with Lolo. She was doing a Danger Room session.”

“Really? She’s already doing that?”

“Yep, and she was awesome. She just tore through, like, a hundred guys. She’s wearing that skimpy workout outfit and her hair is flying and she doesn’t even muss up her makeup. She is awesome.” Kitty didn’t mention how queasy she’d felt at the time, watching the carnage.

Bobby nodded, but it wasn’t just in agreement. Kitty’s words had Bobby picturing a very sexy image of Logan, who was joined by an equally scantily clad and sexy Jean. In his mind's eye they began kissing and stroking each other. In his vision, Logan stopped for a moment and, with a sexy smirk and a wink, put her arm around Jean and started to walk off. She turned back to look over her shoulder and lick her lips, then toss her head slightly in invitation.

By this point Bobby’s erection was almost painful. He realized that he desperately needed to get some privacy as soon as possible. When he looked across the table at Kitty, she was busy swirling one of his fries in ketchup and describing Logan’s Danger Room session in great detail. But she was definitely going to notice his hard-on if he just got up. Then he had an idea - his History book!

“Hey, sorry Kitty,” he said, grabbing his book and carrying it strategically in front of him as he got up. “I… I just remembered I gotta finish a paper. See ya!” With that, he left, carrying his History book shield in front as he hurried up to his room.

A bemused Rogue took his seat and asked Kitty, “What did y’all do to that boy?”


“Sugah that boy wasn’t showin’ off his pride in his readin’ skills when he ran outta here sportin’ that book. Ah suspect he didn’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.”

“Anna Marie, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Bobby doesn’t even wear a watch.”


Right in the cojones. Funny how that doesn’t even make me wince anymore,” thought Logan as she drove her claws deep into the lower pelvis of one of her attackers.

She whipped around to see if there were any attackers on her 6 and scraped her blades across each other emitting the familiar sing of adamantium on adamantium. But as she dug her toe talons into the dirt and looked around, there was no one coming at her. She took a deep breath as she felt the blood pumping in her veins, her every muscle feeling alive. “Wait, was that number 100, or just 99?

The world around her faded into the dull gray of the Danger Room between sessions. “Crap, done already?” She felt like she was just getting started. She checked her hair, which hadn’t escaped its scrunchie, and let it loose. She heard a sound to her left and spun quickly, her claws ready.

A very pale Kitty was standing at the access door. “Lolo? You ok?”

Logan resheathed her claws and talons and stood up straight. “Yeah Kiddo, just lost track.” She sauntered over to where Kitty was standing. “Did you see that ambush gone wrong? Like twenty of them thinking they had me when suddenly I’m tearing through them instead? I think that was my favorite part, or maybe when I had them running through the trees and kept picking them off…” She noticed Kitty looked a little sickly. “Hey Kiddo, you alright?”

“Yeah, I… I’m fine, it’s just how many of them you killed by… umm…” Kitty made a motion with her hand that looked a lot like she was grabbing someone, a guy at least, by the testicles.

Logan smirked. “Extreme castration?”

Kitty just stared at her, open-mouthed.

“Wow sis,” laughed Logan. “I actually have you speechless. I told you this was therapy. And I think… yes, I’m quite sure it went well.”

“Not for them,” muttered Kitty.

That was 30 minutes ago.

Logan had suggested Kitty go upstairs and get something to eat (where she would run into Bobby), but she had another errand before she got a shower. Kitty hadn’t been too sure she would be able to eat after witnessing such a savage Danger Room session, until her stomach growled.

Logan had shut down the rest of the Danger Room and headed to Hank’s lab.

“Hey Hank. How are you, my friend?” asked Logan as she strode into Dr. McCoy’s lab.

“Logan, I am somewhat surprised to see you. It is good that you are up and around. You sound well.”

“Yeah, I don’t know if that’s how I’d describe myself, but I’m getting there.”

“Well, if there’s anything I can do…”

“Thanks Hank. So what’s your current obsession?”

“Ah, I am studying the data I managed to collect on the remains of Sabretooth. Most fascinating. Having a mutant with healing and regeneration who has actually passed away is a unique opportunity.”

“Actually, I meant to ask you about that. What, exactly, did you do with Sabretooth’s body… and his head?”

“Well, when I returned, I immediately packed the head in salt and had Iceman freeze the rest of the body until such time as I can procure the use of a molecular rearranger and I prepared a vat of extremely strong acid. Not something one normally has lying around. The danger of such a vat cannot be overstated. Plus, there is the issue of a proper containment vessel…

“Hank? The body?”

“Oh, yes, well, once I had prepared the acid bath I had the body placed in it and that stripped all of the biological material and left just the adamantium. I expect the molecular rearranger to arrive any time now, but I will keep the metal in the acid bath until then just to ensure there is no possibility of regeneration.”


“Is there something more you think we should be doing?”

Logan couldn’t help but feel that she would have liked to pee all over the body and wouldn’t have minded spending some time shredding it into little pieces with her claws. And maybe even cut off his cock and drop it in the acid bath herself. That would have been very satisfying. But to Hank she just said, “No, it sounds like you have it handled. I wouldn’t trust that salt or acid bath though. You might want to find a safe way to dispose of that.”

“Ah yes, a good point. Probably best to be safe. I can obviously add the salt to the acid, but the possible methods of containment or disposal are quite diverse. Not to mention locations…”

Logan left Hank who was lost to the outside world for the moment, happily examining his new challenge.


Scott’s talk with Father Ken had been very helpful. He knew he still had a lot to deal with, but he also knew that he was going to have to let Jean know the details of what happened in that room and hope she could understand. She needed to know in order to help Logan, and he needed her to understand what he was going through. He just wasn’t ready for her to know how he felt about Logan, and definitely not about his fantasies. So this was going to be a very tricky experience and he was feeling pretty nervous.

When he got to her room, she was on her balcony, smoking one of Logan’s cigars. He was struck by a memory of the first time he had seen the transformed Logan and mistaken her for Jean. She was even wearing the same robe that Logan had been wearing. The memory of kissing her, holding her in his arms, and how she had aroused him began to have the same effect. He didn’t know if he made a sound as he stood there watching Jean exhale smoke, but she turned and noticed him standing there dumbstruck.

“Scott? Uhh, hold on, I’ll get rid of this.” She put out the cigar in the ashtray she had with her and did her full-exhale, with the smoke particles completely clearing her lungs and sinuses, as well as her body, clothes and hair. “There,” she said. “That’s better,” she said, smiling.

“I guess I wouldn’t really know if you’ve been smoking all along, would I?” he asked.

“Well, you could always ask me.”

“Jean, sorry. I... that’s not why I’m here, I was just hoping to talk to you about… what happened. Hey, is… is Logan ok? I mean I thought you might be with her.”

“She’s doing better. Much better than I expected. At least I hope it’s real coping and progress. Kitty was the one giving Lolo comfort last time I checked.”

Scott felt a pang of jealousy. “Comfort? Logan isn’t… I mean, with Kitty?”

Jean stared at him blankly for a second and then looked pretty annoyed. “Scott Summers, what are you insinuating? Kitty is a child and she sees Lolo as a sister and Logan has always seen Kitty as a little sister. Don’t be gross.”

Scott was actually surprised at himself. “Jean, I’m sorry. I know that was out of line. I don’t know what I could have been thinking. I’m not really myself. That’s why I wanted to talk to you. I need to get back to normal and I need help. I thought maybe if I could review what happened, maybe with your help…” He didn’t want to admit to himself that the main thought that he had when he thought about Logan being with someone else was, “MINE!

Control. I have to be there for him,” Jean thought to herself, but it wasn’t really too hard, she felt great compassion for Scott and what he must be going through.

“Of course I’ll help. I can put you into a trance so that you can go back and examine the memory. But this time I’ll be with you, guiding you, and making sure you know that nothing can hurt you. Would that help?”

“Would you feel what I was feeling? Know my thoughts?” asked Scott.

“Some. Depends on how strong they are and whether I follow them,” Jean answered.

Scott saw some hope that maybe this would work. “Follow them? So, if I asked you not to follow my train of thought and just see what I saw, you would do that?”

“Well, I’d actually experience it as you, not just see it. But yes, I can promise you that I won’t go beyond surface thoughts. Is this because of how the drug made you feel like an animal?”

It wasn’t, but it did provide him with an explanation. “Yes. It’s bad enough that you’ll know what I went through, I don’t think I can handle having you know what I thought in that state.”

“I understand, my love. But you have to know that it doesn’t matter to me. You are one of the most precious things in the world to me. Nothing you did in that room is going to change that. Certainly no stray thought you had while going through something so traumatic,” Jean stroked his cheek and tried to put as much reassurance into her words as possible. But, at the same time, she was repeating her new mantra, “Control. I have to be there for him.

“Jean, please, I actually need you to promise me. I don’t think I can go through it otherwise.”

Jean nodded and looked away so that he wouldn’t see the beginning of tears in her eyes. “I promise.” The fact that this was so hard for him made her hurt for him. She sat on the bed and pulled him down to sit with her. “Now just try to think of where you were and what you were doing when you think we should begin. You’ll know when I’m there. Try not to panic if I take control of the memory. I’ll keep you safe.”

Scott tried to relax and cast his mind back to when he’d found Storm. He had heard Logan fighting with Sabretooth over the radio, but knew he had to complete his portion of the mission and trust that Logan could hold her own until he could get back to her.

“X1 to X23…” Scott began moving to try to find a faster way to get to where Logan and the others were searching. “X1 to X23, come in.” He came out onto an overhang that looked out onto an open area with hanging walkways just above where he stood. Looking out, he could see one of the walkways had two bodies. And a lot of blood.

“Logan! Come in Logan.” He still wasn’t getting any response. He started looking for a way to get to the walkway to see if he could find her. But looking out over the open area, he could see at the far end that there was a light coming from one of the hatches. “Really could use one of Iceman’s handy slides about now,” he thought as he ran to the nearest ladder to get himself to the ground floor. Once he was down, he raced to the point where the light was emanating. As he got closer, he could hear the sounds of a struggle. Carefully but quickly, he moved into a position where he could look into the room without being seen.

At this point, Scott’s heart began to race as he anticipated what would happen next.

Relax Scott, nothing can hurt you here. I’m with you,” Jean tried to calm him, but it didn’t seem to have much effect. It was clear that Scott was extremely anxious and was likely going to experience extreme stress unless she did something. “Honey, I’m going to put you a little deeper in the trance and I’ll handle driving the memory. Everything is going to be ok. I’m in control, I’m here for you.” Once she felt that he had a level of stability and her mental wards were in place, she allowed the memory to continue.

She was immediately struck by how vivid and visceral the memory was. Clearly this memory was even more important to Scott than she had thought and he was in a panic at the time, but his incredible control over his emotions had fooled her. As she tried to recover from the initial wave of panic, adrenaline rush, and urgency, she stepped forward into that doorway.

All hope of control vanished in that moment. In that moment, it was Jean who was witnessing the scene. She had been totally immersed in the memory, overwhelmed by the sight and Scott’s reaction. Inside the room, Sabretooth stood behind a naked Logan, who was howling and clawing at a steel table, practically ripping it to shreds. And Sabretooth was snarling and roughly fucking her.

Watching Logan push back against Sabretooth’s thrusts, Scott had wondered if she was enjoying it; if she was doing this willingly. Even inundated by the shock of what Scott saw, a small part of Jean fought for control, but couldn't help wondering the same thing. But one look at her eyes and it was clear. That wasn’t really Logan. Her eyes betrayed the sadness and the emptiness she felt. There was no hint of the brave soul that normally shone from those same eyes. Instead, there was just a savage, forlorn creature.

This finally shook Jean from her immersion and she felt such sadness for Lolo, that it nearly caused her to drop the memory entirely. But, just as Scott had forgotten himself and the fact that Sabretooth could see him, Jean was just as distracted when Sabretooth’s hand moved with lightning speed to grab the needle gun and shoot a dart into Scott’s shoulder.

Jean’s mind was again overwhelmed. Before the drug had fully delivered its payload, Scott reacted. With his control broken by his rage at Sabretooth and his fear over what he’d just been shot with, he slammed his beams full force into Sabretooth, driving him hard into the wall behind him.

For several seconds, he kept up the onslaught. Seconds during which the drug began taking effect. His heart rate soared as his arteries opened up. More adrenaline dumped into his bloodstream, glycogen was released in massive quantities to fuel his muscles, his breath came in deep, rapid gasps. Jean was hopelessly lost in the memory. It felt like she could sense every muscle and every muscle’s striated fiber in Scott’s body. Scott’s beams faltered as the physical changes and sensations began to push all other thoughts from his head. He heard the rush of his blood as his pulse increased and his rational mind retreated. The effect of the drug on his brain function was even more rapid than it had been for Logan.

He tried to shake off the effects. Vaguely he saw that Logan was eyeing him curiously when he saw the blur of motion that was Sabretooth pushing off from the wall.

Coming for him.

He saw a flash of motion from Logan, impossibly fast, but he just reacted with all of the primal rage he felt. He hit the body with his beams, sending it slamming into the back corner of the room. But it still seemed that Sabretooth came at him. However, something was off. Then Sabretooth’s head hit him. Blinded by fear, surprise, and rage, he hit the head before it could fall with everything he had. He poured his anger, hurt, and fear into that head until it glowed red and the smell of cooked meat, blood, and sex suffused the room as Scott yelled until his throat was raw.

Jean had no separation at all from the memory at this point. She was fully immersed. Truthfully, if she could have stopped at that moment, she would have been in tears. She had no idea what Scott had gone through. But even knowing what was coming, she could not have prepared herself.

Scott stood there looking at the glowing adamantium shell that had encased Sabretooth’s skull. He felt a euphoria and an exaltation that he had never experienced. Endorphins flooded his system, enhanced by the working of the drug. He felt like howling at the victory.

But before he could throw back his head and cry out his victory, he became aware of the girl. The naked girl. A girl he desired very deeply and who was fearfully scrambling across the table towards him. She paused once she was before him and he stood there gazing down at her, unknowingly taking in deep draughts of air laced with her pheromones. “Yes,” he thought. “This is my prize. Mine!

His erection was evident and he saw Logan notice it and smile. Her whole demeanor changed at that point. She went from fearful and timid to avid. She went to free his cock and paused only long enough to ensure that he did not object. When he didn’t, she pulled his pants down and guided him to the table. She was probably unaware that she was whimpering as she climbed onto the table and pulled him between her legs and guided his cock into the folds of her still slick labia.

Scott thrust forward into the velvety slickness of her vagina, driving his full length into her with one thrust. Logan moaned in response and wrapped her legs around him to pull him towards her. He could feel the walls of her vagina clamp down all around him as Logan moved her hips hard against him and then back, milking his cock.

For some unknowable amount of time Jean was completely subsumed, her identity lost to the memory. She could feel the rush of claiming the girl after defeating Sabretooth, and for just surviving. She reveled in the sensations assailing her from Logan’s quivering vaginal walls and her desperate attempts to pull them together with her legs and even her talons. Through it all, the pheromones and the drug made the experience the most intense Jean had ever had. When Scott’s body came, in the memory, Jean still didn’t separate consciously, even though her physical body also orgasmed.

For that matter, so did Scott’s physical body.

But under the influence of the drug, and maybe the pheromones, or maybe just his own desire, Scott’s cock didn’t deflate. The sensations continued to drive him, and thus Jean, to continue. Normally, sex had him focused on the sensations his cock was receiving, but this was so much more. The feeling of Logan’s sweat-slicked breasts sliding against his chest as he kissed her, with her hard nipples tracing patterns against him, or the way she sucked hungrily at his lips and tongue had him practically crazed. He drove harder and harder into her, pulling her against him as she whimpered and only pulled harder herself, her legs wrapped around his hips.

And Logan would cry out just before she came. Neither of them could count how many times it happened. It was a guttural, deep-throated exclamation that sounded as if her very soul was involved. But then, there would be silence as she quivered and the walls of her vagina spasmed and ejaculated.

It was only during those silences that Scott could hear his own grunting, low, guttural cries that sounded very much like “Mine, mine, mine.”

It was also during one of the times when Lolo was orgasming that Jean finally began to feel herself gain some dissociation. She had Lolo’s hips gripped hard in her (virtual) hands, pulling them hard against each other as she drove her cock into Lolo’s pussy and rubbed the base of her cock hard into the folds of Lolo’s vulva. At the same time, her mouth was sucking greedily at Lolo’s right breast, the nipple harder and fuller than she would have believed possible. It was at that moment, as she felt the first spurts from Lolo’s current orgasm and Lolo lost the ability to make a sound as she clenched, that Jean had a thought that was outside the memory.

In the silence, she thought, “I would give anything to be able to make Lolo cum like that, or to have her make that mewling, desperate cry for me to fuck her.”

It was another orgasm and several minutes before she achieved full detachment. It was at about the same time as Lolo seemed to change her demeanor. She gathered her feet around and onto Scott’s chest and pushed - hard. “Get off!”

In the memory, Scott was momentarily stunned, but still enough under the influence of his arousal and the drug to simply begin to move back towards Lolo, to enter her again. But for Jean, it was a proverbial bucket of cold water.

This part of Scott’s memories were definitely more scrambled, but she could see Lolo’s difficulty in telling Scott to stop. As Scott began to reestablish himself and the drug cleared from his system, Jean monitored him to ensure that there were no harsh recriminations, that he was safe in this memory. “I am here for you,” she thought at him.

That was when Lolo said, “That bastard raped me,” she said through clenched teeth.”Once with his cock,” and then, looking Scott in the eye, “And once with yours.”

Jean gasped as her heart broke for the two of them. She rushed to provide a calming influence to Scott, to remind him that all of this had already happened. At the same time, she desperately wished Lolo was there right now so that she could hold her and let her know how much she was loved.

The next few moments were no easier to take.

“Logan, I’m so…”

In an instant, Logan had one hand at Scott’s throat and the other, claws extended, aimed at Scott’s visor.

“DO! NOT!” Logan’s claws trembled ever so slightly. “You do NOT get to feel sorry for me. Not with your cum leaking out of me!” She drew several deep ragged breaths and Scott didn’t dare move or speak. Then her face took on the saddest expression as she exclaimed, “How could you? I’m not the only one in here!” she said, pointing several times at herself with the hand that had been at Scott’s throat.

“What does that mean?”

As the rest of the memory played out, with Lolo finally walking away, Jean found herself sitting on the bed. She decided it was best to leave Scott in his trance for now. She felt numbed by the experience. She also was sweaty and her sexual fluids had soaked her robe where she’d been sitting. It clung to her sweaty flesh uncomfortably everywhere and her underboobs felt particularly clammy with sweat. A quick examination showed that Scott, still in a trance, had also orgasmed during the session.

The mundane task of cleaning them both up and putting on some fresh clothes distracted her from the torrent of emotions she knew were ready to overwhelm her and make it impossible to do anything but cry for a long, long time. But she needed detachment. She needed to put that on hold. “Control. I have to be there for them.

As she stood on the balcony smoking a cigar, ruminating on just what her path forward would be, she realized that there were some things about herself and her relationship with Scott and Lolo that would never be the same. Things about herself that would never be the same. She just had to hope that it would be for the better. That it would all work out because she loved them both with a fierceness that even she hadn’t realized before.

So, with Lolo’s mournful cry of “I’m not the only one in here!” practically ringing in her ears, Jean woke Scott from his trance.

“Scott, my love, there’s something you need to know. It’s about when Lolo first got transformed…”


Scott’s mouth closed around Logan’s left nipple with excruciating slowness. When he tweaked the nipple with his tongue, she gasped. He pressed his tongue into the erect flesh and swirled in a tight circle. At the same time, he grasped her other breast forcefully at the base and slowly allowed the flesh to slip through his hand. Logan squealed and threw her head back, her dark hair wet from the shower spray.

As he applied suction to her left breast and swirled her nipple repeatedly, his other hand slipped slowly down her belly and moved her legs apart gently, but insistently. She felt the cool of the shower tiles against her back as his cock began to nudge its way between her labia. As he moved it around her opening and across where her erect clit lay hidden, she moaned over and over. Her lips, puffy and open longed for him to kiss them, but her eyes remained closed and she just awaited his next action.

Slowly, the pressure against her labia increased, the feeling of her inner lips being pushed aside making her head spin with desire. He took her nipple between his teeth and applied a pulsing pressure as he slipped into her. For a moment, she was lost in the feeling, the memories it brought back, and the pheromones she was pumping out.

But then…

Damn it! Fingers are just not a substitute.” Logan was, in fact, alone in the shower, but her mind had started to wander as she cleaned off and had been reveling in memories of her morning Danger Room session. Somehow, that had led to thoughts of Scott, and then some… exploration.

Times like this, I wish Jean’s virtual dildo wasn’t so virtual.” Logan, frustrated, but knowing the moment had passed, turned off the shower and patted herself dry. She still missed Jean’s ability to remove water from her body and her hair, but she set about blow drying it. As she watched herself in the mirror, she was again struck by how young she looked. But at least she didn’t look as haunted.

She slipped on her silk kimono robe and went out into her room, still aroused and humming a tune.

She had a visitor.

“Scott, my…” she very nearly added “love” to that out of habit. Jean’s habit. She was uncertain for a moment if he was really there. Then his scent hit her. She could detect his recent arousal and even the ejaculate that hadn’t been completely cleaned off him. Her nostrils flared and she took a step towards him as she felt her nipples crinkling with her own arousal. Clearly this was more of her fantasy?

“Uh, Logan, I’m sorry I barged in here. I tried knocking, but the hairdryer was going…” Scott stood there somewhat awkwardly.

So, not a fantasy after all.” Logan crossed her arms over her breasts, wishing he would just take her in his arms. “What’s up?”

“I guess I just wanted to check and see how you are, maybe see if I’m allowed to speak,” he tried to smirk in order to make it seem lighthearted but failed miserably.

Despite her yearning to be in his arms, Logan’s response was tinged with a different kind of frustration. “Apparently, what I want doesn’t matter.” Which, if it had been said with a bit less venom, might have been a little more ironic.

“I can go,” he said. “I know I’m the last person you’re thinking of spending time with…”

God, if he only knew,” she thought.

“It’s just that I…” Suddenly, he wasn’t really sure why he was here. After Jean had told him about how Logan had all of her memories, it had made him rethink every interaction they’d had. And it had made him very angry. Angry with himself. But he had told Jean that it had been a mistake to keep that from him and he left.

Some time after storming out, he’d had the vague idea that Logan would want to know about his conversation with Don and decided that he would go see her; check up on her. With not much more of a plan than that, he had shown up in her room.

“What?” asked Logan. “Go ahead, you’re here now. Not that you ever ask for my permission.” That last was actually something that Jean often said when Scott was being bullheaded and she was annoyed with him.

Maybe that’s why he said, “Jean told me, Logan. I know.”

“Wait, know about what, exactly?”

“Her memories… your memories. She told me.”

Logan felt as if her whole body had turned to ice. She began to tremble with a combination of fury and hurt.

Scott, thinking he actually saw tears starting to form in her eyes, took a step forward.

Logan responded by shaking her head and raising a claw. “Stop!“ She fought to keep the tears from spilling, but one snaked its way down her cheek. “She had no right to tell you that.”

“Maybe not, but I’m glad she did. I understand now.”

“What? Huh? What is it you suddenly understand now that you didn’t before? That I might have feelings that you didn’t bother to ask about? That I might not just look different now that I’m not a guy, I might actually BE different?”

“But I didn’t know…”

“Didn’t know or didn’t want to know?” she asked closing the gap between them, but resheathing her claw. “It was more convenient to only have one Jean, wasn’t it? Considering the possibility that I might have the same feelings was opening a can of worms that you didn’t really want to deal with.”

“No, I just never…”

“No, you never. Never considered that my heart might be breaking, that I felt like you had made promises to me. An EXACT replica of the woman you swore you loved and it never occurred to you that she might also have the same feelings? You never even asked if there was a hint of me, of Jean, in who I was, did you? Did you?

Scott hung his head and then shook it. “No. I didn’t and I’m ashamed. What can I do?”

Logan turned her back. “Did Jean tell you what the drug did to me?” she asked in a small voice.

“What? No, she was helping me deal with what I went through.”

“What you went through! That drug made me think Sabretooth was my mate! I want to throw up just thinking about it! And then you come along and my crazy memories get mixed in and suddenly I can’t help but feel like you are my true mate. Isn’t that a laugh? You ignore me, reject me... and suddenly I’m killing for you.”

“I didn’t reject you. I didn’t know! And I was trying to SAVE you!”

“I’m not some damsel in distress waiting for love’s first kiss! And if I was,” she turned and poked Scott in the chest with her finger. “You would have failed on that score, bub!” She was unaware that she had left her hand on Scott’s chest and was staring at it.

Scott was breathing heavily now. She watched his lips, looking up through half-open eyes.

“Logan, what do you want from me?” he yelled back at her.

With a whimper, Logan threw herself against Scott and presented her lips to him. He greedily took them, crushing her lips against his own. Neither of them had been aware of the cloud of pheromones that they’d been pumping out during their argument, but the effects were now beyond their control.

Scott ran his hands up under Logan’s robe, pulling it from her as she pressed her breasts against his chest and worked at his belt, all while sucking hungrily at his tongue and making little cries of need. There was a frantic scramble of clothes hitting the floor and then they were on the bed and she could feel his cock slip along the inside of her thigh. She reached down to secure it with her hand and guided it to her pussy. She hadn’t realized how slick the area was, but as she used his cock to make one quick rub over her labia, he slipped right in.

She moaned, finishing as a squeal, as he thrust deep into her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him against her vulva. It took them a couple of thrusts to get the timing right, but then he was thrusting into her as she pushed back with her hips. It was just like back in the room. Only their coupling existed, the depth of his cock in her and the sensations all along her sensitive vulva driving her to a white-hot arousal.

They eventually had to break from their long-held kiss in order to breathe. Logan’s lips were puffy and almost felt bruised. Their urgency and desperation for each other only climbed higher over the next several minutes. She cried out for Scott and he bent his head to take half her left breast in his mouth. As he sucked at her breast and ran his tongue hard into her flesh, she began to buck against him. She clutched his head to her and began a strangled cry that lasted for nearly a minute before she became unable to make a sound as she orgasmed.

Scott never stopped. He continued clutching at Logan’s hips and thrusting as hard as he could. Sometime after she’d cum, Logan placed her hands on either side of Scott’s face and lifted him from her breast. As soon as he was clear, she immediately dove in for him to replace her breast with her lips. She welcomed his tongue into her mouth and whimpered into his mouth along with his thrusts.

When Scott came, she felt the hot and forceful spurts within her. She felt every jump and twitch of his cock. She wasn’t sure if she came at the same time, or if she’d been having a series of small orgasms for some time. All she knew was that it was over and she didn’t want him to leave her body. For a little while, they just stayed entangled in each other and tried to catch their breath.

Logan considered asking him to wait and stay inside her just a bit longer, but one look at his face, even with the visor, and she knew that wasn’t going to happen. Suddenly, everything that had seemed so right and so perfect was awkward. They pulled apart, moving to opposite sides of the bed. Logan wrapped her robe around herself and Scott began to gather his clothes from where they’d been thrown and put them back on.

Without looking at him, Logan said, “I think you need to go back to not speaking to me again.”

Scott paused as he was about to pull his shirt over his head. Then, he finished the motion. “I don’t think that’s a good plan. We need to figure out how to work together. We need to communicate.”

“Look where that got us,” she said, still without looking at him.

“We never should have let things get to this point. Yes, I’m to blame for a lot of that… But meet me tonight, please. I also wanted to tell you about what Don said to me before he left.”

“Don? You talked to him?” Logan gathered her robe tighter as if the mere mention of Don’s name would reveal to him what they had been doing.

“Tonight?” Scott simply repeated.

“No, tell me now,” she finally looked at him.

“I really think we need a little break. Time to process. Tonight, ok?”

“Uggh, fine. Tonight. But this is a bad idea.”

“Probably, but it’s all I got,” said Scott as he left.

After a few minutes of sitting on the bed and staring at the wall, the cum oozing from her vagina was too hard to ignore. She got a quick shower and cleaned herself as best she could. She tried not to think too much about how many lines they had just crossed.

As she looked at the young girl in the mirror, she decided that now was the time for a new look. The fresh-faced look was fine for Jean, but she needed something else. Something a little more dangerous, perhaps.

“Crap, I forgot my bag. Everything’s still down at the Danger Room,” she said aloud. She quickly threw on a clean training outfit and headed down to get her bag.


“I must say that I find this situation most disappointing,” said Magneto.

“Right, perfectly understandable,” said IC in his deep voice and posh British accent.

“Essentially, we have at best introduced a wildcard. But we have no method of verifying that said wildcard will ever come into play. Do I have that about right?”

“Yes, sir. But I should like to point out that Einfluss never got to tell Fidélité exactly what she did. So the situation would have been the same even if you hadn’t killed Fidélité.”

Magneto smiled, but it was a cruel smile. “One of many expenses we have undertaken in order to place this wildcard. Are you unable to gain any insight via your technological abilities?”

“No. Their computers are practically alien. Anything I attempted would be detected and I assumed you wouldn’t want that.”

“Quite right. But unfortunately, it leaves us with a need for a Plan B. One that I fear will only add to our costs.”

Now IC began to look very nervous. “What do you need from me?”

“Merely some logistical support. I think what we need is some unskilled, brute force intervention. Maximum distraction, minimal risk.”

“And if our wildcard should activate sir?”

Magneto chuckled, “Why, all the better my dear boy. Nothing would please me more than to see that particular investment mature.”


“Ororo!” called Logan upon seeing Storm walking towards the Danger Room. “Good to see you up and around.”

Ororo paused and looked at Logan without recognition.

Logan realized the issue. “Oh, sorry. It’s me, Logan.”

“I see,” said Ororo somewhat cooly.

“Are you worried I’m pulling your foot?” asked Logan with a smirk.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You know, when we ran into each other after I was transformed and you mixed up that saying? ‘Pulling my leg?’”

“I recall now.”

“I was kinda hoping you could help me again. The dress was gorgeous. But what I really need to work out now are some special boots and I think I need to work on establishing my own style. I found this choker that I really like, but it doesn’t seem like enough to be a signature style, ya know?”

“And this signature style would be for this body?”

“Well, yes. I mean, I’ve been through a lot since my first transformation, a lot of ups and downs. But this is who I am now. I can tell you this last transformation hasn’t been easy.”

“Into a girl. Still,” said Ororo.

“Yeah, not much choice really.”

“Or did you just not care what the decision might mean to others?”

“Excuse me?” Logan was very puzzled by the turn this conversation was taking.

“It is ALWAYS just about what you need, never mind what it does to anyone else’s life,” Ororo practically shouted.

“Ororo, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is there something wrong?” Logan took a step back.

Ororo’s eyes began to glow and a wind started to blow through the corridor. “It doesn’t matter to you that I am left alone and broken-hearted, just that you get to be a woman! Du brichst mir das Herz! *

“Uh Oh.”

        *translation: “You broke my heart”



Anthony Bourdain said, “You have to be a romantic to invest yourself, your money, and your time in cheese.” - so I’m going to use that as my excuse for being cheesy.

End Note:

Kudos are always welcome, but I really do want to know what you think of the story, so please comment. It doesn't have to be positive but if you have a correction, a PM would be more appropriate than a comment, so we don't bore everyone else with trivialities. If you are upset that this story contained violence, graphic sex, non-consensual actions, or mind control even after all my warnings and flags then I can't help you. If you want to demonstrate your superior knowledge of all things X-Men, please save it and just make lots of smug faces as you read my egregious errors. I'm here to have some fun and I hope I have provided you with some as well. ‘Nuff said. Until next time - Excelsior!

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