Stevie's Tale - Chapter 8

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Stevie’s Tale – Chapter 8

By Kelly Blake

“…a good friend…”

I didn’t understand why Jessie was doing flicks…as in more than one. Katie explained it of course.

“The poor baby looks and acts about as innocent as…as the Devil. She’ll be red hot for one year…maybe two…and then she’ll be doing twenty guy gang bangs and other weird shit.” Katie said quite seriously. “Jessie is a slut. She has no class and doesn’t even want to learn the real trade. But she won’t care as long as her bean keeps getting refried.”

Katie paused to let that all sink in. And sink in it did. When our flick…the one we did for Bernie…was finally ready for showing. The entire six hours of viddie was edited down to seven and a half red-hot minutes. It was composed of lots of several second snippets…like a flash of kissing and a flash of us gazing into each other’s eyes.

There were flashes of our bodies and fuzzy filtered snips of our doing each other by mouth, then fingers, and then the strap on. The film ended with the two of us snuggling and kissing with a look of absolute bliss on our faces. That flick was really and truly beautiful and I was fiending a copy even more.

“You…on the other hand…” She paused and sighed. “You couldn’t look like a wicked slut out for action if…if my life depended on it.” Katie chuckled.

Grinning and giggling I had to admit that Jessie was a wee bit to the right…not much mind you…of really weird shit right now. And I must admit Katie had the instincts and knowledge to know about such things. In the months I’d been with her I learned an entire new universe of knowledge. Living with her was like taking an intensive trade school curriculum.

But Katie did have tremendously developed instincts. And why wouldn’t she when you consider the life she lived up until now. I simply followed her wherever…you know? Anyway…shit started to really go sideways when Bernie began to get requests for me…alone. Katie was as reluctant as I was with doing some random rich guy on my ownsome.

Bernie literally worked overtime speaking with Katie, and me, about this new situation. I would have been happy if Katie could at least have come along and maybe hung out in the next room? But Bernie saw no reason for her not to make some money doing some random rich guy on her own either. However we came to the realization that going solo was inevitable…for both of us.

Money was the big issue with Bernie, as well as keeping his clients supplied, and he wanted to keep us as busy as possible within reason. So my first solo was to be in town. And although it was only an evening, Katie insisted that she at least wait in the lobby or something. She also wanted to make sure Joey would def be the driver. I couldn’t help but giggle thinking ‘safety first’.

Anyway…it was a little weird? I mean the guy, and he was terminally cute, wanted a girlfriend for the evening! He took me to dinner at a really nice restaurant on the beach strip. Then we walked, hand in hand mind you, back to his hotel. Once we got into his suite, all we did for an hour was talk. Well…actually he talked and I listened.

His life was a mess. Although he made a ton of money doing some kind of investment thingy, his home life sucked. His wife sounded like some kind of bat shit crazy shrew from hell. His kids hated him and the maid (full time of course) ignored him completely. He said that my saying thanks for the dinner…and with honest sincerity…was the best thing that happened to him in quite some time.

He was totally interested in me. Like… Why would someone like me with such a promising modeling career (seriously…? really…?) do this kind of thing? I felt like saying whoring is like a fall back career. But I played it straight with him…sort of. I told him it was very good exposure for my career and that all the girls had put out.

But he was totally a basic bitch. He continually complimented me on the way I looked and how totally gorgeous I was. As if I had anything to do with that. And when I shed my dress and sat naked at his feet (yes…I went commando) a sudden striking realization came to me. I mean it was truly an epiphany? Sort of…?

At that moment I realized that I had all the power. Here was this totally buff and totally basic bitch dude who, at this precise moment in time, would grant my deepest wish and provide me with all I asked for or needed. Of course all I had to do was suck him off and maybe take him up my ass. And the dreamier the look I gave him, the bigger the bulge in his trousers became. Now everything Katie had been teaching me came together. And she was…as usual…right about everything.

I wasn’t really surprised at how gentle he was with me. He was fulfilling two of his taboos at once. He wanted to fuck…well…he said ‘make love’…to a girl the same age as his daughter and he always was curious about…girls like me? He admitted to being bi but had to play it straight since his wife wasn’t. Bi that is… And so he took ‘business trips’ for a few days, usually during the week, and indulged.

For sure he had a really nice stout cock with a nice pair of gnads to match. And his body was nice and hard; solid with really well defined arms, chest, and tummy. I had a real meal with his nips. They were nearly as pronounced as mine. And I seriously doubted he pumped them. So to begin with he got really lit-up with a few lines. His dope…not mine… Then he sprinkled some on his cock and I went to work.

If you had asked me only a few scant months earlier, I would have guessed that all cocks were alike…present company excluded of course. But they aren’t. This dude’s cock was not simply amazing. It was a natural work of art. It was perfect. At least in my mind… Seven inches may not sound like very huge? And for sure there are bigger…and way smaller cocks. But his seven inches was sculpted. It had several bumps and an amazing array of huge veins. And its head stood out like a mushroom, pulsing its reddish purple being.

So of course I worshipped its perfection with my mouth and hands. When he was ready to bust a big one major league style, I quickly got on my back, spread my legs, and slapped my ass. I wanted him on, and in, me so badly by that point. It was delish as fuck (pardon the pun).

And the more I played with his cock, balls, and the rest of him, the swampier…Katie said girls don’t get horny, they get swampy…I felt. His aroma, his manliness, was devastatingly overwhelming. At least removing myself directly gave me a chance to remember who and what I was…and what I had to do. I needed to take back the power.

He felt so totally awesome inside me. I hooked my heels on his thighs and pulled him into me with my hands on his nice hard butt. He was so very gentle and I almost had to fight with him to get that lovely hammering effect on my good spot. And I swear I could feel those bumps and veins as he slowly plunged in and pulled out of my asshole. Then he picked up the pace.

His stamina was as awesome as his cock. We seemed to fuck for hours even though it was far less than that. I was truly sorry when he finally came inside me. I so wanted to do other stuff with him. I wanted to feel this cock grow inside me and maybe even have him squirt in my mouth. But my phone went off signaling an end to our festivities. Upon leaving he had one question as he handed me an envelope.

“Tell me… Are you really only sixteen?”

Nearly burst out laughing at his sincerity, I showed a little sensitivity. Katie spent time teaching me the right things to say. And lying about one’s age was def a very femme thing to do. So what if I broached seventeen.

“Well…” I smiled sheepishly and rolled my eyes. “I’m going to be sixteen next year.” I giggled as his eyes bugged.

“You seem so…so mature for your age.”

“Doing modeling kind of makes you grow up…a bit little faster?” I lilted and giggled.

Getting up on my toes I kissed him and thank him for the evening…and the envelope.

“I need to see you again. Would that be okay with you?”

Okay with me…? Was he testing my ability to keep a straight face…or my desire for such a well-endowed…envelope? I bet you thought I would say cock.

“Yes…” My eyes couldn’t have been any dreamier as I hugged and kissed him again. “I would love that. I would love that a lot.”

I snickered all the way down to the waiting car with Joey and Katie standing by. Of course Katie was overjoyed to see that I had survived my first ‘solo flight’. And of course she debriefed me on every little detail as she held my hand in both hers. And of course I handed my envelope to her. Katie counted the bills and whistled.

“That bozo gave you three grand!” Katie beamed with pride. “I must have taught you something right.” She laughed.

“You did. I just kept gazing into his eyes the entire time.” I grinned.

“Yeah…well… They can get weird.” Katie handed several bills to Joey. “I had this one guy who just wanted me to lie perfectly still on the bed. He had these candles lit all around me and he simply sat, watched me, and spanked his naughty monkey.” Katie giggled. “And then there was one who just wanted to talk…for four fucking hours!”

Back in our apartment I immediately went to clean myself inside and out and change into a fresh panty and sleeping tee. The night was still young and I needed some alone time with Katie. I always needed alone time with Katie. But this time she actually needed it with me as well. I never realized that this entire first solo thingy was sort of a major league issue with her.

The problem was that there simply weren’t enough clients who wanted someone like me as well as someone like Katie. And we’d become so very accustomed to ‘working’ with one another that it felt weird for her not to be with me…or me with her.

“There are guys that won’t even accept you as a fluffer!” Katie was a bit angry. “I mean what guys want is a little ‘T and A’…” She paused and sighed. “…and you could offer a little of both. But it’s the three input scene that racks and stacks them.”

There it was yet again. The boy bits thingy… I mean I couldn’t exactly call what I had a cock…or even a dick for that matter. I didn’t know why I had to be labeled as either a guy or a girl or why it should really matter. Though I must say that my being identified as a girl by the world at large sort of felt kind of weird at first…but in a good way?
When I first saw the pix of the real modeling shoot I was shocked. I looked so amazing…and so hot…but in a demure and femme manner? I simply felt who and what I was in my mind. And I loved that image…that so totally unobtainable picture that existed before Katie.

If I had a pussy there would be no doubt we could do doubles forever. But that thought didn’t fly very high with Katie. Not…at…all… In fact Katie kind of made a joke about it? ‘No bits…no tits’ she would say. And of course pleasing Katie was what I was all about.

What I didn’t realize was how much more I was worth than Katie. With several modeling shoots done and another two TBA, and still being under age, all added up to a ridiculous amount per hour…or overnight…even in Bernie’s book. Katie couldn’t exactly pass for fourteen or fifteen any longer. And of course Bernie’s clients always were looking for new fresh and young meat. She would have to reinvent herself to remain in the game at the ripe old age of nearly nineteen.

Although Katie was doing more clients than me, I was getting the bigger bucks per client. But as much as Bernie wanted to speak directly with me, I would have none of it. Katie was already doing for me what Bernie did for her, and us. So I saw no reason to deal at all. I knew Katie was looking after my interests and would never let me to do anything if it seemed too weird or too voidoid.

Eventually Katie and I did another flick only this time they…meaning Bernie…wanted some dialogue. Katie had no problem with this but I totally derped. Katie was the noisy one so talking a stream of profane descriptions proved to be no problem. But I was always so nervous and self-conscious that the words just couldn’t come. We had to do take after take on some of the scenes, which meant that I had to get into the mood again and again…and again.

Both Katie and Bernie insisted I think about a ‘stage’ name. This would make me harder to find if some weirdness came my way in the form of a stalker or something. I chose Lynn because that was easy enough to remember. But a family name became tricky. All the artists had fake names and some of them are truly funny…like Dax Dix. So we chose a variation of my real name’s spelling. Thus Lynn Harlot was born.

Next, Bernie wanted me to do a scene with some random guy about my age. That was even stranger because now there were more people watching and more people involved during the recording process. Because there were more takes we even had our own fluffers to keep the mood ‘up’…so to speak.

The guy was really tall and cute with amazing blue eyes, blond hair, and a stone cold buff bod. He also had a monstrous cock. But his English sucked so I had to follow his physical lead. I have to admit that he knew his stuff and why wouldn’t he? I realized that he was simply a male version of…faaahhhk…of me? He was surprised that I even had boy bits when he saw me naked. He even tried to hit on me after the shoot! And he had no problem playing with my boy bits at all.

I was quite aware of the image I project when I’m cleaned up. But I never thought of myself as being a woman. My mannerisms, including my higher pitched voice, were not affectations. The manner in which I acted was quite natural. Fucking hormonal dysfunctions…!!! But I never thought of myself as being a guy either. In spite of being me…I was genderless as far as I was concerned. But being recognized as a very desirable girl by such a hunk with such a ‘chunk’ felt…amazing…even…elevating?

My mom was totally confused, as were some of the other people I encountered. ‘Are you in transition’ seemed to be the question of the minute. The other question…after the minute…was ‘do you have a dick’? Even mom wanted to know whether I was going to get the cut. Oh…she used the proper GRS designation but…really? I mean I made no secret of the fact that I wasn’t exactly fond of my boy bits.

Even with that ‘cosmetic correction’, I would still have the same good spots in the same places…sort of. Of course if Katie had asked, I would have had them off in an instant. Then I could be a three input girl like my Katie. I’d already sort of tried to do it myself…sort of. But she was good with the only two holes I could offer her.

On that very same ‘visit’, mom announced that she got the big gig full time. This meant she would be moving to Vegas…like…forever. I had to hide it but I was overjoyed. Since I was already living with Katie most of the time, I could continue full time for years! No doubt one of mom’s ‘special consultations’ with Bernie played a big part in her decision.

After all…no way was I ready to give up my Katie…or this life I was living with her. Fort Lauderdale was my home and I was simply not ready to leave the nest…Katie’s nest. Mom’s house was going to go quickly and no doubt she would see a nice chunk of jack from its sale. I always thought it a little strange that she never offered to give me any money for stuff since she wasn’t around. But there was a lot she never offered. So there…! No loss…!

Katie’s apartment was my home…our home. But with mom totally out of the picture, I felt truly anchored like never before. Now just how weird is that? She wasn’t a bad mom. She simply wasn’t a ‘mom’. I always had what I needed like food and clothes and stuff. She simply wasn’t a hugger and that’s what I needed the most.

Katie and I were going through separation pains. She had her dates and I had mine. We still would work together whenever we could. But the different hours and nights began to play upon our unity as a couple. I could tell that some of the flicks she was doing began to work on her head as well. And although all the flicks I was in were for very exclusive use, hers were going out on the net.

One evening when we weren’t working and we were awesomely stoned, shit got kind of weird. We were in bed in our usual face to crotch resting position when Katie suddenly rolled onto her back and splayed her legs, her thigh resting over my waist.

“Baby girl…?” Katie said thoughtfully. “If the goo is nearby, put some on your fingers. I would like you to scratch this itch I have.” She giggled.

Normally I use goo on two fingers and my thumb because…well…that’s all I ever really needed. And I kind of discovered this weird motion with my fingers that drove her crazy. I would quickly and forcefully bend my fingers and draw them sharply over her good spot. On rare occasions I’d use three. I even got her to squirt for the first time. Thankfully, she was not in Jessie’s league.

This time I began with two fingers inside her. I loved the way the inside of her pussy felt. I mean that kind of soft rippled spot always felt amazing to the touch. But before I could even do that little trick Katie so loved she gazed at me.

“Put another finger in baby.” She said softly.

And I did. After a short time I was asked to add a fourth. I was hesitant because I didn’t want to hurt her. I abhorred pain even though Katie liked a little pinching and playful ass slapping.

“Come on honey.” Katie now sounded emphatic. “Just use some more goo.”

I did and added a fourth, but only up to my knuckles. I could feel Katie’s pussy resisting so I simply let her get adjusted by not moving my fingers at all. Katie reached down and took my wrist. I let her do the moving as she began to slide my fingers in and out. I watched her as if in a trance. She wasn’t looking for a new kind of nuclear orgasm though. Her face was fixed in concentration as I felt her loosen up and relax.

“Give me your thumb now Bae.” Katie spoke with pure need as she squeezed the exposed portion of my hand. “Hold it right there…right there.”

I froze all my movements as Katie put even more goo onto my fingers and now knuckles. What came next totally shocked and stunned me to my very core. Katie was attempting to force my entire hand into her pussy.

“Katie no…!” I cried out.

“Shut up bitch!” She screamed and suddenly seethed. “Just let me do it.”

I couldn’t believe she actually spoke that way to me. I could tell that I was hurting Katie from her grimacing and groaning and I didn’t understand why she was so very insistent on doing this to herself. I tried to make my hand smaller when suddenly; just after my knuckles entered her, my hand just sort of got sucked in? Katie yelped as it happened.

“Don’t move! Don’t move!” She groaned and tried to catch her breath. “Let me do it.”

Katie slowly turned my hand around until my knuckles were tightly held against her good spot. I could feel her contractions as her pussy tried to adjust to my very rude intrusion. Katie got up on her elbows and looked to see my hand disappearing inside her.

“Holy shit…!” She snorted. “That is so dope!” And she laid back down giggling. “Don’t move your hand at all honey. Let me do everything.”

Katie began to slowly rock her hips. Each time my knuckles rubbed over her good spot her entire body trembled and undulated in orgasm. She continued to rock and orgasm until she finally exhausted herself. My hand, and the top sheet we laid upon, was soaked with her fluids. I actually felt as though fingers would become as wrinkled and rippled as the inside of her pussy.

“Oh…! My…! Fucking…! God…!” She screamed.

Katie groaned loudly when she finally began to pull my hand out of her pussy. First came a scream, then a weird squishy sucking sound, and finally a veritable stream of squirt accompanied her action! Then she simply laid upon the damped sheets, totally exhausted and trying catching her breath.

“Am I gaping?” Katie sat up to look at her totally abused pussy.

“Yeah…” I whispered. “I can see all the way inside.” I sat up and stared at her. “What was that anyway?” I was very concerned.

“Oh baby doll…” Katie gently put her hands to my cheeks. The scent of her fluids was intensely intoxicating as my hand covered hers. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. But I had to try that.”

“But why…? I don’t understand.” I whined. “Is it something I’m not doing?”

My worst fear was not pleasing Katie…especially sexually.

“Oh no sweet heart…” She said emphatically. “It’s nothing like that at all. The only way I can make some real money doing flicks is to do something severely weird. Like…” Katie thought for a moment. “If I just fuck some guy I get seven-fifty. If I do anal, it’s another two-fifty and so on. I’d love to do another flick with you but the only way Bernie will go for it is if we do a fisting scene.”

I sat on the bed totally blown away.

“You really have no cock and the fingers thingy gets a little boring for our fans…you know?” Katie grinned. “But if we do a fisting scene we can make more money and be together whilst we do it. Do you understand?”

I stared at Katie as if she came from another planet. There was something she wasn’t telling me. I didn’t understand but I nodded anyway. But my Katie knew me all too well.

“Look…” She put her arms around my neck. “You… You are the perfect cherry bomb and cherry blossom combined. You’re gorgeous and sexy as all fuck…in an innocent way. And you’re not like those tranny queens with their weird shit. You’re a natural and now that your tits are beginning to fill in you’ll be a totally super dope, platinum, mega star bitch.” Katie grinned. “As if you aren’t already a totally super dope bitch…”

She kissed me on the lips and then smiled oh so lovingly at me. I gazed at Katie with the dreamiest, creamiest expression. I felt in my heart that I really was her super dope bitch and I relished that…emotion?

“But…” I started but Katie cut me off.

“Check it Bae… There are no buts. I’m past kiddy city and to stay hot and working I need to do un-kiddy city type of shit. Jessie’s already doing gang bangs for nice jiggle and she’s getting super dates for super money. I mean everybody wants to fuck a porn star…you know?”

I was horrified at the thought of my Katie doing those.

“She’s already doing DPs, DAPs, and even TAPs. That’s bread in anybody’s bread box.” Katie said sadly. “That’s kind of where it goes. But if I can do some trick flicks with you, I can put all that off. I mean gangbangs wear. And all that other weird shit seriously wears.”

“What’s with the DAP and TAP stuff?” Clue…less…

“How about three cocks up your ass?” Katie’s sarcasm rained down upon her words. “She’s going to prolapse before she’s twenty! But she’s such an attention whore that she doesn’t care.”

“How do you know all this? I mean I see her most mornings when I’m at school and she hasn’t said a word.” I was a bit miffed with Jessie not telling me.

“I ran into her on one of the sets. She was doing five guys…five fucking cocks! That’s triple input and both hands at the very least!” Katie shook her head in disbelief.

I’d never survive that kind of abuse for sure. And now I also understood what Katie was talking about. I mean…how long can anybody keep that sort of thing up for? I saw the flicks were already taking a terrible toll on Katie. Sometimes she’d come home totally stoned and barely able to walk to our spot without staggering all over.

And too often she was too tired or too stoned…or even too sore to ‘play’ with me. I was doing the cradling now and I was tending to her body with salves and potions. I had little choice but to begin handling the business end with Bernie.

So now I was checking out Katie’s scenes before accepting the gig. I was also making sure that her clients were still top shelf kind of johns. Between us, and our ‘commission’ from Jessie, we were making out like bandits at the Federal Reserve.

And as time went on the changes never stopped. I had truly grown tits! Within eighteen months I could fill out a thirty-two ‘B’ bra. Thank you for that mom. Although because of my height they were minimalist at best, I was ecstatic. Katie and I went to Victoria Secret and she bought me seven totally dope sets of bra and panty sets.

And…to make things even more dope, after pumping my nips for so long they finally remained pokies. I still pumped to ‘enliven’ them before a date but they literally poked all the time.

I also began wearing a larger butt plug nearly every day. I carried a tube of Katie’s ‘special goop’, the one that contained a lot of lidocaine and aloe. Every few hours…I was up to four or five hours now…I would remove the plug and re-lube it. And then back in…or up…or maybe both…it went.

Usually just before meeting up with my Katie, I’d turn its vibrator on to ‘warm’ me up a wee bit. I so loved her fingers up in me and in no time at all she could easily insert three. And I was inserting my entire hand into her; either hole…at the same time no less! So the two of us became total ass whores. And that put me in good company when I was doing a scene with another girl like me…but with a real functioning cock.

Our play at home, rad as it might have become, made good sense because each new shoot and sets of scenes often contained partners with ever larger cocks. I figured that sooner or later…much later I hoped…I would need to be doing ‘DPs’ and heaven knows what else. And being only months away from my eighteenth birthday, I knew that my ‘sexual market value’ would change as Katie’s had.

And another milestone of sorts was achieved. I got to see a ‘rose bud bloom’. Yeah…like I didn’t know what that meant either. When Bernie told about the date, he didn’t quite prepare me for what I saw. I told Katie what Bernie said about the blooming rose? She totally lost her shit in a fit of laughter.

So we go to this client and as it turns out she’s a pretty cute milf. Blond hair, blue eyes, a seriously toned bod, and the cutest little landing strip… She was some kind of state legislator and a confirmed ‘out’ lesbian with an epic taste for the bizarre.

‘How bizarre’ you ask? She brought her own toys in this gorgeous carry on with her! And I mean it was jammed full of shit I’d never even heard of. She had this double ended strap on with a humongus dong on one side and an average sized one on the other. The only thing was her desire to have the humongus one in her whether she was wearing the strap or not!

So Katie and I run our game on her and she’s having the time of her life. We’re all toasted on a variety of various substances using wine to take the edge off. Toward the end of the evening she’s pretty loosened up in all her holes. She has me shove my fist, not my fingers first, up her asshole.

After a nod from Katie, who already has her hand in the milf’s pussy, I fulfill her request. Then she wants me to squeeze my other hand into her! Once again after the nod from Katie, who was now sitting on the milf’s face, I got my other hand into her. I couldn’t believe it. I worked slowly and carefully and whammo…it was in.
So Katie begins to knuckle her g-spot as she sucks on the milf’s clit. Meanwhile, between convulsive fits of orgasm, the milf is humping herself further onto my hands until she’s past my wrists by a few inches. I thought my next mani would be done in her mouth! When she finally orgasms, the contractions of her body…her tummy I guess…were so strong that she was forcing my hands back out.

When she finally settled into a pool of exhausted, but totally satisfied, goo, I was able to gently remove myself from her one hand at a time. As she was catching her breath I noticed how epic her gape was. I was fascinated watching her asshole slowly close. Suddenly the inside of her ass explodes outward. And it did indeed look just like a tea rose in bloom…thankfully without any bugs or pollen on the petals!!!

I was totally shocked. Fortunately this woman was into other women. She could never feel the average cock in her pussy or asshole anyway. And now I knew why the gigunda dong had to be in her! But now I understood what Katie was talking about. And I also understood why Katie wanted to do the fisting scenes with only me. I was determined from that point on to never have us be like that milf with two totally destroyed holes.

So Katie and I did the flicks…three scenes worth. Of course this created an upsurge for the pleasure of our company as a duo. And the money kept coming from sickly awesome tips. For a while Katie seemed to be level and back into us like before.

One evening when my Katie was out on a date I sat in our closet. I gazed at the shoe boxes full of money. Something a wee bit odd struck me as I looked at the very newest one. At some point in time Katie stopped putting the bills into neat envelopes of one hundred dollar bills and I wondered why.

I noticed that the last few months were simply tossed into the last box. This, as well as other things Katie was doing, caused me to wonder. Did this have anything to do with her present, or our present, situation? Was she simply deep-fried? Or did this have something to do with whoever was here before me? And I wondered why Katie never spoke about her.

To make matters even weirder, Katie was also kind of depressed. Although a more than a few of her old clients still requested her, it was truly a whole new game. I had Joey drive her to her dates. Though she no longer warranted the ‘special treatment’ of being a minor, I still had plenty of clout with Bernie. At least her tip money was still good. But not as good as before.

Poor Katie also had to travel for some of the flicks and dates. Bernie loaned her out to other companies for a shoot on occasion to help supplement the income, and the life style, she was so accustomed to. But whenever she came home she was totally messed up.

Thankfully Katie taught me how to drive the car. She wasn’t getting up anymore to drive me to school. Driving sort of became more of a necessity than a convenience for me. And when Katie did wake up she went straight for the pipe.

Now don’t misunderstand me. We had some great times over the eighteen-plus months. We went to New York numerous times and had an amazing and totally awesome vacas. Of course Bernie always tried to arrange for a date with a client. But it was only an overnighter at the most. That still left us full days of exploring. Katie had been there before I came along and she could never wait to show me around “her town”. And then there were the trips to Vegas, Frisco, New Orleans and Boston.

We did several other trips including cruises. I saw Paradise Island, the ‘ABC’ islands. There was always some work involved…but hey…a free trip is a free trip. We still clubbed and went to concerts and did other stuff. But I noticed a definite slowing down on Katie’s part. She was wearing herself out doing whatever Bernie asked. And that’s when I became the full time ‘go between’.

All that cash sitting in the closet bothered me. So one day I called Bernie when Katie was out shooting a flick. I wanted to ask him about things in general and the money specifically. He was more than happy to accommodate me. When I went to his apartment he was more than overjoyed to have me visit.

“I had no idea she was squirreling the cash away in the closet.” Bernie said with disbelief. “You two should be putting it to work for yourselves and starting a retirement account. Your value as an escort decreases as time goes on so you’ll need something for when you decide to bail on the game.”

“Bernie…?” I put on my most innocent look and hit him when he least expected it. “Who was Katie living with before me?”

Bernie shifted uncomfortably in his armchair. He stared back as intensively I was staring at him. I wanted to finally know and he was smart enough to realize it. He paused for quite a bit and finally sighed.

“Her name was Tanya. She was gorgeous and outgoing. She was everything an escort should be.” Sadness showed in his eyes. “But things got out of control with her and…” He paused and sighed. “…she overdosed on drugs. There was nothing anyone could do.”

He was silent and I could see the sadness in his eyes.

“Tanya was all class.” Bernie smiled sadly. “She taught everything she knew to Katie. I still miss her.” His eyes brightened. “She was my favorite before Katie.”

“But I thought you found Katie.” I was confused.

“I did…and purely by accident. Tanya needed someone she could talk to. So I paired her up with Katie.” Bernie sighed again. “It was Tanya who found the true Katie I suppose. Katie truly loved Tanya and hers death nearly destroyed her. It took Katie months to get over the immediate effects. But I don’t think she really ever recovered.”

“Oh my God…” I was shaken. “How totally horrible…”

I felt deeply saddened and pained for my Katie.

“You brought back a lot of that energy to her.” Bernie smiled. “Look sweet heart…” He leaned toward me and took my hand. “It’s a business. Either you need to be a great actress…or…you really need to love sex. But the two of you together…? That’s pure magic.”

Bernie def wanted to change the subject.

“Those who view your videos can tell. They can see the magic you both have with each other and your bookings have gone up…a lot. So have Katie’s. She’s dating guys who likes very young, but legal, girls. And your even back to working together for some of them.”

“But…” I was shocked by Bernie’s honestly.

“There are no ‘buts’ honey. Look…” Bernie sighed. “Most of her clients don’t want to see cock no matter insignificant it may be? And your clients just want to see a cock…no matter how insignificant it may be.” He chuckled. “It’s that simple. But…” Bernie held up his finger to emphasize. “We can still do more shoots with you two. And of course any call for both of you…well…both of you will get. They pay the best anyway.”

“Bernie…?” I whispered hesitantly. “Are there any others besides Katie, Jessie, and me?”

“What sweet heart… Other…talent…? Of course…all the time…” He laughed. “I got to try out new talent before I take them on. But you two are the only ones I see again…and again…” Bernie paused and grinned. “…and again.” He smiled and kissed my hand.

I smiled. Although what Bernie said should have horrified me, it still sort of made me feel good. I’m sure he had a lot of choices but it was us he wanted. Then…yet another taboo kind of thingy entered my mind.

“Bernie…?” I literally got up and straddled his legs. “I need to ask you something.”

“Sure honey… Take your time.”

Bernie laughed as I unbuckled his belt and opened his trousers. Katie always told me that once you have your hand around their cocks…they were yours. So I had one hand around his cock and the other cradling his gnads.

“What about you and my mom?” I grinned as I dropped a little saliva on his cock’s head. “Were you fucking her?”

I began to rub it all along the corona as it throbbed in my hand. Bernie took more than moment to answer as he raised his bottom enough to have me slid his trousers and shorts down.

“I was. And she was good company as well.” Bernie groaned as I concentrated on his pee hole and poked at his asshole with my finger. “But she’s in Vegas now and being taken care of. You don’t need to worry about her. Does that upset you?”

I had to think and manipulate at the same time. I suppose if he said that maybe a year ago it would have bothered me? But I was so far removed…so far down the road from that version of me…that at this point…I felt nothing.

“No daddy…” I grinned. “Just curious…”

After getting Bernie off with my mouth, I concluded my business with him by sucking the head of his cock into my mouth. Of course I swallowed. After all…I am that kind of girl. I must say that if nothing else, I loved the way he tasted. Bernie always said it was the pineapple in his diet.

I had a few days free the following week and poor Katie had back to back shoots. It gave me the perfect opportunity to speak with Jessie. And it never took much to convince Jessie to ditch the day. So Jessie came over one day around noon on Wednesday and we both got totally shit faced.

I made the mistake of letting her order the pizza. When a roasted garlic, extra cheese, sausage, capicola, fresh basil (of course), sun dried tomato, pineapple (sheer coincidence), AND anchovy pizza arrived, I sort of looked at it in disgust. The entire thing smelled weird. But the munchies won out over my disgust and I took a slice.

“Yeah…” Jessie spoke with her mouth full. “I saw her last week on a set in Miami. She looked beat as all fuck.”

“I’m a little worried about her.” I offered.

“Well…?” Jessie giggled. “What do you expect? She’s like totally gay and she has to do cocks.”

I was startled and must have looked it. I knew Katie had told me as much…sort of. But with all the guys we’d been doing…? Maybe that’s why my lack thereof never bothered her.

“She doesn’t like doing guys. Not…at…all…” Jessie smiled wryly. “That’s why she’s with you honey. You’re more of a hottie than a buff. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah…” I was confused. “But she does…”

“There are no ‘yeah buts’ on this.” Jessie put down her slice with a serious expression on her face. “The girl is only doing what she needs to do to survive. Personally...?” Jessie chuckled. “I could keep fucking guys or girls forever. I love getting off and if I can get paid…and totally ripped as well…? Well then…what’s the issue?”

As much as I hated living during this time of no ‘yeah buts’…or ‘buts’, I understood what Jessie meant. I mean seriously…what was the problem? But then again, my life was somewhat easier than Katie’s. I wasn’t doing nearly as many shoots…or dates.

“So sweetie…” Jessie picked up another slice and took a bite. “What’s going on with you? Any new modeling dates?” She put the slice down and sipped her wine. “And when’s your next cover coming out? By the way…you look amazing. You’re filling out in places that I didn’t even know you had.” She laughed. “I guess I am your biggest non-paying fan.”

“Yeah…” I blushed and giggled. “These…” I grasped my tits. “These are finally real. And I even have hips now. It’s so awesome. My clothes finally look like they really should.”

“You have a killer figure you know.” She chuckled.

“Yeah…but my ass is flat.” I whined as I turned my butt and rubbed it.

“Strip off honey. Let me see what’s happening to that perfect figure of yours.”

I stripped down to my powder blue bra and panty set. Katie was very particular with what I wore; even if only she got to see it.

“Nice set…” Jessie said. “And a perfect color for you…” Jessie eyed my bod carefully. “Turn around honey. Give me the full picture.”

I turned and she got up. She ran her hand along my hip and around to my ass cheeks.

“No baby…” She snickered. “Your proportions are perfect. It’s just that your height kind of hides just how round your ass has become. God…!” She exclaimed. “Your legs are so long. And you don’t even have to hide that dick thing of yours. No bulging at all… Lose the bra. Let me see those cookies.” She giggled.

I slipped the straps off and turned the bra around to unhook it. Being much more delicate than Katie’s, I only had one little hook to undo.

“Oh my God…” Jessie chuckled. “You’re pumping them…your nips…aren’t you?”

She reached out and touched my nipple with her finger. I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“And they’re sensitive too!” Jessie laughed. “Well… Why not…? I pump mine…and my pussy as well. Guys love to see a nice fat pussy and thick pokies.”

It was at that very moment that the door opened and Katie came staggering in…totally wasted. She kicked the door shut with the heel of her shoe and dropped her bags where she stood. I could tell she was having some trouble focusing on us. Then her expression grew angry.

“What’s going on here?” Katie demanded as she tried to walk a straight line toward us. “And what the fuck are you doing here?” She nearly shouted at Jessie.

“I invited her.” I said softly, not quite knowing why I felt guilty. “I needed to talk to someone and I didn’t know what time you’d be coming home.”

“Naked…? You needed to talk naked?” Katie was livid.

“Look babe…” Jessie stared at Katie. “I was simply checking out the changes in her body since she’s been on the ‘mones. That’s all. You know I don’t go that way anyway.”

“What way…?” I asked, having no idea of what she meant.

“Oh baby doll…” Jessie laughed. “That’s rule number one in the “Girlfriend for Dummies” manual. Thou shalt not fuck thy girlfriends…thy girlfriends’ girlfriends…thy girlfriends’ boyfriends…or thy girlfriends’ Great Danes.” Jessie laughed at her own exaggerated severity. She looked up at Katie. “Why don’t you sit down and relax?”

“I need to get the filth off me…and out of me.” Katie said in a huff. “They want to come in your ass AND in your pussy. Plus which you’ve got to swallow whatever comes your way as well. And I totally hate when they spurt all over my face and hair.” Katie put her hand to her forehead and verged on tears. “I seriously need a bath and a nice warm enema…with Lysol!” She sighed.

Starting for the bathroom, I noticed that Jessie got up and locked arms with Katie. She was leading poor Katie to the bathroom. They stopped only long enough for Katie and Jessie to doff their clothes on the bed. I began the bath and prepared an initial enema of warm water and honey whilst the oil heated.

“Well…!” She snickered and eyed the filling tub. “Let’s see if we can all fit in.”

I smiled and added the various mixes to scent and oil our skins in the bath. Then I brought the bag to Katie so she could do and her initial cleansing. Jessie watched, mildly amused by my fussing about. Her eyes lit up when I brought the bag stand to the tube. I grabbed the three bags that had been warming in the basin and hung them upon the pole.

“Yes…” Jessie hissed.

“Don’t get too excited.” Katie slurred her words a bit. “There’s no cannabis oil in them.”

Well… That was not exactly true. I glanced at Katie and blushed.

“Or maybe…” Katie was laconic. “Oh what the fuck…” She laughed. “I just want to be clean and sweet for you.” She smiled at me but I could tell she was very exhausted.

My heart melted. As we all reclined and lingered in the tub with me on Katie’s lap as the oils were doing their magic, I knew what everything was about. Katie didn’t want to have anything residual, anything remaining from guys, in her or on her. When she was with me or even alone, she had to be rid of them. And she didn’t want any in me when I was with her. So much became clear once Jessie explained it all.

Katie truly didn’t like guys at all. Even her wardrobe was separated into ‘date’ clothes and ‘our’ clothes. That’s why she trashed her wardrobe periodically. It wasn’t just to please Bernie. She didn’t want to wear anything that might have had their scent. Even Katie’s oral hygiene was geared toward getting guys out of her mouth long after the taste should have dissipated. And she expected no less from me.

But Katie also knew that I loved cock and she didn’t even try to change that. She simply out performed them sexually when we played. And she did so consistently. I was saddened by these realizations because I knew she wasn’t happy; not truly happy deep inside.

There was no way I could possibly fathom just how terribly torn and conflicted she had to be. I mean fucking guys had to be the last thing she wanted to do. But truly…what other choices did she have at this point?

Jessie stayed over that night. She was far too ripped from the weed oil and Katie had no problem with her joining us in bed. In fact it was kind of nice. Jessie and I spent some time easing poor Katie’s aches, pains and chafing from the scenes she shot. She was so wiped that she fell asleep leaving Jessie and me to cuddle and sort of play with one another.

Now you must understand that I didn’t have a flicker going for Jessie…let alone a flame. I mean she was really a hottie in the classical sense of hottie. But she wasn’t for me. It was Katie that I had bonded to for life. All I really wanted was a little personal attention to distract my racing mind from the day’s events. And Jessie was certainly in the mood. Jessie was ALWAYS in the mood. And the evening did end with the three of us spooning nearly the rest of the night.

As time went by Jessie became a more frequent guest. She even had my old closet for her “stay over’ things. She wasn’t living with us. It’s just that when you roll out of bed two or three days a week at someone else’s place, you should have at least an extra panty or two in the drawer.

The power dynamics…okay…so I read a book now and then…between Katie and me were continuing to change even more. It was like Katie was an only child of Bernie’s. And then, when she turned eighteen, she now had heaven knows how many other brothers and sisters; each vying for the spot of ‘the chosen one’.

And at nearly twenty, here fight was even more severe. ‘New talent’ was always at Bernie’s door…or should I say in his bed. Katie sort of became even more depressed. She allowed me to handle all of our dealings with Bernie without even asking the details. Katie realized that I was now his ‘only child’ and that she was the one along for the ride.

This did not change the way I felt for her. I still melted when she’d speak for me. And I still did everything possible to please her. Just to watch how her eyes glistened and her neck and cheeks redden whilst we played got me…well…a little drippy? I was even watching cooking shows and trying, on occasion, to prepare a dinner for us. But my Katie still ruled our little nest whilst I took care of everywhere else.

By this time I no longer remembered my former life. School was somewhere I breezed to only to bug out at noon…if not totally ditch. I had a few more modeling jobs and even made the cover of the local tourist magazine. I was totally thrilled. Demand for my ‘other work’ went through the roof along with Bernie’s asking price. Bernie also gave me a tiny ‘piece’ of my newer flicks to kind of encourage me to do more.

One day Jessie came over. We were waiting for Katie to come off a shoot. She wanted to tell me about her idea to form her own production company for making legit smut flicks. I’d found a zip lock bag containing an off white colored powder in one of Katie’s drawers. I would often borrow one of her tops for a beachy look?

So I brought it out to chop a few. Of course I offered the straw to Jessie first but she smiled and pointed at me. I snorted one line and I knew something was very wrong. It’s like my head exploded and everything went black.

The next thing I remembered was waking up in bed with Katie kneeling by my side doing a major boogie-woogie and Jessie sitting on the bed simply smiling with her eyes closed, and shaking her head. Katie immediately bent to hug me tightly. She kissed every inch of my face.

“I am so sorry baby doll.” She stammered between tears. “It’s my fault. I’m so sorry.”

She kept going on and on until I was able to sit up and hug her. I had no idea what was going on.

“Tell her Katie. You owe her that much.” Jessie said somberly.

Katie looked from her to me. Whatever she had to tell me was heavy…like ten tons worth of heavy.

“It was…” She sniffled. “It was heroin.” Katie whispered and broke into tears again. “And I could have killed you.” She hugged me to her again.

“We had to give you two milligrams of Narcan just to get a heartbeat.” Jessie sighed sadly. “You were turning blue just as I was getting to Katie. She had the shit on her side of the bathroom vanity. Two fucking milligrams…” She said softly and shook her head.

“I got rid of it already and I’ll never touch that shit again. I swear baby doll…” Katie moaned.

Katie was totally shaken to her core. That’s when the entire story came out. She was chipping on occasion. You know…just skin popping? It was usually for a shoot (pardon the sick pun). One of the other girls told her about it as a way of getting through a shoot. Katie would get whacked out just enough to put on her act and look good for the camera as three guys tried to fuck her in every orifice…all at the same time…in the same orifice!

Then she began doing it for the girl scenes as well. When a fist was put into one, or both, of her nether orifices it helped with the pain for sure. The money did come in for her though. She was in greater demand now that she added a couple of new ‘tricks’ (no pun intended) and Bernie had no trouble getting his price. But even I knew that someone who only chips doesn’t get an eight ball of high quality shit.

Katie was good to her word…up to a point. She never brought that into our home again. Jessie and I would look constantly for any sign that she was doing it more than just for flicks. But I wondered about her dates. Was she doing dope to do her dates? I mean they were mostly men and they of course wanted to spew into every orifice as they had witnessed in one of her scenes.

The money had to have come from our tip boxes. And I doubted very much that Bernie was the source of the dope. Almost everybody on a set had something with them. Usually it was benzos, oxy or some other kind of a pill (no smoking weed on the set). I never wondered where she got the usual stuff for the house. That had to come from Bernie or the shoots.

But the heroin…now that was a mystery. I didn’t ask because I really didn’t want to know. But I imagined that was also from the people she filmed with. She also had her own free time before I came home from school. And now that I had my own car, she was free to do whatever even after I came home.

But when shit starts to go sideways…it doesn’t stop. Whilst the three of us became even closer, Katie became a little weirder? I mean she was really bugging on my turning the magic age of legality. I guess she also felt me pushing her even further from Bernie. In spite of her view on guys, Bernie had always been her only father figure…of sorts.

And soon enough I would be out of Bernie’s nest as well. Eighteen meant full blow real adult porn…as if there was any other kind…and trying to build my own following. It might be a little harder for me with having something extra; albeit not much. But my price could be a little steeper because I was so…so passable?

Jessie was still in the dark about my true activities of whoring. I had more straight up modeling gigs and even two more inside covers. I was featured by a local designer in the Sunday fashion section of Lauderdale and Miami newspapers. And Jessie often bugged out when I was going on a date. I needed the alone time; especially if Katie was around. On day when we were sitting naked and stoned, she gazed at me with this odd expression of…indecisiveness?

“You know…?” She set down the pipe. “You really should think about splitting from Katie.”

I stared blankly at her not knowing where this was going.

“She really is a disaster waiting to happen and I’d hate to see you brought down by it.”

Jessie’s expression was so very sincere. I saw and felt her real concern.

“Just think about it honey. It’s not like Katie answers for you any more.” She picked the pipe back up. “I won’t mention it again. It’s all on you now.” And she hit on the pipe.

Like… It’s not that leaving hadn’t occurred to me before. A tiny little voice in the very back of my head told me it would be the smart move. But leave for what…and for whom…for me or for Katie? Jessie never did mention it again and the three of us continued on as if nothing was out of sorts.

When Katie’s dates required an overnight, Jess would come and stay with me…if she wasn’t working. She even slept in our bed. It’s not like anything went on. I simply felt lonely at times and it felt good to have another sweetly scented warm body next to mine. Jess loved to be in my company as well. I mean it’s not like she can hang with the girls from school anymore and we could always talk easily to one another.

I always made sure Jess was gone by the time Katie returned. I didn’t want to give Katie the wrong idea about Jess and me. But even more…I didn’t want Jess to see my poor Katie in whatever condition she happened to come home in. More often than not she was stoned out of her tits and looked as if she had been doing gangbangs all night and into the morning.

There were times when I would need to bath Katie and assist her in cleaning herself inside and out. Then I would help her into our bed and curl up next to her. I would silently cry as Katie dozed off. One night…actually early morning…Katie came in smelling like piss, sperm, and shit. I had to undress her in the bathroom and I promptly threw out everything she was wearing.

I was so frightened by her condition that I called Bernie whilst she bathed. He must have known why I was calling.

“Listen baby doll…” He sighed. “You know the deal. I tell you everything before a date so there are no surprises.” He paused for a moment. “And all she had to do is hit the nine-one-one for somebody to get her out. Now if she still has that nasty habit…” He sighed again. “I’m going to have to put her in with the pros from Dover. It’ll be really hardcore stuff and I don’t think either of us wants that.”

“I know Bernie… But…”

“There are no ‘buts’ sweet heart. You know what’ll happen if I need to drop her. She’ll go to pieces. And quickly I might add. Right now she’s headed in that direction. You know it and I know it. What she needs is a good friend and that happens to be you.”

Bernie was right and I didn’t feel any better. There was never much I could do when Katie wanted to do something. For my eighteenth birthday she kind of went all out. She got the private party room in a really great restaurant on Las Olas (no chain restaurants regardless of how up scale).

Bernie and Jessie were there acting as hosts. Even my mom flew in for the event. Most of the guests were the production people and other performers we worked with constantly. Of course knowing my mom was there kept the ‘office talk’ to a minimum. It was strictly dress up and top shelf all the way.

The gifts were, to say the least, as extravagant as the evening. Katie’s gift was totally amazing. She had a custom Claddagh ring made just for me. It was solid twenty-two carat gold with a heart cut one-carat emerald. I was so emotional when she slipped it on my finger. My heart just opened up and tears poured from my eyes.

“With this ring I do thee wed.” She whispered and then kissed me.

Bernie gave me a really nice card stuffed with hundred dollar bills. I no longer gave my envelopes to Katie. In fact I was collecting hers. All the other guests gave me very thoughtful, and often amusing, gifts. I didn’t dare open the boxes containing new and interesting toys for us to play with. After all…mom was still totally clueless.

After an amazing meal of steak and lobster, or game hen, Katie and I went home bringing Jessie in tow. Bernie drove mom to her hotel and then he drove her to the very heights of orgasm land I’m sure. After all…what are friends for anyway. When we got in, Jessie got super twisted.

“You been working the fucking trade all this time???!!!” She was just a little upset. “And you both been hiding that from me???!!!” Jessie shouted.

Looking at Katie, I was getting upset as well. Jessie and I have been confided in one another for more than a year.

“I told her to keep it secret.” Katie said as she walked to our spot and took out the smoke. “We, as a gender, have not been renowned for keeping secrets. And…” She gently stroked my cheek. “I want my baby girl to have her modelling career as well.”

“I’m sorry Jessie.” Tears were welling up. “I should have said something but…”

“Yeah… Yeah…” Jessie sighed. “Katie’s right about keeping secrets. Faaahhhk… I know everything about everyone as soon as I get on set. The bitches just can keep their mouths shut…about anything. And the fucking stylists are no better.”

Jessie walked over to join us. We all began to shed our dresses and bras and we sat down to indulge.

“That’s one of the reasons I need her.” Katie gazed at Jessie as she lit up the pipe. She exhaled only after the longest moment and then passed the pipe to Katie. “I know I can tell her whatever and it’ll stay with her.”

“That’s true.” Jessie toked a solid mass and handed the pipe to me.

“She never said anything about whatever you guys speak about. That’s priceless beyond words.”

“Yeah…” Jessie exhaled a cloud of smoke. “She never talks about what goes on between you two.” Jessie gazed at me and smiled. “And I feel safe telling her shit.” She grasped my hand and gently squeezed it.

“Plus which… If it ever got out we were playing this game…”Katie smiled and took the pipe from me. “We’d all be thoroughly fucked. Underaged…? Doing…‘escort service’…?” Sarcasm dripped from those words. “And doing porn films…underaged…? Bernie and all his rich ‘clients’…” Yet another heavy dripping of sarcasm… “…would be toast for a thousand years.”

“I know.” Jessie sighed. “I just go in and get high and do whatever. And I can’t say shit at school for sure. I’m already the school slut. I def don’t want to be known as the school whore.”

“I believe I already hold that crown?” Katie said sadly and frowned.

“Yeah… But nobody really knows you there. You’re never around. Faaahhhk… Everybody knows me.” Jessie spoke as Katie handed her the pipe again. “And it’s weird that I’m getting no shit for ditching. Oh… Let me guess.” She it the pipe and we waited for her attention again. “Its all Bernie’s doing. Right…?”

I grinned and nodded.

“And don’t think I don’t know about you two getting a piece of my action from Him.”

Not being all that shocked by Jessie’s statement, I waited to hear how she knew.

“I brought him two bimbos and this one really hung hunky dude.” Jessie grinned. “After all…” She took a sip of her wine. “If people want to throw you money, I say go for it.

Jessie impressed me with her…her spirit of enterprise? I mean she wants her own company and she’s actively recruiting for Bernie. She really seemed into the entire thingy. Katie simply sat and gazed out into the darkness. Lately I was having trouble gauging her mind…her mood. And at that moment I didn’t even know if she was on the planet. I reached for her hand.

“Thank you so very much for tonight my love.”

At least she heard my voice. Katie turned and smiled at me. She then reached her other hand behind my head and pulled me to her. She gave me one of her amazing soul sucking kisses that seemed to go on forever.

“Listen kids…” Jessie laughed. “Should I go to my room…or should I get the camera?”

Katie looked at Jessie and the most lewd smile ever appeared on her face.

“Neither… Why don’t you get the bed ready?” Katie’s eyes narrowed and her grin broadened. “Maybe I’ll let you fuck Stevie’s brains out whilst I fuck yours out.”

And so my eighteenth came and went with a giga-gigunda (def not an exam word…as if I cared anymore anyway) bang (pardon the pun). Jessie stayed overnight in our bed and came with us for breakfast at the diner. I didn’t have Katie to myself until the early afternoon. We decided to take a walk along the sea wall. It was a beautiful day and the breeze was so cleansing.

“So honey bunny…” I never tired of her endearing appellations. “What’s your story for your mom?” Katie put her arm around my waist. “After all… You are graduating this year.”

“Yeah…” I sighed…not that I’d miss school at all. “I’ll just tell her I’m going to college in town or something. Not that it really matters all that much to her. I mean she thinks I’m an honor student anyway.”

Katie stopped and turned to face me. She now had both her arms around my waist gazed into my eyes.

“Listen baby girl… Your mom’s been living her own life for the past what…almost two years?”

I nodded.

“She’s got a great life in Vegas?”

True that…! We visited briefly with her during several trips there.

“She has a great apartment in a great hotel making great money. And no doubt she’s getting her pipes power steam cleaned whenever she wants. Why make waves anyway?”

There was no argument from me. Truth to tell…I rarely thought about her these days anyway. She was a small part of a life that was totally alien to me now. Indeed I rarely even thought of my life before Katie any more. Only in my dreams…and even then on very rare occasions…I would night fright on some issue from that time. But Katie did as well in calming me on those very rare occasions.

“You know that Jessie’s recruiting
our replacements…including her own.” Katie again began to stroll with her arm around me. “It’s the natural order of things in this game you know.”

I could hear the sadness in her voice. And I felt that she was telling me my future.

“At least you’re still flavor of the week…freak of the week.” Katie suddenly stopped and looked at me. “I didn’t mean that.” She hugged me.

“I know what you meant.” I smiled and kissed her lips. “And I guess you’re right.”

“There aren’t all that many girls like you. I mean they all get work done on them and you can tell. But you…? You’re naturally gorgeous and perfect…and so fucking young. You have plenty of time in front of you. You will def become an industry super star.”

“Yeah… But you…” I began.

“There are no ‘yeah buts’.” She said somewhat bitterly. “There are who knows how many fresh twenty year old hotties that’ll fuck for dinner and a movie. So when I get paid the big bucks to fuck some rich douchetard, I’d better show him something new and different…you know?”

We walked for a bit more in silence. Finally we found a place to sit on the wall without being surrounded by people. We have an arm around each other and I rested my head on Katie’s shoulder.

“I can’t do what Jessie’s doing.” Katie sighed. “I can’t go around trying to recruit fresh meat. And the flick thing…well… I’m not interested in being a business. Just thinking about it saps my energy.” She kissed the top of my head. “You’re hair smells amazing today. New shampoo or something?” I nodded and smiled. “I guess I’m just a whore and that’s all I’ll ever be.”

Katie’s words burned into my soul. If what she said was true, then what was I? After all, I wanted to be part of her life. And now we were so intertwined in so many different ways that I often forgot who was who. We thought alike and acted alike. People often did think we were sisters. I realize that it was just another part of me that vanished over the almost two years.

Even the fact that I was born a boy began to majorly fade. I still couldn’t look at my boy bits without a feeling of uneasiness. Like…why me? And I had so little need to bother with them anyway; except when wiping the last drop or two or washing in the shower or bath. I even had to be careful not to walk into the men’s room by sheer mistake. I was so far away from being…a he?

But Katie was still quite adamant about her ‘no bits…no tits’ rule. And I did so love her lush boobs. And now that Jessie was becoming so much a part of our lives, everything I’d become was reinforced even more. It was like the three of us were sisters. My difference never was an issue with Jessie. It was weird in a way because she so very much detested the ‘faggy boy’ I was but so loved the slightly ‘different’ girl.

In spite of us all getting along, and the fact that Jessie was spending two and often three nights a week with us, we couldn’t live full time with her. It was tough enough with Katie and I being in two different orbits. Jessie was in a totally different one than either of us. Whilst we were players in the industry, Jessie wanted to be the industry. She had her own apartment and did her own thingy.

My routine totally changed upon turning eighteen. Now I was working with real pro co-stars and I was expected to know the routine of the flicks. I mean the flicks were all the same basic thing. I would come on looking really super hot and totally innocent.

Then I’d suck them for a while. They’d suck me for a while. I’d get fucked on my back, then my side, then cowgirl style, reverse cowgirl style, doggie style, on my back again, and then they’d spurt me somewhere. There were only four acceptable ways to get spurted. My face, hair, asshole and mouth were approved targets. I must admit that the cocks were epic; each one more epic than the last.

When cis girls were involved, I always had the feeling they were hate fucking on me. And other girls like myself loved topping me. Of course I loved every minute whilst the action was hot. I was submissive by nature and I was almost always totally shit faced during a shoot anyway.

So two days a week I was doing scenes and at least another two nights a week I had dates. But even the nature of the dates changed. I had to wear more normie types of clothing. Wide brimmed hats and sunglasses became my disguise. I was getting known in the industry and the clients always wanted as much anonymity as possible. I figured that if somebody did recognize me, they weren’t very likely to admit it anyway.

Poor Katie was getting pounded though. She was doing twosomes, threesomes, foursome, and more ‘somes’. Bernie had her doing some interracial as well. It’s like sure…give a lesbian a huge cock with amazing color contrast. The guys were always very gentle with her but still… You know…? It does wear.

Although she was doing only two days of shooting, multiple scenes were involved and an eighteen-hour day was not totally unusual. She was in big demand for dates. But she was doing four or more a week; sometimes two the same day! She was almost always stoned on something and when we did spend time together, it was in a supine position, usually naked and always after an extensive cleaning inside and out.

Bernie and I would speak often about cutting her schedule back…but to no avail.

“Listen honey…” He’d say gruffly. “In another couple of years she’ll be yesterday’s news. If she wants to earn she’s got to do it now.”

“But she’s wearing herself out.” I’d whine but never mention the drugs.

“I can’t control her life sweet heart. She’s a big girl and she does have you. Katie has a following now and that’s what she must work. The demand is right now because she’s hot and fresh. And fresh…” He emphasized the word. “…is exactly what they want.”

Jessie wanted Katie to do some work for her. Indeed she wanted Katie and I to do another shoot together. I would have loved that for sure. But there was never any time to do an honest shoot like the first time. There was never enough down time to get into that kind of mood even at home. We both spoke to Katie about what she was doing to herself. But Katie…being Katie…didn’t want to hear it.

I was finishing up an afternoon shoot when I got a call from Bernie. He no longer showed up on the set where I was working now that I was legal. Katie was scheduled to do a shoot but she never showed up. He tried calling her but got no answer or response to his messages and texts. Now Katie never flaked on anything but she would show up late fairly consistently these days. I figured…‘NBFD’. It’s just Katie being Katie.

When I got home I saw the terrace door wide open and our smoking stuff out in our spot. I thought that perhaps she was asleep or in the bathroom. I called to her but got no response. I put my bags down at the door and went into the bedroom to find the bed empty.

I found her in the bathroom. She was in the tub. Her gorgeous pale green eyes gazed up at me and her amazing strawberry blond hair formed a aura…no…an aurora around the pale white skin of her face. The scent of the spices and fragrant oils water filled my nostrils even though the water had cooled. Several rose petals were floating over her slightly parted lips.

I sat down on the tub’s edge and stared down at my love. That image will forever be burnt into my soul. There was a folded old note and I picked it up. I remember nothing else at all until Jessie came over. Jessie never said a word. She simply lifted Katie’s head out of the bath water and sat down next to me. She took my hand in hers.

I remembered Bernie and Joey coming into the bathroom. Joey was gobsmacked to the max and Bernie simply shook his head. He picked up the syringe, the dope, and he removed the tubing from around her arm. Joey and Jessie began to sanitize the rest of our home by collecting all the dope and paraphernalia. Bernie was busily making phone calls.

Jessie and Joey helped me out to the terrace while waiting for the ambulance to come. There was nothing to be done. As I sat in silence, the folded note still in my hand, I felt nothing. I mean I didn’t even feel the very cool breeze. I was completely numb…completely…empty. I gazed down at the note and made the decision. Taking a huge breath and letting it out slowly, I unfolded the worn paper and read it.

‘I’ve had enough and there’s nothing left for me to give. I will wait for you forever if it has to be. Then we will be together for eternity. Please forgive what I needed to do. Please try and understand. – Your Tanya’

Suddenly everything over the past two years made perfect sense. Never once was the idea of love ever mentioned. Tanya never loved Katie and Katie never loved me. It was the need to have another soul nearby that kept them going. It was Katie’s need for me that kept us going. And Katie could never stop loving Tanya just as I would never stop loving Katie.

Refolding the note I decided that nobody else would see it. I tucked it into my bra and sat waiting for the ambulance. Now they’re together and I’m all alone.

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