I have this file called "ideas" and I free write there to see if anything comes of the present idea. So, today I was working there and then I realized that what I was writing was far too BDSMish. and explicit. So, I took a nap and when I got up, I still felt that way, so I deleted that part of it, about 4 pages of smut. HMPH !
While soaking in a tub full of water that was almost hotter than I could stand, ideas that utilized the deleted material began to come to me. I'd been frustrated that Microsoft Word stopped letting you delete files... Hmm I wonder if I could undelete the material that I dumped?
I spent a half hour vainly trying to reclaim and salvage the text. So, the idea that one can not delete files is only true in a sense... I suppose that I am going to have to retype it again, but without the smut?
It's 11:07 pm, do I suppose I can have it done by 1:00 am? All because they lied to me. Sadly, I'll never be a geek. If I was married, He could manage all that...
Many years ago
Microsoft made a decision that seemed sensible at the time... but if they had gone the other way then the problem you faced would not have been an issue.
I'm talking about file versioning. If they had implimented it (and it was all there in the code that they [cough][cough] 'obtained' from DEC all you would have needed to have done was opened up an older version of the file and all your smutty stuff would have been right there waiting for your attention.
I learned very quickly after moving to use a PC that file versioning was now down to me. Having been used to being able to go back to 10 or 20 edits before the current one... not being able to do a real PITA.
I became slightly paranoid and from then on, I made copious copies of my work. These were usually done at times like going for Lunch, Coffee etc. I carried them all around on a variety of USB drives. Doing this saved my bacon may times.
I still make regular backups using 'Save As'. I save to a new file that has includes timestamp in the filename.
Then when I write myself into a corner, I can go back a number of steps and carry on.
There are some options within Word that can keep all your edits in the file (even the bits you deleted) but far too many people have regretted switching it on and then finding that the word doc that they sent to someone else included all the stuff that didn't make it into the final draft which can be somewhat embarrasing so I never used it.
My advice is to try to devise your own numbering system that is simple and easy to use and stick with it.
Windows NT
"[cough][cough] 'obtained' from DEC" -- Windows NT or WNT, VMS + 1.
-- Daphne Xu
And RSX-11 before that.
The Pattern
That doesn't follow the pattern. VMS+1=WNT, or IBM-1=HAL. Can anyone else think of examples following that pattern?
-- Daphne Xu
I know
but as VMS came after RSX, I included it in my post. Having worked on them both at the kernel and device driver level during my 20 years at DEC, I am obviously a tad biased.
Oh lord. EDLIN on a VAX
Oh lord. EDLIN on a VAX running VMS. Shoot me now.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Expensive keyboards
and the keyboards on a VAX were expensive because they had a GOLD key... ;-)
(the editor was called EDT. EDLIN was the text line editor in DOS before version 5)
Weirdly enough, the system we
Weirdly enough, the system we had at UH had EDLIN, EDIT, and EDT - and they were three different programs.
I spent more of my time on the NeXT systems and the DEC Unix system that I can't remember the name of. Mostly, used the VMS with VT-102 terminals for MUDding. The colour terminals were always taken up by those on IRC.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
was the Dec Unix. Ran on PDP-11's and Vaxen. I modded the bootstrap to run on the Compact VAX 11/730.
But this is so far off topic...
Am I the only one who remembers...
... Xenix?.. It was an MS clone of Unix, but supposedly without copyleft infringement. I wonder how would have MS reacted now if someone released Xindows OS that would have been same as Windows, but Xindows, from another developer?.. Oh! I need to register the trademark now... And it is a new years eve (almost)...
Already done - Lindows, which
Already done - Lindows, which then became Linspire.
Microsoft sued, then bought them off because it turned out they were about to lose their trademark on "Windows" because they were told that prior art and phrasing would be allowed. (Windowing operating systems was a phrase before "Windows")
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Dirty DOS
Let's not forget that Bill Gates, early on when Microsoft was only another struggling computer software company, "purchase" a rough OS for a paltry sum (QDOS [Quick and Dirty Operating System]) Cleaned it up a bit and renamed it MS-DOS, sold a version of it to IBM as PC DOS, thus catapulting Microsoft to the number one slot in operating system.
IBM opened up the personal computer market, paving the way for PC clones. I was involved in the computer world at the time. The test of just how good a clone was if it could run PC DOS. I custom built many a clone that was sold with PC DOS as the operating system.
So even the original operating system wasn't even developed by Microsoft, only refined and marketed by them.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
MS Dos came from IBM Dos
I was there programming at the time. If memory serves me, and it usually doesn't. IBM hired Gates to work on IBM Dos coding. Gate never returned his program code to IBM. Yes there were lawsuits but this is the very early stages of coding and who is to say who coded first? Gates escaped the lawsuit and MS was on it's way. With Google and MS guarding the search engines now, I doubt one would be able to find it unless digging back through old trade magazines or a couple zillion web pages.
Life is simple until it isn't.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
A guy I worked with worked at
A guy I worked with worked at IBM during that period - he described some of the mainframe installs, including the bracing necessary before filling with water. (cooling) Plus some nasty pranks.
He described Gates as a nasty little go-fer.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
It very much depends on Win version...
And Office version. It is not very difficult to "undelete" file if not much was written to the "disk" in the meantime. In some versions of Office there are "temporary" and/or "autosave" files still left after file delete, that you can rename into "something.doc" and get your file back. There is "Recycle Bin" that can still have your file if you had not taken measures to totally delete file.
On the other hand, if MS had left your file easily restorable after you deleted it and cleared Recycle Bin... It could lead to a very big fine by EC for violating user's privacy...
Not a fan of Microsoft
The, "enhanced security," of Windows 7 is a joke. An analogy would be windows XP would be akin to leaving your front door unlocked all the time. Windows 7 they locked the front door but placed the key on a hook beside it.
Windows 8 only proved that Microsoft could make even worse mistakes.
Windows 10? Hey lets skip the number 9 to make people think that all the changes we made to windows 8 is really a new operating system and not just fixes we made to Windows 8.
Also with 10, you have to have version specific drivers and I don't mean 32 or 64 bit, I mean some drivers made for build 1709 will not work with build 1803 and 1803 drivers that are not backward compatible.
User Access Control? While this may be a nice "Oh shit" feature for home users, (if they don't turn the annoying thing off,) it is something that is taken care of by policies and user permissions in the business environment.
Then we have "Edge" quite possibly the worst browser ever created, so bad that Microsoft will be pushing a chromium based replacement out to everyone using windows 10. It will install and set its self as your default without your permission. The only way to stop this from happening is to download and install a small patch from Microsoft or edit your registry manually.
Before anyone asks,no I do not use Apple as that operating system is even worse for anyone wishing to customize how it works. I would use Linux in heartbeat if I all the programs I use were available.
As for Microsoft programs such as Word? Yes I have it, but I also have Open Office, yWriter, Scrivener and of course Google Docs. All of which are free with the exception of Scrivener (which I love using)
Although in the case of a deleted file? There is some recovery software out there that could restore it. My suggestion for the future is to install some backup software. A lot of portable hard drives come with free copies of these apps. I have one that runs each night at 2am, copying specific folders to another drive, overwriting the old backup each night and then the same program makes a weekly backup to another location. This way if I lose something I can restore from one of the back ups.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Deleted and then worked on file before taking bath?
All the responses are tossing letters about and I only recognized one IBM. Let's wander back to MSWord delete and the opps factor. Depending on which version there is an "undo cut" in edit. Provided one hasn't kept adding and subtracting from the file after deleting a portion of it. That said, I hate MS ANYTHING but there are few choices for word processors. I'm not sure if my Word Perfect will operate under Win 10? Or go to Oracle Office? I believe it is no longer available. Being as it was all tied in with Java I abandoned it. Probably still on one of the dozen or more HDs tossed in the box. Haven't looked at any except the first one. Amazing what a Docking Station can do with an inoperable drive. No longer works with the HD basic core program. Spools it up and reads what is on the internal disk.
I have a friend who loves taking apart HDs. I won't let him near mine. In every case of a bad HD the motor still works. MS can't turn it on and read it if the core was corrupted or the formatting out of sync.
Let's go back to where I was programming, MS Dos or IBM Dos and Basic.Texas Instrument and Radio Shack had their own basic programming code and was a lot of fun editing. NOT. I'll leave all that other stuff up to you Wonder Kids.
If memory serves me right there was a program that would copy everything one was doing to another HD. This was before jump drives or external drives, didn't erase anything unless one went to that drive and deleted it. Kinda fail safe backup. Imagine it too went the same way as a lot of other programs when HDs got more reliable and bigger.
Life is not preordained as one fixed point. Those who believe misery is their only road usually find it. Those who think successful find theirs. The mind is a big factor in pulling in what one thinks is their lot in life.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl