Stevie's Tale - Chapter 7

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Stevie’s Tale – Chapter 7

By Kelly Blake

“…the start of a new life.”

Starting school again on Monday was a joke. Katie helped me dress and get ready in a manner suitable for an upper school girl. She only allowed me mascara, and just a wee bit of it at that, and a pink berry shade of lip gloss. Katie styled my hair into a more femme kind of wedge look with two long locks framing my face. She even set up my new pink book carrier with everything I would need.

Once Katie dropped me off I met mom and Bernie having coffee in the courtyard. I was more than a little surprised that he would show up at all. Mom was stunned at how I looked. I honestly don’t think she recognized me at first. And Bernie…well… That lurid glint in his eyes and the broadness of his smile immediately relayed the thoughts in his mind.

“Hello sweet heart…” Bernie came and hugged me. “You ready for the big day?”

“Ummm… I guess?”

“You should be very excited sweet heart. This is the start of a new life.” Bernie chuckled joyfully.

I felt a little uncomfortable. I mean…mom and Bernie…seriously? Was he actually holding her hand till he saw me approaching? We went directly to the main office and were met by the school’s director. Evidently my paperwork was all in order. What a stunning surprise… Then it was off to visit with Ms. Caulder. She grinned at Bernie and then at me.

“It will be my personal pleasure to look after you at our school.” She gushed and then grinned at Bernie and mom. “I want to make sure all our students reach their fullest potential.” Ms. Caulder gazed at me. “Do you like to be called ‘Stephie’?”

‘You’ve got to be fucking kidding me’ I thought. I’m Stevie! I hated the name Stephanie but Katie told me it would be easier if my ‘new name’ was similar to my ‘old’ one.

“Yeah…” I forced a smile. “That’s fine.”

“Well Stephie… Let me tell you and your mom what we truly have to offer.”

And she went on and on…and on. What a load of shit! I should have worn hip boots it was so deep. But I held my poise and smiled. Bernie and mom left and I had to report to my classes. What truly surprised me was that none of the teachers, and none of the students, even recognized me. It was as if I never existed before.

In fact, now guys were now dogging me…trying to hit on me! Even this one bitch that was particularly nasty to me welcomed me with a hug. Then I got openly hit on by these two gay girls. Out in the courtyard on my way to another class this gay guy asked me to model his clothing designs for him. And another one, an art student, wanted me to model as well.

“I’m so sorry.” I smiled sadly. “I’d love to but you’d need to speak to my agent?”

Within an hour it was all over school that I was already modeling professionally! What the fuck…??? Did a cosmetic change really make all the difference in the world? Katie was right…again. People are shallow assholes. The more I experienced that single day in school the more I longed for Katie’s life full time. And this one very popular girl, one of the worst when it came to hosing me, actually invited me to a party!

“Oh it’ll be amazing.” She hopped up and down with excitement. “For sure we’ll have grass and who knows what else. And I got somebody to buy the beer and wine. I even invited a few ‘duffs’ so there won’t be much competition for the really hot guys.”

When I finally saw Katie hanging in the court yard at noon, I sighed with relief.

“Can we go now?” I seriously whined.

We nearly ran for the parking lot. We literally hopped into her car and we were off!

“Who was she?” Katie grinned.

“Wait…! What…?”

“Who told you about the party?” Katie glanced at me with her grin.

“Oh…” Derp… “Jessieica something…? You know...the one who probably goes full contour before peeing in the morning?”

“Oh her…! Jessie…!” Katie laughed. “She’s such a slut! You should invite her over after school. Or better yet…on the weekend…!” Katie seemed so excited.

“But why…? I hated her for what she called me and did to me.” I was shocked at Katie’s request.

“Listen…” Katie became serious. “When she finds out what she can make for what she’s giving away free…? Trust me baby doll… She’ll be in. And we’ll get a small piece of her action.”

“Does that mean she’ll be living with us? And what do you mean by ‘a small piece of her action’?”

I dreaded that notion but Katie simply laughed.

“No sweet heart… This show is just for you and me. We’re just slut recruiting. We’ll get a commission…sort of…from Bernie if he decides to take her on. Did she really say she’s inviting duffs just to narrow the odds?” Katie snickered. “She’s such a slut. Oh… By the way…we’re doing the flick on Friday.”

“What about…”

“He said no.” Katie’s voice was final. “Listen… You’re not getting a copy before it’s even ready to show. That’s for sure. And after…?” Katie shrugged her shoulders and pouted her lower lip. “Let’s see what happens baby doll.”

The very next day Katie made a special point of reminding me to invite Jessie. I was also instructed to have her drive me home. When I saw Jessie I told her that I had a shoot on Friday and would be way wiped to go partying. But I was going to hang with a friend and maybe she would like to hang with us for a while. Much to my surprise she was ecstatic and agreed to drive me there.

“Oh my God…!” Jessie’s eyes were bugging when she saw the building. “You actually hang here?”

Now I partially knew why Katie insisted Jessie drive me.

“Yeah… During the weekdays…” I kind of smirked. “But I live here from Friday till Monday morning.”

“That is so totally dope!” She laughed. “This is my kind of life style.”

She was equally impressed with the lobby and my greeting to the concierge. On the ride up she asked who we were seeing…a reasonable question. I responded to her saying ‘my other mom’. Jessie just grinned at me with a knowing smile. Once inside our apartment door I simply couldn’t resist yelling.

“Hi mom…! I’m home!” I snickered.

Dropping my book bag, I took Jessie’s hand and led her into the living room and over to our spot. I could see Katie out on the terrace wearing only a bikini bottom. As she turned to come in, Katie saw Jessie and she broke out into a huge smile.

“Hey…” Katie came over and hugged her. “Welcome to our little den on sin.” She laughed.

Sitting down, Katie already had the pipe ready. She lit it and handed it over to Jessie. Jessie grinned and her eyes bugged. She took the pipe and inhaled. Jessie held her breath as she handed the pipe back to Katie. Her cheeks turned red and her grin got even wider until she finally had to exhale.

“Oh wow…!” Jessie coughed. “That dope is dope!” She laughed.

“Baby doll…?” Katie smiled. “Why don’t you bring over something to drink and three glasses?” Before I could even get up Katie glanced at Jessie. “White wine okay…?”

“Def…!” Jessie giggled.

By the time I returned, which was only a few minutes, Katie had taken off her bikini bottom. I placed the wine and glasses down.

“Hey Bae…?” She called me Bae in front of Jessie. Oh my God…! “Why don’t you get comfy?”

I froze. I couldn’t take off my bra and fake boobs and I couldn’t take off my panty. I gazed at Katie in sheer panic. When she nodded toward our bedroom I understand and smiled. I turned and went off to get into something more…’comfy’? I heard Katie speak to Jessie as I was leaving.

“She’s shy. Are you…?” Katie chuckled.

“Fuck no…!” Jessie said firmly and laughed.

That didn’t surprise me at all. If nothing else she was being dared to do something. And being high only amplified the challenge. I quickly doffed my clothes and, after placing them carefully on the bed, went to get one of my sleeping tees. I put on the tee, changed my panty and liner, and returned to find Jessie completely naked and hitting on the pipe again. She had an excellent body. Her boobs were perfect and her legs went on forever.

“You’re right.” Jessie coughed out smoke. “She is shy.” She took a sip of wine. “Can I ask you something?” Jessie glanced at Katie.

Katie smiled wryly.


“Are you a hooker?”

Jessie asked so innocently that Katie could even be slightly offended. Katie smiled and shook her head.

“I’m an escort. I go out on a date with some random guy. I get whatever I want. Dinner, clubbing, I mean seriously whatever I want. Then…maybe…I fuck him. He usually gives me a little something extra…like maybe a thousand. And I get a piece of the action.” Katie smiled wryly…and lewdly. “Now… Does that sound anything like a hooker to you? On the other hand…you’re going to a party. You’ll get some rank dope and cheap wine…maybe. Then you’ll hook up with some random guy and fuck him. Right…?”

I was shocked but Jessie seemed to be seriously listening. She thought for a moment and finally nodded her head.

“And then…” Katie continued. “You’ll wind up going home and hoping he didn’t give you a ‘present’ of some sort.” She was all sarcasm.

Katie let it all sink in until she saw another nod…a very serious nod.

“What about you?” Jessie glanced at me.

“She’s a straight up model.” Katie answered. “Now… Look at me.”

Katie’s tone was quite commanding. It gave me the tingles…you know? Jessie instantly looked at Katie.

“I am not a hooker. Hooker’s stand on street corners and blow bums for a twenty. I’m a whore, a call girl, an escort…” She waved her arms. “Whatever…! But I’m no hooker.”

I never expected what came next.

“Okay… So where do I sign up…or whatever?” And Jessie laughed. “It looks like being a whore isn’t all that bad.” She glanced around. “I mean…you’re not doing so badly.”

Katie seemed to pay no attention. She simply reached for her little box and, then upon opening it, she poured a little pile of coke onto the table top.

“Wow…” Jessie said as her eyes lit up. “A little snuff in the afternoon sure makes my day.” She giggled.

“Honey…?” Katie gazed at me. “Would you go to my wallet and get a credit card? She then gazed at Jessie. “You hungry…?”

“Yeah… Like…def…!”

“Also bring in something to eat sweet heart.” Katie smiled at me.

“Does she do everything you say?”

Jessie spoke as I got up and left the room. I didn’t hear the answer but I knew what it was. After fetching the card I went directly into the kitchen and got a platter out. Katie always had a great selection of cheeses and she always has cut fresh fruit. I knew she did these things for herself and for me. When I returned to our spot, Jessie, wine glass in hand, couldn’t take her eyes off of me.

“Holy shit…!” Jessie nearly choked on a sip of wine. “Is that a ‘reserve’ card?”

“Yeah…” Katie glanced at me. “You want to do this…make lines?”

Shaking my head in reply, I never did it before and I didn’t want to start now. Anyway…I knew that Katie was running her act.

“Okay Bae…” Katie said ‘Bae’ again with Jessie. “Pay close attention and watch carefully. I want you to get this.” She stopped in mid-line and gazed at me. “It’s important for you to know.”

As I nodded Katie continued to parcel out lines from the pile. As I watched intently, I could feel Jessie’s eyes on me. I began to think that maybe she clocked me and I felt panic rising. I gazed dolefully at Katie and she knew how I was feeling.

“Baby doll…?” She said softly. “None of this is for you today. Go get a pill and bring it here.” I got up and she said with a maternal smile. “I’ll crush it for you. And freshen up your lips honey. You know how I love it when your amazing lips are shiny slick.”

When I got back Katie and Jessie were in a hushed conversation. It halted abruptly when they saw me. I handed the little round peach colored pill to Katie who promptly crushed it with her credit card.

“I never leave home without it.” She giggled.

Handing me the straw, I got down on my knees and inhaled one half the tiny crushed pile into each nostril. I sat back on my calves and stared first at the rug and then out at the ocean. Suddenly a smile just seemed to creep onto my lips. I gazed at Katie and took her hand.

“Thank you baby...” I said softly and kissed her hand.

Katie glanced at Jessie who simply sat wide eyed, mouth agape in a grin, and shaking her head.

“Hey Stephie…?” Jessie looked at me…into my eyes.

“She doesn’t like to be called that. Steph will do.” Katie snickered.

I decided that I hated Stephanie almost as much as I hated Stephie…and Steph. The names just sounded so…so fucking lame. So when I texted Katie to tell her having Jessie over, I let her know about being called Steph. She thought it was a great idea.

“Okay…” Jessie grinned and giggled. “Steph…would you please suck my toes?”

I looked down at my nails and turned beet red. I couldn’t believe she would ask such a thing from me. I was frozen. And just when the full effects of the pill were hitting me. I did what I always do when I’m clueless. I looked at Katie. She snickered and grinned.

“It would be a nice gesture toward our first house guest you know.” Katie smiled.

As I began to get up Katie stopped me.

“No baby doll…” She playfully chided. “You know how to do it. Crawl over to our guest. And look into her eyes while you do it.”

Doing exactly what Katie had asked, I slowly slinked across to Jessie. My eyes never left hers. The grin on her face couldn’t have been bigger. And lust seethed from her eyes as her long neck began to flush. Without taking my eyes from hers, I grasped her feet gently but firmly. I could feel toe rings, one on one foot and two on the other. I thought that was totally hot as fuck.

Jessie moaned softly as I took her big toe into my mouth. I was expecting to smell the essence of foot but was greeted by whatever floral sachet she used for her socks. Then I moved to the big toe on her other foot. I pretended it was a cock so I sucked and used my tongue to swirl around it. I kept looking into Jessie’s eyes. They finally closed from absolute delight and pleasure as I went from toe to toe.

“Mmmm…” Jessie moaned with a smile. “She does have her merits. I bet she’s great with a cock in her mouth.”

“Sorry…” Katie said with a sad smile. “She’s ‘platinum’ and I tapped her first. She’s as special to me as I am to her.”

I didn’t know what was hotter; Jessie’s toes or Katie’s words. I felt myself getting all tingly? And I so wanted to feel Katie’s hands or mouth on me somewhere…anywhere.

“You have such amazing toys.” Jessie snickered. “I want one of these for my very own.” She lilted. “God…! If she was eating my pussy I’d squirt clear across the room.”

“Baby doll…” Katie laughed. “You’d better go and get two of the big fluffy beach towels.”

“Huh…?” What now?

“She’s a squirter and you’ve almost got her there.” Katie grinned quite wickedly as she realized I didn’t know what a ‘squirter’ was. “Well…? You know when you turn the water on and a slow trickle comes out sometimes?”

I nodded. I was with her so far.

“Well Jessie…” Katie waved her hand toward Jessie. “…is like turning the faucet on all the way.” Katie chuckled. “I’m a slow trickle and she’s a…a fucking royal tsunami!”

“Oh…” Oh…! “Ohhh…!” Oh my God…!

Jumping up quickly I went into the bedroom to fetch two of the huge towels. When I returned Jessie had taken her seat in the big upholstered barrel chair. She had her legs hooked over the arms exposing her pussy to me. I looked at Katie and arched both brows.

“Put one end under her ass baby doll. And spread the towels outward. What doesn’t get on you goes onto the towel…and not on the wall across the room? Do you understand?” Katie said quite seriously. “I want you to eat her pussy like it was mine so go and finish what you started.”

Thankfully she perfumed it. I mean she’s been sitting on it and pissing out of it and probably playing with it all during school. Katie was fastidious about our hygiene but this was sort of ‘dark territory’? And her pussy was nothing like Katie’s. I mean it was pretty and all but… I could barely see its lips and Jessie’s bean was totally hidden. It was a pretty pale pink color compared to Katie’s amazing deep pink pussy.

When Jessie graciously parted her split I dove in. Her taste was stronger than Katie’s and she was already flowing quite profusely. I felt her short but thick clit and I immediately made like a straw and sucked it up between my lips. I wet two of my fingers and slid them up into her pussy. going straight for her good spot.

“Oh my fucking God…!” She screamed. “That’s amazing! Keep going! Right there…right there!” Jessie shouted. “Oh my God…! Stick your fingers up my ass too! I love it up my ass!” She cried.

Getting my other fingers wet with her freely flowing fluids, I stuck two, and then three, up into her asshole. She let out a long gutter groan which quickly turned into a scream. And Jessie’s flood gate opened. I just couldn’t believe it. I was so shocked at how much fluid squirted out of her like a small hose…and a high pressured one at that.

My face and hair were drenched and my tee…? Oh my God…! I would need to burn it or something. As her squirting stemmed, I was left dripping and totally stunned; complete with wide eyes and opened mouth. Even what little makeup I wore began to run!

“Get back in there baby girl.” Katie leaned forward toward me. “I can see she has at least one more in her.”

It was true. I could still feel Jessie’s pussy and asshole squeezing at my fingers. As I dove in again, she wrapped her thighs around my head…rather tightly. And when she exploded again, I was forced to swallow some of it…whatever it is. Finally she totally went limp in the chair and her legs dropped to the towel covered cushion. I was still agog with what had happened…and why.

“Honey bunny…? Why don’t you go clean up?” Katie smiled and winked. “In fact…I’ll come and help. You are such a mess.” She chuckled and turned to Jessie. “Little girls are so hard to keep clean. If you want some more snort…just take. That is if you have the strength.”

Katie laughed at Jessie as she sat totally spent. I dashed for the shower and immediately got in still wearing my tee and panty. There was no way I was going to take them off and simply drop them into the clothes hamper. Heaven only knows what they’d smell like when the maid came. Katie laughed…of course.

“She’s worth money to us baby doll.” Katie said as I showered. “She’s totally hot. She’s underage. She’s a total slut. She’s a squirter. And she’s a solid three input girl. She’ll make us some good money for sure. And once she’s into it…? I bet she’ll feel guilty taking the money because she’s having such a good time. Little Jessie is def hooked on sex.” Katie gazed at me. “Small wonder she’s such a slut.”

Whilst I dried, Katie quickly worked with my hair. She’s even brought a fresh sleeping tee and panty with the liner already in place. I put them on and sat whilst Katie quickly did my face.

“I wish I was staying over tonight.” I whimpered.

“I wish you were as well.” Katie sighed. “So enough honey… One day you won’t need to worry about that. I promise.”

When we returned to our spot, Jessie had recovered enough to fold the towels. She was now sitting on them as she smoked some more hash. Jessie grinned that stupid ‘I just got laid’ smile I knew so well from Katie and our adventures thus far.

“That was so totally amazing! So…” Jessie said as she exhaled a cloud of smoke. “What other tricks can she do?”

“To find that out girlfriend…” Katie paused and grinned. “You really do need to clean yourself out better.”

“Oh… Yeah… Sorry…” Jessie glanced at me. “I usual do when I know I’m going to get some cock. This was totally unexpected.” She snorted. “If fact I’m thinking of changing my sexual preference…seriously.” Jessie giggled.

“What time do you have to book?” Katie asked.

“As long as I’m in bed by morning I’m good.” Jessie sat up. “Why…?”

“Well…?” Katie lilted and grinned as she rolled her eyes. “Steph and I have a really dope way of cleaning ourselves out before we…play?”

Oh my God…! I could sense there would be more work for me if Katie was thinking of doing what I thought she was thinking of doing. I seriously had to find out exactly what went into the olive oil mix.

“Hey honey…?” Katie got up. “I’m going to get set up for her.” Katie turned to Jessie. “You are going to die and go to heaven. And there are other amazing benefits. This is the real shit!”

And Katie dashed off to set up.

“Are you doing…whatever?” Jessie reached for my hand.

“Probably…” I looked at her as she squeezed my hand gently.

“You know…” She turned serious. “You really didn’t have to do that.”

“I know.” I sighed and gently squeezed her hand.

“You really copped major feelings for her…didn’t you?”

No need to answer. My body language spoke out…no…shouted out my love and devotion for Katie.

“I really envy you.” Jessie sighed. “You’re so fucking young and you know who you want already.” Jessie leaned forward a bit. “So what is it? What’s her secret? Obviously she’s been around. But then again…” Jessie giggled. “Who among us hasn’t? Except for you maybe…”

“I’m learning from Katie.” My voice was almost a whisper.

I smiled coyly and blushed. If Jessie only had known about our past few weeks of near total debauchery, she might have been the one blushing. But Katie obviously didn’t want Jessie to know and I wasn’t going to offer. We spoke for a few more minutes. Our hands were intertwined at this point but it was all post major league squirt emotions on Jessie’s part.

Katie made Jessie start with a very warm water and honey enema.

“Oh my God…!” Jessie laughed when she saw the enema and the butt plug. “That’s a much larger plug than the one I use. But just looking at that bag is getting me wet!”

“Excellent… Another anal whore…” Katie chuckled. “You are going to love it sweetie.” Katie laughed as Jessie eased the plug in and inflated it. “Here we go sugar pie.” And Katie released the clamp. “Baby doll…? Could you go and bring me the towels?”

I dashed off and grabbed them. Upon returning, Katie was sitting next to Jessie and massaging her tummy. She instructed me to place one folded towel beneath Jessie’s butt and the other across her pelvic area. As soon as I had done Katie’s bidding, she stuck her other hand beneath the towel and began to massage Jessie’s clit.

“Ohhh…” Katie crooned. “You do like this…don’t you?” She snickered.

“I wish the bag was my own.” Jessie moaned. “I have a one gallon bag.”

Her eyes closed as the bag emptied. Jessie was breathing hard through her half opened mouth as Katie continued her massaging. Now I understood why Katie wanted the towels. It wasn’t a leakage issue as much as a ‘go and build an ark’ one. And I know I certainly didn’t want Jessie squirting all over the bathroom. Katie closed the clamp on the plug’s short hose.

“Sweet heart…? Would you take the bag down and detach the hose for me?” Katie smiled wickedly. “Now sweetie…” She said to Jessie. “You need to hold it for at least ten minutes.” Katie grinned.

Jessie had only one problem for ten minutes and that was Katie not let her orgasm. She edged Jessie to the very abyss and then stopped. But when Jessie finally did…oh…my…God…it was totally epic. She actually sprayed enough fluid to get both towels sopping where they touched her pussy and ass. Katie and I helped Jessie get up and we escorted…or should I say assisted…Jessie all the way to the guest bathroom.

Jessie’s tummy was quite bloated and she walked nearly doubled over. But thankfully we made it. I left whilst Katie deflated the plug as Jessie sat on the toilette. On my way out I could hear the first explosion of the water and honey as it hit the water in the toilette. It wasn’t pretty. I was quite thankful Katie thought of doing what she did. And I know she did it for me!

Katie followed me shortly after with the plug wrapped in a wash cloth. She went to her oil supply and brought out several small bottles as well as the virgin oil olive. Katie also brought over the small enema bag.

“Come on over sweet heart.” Katie beckoned me with her hand. “I want you to see how this is done.”

I watched as she mixed two batches; one for me and one for Jessie. Hers was twice the size as mine. Then there was the mix. First, of course, was the olive oil. Then came all the other oils; the green tea, catnip, chamomile, aloe, clover. She filled my bag and gave it to me with the hose clamped.

“Put this under hot water and get the other bag.” Katie grinned.

I knew Katie meant the one on the floor that had just been used. Katie repeated the process of all the oils with one huge fucking exception. She added a really healthy dosing of the cannabis oil! Katie handed it to me and I immediately put it under the hot running water.

By the time Jessie had finished doing her nasty, the bags were hanging and ready for use.

“Wow…!” Jessie snickered. “I won’t need to shit for a week after that one.”

Jessie laughed but all I could think was…‘T…M…I’. Katie handed the plug back to Jessie along with a tube of our special goo. Jessie took them and smiled at me.

“By the way…Stevie…”

I nearly hurled when she used my name. She knew! I was barely out to myself and now I was just clocked and outed?

“I’m really sorry I gave you such a hard time.” Jessie was sincere. “You’re little secret is safe with me.” She smiled. “So are you really a model? Are you…transitioning?” She asked softly.

“No honey… Stevie is…” Katie looked very annoyed. “Oh what’s the fucking word?” She said dourly. “…gestating? She’s going to be reborn. And she has a real fashion shoot this Friday.” Katie offered and shrugged. “I’m not sure where it’s being used this time but other shoots are coming up. I guess the designers like her look.” Katie smiled at me. “Okay sweetness… You might as well take off your panty. The kitten is out of the sack.” She giggled.

Thankfully the tee was almost to my knees. There was no way I wanted to remove my tee, bra or fake boobs. I was here because I could be me; that image I wanted to see in the mirror. And that image def contained my tits…real or not. But we had a guest and I would do whatever for Katie.

Jessie was already down on the towel Katie had laid out. She spread her legs slightly and bent her knees with her feet planted firmly on the towel. I got down and Katie inserted the plug for me. She winked as she stood and opened both clamps. As the oil began to flow into me, I moaned in absolutely divine pleasure. Jessie and I were side by side and she reached out to clasp my hand as we both filled.

“Oh fuck…” Jessie moaned. “This feels so fucking awesome.”

Before mine was even finished I felt her grip on my hand loosen. I turned my head to see that she had completely fallen out and was snoring softly. I gazed up at Katie who was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“Between the chamomile and cannabis oils…” She chuckled. “…and your expert tongue, we put her right out. We’ll let her sleep for about a half hour. Why don’t you empty yourself, clean up, and meet me in our spot?”

I did as Katie asked. I washed my bottom, dressed…again…and hurried to be with her. She grinned when I came over and sat across from her on the rug.

“She’s perfect!” Katie exclaimed with glee. “But I don’t want her around here again before Bernie’s had a chance to see her.”

I gazed at her with confusion written upon my face.

“We don’t know her. That slut will sleep with anybody and we need to make sure she’s clean…you know…no STDs…no priors…no truly bad habits?”

Evidently Katie had already spoken with Bernie. Now I couldn’t help but wonder if I wasn’t ‘recruited’ as well…and if I was going to be…‘replaced’? So I asked…sort of. Katie took both my hands in hers.

“Oh no…! Never…!” She spoke adamantly. “All she needs is dope and a hard cock up her ass. We need each other because…well…we complete one another. I couldn’t live with a slut like that.”

I nodded and I understood. I leaned into Katie and kissed her fully on the lips.

“What about at school?”

“School is school and you need to appear…‘normal’? So hanging with her there is a def must. Just don’t bring her here until we get the okay. But even then…only once in a while; although I’m sure Bernie will keep her busy…if she’s a keeper.”

We sat in comfortable silence as Katie continued to hold my hand.

“Oh…by the way… Now that your piercings are healed, you deserve to wear something a little more…adult? I want to get you something special.” Katie smiled lovingly at me. “Something that will let you know just how important you are to me...something special for my special baby girl…”

I moved to sit beside Katie and I hugged her. We talked a bit about our future together. Katie hit the pipe a few times. I was feeling so amazing between the pill and the enema that I simply watched and smiled. It was beginning to get dark before we went to awaken Jessie. She was groggy and very stoned but her smile said everything. We helped her to the toilette and let her relieve herself.

“Wow…” Jessie grinned when she finished. “That was amazing. And the aroma of what you put in that…it’s like…totally dope.” She laughed. “And what a high…holy shit…!”

“But here’s the best part.” Katie reached down between Jessie’s legs and inserted her finger up Jessie’s asshole. “Taste this.”

We could see from her eyes that the experience was far from unpleasant as Jessie sucked on Katie’s finger.

“Now if you go ass to mouth, you don’t taste your own shit.” Katie said as Jessie’s eyes lit up. “I spoke to our agent whilst you were…zoning? If he calls and wants to meet you, let me know. I’ll tell you what he wants to see.”

“But he doesn’t even know what I look like.” Jessie whined.

“Well…?” Katie grinned wryly. “Whilst you were having your bean burnished by Stevie I took a pic and messaged it to him. If he’s interested in handling you he’ll call.” Katie chuckled.

I was in sheer panic mode. Katie took my pic?

“You mean he handles both of you?”

“Bernie is a man of many talents…and connections.” Katie grinned.

We talked for some time and finally Jessie left whilst she still could. I must admit I was happy to see her go. I wanted my time with Katie. And when she did finally leave, I simply had to know.

“You took my picture?” I nearly cried.

“Oh don’t sweat it baby doll. All that could be seen was the top and back of your head. And only barely at that…” Katie’s smile turned to a leering one. “But I got the little slut in the throes of passion and that’s what he’d want to see. As well as her luscious cookies of course…”

‘Of course’ I thought sarcastically. Katie drove me home and came in to say hello to my mom. I went directly upstairs to get ready for bed. When I returned Katie was still with mom. She was telling mom that Bernie had my first shoot set for Friday morning. They both decided that I should sleep at Katie’s the night before. I had a morning appointment with the stylist and we would be on the go all day. Mom got excited and had no problem with it.

When Katie got up to leave, I walked her to the door. Once out of mom’s line of sight, I thanked Katie and kissed her good night. After the day’s activities, I so badly wanted was to be alone with her…to sleep next to her…to wake up beside her. But that wouldn’t be tonight. And of course mom was really excited by ‘this marvelous opportunity’ I was getting so we talked for a short time before I went up to my drab room.

The next day at school I was literally mobbed. As I went to get a coffee, a newly found habit from Katie, several girls along the way actually approached me wanting to know if it was true; that I was a real live model. I just kind of blushed and smiled coyly as I gazed at my nails. I was invited to sit with this one and that and to join whomever and whatever possy they were starring in. Then it hit me! Jessie had connected with the ‘bitches band width’ and blabbed it. I had to know exactly how much she said.

At lunch time, Jessie came up behind me and took my arm. Thankfully she tore me away from these two totally basic bitches. They were actually arguing about who would have lunch with me.

“I need to talk with you!” Jessie said with a wicked grin.

She was quite excited as she literally pulled me to the back of the courtyard where I once sat with Katie.

“You are the total shit!” Jessie exclaimed with a grin. “Everybody…almost all of the hotties and even some of the queens and queers around here…” She sneered. Jessie kind of saw gay guys as competition? “…want to be you!”

“But Jessie…” She never let me finish.

“Listen cream puff…”

Thankfully Katie showed and sat down.

“What’s going on sweet heart?” She noticed I was upset.

“I told some friends that Stevie was doing real modeling.” Jessie glanced at Katie with a diffident look. “I figured that if I recognized her as ‘Stevie’…others would as well. But if they saw her as ‘Steph’ the model…” She didn’t need to finish.

“Good thinking sweetie.” Katie grinned. “You didn’t mention anything else…did you?”

“Oh no…!” Jessie exclaimed. “Never… Not that… I did get a call from your agent guy though.” Jessie smiled. “And he wants to see me. I’m so fucking excited.”

Indeed she was as she hopped up and down in her seat.

“Let’s talk about that later.” Katie grinned. “Give me a call after ten tonight. Stevie and I have something to do so we won’t be in. But remember to call. It’s important. You’ll need to drop your…look.”

“Too thot…?” She asked with a frown.

“Def honey…” Katie shook her head and gazed at her sadly. “But…!” She perked up. “We’ll get you the look you’ll need. We’ll talk later.”

Jessie suddenly perked up and dug deeply into her bag. She brought out a weird oval black thingy with a light glowing in the middle.

“Where’d you get that?” Katie grinned evilly.

“See that girl in the jean skirt?” Jessie snickered. “Well she simply loves wearing one of those Kegel thingies in her pussy. She gives herself jolts during her classes. Look how flushed her face and neck are.”

“So…?” Katie giggled.

“This happened to walk out of her bag when she wasn’t looking? So…” Jessie lilted and chuckled.

She watched the girl, as Katie and I did, as she turned the dial all the way up. The poor girl screamed and nearly doubled over. She crossed her thighs and her hands flew to her crotch. I looked at Jessie whose eyes were all aglow. Her grin was totally wicked.

“Now watched this…” Jessie chuckled.

She messed with the control thingy again and the poor girl dropped to her knees and silently screamed. Her hips began to buck wildly as Jessie snickered and Katie simply watched with an amused expression on her face.

“Oh my God…” Jessie’s hand flew to her lips as she laughed wildly. “Here comes the cop and the nurse. Check this out.”

Jessie fiddled with the thingy and the girl stopped convulsing with orgasms. She lay back onto the ground with her arms and legs splayed from her body. We could see her trying to catch her breath as the crowd of students watched. The nurse bent down and spoke to her. I could see her violently shaking her head.

“And now for the grand finale…!” Jessie chuckled.

Jessie once again played with the thingy and the poor girl began to convulse again. The cop must have already called Emergency Services because they arrived within minutes and strapped the girl to a gurney and took her off to the hospital. I was totally shocked that Jessie had done this to some random girl.

“So…” Jessie laughed wryly. “What happens first? Does she pass out from coming her brains out…or does the battery die before she hits the hospital?” Jessie smirked. “I’ve been waiting to get that little basic bitch forever and it does feel good. Every time…every single fucking time I like some buff guy she tries to do him first.”

Jessie was seriously angry. She was so angry that she threw the thingy into the trashcan.

“And then all she ever does with them is suck their cocks whilst they play with her clit. She always has something up her pussy or ass but never a cock.” Jessie spat out the words.

Jessie went on and on…and on about how much she disliked that girl. But finally the bell rang for classes to begin. Thankfully Katie got up and took my hand.

“We need to go.” She said. “Baby doll has an appointment with one of the stylists for the shoot.”

Katie took my hand and pulled me through the entire length of the courtyard to her car. She opened the door for me and then got in the driver’s side. As soon as we were buckled in, she sped off.

“Oh yeah…” Katie lilted as she began to drive away. “This…” She managed to reach into her purse and pulled out a long and narrow box. “This is for you.”

Katie handed the beautifully wrapped box to me. I carefully opened it and removed the lid. The top was stuffed with fitted fluffy cotton. I pulled off the cotton to reveal a pair of matching bracelets…one longer than the other. They were gold with various colored gemstone in every link. I was totally stunned to say the least. I glanced at Katie. She was grinning with her mouth and eyes.

“Toe rings are for sluts and skanks.” Katie snickered. “But these make you a premium bitch.” She laughed. “Anyway…baby doll…they’re also a sign that I own you and nobody else can have you.” She now spoke quite seriously. “Not ever… There’s the longer one for your wrist and the other is for your ankle. You are my wife.” She glanced at me. “And I’m going to keep you bound to me with these gold chains.”

Leaning over to hug and kiss Katie, we nearly left the road. Nobody has ever given me anything so…so stunningly beautiful. The story about the stylist was totally bogus. So it was back to the apartment and our usual daily routine. After putting the bracelets on and modelling them for Katie, I willingly put extra effort into pleasing her. As if there was any other kind of effort when it came to me pleasing her…

Then Wednesday the big one was dropped…I mean mega fucking huge! Katie brought me home that evening as usual. Mom wasn’t sitting in her usual place with her usual glass of wine. She was in the kitchen with a small bottle of champagne and three flutes. And she was dressed as if she was either going out or coming back from…dinner or a party or something?

“Hi mom…” Katie snickered. “What’s the celebration?”

“Well…?” Mom grinned sheepishly. “I got this amazing offer at work today.” She took a deep breath. “They want me to go out to Las Vegas for two weeks each month.”


“They want to try me out for a much bigger position at a larger upscale resort.” She exhaled. “A permanent position…”

Mom smiled but her eyes were sad. And what the fuck was she going to do about me? There was no way I was leaving this town…and my Katie. I began to boogie and then Katie spoke up just before the woogie part arrived..

“Oh wow…!” Katie seemed excited. “How wonderful… Of course Stevie needs to stay with me…us.” She said enthusiastically. “When do you start going to Vegas?”

Holy…shit…! I’m such a derp!

“In one week...” Mom smiled kindly. “As a matter of fact, I already spoke with your father and he seemed to think it would be wonderful for Stevie to stay with you two.”

Bernie…? She spoke to Bernie??? Why was I even surprised??? I wondered how much tissue was up between her legs! Well at least she was pouring the champagne. Katie toasted to mom’s new job and we spoke and drank for just a while. I must admit the champers was really good.

When it was time to leave, I walked Katie to the door of her car. Like a good mom, she reminded me to do my nips before bed and again in the morning. She wanted them nice and pokie for Friday. After we kissed at the door, and I shouted my good night to mom, I went up to my room. As I rested on the bed and gazed around the room, I could find nothing that truly said ‘I live here’. I wondered how I was going to spend two weeks truly living my life only to return for two weeks…actually eight nights…to this ‘shit hole’ existence.

In the morning I was rudely awakened by my phone and the pounding upon the front door. I’d over slept and Katie was frantically trying to get in. Flying out of my bed and down the steps, I couldn’t open the door quickly enough.

“I’m so sorry.” I felt horrid about my…faux pas? “My alarm didn’t go off and…”

Before I could finish Katie took my worried face in her hands and kissed me on my lips. She pushed me back over the threshold closing the door behind her. Our lips never once parted the entire time. Katie was sucking the soul out of me. I felt my entire body go limp as she held me. She took my breath away…as usual.

“You know I love it when you get that…” She grinned. “…that scared little bunny look on your face.” Katie giggled. “Get dressed baby doll. Don’t even bother showering. We’ll get to do that at the shoot.”


“You forgot about the flick…didn’t you?” Katie grinned. “How could you forget the day you truly become a truly platinum super star!” She laughed.

Hurriedly washing my face, I did the usual morning routine. I took my hormones and then I scrambled to throw together something to wear. And of the precious little I had in the house, I settled on faded jeans and a lovely floral silk screened tee. By then Katie was up in my room making sure I had my nip thingies.

“I have a suitcase packed with our stuff for after the shoot.” Katie took me around the waist and hugged me. “Soon this’ll be every day.” She whispered in my ear. “By the way sweetness… I hate you in jeans. Your ass becomes way too inviting.” She chuckled.

We finally managed to leave the house. Along the way Katie bought me coffee and a pastry which I wolfed down. We were off to get my boobs injected and then to the salon for hands and feet. By the time noon had come I was frazzled from all the activities. And our day really hadn’t even begun!

We drove to the south side of town. Turning into the Rio Vista section, Katie drove toward the end of the street. She turned and then I saw we were going out on one of the keys. We passed the biggest gated homes I’d ever seen. Katie turned into a drive and the gate immediately swung open. My first thought was that this is Bernie’s home…that is until I remembered Bernie lived in an apartment. Derp and duh…

As we pulled up to the house, we saw two huge Mercedes panel vans and several other cars including Bernie’s. After pulling out two carry-on size pieces of luggage and handing me one, we walked to the front double doors. One swung open before we could even knock and Joey stood inside smiling.

“Hi kids…” He sort of chuckled.

We greeted Joey with kisses as we walked in. The aroma of food immediately stuck me and my tummy began to rumble in anticipation. I dropped my bags and followed the aromas into a giant living room with huge glass windows looking out at the bay. I turned and saw an amazing array of foods; both hot and cold. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bernie sitting and talking with some other guy.

Hmmm… I need food! No…? First Bernie… Wait…a quick bite of something. No… A quick hello to Bernie… Food… Bernie… Food… Bernie…

“Hi Bernie…” Common sense seemed to win out.

“Hey…!” His eyes lit up. “Here’s my new little super star.” He got up and met me with a hug and an innocent kiss. “I hope you’re ready for this?” He beamed.

“No…?” I grinned.

“Go get something to eat kid.” Bernie winked. “You’ll need all your strength. I’ll join you.”

As I picked up a plate and flat ware, Bernie began to tell me about the day.

“The stylists are upstairs and just waiting for you. One of the gofers already filled the tub and everything you’ll need to wash is on the tub’s rim.” I took bites of several different things as he spoke. “The set is the master bedroom and it’ll be closed to everyone except the two video people. There are several other fixed cameras but they’ll be operated from the hallway outside.”
We filled our plates with munchables when Katie joined us.

“Hi daddy…!” Katie exclaimed with joy as she hugged and kissed him.

“Hi sweet heart…” Bernie grinned…maybe a little lewdly? “I was just explaining the deal with the shoot.” He quickly glanced at his watch. “We have about three…maybe three and a half hours.”

“Don’t worry Bernie.” Katie grinned. “This’ll be a one take shoot for sure.”

“You do that and…” Bernie thought for a minute. “Maybe I’ll send you both to New York for a weekend…a long weekend.”

“Oh Bernie…” Katie threw her arms around him and showered him with kisses. “You’re the best!”

Quickly wolfing down my food, I grabbed my soda and followed behind Katie as she walked upstairs to the bathroom. She seemed to know the layout almost too well. Hmmm… Our two bags were already waiting as well as the promised bath. There were wonderfully scented oils on the water.

It didn’t take either one of us long to strip off our clothes. Katie went to her bag and unsnapped the locks. She pulled out two bottles and a small vial. I took the vial and knew what to do with whatever she put in it. She handed me a pill which of course I gobbled down!

“I brought a refresher baby doll. I know we’re both clean but I thought sweetening it up could be nice.” She handed me the squeeze bottle. “It’s only four ounces so you can hold it whilst we bath.” Katie had one for herself. “Oh yeah…” Katie reached into her bag again and brought out a butt plug. “This one’s a little larger than you’re accustomed to but I may be using something a little bigger than usual.” She giggled.

‘Nice…’ I thought sarcastically. We inserted and administered each other’s olive oil enema and Katie helped me insert in the plug. It’s hard to do when you’re also trying not to leak oil all over the place. Though the plug was only a wee bit longer than usual, it was larger in diameter at the part that keeps one’s asshole distended.

We washed and bathed and generally chilled in the quite warm water. My asshole was loving the new plug’s width in spite of the initial insertion pain. I even did some asshole Kegels. After drying and emptying the olive oil, Katie again helped me insert the plug. It certainly went in a whole lot easier the second time. After scenting ourselves with our usual perfumes, Katie and I wrapped fresh robes around ourselves and I followed her out of the room.

“Who owns this place?” I whispered.

“Who cares?” Katie giggled. “It’s rented and they do shoots in different rooms. But…” Katie smiled at me. “We’re the only ones right now. The only thing that ever changes is the cheap ass furniture they put in here.” Katie turned and grinned lewdly. “The old stuff gets pretty stinky after a while. Sometimes they forget to cover it before the shoot.”

Ewww…! T…M…I…!

Katie led me into a large and well lit changing room. There was a man and a woman at the wide marble counter top that had a gilded mirrored wall. There were two chairs so, taking a seat after Katie, the process of makeup and hair began.

Although my stylist, the guy, kept up an endless stream of chatter, I barely heard a word. I was in some other place in my mind. He would punctuate his chatter with ‘oh honey you look so amazing’ or ‘oh my God…you look so young’. Like…I’m stupid or something? But it was nice to hear. Anyway, by the time they were done I looked even younger and Katie looked older…and way more glam.

We got up and I followed Katie through other door that led into the master bedroom. And this room was aptly named for an amazing view of the bay. I went straight for the window without even noticing the others in the room. I was really feeling the drug as every care simply melted away.

“Hi ladies… My name is Tommy but my screen name is Dax…Dax Dix.” He laughed and stood up. “I’m running the boards from outside in the hallway.”

Tommy had a majorly cute and tight ass. He was extremely well built and the first thought that came to my mind was how he’d feel atop me driving his cock up my ass. Dax Dix… Hmmm… How could I possibly love cock so much and the bigger prick attached so little? Did my Katie phrase it that way? But I digress.

“This is Lu and Sam.” He nodded toward the two women with video cams. “They’ll be in here with you. Is that okay?”

I looked at Katie. At that moment I really didn’t care if the entire school was in the room with us. She smiled at me knowing how I was feeling. I turned to Tommy and nodded with a smile.

“Just remember what I told you.” Katie said softly.

Katie squeezed my hand as she spoke but my eyes, and mind, were elsewhere. I was being seriously distracted by Tommy’s cute hard ass gyrating as he left the room.

“Just keep looking into my eyes whether I’m gazing at you or not.” Katie was serious. “Okay sweet heart… Robes off and they’ll set up the shot.”

Katie dropped hers like it was a tissue. I undid mine with a bit of trepidation. Finally, Katie simply took the end I was holding and ripped it from my grasp.

“We’re going to start at the windows.” Katie spoke to the women. “Let’s do an open door. It’ll be shit for the sound and the lighting will be trippy, but the shot should look terrific. We can be in silhouette and then we’ll move toward the bed. After that just be sharp and out of the way.” Katie laughed. “And no selfies with us in the background…!” Katie scolded playfully.

As I began to walk toward the windows, Katie stopped me.

“Your plug sweet heart…” She grinned

Discreetly pulling it out, the sight shielded by Katie’s body in front of mine, I gave it to Katie who quickly wrapped it up in a washcloth. Once at the windows I simply had to open the sliding glass door. The ocean breeze hit us and I almost felt at home. I stood looking out until Katie came to my side. She took my hand in hers as I gazed at her. Very slowly Katie turned toward me…and I toward her.

Katie slowly and dramatically put both her arms around my waist as I draped mine around her neck and upon her shoulders. I waited for the longest moment with my lips slightly parted. I was begging with my eyes for her kiss. When Katie’s kiss did come, I melted into her arms. I was totally helpless as Katie very slowly, and deliberately, danced me around toward the bed. Our lips never parted and her hands went to my lower back and ass cheeks.

Backed up until I felt the bed touching just below my knees, Katie slipped her finger down between my ass cheeks and plunged it into my asshole. My eyes went wide and I moaned into her mouth. Our lips finally parted, Katie pushed me down onto the bed. She was all over me with her mouth. When I could see her our eyes locked. And when I couldn’t see her, I closed my eyes and hers would still appear in my mind.

The entire experience was a blur after Katie shoved three of her fingers up my ass and which she used to tap rather frantically on my good spot. All I knew was being cuddled in Katie’s arms as her lips gently showering my face with kisses. My entire body was humming; especially my asshole. When she finally turned around and placed her sopping wet vagina on my face, I felt so encased in her…so totally safe…and so totally wanted.

After bringing her off a few times, Katie finally got off my face and engulfed my boy bits. She was relentless as she bathed me in the warmth and wetness of her mouth. Then when Katie brought out the strap on, which was strategically hidden out of sight, I gazed in awe at the size of the thingy. I didn’t think that thingy would even fit into me. But I trusted her and I trusted she wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.

After some more really intense foreplay, Katie positioned me onto my back. She had me hold my legs out and back. She wanted an excellent view of her target…my little bull’s eye. As I felt the head of the thingy knocking on my back door, I braced myself for the onslaught. Not a smart move at all…! I yelped loudly when it parted my hole and popped in.

“Are you okay?” Katie whispered looking very concerned.

“Yeah…” I said softly with a tear running from my eye. “I want it all. It really hurts but I don’t care. I want it all. I want all of you in me.”

I knew I spoke loudly enough to have the mics pick it up. Something very deep within me, almost instinctively, caused me to consider the PEV of what we were doing. Katie’s grin indicated that she was quite pleased with what I said.

Katie very slowly and carefully began to work the monstrous thingy into me. Every fraction on an inch brought blinding explosions of light and searing waves of sensation. It radiated quickly throughout my body. And when she bent down to suck my nipple into her mouth, I actually bucked my hips up and forced the thingy even deeper.

By the time I felt her hips touch mine, the pain had dissipated. Thank you ‘magic goo’…! The pain was replaced by this amazing feeling of being filled and stretched. Katie began to slowly fuck me. I felt all the ripples in the thingy that I hadn’t noticed before. The awesome feeling of my asshole slightly opening and closing as each ripple passed through only added fuel to the ever building raging fire I felt.

Katie’s mouth never left my body. If she wasn’t sucking my soul out through my mouth, she was sucking it out through my very sensitive nipples. Katie laved my ears and tugged on my lobes with her teeth. Instinctively I began to move with her motions. I met each thrust with my hips. And with each thrust my magic spot was pounded with pleasure.

I held onto her for dear life as she hammered away. Katie’s tummy was constantly rubbing against my boy bits driving my desires even higher. The only sounds in the room were our heavy breathing and my moans, groans, and sighs.

When I finally came it was a truly epic. I cried out and Katie covered my mouth with hers. Wave after wave after wave of ecstasy battered my body and soul. There were the proverbial skyrockets, bells, chimes, lightning flashes, and a full symphony orchestra! Then there was darkness.

Regaining consciousness slowly, I began to gaze around. I saw that everybody was in the room and gathered around me. They were staring rather intensely at me. I only buried my face deeper into the lushness of Katie’s boobs.

I heard people speaking but their words were blotted out. All I knew was that Katie had destroyed me yet again. I could still feel that thingy in me and I could only hope that at the end of the shoot her scent on my face would prove I had returned the favor sufficiently.

“Is she alright?” I think Bernie asked.

“Yeah…” Katie kissed me and hugged me. “She does that you know.” She chuckled.

“No…” Bernie chuckled. “I didn’t know.” He glanced at me. “You really had us worried.”

I blushed and hid my face between Katie’s pendulous boobs.

“I think we might have a super star in our midst.” He laughed.

“That was amazing.” Dix Dux…or whatever…exclaimed. “We’ve got it all in less than thirty minutes.”

“And it’s all real stuff…the real thing.” The two ladies were grinning. “I’ve never seen such passion between two actors.” I think Sam said.

But the biggest compliment came from Bernie.

“I guess I owe you two a trip to New York.” He laughed.

“Listen gang…” Sam chimed in. “That was amazing but I’d like to get some post action. Maybe you two doing a post orgasm hugging and kissing thing? Especially since you two are still in position?” She chuckled.

Katie and I gazed at each other with huge grins. It wasn’t hard to give her another five minutes of our true feelings toward each other. We hugged and kissed as if we were alone and at home. In fact Bernie was the one who had us stop before we began to fuck again.

After Katie licked my fluid off my tummy, I was finally able to sit up and stand. My entire body, especially my asshole, was buzzing with the warm fuzzies. I needed her help getting to the bathroom. I had to hold the tissues against my asshole with my hand. My body and mind were still rocking and a little shaky from that amazing orgasm and ‘post’ make out session.

“Is she always that hot?” Lu…I think…asked.

“Every single time…” Katie smiled broadly.

“Do you…?” She began.

“Not it this lifetime honey.” Katie grinned but was firm. “This one is all mine.” Katie then whispered to me as we left the bedroom. “She wanted to…you know…borrow you? As if…” She giggled.

We showered together and took a little longer than necessary. I couldn’t help myself. I just couldn’t keep from touching Katie. And she had a hard time not playing with me, as spent as I was. When we finally dried and did our makeup, I felt like myself again. But there was one thing I needed to do.

“I need to speak with Bernie before we leave. Please…?” I sincerely whined…or is it whined sincerely?

“Oh baby doll…” Katie smiled sadly knowing what I wanted. “I asked already. But if you want to…”

We found Bernie in one of the vans. He was looking over all the footage taken on six different displays. He looked rather surprised to see us when we walked in. Katie took a deep breath and sighed.

“Bernie…” Katie seemed apologetic. “Stevie wants to ask you something.”

“Sure…” He grinned. “Come over here Stevie.”

Bernie motioned at me with his hand. I was tucked behind Katie…as usual. Bernie reached out and took my hand. He gently pulled me closer.

“So how does my little super star feel after her first flick?” Bernie chuckled.

“Bernie…? Can I please have…” I never got to finish my request.

“I would love to give you a copy.” He paused and sighed. “But a copy can be very dangerous for all of us. Do you know why?” I nodded and gazed down at my other hand in Katie’s. “Look at me sweet heart.” And I did. “Why is it dangerous?” Bernie asked softly.

“Because I’m under eighteen…?” I whispered.

“Look sweet heart…” Bernie gently touched my cheek. “We have hours of video to look at before there’s even anything to show. But if you like…” Bernie glanced at Katie. “Both of you can come over for a…” He thought for a moment. “…a premier showing.” Bernie grinned.

“That should be très exciting.” Katie grinned. “We’ll be the very first to see it. Just like a real preview or something. That is so dope!” She looked very excited as she nodded to me.

“We’ll even have a little party with champagne and hors d'oeuvres.” He smiled kindly.

What could I do? I thanked Bernie for this opportunity with a hug and a kiss. Katie did the same but not because of the opportunity thingy. I knew her mind was on New York. After grabbing a few more little morsels to eat, we got into Katie’s car and we went directly home.

“Baby doll…?” Katie glanced at me. “You were amazing. You were just…” Katie gazed off for a moment. “…truly fucking awesome!” Katie giggled. “We never fucked with such amazing intensity. You were really on fire.”

“I’m sorry.” I pouted. “I just did what you asked and I kept looking into your eyes. I guess it’s what I felt. I wish it could have gone on longer.” I admitted sadly. “I so wanted to taste you when you were fucking me.”

“Oh sweet heart…” Katie sighed. “You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had and today you simply outdid yourself. It was the best ever. You were totally awesome as fuck!” Katie laughed.

A sudden rush of the warm and fuzzies washed over me. I became so emotion and elated that I had pleased Katie so. I got a tissue from my bag just as the tears began to flow. I couldn’t believe my joy…my so very profound joy…of being alive and being with Katie.

“What’s wrong honey?” Katie sounded worried. “Are you okay?”

Katie suddenly pulled the car over and stopped. All I could do was shrug my shoulders and smile. My tears were uncontrollable and I really didn’t try to them.

“It’s the ‘mones baby girl.” Katie said seriously. “Welcome to female puberty.” Katie smiled wryly. “I was always in the girls room crying…especially during my early teens.”

Katie was fine with staying as long as I needed. Finally I leaned over and hugged her as best I could. Then our lips met for the longest moment in a badly needed lip lock. When our lips parted, I gazed into her eyes.

“I love you Katie. Please…let’s go home now?” I smiled and sniffled into my third tissue.

The rest of the way home I held Katie’s hand. It wasn’t until I began to get out that I remembered our bags. I asked Katie as I began to panic.

“Oh my God… Our bags…”

“Not to worry baby doll…” Katie chuckled. “I had Joey load them whilst we were with Bernie.”

We dropped our bags just inside the door and we stripped all the way to our spot. Katie opened the terrace door. There where clouds gathering and the wind off the sea was cool. All this was fine with me. I wanted a big ‘in’ with Katie. Oh how I coveted her. I knew that she would never, she could never, truly be mine. But I would relish anything and everything I could get.

It’s not that I doubted her. Katie loved me in her own way for sure. I just felt it. And Katie did look after me at all times. She was the only one who could make my entire world sane…to me anyway. I lived for these quiet moments, for any moments, with her.

“Katie…?” I simply hated to ask but… “Can I do a different pill next time?”

“Sure honey…” Katie stopped filling the pipe. “What’s wrong?”

“Well…? It started off okay.” I sighed. “But sometime during the shoot…? I simply don’t remember much of anything at all…except your eyes.”

I stared at her with such need as I reached out to touch her hand.

“Sure baby doll…” Katie smiled and continued to fill the pipe. “It was probably way strong and I’m sorry about that. But I must admit…again…” Katie grinned and came to sit pulling my head in her lap. “You were there when I needed you.”

Katie giggled that stupid giggle one does when they’re…when they’ve been well fucked? We stayed in our spot the rest of the afternoon. When the wind became too much we closed the door and when into our bedroom. I spread one of the beach towels, now cleaned and sanitized after Jessie’s ‘little’ display, out over the bed and I brought in several plates full of things to eat. Katie already had chilled white wine in our glasses.

After we had sated ourselves with food, I brought the dishes back to the kitchen. What little remained I put away and I stacked the plates in the dish washer. When I returned, Katie had poured me more wine and chuckled.

“You’re going to become a good wife for me.” She smiled…with her eyes as well.

I giggled and blushed. What could I say to that? This entire day was spent with my pleasing Katie. And I was loving it.

“What…?” Katie smiled at me. “…are you giggling about?” She reached over and playfully tickled me.

“Well…?” I rolled my eyes and giggled. “We don’t need to guess who’s the top in our family.” I snickered. “And I so love being your bottom…”

Katie sat up.

“Where’d you hear those expressions?” Her eyes were wide.

I really couldn’t remember. Maybe it was probably something someone said at the shoot. It really wasn’t important anyway. We rested on our sides head to crotch...sort of. We gently touched and caressed one another’s body. I was filled with wonder at Katie’s perfect body. It was so rich, so lush, so ripe, and so busting with womanhood.

And her pussy was amazing. What I once thought of as an open wound suddenly became a font of overflowing pleasure for me. Maybe not in the usual manner…whatever that might be like. And I totally envied her boobs. Not the size or shape or anything… Just the very fact that she had them and could wake up with them every day…

But now was not the time to bring that up…again. There would be not solution until the ‘mones really kicked in. And that wouldn’t occur from months…maybe…years. But even that wasn’t important right now. Katie reached over and pulled the comforter over us. We fell asleep with one hand around a leg and the other holding either boy bits or pussy. Our aromas were intoxicating and that’s all it took.

When we awoke we remained naked all evening. Since no guys were involved with our shoot, our cleansing ritual could be shelved. Katie ordered in pizza and we sat on the rug eating, drinking wine, and watching some derp romcom. We finally made love again before falling asleep, our bodies once again intertwined.

Katie was up in the morning before me…as usual. When she heard me in the bathroom she came rushing in with a big grin on her face. Katie wore her terry robe and nothing else. It hung open to reveal her pendulous boobs.

“I have a date tonight. An overnighter…” She chuckled. “Want to come along?”

As if I wouldn’t. But I was disappointed that I wouldn’t have my Katie all to myself again.

“Sure…” I said flatly and smiled half-heartedly.

“Listen honey bunny…” Katie came to me as I sat on the toilette. “It’s a Bernie special and it’s last minute so…” Her eyes shone at the thought of the money.

“If I need to do another flick…? It’s only with you.” I said firmly. “I don’t care what it is or what we need to do. But it’s got to be with you.”

I crossed my arms, a piece of toilette tissue dangling from my left hand. That caught Katie quite by surprise.

“Why baby doll… Whatever are you thinking?” Her seriousness was punctuated by her gaze.

We spoke as I wiped the last few drops from my dick. I stood up and flushed thinking that our day was just flushed by Bernie and his call. I showered and did my morning ritual. As I was putting on some makeup, Katie was rummaging through her…through our closet. When I walked into our bedroom there was a pile of clothing upon the bed and Katie was still in the closet.

“What’s up?” I asked as I searched for something to wear.

“It’s time to trash some stuff.” Katie smiled. “I need a few new things for dates and for Bernie.”

Bernie… Of course Bernie…

“And…” Katie glanced at me. “I think I need a few really ‘butch’ things for when we go clubbing.” She giggled.

And so our day was planned. We would mall it for a few hours no doubt. And then an early dinner and off to our ‘date’. At least Katie had future plans for us: like clubbing. We’d only been three times and I enjoyed being with her, being seen with her, and dancing with her.

“Oh… Just before you go too far… Better put in the butt plug.” Katie glanced at me. “He likes a strap on but I’m not sure to use on whom.” She giggled. “So… Better safe than sorry I ‘sez’…”

We had breakfast by eleven and we hit the mall around noon. The mall was jammed full of people speaking languages I didn’t understand…or never even heard before. They were toting huge suitcases behind them and no doubt carefully filled them to capacity. After all, it was the numero uno mall on the east side of town and Fort Lauderdale was a cruise port.

One of the things I adored about Katie was her skill at mentally organizing and making her lists. She knew exactly what she wanted and where to get it right down to the punked out black leather jacket-vest, black leather trousers, and of course the black leather shit kicker boots.

Aside from the leather stuff, Katie bought several blazers with a decidedly femme cut and trousers as well. She bought two pairs of shoes in a loafer style. Then there were the low cut low hemmed slinky dresses that Bernie loved so much. And…she did it in the same time it takes me to buy one top!

Katie was going so fast that I barely had time to browse through a rack before she’d ask me what I thought of something. I realized that it didn’t really matter…my opinion that is. She’d already made up her mind but I loved that she asked me anyway.

Just about everything uber femme needed to be altered. And Katie wanted me there to approve of what was to be done. The sales woman was obviously quite accustomed to having a posse during a buying spree. She smiled knowing that at least this commission would be worth the trouble. And all we’d have to drag back to the car were Katie’s leather goods.

We decided to go home instead of eating at the mall. Katie wanted to rest and I wanted to rest with her. Katie told me a little about the client as we ate the delivered Greek food.

“He’s kind of old, sort of fat, and not exactly your type?” She chuckled. “But he has money and he should be an easy date.”

Hmmm… Not exactly an endorsement for GQ’s cover…

“Bernie says he’s more of a watcher…you know?” No…I didn’t. “He always gets two girls. And he sort of joins in eventually.” Katie laughed. “Just as long as he doesn’t have a coronary when he sees us do our thing.”

We began getting ready about five. Doing our usual cleansing inside and out, I was having second thoughts about this going along with Katie. I mean…if the client was at least in good shape I could deal…maybe. But this guy sounded like a challenge for my intestinal fortitude (yeppers…another SAT exam word).

Katie pumped my nips and I had to do my face whilst the two tubes were dangling off my chest. Gazing down at what once were my boobs, I nearly burst into tears.

“What am I going to wear?” I moaned softly. “Should I wear a bra and my fake boobs or what?”

“Baby doll…” Kate spoke in her softest voice. “Whether you know it or not, there really is something there.” Katie gently touched the area around my nipples. “Yeah…!” Her eyes gleamed. “There’s definitely something growing.”

I glanced down but sadly I saw nothing new. Okay…so maybe some of the saline had lingered but…

“It’s a little sore.” I whined. And a good vintage I might add… “And maybe my nips itch a little?”

“Female puberty rears its ugly head…again.” Katie smirked. “What I had to go through to get these…” She hefted her boobs. “…was totally fucked. And my first period was a…a blood sacrifice of epic proportions. And that’s def putting it mildly.” Katie snickered. “The cramps and shit…?” Katie grinned. “And you’ll miss all that.”

When I finally finished my face Katie yanked the tubes off my nips. Aside from my high-pitched yelp, I noticed how large and how angry red…almost purple…they appeared. Katie gently wiped the remains of the goo off with a warm washcloth which felt amazing.

We dressed to kill wearing our long figure hugging midis and matching heels. Katie decided my padded training bra would suffice. I just had my happy pill dosing and I felt ready for the challenge that was to come (pardon the pun).

Joey was down by the main doors when we got to the lobby. I was still making a mental list and asking Katie whether she packed this item and that one. But as always she was thorough in her preparations and nodded patiently to each of my queries. Katie knew I was still nervous and made small talk with Joey as we drove along the beach toward the resorts.

We finally stopped at one of the older resorts at the south end. It was on the bay side just before the Seventeenth Street Bridge. I’d heard they had a rotating bar on the top floor with a really dope view of the harbor, the city, and the inter-coastal waterway. The lobby was kind of old but one could see it was elegant at one time. I was feeling really good as we took the elevator to an upper floor.

He had a suite, which worked well. There was plenty of room to ‘play’. Of course he froze upon opening the door. I had a feeling that this was something I needed to become accustomed to. Katie seemed to take it all in stride. She introduced me to Mel. Mel was everything that Katie said he would be. Well…maybe not everything…but more than enough.

Mel invited us over to the wet bar and offered us something to drink. Katie and I took white wine but Mel poured himself a double of something golden brown in color. As I wandered over to the terrace windows to look outside, Katie joined me.

“He’s either a first timer of relatively new to this.” She whispered. “He needs a strong one before anything happens.” Katie tried not to giggle. “Just follow my lead.”

“What do you mean ‘new to this’? I thought he always takes two girls.”

“Yeah honey…” Katie giggled softly. “But now one of the girls has an extra part?”

She turned and walked over to Mel. And that ‘extra part’ thingy rears its very ugly head yet again.

“Where’s the bedroom Mel?” She grinned lewdly.

Poor Mel stood there in his bathrobe and shorts stuttering. He finally just pointed toward an opened door off the main room. She was total confidence as she took his hand and pulled him along. Katie walked into it like she owned the place.

“You realize that Stevie and I are lovers…like…for real?” She grinned.

“Uhhh…” Mel stammered. “That’s what I was told. I’d like to watch the two of you…if that’s okay?” His tone was apologetic.

“Sure…!” Katie spoke with joy. “Why don’t you lose those shorts and have a seat.” She pointed to an armchair facing the bed. “You know that Stevie is a ‘special’ girl?” It was a statement than a question.

“Yes…” Mel spoke softly as he dropped his shorts and sat. “That’s why I chose you both.” He set his drink upon an end table alongside the chair. “I’m…curious?” He began to perspire as he cast his gaze toward me. “And I couldn’t get you without…her.”

Katie and I glanced at one another. We rolled our eyes as we thought the same thing. ‘What kind of freaky shit show will this be?’ But as we suggestively stripped, me following Katie’s lead, I knew exactly what to do. I had to keep my eyes on her…like totally? And with Mel being out of our sight, he became out of mind quickly. Our first kiss on the bed saw to that in a major league way for sure.

Somewhere and sometime during our amazingly blazing fucking I felt a tongue on my asshole. Since Katie’s mouth was otherwise occupied with my nipples and mouth, Mel had final found something he liked…my very own sweet spot. And I must admit that it felt divine whilst it lasted? Katie got off me and grinned.

“Let’s give him what he really wants.” She smiled evilly.

I spread my legs and he dick dove me. It’s like he couldn’t get enough…so to speak. I expected he that would want to fuck me or something like maybe a blow job of his very own? That was a major derp.

Katie began to whisper into his ear and whatever she said seemed to stimulate him even more. Mel took his mouth from my bits and said something to her. She disappeared from my sight and I closed my eyes and simply relished the sensations Mel was ‘gifting’ me with. Suddenly his forehead bumped my tummy and he loudly groaned.

“Oh yes…!” I heard Katie exclaim. “This is what you want…isn’t it?” She giggled. “You’re such a fat piggy boy…and a naughty faggy boy. Aren’t you?”

Mel was too busy to respond. I heard a slapping sound and Mel grunted again…and again.

“Answer me piggy boy.” Katie demanded. “You just love having your tongue up some tranny ass. Don’t you!”

I heard another slap; this one even louder and harder. And Mel grunted even louder. But he did finally answer.

“Yes Mistress…”

And he went back to his slobbering all over my boy bits and asshole. He was squeezing my ass cheeks when suddenly Mel yelped and got knocked off my bits.

“Oh yes… Yes…!” He hissed as he seemed to move back and forth a few inches.

The stream of profanities coming from Mel and Katie was only matched by her very obviously ferocity in thrusting some kind of nasty thing into Mel’s asshole. This kind of went on for a while until Katie made a circular motion with her finger wanting me to turn over. I did and I felt something being kind of sprinkled between my ass cheeks and asshole.

“Don’t move baby girl.”

Katie giggled as Mel dove between my ass cheeks with his nose and tongue. I closed my eyes and entered heaven…again. Suddenly I felt something in front of me. It was the back of Katie’s hand with what was obviously bat snuff on it…for me. And who am I to refuse?

Mel finally coked up enough to push me down and try to enter me from behind. It was kind of weird because he was…well…short…in the cock department? He wasn’t as short as me…as if… But when he finally managed to enter me it felt like maybe two of Katie’s slender fingers?

After several more rounds of change places and snort ‘refreshments’, Mel collapsed upon the bed on his back; his face and neck a beet red color. He was covered in perspiration, and he was trying to catch his breath. I thought he was having a coronary or something. It was then I saw what Katie had been shoving into him.

Mel had a collection of strap-on cocks; each one bigger than the one before. The one Katie wore looked sickly huge. It was the size of a baseball bat or something. And he had a pill bottle, a huge one, filled with snuff as well as a huge tube of goo in the nightstand alongside the bed. Small wonder we didn’t see it when we first entered the bedroom.

After Katie made sure Mel wasn’t dying on us, she gave him a glass of tonic water and wiped him down with several dampened hand towels.

“That was…” Mel smiled and laughed between gulps for air. “…incredible! I think we’re finished for the night.” Mel chuckled. “At least I am. Why don’t you girls take the drugs? I have more anyway.” Mel gazed at me for the longest moment. “And you are amazing. You’re so beautiful. You could be one of those fashion models.”

We went to the bathroom to quickly freshen and dress. This ‘fashion model’ couldn’t wait to shower him off of her body.

“It’s only been a couple of hours.” I spoke nervously. “Aren’t we going to stay the night?”

“Do you really want to spend the night in bed with…” Katie scrunched up her face and nodded toward the bedroom. “…with that?”

I giggled and shook my head.

“Listen sweet heart… He paid for a total overnight so consider us très lucky.” Katie smiled slyly. “There’s nothing like easy money…honey.” She snickered.

Mel recovered enough to get up and escort us to the door. He handed us our envelopes. We both thanked and…ewww…we kissed him goodbye. On the way to the elevator Katie texted Joey and we only had to wait ten minutes until he showed up.

“Early evening girls…?” Joey queried as he opened the door of the limo for us.

“It’s almost enough to make me think there is a God.” Katie chuckled.

“I couldn’t believe you got that huge thing up his ass.” I was truly amazed.

“Listen honey…” Katie smiled with an amused expression. “They wouldn’t make them if people didn’t use them.” She laughed. “And I’ve actually used much larger ones on the real freaks.”

We were both happy to get back home. Katie gave Joey his usual and Joey was quite grateful for it. Back in our apartment we couldn’t wait to bathe and get whatever Mel left on, and in us, off. Evidently Mel had his nut busted because there was just a wee bit of whitish crap on my panty liner. I felt like throwing the panty away but Katie stopped me.

“Get accustomed to it honey bunny. It’s part of the profession.” Katie put an emphasis on ‘profession’. “We did really well tonight.” She snickered as the tub filled. “Anytime you can do them in a few hours and get paid for the overnight…it’s like gold…you know?”

I didn’t but I was quickly finding this out. I was learning so much from Katie. As we soaked in the tub, Katie was planning out the next two weeks. The coming week would be spent totally with Katie and we already knew that our date with Bernie would be coming up soon as well.

As we soaked I gazed at my new ankle bracelet. It hadn’t come off since Katie put it on for me. I thought of it as being a real bond between us. When we finally got to bed I couldn’t help but shed more tears of joy as I hugged Katie.

Living with Katie during the week was way dif than only on weekends. I really felt like our apartment was really ours and our lives were really inter-twined. Just life in general seemed less…episodic and disjointed?

Indeed life actually felt almost seamless. I felt much calmer and at ease not just with myself, but with everything around me. Except for school… I still needed to show up in the mornings…at the very least.

My first modeling job was for real. I mean they had these big recreational vehicles for changes, breaks, and food. The shoot was for spring ‘young Miss’ and ‘junior’ styles and the beach provided the perfect backdrop. But I never realized just how hard this modeling crap really was.

There were three other girls modelling and between hair, makeup and changes, it was like an unbridled shit storm of activity. There were people moving reflectors and lighting even though it was daytime. There were several people shooting pix including this one guy with a Polaroid camera. It was kind of weird seeing real photos almost within seconds.

I was an unusually massive as fuck hit at school the next day. Katie was showing off the few Polaroids I was given. I was embarrassed for sure. I wasn’t sure whether they thought I looked hot or they were simply envious of what I was doing. If only they knew. I got paid shit for the day but Bernie said ‘the exposure will be great’. And, in a very real sense, it was.

When we went to ‘visit’ Bernie, he had nothing but raves for me. Evidently he sent a few of the modelling pix to his ‘selective clientele’ and they went wild. After we left the next morning, Katie explained what was happening.

“The demand for a very special girl like you is amazing.” She sounded thrilled although her eyes spoke of envy. “You looked totally amazing in those pix and those who like the young and tender meat are actually bidding for you.”

‘Bidding…?’ What the fuck…?

“It’s not hard to get a young juicy girl if you have the jack. But a young hot as fuck fashion model in the making…for the making…” She laughed. “That’s something special for sure. And they don’t care what hole they use anyway. In fact guys seem to really get off more when they’re in your ass. Guys…!” Katie spat the word. “Barfo…”

Then, on a ‘mom week’ of all times, we had to fly to Vegas for Kenny and John. We flew first class on a Friday before noon and went straight to the hotel. We passed any number of amazing hotels before we arrived at the most awesome of them all. Katie seemed almost as impressed as I was.

The Palazzo Resort was…well…very Italian looking in a very Vegas glitzy manner. Everything seemed to be slightly overdone? At the time I was amazed that such places actually even existed. Lauderdale, with its glorious Florida splendor, was not even close to the Vegas idea of luxury. But then again, it wasn’t surrounded by a desert either.

We were staying in Kenny’s upper floor suite and had actually arrived before them. There was enough time nap and lounge and even use the spa before we needed to be ready. Since Kenny seemed to be in charge, Katie let me take the bedroom that had a better view. That was actually a joke in that both bedrooms had the same view of other just as amazing hotels.

The woman who Bernie arranged to do my tits arrived shortly after we settled in and she began her work. After that, and a snack of fruit, cheeses, and the ever present white wine, we hit the spa. And I mean we slammed it for three and a half hours! They even gave us a small four-ounce spiced olive oil enema that I guess was becoming the new thing for everyone?

Anyway…on our way back to the room in only our hotel robes and flip-flop sandals, we still managed to draw the attentions of guys. It was kind of weird being next to naked and having some perv scope you out like you were indeed naked. I wasn’t sure whether I felt upset or complimented. One guy even smiled at me! But then again…maybe I was all that. I know Katie sure was.

When we got to the room the guys were there, much to our surprise…and dismay. I felt like I was caught naked. Well I mean I was…almost. But naked in the sense that I didn’t have everything that defined me as me on. Of course, being guys, that didn’t bother them at all. I looked at Katie and she smiled and quickly raised and lowered her eyebrows several times. I instantly knew what that meant; party time!

My eyes never left Kenny’s as I shed my robe and immediately began to cock dive him. He hadn’t even taken his blazer off before I gently began to nuzzle his crotch. I loved feeling his huge gnads and already stiffening cock. I undid his belt and reached into his shorts to grasp his nice stiffening cock in my hand. I took his cock’s head into my mouth and the party began.

I was spit roasted…twice. Katie was as well. We did every position and combination that we could think of. And once the coke and weed came out I hoped the party would never end. We did take a break for some food and wine…champers actually. But the party picked up once we all had a chance to catch our breaths. After that weird guy Mel it felt nice just to have some cock the good old-fashioned way…and by real guys?

Anyway…the evening’s festivities finally ended in a royal fashion. Katie was doing a DP with me on all fours backed up to her face. She was tonguing my asshole as well as sticking several fingers in. And Kenny, with Katie on her back atop him, was playing with my boy bits with his mouth.

Kenny was in Katie’s ass and John was in her pussy. What verbiage I could hear was totally obscene. I would tongue Katie’s clit as John pounded into her. And on the upstrokes I would lick his cock. I don’t know who came first but for sure it wasn’t the chicken or the egg. We all sort of collapsed in a heap; exhausted, out of breath, and covered with each other’s bodily fluids.

I was glad the bed in Katie’s room was utilized. There were several wet and other assorted colored spots on the sheets. And heaven only knows what they would smell like in an hour or two. We showered after a wine and coke refresher and got dressed to go and dine. I had to continually remind myself that I was not in Vegas to sightsee. We dined in a really sweet restaurant within the hotel, walked around a bit, and then we went back up to the room to continue the party.

By the time Sunday rolled around, the guys were totally exhausted and we were a wee bit sore. Katie literally sighed with relief when we got on the plane. I felt for her because she had one more very sore hole than I did. When we finally got to our apartment, we dropped everything, opened the terrace door and got high. I got us a bottle of white wine to sip and I felt so thankful I had this place to chill…like anytime I wanted…mom or no mom.

The first thing Monday I was ambushed at school by Jessie. She seemed upset but didn’t want to speak about it…at school anyway. So after texting Katie and followed her bidding I invited Jessie over after school, which totally ended at noon of course. After some smoke, some wine, and some food, Jessie got down to it.

“It’s like I’m doing these films…you know?” She whined. “And all I’m getting is like eight hundred dollars…plus extras. I don’t know why I can’t get your kind of money?”

“Well…” Katie smiled. “You’ve got to begin somewhere and those films are for very special and private…clients? They’re the kind of clients who, if they like what they see, will pay the big bucks to roll around with you.”

Katie didn’t mention what she and I got for our…performance? I undressed this time removing my bra.

“Oh my God…!” Jessie’s eyes went wide. “Are you growing tits or something?”

I was suddenly so embarrassed to be naked in front of her. Whilst still in Vegas I managed to get two more injections when the guys were gambling. I got the last one just before we caught the plane home. It was kind of a job perk? I looked to Katie who was smiling and quite amused by my discomfort.

“It’s the ‘mones you know.” Katie giggled. “They’re really starting to kick in like crazy. I kind of like the look.” Katie smiled and winked at me.

“That’s totally sick.” Jessie grinned. “I wonder what I’d look like after a few months on the ‘mones.”

“Pretty much the way you look now.” Katie grinned. “After all, aren’t you already on the ‘mones? You are doing the pill…I hope.”

“Oh yeah…” Jessie giggled. “Bernie had me completely checked out by some ob-gyn Doc and I even got a script for something new.”

Katie gazed at me with a wry smile. “Well then… I guess we can really play with you now. Feel like licking my pussy?” She chuckled.

“Sure…” Jessie snickered and crawled over to Katie. Then she glanced at me. “Hey Stevie… Feel like licking mine?”

I was somewhat startled. It seemed so foreign to be licking anyone other than Katie. And even though I had done Jessie before, I’d been on a pretty steady diet of cocks. I looked to Katie for help.

“You been doing the olive oil thingy?” Katie asked as she grabbed Jessie by the hair.

“Yes… Of course… Especially now that I’m…working?”

“Hey baby girl…” Katie grinned wildly at me. “Why don’t you lick Jessie’s asshole? She looks like the back door type to me.”

I nodded. Anything to please my Katie...

“Hey sweet pea…” Jessie glanced back at me. “Does Katie always answer for you?”

As I glanced at Katie and Jessie laughed.

“Yes… I always speak for her unless I give her permission to speak for herself. But even then she defers to me.” Katie chuckled and looked at me. “Now get busy with Jessie’s asshole or she’ll never get me off.”

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