The Voyage of the Visund -26-

Tyra is told about Ursula's unworldly origins and is suitably astonished, but takes the information in her stride. Then the Duke's sons return home unexpectedly from the war...

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

26 - Mistress and Maid

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2020 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

Tyra's eyes were wide and she showed confusion.

"Mistress? You are from another world? I do not understand what you mean. There is only Anmar where we all live."

Ursula sighed. This is complicated enough, but here is someone who does not even understand the idea of different worlds!

The two were seated at the table, a bell before the evening meal. Bennet had removed her things and the space had been occupied by the belongings of Tyra, a much more modest collection. They had napped, followed by a session with Kalmenar, and Ursula had finally accepted that she could no longer put off telling Tyra the truth.

"That is what we all assume, since normally we live in the world and think that where we are is all there is," she explained. "A few people, a very few, find out that is not so. I am one of those people, and I only know this because I have been brought from the world where I was born and grew up, a world named Earth, to this one. This is not the world of my birth, Tyra, and you will just have to believe me."

"But..." The maid tried to accept what she had been told. "There is another world? A real one, not one made up from travelers' tales? How can this be?"

"There are many, many worlds, Tyra, but they are all far away, so far that normally we don't even know they exist. Every star you can see in the night sky is a sun like yours and the reason they seem so small and faint because they are so very far away. Some of those, perhaps many, may have worlds around them like Anmar."

Tyra frowned. "Suns... have worlds around them? Anmar goes around the Sun? But I thought..." She shook her head. "This is not how I understood the world to be! You know this is so, Mistress?"

Ursula nodded. "It is so, Tyra. Where I come from clever men have long studied my own world and what is in the skies around us. Even though it appears that the Sun goes around Anmar, what you see is an illusion caused by... Hmm. Let me just say that we can talk about exactly what happens when we have more time. For now, just accept that the stars you see at night are all suns and many will have worlds nearby."

"So there are other worlds? And none knows of any other? Amazing! But, then, if you do come from another world, and they are so far away, how did you travel to this one, to Anmar?"

"I do not know, Tyra. On Earth there is no-one who knows how to do such a thing. I doubt anyone on Anmar knows either. When I was found by Her Highness and her men, I had no memory, no name, only the clothes I was wearing when I left Earth. It was five days before my memory returned, and by then we had arrived at Joth. I do not remember what I was doing just before I left."

"But, Mistress, surely, you told us that you came from another land named..." she concentrated, "...Alberta, is that right? I have never heard of that land before, but there are many lands I do not know the name of."

"It will be difficult for you to accept," Ursula said. "Firstly, Alberta is not the land of my birth but the land where I happened to be when I..." she hunted for a suitable phrase, "...was transported here. I come from another land on that world, across a wide ocean, and none of it is on Anmar. Earth has only one Moon in its sky and there is nothing there like the Veil. The animals and plants in Joth are all different to anything I know, which is one reason I spend a lot of my time in the kitchen, attempting to make myself familiar with what is here."

"I find that hard to understand," Tyra said. "Surely they have different plants in different places? It is well known that our spices grow in warmer lands to the north, they cannot grow here because of the Rains."

"Tyra, on my world we have explored it all and we have discovered and named almost every animal and plant that exists on it. On Earth there are no animals that have six legs, or four legs and two wings. None of the plants used here for food are known there. As for people, there are very few countries where anyone goes around with a sword at their waist any more. We don't have frayen or dranakh either, they do not exist on Earth. Instead, we have cars and trucks... hmm. Think of them as metal versions of carriages and wagons, then. These have engines in them which mean that they can move themselves without having an animal to pull them along."

"But surely..." Tyra stopped and shook her head. "Mistress, if you say it is so then I must believe it. It might explain one or two strange things that the upstairs servants have said about you..." Her eyes widened again. "Mistress, I would not want you to think that we do nothing else behind our betters' backs! We are not like that!"

Ursula gave an amused smile. "My experience of house servants, before I came to Anmar, is slight but it is just human nature to speculate, Tyra. I am different, yes, but that is because I was born and brought up somewhere else where the customs are completely different. I would be surprised if the servants had not noticed anything."

The maid leaned forward eagerly. "Mistress, will you tell me more about where you came from? Where is it? Will you be returning there some time?"

Ursula shook her head. "I do not know where it is, Tyra. I do not know how I came here so, logically, I do not know if there is a way back. If you recall, I had no memory of anything until I arrived here at the Mansion. Maralin says that there is no -"

"Maralin! Your pardon, Mistress, but how would Maralin know what happened to you?"

Oh dear. I am not sure if mentioning Maralin was permitted when the Duke said that I could tell Tyra my origins. Now she has heard the name, she may make the connection anyway. If I tell her, it may make my own story more believeable. But I must be careful what I say.

"Maralin also comes from Earth. He arrived the night that Joth was attacked and the people were thrown out. Like me, he had no memory of who he was for five days or so. Because he has been here longer, he has had more time to study the situation and has come up with some theories. Some of them sound unlikely to me but then the whole situation is unlikely. There is nothing I can do about my situation, though, except make the best of what I have been given."

Tyra nodded. "As you say, Mistress. If I had been... dumped... in a strange land, then there might be nothing I could do except to learn my surroundings and make what I could of my new circumstances." She added, "I understand, now, why you are not so familiar with our attire and things like that. I am guessing that you did not wear such clothes on... Earth? Was that what you named it?"

"Earth, yes. A poor name, so I have been told, but then it is in a different language. No, the clothes I wore on Earth would seem strange here, I have been told, and maybe even scandalous."

Ursula hesitated. Do I tell her it all? I must, I think, or there may be awkward questions in the future. She has to know it all to understand who I am and how I came to be.

"You should also know that, even though we do not know how we were brought here, both Maralin and I know that the method of transfer was faulty. On Earth I was a man and Maralin was a woman."

The jaw dropped again. "How is that possible? Oh, if you do not know how 'tis done, then you could not know what went wrong, of course. But that means... Oh, I see! That is why you had nothing at all to wear when you arrived at the mansion."

"A little had been bought along the way in markets, but you are mostly correct. We don't wear clothes like this except in historical plays."

Tyra frowned. "Historical? Does that mean that you might be from... the future?"

Ursula shook her head. "That was thought of but Maralin says it is not possible. Remember the Veil? That is not visible from Earth at all and it would take millions and millions of years for it to grow to the size it is now. Now that it is here, it will always be visible on Anmar. There are other indicators in the night sky which show that I am somewhere else entirely. The six-limbed creatures are another clue, they could never have evolved on Earth at all."

"I do not know of these things, Mistress. I must needs take your word for it. So you were a man there and now you have the body of a woman here." She nodded. "This could explain some other things we have noticed, though they could also just be personal differences. But you must be finding it very difficult to adapt."

Ursula gave a small smile. "Actually, that was one of the things that made it more difficult for me. You see, on Earth I did have the body of a man but my mind, my personality, has always been that of a woman. So, when I came here and woke up to find myself in a real woman's body, I began to suspect a trick. I had what I had always wanted, the right body, but I knew that such a thing was not possible on Earth. Oh, we can do things that will make a man's body look like that of a woman, but it involves a lot of cutting and stitching. It is not possible to do that and make it real, with the Call of Kalikan and everything."

The jaw dropped once more. "Maker! What a mess! And now you are here, with the body you wanted, in a strange land with strange animals and plants. Mistress, I will do everything I can to make your life here easier. You have my oath on that."

"Thank you, Tyra. I was not sure if you would believe me, my story is so strange."

"Mistress, I am but a servant of His Grace, I do not have the learning of yourself or Lord Kalmenar. Your tale sounds very unlikely to me but there is enough other evidence that I must needs believe your words." She gasped. "Maker! His Grace! Does His Grace know of this?"

Ursula inclined her head. "He does. Of course he found out about Earth when Maralin was brought to his attention. Maralin was asked to join the Duke's household for his own safety. The rulers of Yod have been hunting along this valley to find anyone who comes from other worlds. If they found someone, I am told that they would try to force Earth secrets from them, which would obviously be bad for everyone else."

"Oh, so that's why Maralin is here. Several of the upstairs servants have wondered why a seeming cook from Galdarin has the ear of His Grace. Ah, I understand now why 'tis a secret, to protect him from any who would want his knowledge."

"That's right. In fact, I have been told that the entire war by Yod was to capture another person from Earth, one you may have heard about, Princess Garia. If they could not capture her, they were to kill her instead, to prevent anyone else making use of her knowledge. That is why we keep our origins a secret."

"Princess Garia! Mistress, I have heard fantastic tales of her and the amazing ideas and devices she brings to us. I have seen the mirror sent from Palarand, and the steam engine. This is all from your world, Earth? Mistress, it looks like my desire to become a woman-at-arms has become even more necessary, now that I know your circumstances."

"If you say so." Ursula considered. "You are probably right, Tyra. I know my way around the city now, a little, going around to see to Healer Senia's patients, but much of Joth is still a mystery and probably not safe for a woman alone - or even a woman accompanied by another. You know your city better than I do, obviously, so I must accept your judgment in this." She stopped to listen to the clock striking. "What time is that? It sounded like something and three quarters, but I have not learned all the codes yet."

"It is a quarter before the tenth bell, Mistress. I believe that the evening meal will be at the tenth bell and a half today, perhaps we should be considering our attire?"

Ursula smiled. "That is just the kind of expert assistance I need from a maid, Tyra. Thank you, yes, I think it is time to start getting ready. Shall we bathe first?"

"Of course, Mistress!" Tyra looked apologetic. "Mistress, I have lots of questions."

"I am not surprised! I will tell you that I can probably answer most of your questions but you will have to accept that you may not understand the answers to many of them."

"Agreed, Mistress."

"But only when we are by ourselves! What I can tell you must not be spoken of to anyone else at all, not even the Duke or Tenant Maralin."

"But of course, Mistress! Am I not your personal maid now? This is what we do."

"...And I did not know even that, Tyra. As I said, there are very few personal maids on Earth and I certainly would not have had one, or known how such a maid would behave. All this is new to me."

"I will do what I can to help you, Mistress, but it occurs to me that most of this is new to me, too. All we both know is what Her Grace and Bellot told us yesterday." She shrugged and smiled. "It will be interesting for both of us as we begin to know each other and our needs and duties."

"Agreed. Now, perhaps we had better get started, yes?"

* * *

Some time later the two came down the stairs and made their way into the dining room. The Mansion appeared quiet now that Wallesan's Duke's Court was over. Fanis was waiting for them when they entered.

"Oh, good. I wanted to have a word with both of you before everyone else appeared. If we may go over in the corner, to speak quietly?"

Ursula and Tyra followed Fanis to a vacant corner of the dining room, the Duchess waving away some others to indicate that she wanted a little privacy.

"It occurs to me," she began, "that my assignation yesterday was done in haste. You saw what happened this morning, with Eriana, do you both still consider that it would be right for Ursula to have a maid now, and that Tyra is suitable?"

They looked at each other. Ursula replied, "We have had most of the afternoon to become accustomed to the idea, Your Grace, and in fact I believe that the arrangement will be of benefit to both of us in time. Tyra has already moved her things into my chambers and we have discussed how we should behave with one another. This will be something different for both of us, but we are determined to make it work."

Fanis turned to Tyra. "Do you agree? The situation is unusual and you may find yourself doing things which a normal lady's maid would not."

"Your Grace, I am content. I understand that Mistress Ursula is not a normal lady of the court and may do unusual things. As you said before, it is a promotion for me and I believe that Mistress Ursula does need the help of a maid. If I may have some time to prove myself that person."

"Then it is settled. Of course, now that I see you before me, I am reminded that you will need other attire as befits your new station. I believe that the seamstresses are returning tomorrow afternoon, after our naps, and we may then consider what additional clothing you will need." Fanis smiled. "I remember talk of riding attire, I have not forgotten! But this morning you have set off on another adventure, Tyra, as a potential woman-at-arms. Of course you must needs have suitable clothing to wear both while you are training and when you are on duty in that guise."

Tyra curtseyed. "Thank you, Your Grace."

Ursula noted, "Your Grace, if Tyra is to ride, then that will mean both a frayen and the saddle and harness to go with it."

"I know it! And yet, it will make more sense for her to have those things if she is to be an armswoman. The frayen is available, I have yet to speak to Duban about the rest."

"Ah, Duban. From speaking to him I know that he still disapproves of women riding. I think he will be even less amused when Tyra begins."

"As you say! Fortunately, even Duban knows that customs are changing in Joth as elsewhere and that he must needs adapt. He may grumble but he will also do what is required, I deem."

"You are probably right, Your Grace. For myself, I have no complaints regarding the saddle he made for me."

"Yes, I have seen you on it." Fanis looked wistful. "I am wondering if I should start to ride myself. It would be something else to do and we are so busy presently... Your opinion, Ursula? Do you think it would be a good idea?"

Ursula thought. "Your Grace, I believe that there are two ways you could look at the problem. Firstly, that you are the wife of Joth's ruler and as such you will have an influence over custom and fashion. It would be difficult for others to complain if they see you doing it. Against that may be any disapproval that already exists in the city. If I may suggest, have some others ask discreetly in the city what they think of women riding. I don't think that anyone will object to Her Highness and her attendants riding because they are not locals, but they may have a different attitude to one of their own doing so."

Fanis nodded. "Your words are wise, Ursula, yet I deem that I may not leave the experiment too long, for fear that objection in the city rises before any may shape a new custom." She glanced at Ursula. "You are one who walks about Joth, shall you not tell me what those you visit may think? A casual word to your patients may be enough to inform us whether we would face a storm or not."

Ursula nodded. "I can do that, Your Grace."

"And here is Eriana and her girls!"

The three entered the dining room and Eriana headed straight for Fanis.

"Good evening to you, Fanis, and to you, Ursula. Tyra, I am pleased to announce that both Captain Hambran and myself were impressed by your fitness, abilities and enthusiasm today and that he considers that you should indeed be taught the basic arts of the warrior."

Tyra bobbed. "Thank you, Your Highness."

Eriana held up a hand. "That cannot start until you have suitable attire, of course. Fanis, what must we do?"

The Duchess smiled. "Eriana, it is all in hand. Tomorrow afternoon some seamstresses are expected and we will order all the new attire that Tyra will require. That will include new house uniforms, training and, with your advice, working armswoman's attire. She will also need riding attire for when she may accompany her mistress."

Eriana's eyebrows rose. "So much! But I understand the reasons why, Fanis. So shall it be." She smiled at them. "It seems you shall all be busy in the next few days, then. Ursula will be tending patients in the mornings, while Tyra trains with us or Captain Hambran, then in the afternoons you will both be riding."

Ursula nodded. "It would seem so, Highness. I see little choice if I am to settle somewhere around here."

Further comment was interrupted as Wallesan arrived, deep in a discussion with Bellot and Kalmenar. Everybody headed for the tables.

Eriana asked Wallesan, "If I may ask, how was your Court this morning? I trust all went well?"

The Duke reached for his goblet. "There was nothing that could not be cleanly dealt with, Eriana. Joth is not a large land and our affairs tend to run smoothly much of the time. Of course, since it was my first for a while, it was longer and busier than usual." He briefly held up his free hand. "Ah. I dealt with that incident concerning Ursula today, when she was lost in the city. Plainly she had strayed into an unexpected place at an unfortunate time. All has been resolved."

"That is good to know." She frowned. "There was one question, as I recall. What of Brodgar's part? Shall he be punished?"

"Not at all, Eriana. I know all your men well, though perhaps not as well as you do. His intent was honest, to protect a woman in peril, I do not blame him for what he did at all. Know you that we will make a minor adjustment to our Watch code that others may safely take similar action should the need arise."

"Thank you, Wallesan. It was an unusual situation for all of us, I have no doubt that it would have strained any law or regulation."

"As you say."

At the end of the meal everyone had barely risen before there was an interruption from the front courtyard. Hearing the noise, Fanis went to a window to discover the cause.

"Oh! Wal, it is our boys, returned from Yod! Bellot, attend! They will be tired, they will need their chambers made ready immediately, see to it."

The Chamberlain bowed. "As you command, Your Grace." With a nod to Wallesan he walked quickly out of the room to summon servants.

"Who are these, Fanis?" Eriana asked.

"Oh, they are our sons Mathenar and Luthan, sent to command Joth's armies against Yod. They have been in Yod these past months administering parts of those lands on behalf of the Allies. Let us go to the entrance and welcome them back, I shall introduce you. Wallesan?"

"Coming, my dear. They are back suddenly, why has there been no message?"

Everybody streamed out of the dining room and arranged themselves inside the entrance, leaving a passage for those arriving. Wallesan and Fanis went out onto the step to greet their sons. Two young men eventually appeared and were swept up by their parents in hugs and, from Fanis, kisses.

"Father, mother, I beg you, if we may go in," the first son said. He was dark and travel-stained, but clearly the son of his father. "I have a pressing need and I doubt not that Luthan is the same. If we may leave the formal introductions until we are more presentable."

His eyes widened as he took in the lines of guests inside the door, all dressed for the evening meal.

"Masters, Mistresses, I beg you, I would not wish to cause any embarrassment. If we may change and clean ourselves up, we shall attend you presently in a manner more befitting our status."

Wallesan nodded, though Ursula detected a level of disapproval. "Go, then. A warning, your arrival is unexpected, I doubt Bellot has had time to prepare your rooms properly, but the bathrooms should all be ready for you. We will await you in the sitting room when you have refreshed yourselves."

The two eased their way through the small crowd, the dust and smell of travel plain about their persons. The other son, as often happens, seemed the larger of the two and seemed to favor his mother's looks, though Ursula thought she detected something about his expression as he passed.

That one does not wish to be here. Of course, if he has been enjoying himself as victor over a defeated enemy, he may not wish to return to simple domestic routine.

Time will tell.

After the two had passed, Wallesan turned. "Friends, the return of our sons is unexpected. We will wait until they have properly presented themselves to us before we decide how our arrangements must needs be changed. Fanis, have they yet resided here since it has been rebuilt?"

The Duchess joined her husband at the bottom of the stairs before replying. "They have not, Wal. Their chambers were made ready for them while they were away, though they do not yet have their personal touch. I am certain that they will soon make everything as they would desire it to be."

The Duke glanced at the crowd gathered around them. "As you say. Friends, if you may go about your usual evening activities, we will summon you should there be need. Eriana, Ursula, Kalmenar, if you would join us in the sitting room."

Eriana inclined her head. "As you wish, Wallesan. Do you require my girls as well?"

The Duke considered. "Not this evening, I deem. Let us keep our sons' first taste of home to be simple, yet of course they should be introduced to our most important guests." He grinned. "Besides, our sitting room is of modest size. I do not have such enormous chambers as Robanar does. As it is, we will barely have enough seats for those present."

"As you wish, Wallesan. Girls, you heard? I will join you upstairs later."

The crowd dispersed, most going upstairs as the Duke led the short way to the Mansion's sitting room. Ursula felt a tap at her elbow.


"Mistress, I believe that it would be my place to join you within."

The response was low-pitched. "If you say so. It sounds as if you will not be able to sit down, though, Do you mind?"

"Mistress! I would never sit down in public when I am by your side! It would never be done!"

Ursula reluctantly nodded. "As you wish. The worst that can happen is that the Duchess might ask you to leave."

"Of course, Mistress, it would be her right, should the subjects under discussion be private."

The two followed the others into the sitting room, Ursula being directed to a comfortable chair next to Fanis. The Duchess watched Tyra take station behind Ursula's chair and gave her a firm nod of approval. Ursula noted that Fanis also had a female servant stationed behind her chair.

Wallesan blew out a breath as he relaxed. "Well! I did not expect our boys back so soon! I wonder what errand brings them here, and if they may be returning whence they came."

"Do not second guess them, dear," Fanis reproved him. "The answers are but a few moments away, after all. For myself, I am glad to see them home again, and away from danger, as any mother would be."

"Aye, you are right." The Duke brightened. "Still, now they are here, we may find out more about the present situation in Yod. I shall arrange a meeting for tomorrow or the next day with Hambran and others where we can discuss the latest circumstances."

"If I may ask," Eriana said, "what have your sons been doing in that land?"

"Hmm. Mathenar had the command of a regiment, last I heard, and was billeted about a town of Yod near their southern border with Pakmal, the border having been over-run by those of Yod early in the war."

"Pakmal? Your pardon, Wallesan, I do not know that land."

Wallesan waved a hand. "That is on the upstream side of Yod, Eriana, and on the southern bank of the Sirrel. A river from the southern highlands empties into the Sirrel there and forms the border. You will pass it by as you continue upriver, I deem. Yod and Pakmal have long squabbled over possession of that river valley, though it is of no great value to either side. We will pull out the maps tomorrow and I will show it to you, and the boys can show me where they were billeted."

"Ah, I see. And was... Luthan, was that his name..? Was he with Mathenar?"

Wallesan shook his head. "I thought he commanded a regiment but where and under what conditions I do not know."

There was some small talk about the conditions in Yod, but since Ursula had never heard of any of the places mentioned, most of it meant nothing to her. Even in possession of a map, she would not have been very interested. There had already been too many names, too many places and it would require time to let everything fall into place.

The two young men arrived, both with damp hair and in fresh clothes as befitting the sons of the ruling Duke. Fanis stood and hugged both of them again but then they stood in front of their father and went down on one knee.

"Father, we have failed you," the dark-haired one said. "We have been sent home, if not in disgrace, then certainly bringing the disapproval of the Alliance command."

Wallesan's eyebrows rose. "Both of you? Whatever has happened? Rise, both, and greet your father as men."

They rose, and Wallesan gave each a clasped arm that turned into a hug. While this was happening everyone else in the room also stood, ready for the introductions.

"Friends, this is my eldest son Mathenar, who is Count of Galdarin," Wallesan said, then turned, "and here is my second son Luthan, Count Hulmar. Mathenar, Luthan, we host renowned guests today. If I may present Her Highness Princess Eriana of Palarand, Lord Kalmenar of Palarand and..." Wallesan realized that his other guest might cause awkward questions. "...Mistress Ursula of Alberta."

Both men bowed to Eriana, shook Kalmenar's hand, then bowed to Ursula. Everybody returned to their seats. Mathenar stared around him at the recently decorated sitting room.

"Father, it will never be as it was, but the craftsmen of Joth shall have no complaint made against them for this work. The Mansion is reborn and it is all excellent work, I deem."

Wallesan smiled. "Wait until you see the inside of the Great Hall! It is only recently finished and the work is of amazing quality." His smile disappeared. "Now what is this you tell me about returning under a cloud?"

"Father." Mathenar looked as if he was about to jump out of his chair and go down on one knee again but decided against it. "Luthan became involved in fights with other officers of like rank and it was suggested, strongly, that he be returned to Joth. For myself, I can only say that I sought to take advantage of local hospitality and it seems that I may have misjudged... the attitudes of others. It was suggested that I, also, should return in company with Luthan."

Wallesan's expression was disapproving. "You are both old enough that you should know by now how to conduct yourselves as befits the sons of a Duke. However, I shall not speak of family matters while guests are present. If I may ask, do you desire food, drink? How did you travel, to arrive here when you did?"

"Father," Mathenar explained, "we overnighted in Forguland as guests of Duke Sildenar, but left immediately after breakfast to catch an early ferry. We lunched in Hulmar but realized that we would not arrive here before the evening meal was served, so ate at the Crossroads roadhouse on the trade road before traveling on. Thus we are fed but a drink or two would be appreciated."

Fanis' servant went to the door and spoke with a footman outside before returning to her station.

Wallesan said, "We had barely risen from eating, as it happens, so you did not miss the meal by much. Now that you are here, you will soon settle down again into the routine of the Mansion, though you may find that it is different than before. As you may both guess my journey to Palarand was all that I expected and more. Much has changed among the folk of the Great Valley and in future years much more will change. But you do not want to hear that now. You are home now, there will be plenty of time for us to discuss all that is needful."

"As you say, Father." Mathenar's gaze traveled to Eriana. "Your Highness, I do not know you. I thought that King Robanar had but two daughters and that both were married." He paused with a thought. "Wait, your name, I have heard it before, though I do not remember when."

Eriana smiled. "As you say. I am not Palarandi born but come from a yet more distant land named Einnland. For certain reasons I found myself in Palarand at the end of last year, with my ship and crew, and the King has graciously given us shelter. To repay his kindness we undertook to travel to Forguland and assault Boldan's Rock. That is why you may have heard my name."

Wallesan added, "I returned from Palarand to Joth aboard Eriana's ship, Math, with her crew of fierce warriors. She is on her way along the Sirrel to visit lands new to her and her folk."

"Boldan's Rock! That is the fortress which overlooks Forguland, is it not? I heard there was fierce fighting but in Yod there are few who would speak of such a battle. Do you tell me that you were involved?"

"Indeed, I led my men and we are accounted heroes the length of the Valley - Yod excepted, of course. It was indeed a fierce fight and we suffered losses, but those of Yod suffered many more."

The Duke asked, "And they do not speak of such things in Yod, son?"

"Father, they are a beaten folk, in the main, who know not what the next day shall bring. Our governance is a quiet affair, there are few who care to dispute our commands. Few will speak openly of the war, even among themselves, since they know not what the next man may think."

"A curious state of affairs!" Wallesan scratched his chin. "Let us leave this talk for tonight, there are women present who may not care to hear of such matters. I would hear more of Yod tomorrow, by your leave, that we may all know the latest position. Luthan, tell me of yourself. Where were you stationed?"

"In a large village named Yakum which is not far from Yod itself, Father," the younger son replied. He looked unhappy. "Ah, I would leave talk of that until tomorrow also, if I may."

The Duke threw up his hands. "As you wish, son."

Mathenar commented, "You spoke of women just now, father, yet none have mentioned your other guest, nor even the noble who sits next to her."

"I can tell you that Lord Kalmenar accompanies Her Highness as diplomatic assistant as she travels the Sirrel, since the land she comes from is distant and her knowledge of local customs and practices is not extensive. That is part of the reason she travels, to improve her knowledge of our peoples."

"And this young lady?" Mathenar gestured at Ursula. " If I may ask, Father, where is Alberta? I have not heard that name before."

"You should both know that Mistress Ursula is from a land which is very distant, somewhere else entirely. It is not surprising that you have not heard of it. Know you both that, despite her seeming youth, she is an expert healer who has already saved lives in the city. She resides with us for a while as she considers how she may train those of the Great Valley in her craft, which exceeds anything known to us before."

"A healer! The Alliance armies had need of healers while we were yet at war, was she brought here to help us?"

The Duke was silent for so long that Mathenar wondered what he had said that was sensitive.

"I cannot answer you today, Mathenar," Wallesan said eventually, "for the situation is... complicated. I believe that Mistress Ursula's presence here in Joth is by chance, but neither we nor she knows the full reason for her presence."

"Math," Fanis added, "Ursula comes from so far away that she could not possibly have known about the fighting here when she left. Like Eriana, she finds our local customs to be very different than those she knew at home, so she stays with us for a time to become familiar with what is here."

Mathenar frowned. "If it is as you say, Mother, then I will accept your words." He turned to Ursula with a smile. "Mistress, I trust that we shall do all that we may to make your stay with us a pleasant one."

Ursula inclined her head. "Thank you... I'm sorry, I don't even know how to address you."

Both sons looked surprised. Wallesan explained, "Ursula, my two boys have a courtesy title one rank lower than my own, by virtue of the fact they are my acknowledged sons. They should be named Count when spoken of but may be addressed as 'My Lord', just as Lord Kalmenar is." He added, "In fact, the eldest son of the Duchy, my heir, is usually given Galdarin as his demesne, as that is Joth's second city. Luthan presently holds Hulmar, our trade ferry port to the west, but neither exercises much control over those places, they are essentially courtesy titles."

"I see, Your Grace."

Mathenar asked, "Mistress, if I may ask, how would you address nobles in your lands? I know that many of the Valley countries use different titles, I am surprised that you are not familiar at least with those of Joth."

"My Lord, until today I have not met any other Jothan nobles. In Alberta we have no nobles at all."

"What!" Both sons looked stunned. "However do you manage there, if I may ask?"

"Boys," their father cautioned, "this, too, is a subject for another day, being a complex one indeed, and involving ideas you may find hard to believe. In time, mayhap, you will come to understand some of those ideas, since we may seek to try some of them in Yod."

Luthan narrowed his eyes. "We? Father, you said we. Do you mean the Alliance? I have not heard of any such ideas where I was camped."

Wallesan grimaced. "Boys, this is too much for an evening when you have just arrived following a long journey. I beg you, rest awhile and refresh your minds with a good night's sleep in your renewed chambers. Tomorrow I shall begin to tell you of the great changes that have already begun in Sirrel's valley."

The two men looked at one another. "Much appears to have happened while we were away," Mathenar said. "I did not think we had been gone that long!"

"Aye," Luthan agreed, "and it is said that news travels fast in war, but it seems that there is much we have not been informed about. Father, you are right, it has been a long day. Let us all retire and begin afresh tomorrow."

"Indeed." The Duke cast a thoughtful glance at his sons. "And I have not forgotten your reasons for returning to Joth today. Tomorrow I will require an accounting from both of you."

"As you command, Father."

* * *

Tyra was unlacing Ursula's gown before they both found their beds for the night.

"So, tell me what you know about those brothers."

"Mistress, I do not know as much as you may believe. I only started working in the Mansion after both had gone off to war. All I can tell you is what little any person in the city might know... although, of course, now that they have returned, I can always ask other servants here to tell me more."

"Oh, of course. I keep forgetting that everyone was thrown out of the city and that would automatically mean war between Joth and Yod." Ursula had a thought. "You must have been thrown out yourself, Tyra. What happened?"

"We were more lucky than some, Mistress. Father was working on the river and saw the Yodan craft approaching just as the sky darkened after sunset. He returned immediately and tried to raise the alarm but it was all too late. Knowing that we could not escape by the river he gathered his family and we fled into the city, since we lived so near where any battle might happen, and there we thought we were safe, but it was not so. The Yodans attacked those fleeing and my father was battered about the head and arms.

"All were forced towards the gates and thrust outside, attired just as they were. We were among those forced to flee on foot and all of our possessions were lost, whilst those who came later were permitted wagons and frayen to carry the less able of Joth away. But you asked about the brothers and I will tell you what little I know."

Free of her gown, Ursula undid the tie which held her bra in place and removed it, handing it to Tyra to hang up and air. In these warm days, neither wore any other underwear than their panties which would remain on until morning.

The maid continued, "Luthan is known to be an unsavory sort, Mistress. Rumor in the city is that he has a temper which is made worse by drink. It is likely that his temper is what has caused him to be returned home. As for Mathenar, I know even less, but to me he seems a friendly sort, although there are rumors about him in the city also, rumors of a different kind which I do not recall. You must remember my age and station before I came to the Mansion, much of the talk would have meant little to me then. It may simply be the notions of ordinary folk about the way the sons of their Duke behave, I would not know."

Tyra hung the gown on a hanger to air as well before returning from the dressing room.

"There, Mistress. Shall you put your nightgown on?"

Ursula pulled the thin summer nightgown over her head and settled it. Tyra had already changed so both were now ready for bed. The maid went around the suite putting out all the lanterns except one, which she turned down low.

"Mayhap we may learn much more tomorrow, Mistress. If I do not find something out, it is possible that you may do so in the kitchens, is that not so?"

"It is possible," Ursula conceded. "Remember that I will be going out again with Senia tomorrow morning so there will be no chance for me to find anything out until I return for lunch."

"As you say, Mistress." Tyra yawned. "Well, good night to you, Mistress."

"And to you, Tyra."

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