The Voyage of the Visund -32-

After the grakh attack the locals are naturally interested in the creatures, so Wallesan exhibits the carcass in the Great Hall. Ursula obtains permission to join the Visund and spends the morning packing. Maralin returns later with news and the following morning the Visund departs.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

32 - Greetings and Farewells

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2020 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.


Ursula, Tyra and Luthan spun about to see the beast that Eriana had downed struggle to its feet, or more accurately its limbs. It limped towards them on rear feet and one folded wing, resting the front of its body on the knuckles formed by the wing claws. The other wing hung awkwardly, seemingly damaged either by Eriana's sword or by its tumble to the ground.


It shambled directly towards them, a red glint in its eyes and with obvious murderous intent. Even with one injured wing, it would be a formidable opponent, but it would be like facing an injured tiger: too big, too powerful, too angry to care about its injury. The two with her were silent, frozen by its stare as the beast approached.


The shock wakened Ursula again. It was still dark. She had already lost count of the times she had relived that awful moment. She rearranged the sheet and light covering - again - and let her head drop back down onto her pillow.

I know what this is. I just didn't expect to see it this soon.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD.

I feel terrible, but that is probably due to lack of sleep. That is one of the things it does to a sufferer.

Physician, heal thyself!

But how?

The next time she awoke light was leaking through the gaps around the window drapes. She still felt terrible. There were noises from outside, from in the corridor, from Tyra's closet, so it was presumably time to rise.

Tyra appeared, yawning.

"Oh, good morning, Mistress." The maid looked more closely at Ursula. "It seems that you had no better night than I did."

"You could say that. I must have relived that thing shambling towards us a hundred times. You?"

"Many teeth reaching down from the sky, Mistress. Over and over again. And the smell."

"Please. Don't remind me." Ursula began to think about the new day's activities. "It looks as if the Visund will be sailing tomorrow."

"Aye, Mistress. It will be a fine sight to watch it go, but I will miss Her Highness and all her men. Will you be down at the docks?"

"That is a good question, Tyra. I'm seriously wondering, not just whether I should be at the docks, but whether I should be on the Visund when it leaves."

Tyra was silent for a long moment. She asked in a low voice, "Would you leave me behind, Mistress?"

"If I went? If you wanted to come, and Eriana let you, then of course I wouldn't leave you behind! But you are not mine to give an order like that, unfortunately, you belong to the Mansion." Ursula threw back the covers, swung her legs off the bed and stood, stretching. "Look. I am seriously considering leaving for a number of reasons, but the main one is Lord Mathenar. If I remain here then he'll just go on following me around."

Tyra considered this briefly before nodding. "I can see the need, Mistress. Have you yet asked Her Highness if you may travel with her?"

"Not yet. This only decided itself while I was asleep." She yawned. "Let us get ourselves organized and dressed for the day."

"Mistress, what of Mistress Senia? I recall she was to meet you below after breakfast, as usual."

"Oh!" Ursula wrinkled her nose. "There will be too much to do today, I think, for me to go out with Senia, particularly with all these new faces around. And you are telling me that it may affect what I wear today. Um. Let us go in the toilet and the bathroom, I may have some more idea when we come out."

But Ursula still had no idea what to wear when both emerged from the bathroom in their fluffy robes. Fortunately a knock came at the door as she was trying to come to a decision. It was Semma.

"If you would join Her Highness in her chambers, Mistress, before any goes down to breakfast."

"Certainly, Semma! I am not sure what to do and a word with Her Highness may be just what I need."

Ursula and Tyra followed Semma along the corridor, still in their robes, and into Eriana's suite. She was sitting in her own robe in a chair in her sitting room.

"Good morning, Ursula, Tyra." The Princess stood. "I know that it is early and you have not yet dressed but I have need of your healing art this morning, by your leave."

"Of course, Highness, but I have not brought any of my things with me."

Eriana smiled. "If you would first examine me and tell me if anything is needed."

"As you wish. What is the problem?"

The Princess began taking off her robe. "When I fell off my beast yesterday I landed on my Personal Pistol. It has made a pistol-shaped bruise in my thigh."

She lifted her nightgown to show a dark blue bruise on the side of her thigh. Ursula bent to look at it.

"Nasty. But the skin is not broken, it could have been worse. Does it hurt?"

"Oh, aye, it hurts! What can you give me?" She added, "I have much to do today and this will be a distraction. If you did not know, the Visund will sail tomorrow morning."

"I heard, Highness." Ursula considered the discolored thigh. "There is some numbing ointment I can use and I would prefer to put a bandage over it, to cushion it against any accidental knocks. Can you manage like that?"

"Done. I was not sure, you might say to leave it, let the air help it to heal."

"If it was elsewhere on your body, Highness, then I might have suggested that." Ursula gave Eriana a sidelong glance. "But would you really wander around the Mansion today with almost no clothes on?"

"Hah! Of course you are right, Ursula. Ointment and bandage, then, and we can all attire ourselves ready for the day." Her eyes searched Ursula's face. "Did you not sleep well last night? Your eyes... and those of Tyra too. Is it the battle-shock?"

Ursula said, "Highness, on Earth we call this reaction 'Post Traumatic Stress Disorder'", but was startled to hear it rendered in the local language as "Battle Shock". Eriana frowned, so Ursula added, "Ah, that was not what I thought I was saying, Highness. You know that the language they speak here is unknown on Earth? That what I speak is not the way I think?"

Eriana's eyes narrowed. "I had not considered the business but what you say must needs be true. How, then, can you understand us?"

"The way that Maralin told it to me, there is a kind of translator in our heads. When I talk, it translates what I think into words in whatever language the listener needs. Similarly, when anyone here speaks, it is translated inside my head into something I would understand."

"And that is how you can also speak the tongue of Einnland, I deem?"

"So I was told. I have no idea how it works. Maralin said that in time we will learn to speak and talk naturally in those languages, rather than having them translated."

"As you say. So, ointment and bandage, then? Shall I come to your chamber?"

Ursula hesitated before replying. "I don't mind, Highness, but I have a question before we go. Would it be possible for me to join you on the Visund?"

Eriana was surprised but also pleased. "To sail with me? You would join me and my men as we go upriver?"

"I would. I know it is short notice but yesterday's little excitement -" Eriana snorted, "- has made me think about my future. If I stay here I will be stuck with Mathenar following me around. I could move out of the Mansion but it would not really solve the problem. There are other reasons," Ursula added.


Ursula thought carefully before slowly replying, "Highness, it is a question of trust. I have been given much in Joth in terms of clothes, lodging and facilities and I recognize that I owe them a great debt. But the Duke has his mind on greater matters and I am certain that he has not told me everything he knows. Bluntly, Highness, though I trust the Duke not to do anything I would object to, I would not trust him fully. I think that I would trust you more."

Eriana's eyes glistened as she came over and took Ursula's hands. "Ursula, my dear, I am overwhelmed to hear your words. Before these others I will swear that I shall do nothing to abuse the trust you have just given me."

Ursula, now aware what oaths might entail, quickly held up a hand. "Highness, you cannot swear that! You have no idea what might happen in the future."

The Princess nodded. "Aye, you are right, of course. Yet I have already given my oath to protect you, keep you from harm, guide you as you make your way in this world. Will that be sufficient?"

"It will, Highness. And now we must go, or we will be eating breakfast leftovers in the kitchen."

A smile. "Indeed! If you would lead the way. Bennet, Semma, you may remain here and dress as we discussed. I will return shortly."

Eriana led the way out into the corridor. They entered Ursula's suite and Ursula headed for her basket of salves and potions. Tyra went to a hook and retrieved the leather satchel which held bandages, dressings and other medical devices.

The Princess took off her robe and threw it roughly in the direction of the nearest chair before rolling up her nightgown, twisting the roll and tucking it to keep it above her waist. Then she simply used her thumbs to drop her panties and step out of them. By this time Ursula had become used to seeing naked or part-naked women, but this was unexpected.

"Are you comfortable with me like this? I can take the nightgown off it if will make it any easier."

"Uh, uh, Highness, I think I am more concerned should somebody come to the door."

"You are right, Ursula, we should have gone into the bedroom."

"If you do not mind, Highness."

Eriana scooped up her panties and stalked into Ursula's bedroom. Ursula followed carrying the basket while Tyra brought the bag. Panties, basket and bag were dumped on the bed. Ursula found the ointment she wanted and began covering the bruise.

"If you are to come with me," Eriana said thoughtfully, "is it your thought that your maid should join you?"

"I do not mind either way, Highness. Tyra asked me earlier when I said I wanted to leave and she asked if she could come with me. Of course she is technically a servant of the Mansion, not personally of me."

She waved a hand. "That should be no problem, Ursula. Bennet and Semma are sworn to the King but they accompany me, as though on detached duty. Wallesan may do the same for Tyra, should he agree that she may accompany you."

Ursula turned. "Tyra? Would you agree to that?"

The maid bobbed but then thought. She said carefully, "If His Grace my liege permits me to come, then of course I would do so. If His Grace my liege releases me from his service, that I might vow myself to Mistress Ursula, then I would do that too."

Eriana's eyebrows raised. "You would do that? Swear to Ursula?"

"After yesterday, Highness, it has become clear that Mistress Ursula has need of a maid, confidant and protector. I believe that, despite my present inexperience, I am the person she needs."

"That may be so, but you know that I have sworn to protect Ursula, and that both Bennet and Semma are both trained women-at-arms? Both serve me as companions where female matters are concerned, they may well do the same for Ursula."

It is what happened when we first arrived, after all. The implication is that I would be well enough provided for if Tyra could not come.

She had a small revelation then.

Tyra and I have gotten used to sharing secrets. Minor ones so far, it is true, but we have meshed together very well since she was assigned to me. I did not have the same relationship with Bennet when she was here.

I am astonished to find that I like having Tyra as my maid!

She said, "This is premature, Highness. Let us wait and see what His Grace thinks of all this. He may not be happy to see me sail away from Joth with you, especially at the moment."

"Your words are wise, Ursula. Very well. Provisionally I will accept both you and Tyra on board, assuming the Duke does not object. Now, how are you going to wind that around my hip?"

Eriana pointed to the bandage which Ursula had removed from the bag. Both studied Eriana's wide and flawless hips.

"I have no idea, Highness. It is likely to be both awkward and uncomfortable, isn't it? Perhaps it would be better just to have a pad which is held in place by your underwear."

"As you say." Eriana retrieved her panties as Ursula dug out a suitable dressing. "How do you manage such matters on the mother world, if I may ask?"

"We have dressings similar to this," she held up the rectangle of wadded cloth, "but they have a sticky strip around the outside. They need no bandages to hold them in place."

"Do you tell me? And may we see such dressings here in the Valley at some time? They could be of use on the field of battle, I deem."

"Probably." Ursula smiled. "Assuming that I stop anywhere long enough to work out the details."

Tyra asked, "Mistress? There is still the matter of today's attire."

"Yes. Highness, do you have any suggestions? I do not think that I will be going out with Senia today, especially if I have to pack."

"Hmm. This morning I will be wearing a suitable day dress, since there are people from Palarand to greet. If I may suggest that you do the same, Ursula, I am sure that Wallesan will want to introduce you to some of them. Then, if we bathe before lunch, a change to a ship dress will make us feel more comfortable. That will also permit most of your attire to be packed."

She frowned. "If you two are to go, I must needs ask Wallesan for some chests. You will both require two, I deem, but there may be more according to your additional equipment," she turned to Tyra and smiled, "not to mention your additional equipment. Bennet and Semma each have a separate chest for their fighting gear." She hesitated. "And for their riding gear, but our saddles did not come with us on the ship. Let me think about that until later."

Tyra's eyes were wide. "So many chests, Highness?"

Eriana gave her a grin. "We are women, it seems to be necessary. The men manage with a dunnage bag each but we must needs carry a wider selection according to need. Another time, Tyra. I must join the others to dress, you two must also dress and then we should go down for breakfast."

"As you say, Highness."

In a short time everybody was dressed. Ursula and Tyra were at the top of the stairs when Eriana appeared, so they waited. Downstairs in the dining room there were strange faces but Wallesan and Fanis were at the door to welcome their guests.

"Eriana, Ursula, Bennet, Semma, welcome." Of course Tyra's place was assumed. The Duke put out an arm. "If I may introduce you to some of the visitors who arrived yesterday, whom you missed by being away on your ride."

The first man was older than the Duke and looked uncomfortable in what appeared to be his 'best' clothes.

"This is Guildmaster Selvar, Director of the new Guild Department which is busy introducing paper and printing to everybody," Wallesan explained. "With him are Craftmaster Korbin, a brass-worker who specializes in the new craft of metal punching..." He tailed off, uncertain. "Is that right? I do not remember if I have been shown punching of metal when I was in Palarand."

Korbin bowed. "Your Grace, if you were shown our new ideas I do not remember seeing you, but if you recall there were very many new faces at the demonstrations. Aye, it is a new process which makes the production of small items of brass, soft iron, aye, and even gold and silver so much faster. You see -" He stopped and smiled. "I forget myself, Your Grace. You are introducing us."

"Indeed, Craftmaster." Wallesan's arm moved. "The man I have not yet named is Craftmaster Yubold, who has come to install an electric clock in the Mansion, so I am told."

Yubold bowed. "As you say, Your Grace." He bowed again. "Your Highness, it is good to see you again."

Eriana smiled. "Craftmaster Yubold. I remember seeing you climbing up and down ladders in the palace with Milsy. I trust everything still works there as intended?"

Yubold smiled back. "Mostly, Highness. You know how it is. I believe that there may be more than twenty clocks installed there now... and I am interrupting His Grace."

Wallesan waved a hand. "Indeed, there will be plenty of time for us all to exchange news, but first, we must needs break our fast, I am hungry today. To table, everyone! Guildsmen, know you that we seat ourselves at table as your King does, so your places will likely change at every meal."

Everybody headed for the two tables, shuffling around until mutual arrangements could be made as to seating. Wallesan looked around.

"Fanis, I do not see Mathenar. Should we wait?"

Bellot stepped forward. "Your Grace, Lord Mathenar begs leave to be excused. He says that he is still affected by what happened yesterday."

Eriana's snort was barely suppressed. "As were we all, Bellot, but I see no other absences this morning."

"As you say, Highness." Bellot bowed to Eriana and then turned. "Your Grace?"

Wallesan waved an irritable hand. "Leave him, Bellot. Today Eriana may keep me company, and beyond her, Luthan."

Breakfast was occupied by the Duke asking the new visitors about various happenings in Palarand about which Ursula knew nothing.

Palarand sounds like a complicated place, but one where much is happening.

Should I go there?

I think I should probably visit, in any event, just to see what is going on. There will be time later on to decide where I want to make myself a new home.

I'm not sure that I am comfortable in Joth. Too small, too cramped, too many bricks, too hot in summer. If there were nowhere else, then it would have to do, but it appears that each of these states along the river is different one from another. Going with Eriana will be a good way of sampling what is available.

Logically, then, I could remain with the Visund until Eriana returns to Palarand. Can I put up with being on an open deck for that long?

If it gets me away from Mathenar, then yes!

Bellot leaned close to the Duke towards the end of the meal. "Your Grace, the men have finished arranging the dead beast in the Great Hall. If you should wish to inspect it before you attend your visitors?"

Wallesan brightened. "Aye, that is an excellent idea, Bellot!" He stood, but motioned everyone else to remain seated. "All of you, listen. Our men have arrayed the great monster that Eriana brought back in the Great Hall, for our people to inspect before we decide what to do with it. When we rise from table I will go and take a look at it to see just what danger threatened my sons and Princess Eriana. You may come or not, as you wish, as I know that it may be too terrifying for some to view. I am told that this is the largest grakh which anyone remembers seeing in living memory, and to be brought down by two of Robanar's bravest swordswomen! If there had not been reliable witnesses, few would believe such a tale."

At the end of the meal everyone stood and streamed out into the corridor. The visitors, not knowing the layout of the complex, stood in a group to one side. Ursula spotted Senia coming into the entrance carrying a bulky bundle.

"If you would excuse me." She made her way through the throng and met Senia at the foot of the stairs. "Good morning, Senia. What is that? Is it for me?"

"Indeed it is, Ursula! Good morning to you, and to you, Tyra. A seamstress delivered these late yesterday eve, saying that they had just finished them and that, as I lived nearby, they would be better delivered to me than to bring them through the streets to the Mansion." She humphed. "Of course, that just meant that I must needs carry them here myself!"

"What are they? Have you opened it?"

"Aye, and they appear to be what you called scrubs, Ursula. I tried a set on and they seemed to be as I thought you described them. The utility of the garments is obvious, that we might wear them while attending a difficult procedure and not worry about mess or, indeed, becoming too hot. Shall you take them to your chamber, or will we need them today, do you think?"

What do I do now? I will have to let her down.

"Senia, unfortunately I will not be able to accept the scrubs today. You may not have heard but the Visund sails tomorrow - and I intend to be on it. I am sorry that this is such short notice but it looks like you will have to commission the clinic yourself."

Senia stared at Ursula in shock. "Why, Ursula? Is it something we have done?"

Ursula sighed. "A number of small reasons, building up to a big problem yesterday. You know about the grakh, I suppose?"

"There is a rumor in the city, I would not believe any of the details... do you tell me that you were involved? Were there injured?"

"Minor injuries only, fortunately. Captain Hambran was the worst, he dislocated a shoulder when we were all thrown off our frayen. I was able to put it back once the attack was finished."

"Once the attack was - do you tell me you were there?"

"Oh, yes. It was supposed to be a quiet ladies' ride out, do you remember?"

"Yes, you mentioned it to me yesterday morning. Maker, it was then? What happened?"

"It was supposed to be Eriana, me, Bennet, Semma and Tyra together with the captain and an armsman, who ended up being Dirgan. Unfortunately Mathenar and Luthan invited themselves along."

"Oh, dear."

"Exactly. There were arguments, but we managed to keep things mostly under control. Then five grakh attacked on a track between some fields. Mathenar hid in a ditch while the rest of us tried to defend ourselves, but, Senia, I could do nothing, I was too frightened. I do not think that I could kill another animal or person, even to save my own life."

"Indeed! There are few women who would defend themselves thus in Joth, or anywhere else I could name. But Eriana, Bennet and Semma, they carry swords! They fended off the beasts, then?"

"Yes, and both Tyra and Luthan came and stood over me to defend me. I was impressed by their courage. Captain Hambran dislocated his shoulder when he was thrown and Dirgan stood his ground as well."

"Five, you say. And yet you proved the stronger."

"Bennet brought one down and then Semma finished it off. Eriana struck another, but it landed heavily and then started to crawl towards us. Her Highness finished it off with a small gun, which I did not know she had."

"Maker! You have had a difficult afternoon!"

"Senia, you have no idea."

"I wish you would tell me the tale - but, if you are to depart the Mansion, you will desire to pack today. What should I do with these?" Senia indicated the package.

"I don't - " She turned and saw that most of those in the corridor were now filtering down to the far end, towards the doors into the Great Hall. She spotted Bellot, answering a question from somebody. He turned to look at her and she waved. "Come on, Senia! I have had an idea. Do you want to see the carcass as well?"

"A grakh? You have it here? Well I don't..."

They met Bellot at the doors into the lobby. "Mistress?"

"We have a problem, Bellot. Some garments were delivered to Senia yesterday, and she brought them here to me, but it was a mistake. Could you ask someone to take them to the clinic for me? That is where they are supposed to be."

"Of course, Mistress. Ah, the clinic?"

"It is one of the weaving lofts in Sabbar Street which we are converting for use by healers."

"Oh, aye, Mistress! I have heard of the works there. The strange name confused me for a moment. This is the package? I will take it and have someone deliver it immediately. Whom shall they ask for?"

"Master Follan is overseeing the work, I believe. They should just be stored safely until a healer comes to use them. If he is not there then Master Fedris would know where they should go."

Bellot nodded as he held out his arms for the package. "I know them both, Mistress, so your package should not go astray. Do you now go to view the beast? Oh, how thoughtless of me, of course, you have already seen it, have you not?"

"We do and we have, but yesterday it was not under the best of circumstances, you understand."

"Then you may find the creature to be less frightening today, Mistress, knowing that it was Guardswomen Bennet and Semma who vanquished it."

"That is true. Senia? Do you still wish to come?"

"I am not sure. Those creatures create a great deal of fear in most who see them, Ursula. Fortunately we do not see them very often around Joth, only as they pass along the Valley at a great height. Do you not have great beasts such as these on Earth?"

"We don't have flying creatures that large, no, though I believe that some existed many thousands of years ago. We do have some ground beasts that are large and terrifying."

Senia considered briefly and then nodded sharply. "I will harden myself and come. As a healer, it will be good to understand what injuries such a creature might give to man or woman."

They passed into the lobby and turned into the Great Hall, where both stopped in amazement.

The grakh had been laid out on the floor on an array of tarpaulins to protect the surface. Since its wings were larger than its body length, it was sideways on, its head facing away from the Mansion courtyard. Each wing had been stretched out and a small sandbag placed near the tip to stop them relaxing naturally. The head, because of the colored vane sticking out behind, was supported on a small pile of sandbags so that its mouth could be propped open with a stick, exposing the rows of gleaming teeth.

It looked a lot bigger than when Ursula had last seen it.

"Maker! It is much bigger than I realized."

Ursula agreed, "It looks much bigger than when I last saw it. Of course it is up close and stretched out."

The other viewers were walking around the edge of the exhibit, pointing out particular things of interest. Ursula began to move off, the others following.

"There were five like this?"

"Yes, five, and they must have been all about the same size. Do you agree, Tyra?"

"I would say so, Mistress."

"Even though there were so many of you, I am amazed that anyone survived, or was even seriously injured."

"So am I. Believe me, so am I."

"So big! Each of those wings must be four strides at least. And that body! It is amazing to me that something so large can keep itself in the air."

The eyes had closed in death, which was probably just as well. The left side of the neck showed the marks where Semma had hacked it.

"What is that smell? It is not very nice."

"I don't know. Senia, I know nothing about any creatures like this. On Earth they died out sixty-six million years ago. All we have are bones dug out of the rocks. I would guess, from the smell, that it is mostly a fish eater, but many... avians of Earth will eat anything else if they can get hold of fresh meat."

They had wandered around to the other wing tip, which was near the front doors of the hall. Wallesan was standing there, talking to the three guildsmen. The doors were open, and a welcome draft blew in from the street, sending the noxious odors up to disperse through louvers high in the roof. Outside the doors a line was forming of citizens curious to see the body.

"Ursula, Mistress Senia! This creature is amazing and I am astonished that Eriana and her girls were able to vanquish it."

"As am I, Your Grace. It seems bigger today than it did yesterday but that is probably how memory and circumstance work. Um, Your Grace, can I have a brief word with you? Privately."

He stared at Ursula and then nodded. "Of course, Ursula. Gentlemen," he turned, "if you would give us a moment."

With nods from the guildsmen he led Ursula off to a corner of the great chamber.

"Your Grace, I have asked Her Highness if I may accompany her on her voyage and she has agreed, providing that you also agree."

His lips thinned but he nodded. "I wondered... is there any particular reason?"

She shrugged. "A number of small things, Your Grace, but one word will sum it all up. Mathenar."

He sighed. "I regret bitterly that it is my son who drives you away, Ursula, but I fully understand your position. I cannot fault your decision. You may go with my blessing and know that you will always be welcomed in Joth whenever you come again to our shores."

Ursula felt the need to curtsey. "Thank you, Your Grace. You fished me out of the river and looked after me, gave me many things I did not expect, and now I am running away. I have no doubt that I will return to Joth, possibly many times, but I cannot foretell the future."

"Nor can any man, Ursula. Now, is there aught that we of Joth may do for you, to help you on your way?"

"Her Highness did mention chests, Your Grace," he nodded, "and there is also the question of Tyra."

Tyra of course had followed Ursula and was standing beside her.

"Tyra," the Duke asked, "is it your desire to follow your mistress? I would not think poorly of you whatever decision you make, since your loyalties must needs be divided."

Tyra curtseyed. "Your Grace, by your leave I would go with my mistress. I believe that she has need of my service. Her Highness has agreed that I may also travel, should you permit it."

"I thought that you might choose to stay with her. Do you want me to release you from your oath as a house retainer? You will, of course, go with my blessing and approval. Your conduct in the Mansion has always been considerate and thoughtful - and sharp. If you had stayed a house servant, you would not have remained an upstairs maid for long, I deem."

Tyra blushed with the praise. "Your Grace, presently I am your servant. I will accept whatever you decide."

"Then, Tyra, I think that I will release you from your oath. I do not know what adventures you and your mistress may face but it could be some time before you return to Joth. That means that you should be certain where your loyalties may lie. I will do it formally, this evening, before you and your mistress retire."

Tyra curtseyed again. "As you command, Your Grace."

The Duke turned to Ursula again. "Anything else, Ursula?"

"I have no idea, Your Grace. Her Highness is the owner and captain of the Visund, she may have ideas about what I may need or not need to take or do."

"As you say. Well, now I had better rejoin our other guests, I think. As well as themselves, they have brought many documents, manuals and materials as well as wagon-loads of strange machines, which will all require careful consideration. Knowing your own background, do you think that you might be interested in any of what has arrived?"

Ursula thought, then shook her head. "Thank you, Your Grace, under other circumstances I might be but now... I suspect that almost all of today will be taken up by packing and preparing for tomorrow."

He nodded. "Very well. You have only to ask Bellot if you feel there is aught else we may do for you."

"Thank you again, Your Grace."

Wallesan walked off to rejoin the guildsmen, who by this time had moved further around the hall and were now talking with Eriana, Bennet and Semma, who no doubt were giving them a blow-by-blow account of the action. Senia came and joined Ursula and Tyra.

"Is everything all right, Ursula?"

"Hmm? Yes, Senia, I have just asked His Grace if he will let me join the Visund and he has agreed. Tyra is coming with me."

"Oh, that is good. I have always felt that you needed somebody knowledgeable to help you to find your way around and Tyra is just the right person. Now, what are you going to do about the clinic?"

They began walking around the carcass. "Technically I am guessing that the clinic actually belongs to the healers of Joth, if you have such an organization," Ursula mused. "If not, I would suggest that you set something like that up to manage the place."

"There is such a body, but it is mostly an informal arrangement." Senia smiled. "We healers do not have such formal procedures as our craftsmen and artisans do, or indeed as the guildsmen of Palarand do. I am sure that we will work out a suitable means of managing the building and those who will use it. But what are we to do there, if our teacher is no longer with us?"

Ursula grimaced. "This is so sudden, and I don't think there is any way around it now. The die has been cast."


She realized what she had said. "I mean that the step has been taken, I cannot undo it. You and the other healers will have to be brave and use your imaginations, Senia. You have seen what I did with Mamoot, most surgery is just a variation of that. What you will need to do, and it is something that you'll have to do yourselves, is something I mentioned at the beginning. You need to know what is going on inside a person's body, you need to do some dissections to find out how everything works. Only then will you be able to do what I did."

Senia's gaze was elsewhere as she thought it through. "Yes, you are right, Ursula, but such methods will be difficult for us to accept at first. To cut open in that way... I can see that we must needs have a meeting of all the city healers to discuss this. You have shown us the way but it will require a change of custom to follow where you have led."

"That's all I can ask, Senia. What you do now is good, very good, in fact better than some Earth practices, but it wouldn't have saved Mamoot, and that is the point." Ursula tried to frame it in local terms. "The art of healing, like any other art, is always changing, always advancing. Just like those guns that are going to change the way your men fight, healing has to adapt and be willing to adapt."

"As you say, Ursula. Maker, look at those teeth!"

They were now standing nearest the point of the snout, which carried a formidable double row of teeth in each jaw.

"We were lucky that they never actually managed to touch us with those teeth," Ursula commented.

"It is not so, Mistress," Tyra said, and both turned to her with surprise. "I discovered that both our helmets had rips in the fabric covering them when I put them away last night. The tears are different, one may have been teeth, the other claws."

Ursula looked at Senia. "Oh. I hadn't realized that they had gotten that close. I never felt anything. It looks like we had an even luckier escape than I first thought."

"Indeed! With those teeth, and those jaws, it could probably have lifted you bodily from the ground. Maker!"

* * *

Mid-morning came, and with it the delivery of six chests, each about a stride and a half long and looking uncomfortably like small coffins. The delivery was accompanied by Eriana.

"If I may come in? I would advise you how and what to pack, by your leave. I know that you, Ursula, will not know how 'tis done, but Tyra may have some knowledge."

Tyra curtseyed. "Highness, I have packed for some in the Mansion but never for travel on the river. If you would advise us."

"Indeed, Tyra. What I would suggest is this, that your daily attire should go into one chest, with gowns or day dresses first, then nightwear, with underwear on top where you may reach it easily to change. Evening gowns and lesser attire in the second, together with hats and outer wear according to season. That means that it can be stowed below other chests, only to be brought out when we are invited to such places as the Mansion."

Ursula asked, "And the third chest? I assume that will be for things like our riding gear, Tyra's weapons, my healing kit and so on."

Eriana nodded. "You have it exactly, Ursula. The third chest may not be necessary, but you will only find out once you begin to pack. I would also put your boots and other heavy items in that chest, they will cause less damage should we hit rough weather."

Ursula was about to ask what rough weather they could expect this far up the Sirrel but realized that Eriana would not know. Her experiences would mainly have been on the open ocean which, in the Visund, could have been very rough weather. The Sirrel would not be so bad... would it?

The Princess added, "You should both pack everything you desire to take except what you intend to wear tomorrow. If you do this then Lars can take the chests down to the ship this evening. For yourselves this evening, wear a long gown that you do not intend to take. If you did not know, Bellot will ensure that everything we do not take with us, which for me will be some number of formal gowns, will be packed away against our return." She smiled. "I did not learn any of this in Einnland, you should know, but in the palace in Palarand, where they are much better organized."

Ursula nodded. "I did wonder, Highness. What about our riding gear? I remember that your saddles were delivered to the Mansion after we arrived."

"Hmm. I would suggest to bring everything you have, if there is room for it. It is possible we may be invited to ride wherever we may be guests and I, for one, would not refuse such an opportunity. The saddles, however," she shook her head, "we must needs leave here, along with our beasts, of course."

Ursula turned. "Do you understand all that, Tyra?"

"Of course, Mistress."

"Then let us begin. Thank you, Highness, for your advice."

Eriana smiled. "Then I must needs return to my own chambers, which presently are full of chests!"

Eriana left, Tyra closed the door, and the pair looked at each other and the six chests.

"Have we enough clothes between us to fill six chests?"

"I would not think so, Mistress. Her Highness has assumed that we would have three each, which seems a large number to me. Of course Her Highness has many gowns as befits her status. If I am your maid, then there should be no reason why we could not combine some chests, Mistress. It will be easy enough to distinguish what belongs to whom. The less we have to load on the Visund, the better, I deem."

Clothes were pulled out of the dressing room and laid out on the bed. Ursula selected a gown for the evening and also what she would wear tomorrow, which of course would be a ship dress. Tyra had a more complicated problem.

"Mistress, if His Grace is to release me from my oath, then I wonder if I should take my house colors with me."

Ursula stood up, a boot in each hand. "A good point, Tyra. If you are to be my servant rather than the Duke's, then there is no reason why you need to take his colors. Um, unless you feel strongly about the matter, of course. Joth is your country, after all. I would suggest, though, that the Duke's colors of blue and white do stand out and that could be a disadvantage in some circumstances - especially where we could be going. It might be better to wear your uniform today and then to leave it all behind. Most of the time you'll be wearing ship dresses anyway."

"I had not thought of that, Mistress. You are right, when we are in strange lands it might be well to be able to pass unremarked."

Ursula had a thought then and smiled. "Except of course we shall be wearing ship dresses and no-one else will be! But it will be better than saying, 'Here is someone sworn to Joth'. It will just be new fashions from down-river, worn by traveling women."

By the time they had finished both were hot and sticky. Ursula had heard the bell which would probably have been the one just before noon, so suggested a quick wash. They both did so, then Tyra rinsed out their morning day dresses and hung them up to dry in the bathing chamber. Putting on clothes they had left out, they tidied up and went out ready for lunch.

There was a surprise at the bottom of the stairs. Coming in from the yard, with a big smile on his face, was Maralin!

"Greetings, Ursula! Has much happened while I was away?"

* * *

Maralin shook his head in wonder. "All I did was go away for a few days and all this happens! You are telling me that one of the grakh is in the Great Hall?"

"It is, and I can assure you that it is thoroughly dead," Ursula replied. "It is the one that Bennet brought down and Semma finished off."

They had finished lunch but were still standing around in the dining room after the chairs and tables had been cleared away, bringing Maralin up to date.

"I will go and take a look at it after my nap," he told them. "As you might realize, very few people on Anmar have seen a grakh close up and lived to tell the tale. Oh! Is that what the crowd of people in the street are doing? Going in to see the body?"

"Aye, Maralin," Eriana confirmed. "As you say, it will be a rare sight and many will want to view the creature, now that it is safely dead. Of course, just as many will fear to even enter its presence, I know what effect such monsters can have on otherwise brave folk."

"Ahh, as you say. I would probably have been among that number before I came to Anmar." He smiled. "Still, you did manage to fend off the attack and with no major injuries to any of you."

"I would deem it my duty to stand and fight such monsters, it is the way of Einnland," she said. "But almost all played their part. Ursula is no warrior of course but a mender of flesh and bone, Captain Hambran was unlucky to dislocate his shoulder falling off." Her voice lowered. "There was one other who played no part."

"Aye," Maralin said, just as quietly. "I do not know the Duke's sons, they were never posted anywhere near where I was stationed. Then they went off to Yod." He grimaced. "And they do not know me. They may resent my association with their father. Has anyone told them about those who came from Earth?"

Eriana shook her head. "I do not know what Wallesan has told them, Maralin. They arrived suddenly, it was a surprise, and word was that they had both been sent home in disgrace. I am told that the younger, Luthan, argues with anyone and everyone and frequently ends up fighting."

"Highness," Ursula said, "I think that he might be insecure, unsure of his ground. Since Bennet put him in his place he has argued, but nothing more. He certainly knew his duty yesterday."

"Whereas the other one did not, but cowered in a ditch."

"Highness, if I had been able to," Ursula pointed out, "I would have thrown myself in the ditch as well."

The Princess smiled. "You are a woman and a healer, none would have expected you to do anything else, I deem. But Mathenar, he will be the next Duke. That is not the way to set an example to your people."

Wallesan poked his head around the dining room door. "Oh, there you are, Maralin! Shall you nap, after your journey, or are you able to give me your report now?"

"By your leave, Your Grace, I think that this time I will lie down for a short while. It is good to be home."

"As you will. There are many packets in that bag of yours, expect to spend the rest of the day telling me about them..." He paused, rolling his eyes. "Oh, I forget, we are beset by the guildsmen of Palarand, who have brought more wonders with them. Did you not meet any of them on the road?"

"I did not, Your Grace, but... if I may tell you about it later." He yawned. "I think that I will go and lie down."

"Aye," Eriana agreed, "we should all go and lie down, the weather is too hot for small talk."

The group broke up and headed for the door.

"So you are going to go with Eriana, then?" Maralin said to Ursula.

"Yes, we are almost completely packed."

"And your new maid, is she going? It is a surprise to come back and find you with a maid, but I'm sure that she will make life much easier for you."

"Tyra is, she has, and yes, the Duke has agreed. She comes from a family of fisherfolk, so knows her way around river craft."

The group of women plus Maralin climbed the stairs.

"That may be true, but the Visund, from all accounts, is no mere river craft."

"She is certainly different," Ursula agreed. They paused at the top of the stairs. "See you later."

"Aye. Highness." Maralin nodded to Eriana, turned and went over the link to the barracks block.

Eriana turned to Ursula. "You are all packed, I hear?"

"We are. We have managed to get everything we are taking into four chests. I know that space is short, I just about remember what it was like from before we arrived."

The Princess nodded. "As you say. Come, girls."

Ursula looked at Tyra. "Come on, I think I need a quick lie down."

* * *

The next morning Ursula and Tyra came down to the dining room for breakfast, finding Kalmenar in deep discussion with Eriana.

Ursula curtseyed. "Good morning, Your Highness, Lord Kalmenar."

Eriana turned. "Good morning, Ursula, Tyra. I trust you slept well?"

"It was a little strange, knowing that it would be my last night here, but otherwise I slept well, Highness."

Kalmenar said, "Mistress Ursula, good morning. Are you looking forward to traveling again? Her Highness has just informed me that you are traveling with her, rather than remaining in Joth."

"My Lord, I have only a vague memory of things that happened before my memory returned, but I remember ports, and hostels, and markets, and rowing across the current. I am looking forward to seeing what life afloat is really like." She added, "I also remember staying in a big house where somebody tried to get into our rooms."

Kalmenar wrinkled his nose. "Such is one of the hazards of travel, Mistress. Now knowing of your natural caution, I am certain that you will be alert should something of the like happen again."

"My Lord, I hope that you will be proved right."

"For myself, I have just informed Her Highness that I will not be traveling with the Visund to Forguland. Those who have recently come from Palarand have brought documents, matters, which His Grace requires my advice on. Since I know that those of Forguland must be deemed friends, and I also know that the ship will remain there some days, my presence should not be required. It is expected that I will rejoin you there."

Ursula looked at Eriana. The Princess replied, "Aye, it makes sense for Kalmenar to remain here a day or two longer. Though he may also be needed in Forguland and Ferenis when he gets there, I deem, since I have word that the guildsmen of Palarand will be traveling there as well, once they have satisfied Wallesan. Know you that word arrived by Maralin's hand that both Forguland and Ferenis have now formally joined the Federation. Maralin will be sailing with us today to Forguland as messenger, to carry the documents of association."

"Oh. That could be interesting."

Wallesan and Fanis appeared then, and with a quick head check to satisfy themselves that all their guests had appeared, the Ducal couple led the way to the breakfast tables.

During the meal Lars arrived and was admitted. With a word to Wallesan's ear he was given a seat at the end of the table but took only small beer and some pieces of fruit, having already eaten.

The tables rose. "Well, my dear," Wallesan said to Eriana, "I will be sorry to see you go, you have livened our court by your presence and by the activities of your party and your crew. We have taken note of all that you have done and Joth is the better for it, I deem. I trust we shall see the Visund when it comes back down the river?"

"Of course, Wallesan. I know that the Visund will always be welcome in Joth. But now, regrettably, we must needs depart. Forguland is not so far but I have found that the river can always spring surprises when least expected."

"Aye, like that gogon. And Jarwin. And stray folk left on islands for us to find. Let us walk together to the door, then, where carriages are ready to take you to the docks."

The chests had already been taken, the previous evening. What hand luggage they would need was gathered just inside the entrance, guarded by Mamoot and Dirgan. Tyra, Bennet and Semma picked these up and took them outside.

Maralin joined them, carrying a dunnage bag and now wearing the yellow sash, neckerchief and headband of an official Valley Messenger.

"Well! I have barely had time to put my clothes in the laundry and I'm off again! At least this time I don't have to ride the whole way."

Wallesan agreed. "Aye, Maralin, I regret asking you to do this but you are the best person to take the documents, having witnessed them yourself. The Visund will arrive in Forguland this afternoon, you may then travel to Ferenis and be back in Joth by fast carriage before the Visund even departs Forguland. I will promise you a month's time at ease once you return here."

Eriana smirked. "Heard and witnessed! Maralin, now he has said it, he cannot send you off again without breaking his oath. May you have a good, long rest once you return."

Maralin bowed. "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Then you had all better climb in those carriages," the Duke said. "Fare you well, I trust that nothing too serious shall befall any of you."

When the carriages reached the docks they found a crowd waiting. Many just wanted to see how the strange craft worked, others would have gathered at any departure. Eriana, Lars, Bennet and Semma climbed down from one carriage while Ursula, Tyra and Maralin alighted from the other.

To Ursula's surprise the whole crew was lined up on the dockside, all wearing their tee-shirts and cargo shorts, looking suspiciously like a military parade. The men were also wearing their 'boaters', which had flat crowns, wide brims and long ribbons in Eriana's colors.

"Those men look impressive," Tyra muttered.

"Aye," Maralin agreed. "If I had still been female the sight would have made my heart thump! To think, I remember what those men were like when I first met them. How far they all have come!"

Ursula said, "Maralin, remember, those men are all wolves in sheep's clothing... is that the right saying?"

"Oh, yes, Mistress, I completely agree. When they need to be barbarians, I'm sure they will do what is necessary. But they have shown that they can be civilized when they need to and that is not something that everyone can do."

"As you say."

After Eriana had walked along the line, Lars dismissed the men and all made for the pontoons. The rest of the women plus Maralin followed them down more slowly, so that by the time they reached the ship everyone was aboard and the men were already making the oars ready. Tor Andersson and Ragnar helped them into the ship, leaving just two crew on the pontoon.

"I don't know if you remember," Maralin said to Ursula and Tyra, "but there is a place in front of the mast where passengers like us usually sit. If you would follow me."

After some time ashore Ursula found the motion of the vessel a little strange but she knew that would soon pass. They followed Maralin down the center of the ship, climbing over chests, boxes and sacks of provisions. A space had been left between the mast and the bow where Bennet and Semma were already seated. They adjusted their places and the three found places to sit.

Eriana stood on the poop alongside Tor Magnusson, who held the steering oar.

"Is everybody here?" A roar. "Is everybody ready?" Another roar. "Then let go the lines!"

The two crew on the pontoon released the mooring lines and leaped onto the ship. Those with oars on the pontoon side used them to ease the Visund away from the pontoon before pushing them through the provided holes in the hull.

"Reverse rowing! To my beat! Now! Now! Now! Stop!"

The Visund eased backwards out into the pool which ended the short waterway leading to the Sirrel. When the motion had ceased, Eriana spoke again.

"Shield side row forward, sword side row reverse! To my beat!"

As the bow rotated to face the river, she called, "Now! Both sides forward! To the river, men! Tor, make the sail ready. Once we are out we will need it and we should be able to ship the oars."

"As you command, Captain."

Eriana looked at those facing her, which was everybody in the ship. Her face was alight with anticipation.

"By the Gods! It is good to feel water again under my feet! Men, we are on our way again!"

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