Stevie's Tale - Chapter 2

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Stevie’s Tale – Chapter 2

By Kelly Blake

“Wait…!!! What…???”

Allow me to digress. The announcement that I could get my ears pierced seemed to slip by me. Allow me to digress further. Mom and Katie hit it off fabulously. It’s almost as if they were sisters! Nary was a word was directed or exchanged with me. I felt as if I wasn’t even in the room so…thankfully…I could kind of spaced out. I wasn’t ready to be ‘Stevie’ again.

But somewhere between Katie being my school work ‘tutor’ and my needing to be a wee bit more up to date with fashion, my ears were getting pierced. Having no say in the matter was rapidly becoming my way of life; albeit this new short life I’d just begun. So I simply refilled mom’s wine glass and brought a soda over for Katie.

As I accompanied Katie back out to her car, she mentioned something about hygiene and how important it was to keep my orifices nice and clean. And then the word enema was mentioned.

“Wait…!!! What…???”

I was literally beside myself. That word ‘enema’ hit me like a hard squeeze of my pre-pubescent cherry pits between my legs.

“Don’t give it a second thought baby doll. We all do it…” ‘We all…’? “…and it’s no big deal.” Katie grinned at me as she opened the car door. “In fact it can be good clean fun.” She chuckled. “The pun was totally intended.”

Katie suddenly put her arms around my waist. She pulled me so snugly that I could feel the heat coming from her amazing boobs. Her scent wafted up and into my nose. As I gazed into Katie’s bottomless pale green eyes I could feel her smiling. Katie suddenly pulled both my hands behind her and placed them on her perfect butt. She then placed her warm soft hands around my neck.

“Want to know something my baby doll?” Katie lilted sweetly.

Mesmerized by her essence I stood wordless, mouth ajar, and simply gazing at her. Katie, still smiling, raised herself up enough to place her lips atop mine. Closing over mine, her lips were kind of…she began to…undulate her lips against mine? I almost instinctively moved my hands to Katie’s waist and hugged her tighter.

Closing my eyes I let myself drift away in the amazing waves of sensation. Katie simply took my breath away. This was the first time I ever kissed a female…woman…girl…whatever. Of course that doesn’t include my mom. I never thought of her as anything other than my mom so don’t you even bother to go there! Katie held me stoutly as our lips parted.

“Mmmm…” She moaned with a grin. “I liked that. That had some electricity to it.” Like…no poopie Sherlock. “I think I might need you.” Katie snickered. “Here sweetheart… Let me get this.” She chuckled as she wiped the flat of her thumb against the corners of my mouth. “Just a little of my lip gloss... Now you best go inside before your mom thinks we’re fucking on the front of the car.”

She chuckled and gently pushed me away. Katie backed up till she reached the handle of her car door. I watched her smile…and her eyes…they lit up the dimness of the evening. She sat down, closed the car door, started the engine and pointed at me. I could see the street light reflected off the polish on her nail.

“Tomorrow baby doll…”

She blew a kiss at me and then laughed. Katie then waved, backed her car down the driveway and began to speed off. I still stood there with my mouth agape as I watched her disappear into the night. I wondered just what happened…and why? I suddenly felt more strongly about Katie than I could image. I felt so strongly about Katie that it actually hurt! Upon returning inside I was accosted by my mom; wine glass in hand.

“I really like your new friend.” She smiled her best maternal smile. “She’s so…mature for her age. And I think she’ll make an excellent tutor for your SAT exams.”

“Wait…! What…?”

Was I even present this evening? And did I really care at this particular moment.

“Well with her honor student ranking and her pre-acceptances to colleges, I’m sure you’ll learn a lot from her. And of course any time you want to stay over at her house…? I have no problem with that. I’m sure she’ll also help develop your social skills. She seems to be quite aware of your…physical deficiencies?”

Her words ‘physical deficiencies’ resounded in my ears even as I rested upon my bed. I stared at the ceiling and, as mom’s words faded, images of the afternoon with Katie took their place. I thought about what she had done and what I had done. And I thought about what we had done. The day had been a totally repudiation of everything had had been and known up to, and def including, that amazing kiss.

Thinking about how totally natural it all felt; the clothes, the cosmetics and what we did with me dressed as I was gave me cause to tremble. I thought how weird, but quite natural, I felt wearing the clothes and heels; how natural it seemed to have my face described with cosmetics. And I remember how totally strange and achy my feet felt when I finally removed the heels.

On the very edge of sleep my phone suddenly sounded a text message. I had no idea who it could possibly be. Opening one eye, I was surprised to see a text from Katie asking if I wanted to view some pix she received. I responded yes. Within moments a flood of pix flowed down the screen of my phone. And they were all dick pix! At least a dozen no less…! I immediately texted her; ‘WTF…???’ Katie called.

“Hi baby doll… Do you like the pix guys send me?” She laughed.

“Oh my God…! Did guys really send you these?” I was…shocked.

“Yeah… Like all the time… I want you to check them out and let me know which ones I should do. Okay…?”


“Yeah… Like in maybe fucking their brains out for some jingle?” She giggled.

“Yeah… But how…”

“Don’t speak. Just look… Let me know tomorrow…okay?”


“Great sweet heart…! My sleepy time baby doll…” Katie crooned.

And she was gone. Katie wanted me to look at dick pix and pick one for her? How weird is that? But then again…how wonderfully weird was the day? Still… I shuddered as I slowly swiped through a dozen different pix. The one thing that became instantly apparent was the fact that my boy bits were def bits…like to the max…and beyond!

In one of the pix a woman’s finely manicured hand was holding this huge telephone pole of a dick. Her hand could only encompass half the circumference of it! Talk about my feeling inadequate… Gazing at the pix a second time brought up memories. Memories I felt quite conflicted about.

That one particularly graphic pic not only shook my entire being, it also sent a strong electrical tingling throughout my body. I felt so heady when I gazed at those perfect lips with deep wine reddened glossy wet lips kissing the very tip of some guy’s amazing dick. It wasn’t the thought of that happening to my dick that made me tingle. It was the thought of having those be my lips!

As if looking at those pix wasn’t bad enough, the images were totally, and indelibly, seared into my mind. I kept envisioning them, especially the one with those deep red lips, until exhaustion overcame me and I fell asleep. Needless to say I was totally exhausted the next day.

But the moment my mind semi-cleared after my morning shower, those very same images reappeared; etched inexorably into my consciousness. Even as I robotically donned my OOTD, my mind was a million miles away. I was so obsessed with the images that it wasn’t until my first class of the day my noticing I wore two different colored socks!

By the time Katie met me during lunch break, I’d been to the rest room in the nurse’s office twice to wipe a wee bit of clear fluid off the tip of my dick. I’d wet the front of my underpants with my leaking sometime during my third period class. I was in the midst of fantasizing me wrapping my deep port red stained lips around the head of that enormous dick. I never got hard. I simply got wet.

Katie sat down as she tossed her shoulder bag onto the table top. The most seriously wicked and lurid grin ever was upon her mouth and her eyes flashed with excitement. Her lips were stained that very intense deep red wine color and her lip gloss made them seem so…inviting? I could detect her snickering as she impaled me with her eyes. Katie knew exactly what I was thinking.

“Well baby doll…? Did you pick one?” Katie’s wicked grin grew even more lurid as she licked her lips seductively. “For me that is…?” She giggled.

“Katie…? Please…?” I whined in desperation. “Can’t we talk about this later? Like after school or something…?”

“Wow…” Katie’s smile faded quickly. “Okay sweet heart…” She placed her hands upon mine. “I didn’t think you would get upset.”

“I’m not upset.” I sighed. “I’m just really…” How did I feel? “Maybe I’m confused?”

Katie laughed as she threw her head back, her long strawberry blond hair flying wildly over her shoulders.

“Of course you are sweet heart. But don’t fret.” Katie gasped my hand in hers. “I’m here and I’ll help you sort through it all.” She smiled oh so sweetly. “We’ve all been there and we all get through it.”

‘We all get through it’? I wasn’t even sure what ‘it’ was. Katie kept us both elsewise occupied with a couple of Vogues and mindless chatter. I had been oblivious to the day up top Katie’s arrival and I really didn’t have the mind to continue with school. She must have sensed as much.

“Come on sweetie… Let’s blow this popcorn stand and move on to the cotton candy.” She lilted and chuckled.

I had no idea what Katie meant but as she got up and packed away her things, I did the same. I followed Katie down the center of the courtyard. She was a bit ahead of me and finally stopped long enough to link her free arm with mine. I suddenly hesitated when I realized she had every intention of leaving the school proper.

“Where are we going?” I asked in panic.

“We’re ditching this shit.” She snickered. “It’s a waste of time today. You’re either half asleep or on another planet and I’m just…well…” Katie sighed, paused and gazed off for the longest moment. “I’m just being me I guess.” She frowned and then chuckled. “Check out the stares we’re getting. I guess that mean you and me are now officially the flavor of the week.”

“But what about our attendance…? We’ll be missed.”

“Yeah…? By who…?” Katie chuckled. “Don’t worry.” She laughed. “That’s what I have Caulder for.”

“She’ll cover for us?” I was stunned.

“She’ll do whatever I tell her to do.” There was an evil sounding snort to her words. “I have us on viddie…in color with sound no less.” Katie chuckled. “She would be like so totally toast if that ever got out.”

“But isn’t that like…blackmail or something?” I was scared now.

“No sweet heart… That’s self-preservation!” She laughed. “Check out the stares we’re getting. We’re def the flavor of the week.”

We were moving so quickly that I hadn’t noticed. I didn’t really care anyway; at least not at that point in time. We sped out of the parking lot, onto the highway, off the highway and over the bridge. My mind was so far away I barely noticed the beach as we drove down A-1-A. We were at Katie’s in what seemed like no time at all.

“Listen baby doll…” Katie put her arm around my waist in the elevator. “Let’s get reasonably ripped and take a nap. You look positively shit and I wouldn’t mind an hour or so myself.”

“Oh God…” Exasperation dripped from every word. “I’m like so totally ready for that.”

Katie really had her after school act together. Within moments the glass water pipe was out and readied for use. She had a plate of munchies, cheeses and such, set on the low table, and her wine and some fruit juice for me on coasters. We were more than ready and she let me do the honors. I sat on the carpeting whilst Katie took to the couch.

As during the prior day, I inhaled slowly. The sound of the liquor bubbling followed by the rising smoke descending and then rising up through the mouthpiece. I slowly filled my lungs till I could hold no more. Passing the pipe to Katie I tried not to cough it all out. I closed my eyes and let the first rush of the smoke flow through my body. I smiled stupidly at Katie and slowly exhaled, coughing just a wee bit anyway.

“That...was a gigundus hit.” Katie giggled.

She placed another piece of hash into the pipe and launched herself off. Her capacity was greater than mine and I assumed this was from her way more frequent usage. Feeling a grin creep slowly onto my face, I reached for a piece of cheese. Katie made me giggle as she crossed her eyes and puffed her cheeks out. She really held the smoke in and much less was exhaled than when I did my hit.

“So…” Katie cleared her throat and sipped some wine. “What was that all about back at school? You really got a little bent out of shape. Was it the dick pix?”

“Yeah…” I sighed. “It was the one with the lips…kissing the dick?”

“Oh yeah…” Katie chuckled. “That was a selfie.”

“Wait…! What…?” Stunned…yet again…!!!

“That was me kissing this guy’s enormous cock. That was some kind of palm tree…huh? And you should have seen his coconuts!” She laughed.

“But why would you take a picture of that?”

“His cock was so big I had to record it for posterity…or posterior?” She laughed again. “And how about the one with the hand…?”

“Was that you as well?” I was shaken by her admission.

“Oh no…” She flipped her palm down. “I just found that one on the web and thought it was cool. So…”

Katie lit the pipe up again and took another hit of smoke. I wasn’t quite ready to indulge again. The effect of the hash was still growing on me.

“What about the photo you saw…the one with my lips?” Katie asked after exhaling a huge cloud of smoke this time.

“I realized that I wanted to be the one doing the kissing?” I whispered…sort of…

“Oh wow…! That’s kind of hot actually.” Katie’s eyes bugged and she smiled quite wickedly.

“But I also did that before.” I could barely whisper.

“What…? Really…?” Her eyes grew wide.

“Yeah… It was this older kid…maybe…fourteen at the time?”

“Oh my God baby doll…! You were…like…molested?” Katie’s eyes grew even wider and her grin was now lurid.

“I was kind of drunk at the time? I mean he had some beer. I was about nine or ten I think. He was the neighbor’s son and they were going to move to another house in town. He said I was kind of cute?” I sighed recalling how I felt around him.

“Yeah… They usually say that.” Katie, totally enrapt, rested her chin in her palm. “So what did he do? Did he just whip it out or something?”

“No… At first he just kind of put his arms around me and kissed me? I was really surprised but he said everybody did it. It was like…practice or something?”

“Funny how they all say everybody does it.
And the cock-kiss…?” Katie said in a hushed voice.

“Yeah… Well… I was more than a bit woozy when he began to undress me? When he got my shirt off he began to kiss and lick my…” I really couldn’t say the word.

“Your nips…?” Katie giggled with her eyes ablaze with excitement.

“Yeah…” I sighed again and pick up another piece of cheese.

“So…? How did it feel? Did you like it?”

Katie handed me the pipe and I partook of some more of that wonderful substance. Gazing out at the ocean and the waves, I took a moment to really think about what happened back then. So much of those events were…blurred?

“I loved it. I think? Like…” I leaned in toward her as she removed her top. “I didn’t get a stiffie…you know?” Then I grinned. “But I did get all tingly and well…” My voice sort of trailed off and I sighed yet again. “His hands were squeezing my butt; not hard but…” My voice trailed off yet again.

“Yeah… Guys like doing that.” Katie snickered. “If they’re not squeezing your butt, they’re squeezing your tits.”

“I guess I was kind of getting into it? I mean I didn’t try to stop him or anything.”

“S’okay… So you were loving it. So what happened next?”

Katie removed her bra and rubbed the marks the garment made on her skin. My brows shot upward when I saw them. I reached out to touch one of the impressions but stopped.

“That must hurt.” I said with a pained expression.

Katie grabbed my hand as I began to withdraw it. She placed my fingertips atop one of the impressions just beneath her arm pits. I felt so strange as I traced the depression Katie’s bra made on her skin with my finger. This whole intimacy thingy was so new to me that my entire being trembled.

“Mmmm… Your fingers are nice and cool and you have such a soft touch.” Katie then pulled my hand causing me to rise up. “Sit down behind me baby doll.”

I did as Katie asked. Still holding one hand she reached around and grasped my other hand. Then she brought both my hands around her and placed each just beneath her boobs where the underwire bra cut into her flesh.

“Oh my God…!” Katie said as she closed her eyes and craned her head back. “That feels so divine. Rub along the marks the bra made sweet heart. Your hands are so cool and soothing.”

Under any other circumstances, the picture Katie and I sitting there with my hands gently massaging the areas beneath her boobs where the bra dug in might have seemed just a bit too familiar? But at that moment my actions felt almost…normal…and natural? I rubbed her gently and followed the marks around her side and back. Then I rubbed where the straps seemed to dig into her shoulders.

Katie was totally in heaven. Her head suddenly dropped till her chin touched her collar bone. She held that pose for some time. Suddenly she seemed to perk up. She stood and, smiling impishlyy at me, said she’d be right back. I picked up the pipe and lit it once again. No sooner did I exhale then she returned carrying a full wine flute, a straw, and what appeared to be a medication bottle.

“Watch this!” Her face was lit up with delight.

Katie giggled as she sat down facing me. She took the wine flute and snuggled it between her very ample boobs. To my amazement it stayed in place! Then she dipped the straw in it and sipped her wine. With a surprised grin on my face I began to snicker. I’d never seen anything like that before!

“You should see the stares I get when I do this on the beach.” Katie laughed. “The guys go nuts when I use a can of soda or something. The offers for drinks never stop!”

“Oh my God…! You do that on the beach?” I was shocked at her antic.

“I don’t even wear a top on the south end of the beach when I do this. Even the gay guys go crazy. It must be tit envy or something.” She laughed. “And the lesbians really go bat-shit. And if some guy’s BGFF is there…? I get these looks like…’I want to scratch your eyes out’.”

Katie removed the flute from its snug resting place and set it upon the table. She then reached for the pill container.

“Here…” She said as she opened it and spilled one out. “Have one of these.”

The little peach colored tablet was dropped into my palm. I gazed at it and then looked up at Katie.

“What is this?”

“Just take it baby doll.” Katie said as she rolled onto her back and began to slip off her jeans and panty. “It’ll really relax you.”

Still staring at the pill I up Katie’s bra and gazed at it. In spite of the lovely lace and appliques, it was a heavy duty garment with wiring and a very wide band. There were four tiny hooks with mating eyes on the strap ends.

“I’m never going to wear a bra.” I said as I popped the pill into my mouth and swallowed some juice.


“I mean… This thing…” I held up her bra. “…looks très painful…almost like a torture device or something.” I stared at the thing. “I could probably fit my head in this.” I playfully pulled the cup over my head.

“Oh God…” Katie laughed as she took one of the little pills as well. “Unless you had a boob job you’d never need something like that. I can’t see you with huge tits anyway. It would ruin your fashion model look.” She chuckled.

We talked some more and smoked some more until I simply couldn’t keep my eyes open. Katie took my hand pulled me up by my hand and undressed me. Then taking my hand again she led me into her bedroom. The room was dominated by a king sized mattress resting on a lacquered walnut frame with matching head and foot boards.

Katie pulled back the sheet and blanket covering the bed. She pushed me back and I fell onto the cushiest mattress I’d ever felt. Katie picked up my legs and moved them onto the bed. Then she hopped in over me and pulled the sheet and blanket up to cover us.

As she spooned up behind me, Katie reached over and cupped my boy bits in her hands. The scent…her scent…permeated the bedding and the warmth of her hand on my boy bits felt so very, and weirdly, comforting. I felt her boobs on my back and her wine scented breath on my ear.

“Close your eyes baby doll.” She crooned. “You’ll need your strength for later.”

The last thing I remember was snuggling back into her very cushiony body. I awoke when I felt a slight chill. Upon opening my eyes I saw that Katie was already out of bed and bustling around her bedroom

“Good morning my sleeping beauty….” She was almost too perky.

“How long have I…”

“Two hours sweet heart...” Katie giggled. “By the way… You’re very nice to sleep with. You curled up in front of me and then started purring like a kitten. It was so fucking cute...” Her eyes flashed. “…and hot.” She giggled.

“Yeah… That was really nice.” No poopie Sherlock…!

Gazing around her bedroom as I came to my senses, I realized that I felt really good; a rarity for me. I felt happy and even peaceful. It didn’t feel like the hash high I had. This was something different. It must have been the pill maybe? I giggled and grinned.

“You should see the stupid grin you have on your face.” Katie snickered. “Must be the happy pill…” She echoed my very thought.

“Yeah…” I smiled even brighter. “You have to give me one of those for later.”

“Yeah… Maybe… Come on and get up baby doll. We have shit to do.”

Katie grabbed my hand and pulled me up and out of bed. She tugged me into her bathroom.

“It’s time to really learn about hygiene sweet heart.” She snickered.

Katie grinned as she took several large bath towels out of the closet. She spread them out upon one of the thick bath rugs on the floor. She then turned the entire arrangement at a ninety-degree angle to the tub. She kept one towel rolled up and placed it at the end opposite of the tub. Then she retrieved a candle from the basin counter, lit it, and set in on the ledge of her tub. The aromatic scent began to fill the room.

“Okay Stevie deevie… Get down and make yourself comfortable. Just close your eyes and think happy thoughts.” ‘Happy thoughts’ I thought? “Think of nice big fat stiff cocks.” Katie giggled.

I chuckled and did as she said. Using the towel as a pillow I made myself comfortable. My feet were against the base of the tub. I gazed at Katie questioningly. Like… What was I supposed to do with my feet?

“Put them up on the tub edge silly.” She smiled and helped me place them. “Are you nice and comfy now?”

“Yeah…” I snickered.

“Okay… Let me get the things.”

I closed my eyes and listened to her rustling about. I did as she asked and thought about the dicks I had seen on my phone; especially the one with those amazing red lips kissing the tip of that really humungous one. The sound of something being placed by my side caused me to open my eyes. It was some kind of stand and Katie had a red enema bag hanging from it, the red hose circling it and resting atop.

“Oh my God Katie…!” I felt sheer…fright?

“Relax baby doll… I promise you’re going to love this.” She grinned wickedly. “This’ll not only clean you out, it’ll really make you feel great. I put some herbs and spices in it. For sure your shit won’t stink!” She laughed.


Katie never let me finish stating my objections.

“Listen sweet heart… Everything we’ve done so far…since yesterday… Hasn’t it been a really fun trip?”

“Yeah…” I had to admit it was.

“Then trust me baby doll. You’re really going to love this.”

Katie took the end of the hose, a thick white tube, and rubbed some goopie all over it. Then she knelt down, smiled warmly at me, and cupped my boy bits in her hand. She slowly slipped one goopied finger up by butt hole.

“Ohhh… Oh my God…” I softly moaned.

“You never did tell me one thing sweet heart.”

Katie leered down at me.

“What…?” I whispered as she slowly moved her finger in and out.

“Did he…fuck you?” She giggled.

“Who…” I asked breathlessly.

“That guy who you blew.” Katie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Did you two ever fuck or was it like a one-time thing?”

“Mmmm… That does feel…delicious.” I moaned.

“Ohhh…?” Katie crooned. “Baby doll likes it back door.” Katie leered quite lewdly. “You did fuck him!”

“Yeah… Oh God…!”

My eyes opened wide again as Katie slipped in a second finger never missing a stroke. She laughed of course.

“And I guess you liked it if you let him do it more than once.” Katie snickered.

“I think the first time was that first night.” I guessed up at the ceiling trying to recall. “I think I passed out. I remember waking up and my butt hole was a little sore. And…” I had to snicker as I blushed. “There was poopie all over my sheet and my butt.”

“You must’ve shit on his cock!” Katie burst out laughing. “Serves him right for fucking you when you were out of it… You didn’t get hurt did you? I mean he didn’t hurt you…did he?” Her face became serious.

“Nopers… I was really sore but…” My voice trailed off. I couldn’t believe I was actually telling Katie about it…the big it! “He wasn’t all that anyway.” I frowned. “I hated it! And I hated him!” I snarled. “I hated every second of it.” I felt all this emotion well up and overflow. “And I loved it.” I whispered as my tears began to flow. “I wanted him to do it when I could really feel something…anything. And I let him again…and again.”

My tears flowed freely as I relived the experiences I’d almost fully forgotten. Katie immediately ceased her ministrations and cradled my head in her lap. She held me as I cried.

“Shush baby doll… It’s okay.” Katie crooned. “I’m here with you and I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” She gently stroked my cheeks.

“I never told anyone.” I whispered through my tears. “He said I made a fine…” I choked on the word. “…bitch.”

“Bastard…” Katie spat the words and gazed down at me…lovingly. “You’re nobody’s bitch and you never will be. I’ll teach you how to deal with men and how to make them your bitch.” Her words dripped with anger. “Would you like that sweet heart?”

I gazed up into her eyes. They shone like two brilliant lights in my darkness. And her smile was so very soft; her expression tender. I nodded my head.

“Yes…” I whispered as my tears ceased. “I would like that very much. Do you think …do you think I’m…gay…for liking what he did?”

That question had been eating at my insides ever since that time. And the epithets hurled at me in school only reinforced those feelings I had. Those times he thrusted into me, my senses thankfully dulled by alcohol and arousal, were…I don’t know…sort of fulfilling or something?

“Oh no sweetness… I don’t think you’re gay at all.” Katie’s voice was firm; reassuring. “Did you ever think you might be more girl than boy? I mean… The way you looked and how you acted yesterday…it seemed like the real you.”

“Yeah…” I whispered. “It did feel…natural?”

I had to admit I never had that much fun in my life. Everything felt so totally amazing and so very perfect. The clothes, my ‘look’, our activities seemed so normal as I relived the afternoon. Toward the end of our dinner last night I felt so totally comfortable for the first time that I could remember.

“So…?” Katie carefully placed my head back down on the rolled up towel. “Let’s just pretend that I’m your big sister and you…” She began to minister to my butt hole again. “…are my little sister. Don’t you think that would be nice? We both could dress up and do such amazing things together all the time.” She snickered.

“Mmmm… Yeah…” I grinned.

I was so totally relaxed again. And I felt relieved after my…‘sinful’ confession?

“Close your eyes sweetness. I’m going to slip this in now baby doll.”

Katie removed her fingers and I felt the cold hard nozzle slip right in. I must admit it felt kind of good. She wiggled it around a little for effect…I think. And an effect it was because she kept hitting a spot within me that made me tingle with electric excitement. I began to giggle each time she hit that magic spot.

“You…like that. Don’t you?” Katie crooned and snickered. “You’re such a little slut.”

Coming out of Katie’s mouth, slut sounded almost…musical? All I could do in response was nod and giggle. My hips actually began to pump to the rhythm of her thrusting the nozzle. I wanted to be sure that each thrust would really hit that spot that felt so amazing.

“Now this is really going to be the bomb; like…major league mega-tonnage.”

Katie giggled and I heard a click. Suddenly I felt the very warm liquid begin to enter me.

“Oh… My… God…” I softly moaned.

The warmth of the liquid coupled with Katie’s moving the nozzle around was way more than breath taking. It was…amazing. I not only felt myself filling as the warmth flowed around my innards, I also felt the most intense sensation in my dick. This was as close to a stiffie I’d ever gotten. Maybe it was a semi stiffie?

Katie poured some heated and very fragrant oil over my tummy. She began to massage me with her finger tips. I imagined she was following the flow of the liquid as it filled every nook and cranny within me. The feeling was oh so exquisite and oh so very sensual. But I was filling up and beginning to cramp.

“Stop…” I placed my hand atop Katie’s. “It hurts.”

“Okay sweetness… I’ll slow it down a little more.”

‘A little more’ I thought as I heard another click. The pain slowly eased and Katie began to rub me again. This time her hand wandered down toward my dick but stopped just shy. She began to use the palm of her hand and she rubbed across my tummy just below my navel.

“You have such a cute belly button.” Katie chuckled. We should get that pierced as well honey.” She glanced up at the hanging bag. “Okay baby doll… It’s all in you now. Just hold it for about twenty minutes.”

“Wait…! What…? Twenty minutes…?” I began to panic.

“Stay still and relax honey. It won’t be that hard. I’ll help you.” She chuckled.

I had no idea how she would help me. I watched as she clicked the clamp closed and took the bag down from the stand. Katie then scooted around and positioned her legs on either side of my head. I was now staring directly up at her quite swollen looking vagina; its lips in full bloom and covered with drops of her dew. I could smell the scent of her perfume. It was something very woodsy and spicy. The aroma was kind of feral when mixed with her natural body scent.

Suddenly she pulled her glorious golden red mane back and bent down so that her body just barely touched mine. Then I suddenly felt the most amazing sensation as Katie took my dick and gnads into her mouth. I felt my butt hole automatically tighten around the nozzle as she began to work her tongue in circles around my boy bits.

My arms shot up to take a firm hold of the small of her back. I didn’t think about it; the reaction was…instinctive? Hugging her to me I held on for dear life I heard her muffled giggles as she continued to tease my dick. She nibbled and tugged at my bits gently. There was no way I was going to leak anywhere with Katie mouthing away.

Eyes closed and still holding her tightly, I let wave after wave of painful pleasure wash over me. Every time Katie would nibble or suck on the very tip of my dick, my tummy muscles, such as they were, would tighten causing the liquid within me to slosh around. The movement created such an amazing sensation punctuated by a cramping. I could only think that this was what being pregnant felt like.

Katie was relentless in her actions. She massaged my butt cheeks and thighs as she played with me in her mouth. She lowered her rear just enough for me to lose sight of her vagina. But I could feel its heat and smell its aroma. I ventured to stick my tongue out and lap once at her very moist slit.

“Oh my God…! Yesss…!” She hissed. “That feels so amazing. You know…?” Katie sighed. “You taste really nice. Did you know that?”

I’d never thought about that before. I mean I have tasted the clear fluid that seeped from that bizarre appendage. It was a little salty but I never considered it to taste good…or foul for that matter. I couldn’t taste her at all as I breathed through my mouth. Katie cupped my gnads in her hand and gently clutched them as she mimicked my lapping tongue.

“Feel that bump? I showed you it yesterday?” She suddenly queried.

“Mmmm…hmmm…” I lilted as I licked.

“That’s kind of like your dick? It’s very sensitive and if you use just the tip of your tongue and move it back and forth…”

I didn’t give her the chance to finish her sentence. I did exactly as she asked.

“Oh my God… Right there… Oh my God… Oh my God… Faaahhhk…!” Katie shouted.

Katie’s entire body quivered and then tensed. Her soft and pliable butt cheeks became hard and her back arched even more as she buried her head into my crotch and grasped my butt cheeks holding on for dear life itself. Her breathing stopped and then a guttural and raspy cry came from her lips. Then she was still and breathing deeply. I continued to lap at her.

“Easy baby doll easy… I’m very sensitive down there right now. Lick me gently.”

Doing just as she asked, Katie began to do the same to my dick as I’d done to her vagina. She continued to pleasure me until the time to expel had arrived. Katie got off of me and turned to smile.

“That was really amazing. You’re way hotter than any of my girlfriends…ever!” She giggled. “Let me kiss you. I want to taste myself on your lips.”

Katie spun around, bent down and our lips met in a very…touchy kiss? I mean not only did she wrestled with my lips, Katie’s tongue actually lapped at the area around my mouth as she inhaled her own fragrance. It was the first time I’d ever done anything with a girl. Katie gazed down at me with a broad grin, her eyes still full of excitement.

“Okay baby doll… Time to dump your sump...” She giggled. “Roll over onto your stomach and get to your knees. Do it slowly. I’m leaving the nozzle in.”

I did as she asked. Then Katie helped me to my feet. I stood for a moment and observed how far out my tummy bulged. On my thin frame I looked several months pregnant…maybe the end of the first trimester? Katie hooked my arm and we slowly walked to the toilette, the hose being held in by my clenched butt hole and her determined hand.

When she positioned me over the bowl, Katie removed the nozzle slowly and I sat down. It took but a moment for the liquid to gush out of me. That was a world of sensations all unto itself. But in spite of the crap coming out of me, and the gas, the aroma was that of spices. I couldn’t believe it. My shit didn’t stink!

Whilst I sat and expelled, Katie had gone to the basin and refilled the red bag. I had no idea of what she had in mind. All I knew was the flow didn’t stop until she had returned to my side with the bag bulging yet again. Oddly, I didn’t feel embarrassed as she stood by my side. Finally, after about five minutes, the flow stopped and I cleaned myself.

“Okay sweet heart… This is to make sure you’re totally cleaned out. Stand up and grab your knees.” She giggled.

Doing as she asked, Katie, within seconds, had the nozzle was back inside me. She let the water flow only for a few moments. Then she removed the nozzle and had me expel again. We did this several more times until clear water flowed out of me. She had added some scented very mild soap. The floral aroma was heavenly when it came back out.

Once again I cleaned myself as Katie placed the bag and all into the basin. Then she turned on the shower. She took the hand held showerhead, which was attached to be on a rather long metallic hose, and beckoned me to her.

“In you go my sweetness. We’ll both clean off a bit.” She grinned as she grabbed her scented bar of soap. “Here you go baby doll.”

I took the showerhead and washed between my legs. I handed it back to her and she did the same as I soaped my boy bits and my butt. Katie washed her…girl bits? We both washed off and then towel dried.

“How do you feel honey?” She asked watching my facial expressions closely.

“Oh my God Katie… My entire body is like…humming? I feel so good.” Katie knew I was serious from the glee in my voice. “But do you do this every day?”

“Oh God no…! If I have a date or something I like to be squeaky clean I’ll do something. Normally I just do a quickie in the event I met someone I feel like doing. And of course after some random date I do my pussy quite thoroughly. I def don’t want any of their ‘presents’...” Sarcasm dripped from her words. “…to remain. But I thought I should begin to introduce you to the fundamentals of the world of feminine hygiene. Let’s get on the bed and I’ll show you why.”

Her lewd grin should have registered but what difference, at that point, did it make? I followed her lead, as usual, back into the bedroom. Katie had me on my back once again and once again she straddled my head with her legs. I didn’t notice was the tube of something gooey hidden from my sight behind her back.

Once again, as I was gazing up at Katie’s vagina I wondered how often her vaginal lips seemed to get dewy. They were nearly dripping wetness and only moments before she had dried herself. I felt her messing about but she was hidden from my sight. I reached up and began to gently rub her butt checks again. Their softness and smoothness was amazing.

“Okay my dear… Get ready for this.” She giggled and once again engulfed all my boy bits in her mouth.

“Oh… My…”

I never got the ‘God’ out because of what she did next. Katie gently pushed two fingers into my butt. I could have died and gone to heaven.


Katie once again found that magic sweet spot within me. She was oh so wicked. Her fingers gently drummed against that spot as she swirled her tongue around my bits. My back arched and once again I felt myself holding onto her for dear life. Then she began to withdraw and reenter me hitting that spot every time.

“What are you doing to me?” I spoke quite breathily. “Katie…!”

It took but minutes and suddenly my entire body tensed to the point that I thought my back might break. I cried out as a wave of extreme pleasure hit me like a tsunami. Crying out loudly again and again as massive sensations washed over me in one giant continuous never ending wave, I was sure I would die from such exquisite pleasure. But I didn’t care if dying felt so…so totally amazing.

That intensity wase so great that time seemed to stop and the world around me disappeared. All that existed was Katie’s mouth and fingers and my bits and butt. Everything else vanished into the ether. Finally, thankfully, my body totally spent, I relaxed and fell back on the mattress.

Slowly…oh so slowly…the world began to return. I never felt Katie move around to cradle me in her arms. I was crying and I didn’t know why. My tears flowed as rapidly as my awareness of the world returned. Finally I could hear Katie crooned softly to me.

“There baby doll…” She rocked me gently as she spoke. “Let it all out. It happens to so many of us the first time. And this is your first time…isn’t it?”

Barely nodding my head, I was spent. My body was completely exhausted and I fought to regain my breath.

“I’m so happy you let me be the first one.” She bent her head and kissed me. “This is really a special gift. Now we’re bonded forever. You’ll never forget this day.” Katie cast her gaze off for a moment. “I’ll never forget this day.” She giggled and beamed. “Your very first orgasm...”

“I guess we’re more like kissing cousins than sisters now?” I said as I sniffled and began to giggle.

“Uhhh… Yeah…” She lilted.

“Does it feel like that every time?”

“No baby doll… Each time can be different. But this always feels crazy amazing when you’re with someone…special.” Katie grinned down at me. “I’ve never seen a guy cum the way you did. You must have orgasmed for like…several minutes? It was more like the way a girl comes. You know…? Like it never ends? Multi-orgasmic…?” She snickered wickedly.

Well…I really didn’t know…but I sort of knew? I remember that jerk that did me. He would orgasm really quickly and then roll right off of me. He was usually gone as soon as he removed his condom and flushed it down the toilette. But this…? What we just did? This was something totally different.

Reaching around, I hugged Katie. She was right. I felt so very bonded to her now. We were now…dare I say it…lovers? Oh my God…! I took Katie gently behind her neck and pulled her to me to kiss once again. This time the kiss was heated…burning. Our lips remained together for more than a few moments as we wrestled with one another, our tongues doing a quite feral dance.

“Mmmm…” Katie moaned and then parted lips with me. “I really need to bring you on one of my dates. I can’t wait to see what you’d do with a real live stout and dripping cock.”

Gazing up at her wanton smile, Katie’s excited eyes let me know she wasn’t kidding. I didn’t know what to say. I simply gazed at her in wonder, my mouth agape.

“I love that shocked innocent look you get when I mention something totally wicked.” She laughed. “It’s really no big thing anyway. It’s not like you have to fuck anyone. With this one guy…all you would need to do is hold his dick and he’ll squirt. Guys are so easy.”

“Gee Katie… I don’t know.”

I was more than slightly freaked. I really wasn’t sure about the entire thingy. I sort of wanted to play with a dick? But I def wasn’t sure about the randomness of some dude. I also wasn’t sure about how I’d react to Katie doing her thing with him.

“Not to worry sweetness… We have plenty to do before we try something like that. Anyway, I would never let anyone come between us…or hurt you. Not ever…!” Katie’s eyes had a very determined look as she spoke.

We rested for a short time. Katie held me to her side. My leg was across her lower tummy and my hand just beneath her boobs. I could have basked in her body for the remainder of the day but my body required food. And I couldn’t wait to try on some of my new things.

It would have been nice to have my new clothing in Katie’s bedroom but her closet was full. I took the things I was going to wear and joined her. I liked the fact that we dressed together. She could tell me if I looked okay. I chose the white draw stringed pants again with a peach colored tank top. Katie told me that black pumps go with just about everything. My donned my new nude thigh highs along with a new panty and I was set.

We were going sort of informal tonight. My cosmetics were in Katie’s bathroom but this time she made me work with my new brushes and color palettes. She did one eye and I did the other. We worked step by step. It was important that I learned and this was the best way. But when it came to the cat’s eye liner, I let her go all the way.

The assortment of lip stains Katie got for me was totally awesome. Just about every color stood out against my very pasty pale complexion. I loved the dark wine colors; the ones with a more blue in them? And Katie showed me how to use a second lighter color to highlight my lips even more. She patiently brushed out my hair after putting some gel in it.

Katie was very generous with her things and she let my wear a real gold pendant with several fine stones in it as a necklace. Tonight I would be getting my ears pierced and Katie grabbed a few pairs of studs for me to wear whilst the piercings healed. Though my fingers were long and slender, and Katie’s were shorter and stouter, she found a ring I could wear on my little finger and thumb.

We both preened in front of her full-length mirror, making fine adjustments to how our clothes draped us and how our hair looked. We finally smiled at one another with a look of satisfaction, grabbed our purses with the bare essentials, an evening wrap in the event the breeze picking up, and we were out the door.

We drove to Las Olas Boulevard. It was filled with people; mostly tourists and the ‘happy hour’ crowd. I’d rarely ever been there during the week. The gaily-lighted street, with its variety of boutique type of shops nestled between the variety of restaurants, and the people on it, made for a great street show. My arm was entwined with Katie’s and I let her lead the way.

Katie took me to a restaurant on a corner that was fairly well known. The food was supposedly good and the interior dimly lit for those ‘special after work rendezvous’ occasions. As I gazed around Katie gave our order to the waiter who she seemed to know her…of course.

“I thought we’d get a few appetizers and split a main course.” She grinned, staring deeply into my eyes.

“Great…” I smiled back affectionately. “Perfect…”

“I also got us glasses of wine. It goes well with the ‘happy pills’.” She giggled.

I’d almost forgotten about that. I still felt…elevated and happy? It was very rare when I went two days without thinking about cutting. But my adventures with Katie, so far, put those dark thoughts far away. I couldn’t believe I got so emotionally naked with her and she just took it all in stride. I also couldn’t believe how quickly my time with her flew past. Being with her was basking in her warm.

“Katie…!” I said emphatically in a whisper as I leaned in toward her. “Those two guys at the bar are staring at us.”

“Of course they are sweet heart.” Katie snickered. “We look so hot and they look so not. They may be cute and they may be wearing nice suits but…” Our waiter came with the wine. The moment he left Katie leaned in again. “They aren’t all that. They’re the worker bees and they couldn’t afford five minutes with me.”

“Yeah but…”

“There are no yeah buts baby doll. Life is a bitch and if you’re going to get fucked…you better get paid…and well. Or what’s the point?”

I still didn’t quite get it and Katie could see that. She took a sip of her wine.

“We both got served wine and neither one of us are old enough…right?” She whispered and grinned.

“Yeah…” I nodded. “But what does that have to do with anything?”

“Our server got a twenty before we even sat down. And then I’ll tip him another twenty five percent when the tab comes. The next time I come in and he sees me…I could ask for his first born and he’ll deliver. Get it? Money makes the world go round.” Katie’s eyes flashed.

“Yeah…” I grinned and nodded.

“What we did…what we had this afternoon…that was something special. That was between you and me and there were no time limits; no wife or girlfriend to go home to. There were no secrets for us to guard. It was pure. Now look at them.”

I snuck a glance at them. They were talking and stealing glimpses at us.

“They think they can buy us a drink or three, take us somewhere…not to their apartments of course…and fuck us. Then it’s buh-bye Felicia.” Katie sounded angry. “Or maybe they want your number but don’t call them at the office or at home. They’re all fucking pigs.”

“Katie…” I gazed into her eyes as I reached across the table to take her hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you upset or anything.”

“It’s not you baby doll. But let me prove my point. Watch what happens next.”

Katie took my hand and first kissed it and then sucked two of my fingers into her mouth. I was totally gob smacked. I never expected that kind of PDA. I glanced over quickly at the two guys and they scowled and turned away.

“You see what I mean? There’s nothing in it for them so they’re moving on.” She said softly. “So… Buh-bye Felicia to them…” She smiled luridly. “And by the way…you taste amazing.” She giggled as I smiled coyly and blushed.

“Well… What do you look for? I mean… How do you know?” Clue…less…!

“It’s simply really.” Katie sat back as the first of our appetizers arrived. “There’s this really old song called ‘Sharp Dressed Man’. Ever hear it?”

I had to admit I never heard of the song.

“Well… In it there’s a great description of the right type. It goes something like…new shoes, clean shirt, silk suit, black tie, gold watch, diamond ring, cuff links and a stick pin. That’s the description of a guy who has his shit together and is more than likely to pay for an evening…that is if he doesn’t need to see you in the morning.” Katie grinned.

I tried to conjure up an image of such a man but it was beyond my scope of vision.

“A little grey at the temples and a wedding band is an excellent indicator as well. Married men tell no tales.” She chuckled.

Katie speared a stuffed shrimp and, after cutting it in half, ate the piece. I was so busy trying to absorb this very important sounding lesson that I sat entranced. She noticed and placed a shrimp on my plate anyway.

“Of course there’s the opposite as well. He’s older and wears boating shoes. You usually find him dressed in a long sleeved cotton boating type of shirt and shorts. His tan is amazingly deep from the ocean and he wears a stupid old captain’s hat or something similar. But the watch on his wrist is a gold Rolex and his teeth are brighter than stars.” She laughed. “I already have one of those…my sugar daddy…and agent.”

Finally the aroma of the food overtook me and I ate the stuffed shrimp. I placed another on my plate and stared at it for the longest moment. This didn’t escape Katie’s notice.

“What sweetness…?” She asked between bites.

“Well…” I gazed up at her. “He’s like…old?”

“Yes baby doll… He is kind of old.”

“But isn’t it kind of like…” The very thought of doing anything with an old guy kind of weirded me out. “…doing your grandfather or something?”

“Look…” Katie put down her knife and fork and looked at me. “I heard one of those types of guys put it this way…all women were after his money…and he had a ton of it. So…he said he might as well buy what ever he wants.”

She began eating again and I did as well. What Katie said kept spinning around in my mind. It made perfect sense. So what if some old guy wanted to enjoy the rest of his life and go to bed with a young hottie without having any complications like a wife or even a live in mistress. I mean guys get sued by their ‘live in’ girlfriends all the time. And divorce is almost a forgone conclusion so what other choices does he have?

“Yeah…” I looked up at Katie. “It makes perfect sense.”

“Really…” Katie giggled. “And I don’t even have to fuck him. All he wants is for me to face sit him and whack him off or blow him. If he has something really special for me I might fuck him. He does have a nice sized cock. Better living through chemistry I guess.” She laughed. “And he is kind of good looking in an old guy kind of way.”

The waiter came again with our main course. I had no idea what it was but it did smell ever so inviting. Katie’s eyes lit up as she surveyed the plate with whatever on it. She stabbed a piece and popped it directly into her mouth. Her eyes closed as she slowly chewed…whatever…and a smile crossed her lips. Finally her eyes opened and a broad grin appeared.

“This…” She pointed to…whatever. “…is an monster orgasm for the mouth!” She chuckled. “Go ahead sweetness. Try a piece.”

I speared a piece and popped it into my mouth. It was slightly slimy and a little chewy…but not much. And it did taste totally amazing. Whatever is was came in an awesome garlic and olive oil sauce. There were other spices added but I didn’t know which.

“Wow… This is really good. What is it?” I grinned.

“It’s grilled octopus.”

“Wait… WHAT…!” I must have paled.

“Listen Bae… If you need to hurl…do it anywhere but on the ‘pus’. I love this stuff.” She chuckled as she took another piece.

I stared at Katie and then back down at the plate. I had to admit the stuff did taste pretty dope. I speared another piece and put it upon my plate. After careful examination I actually found a few of the sucker thingies.

“Oh my God…!”

I sat back still staring at the piece of ‘pus’ as she called it. Katie laughed thinking my reaction was hysterically amusing. Wait…! Did she actually call me Bae? Hmmm… That’s seriously serious. I peeled back the slimy stuff that the sucker thingies were attached to and ate the rest.

We ate our meal and split a slice of Key lime pie with coffee. As we sat and spoke of nothing in particular, I suddenly felt so…adult…yet again? I was dressed nicely and having dinner in a really nice restaurant complete with a glass of wine.

It was like I was watching a movie of myself having dinner with this really well dressed and amazing hottie. I felt so amazing myself; so calm, so cool and so comfortable as if this was where I belonged. And I was doing what I was meant to do.

Finally the meal came to an end. The waiter brought the check and Katie, without even looking at it, slapped down her credit card. A realization suddenly struck me like an SUV going full speed.

“Hey Katie…?”

“What Bae…?” She smiled.

“We need to eat at the diner next time.”

“Why…?” She stared at me with incredulity.

“Because you’ve been treating me to all this really great stuff that I could never pay for. The diner is the only place cheap enough for me to at least buy you a meal.” I gazed down at my fingers. I felt so totally embarrassed.

“Oh baby doll…” Her smile was so…so maternal? “You never have to worry about that with me. If you weren’t here tonight…I would be eating delivered Thai food at home. I feel so very alive with you.” She reached across the table and took my hand in both of hers. “I know you’re not really into vagina but this afternoon you made me feel…electric. I need you in my life.”

She kissed my hand again; this time with passion…if that’s even possible.

“Yeah but…”

“There are no ‘yeah buts’. I’m not trying to buy your friendship sweet heart. I’m just doing stuff that I enjoy and I think you would enjoy as well. That’s all…”

Katie kissed my hand again. I swear I could see tears welling up in her beautiful eyes. I didn’t know how to react or what to say to her. I couldn’t believe my life had miraculously changed so much overnight. It certainly had changed from just two days ago. I had nobody and now I truly had somebody in my life that really cared…about me.

The server came back with Katie’s card. She pulled several twenty dollar bills out of her wallet and handed them to the waiter. She smiled and winked and he did the same. I was to learn that Katie always tipped in cash and was always extravagant if she got what she wanted.

We walked out with Katie directly behind me; a hand on each of my shoulders. As we walked past the bar, one of the two guys that were eyeing us said something just loud enough for us, and others sitting at the bar, to hear.

“Lesbo bitches…”

Katie stopped as I took another step or two. She turned toward him and spoke in a voice that could be heard throughout the dining room.

“Well I may be a lesbo bitch but I get fresh pussy every night whilst you end up holding your boyfriend’s hand!” Katie was livid.

She then turned and we both walked out as the bartender broke into laughter along with several other patrons. When we got outside she stopped and took a deep breath. Then Katie began to giggle.

“I love stepping on ants.” She grinned. “And they deserved it. They think that simply by being male they can fuck any bitch they want at any time they want.”

She was still angry and I felt bad for her. We just had a wonderful meal and enjoyed ourselves and a couple of stupid words messed that up. Unfortunately she was right though. I thought back to when I was being…well…used? He did think he had the right to do as he wished with me. Now I was angry as well!

“Assholes…” I muttered.

“Oh my God…! Baby doll…!” Katie grinned. “You’re getting the idea. Just imagine what they would’ve done to you if they cornered you in some dark alley or something. They either would have killed you or fucked your ass raw and then killed you. A hole is a hole is a hole as far as they’re concerned and your boy junk wouldn’t have mattered one bit.”

“Yeah…” I said sadly.

She was probably right; especially with the way I was dressed…and looked. I hooked her arm with mine. My other hand wrapped around her upper arm as though Katie would cape me from all the evil in the world. We strolled along the avenue gazing into the various windows until we came to a tattoo parlor. She gazed in the window for a minute whilst I looked at her and smiled.

“This is the place baby doll.” Katie smiled at me. “They come highly recommended.”

“But…” I was a stunned! “I’m not getting a tattoo.”

“Relax baby girl… They do amazing piercings.”

Taking my hand, Katie pulled me in with her. She was met by a Goth woman whose body was covered in tattoos as well as a multitude of piercings. I stood off to the side taking in her…body art…and the entire scene. It actually looked kind of like a salon except for all the tattoo pictures on the walls. Katie spoke to her for a while and then came to where I was frozen in place.

“Okay baby doll… She’ll do the piercings and I’ll sign for you. You need to be over eighteen to have anything done to your body.”

The woman was really cool and very professional. She took careful measurements on each ear and marked the spot with precision. Then she sprayed some really cold crap on my ear lobes. I heard two clicks for each ear and assumed the hole was made and the stud was inserted. I felt almost nothing! I was so excited when I got up but I wasn’t quite prepared for what I saw.

“Oh my God…! I’ve got two piercings in each ear lobe.” I turned toward Katie in total shock. “What am I going to do? My mom is going to kill me…us!” I felt tears coming.

“Relax honey bunny… Look in the mirror.” Katie smiled that maternal smile of hers.

Doing as Katie asked, I gazed in shock. I was so frightened of what my mom would say when she saw them. And what about school…? If I was in the shade before, there really wouldn’t ever be an end to it now. Katie must have known my thoughts. She retrieved the folding brush from her bag and styled my hair so that it hung down over both my ears. I began to silently cry.

“See baby doll…? All gone...” She giggled.

“But…” I gazed at her through tear-clouded eyes. “What about school?” I turned back to the image in the mirror. Now my eye shadow was ruined. “Oh God… Now I really look…awful.”

“Don’t worry about it sweet heart…” Katie combed my hair back the way it was. “Trust me… I’ll take care of everything. I’ll even help you keep your piercings clean till they heal. And when they do…maybe even sooner…you can wear these.”

Katie took my hand, turned it palm up, and dropped the two pairs of earrings. They were the very ones she took from her drawer.

“The stones in them are real. You’ll be the only kid in school with diamond studs.” She laughed.

I managed to calm down enough so that we could continue our evening together. After cleaning up the ruined eye shadow, I gazed at my earlobes and sort of smiled. Maybe they should have always been there? As we walked back toward the valet, I would stop every so often to gaze at myself in the mirror. This didn’t escape Katie’s attention.

“Just image yourself with dropped earrings; two different complimentary sets. Image earrings with beads or feathers or even solid gold winged ones. The possibilities are endless. Hoops, loops, scoops and doops… The variety never ends.”

I thought about what Katie was saying. She was right. And as I gazed at my reflection in the windows, I could envision the many possibilities. Then I thought about that long maroon dress accented by the gold heels and matching maroon glass or gold beaded drop earrings.

“Come on baby doll…” Katie grabbed my arm. “Stop drooling over yourself.” She laughed.

“I was only thinking of that dress with earrings that matched the color of the gold pumps…sort of…”

“We could go clubbing then.” Katie giggled. “But we’d really need to do something about your lack of tits. That dress just hangs in the bodice and it should really drape you. But don’t you worry baby girl. Your big sister Katie will take care of everything.”

Katie did all the talking as she drove. I was silent all the way back to her apartment. Again I held her arm and got as close to her as I could. She spoke about the future…our future…and all the fun we would have.

By the time we were in her apartment, and smoking some more, I was ready to dive right into the club scene she so enticingly described. Unfortunately our time together was drawing rapidly to a close. We had enough time for me to change into my other clothes, remove remaining makeup, and get to the car.

Arriving at my house a few minutes late didn’t make a difference to my mom. It was a coin toss to decide which of us was the more toasted; mom, Katie, or me? Mom was on the couch in the family room with a half empty bottle of wine and a totally empty glass. She slurred her words when asking if I got my ears pierced.

Closing my eyes I simply said ‘yes’. There was no way I was going to show her the double piercings whilst she was…relaxing? Katie giggled of course and tried not to appear half as guilty as I felt. Without batting so much as an eye lash she asked mom if I could stay over that coming weekend. I kind of gawked at Katie but she winked and smiled wickedly.

“Well…” Mom gazed at me and then back at Katie. “If your mom and dad don’t mind it would be fine with me.” She poured another glass of wine and took a sip. “I suppose I should call them and introduce myself?” Mom said in a rather drab tone of voice.

“Oh they’re divorced and my dad is out for the evening anyway.” Katie grinned. “But I could have mom call you tomorrow before nine in the evening.”

“Yes… I think that would be nice.” Mom took another sip from her refilled glass.

“Well…” Katie smiled sadly. “I got to get going. Come on Bae…”

She called me Bae again! Seriously…? Truly…? I walked on air as I followed Katie out to her car.

“Who are you going to get to call?” Panic struck as I hugged her arm.

“Don’t worry baby doll…” She snickered. “I’ll get Caulder to do it.” Katie draped her arms around my neck. “She owes me big time and…well…anything for my baby sister.”

“You’re terrible.” I giggled.

Katie moved her body up to mine. She hugged me close to her. I could feel her boobs pressing into me. Craning her neck she kissed me and I couldn’t help but respond. She licked my ear lobe and, in spite of it being a little achy, I felt that weird electric charge run through me. I could feel the tiny hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand straight up!

When we were finally able to release one another, and Katie drove off, I felt my heart drop in my chest and it ached. I so badly wanted her to stay longer. I wanted to be with her longer. I so desperately wanted to sleep with her again. But for real this time…like…all night long. I so very much wanted to awaken beside her and gaze at her flawless sleeping face.

Finally going back inside, I shouted a ‘good night’ to my mom. When there was no response I figured she fell asleep on the couch…again. Once back in my room I quickly shed my clothes and hopped into bed. But I didn’t…I couldn’t fall asleep. All I could think of was my Katie and our adventures of the day.

The next day in school I was surprised to find Katie absent. I texted her several times but didn’t receive an answer. I couldn’t concentrate in any of my morning classes. It wasn’t until almost noon that I received a reply. Katie texted: “Ditch day 2…parking lot 12:05.” Like there was no way I wasn’t going to be there. It was the longest ten minutes ever! And sure enough she was there. When I spied her she smiled so…brightly?

“Shitski…! Did I have a wild and wooly morning!” Katie laughed. “First I had to go do Caulder to cover us. Then I did a little shopping and I seriously can’t wait to show you what I bought for you.”

“For me…?” I asked whilst getting into her car.

“Well…? Yeah...! Like…who else?” Katie rolled her eyes and grinned. “If we’re going out clubbing on Saturday night you’ll need a few little details corrected.” She snickered.

“Clubbing…?” Oh my God…! “I can’t go clubbing. I’m not old enough to get into a club.” I felt the blood drain from my face.

“Not to worry sweetness…” Katie snickered wickedly. “I’m getting solid ID that’ll pass you for twenty-one…if you’re even asked.”

We raced out of the parking lot and were on the highway in a flash. Katie was really pushing the speed limit as if she’d die before she could give me whatever new gift she bought me.

“How are you doing all of this? I mean seriously…? An ID…?”

I was amazed at Katie’s almost supernatural powers to produce…stuff…legal looking stuff like her own ID and license.

“Listen baby doll… When you have an agent like mine…feces definitely occurs.” Katie flashed me an evil smile as we turned onto the ocean drive. “And Caulder will do whatever I tell her to.”

“I don’t get it. I mean… How can you get away with that? I mean with Caulder…?”

“Oh…” Katie rolled her eyes upward and grinned. “Maybe it’s the viddies of us I have.” Katie snickered. “Or maybe it’s that special one of me topping her with the biggest fucking strap-on ever!” Katie quickly turned toward me. “She likes to take it up the ass you know.” She giggled.

“Oh my God Katie…?” I was totally grokked! “You don’t have one of us…do you?”

“Oh no baby doll…” We turned into her driveway and entered the garage. “I would never do that to us…” She looked at me seriously. “…to you… I just would never do that…or anything like that to you.” She pulled into her space and turned off the motor. “You’re way too important to me. You’re too important for me to fuck us up like that.”

Katie unfastened her seat belt and leaned in toward me. She unfastened mine and pulled me into her arms. I hugged her and wallowed in that amazing feeling of being…wanted? I felt totally compelled to begin what was rapidly becoming our daily ritual. I could then express myself in a much…truer fashion?

Katie took my face in her hands and stared deeply into my eyes. I could read a thousand million thoughts in them and every one of them was about me…about us. She kissed me deeply and her tongue tickled the roof of my mouth. I continued to hold her and simply let her take me to that dreamy place of…‘us’. Our lips finally parted. And I was out of breath…yet again.

“Well that was nice.” Katie lilted.

“Can we go upstairs…now?” I whined. “I want to change…into my things.” ‘My things’…?

“Yes my baby doll.” Katie chuckled as she gathered her things and opened her door. “I have a few things in back. Grab them for me sweet heart?”

I took hold of the handles on the bags and got out when Katie opened my door.

“What’d you buy?” I giggled.

“Oh…” Katie’s eyes rolled upward in feigned thought. “Just a pair of tits for you...” She burst into laughter from my expression of shock…and awe? “We need to have you looking perfect for Saturday night. And…” She held her index finger in the air for emphasis. “I do so want you to look perfect.”

“When we get upstairs…can we smoke a little first?” I asked tentatively.

“Of course sweet heart…” Katie smiled warmly as the elevator doors opened.

Ritual…THE ritual was to become a major part of our lives. And it always, always, began with hitting the glass pipe. The ‘old’ and ‘fake’ day would simply melt away and the ‘new’ and ‘real’ one would begin. Then after snacking a bit and after taking whatever the little pill that Katie called a ‘bar’ was, we would shed our clothes, if they were not already off, and begin to cleanse ourselves in the bathroom.

This particular time was the first time Katie would also clean herself out. She showed me how to prepare the solution and how to set up the bags. She showed me where she kept the movable stand and where the nozzles were.

Katie then chose the same nozzle we used yesterday for me. However, the one she chose for herself was quite different. It was way larger and weirder looking. It had a small hose coming out next to a larger one.

“What is that?” I said with a wide-eyed stare of disbelief.

“Well honey…” Katie smiled and giggled. “This is an expandable enema butt plug.”

“Wait…! What…?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“This is all so new to you sweet heart.” Katie snickered. “You can’t hold the enema as long as I can. With this…” She gave the attached bulb several squeezes causing it to grow considerably. “I can hold it in much longer so you can dump out whilst I wait.” Katie smiled lewdly.

Well for sure I was all for that. When I had to go…I had to go! I reached out wanting to hold Katie’s thing. I mean her butt plug.

“However do you fit this thing inside your butt?” I continued to stare at its girth and length.

“It’s really not so bad. In fact I kind of like it.” She snickered. “Sometimes…when that itch occurs…I shove it in and simply walk around with it inside me. It’s kind of a turn on? And if I do a small olive oil hosing I can retain it for hours.” She reached into a basket in the linen closet and pulled out a second smaller one. “This is for you…when you’re ready.”

My hand shot to my mouth and I stared in amazement at this new one. Katie handed it to me and, taking it, I gave the bulb at the end of the short hose a few squeezes. My eyes became almost as big as the butt plug and of course Katie giggled at my expression. After returning my future plug to the basket, she then picked up her tube of special goo and swabbed some on her plug. Then she handed the tube to me and I applied some to my way thinner nozzle.

Katie place one leg up on the tub’s rim and seemed to insert the huge device easily. She gave the bulb five or six squeezes and grinned luridly. Then she attached a small hose with a clamp to the end of the plug and the bag’s hose to the smaller one. It seemed to be an odd combination of hose fittings.

After getting down upon the thick bath rug I gingerly inserted my nozzle. I could only imagine how big that butt plug must have been after Katie serviced hers. Mine felt extremely large and…dare I say it…sort of yummy? Katie then rolled atop me on her hands and knees. We were now head to crotch and I instinctively knew what she had in mind.

Katie rose up and opened both clamps. Just the very sound of the clicks was exciting. As the very warm liquid began to enter me Katie squatted even lower and opened her mouth to engulf my wee boy bits in their entirety. I closed my eyes and moaned. Once again I was rocketed into heaven on earth as the warmth quickly spread throughout my tummy.

I was never sure what I found the most exciting. Was it the smoke and pills? Was it the exotic liquids filling me? Was it the feel of Katie extremely talented tongue? Was it the feel of her soft smooth butt or the way she tasted and oozed her natural scent…or the aroma of her perfume? Was it the feel of her body atop mine; touching but only enough to be felt? Or was it all these sensations occurring at once?

Feeling like a baby I tried to crawl back into Katie’s womb as she dampened my face with her copiously flowing fluids. I would be warm and safe within her…deep within her fertile being. And she would nourish me and protect me. Even as she tried to suck my soul out threw my dick, I felt as if it merge with her own. Was this cannibalism at its finest? Were we devouring one another’s bodies…or was it one another’s souls that we fed upon.

I could have stayed just as we were…forever. I never wanted the feeling of ecstasy to ever end. But it did all too soon. I knew that Katie had gotten off several times; each time accompanied by a flow of her…copious (that’s another exam word) natural fluids? I stuck my tongue as far into her vagina as I could. It was yet another part pitifully far shorter than I would have wished…as if I truly wanted a bigger dick anyway. Then my lips and my nose and every other part of me that could be rubbed against her wetness bore her scent.

And each attempt would elicit (that’s an SAT exam word) an intense trembling of her entire body. Katie would hiss ‘yes’ or ‘right there’ and, with her hands upon my head, she guided me to where she wanted my…attention? I could have continued for eternity. She was my food and, just as any good mother would do, she fed me copiously. And I, her newborn baby, clung to her for dear life lest I fall off the edge and into that dark, warm, and moist abyss to never be seen again.

Finally my Katie tired and, in a hoarse voice, breathily bade me stop. Her body was resting upon my own and I could feel the dampness of her skin. I wallowed in the sopping fluids between her legs, her quite damp thighs still clamped tightly around my head. I hoped it would never end but a sudden and quite sharp cramp brought me back to reality. Katie must have felt the spasm.

“Oh my God… My poor baby…” She crooned as she lifted her body from mine. “You did very well my sweet baby doll.” Katie giggled. “Too well… I’m going to need to find a way to keep you here…with me…like…forever.”

Katie got completely off me and turned till our faces were no more than a few inches apart. She smiled down at me with this amazing maternal expression. Her gorgeous pale green eyes were sparkling with joy.

“I do adore my scent on your face.”

Katie giggled and then kissed me. Our tongues and lips wrestled and I put everything, all my feelings, all my being, all my soul into that kiss. When our lips finally parted, Katie gazed at me in a manner I’d never seen before…on anybody. Was it a mix of desire, need, lust or…dare I say it…love? But she didn’t say a word. She simply smiled. All this dissolved into the dust of my memory when another intense cramp struck. I nearly let loose the torrent surging and churning within me.

“Katie…!” She saw the panic in my eyes.

“Come on baby doll…”

Katie got up and offered both her hands. She gently led me to the toilette where the torrent could finally flood out. This time the odor was heavenly. The strong scent of the herb and spice mix Katie infused the fluid with quickly filled the bathroom. She knelt down beside me and rubbed my tummy as I let loose. I should have felt embarrassed but I didn’t. I felt as if she belonged there, alongside me.

“God…! This feels so amazing.” I spoke trying to catch my breath. “Don’ you need to go?”

“I’m fine baby doll… I have the plug in and it’s not really that much…for me.” Katie snickered. “Just call me Katie the plug.”

“Not that much…?” I couldn’t believe it.

“Not at all sweetness… I take a lot more when I’m…” Katie grinned luridly as she searched for the right word. “When I’ve got that…itch…? But I’m totally enjoying this. I hope you are?”

Katie looked at me with concern. I certainly can’t say I didn’t enjoy what we were doing. I def couldn’t imagine what she might be into if this was only ‘not that much’. But I was learning that nothing about Katie would be surprising.

After emptying herself, and we both did a smaller ‘extra’ just to be sure we were clean, we showered together and went to rest on her bed. She spooned up behind me and one arm hugged me whilst her other hand cupped and caressed my boy bits.

“This is so wonderful…so nice.” I whispered as my eyes closed.

“Yeah… This is perfect…totally perfect.” She whispered in response.

We slept with our arms and legs intertwined for about an hour. The cleansing…or should I say our ritual...both inside and out, always seemed to relax me enough to fall asleep without an issue. Normally I was a terrible sleeper. Falling asleep always took me a long time and my sleep was often interrupted by the most horrid dreams of falling into a bottomless black pit. But with Katie next to me napping was always cozy, relaxed, refreshing and calming.

When we awoke the next ritual of readying ourselves began. Katie allowed me to attempt my own look. She instructed which brush I should use and for what effect. When it came to the very difficult task of doing my eyeliner, Katie took over. She went slowly and explained the how and why of what she was doing.

“You have amazing eyes and your complexion is awesome.” Katie said as she worked on her own look. “You can go with any color combo. Earth tones look amazing on you and the cool colors really bring out the vixen in you; especially the metallic berry colors.”

Gazing at my reflection as she spoke and imagined how I’d look with diff color schemes.

“Can we just play with colors one day?” I kind of whined. “I mean I’m kind of drawn to the same colors and I’d like to try stuff that’s more…” I couldn’t explain myself.

“That’s different…daring…maybe even whorish…? Of course we can.” Katie laughed. “We can do it this weekend.” She gazed from her mirrored image to mine. “When you stay over on Friday night we can play with colors and different looks. You’ll look totally awesome at the club on Saturday night.”

‘Club’…? ‘Club’…! What club…? I’d need a really big overnight bag. But I had so very little to put in it. Truly I had nothing at home that would fit in with the ‘new’ me.

“I know this one club in Wilton Manors that you’ll simply love.” Katie smiled. “The floor show is amazing and I’m sure you’ll get to dance with guys…and girls…and those in between.” She gazed directly at me and smiled. “Like yourself…?”

Like me…? Hmmm… I supposed she was right. Maybe I am somewhere in between. I really didn’t feel like one gender or the other. But I must admit the other seemed to suit me better; at least cosmetically…superficially. I enjoyed the feel of the clothing and my new image in the mirror…well…it sort of matched a very vague sort of image in my mind.

“Let’s do your hair and then we can move on to your surprise.” Katie snickered.

Both she and I worked quickly on my hair. Katie sprayed the final arrangement and we left the bathroom to get dressed. I went to ‘my closet’, as I thought of it, and removed the maroon dress. I was a wee bit frightened of wearing it to a club…in public no less.

After grabbing a fresh panty, a pair of thigh highs from a chest of drawers, the maroon heels, and the dress, I rejoined Katie. I placed the dress, still on its hanger, upon her bed and donned the panty, the thigh highs and the heels. Suddenly I noticed the fancy shopping bags that had been hidden out of sight.

“Here baby doll…” Katie spoke as she reached into the bag. “Try this on for size.”

She handed me a bra. I stared at it for the longest moment wondering what I was to do with it. Whilst still in my hands Katie took off a tag that hung from one end.

“This is how to put it on sweetness.”

Katie took both ends from me and, after encircling my middle, fastened the two hooks. She then turned it around and pulled it up. I put my arms through the straps and Katie settled the garment properly. But I was saddened by the fact that small as the cups were, I had nothing to fill them with.

Katie then produced a box from the other bag. She opened it and exhibited what it contained. There were two perfectly formed prosthetic boobs complete with ‘pokey’ nipples. The forms appeared to be so large but in reality they were quite small; especially in view of Katie’s more than ample endowment.

“These are thirty four ‘B’s. I think for your height and frame these should be perfect. I also got a pair in a ‘C’ cup just in the event…”

Katie left the thought unfinished but I understood. She pulled the stretchy bra cup material away from my chest and slipped the first boob, and then the other, in place. She tweaked my nipples first so when the coolness of the silicon touched them they tingled even more. I was surprised by the weight and the fact that they seemed to move with me.

“Yeah…” Katie grinned. “I think these will do it. Now let’s get that dress on you and check it out.”

Katie helped me slip the dress over my head and, once my arms were in the proper openings, she pulled it down to fall mid-calf. I knew without even looking that this was the manner the dress should be worn; that is…with me boobed? I went and gazed at my image in the mirror only to have my thought confirmed. I truly looked amazing. The dress clung properly now that I had something to fill out the bodice.

“You look amazing in that dress.” Katie’s excitement only increased my own. “We definitely need to get you on the ‘mones. You really need to have the real things sweet heart.”

Barely hearing her as I turned to my left and then right. From every angle the dress looked so perfect…so totally natural on me. It was made just for me. ‘Or was I truly made for the dress’ I thought and smiled at my image. Twirling around several times, I pouted coyly and even blew a puckered kiss into the mirror. Katie simply watched and chuckled.

“It’s like watching you discover yourself.” She chuckled. “I feel like…” Katie turned her head away for a moment. “I feel like a mother giving birth to her baby girl. I feel like your mother.” She stared directly at me, her mouth slightly agape in a grin.

But I barely heard a word she said. I was so totally captivated by the way I looked and the way looking as I did made me feel. Katie continued to dress. I barely noticed her nudity. Her being naked seemed quite natural now. And even though this was only our second day together, I felt whatever we did was my new normal. And I was loving every second of it.

Finally Katie joined me in front of the mirror. She looked amazing with a white linen blouse that exposed just the right amount of her bounteous boobage. Her black linen pencil skirt was a definite anatomical invitation for procreation. With her long tresses pulled into a rather severe looking bun, and her dark brown, gold flecked eye shadow and ox blood red mouth, she looked almost like a vision of a jaded school mistress.

“You look…amazing.” I smiled. “It almost looks like a costume.”

“Oh… But it is sweet heart.” Katie snickered. “We’re going to troll for men of means with a shoe or foot fetish; especially once I put these on.”

Katie showed me the highest most amazing pair of black patent leather pumps ever.

“If I had a fresh pedicure I’d wear the open toe pair.” She giggled. “These pumps are so totally sick. And when that deep red on my toes can be seen, those prevs simply melt onto the floor and beg to simply sniff them.” Katie wrinkled her nose. “Weird right...? But hey…who am I to say?” She laughed. “After all, I’m doing the trolling. And it is a living.”

As she slipped her feet into the shoes, I gawked at the image of her on those five inch heels. I had no idea of how anyone could walk in them. Katie’s eyes glowed even brighter than mine. She had to know my thoughts.

“This is totally the shit!” She declared with a seriously evil grin.

“Huh…?” Clueless…again…

“You know…hot…the bomb, nuclear of course…” Katie chuckled. “…majorly cute…and…lest we forget…sensual and ever so slightly whorish? In other words…we are…” She gazed at both our reflections in the mirror. “…hot as fuck!!!”

What could I say? I totally agreed with her even if the ‘me’ I saw reflected wouldn’t be the ‘me’ Katie would drive home tomorrow. I already began to hate the very thought of going home; having to come down off my incredible floating bubble composed of all that is feminine about me. I hated having to face myself in the mirror and not seeing the ‘me’ who was really there.

We got into Katie’s car and headed for the Capital Grille. Katie said that between five and seven the business and the ‘early bird’ crowd begins to come in for dinner. Their ridiculously high pricing certainly underscored a customer of means? Just a few appetizers and a glass or two of wine was like mucho dinero and certainly beyond my ‘lunch money’ allowance.

But Katie didn’t care. She walked in, her hand in mine, like she owned the place. Of course the maître-de certainly didn’t say or act otherwise. After taking Katie’s hand delicately and briefly, he led us to a window table and held our chairs out as we sat. Katie began to lean toward me just as our waiter arrived. I was so very busy taking in our surroundings I didn’t even hear what she ordered.

“Hey… Cutie pie…” Katie leaned toward me again. “There are only a few guys here but watch carefully what happens when I play with my shoe.” Katie suddenly turned a bit sideways in her chair. “Watch this…” She grinned wickedly.

Katie crossed her leg over her knee and had one foot extended; the high heeled pump dangling off her toes. Then she bent and began to massage her heel. I was mesmerized by her movements and how each one seemed to be so fluidly choreographed.

“Is anyone watching?”

Katie didn’t look up as she swung her foot up and down, the shoe balanced precariously with her toes. I suddenly remember my mission and coyly surveyed the room. Certainly the few men and women there noticed Katie and me. There was this one old guy who couldn’t take his eyes off of her…or her foot dangling the shoe I should say.

“Yeah…” I whispered. “There’s this one old guy on the other side just behind you. I think that his tongue is going to fall out.” I giggled.

“Good… Is he wearing a gold ring on his left hand?” Katie smiled ever so coyly with her eyes cast downward.

“No…? No…? I think he actually just took it off.” I snickered as I watched him put something into his sports coat pocket.

“Excellent…” Katie looked directly at me. “Now if he calls the waiter over, and if he sends us a bottle of champagne, then he probably knows I’m a pro and the waiter gets an extra-large tip.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Katie actually came to do business? My greatest fear was that this evening would be over way sooner than I wanted. My heart began to quickly sink as he signaled for the waiter without his eyes leaving Katie.

“What are they doing?” She asked anxiously.

“They’re talking. The waiter just looked this way.”

“Excellent…” Katie snickered. “Yet another fly falls into my web.”

I didn’t know whether I cared for the analogy. I mean… What did that make me? I didn’t fall. I dove into her web headfirst! And sure as bears poopie wherever they like, the waiter came up to our table with a bottle of champagne on ice with three tall slim glasses.

“The gentleman over at that table…” The waiter turned briefly and discreetly toward the man. “…asked if he may enjoy the champagne with you two ladies.”

Katie checked the guy out. The waiter held the bottle up just enough to show the label. When Katie turned her head and saw it, she turned back toward the man. She smiled demurely and nodded.

“Oh…” Katie chuckled as she spoke to our waiter. “Absolutely…!”

Though Katie seemed to speak only to the waiter, the old guy was at our table faster than I could even imagine. He was kind of hot…for an old guy? And he was totally tailored and manicured perfectly; not a single thinning gray hair on his head was out of place. He was casually dressed but impeccably styled.

“Hi…” His voice was so deep and so amazing that it caused my entire body to tingle. “My name is John.” He held his hand out toward Katie.

“Well hello John…” Katie crooned as she took his hand and simply held it. “My name is Jane. Do you think we could be related?” Katie chuckled.

“How’s that…?” John gazed at Katie cautiously.

“Well…?” Katie smiled at him lewdly. God…was she never anything but overt! “We John and Jane Does do have a rather large family.”

“Peter…” He blushed and said with a chuckle.

“I’m Katie and this…” She waved toward me with a flourish of her hand. “…is Stevie.”

I nearly died. Now I was a player in this game…or was I simply going to be a pawn?

“Stevie…” Peter said questioningly.

“Yeah…” Katie stared directly into his eyes. “Her mom named her after some singer; Stefanie Lynn something…”

“Oh sure…” Peter grinned. “Stevie Nicks…” Peter gazed at me as he sat down. “She was rather famous…and still is to some extent. Do you sing?”

“No…” I whispered and blushed.

“So…” Peter spoke as he poured champagne into the three glasses. “Let’s toast to new friends.”

We did the toasting thingy. Peter then revealed that he was in town on business. He also spoke about what he did for a living though I barely heard him. My mind was on how Katie was going to make love to him. Thankfully the food Katie ordered finally began to arrive. This entire thingy was making me a little nervous. I took a gulp of the wine just as Katie handed me a little something.

“Don’t forget your Motrin baby doll.”

Opening my hand to find another little weird shaped pill, I took it knowing that in short order my concerns would melt away…sort of.

“She’s on the tail end of that time of month?” Katie smiled at Peter.

“Well hopefully you’re not.” He chuckled. “Perhaps we can do a little something after Stevie’s returned to mom…or…” He turned at gazed at me and then back at Katie. “Perhaps she could join us?”

“Gee…” Katie frowned. “I’m afraid not. How long are you around for?”

“Well…” Peter stared at Katie’s foot again as she dangled her shoe on her toes again. “I’m leaving Saturday in the early afternoon.” His voice trailed off.

“Well that’s perfect!” Katie squealed with delight. “How about meeting up around…? Oh…say around three thirty on Friday? I have nothing to do and I have the entire night into the morning.”

“That…” Peter took a sip and refilled Katie’s and my glass. “…sounds like a real winner to me.” He grinned.

“Give me your phone.” Katie grinned as she took it. “I’m putting my number in so we can plan where to meet up.” Katie handed the phone back. “Just text me…or call...”

She flashed a very demure smile, but her eyes were ablaze with the promise of most debasing and otherwise entertaining evening. Peter smiled quite…lewdly…back to Katie.

“By the way…” He got up from his chair. “This evening is on me. So please enjoy…”

He smiled, turned, and left. As we watched him go, I simply had to ask.

“Katie…!” I whispered discreetly. “What just happened? And what about our plans for Friday evening…?” I whined softly.

“I just made…” Katie rolled her sparkling eyes up and grinned. “I should get between three thousand and forty five hundred from that one.” She snickered. “Did you see how his eyes bugged when I did that shoe on toes thingy? That fish is hooked! And…” She reached across the table and took my hand. “I will make it up to you. I promise.”

“Wait...! What…?” I was shocked. “You’re going to…” I couldn’t say it so I turned beet red instead. “He’s going to pay you how much? And you’re going to sleep with him?”

“Well…” Katie grinned evilly. “I image I’ll be doing much more than just that. I bet he hasn’t gotten a blow job from the misses since she got that ring! Then I’m going to fuck his brains out.” Katie threw her head back and laughed.

“Katie… Please…!”

“You need to grow up sweet heart.” Katie reached over and took my hand in hers. “Why do you think I can get the kind of money I get?” Katie looked off for a moment. “Yeah…” Katie spoke in a whisper. “I think that’s right.” She turned back to me. “He’s probably in his mid-fifties and looking for his lost youth?”

“He’s so old.” I whined.

“Just listen and learn baby doll. His wife’s probably heavily crashing head first through the menopause barrier, if she hasn’t already crashed and burned. The very last thing on her mind is sucking him off or taking his cock in one of her other holes.” Katie made a sour face. “She’s probably into cosmetic procedure shit and spa days at Bloomies and how soon she can launch that first martini. And she could give a shit how she looks to him. It’s all a show for the rest of the world to see. I feel sorry for him.”

“Yeah… But all that money for just one night…?” I still was missing something.

“So what do you think he pays her every month?” Katie lost her smile.

“Well suppose she works?”

“If she worked, he wouldn’t have that kind of money for a pretty little thing like me.” She smiled and chuckled. “And believe me…if she’s rich…she’s paying him to keep away from her and she’s def looking for a cute young fuck boy with a massive cock and a twelve inch long tongue if anything.”

For the first time in a good length of time I thought about my father. Whoever he was and wherever he might be didn’t stop me from wondering what happened to make him leave my mom. Or am I simply the bi-product of a wild one-night hook-up? I stopped asking mom because she would never answer any of my questions anyway.

“What about your father?” I innocently asked.

Katie let go of my hand and sat up in her chair. She stared at me for the longest moment as if trying to decide whether or not to answer. Her expression softened as she gazed into my eyes sympathetically.

“Oh baby doll… The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. My mom’s a whore. Only these days she fucks for chump change.” Katie inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. “I asked about my ‘dear old daddy’ a few times but she always told me to mind my own business. Honestly…? I don’t even think she knew who it was. And to tell you the truth…I really don’t give a shit anymore. He’s just another ‘john’. Scumbags…all of them…!”

Now I felt badly because I killed the mood. My emotion must have shown on my face. When I reached out for Katie’s hand, she smiled and leaned toward me taking mine in hers instead.

“Don’t do that.” Katie giggled.

“Do what?”

“Don’t give me your look of utter despair as you think about my utter despair.” She laughed. “Anyway… It’ll make people think you have ‘resting bitch face’ or something.”

“Oh… But Katie…?” I whined and sighed.

“‘Oh but Katie…?’ my ass… Listen baby doll… We go with what we got and you just need to remember…everybody’s someone else’s whore so you might as well get paid well for it. That’s kind of like the problem you’re having? Look…”

Katie leaned even closer and our lips briefly…all too briefly…touched.

“What you and I do is for us alone. What I do with morons like Peter is save them years and thousands of dollars worth of therapy in one night.” Katie quickly licked my lips. Then she looked directly into my eyes. “I’ll blow him. And maybe I’ll even let him fuck my ass. After all…he is paying for a three input girl. I’ll fuck his brains out till he calls for his mama. And then I’ll leave probably never needing to see him again and lots of cash richer.”

I stared sadly at Katie. The harshness of her life suddenly struck me. What if I really was the only one for her? I mean it would probably have been way easier to ‘catch that fish’ if I wasn’t around. Maybe she could have gotten more than one night out of him? Why was I even thinking this way?

“You’re copping feelings…aren’t you?” Katie smiled gently. “Maybe you’re feeling a wee bit jealous?”

“Yeah…” I sighed. “Maybe I am?”

My heart skipped several beats. Katie was right…at least about me copping feelings about her. I was seriously…and with no doubt at all…bonded to Katie. But it still felt sort of precarious? I mean we really only just met and we’ve already been totally intimate…as sisters…and as lovers? Well maybe it felt a little incestuous. Katie was rapidly becoming the mom I never had and I was becoming her ‘baby doll’…or her ‘baby girl’?

“Listen…” Katie poured more champagne into our flutes. “I may be three input…but I’m all wash and wear…and permanent press!”

She laughed hysterically but I didn’t totally understand her humor…yet. We sipped from our glasses and picked at the remaining munchies. My hand still held Katie’s and I felt comfortable again. When we had enough Katie simply got up. She came around and held my chair out as I got up. Then she reaches into her bag and got out two one hundred dollar bills.

“For our waiter’s…good service…?” She laughed.

The waiter met us half way to the door and she put a few of the bills into his hand. Katie then exchanged a few words with him as they both smiling broadly. Then, our arms around one another’s waist, we walked toward the door where we were met by the maître de. She handed him a folded single hundred dollar bill.

“What was that about?” I asked wide-eyed.

“They’re on the payroll baby doll. They’re the only reason I can do business here. It’s only fair to share a little of the wealth. Anyway…how else do you think you and I can get shit faced on wine in public?” Katie giggled. “And my agent gets nothing.” She quickly added: “But I don’t do this very often at all. It’s not really as safe as the dates I get from him.”

It was hard to remember that Katie was only two plus years older than me and still not nearly old enough to legally drink. Indeed there was way more than simply drinking wine that was not appropriate. But I didn’t care. I was having the time of my life being in her company. So when the makeup finally came off for the evening and my clothing hung up, it was hard not to smile at yet another adventurous day with my Katie.

Later, after she’d brought me home, it began. It always started the same; an itch…that special itch that demanded to be scratched. Sure I would see Katie tomorrow and sure I would see her over the weekend. But her Friday night date with some random rich guy really bothered me. I stayed up quite a while unable to free myself from her web. But I didn’t scratch that itch with my scalpel either.

The following day I was physically and emotionally wiped. I really didn’t feel up to going to school but I had to see Katie. I texted her but got no response. What a quandary; to ditch or not to ditch? I knew Katie could pick me up if I did ditch. So ditch I did. Getting an excuse out of mom wouldn’t be an issue since I rarely ever missed school.

Waiting for Katie to reply to my text was maddening. She didn’t text back until ten. At least I was able to catch up on a few more hours of sleep. The night before was but a memory and an ever so slight headache. She would come by to fetch me at home so I wasted no time in quickly dressing. I knew that I would get the chance to shower at Katie’s as it neared the time to get ready for the evening’s entertainment.

When Katie arrived I was anxiously waiting by the front door, bag in hand. With a generous smile she got out and opened the passenger door motioning me into her car. I threw my bag in the back and hopped in trying to equal her good humor. She closed my door and got in ready to drive off.

“I was afraid you didn’t get my text.” I put my hand atop hers.

“I overslept…again.” Katie leaned over and kissed me. “I’m starving. Let’s get something to eat…’kay?”

“Yeah… That would be nice.”

“Sleep well baby doll?” Katie smiled.

“Well…” I giggled. “It could have been better.” I gazed at Katie, her amazing hair ablaze in the morning’s sun. “I missed my snuggly.” I snickered.

“Seriously…?” Katie’s mouth was agape. “You still do the snuggly thingy?”

“Well…? Yeah…! You’re my new snuggly.” I giggled and brought her hand to my mouth and I kissed it.

“Well…now that you put it that way…? I guess we have been napping together. And I do have to admit you’re great to sneak up behind. Sometimes…” Katie’s voice suddenly trailed off.

“Yeah…? Sometimes what…?” I grinned.

Katie looked at me and her smile disappeared.

“What Katie…? You know you can tell me anything.”

“Well…” She glanced at me briefly. “It’s just that sometimes I wish you had a pussy instead.”

She quickly looked at me to judge my reaction. I was quite surprised…and stunned? It’s not as though I adored my meager equipment. But really…? A major change like that…?

“Why…? I don’t understand.” Confusion is the word of the day? “I thought…”

“You thought?” Katie smiled sadly. “Baby doll… I told you that I preferred women to guys.”

“Yeah… But what about us…?”

Panic…to the max…and beyond! Was this the big kiss-off? I would simply die! I would end my life of torment with the last thoughts being of her…and what we had together…even if for only a couple of days.

“Oh baby doll… There is only us.” Katie said sadly. “You are as close to being perfect than anyone I’ve ever seen…or met. And nothing is going to change that. You are so very important to me.” I could see a tear or two welling up. “It’s just that…well…the only thing that separates us is your… I don’t know what to call it…” She spoke almost in a whisper as if speaking only to herself. “…your little thingy?”

“But I thought you had no problem with…” I paused realizing that I suddenly hated what separates us. “You seemed to be happy with what we were doing and you seemed to be okay with my...” I hated those two words. “…little thingy?” Now I felt tears rising.

“Honey…” Katie smiled sadly. “That’s how strongly I feel about you. I don’t think I could go on without you.” She quickly glanced down at her nails and blushed. “I haven’t said that, felt that, or even imagined that I’d ever say that to anyone. Not ever…”

Katie reached over and clasped my hand. She gazed at it and gently massaged it. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t even know how I should feel. What I do know is that my heart simply opened up and my tears began to flow. For some stupid unknown reason I smiled through my tears.

“Fuck…!” Katie laughed. “You are so unbelievably femme and I hate you because you’re so fucking gorgeous. I mean you are seriously more femme than any woman I’ve ever met. And I mean it in the sense that you’re so… gentle and so emotional…and you’re so real. That’s just what your spirit is…totally femme.”

“I love you Katie.” I sobbed…still smiling. “And it hurts.”

“I know honey. I know you love me.” She grasped my other hand. “And I know that pussy is not your number one item on the meat menu.” I began to disagree. “No my sweetness... And it’s nothing you need to hide from me…especially me. But I’m guessing…” Katie’s eyes narrowed. “…that you would be a solid candidate for a blow job queen if you had the opportunity.”

I can’t say that I hadn’t thought that myself. In truth I didn’t mind vagina at all; maybe because it was Katie? But then again I hadn’t seen any other vagina in the flesh…so to speak. And I never even really had the opportunity of simply experiencing a man. Those times I had were so hurried and secretive…and totally sordid.

“It would have been so dope if I took you with me Friday night.” Katie giggled, her smile was impish. “Let you have at a real live breathing cock; of course there’d be an even bigger prick attached to it.” She laughed.

Hmmm… Nopers… I don’t think I could do that…especially with some random guy. And with Katie there watching as well…? I don’t think so. And I don’t think I could bear watching some random douchetard playing three input roulette with Katie…even if the money was outrageous.

“Anyway sweet pea… Time to get going. We still have nearly the entire day. Let’s eat brunch, get dressed and then go to the mall. We can window shop for things.” Katie sounded so excited. “Enough of this shit talk.”

As I sat in her car on the way to the egg place, an awful lot was spinning around in my head. I guess Katie was making me begin to realize whom, and perhaps what, I really was. Perhaps I always had a ‘femme soul’.

Maybe mom thought so as well. I mean she never commented on my mode of dress for school. And then permitting the ear-piercing thing amazed me. Mom simply went along with my totally strange ways. From her expressions at times I realized that she knew I wasn’t a run of the mill male child.

And now this thingy about vagina versus dick…? I seriously didn’t know if I needed something between my legs that closely resembled an open wound. I also didn’t know whether having a rather weird looking appendage between my legs that had, under Katie’s experienced hand and warm loving mouth, given me such pleasure at the cost of her own needed to disappear?

After eating some breakfast at the egg place we went directly to Katie’s apartment. The moment we crossed the threshold of her apartment…before the door even fully closed…Katie had me in her arms and her mouth was taking my breath away.

“Today we’re going to try something special.” Katie announced when our lips parted. “And I really think you’re going to like it.” She chuckled wickedly. “But first let’s get into the right mindset.”

Katie dumped her bag on the hall table and went straight for her hash. She shed her clothing as she went along. Finally stopping, she opened the terrace door, and sat down on the carpet by the coffee table. By the time I sauntered over to the table, Katie had the pipe stoked and was taking a huge inhale. She crossed her eyes and grinned as she exhaled a cloud of smoke.

“Now that was a major rocket launch.” She said and coughed.

“I’ll get some wine.”

Hopping up I ran into the kitchen. After pouring two glasses, I carefully walked back to Katie carrying the chilled wine and the bottle. I handed one glass to Katie who took a big sip, smiled, and nodded her head.

“Thanks sweet heart… Now it’s your turn.”

She handed me the pipe and I, like her, took as massive a hit as possible. Of course I almost immediately began to cough the smoke out. But it was an epic hit. It was like being in the midst of crystal clear reality and then being launched at the speed of light into zombie land? I took a long slow sip of the cool and throat soothing wine.

“Beautifully done…!” Katie giggled and took back the pipe. “Oh… Yeah… Take one of these baby doll.”

Katie gave me a pill I’d never seen before…not that I’d seen all that many in my life.

“What is it?” A reasonable query on my part…

“Oh it’s just like a happy pill but a little bit stronger. I want you nice and relaxed when we do that thingy we do.”

I shrugged my shoulders, gazed at the pill for a moment, and then I swallowed it along with a gulp of wine. I began to remove my clothing and place the pieces gently and carefully on Katie’s couch. I finished undressing just in time for another blast from the glass pipe. Sitting down, I gladly partook her offering.

“Oh my God…” I snickered after exhaling…and coughing. “I am so totally…totaled?”

“Good baby doll… I want you to feel good and relaxed. What did you tell your mom?”

“I told her that I felt really tired and I thought I might be catching something. She’ll just call the school so it should be okay.” I smiled and sighed. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“What’s that sweetness…?”

“Just ditching… It feels like I’m in a different life. You know…?”

“Every day can be a different life if you want. You simply need to have a plan. You need to have your shit together…you know?” Katie suddenly stood up. “Listen baby doll… I have a few things to get ready so help yourself to whatever and give me about ten minutes.”


Like there was any discussion to be had. Whatever Katie said was good enough for me. As she disappeared into her bedroom I got up and walked out onto the terrace. The sea breeze flowing over my nude body felt so incredibly amazing. I closed my eyes and smiled feeling the late morning’s sun on my face. Running my hands from my lower tummy up across my chest I wondered how amazing it would be to have boobs…to have a real vagina…to live the life of Katie alongside her. And to do it in the manner she wanted me to.

Standing up on my toes, I stretched my arms straight out and spun slowly. I allowed the sea breeze to wash entirely over me. The sounds of the waves seemed like a magical tune and the various sea birds chanting along with the palm reeds rustling created a symphony. And the so faint feral aroma the breeze carried from the ocean enveloped me in a totally wonderful sensory experience.

Katie finally came up from behind and embraced me. She was wearing a terry robe. Her scent complimented my little world that nature created on the terrace. Reaching behind me, I hugged her to me. My eyes remained closed and my smile remained open. She tugged at my ear lobe gentle with her lips and sent shivers throughout my body.

“Time for us to play sweet heart.” She crooned in my ear and giggled. “Time for us to play.”

Katie gently turned me around and smiled. Her eyes flashed with her excitement as she held me. She kissed me and then took my hand. I was so very taken by her demeanor that I didn’t think to ask about her robe. Katie led me into her bathroom and instantly the amazing aroma of olive oil, herbs, and spices overcame my senses.

The stand was in its usual place by the tub and a huge bulging enema bag hung from it. But this bag was much different than the other. The hose was different. It was much bigger around. And some kind of bulb was attached toward the end of its length.

On the floor were several thick large towels atop the fluffy mat by the tub. Katie placed a pillow where my head would rest. It was almost like a bed. I stared at her with wonder.

“It’s something new baby doll.” Katie giggled. “I think you’re really going to like this. Now down you go honey.”

I got down onto the towels and laid my head on the pillow. My eyes never left hers. She looked so beautiful…so totally aglow. Katie knelt down between my legs and removed her robe which dropped down below my sight. Katie then rested on one arm and hovered just above me. She smiled quite wickedly.

Knowing she was her readying her fingers with her special lube my eyes never left hers. Then she began to do that thing she does by running her fingers around my butt hole. I moaned softly and closed my eyes. I knew what would be next but it still caught me by surprise. I squealed, squeaked…and giggled? Her finger plunged all the way into me. Katie withdrew it and plunged it back in several more times; each time hitting that special spot causing my dick to throb.

Reaching up for her with my arms, Katie pushed them back down. She would have none of it at all. Smiling luridly Katie suddenly took my nipple between her lips. As she began to nibble on it she thrust a second finger into me. I tried to curl up as I grasped her head to me. Katie put her arm around my head and held me and she tortured me with the greatest of delights; her mouth and her fingers.

I was bathing in seer bliss when I felt something quite a bit thicker touching my butt hole. I couldn’t help but grasp at the sensation of the rounded object slowly being pushed in.

“Relax baby doll.” Katie giggled. “Just relax and know that this will be totally life changing experience.”

“Ahhhggg…” I groaned as my bod instinctively stiffened.

It suddenly popped in. The piece behind it was quite a bit larger than the usual nozzle but my butt hole was so lubed up that it slid right in with the thrusting of Katie’s hips. She slowly moved the tube back out till the bulbous head was pulling against the inside of my butt. Then she thrust in again but this time Katie angled her hips so that it struck that special spot.

“Oh… Oh my God Katie…! That feels so…so totally amazing!” I exclaimed all wide-eyed.

“Wait honey… This will really be amazing.” Katie chuckled. “We’re doing the same bag and I guarantee you’ll feel amazing afterward.”

Suddenly I felt a quite warm, nearly hot, spurt of hot fluid squirt into me. Each thrust of Katie’s device released more of the fluid in strong spurts. And each spurt would wash over my special spot just as the bulbous head smacked into it.

I closed my eyes and held onto Katie as she plunged and withdrew the tube. Her mouth never ceased sucking and nibbling on my nipples and her now free hand grasped my boy bits and massaged them. I held her head in my hands and simply moaned, jerking my hips to meet each of her thrusts.

“Oh… My… God…” I whispered as tears of exquisite pleasure began to flow. “This feels so fucking good.”

“Wait… Wait…” Katie chuckled. “The first ‘F-bomb’ from my sweet and innocent baby?”

Katie suddenly pressed her lips to mine and, with her free hand, she must have squeezed the blub extra hard. I felt the most incredible spurt of fluid rush into me. My hips seemed to be jerking by the own volition (def an exam word). And as she thrust into me, I in turn jerked my hips up to meet hers.

I began to taste strange exotic flavors in my mouth as the heat of the fluid radiated through my tummy. And I could smell the same scent on Katie’s breath. The taste was sweet and spicy but there was another taste I couldn’t identify.

As I felt the heat from her filling tummy, Katie’s lube slicked lower tummy replacing her hand on my bits, I felt as if I died and went to heaven. My boy bits were slipping between her tummy and mine; encased in her natural fluids and the warmth emanating from our tummies.

Massive waves of overly pleasurable sensations began to build and wash over me as she rubbed against my bits. And each time her device struck my good spot; I felt my bits jerk within the warmth and wetness. Knowing it was her vaginal fluids that were soaking me, my mind became so overcome with the image we must have made. And…to be perfectly honest…I was very busy being stimulated beyond anything I’d ever felt…or even thought could happen.

“Oh my God Katie…!” The waves were still building. “Oh my God… Oh my God…” I kept crying through my tears of joy.

Suddenly it hit me with a thunderous crash. My ears rang and my eyes, thought opened, couldn’t see. I felt my entire body undulate like a snake in one long unending motion. I cried. I shook. I screamed. I profaned. And yet the waves kept crashing. The sensations were way beyond my meager ability to cope? I continued to feel the waves crashing for what seemed like an eternity. This was an orgasm of epic and biblical proportions.

I was too far enraptured to even notice that Katie was feeling a massive tidal wave of her own. She was slamming into me now and with each touch I felt her wetness flow onto me. This only heightened the amazing sensations I was feeling, as I’m sure it did hers. There seemed to be no end and I was actually beginning to think I would be lost and drowned. My boy bits had been aroused way past the point of explosive pleasure and now I was feeling electrified to the point of almost being in pain?

Katie finally slowed her thrusting. Her breathing matched my own in rapidity. Her head rested on my shoulder as she thrust her hips slowly for the last few times. As my head cleared and I gazed into her eyes, I suddenly burst into a torrent of tears. I have no idea why. All I knew was that I wanted us to remain locked together…‘to…get…her’…forever.

“You’re crying sweet heart.” Katie panted and smiled gently. “That happens sometimes happens with us you know…especially the first time.”

“The first…?” I sniffled.

“Yeah… That was an amazing orgasm.” She snickered, still catching her breath. “You just kept coming and coming. It was like you were having multiple orgasms…just like a girl. I have them sometimes…like now with you.” Her fingers toyed with my hair. “And we sometimes cry when the experience…the pleasure…is so fucking unbelievably intense.”

“I think you flooded my tummy.” I giggled through my tears and hugged her.

“Think again baby doll. We both flooded your tummy.” She raised herself up enough to part our tummies and looked down. “Yeppers… That’s also you. But guess what?” She grinned and waited.

“What…?” I grinned and sniffled as my tears slowly abated.

“It’s all clear. I think my baby is shooting blanks.”

She chuckled as she sat back on her haunches, the bulbous tube still lodged firmly inside me. ‘Shooting blanks…’? I didn’t know how to take that. Did that mean there was a deficiency in my boy juice? Katie dipped her fingers into the small puddle. I’d thought it would have been more. She tasted her fingers and then dipped again for me to taste. I smiled at the slightly salty taste.

“What does that mean?” I asked. “The ‘shooting blanks’ thingy…?”

“Oh baby doll…” Katie leaned back down over me and our lips were but inches away. “It means that maybe you’re not producing any spermies. No baby juice…” She smiled sweetly. “That’s okay though… It does explain a few things.”

“Like what…?” I was more than a little perturbed (another SAT exam word).

“Well…? Like why you’re so femme…so pretty…and so…so fucking huggable. That explains why you look more like my fashion model girlfriend than anything else.” She sighed and smiled gently at me. “And that also explains why I feel the way I feel about you. I will never let you go.”

Katie gave me one of her soul-sucking kisses and rested her head on my shoulder again. The weird thing was that I felt no immediate urge to be on the toilette and an amazing calmness swept over me. It became stronger as I rested with Katie.

“What was in the bag?” I queried.

“Oh…” Katie grinned and chuckled. “Salad dressing…” She laughed.

“Wait…!!! What…???” ‘Salad dressing’…!!!???

“Yeah… Sort of… It was heated oil olive, chamomile oil, catnip oil, and just a touch of hash oil.” She laughed. “The idea is to keep it in as long as possible so that your insides are clean, calm, and generally happy.”

“Oh my God Katie… I feel amazing.” I felt so clean, calm, happy, and so smooth…sort of?

“Okay honey… We’re going to turn so the oil gets in ever little nook and cranny. Roll with me.”

We rolled onto my right side and then I was atop Katie. The nozzle, thankfully, stayed firmly in place. I could feel the heat from her perspiration slicked tummy as I got on all fours and rested atop her. The feeling of the oil traveling around inside me as I moved was incredibly stimulating to say the least.

Katie massaged the small of my back. Then slowly…gently…she worked her way down to the sides of my tummy. She had managed to get enough of the fragrant oil on our bodies so that her hands flowed easily in a rotating motion. Katie cocked her hips up enough for our pubic areas to touch.

In spite of the cataclysmic physical experience I only just moments ago succumbed to, I felt that magic tingling again. Katie simply smiled knowing her magic was at work yet again. She kissed me deeply and sucked on my nipples. I felt it building…again. The big ‘IT’… This would be another first. Being stimulated once, let alone twice, in one day was something I never would have even dreamed of before Katie entered my life.

“Let’s roll around again sweet heart.”

And we continued to roll over so that the oil could get to another series of nooks and crannies. I felt the oil move inside me which only added to the fire beginning to rage. Katie smiled down at me as she began to thrust into me again. My legs, which suddenly seemed to have a mind of their own, wrapped around her waist. I pulled her into me with each new thrust.

“Check this out sweet heart.”

Katie grinned and then grimaced with her next thrust. I felt another heated spurt come from the nozzle…much to my surprise. Then with each thrust there after came a spurt of oil. I had no idea of what was happening nor did I care. Each new thrust and each accompanying spurt brought me closer and closer to yet another major tidal wave of exquisite pleasure.

I held onto her with all I had. I held onto her for dear life itself. Gripping her waist with my legs and my arms around her shoulders and neck I craned my head up to kiss her. Katie’s thrusting became more powerful as her lips and tongue sought to suck my very soul out through my mouth.

When the mighty tide of waves finally crested and broke, I screamed out my pleasure into her mouth. It seemed to go on and on and on with no end. The very last thing I remember was the look Katie had upon her face. It was that of totally wicked lust and even more totally wicked satisfaction. Suddenly, so totally overcome with the force of the sensations, I passed out.

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A classic "education" of a young innocent, an introduction into depravity. Stevie is all too willing because he has been comprehensively rejected by his schoolmates and is suddenly befriended by this gorgeous girl who is much more sophisticated than he is and he is besotted and totally overwhelmed by her attentions.