“Girls” for the Summer Club

How “the game” began.

By the time their ‘game’ began neither boy could remember how today’s events came to be. Was it a Truth or Dare consequence; a lost video game contest? The truth is they both WANTED to play their ‘game’. An excuse would let them justify doing what they wanted to do anyway – wear panties, apply and wear makeup. The motto of their game was “Whatever you do to me I get to do to you.” It seemed fair.

Maybe the idea started when someone said, ‘Anyone can look pretty with makeup.’ Or was it, ‘You’re so ugly even makeup couldn’t fix you.’ No one really cared. No one could complain that, ‘You MADE me; you FORCED me to wear makeup’. Both boys were willing ‘victims’. Kevin’s house would be an excuse free zone today. Free will is an amazing and liberating thing.

The beginning of summer

John was 15 and Kevin was a year older and an inch taller. They had been best friends as far back as they could remember. They were also next door neighbors. Both boys are about 5 foot 7 inches tall and weigh about 120 pounds each. By the end of summer they will have found out that means they were a 6/8 dress size and size 5/6 in panties. Both boys routinely wear their hair in the below the shoulders style of their favorite rock bands and sports heroes. Their parents and Kevin’s older sister are out of the house from 8 AM until 6 PM midweek. Kevin was a strawberry blond while John was a platinum blond.

John and Kevin sat side by side on a padded bench in front of Kevin’s sister’s makeup vanity. They were barefoot, with no shirts and wore denim short pants. A week of intense internet research, before school was out for the summer, had given the boys the basic information and video training they needed to be able to apply cosmetics and play their ‘game’. They were eager to be “forced” to wear makeup.

“Who goes first?” asked John. “Let me go first!” Kevin eagerly said. “OK,” replied John, “but remember that whatever you do to me I’ll do to you.” And with that comment a game of ‘cosmetics chicken’ began.

Kevin pulled a 3x5 card from his back pocket and leaned it against the vanity mirror. The card had a series of letters that read: F-B-EB-ES-EL-M & L. Without being asked Kevin recited: “Foundation - Blush - Eyebrows - Eye shadow - Eyeliner - Mascara - Lipstick.” Kevin picked up a pen an added “hair” to the card.

Inspecting the various cosmetics on his sister’s vanity Kevin picked up a bottle of Cover Girl Liquid Matte Foundation and shook it thoroughly as he had seen his sister do many times. “Face me and pull your hair back and off your face.” Kevin ordered. Handing John a tortoise shell colored plastic hair band Kevin said, “This hair band will make this easier.” Kevin wore a similar hair restraint.


Twisting open a bottle of makeup Kevin used a small makeup sponge and transferred the colored liquid to several places on John’s face before blending it into a uniform look. The process didn’t take long. A subtle and pleasant aroma wafted in the air.

When he was finished Kevin asked, “So what do you think?” John looked at his reflection and said, “It felt cold going on but it feels like nothing now. My freckles are gone, my face looks the same all over and I smell nice. What’s not to like? Give me the sponge; it’s my turn now.”

Kevin was sitting in place with his hair held back by his hair band by the time John had the sponge ready. John used the sponge to apply several large dots of the makeup to his friends face. John put the sponge down and began using his finger tips and thumbs to evenly spread the foundation over Kevin’s face. John took his time as he slowly massaged Kevin’s face.

Eventually the two friends were staring intently into the makeup mirror. “Wow! We look so different with foundation on,” John said. “I think we look better than our usual splotchy selves. Maybe we should call this off before we go too far.”

“So are you chickening out?” Kevin teased. “No, not me; I’m no chicken,” John quickly retorted. “I get to pick the next item!”


John picked up a compact of blush and used a convenient bristle brush to apply the powder to Kevin’s cheeks. “Gee, I never realized that you have nice cheekbones. This blush stuff really does a fine job in bringing them out.” Continuing to brush color onto Kevin’s cheeks John volunteered, “If you don’t have blush you can always use a bit of your lipstick on your cheekbones; it’s better than nothing… I guess.” John brushed more powder onto Kevin and then brushed color on to his own cheeks. Smiling at his reflection John handed Kevin the blush and repeated, “Whatever you do to me I get to do to you.” “The blush brush feels very calming… such a soft feeling,” commented Kevin. “Soothing,” John replied.


As agreed upon before tackling their eye makeup the boys thinned each other brows. Kevin went first and as he plucked John’s brows Kevin instructed, “Pluck from the bottom of the brow… make sure you only remove a few at a time.” When Kevin was done John’s brows were much thinner with just a hint of an arch. They also had a hint of femininity.

Kevin passed the tweezers to John who was busy inspecting what Kevin had just done to him. “My brows sure look groomed. I hope no one freaks out on me”. Kevin smiled and replied, “No worries, they’ll grow back if we let them. I think they make you look cuter.”

Nodding in agreement John began plucking Kevin’s brows. Because John spent more time on Kevin’s brows Kevin’s brows were thinner and more shaped than John’s brows. When John was done the two put their faces side by side and looked into the mirror again. “I think your brows look prettier than mine,” John said. Picking up the tweezers John spent a few minutes plucking and better defining his brows. Taking another look Kevin said, “We definitely have girly eyebrows now!” The two laughed.

Eye shadow

Looking down at the many eye shadow options there was a moment of hesitation. “So many colors…” Kevin said. John picked up a palette of browns and another one of grays and blacks. Passing the gray colors and a stubby foam applicator to Kevin, John said “I want the dark colors for me. I’ll use the brown on you.”

John rubbed the foam applicator in the brown tone eye shadow to load up the color. “Close your eyes and relax.” Kevin complied and held steady so John could complete the task at hand. Placing the colored powder into the crease in Kevin’s eyelid John stroked downwards towards Kevin’s eyelashes. With that done to both eyes John used a darker brown color and swept it along Kevin’s eye socket following the shape of his eye applying the darker shade between Kevin’s brow bone and eyelid. The effect was very good and very feminine. Having completed his task John sat down and waited for Kevin to do his task.

Kevin repeated the same process on John using the gray and black eye shadows. When he was done he told John to lightly close his eyes. Kevin then gently blew on John’s eye lids. Loose eye shadow dust blew away. John laughed. “Oh, that feels nice.”

Side by side they again faced the vanity mirror and did a detailed inspection of their newly made-up eyes. “Wow that sure makes a big impact doesn’t it?” Kevin said. Responding John said, “The grays give a sexier smoky look… something a girl would wear on an evening date. I like it best but would like to try shades of blue next time.”

Kevin: “So we need to do this again, right?”

John: “How about tomorrow? I want you to gently blow on my eyelids again… it feels naughty but nice.”

Kevin: “With our eye shadow done we can apply eyeliner. I hope you have a steady hand.”


Using Sephora Fine Line Liquid eyeliner Kevin carefully lined John’s upper eyelid extending the liner just beyond the outside corner of John’s eyes; just like the Sephora video had shown. Kevin used his index finger to draw the corner of John’s eye tight while applying the makeup. John returned the favor on Kevin but went wider with the pen. “Don’t make me look like Johnny Depp!” Kevin joked. To aid in the drying of the liquid eyeliner each boy gently blew on each other’s eyelids when they were done. Kevin enjoyed the gentle blowing by John on his eyelids. It made him smile.

John: “If we had more time I’d like to work on my lower lids. Doing the lower eyelids would better complete our look… I’ve been told. Maybe we could try that next time?”

Kevin: “Lower lids should always be part of the experience but I don’t want to run out of time. Put that suggestion on our list for next time.”

The two took time to check the mirror and confirm that their eyes definitely looked beautifully different.

Mascara – don’t let it dry between coats

John: “Rather than risk poking each other in the eye let’s do our own mascara.” John confidently picked up the Great Lash Maybelline mascara, pulled the applicator brush in and out several times to load the wand with color. He then began stroking his eyelashes. John did a good job of applying several coats of the black cosmetic before handing the mascara to Kevin.
John: “You need to do several applications but you can’t let it dry between coats.”

As Kevin was finishing his eyelashes John was just finishing up with an eyelash curler. After peering into the mirror John gave his eyelashes another crimping before passing the curler to Kevin. Following John’s method Kevin crimped his lashes but held the device on his lashes and counted to five.

Their lashes were noticeably longer, darker and perfectly curled; their faces looked extremely girly. Their arched and shaped eyebrows made their lashes standout. The boys had succeeded in getting the very girly look that they were striving for.

John: “Where did you learn that eyelash curler trick? Have you been practicing or have you done this before?” Without turning from the mirror Kevin blushed and said, “Yes to both of your questions. My sister would use me to practice on. Sometimes I practiced by myself when she was gone.”

With their mascara done their ‘mirror time’ lasted longer. They were in awe of their image. “We look damn hot!” John announced. Peering more closely at John Kevin said, “No doubt about it, you are very pretty, very attractive. I’d take you on a date.” Kevin rested his hand on John’s knee, gave it a boyfriend like rub and left it there. John blushed and put his hand on Kevin’s hand. They stared at each other for a prolonged time but neither boy said or did anything.

Kevin broke the awkward moment: “Sometimes you use mascara?”

John: “Yes. Sometimes when I’m bored I mess around with my mom’s lipstick too… Lately I’ve been trying on her panties too. They make me feel so… special. My dick gets hard and sometimes I need to play with myself until my penis tingles and goes soft… it feels so dreamy nice but I never ejaculate. I bet you do.”

Kevin smiled and said: “If you ever need help with that ‘problem’ let me know. Remember, ‘Whatever you do to me I get to do to you.’ Or we could work it this way, ‘Whatever I do to you then you have to do it to me’. And we could always decide to do it to each other at the same time.” Kevin filed John’s remarks into his memory.

It was John who broke the silence this time by saying, “We need to do our lips before we congratulate ourselves too much.”


Kevin selected a ‘Taylor Swift Red’ lipstick for John. He held John’s chin still with one hand while coloring John’s lips with a lipstick held in his other hand. It took several strokes before Kevin was satisfied with his efforts. Releasing John’s chin Kevin leaned back to inspect his work. As he replaced the cap on the lipstick Kevin told John, “Press your lips together like a good girl to even out and set the color like Sis does.” John turned to the vanity mirror and did as instructed, pretending that wearing lipstick was new to him.

Looking closely John leaned toward the mirror and used a tissue to erase a bit of red color that extended beyond his lip line. “Didn’t you learn how to color within the lines in kindergarten?” “Sorry,” Kevin replied. “I’ll do better next time.” ‘Next time’ seems to be a recurring theme thought John. That recurring theme made John smile. The day was going well for him; fantasies were being experienced.

John blew a kiss to their reflection and selected ‘Cherries in the Snow’ deep red lipstick color for Kevin. There would be no drab, bland lip color for Kevin. Kevin faced John and leaned forward and pursed his lips to make it easier for John to coat his lips. He closed his eyes and waited.

John twisted the lip color out of the tube, and gave it a sniff, before taking hold of Kevin’s chin. “I really like the smell of cosmetics. We’ve been missing out on things,” John commented. John slowly applied the lipstick evenly on Kevin’s firm lips, released Kevin’s chin, retracted the lipstick and capped it being careful to put it back on the vanity where he had found it. Kevin knew what to do after applying lipstick. Lightly licking his lips he turned to face the mirror. “I like the way lipstick tastes and looks.”

Kevin: “The next time we do this we need to wear something different than faded old shorts as it ruins the image of two cute chicks.”

John: “What do you mean by ‘the next time’?”

Kevin: “What are you doing tomorrow? We could start a ‘Girls for Summer’ club. Besides what else are we going to do? Play video games all summer? Why not play them looking like two cute chicks? It’ll be something different and exciting. Make ourselves pretty and then play video games. Or make ourselves pretty and paint each other’s finger nails. It would be a girl thing. We could do our toe nails and nobody would know.”

John: “It would sure get exciting if our parents caught us!”

Kevin: “That’s what makes it exciting. Heck, if Sis caught us she’d probably yell at us a bit but would then help with our eyeliner!”

“We look pretty good so far but we need to do something with our hair or we need to wear hats”, John joked.

“There will be no hats for us. I have a solution. Watch and learn.” Kevin proclaimed.

Hair - Kevin was a strawberry blond while John was a platinum blond. Their hair was well kept and hung below their shoulders.

Kevin removed his hair band and shook out his pony tail. After brushing his strawberry blond hair to get uniformity Kevin began using a teasing comb and began ‘ratting’ his pretty long hair. Kevin bent over and held his head and long hair down towards the floor. With his teased hair hanging freely Kevin gave it a liberal spray of scent free hair spray and held still for about 20 seconds. Sitting back upright Kevin easily coiffed his teased hair into a bouffant womanly hairstyle. Using the comb Kevin quickly created bangs. Applying a final squirt of hair spray Kevin was done with his hair. The final look was impressively feminine. Kevin had created about two inches of height, fullness and a long bob style to his hair. John was impressed at his friends’ skill with hair.

John: “Dang! Your hair looks amazing. It reminds me of Judy at school. How did you know how to do that? You could become a hair stylist. Can you do something pretty with my hair? Can you give me bangs too?” asked John.

Kevin: “I’ve watched Sis do this many times. And then I try it on myself when she’s not around until I get it right. She wonders why she needs to buy hairspray so frequently.”

Kevin stood up and stepped behind John. Removing John’s head band and pony tail Kevin began brushing John’s platinum blond hair. John closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of having his hair brushed. As Kevin slowly stroked John’s hair Kevin spoke softly to John. “Your hair adds so much to you looking feminine. You make a very pretty girl. Don’t cut your hair.” Kevin leaned down, nibbled John’s earlobe and gave John a tender kiss on his cheek, leaving a red lip print as a memento. John was becoming more aroused; his senses were on overload.

Putting down the brush Kevin picked up a small pair of scissors and a comb and stepped in front of John. Kevin lifted John’s chin to gain eye contact and asked, “Do you trust me with your hair?” John took a deep breath and exhaled. “Yes, I trust you.” Kevin smiled and instructed, “Close your eyes and hold your head still. You’re about to get your fist set of bangs.”

Kevin brushed a lock of John’s above the forehead hair forward until it was hanging over John’s eyes. “I’m just going to trim a half inch of hair that hangs in front of your eyes.” A few snips with the scissors and John had workable bangs. Kevin used the comb to check for evenness and snipped a few stragglers. Kevin put the scissors down on the vanity, picked up a teasing comb and hairbrush and stepped behind John.

Brushing John’s hair from the front to the back a few times Kevin picked up a clump of hair and began teasing John’s hair. Static electricity and hairspray made John’s hair remain standing. Kevin repeated the process in many places on the top of John’s head until he was satisfied. Giving John’s ‘electrified’ hair a good amount of hair spray Kevin brushed John’s hair into a semi beehive retro look. Kevin said, “The secret is to tease a bit and spray a bit as you create volume to your hair. And then spray again when you’re done. I want to give you dual ponytails. You’ll look like a pretty vixen.” Using the rattail end of the comb Kevin created lift where it was needed and then sprayed John’s hair and bangs some more.

Switching back to a brush Kevin brushed the left rear portion of John’s hair into a tall pony tail. Picking up a poufy red and white polka dot Scrunchie from the vanity Kevin formed a perky, high on the head pony tail. Repeating the same procedure on the right rear of John’s hair Kevin produced a matching Scrunchie and John soon had dual pony tails. The bangs added to John’s girly persona. John opened his eyes, took in his feminine image and smiled. Kevin sprayed John’s hair and bangs one last time and set the can down. Taking John’s hand Kevin lead John to a full length mirror.

Continuing to take in their image John said, “My god, my hair is beautiful! It looks so ‘big’ and is cheer leader cute. You are a wizard! Thank you.” John used his fingers to primp and feel his new look before continuing, “Looking at how cute my face is makes me feel like a different person. It’s me but it isn’t me! It makes me feel…”

Before John could complete his thought Kevin said “You’re so pretty that I feel like I shouldn’t call you John when you look like this. Maybe Jane would be better.”

Still staring at the mirror John made a necessary adjustment to the front of his briefs before saying, “You can call me Heather if I can call you Connie.”

The Big Reveal

Putting his arm around John’s waist Kevin made a similar adjustment to his own briefs before turning their bodies so they could better see their image in the large mirror. There were two attractive girls in the mirror.

Kevin: “Take a look. We look amazing! We’re two good looking ‘hotties’. Agreed?”

John: “Yes. I can’t believe how girly my eyes look. I’m glad you thinned my eyebrows. The eye makeup makes a big difference but it’s our hair that makes the most impact. Even without makeup we couldn’t go to the store with our hair looking like this… it’s so feminine. Thank you again!”

Kevin: “There’s a senior in school that wears his hair sort of femme like. Students call him ‘Stacy’.”

John: “I know who you mean. He wears skinny jeans, dresses nice and I’m sure he gets manicures. He’s actually sort of cute.” As soon as those words left his lips John blushed and tried to soften what he’s just admitted. “I mean he’s so…”

Before John could finish Kevin cut him off. “Stacy’s not only cute, he’s pretty. Some people call him ‘Pretty Stacy’ behind his back. Have you seen the way he wears his eyebrows? Compared to him our eyebrows look like lumber jacks. I know I’ve seen his panty-lines. He invited us over to his house half-way through the school year. Something about the schools Woman-less Beauty Pageant. I told him we couldn’t make it. I wonder why he asked us? Maybe he sensed something femme about us. ”

John pondered what Kevin had just said and in a casual tone said "Maybe you should speak to him again. He could help us with our club."

Kevin: "I don't have his phone number but a friend says he's working as a waitress at cafe near the library."

John: "You mean working as a waiter, right?"

Kevin: "I mean as a waitress. He wears makeup, earrings, a woman's uniform and heels. My buddy says he looks hot... Taylor Swift hot. He really is Pretty Stacy. He could definitely help us look prettier. "

John's active mind started thinking about the Woman-less Beauty Pageant.

Returning to study their reflection more closely John put his arm around Kevin and cocked his head from side to side in order to confirm what he was seeing. While still looking in the mirror John said, “My hair is perfect but I think bright red lipstick is too harsh for me… and my eyes look bland.” John gave Kevin’s waist a light squeeze and turned to face Kevin. “I’ll try something different next time; maybe tomorrow.”

Kevin: “Our denim shorts definitely detract from looking girly. Maybe if we rolled them up a few inches and make them short-shorts it would help.”

In unison the two boys began making their shorts shorter. “Roll them up until the seam length is only 5 inches long. Be sure to leave a one inch cuff. We’ll create a ‘Daisy Duke’ look!” John said.

A few moments later they stood staring at each other’s long legs. Shortening their shorts definitely looked femme but left a lot to be desired. John shrugged his shoulders. “Better than nothing I guess,” lamented John.

Something doesn’t look right

Kevin: “Something still doesn’t look right. If we’re going to do this right we need to get girl clothes. I want to see what we’d look like in short skirts and a bra with our makeup on. I think your legs in a short skirt and black stockings would look amazing. A pair of my sister’s heels would be perfect for us.”

John: “Maybe your sister has some old clothes we could use? She used to wear cute outfits when she played tennis. I know she doesn’t wear her parochial school uniforms since she graduated years ago.”

Kevin: “You’re right! What a great idea. She has a closet full of stuff she doesn’t wear. She’ll never miss a few things. Have a seat, pluck a few more eyebrows or add eyeliner to your lower lids and I’ll go check. I’ll be right back.”

When Kevin returned he was carrying several items of clothing. He also was wearing a short blue plaid Catholic school skirt (with a hem ending 8 inches above his knee), a white chiffon short sleeved blouse and 4 bangle bracelets on his left wrist. Kevin’s blouse had a Peter-Pan collar and six 6 buttons down the front. Rather than button the blouse Kevin tied the long shirt tail into a knot to create an effect. It was a sexy Britney Spears school girl look.

Jangling bracelets startled John. He had been busy darkening his lower eyelids when he heard them. John thought that Kevin’s sister had just walked in on them. John almost poked himself with the eyeliner pencil.

A girlish figure in a short schoolgirl skirt tossed him a matching blouse and a very short blue tennis skirt. Without taking his eyes off of this ‘girl’ John caught the items of clothing. “Wow! You look… beautiful. You look like a pretty girl! I thought you were your sister coming home early.” John continued to stare. “Damn, you look so freaking hot!” John exclaimed. The vision made his groin begin to squirm.

Kevin: “Looking like girls is the whole idea, right? Put on your blouse and I’ll help you button the front. Girls have their buttons on the wrong side of everything.”

John quickly put on the pretty white blouse and Kevin began the buttoning blouse. With two buttons remaining Kevin instructed John “You finish the buttons.” Kevin bent down and picked up the blue tennis skirt and held it open for John. “Remove your short pants and step into this pretty little thing.” John instantly complied. As John lifted one leg and then the other Kevin saw the tip of John’s penis peeking out from the top of his jockey shorts. There was an obvious puddle of pre-cum on the tip and there was a large wet spot on the front of John’s briefs.

Kevin pulled out the waist band of John’s skirt and briefs a bit as if he would be tucking John’s blouse into the tennis skirt. Quickly dipping his hand into John’s briefs Kevin used two fingers to scoop up John’s leakage and transferred it to John’s unsuspecting lips. “We are NOT going to leave pecker tracks in my sister clothes!” In reflex John licked the slippery liquid from his lips.

John watched as Kevin reached into his skirt and harvested his own wetness. Removing two wet fingers from his cock tip Kevin slowly coated John’s lips with his pre-cum as if it was lipstick. John was speechless but managed to quickly grab and hold Kevin’s wrist so he could better lick and suck on Kevin’s wet fingers.

John’s puckered lips briefly nursed on Kevin’s fingers like a baby sucks his mother’s breast. John maintained eye contact as he swirled his tongue around and down Kevin’s finger. John released Kevin’s fingers and then slowly licked his coated lips! For his efforts Kevin had a bright red lipstick ring on two of his fingers. Having his fingers fellated created pleasant stirrings in Kevin’s groin.

Kevin’s taste was not unpleasant and the experience of what he had just done to Kevin’s fingers was very exciting for John. If he could suck finger tips maybe…

Kevin’s words snapped John out of deep and erotic thoughts.

Kevin: “To keep things tidy we’re using these.” Kevin held up an ‘Always Discreet Ultra Thin’ panty liner. He tore open the paper wrapper and placed the self adhesive protective liner into the front of John’s boy briefs. Kevin continued, “I’m wearing a mini-pad too. I put it on before I left my sisters room. No leaking allowed. Now we can relax.”

Something looks right

Kevin put his arm around John’s waist again turning them so they could once again see their new image in the large mirror. Standing before them were two attractive girls. One of them had long and bouffant Strawberry Blond hair and was wearing 4 bangle bracelets; the other girl was platinum blond who had bangs, teased hair and wore twin ponytails with matching red Scrunchies. Both looked very cute.

John: “Wow… it’s sort of scary to know that I’m one of the two beautiful girls in the mirror. It’s amazing! My legs look so nice and long in this short skirt. I think we need stockings or tights to get a better look.” Turning to face Kevin John gave him an in-depth visual inspection before adding, “You look like a cutie that I’d like to take out.” Kevin blushed as he flashed a smile. His red lips contrasted nicely with his white teeth making his smile prettier.

Kevin: “Yes, we look like the other pretty girls at the mall. I agree we need stockings, shoes and bras. I’ll see what I can locate. Maybe you can borrow some stockings from your mother.”

John: “Too bad we don’t have pierced ears. Dangling earrings would really complete our look. Maybe some hoops.”

Kevin: “Summer is just starting and you never know what the future will bring. A quick trip to the mall would quickly solve the problem.”

Grabbing Kevin’s hand John gave it a squeeze, turned to face Kevin and said, “We look good enough to kiss… or eat.”

Before turning away Kevin used his fingers to pull out the front of his blouse to simulate having tits. “If it was earlier I’d get us a couple of Sis’s bras. She has quite a collection. Maybe tomorrow, eh?”

John enthusiastically nodded in agreement as he copied Kevin’s ‘tittie’ move on his blouse.

John: “OK, I’ll come by earlier. Let’s do this again but with bras, stockings and makeup. I want to see you in a mini-dress and black stockings! I wouldn’t mind seeing what I’d look like in a skirt and stockings.” John’s mind was racing.

Kevin: “I like the way lipstick tastes, do you?” Kevin leaned into John and kissed him firmly on the lips. Meeting no resistance Kevin held the kiss a little longer and gently ran the tip of his tongue on both of John’s lips as if tasting them. Kevin broke their kiss, leaned back and stared at John. John stared back for a brief moment and then leaned forward and reciprocated Kevin’s kiss. Meeting no resistance John reached over and gently embraced Kevin and intensified his kiss. Taking the initiative John not only tasted Kevin’s lips but began a deep French kiss. Kevin immediately returned the gesture involuntarily squirming on the bench. Their tongues touched and probed. Kevin stimulated John’s nipples with a free hand. John moaned. Both boys were riding a not so subtle sexual high.

Eventually breaking their kiss they remained in an embrace. At the same time they simultaneously said, “Whatever you do to me I get to do to you.” Their mutual laughter at saying the same thing broke their embrace and it also broke the mood of what was about to become a very intimate and needful moment.

John was the first to speak. “Yes, I definitely like the taste of lipstick.” John gave Kevin another, but more subdued, 10 second kiss to his lips. After a final kiss to Kevin’s cheek John suggested that they needed to start cleaning off their makeup. Kevin took a deep breath and reluctantly nodded his head in agreement.

Kevin: “Before we start the reversal process let me get us a cola first. We’ll relax like two girlfriends talking and I’ll brush out our hair before we wash up. Or maybe you’d like to go home with your perky ponytail and shaped eyebrows? It’s your call. Have a soda and relax for awhile. Chill out.”

John followed Kevin to the kitchen with a hair brush in hand. John pulled out a chair and sat at the kitchen table while Kevin got glasses, ice cubes and cola. Kevin passed John a glass and sat down. “Thanks, Connie” said John. “You’re welcome, Heather.” Both ‘girls of summer’ took a sip from their glass and sought to say something that wouldn’t ruin the moment. Lipstick marks on their glasses would make for an interesting conversation between Kevin and his mother. The colored marks on their glasses made the boys giggle.

Kevin took another sip of soda, picked up the hairbrush and stood up. Moving behind John Kevin removed John’s two red Scrunchies and brushed the pony tails away. The sounds of Kevin’s bracelets clinked like wind chimes as Kevin brushed away his bangs. “Brushing your hair gets rid of what the hairspray held in place.” John had his eyes shut and was enjoying the moment.

Kevin soon had John’s hair back the way it had been when they started earlier in the day. Kevin sat down and quickly restored his own hair to normal. With the cola almost gone Kevin suggested that they needed to change out of their skirts and complete their clean up. Kevin took off his bracelets and laid them on the table.

John picked up their empty glasses and used a paper towel to remove their lipstick prints from their glasses before placing them in the dishwasher.

John: “Let’s take a few photos before we clean up. It would be fun to see how prettier we’ll be by the end of summer.”

Kevin: “That’s a great idea! Let’s use my phone.”

John: “No, we’ll use both of our phones. If you are going to have photos of us looking like chicks on your phone I’m also going to have photos of us on my phone. I don’t want to suddenly find photos of me in a skirt and makeup “accidentally” showing up on Facebook and not have a backup plan.”


Kevin: “OK. We’ll take a few photos with your phone and a few with my phone. That should be fair.”

John: “Before we start let’s freshen up our lipstick.”

Kevin agreed and was first to re-new his lipstick. While waiting on John Kevin managed to coat his lashes with another application of mascara.

The boys struck a few poses and took photos being sure to get solo close ups of their faces. Their matching blouses and short skirts made for a good look. In a surprise move Kevin kissed John passionately on the lips and took a selfie photo. John was angry. “You better delete that photo right now!” John said loudly.

Kevin: “I think it looks pretty nice. It’s a photo you would want to keep as a souvenir of a special moment.” Kevin showed John their kissing close-up. In the photo they were embracing and both of their eyes were closed. It looked like two lesbians in love. It truly was a very nice photo. John looked at the photo and immediately calmed down. It was a beautiful picture of two young girls enjoying kissing. It was a keeper photo.

John: “You were right. It’s a very nice photo. I don’t think anyone could recognize us. In fact I don’t think anyone could tell that it was two boys kissing.”

Kevin: “I think it looks pretty sexy… like a photo from one of those lesbian girl web sites.”

John: “If you want to keep that photo you need to forward a copy to my phone.”

Within 40 seconds there was a ‘ding’ sound on John’s cell phone. Checking his phone John confirmed that it was their kissing photo. “I bet I could make this my screen-saver photo and no one would ‘out’ us.” John said softly.

After studying the photo for a moment John said, “You got a great profile angle. You can see the curl in my long lashes and your bright red lipstick makes an impact. Our faces are so… smooth and perfect! We look so sweet.” John used his fingers to enlarge the photo on the cell phone screen.

Kevin: “I like the way our hair looks so feminine. I can almost smell the hairspray when I look at the photo. I think it could win a prize in a photo contest. We look good enough to enter the Woman-less Beauty Pageant next year.”

John: “I’m getting aroused just recalling what we did today. This photo will help.” John saved the photos to a special file on his phone.

The two went to retrieve their pants and clean up. Kevin took all of their girl clothes and placed them on the sofa. He’d hang them up where he had found them after Heather left.

Cleaning up

Heather followed Connie into his dual sink bathroom to begin the makeup removal process. As instructed in one video they first used Ponds cold crème to remove their makeup followed by special cotton makeup removal pads. Connie handed Heather a wash cloth, a towel and the tortoise shell colored plastic headband. “Use the headband to keep your hair dry while you wash your face clean,” Connie instructed as he put on a similar headband.

As they were washing Heather said, “It’s a shame that we have to take it all off so soon. I’d like to keep it on longer, maybe play video games or watch TV while looking like two girls. Looking pretty and wearing makeup excites me. I want this feeling to last.”

Heather: “Next time, after we’ve done our faces, we could experiment with nail polish while we hang out. That would sure add to the effect. Let’s let our nails grow out a bit so we have something to work with.” Looking at Connie’s hands Heather continued, “I notice that you have a head start. Your nails are longer than normal and they’re definitely shaped.”

Connie: “We need to try different eye makeup colors. An extra application or two of mascara will make our eyes look sexier.” Splashing more water on his face Connie replied, “Eyeliner is what chicks are using… and mascara.” “I think eye shadow is the trick… we need to check with the web again if we want to look our best,” Heather replied.

When they were done the boys checked each other closely to make sure they were no traces of makeup. While inspecting Heather Connie gave Heather a brief kiss on the lips. “Kissing is not as nice without lipstick,” Heather said. Connie quickly produced the tube of bright red Cherries in the Snow lipstick and applied a coat to his lips as Heather watched. Connie pressed his lips together like a good girl should and then kissed Heather in the same manner as they had kissed earlier making sure to transfer the lipstick to Heather.

On impulse Heather leaned over and kissed Connie on his right nipple. Holding the kiss momentarily Heather used his lips and tongue to tickle and excite Connie’s nipple. It worked well! Connie had a rigid nipple that was surrounded by a red lipstick print. It looked a bit like a bull eye target. Connie’s heart was racing. When the kissing was over Connie blushed and softly said, “I’ve never had my tit kissed before or my nipple licked before. It felt fantastically erotic. Thank you.”

Heather: “Remember that, ‘Whatever I do to you you have to do to me.’ So you owe me a nipple suck next time.”

Pointing at the bulge in Connie’s pants Heather continued, “I see that dressing and kissing has the same effect on you as it does with me.” Heather took Connie’s hand and pressed Connie’s open hand onto the lump in his pants. When Connie did not react negatively Heather reached over and gently traced Connie’s obvious hardness with his index finger. Heather knew that more of Connie’s precum was close by.

Connie’s hand, which was still on Heather’s crotch, began slow rubbing Heather’s bulge through his pants. Their breathing became heavier as new sensations and emotions tried to control them. Neither boy was sure if they should unbuckle and drop their pants or unbuckle and drop their friend’s pants. A strong desire gripped them both.

Heather broke their reverie by looking at his watch and saying they needed to wipe their lips clean and
make sure all cosmetics were back in their proper place, no makeup on their face, no makeup stains in the sink, no soiled makeup tissues in the trash and all girl clothes and bracelets were back where they came from.

Prior to removing their lipstick Heather took a close-up photo of the red lipstick print that circled Connie’s nipple. Pointing at Connie’s nipple Heather jokingly asked, “Are you going to take that souvenir home or are you going to clean it off?” Shaking his head in mock disbelief Connie used toilet paper and cold crème to remove the color from both of their lips and his tit. Connie tossed the colored tissue into the toilet and flushed the evidence away from prying eyes.

Connie made a brief detour into his sister’s room before walking Heather to the front door. There were a few things that needed to be clarified before Heather left.

Heather: “I’ve never experienced anything like what I experienced today. I’ve hardly ever worn makeup and I’ve certainly never kissed a boy before. I’m looking forward to coming back for a repeat soon. The things we did today, and the things we may do in the future, must be kept secret.”

Connie: “No problem. But did you like what we did today?”

Heather hesitated a moment and in response he leaned forward and gave Connie a lingering ‘yes’ kiss.

Heather: “Remember when I stopped using a sponge when I was applying your foundation? It’s because I wanted to touch and caress your face. I’ve never had such feelings or desires before. By the time we kissed with our lipstick on I wanted to touch and caress a different part of your body.” Heather kissed Connie again, slipped his hand down the front of Connie’s pants, dodged his panty liner and gently took hold of Connie’s elongated cock.

After a moment Connie broke their kiss but remained still letting Heather stroke and finger his penis. Not saying anything Connie slid his hand into Heather’s pants and began exploring Heather’s cock. “You’re not circumcised are you?” Heather had his eyes closed but managed to breathlessly say, “No, I’m not.” It was Connie’s turn to smile. ‘This could get interesting’ Connie thought.

The exact moment of when each boy had touched and lusted for another boy’s penis would be forever embedded in their memories.

Connie: “Hey! We better take a break. It’s getting late. Come over earlier next time. I’ll find us nylons and bras. See what you can’t bring us. Can you get us some Hot Roller’s for a day?”

Heather: “We both may need to watch a different type of instructional video next time.”

Connie: “And we can also watch makeup videos. I want to look as pretty as possible. I want to look pretty for you… Heather. We’re getting good at this but I know we can look prettier with more practice. What do you think?”

Heather: "Next time we should do our own makeup. It would go quicker and we’d have time to do other things. I only need help with my eyeliner.”

Connie: “Next time I want to see an uncircumcised cock.” Heather blushed and quietly said, “Next time I want you to hold my uncircumcised cock… with your lips.”

Giving Connie a hug Heather softly told Connie, “Whatever you do to me I get to do to you.”

Before Connie opened the front door he reached into his rear pocket and pulled out a pair of his sisters red satin panties and pressed them into Heather’s hand. “Put these on whenever you want but be sure to wear them tomorrow when you return. I’ll be wearing mine.”

Heather held the panties up, felt the lace trim and held them to his nose. “French cut; very nice! They feel very nice. I may sleep in them tonight. Thanks Connie.” Folding the panties Heather placed them in his pocket and turned to leave. Connie nudged Heather in the arm and held out his hand. Dropping two pantyliner's into Heather’s hand Connie said, “You never know when you may need one.”

Heather turned and left. His brain was in a whirl and he felt like he was in a dream. It was surreal. He’d traveled to taboo areas, stretched his boundaries, tasted things he’d never tasted before and discovered that he liked what he had found. And of course there was a new kind of lust. This lust was a new realm of experiences that warranted further exploration. Heather was giddy with anticipation. “Next time” was just a few hours away.

Heather had been in his room less than 3 minutes when his cell phone signaled a new text message. The message was from Connie. “Hey, girlfriend, I had a lot of fun today and can hardly wait to see you again. I’ve attached a cute photo of you. See you tomorrow. XOXOX – Connie.”

The photo was head shot of a pretty young girl with expressive eyes, a pretty smile and dual ponytails looking at the camera. The girl was Heather.

Heather moved the photo to a special secure file, deleted the text from Connie, and then spent time admiring today’s femme photos. Heather kept returning to the photo of Heather and Connie kissing because it had an erotic effect on him. Heather confirmed the power of the photo by slipping his finger into his briefs and touching the head of his rigid penis. Finding the expected wetness he was hoping for Heather began tracing circles with his middle finger on his now slippery cock-head. Heather's actions were rewarded with an increased flow of preseminal fluid. Heather unbuckled his pants and lay back on his bed. He opened his pants and freed his straining penis.

Using his thumb and forefinger Heather gathered a few drops of his fluid and brought it to his tongue. He closed his eyes and imagined Connie stroking his cock. He sucked and licked his finger clean and went back for more. Heather’s imagination shifted to thoughts of Connie sucking his cock and evolved to thoughts of him sucking Connie’s cock. Keeping his eyes closed Heather took another finger full of his preseminal fluid and practiced fellating his finger. Lust was having her way with him.

For a brief moment an image of Pretty Stacy hooking his bra and then kissing him came to mind as did an image of him unbuckling Stacy's pants. His cock twitched at the thoughts.

Heather’s rubbing the lubricated head of his dick impatiently gave way to the traditional gripping and stroking of his penis. Aided by the precum on his shaft his masturbation felt perfect.

The sexual tension that had been building all day gave way to a glorious release of sperm; Heather’s first orgasm with an ejaculation! The first squirt hit him on his cheek and the second hit his chin and the others landed on his bare chest. The sperm felt warm wherever it landed. The sheer force, impact and heat of his squirts amazed him.

Heather closed his eyes and basked in post orgasmic bliss. He envisioned that it was Connie who had made him cum... or was it Pretty Stacy? “Whatever you do to me I get to do to you.” Heather’s penis throbbed at the thought.

Still thinking about Connie Heather nonchalantly used two fingers and gathered sperm from his cheek and chin. Heather paused and considered his options. Sooner or later, in his future, he’d undoubtedly be tasting sperm. What does it taste like? What does Connie’s taste like? What would a stranger’s taste like? How would he know the difference? Should he wait and be surprised? If only he had a safe, easy way to obtain sample for comparison. Heather’s mind came up with a possible solution.

Considering that he was disease free and that he had a fresh sample literally at his finger tips Heather brought his wet fingers to his tongue. The taste was different than precum but not unpleasant. Heather licked his fingers clean and went back for a larger amount from the sperm puddle on his stomach.

Putting his fingers into his mouth Heather slowly sucked them and used his tongue to swirl them clean. Heather had visions of Connie’s cock in his mouth. Keeping his lips sealed Heather slowly withdrew his fingers in a squeegee like move that removed all traces of sperm from his fingers.

Heather lay in bed with his eyes closed to allow his awakening penis to calm down. After a few minutes Heather sat upright and used tissues to clean up the rest of his seed. “Whatever I do to you…you get to do to me.” Heather smiled.

Heather was lying on top of his bed daydreaming and letting his mind wander over the day’s activities when his phone signaled receipt of another message. Grabbing his phone Heather unlocked it and took a look. The message turned out to be the photo of his very erect nipple surrounded by a bright red lipstick print. Heather laughed aloud and then deleted the photo. With any luck tomorrow would find lipstick prints on a different body part. Tomorrow could not come quick enough for Heather.


Who is Stacy?

Stacy’s first appearance was in the last few pages of High School Reunion: Bromance on Pacific Crest Trail – Chapter 3 of 3 where she was working as a very cute waitress in a small mountain town. Stacy was such an interesting character that she deserved her own story called Pretty Stacy. That story necessitated Pretty Stacy: Beginnings to explain how Stacy evolved to being Pretty Stacy; it shows her becoming empowered and confident. She is referenced in “Girls” for the Summer Club next. Which brings us to Stacy’s most recent story (“Girls” for the Summer Club 2 – A sister’s revenge).

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