Sorority Boy 10

Caitlin is at the Slumber party and all the fun begins. The film is hard to watch but Truth or Dare is really making her nervous. Good thing she drank all of those fuzzy and hairy navels, hunh?

Back after my vacation to give you an extra long chapter. Enjoy

This is a work of fiction. There should be no way that these characters are like anyone else, but if that isn’t the case, it has definitely been unintentional. Also, if you happen to find that your life is represented in these pages, I’ll be impressed.

Sorority Boy
By poetheather
Chap 10

Caitlin took a sip from her drink. It was sweet and she could barely taste the alcohol in it. It was like peach and orange juice. I loved it.

Alison beamed at me, “So…like your fuzzy navel?”

I thought a minute, was my belly button fuzzy and why would she care? The confusion I felt was obvious to her, “The drink. It’s called a fuzzy navel. If we add vodka to it the drink it becomes a hairy navel. Got it?”

“In that case, I really like it.” Alison bounced some, which was adorable and unexpected.

“Want to come see my spiders?”

I froze. “Your what?”

“Spiders. I have a tarantula, Black Widow, and a Brown Recluse. I also have a Scorpion. They’re really neat. Wanna come see?” She seemed really enthusiastic about this and I was her friend.

Her bedroom was draped with black sheets with a black and red silky cover on the queen sized bed. The furniture was quite Victorian and a bit surprising. She led me over to a large fish tank with several smaller tanks that held her…pets. Each one had a different habitat; there was a mess of twigs for the Black Widow, the Recluse had a series of bark tunnels, the Emperor Scorpion had sand and a few shaded areas and the Tarantula had some dirt and some foliage. They were pretty cool but creepy.

“Are you sure they can’t get out?”

“Quite sure. I had a friend of mine figure out the system. It is based on the way zoos keep track of their insects. It really is quite safe. And if one got out they would be very obvious in the straight glass tank.”

I nodded, a bit unsure. They were nice to look at behind glass, but the thought of actual poisonous spiders being in the apartment was not comforting. But she liked them.

Also on the wall was some art. There were various paintings and two large pictures of Alison with two other gothy type people. They were not quite poster size but larger than your usual photos. When I got closer I could make out who she was with. One was a picture of her with Amy Lee, which was overwhelming and the other with her and Pauley Perrette, who was the hot goth forensics tech in NCIS. That was really cool. “You actually met both of them?”

“Yeah. I met Pauley at a con and we became friends, well ish…and I managed to get a backstage pass to a concert to see Amy. Neat Huh?” Alley was bouncing some. “I was so excited I could barely see straight both times.”

I had some more of my drink. It really was good. However, it looked like I needed another one.

The doorbell rang and Alison scampered off to answer it. I could hear the same spiel that I had got when I arrived. Holly handed me another drink as Devin and Amy walked in. Holly smiled. “So all we’re missing is Dawn. Great. Alison suggested starting with a movie and had something in mind. Is that okay with everyone?”

Holly seemed to be taking charge of things, which seemed to fit her personality. Must be the free climbing thing, making her a bit bolder. I also noticed that no one else was arguing with her over the whole leadership thing. I was fine with that as I wanted nothing to do with that.

All of us found seats in the living room. I took a pillow and leaned against the couch by where Megan had curled up. Everyone had Fuzzy Navels except for Thuriya and Esperanza, both sticking to non-doctored OJ instead due to religious reasons. It was nice that they weren’t making an issue of anyone else drinking.

Alley moved up to the front of the room. “Okay. I have the perfect film to start things off.”

Everything stopped when there was a knock at the door. Alley bounded over, her red and black plaid skirt flying up some. Unfortunately, there was no panty shot. I was kind of wondering what kind of panties she would be wearing.

After another round of her opening speech, Dawn came in bearing some sort of casserole dish. “Sorry I’m late. I was working on a project and I lost track of the time.”

“Don’t worry about it. Put your stuff down and come on over. Alison has a movie for us.” said Holly.

Dawn grabbed a fuzzy navel and found a spare beanbag to lounge in. Alley went back to the front and restarted, “Now where was I. Ah, yes the film. It took me hours to figure out the best film for us to start with. Something to set the mood for our whole pledge class, something to help us all become one big happy family.”

She stepped away and used her remote to turn on the TV and get the DVD started. She had obviously prepped the movie before anyone had gotten there as it went straight into the film. The opening music caused Megan to blush and curl up. It was an animated film that came on: My Little Pony: The Movie.

Everyone laughed and we watched the film. I have to admit it was cute, and some of the voice actors were really good. I even was able to figure out some of them, like Danny DeVito. It was 89 minutes of ponies and purple lava. After the initial embarrassment, Megan uncurled and got enraptured with the film. It was kind of cute. We kind of MST3K’d it, a lot, but it was fun and definitely showed Megan that we weren’t making fun of her.

After the film we all sort of shifted seats and got to where we could all see each other. Thuriya looked around, “Are we going out again tonight, or ordering anything?”

The confusion on people’s faces was clear. It looked like almost no one understood what she was asking, as if there could be another meaning trapped in there. Holly replied, “Not that I know of. Why?”

“I just wanted to make sure before I removed my hijab.” With that she removed the veil she had over her head. Her long black hair was beautiful. She shook her head to get her hair from being compressed in the scarf all day. “It is a modesty thing and if there is chance of anyone besides us being here I would prefer to remain covered.”

“Why do you wear that?” asked Amy, obviously interested and asking a question that was surely on everyone’s minds. I know I wanted to know.

“The hijab is for modesty. The Qur’an teaches that all Muslims should dress modestly and to not display themselves. The hijab and the way I dress is part of that modesty. At home, you can remove it, or sometimes around friends. It is a sign of trust.” replied Thufiya, as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I don’t think I need to wear it around everyone here. We are all sisters, or at least we are becoming sisters.”

Everyone nodded. “Thanks Thuriya.” said Amy. “I had never had the opportunity to ask a Muslim about that.”

The Arabic girl shrugged. “Not a problem. I have no problem sharing aspects of my faith. I simply ask that no one disturb me when it comes time for prayer.”

Dawn looked confused. “Why would any of us do that?”

“Some people have. High School was a bit rough. I was called a terrorist and worse, so I can be a bit touchy about that.”

“Well, no one here thinks that, right?” stated Holly. Everyone nodded their agreement.

“Thank you for being so accepting.”

Amy kind of chuckled. “That’s the point of the House, to be accepting and supportive. All of us are that way or we wouldn’t have been accepted. Look at how different we are and think about all the other Houses. A lot of other Houses look like so similar that it is almost like a cloning factory. We are a pretty diverse bunch and several of us weren’t chosen by any of the other Houses because of our differences. Why shouldn’t we embrace the differences?”

Everyone stared at Amy, who had never really talked this much before. I had thought she was really shy or something, but apparently not. Devin was the first to speak, “Nicely said.”

“Definitely.” replied Brittany, sitting mostly still for a change. She had put her hair in pigtails after seeing the way Alleycat had her hair. It was cute. Maybe we all should have our hair in pigtails? That would be cute and kind of funny in a bonding sort of way.

“Uhm…everyone?” Why the hell was I talking? I didn’t want to become a focus of attention here.

Once everyone was looking my way I said, “I just had a pretty silly idea. Since Alison has her hair in pigtails and so does Brittany, maybe we should…”

Dawn and Holly both thought it was a great idea and Alley quickly grabbed bands for our hair. I was the first one done, as Alley brushed my hair and made the pigtails look nice. Several of the other girls did it on their own but the rest let Alley have her fun.

I turned my head back and forth, feeling the pigtails sway and gently hit me in the head. It was fun and everyone else seemed to enjoy it, based on the giggles and such from the assembled group. Once done Holly came around with the pitcher that held the Fuzzy Navels, so she could refill everyone. She had also grabbed just the OJ for Thuriya and Esperanza.

Things were getting a little fuzzy as I could feel the booze work on me. I was smiling more at nothing and was having a great time, even though we weren’t doing all that much.

“So, has everyone read one of Megan’s stories?” asked Holly, turning things to the purpose of the evening.

“Yep.” “Yes.” “Sure.” came the replies.

“Great. So what did everyone think about it?” stated Dawn, breaking into Holly’s flow.

Megan had buried her head. I could feel the heat from the blushing from where I was sitting. This could either be really good or really bad depending on what people thought of her story. I may not have liked the ponies but the writing was pretty good.

“I really liked it. I used to have a number of My Little Ponies and such. The story was almost like what I came up with as a kid.” said Esperanza.

A number of people agreed, talking about how much they had liked the story and how surprised they were for liking it. Megan pulled herself out of the couch cushions and smiled. “You guys really liked it?”

As people told her how much they liked it, she seemed to glow with happiness and blossom under the praise. Maybe she had some self-esteem issues to cope with? Either way she seemed to come out of her shell with this and really joined in on things.

The conversation about the story and the movie went on for a while. Holly then broke in, asking is anyone wanted pizza yet. She had done a great job, making there were food for both the vegetarians and Thuriya. “Okay, we have cheese, supreme, beef topping, Canadian bacon and pineapple and veggie supreme. Dig in.”

I got some of the Canadian bacon and pineapple as well as some of the veggie supreme. Every one else got food and a refill of fuzzy navels, oh excuse me, hairy navels. Apparently Alison and Holly decided we needed more booze in our booze. I still could barely tell that there was anything in there, as they had splurged for the really good OJ. In fact this round was made with the crack Valencia oranges. It was so good and made my world quite a bit fuzzier.

Alleycat had apparently added a pair of cat ears to her head at some point and called everyone’s attention to her. “Okay. The plan is to play truth or dare, as the truths will tell us a lot about each other. Is that okay?”

Everyone seemed to be okay with it except Thuriya and myself. I really didn’t want to get found out, but also didn’t want to cause a fuss which would turn everyone’s attention to me. I was stuck again. I guess I’ll just have to get used to getting trapped into these things. Holly started. “Okay, this empty bottle is the spinner we use. If the top points at you, then you are the one asked. Then you spin and so on. No dares that involve you going outside, as Thuriya would need to get her hijab back on and there is no reason for that. Here we go.”

The bottle spun and landed on Dawn. God she was hot. With the tank top and sorts on I just wanted a view of something, if only to fuel my fantasies. “Truth or dare?”

She smiled broadly. “Truth.”

“Do you prefer boys or girls?” Holly quirked an eyebrow when she said that. What was she up to?


“What kind of answer is that?” remarked Devin.

“I’m bisexual, so I prefer both. I care more about the person I’m dating rather than what happens to be between their legs.” The smile Dawn gave was something out of an ad. It was wide and friendly and very disarming. Kind of a red carpet smile.

“Okay.” Everyone seemed to be digesting this as the bottle was spun again. It stopped at Alley.

“Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” Alley looked like an odd demented kitten when she said that. It was cute and disturbing and I wasn’t sure how to deal with it.

Dawn looked thoughtful for a moment and scanned the living room quickly. “I want you to sing your favorite song.”

“Okay. Can I use music for it?”

“Sure.” With that Alison headed for the stereo and fiddled with her MP3 player. She turned and smiled evilly. The music came on and Alison had grabbed a hair brush to use as a microphone. The song that came on was My Immortal by Evanescene. She was singing almost exactly like Amy Lee. Her voice was pretty good.

“When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears/ When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears/ And I held your hand through all of these years/ But you still have/ All of me.” Once the piano part finished we all erupted into applause. It was a bit unexpected but then again maybe not. I knew she was big into the band and probably sang along with them. Certainly better than I could sing.

The bottle spun again and stopped at me. I swallowed deeply. Alison smirked and said, “Well, which is it?”

“Uhm…truth?” I was afraid of anything that she would come up with for a dare but I wasn’t exactly comfortable with the truth either.

“What made you try for the Sorority?”

Crap! What the hell was I going to say here? The answer, the real answer would expose me. Of everything I had thought up for my history, this was one of the few things I had actually ignored. Fuck! I needed to say something. “Well, my dad was against groups that he thought were unfair. I figured that the whole Sorority thing was a big unfair organization, so I figured I would try and get in. I chose the House randomly and started getting a hold of them. When they said they would tentatively accept me I was blown away, as I had figured that I would never get into anything like this. I am just going with the flow. This was never supposed to happen.”

A number of people nodded, as if they understood. Thinking about my dad and everything he meant to me I started to tear up. Several of the girls who were around me hugged me or at least rested a hand on me. It was comforting in a way I had never experienced as a guy. I kind of liked it. It was much more of a connection to these people. When I collected myself I spun the bottle.

“Okay Esperanza, truth or dare?”

“True.” she replied confidently.

“Okay, what type of Buddhism do you practice?” I didn’t know. All I really knew was that there were several different types of Buddhism out there.

“I follow Tibetan Buddhism. My Lama lives in town, which is nice, so I can see him several times a week, as opposed to once a month as it used to be. So, that’s nice. I chant the Heart Sutra several times a day and the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara chant Om Mani Padme Hum.” She shrugged. “Anything else you want to know?”

“Nope. That works for me.” The bottle resumed it’s spin.

Devin was hit this time. “Truth.”

“What got you into collecting Barbie Dolls?”

“Well, a number of years ago they came out with a line of Princess dolls, in dress of different countries. I was looking for a present for my little brother and I saw them. I bought the Irish Princess first and then I ended up getting the whole line. They just impressed me, with the way they did the costumes and such. That’s it.” Devin blushed when she started and looked at the floor. Obviously this was a hobby she was used to getting teased over.

The next was Thuriya. “Dare.”

I raised my eyebrows at that. I hadn’t expected her to choose that at all. Devin smiled. It seemed like she had an idea. “I would like you to dance for us.”

Thuriya stood and closed her eyes, as if she were trying to hear some sort of internal music. She began to sway slowly and then she began to belly dance. It was pretty cool. After a minute of that she started to spin, her head cocked to the side. Her skirt flared out, a perfect bell around her. She spun and spun the tension in the room building. It was beautiful.

She slowed, stopped and curtseyed to us. The next spin went to Amy. “Dare.”

Thuriya handed over her hijab. “Please put this on and wear it for a while.”

Amy needed Thuriya’s help to get it on, but once on it looked kind of good. The head scarf itself was satin with a blue flower design. It seemed to go alright with Amy’s complexion.

The next spin ended up on me again. “Truth.”

“How far have you ever gotten with a guy?”

I began to blush, thinking of Paul and such. “Uhm…only kissing.”


I blushed some more and looked down at the floor as my feet were suddenly very interesting. I reached out and spun the bottle, not really caring where it landed.

“Truth.” said Brittany happily.

“What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?” It seemed to me like a good fall back and would certainly get the attention away from me.

“Wow…that’s a tough one. I guess the most embarrassing thing is when I was caught in bed with my boyfriend. We were having sex and he was close to cuming. Just then my father opened the door to my room saying something like, ‘Princess, we’re home.” The sheets are mostly off the bed, buck naked with John pounding away. John froze right there.

“Now my parents knew I was having sex so that wasn’t the big surprise, but rather that I was having it right then. My dad just stood there a moment and then started the interrogation, ‘So, what’s your name?’ John never pulled out, still thrust into me, frozen in place, answering my father’s questions. After a short while my mom comes in and joins the fun.

“John at that point looked like he was going to die. He had shrunk his way out of me and was still in the same position. I was blushing so hard it hurt. I covered up with my pillow and waited until this whole circus was over. It felt like it took forever, but it was probably closer to seven minutes.” She was blushing furiously at this point, her face amazingly red.

The next spin landed on Megan. She squeaked out, “Truth.”

Brittany’s eyes glinted evilly. “Have you ever read My Little Pony slash fic?”

Megan blushed and looked down while I asked, “Slash fic?”

“Yeah, it’s where you take to male or two female characters from a show and make a relationship with them. Sometimes it’s easy, like Sam and Frodo or Sirius and Remus. Other times, it takes a bit more work to create a plausible relationship. So Megan?” stated Brittany.

She nodded, unable to actually say anything. She spun the bottle and it ended up back at Dawn. “Truth.”

“Have you done any modeling?”

“Nope, but I had a lot of people try and talk me into it. I know I’m ‘pretty’ but that isn’t important. I shunned the popular crowd when they tried to drag me with them as I like my art. Now, I do have some posed photos…but you might not want to see them.”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s a different question.” teased Dawn.

Esperanza shrugged ad said, “Truth.”

“Did you loose your virginity in a nice way?”

Esperanza was quiet for a moment then replied. “No.”

She did not clarify the answer any and no one seemed willing to pry. She reached out for the bottle as Devin, who was sitting next to her rested a hand on her leg comfortingly. Alison got up and played hostess again, refilling our drinks. They were yummy.

It ended on Alison’s empty spot. “Hey Alley, truth or dare?”


“You said you were a gymnast, so do something for us.”

Alleycat looked thoughtful, which looked cute with the pigtails and the cat ears. She looked at the space and smiled. “Well, I can’t really do a tumbling run in here but watch this. She did a slow back bend, her short skirt flipping down showing that she had red and black striped panties with a skull and cross bones on the crotch, saying ‘Arrr.”

Once she had touched the ground with her hands she came up into a handstand, turning slowly in a circle. The rear of her panties had the same skull and cross bones saying, ‘Me Booty.’ She then slowly bended until she came back standing. “Ta Dah!”

More applause. She was great and her panties were definitely enjoyable. The next spin landed on me again. Crap.

“Truth or Dare, Caitlin.”

“Truth.” There was no way I was going to do one of her dares. She was awesome but also a little scary.

“Are you a Virgin?”

“No, I’m not.”

Megan blinked a moment, as if processing things. Dawn just smiled as did Holly. Slowly it seemed to click through everyone’s minds. “Oh My God…you’re a lesbian?”

Unfortunately my response was not as cool as Dawn’s, I just blushed, which seemed like a popular answer. I spun the bottle a bit shaky. Maybe I should just stick with dares from now on?

Devin replied, “Dare.”

What should I do? Something not too bad. “How about you dance for us?”

She did not look too pleased with that choice but she went along with it. There was something on the radio that she began to move to. It was not graceful or terribly in time with the music. It was almost embarrassing to watch. Devin wasn’t looking at us and her face was almost tomato red. She just stopped dancing, returned to the circle and spun again, taking a big drink of her hairy navel refill.

Holly looked at the bottle, “Truth.”

“Why do you free climb?”

“Because it’s fun and challenging and I kind of get a rush over climbing something without anything to help you make it up is a lot of fun. You do have ropes to catch you if you fall, but they are only there for safety. I have done a few free solo climbs without rope and they were a rush, but I don’t climb slopes nearly as tough when I do that.”

I stood up and staggered my way to the bathroom. My bladder was quite full and seriously needed to be emptied. It felt really weird to pee through the sleeve and it felt like the pressure was not really dropping, as the sleeve wasn’t making it easier to pee quickly. It was starting to hurt. I stopped breathing and yanked the damn thing off, frustrated, buzzed and in need of a good pee.

As my bladder relaxed from the contents under pressure and I sighed in relief I realized that I was holding my vagina in my hand and that the straps were broken.

I blinked a few times, staring disbelievingly at the piece of latex and hair that had been so carefully crafted by Meredith. The first thought was that she was going to kill me. After that one came the realization that I was stuck at this party without the protection that the fake vagina gave me.

Oh crap!

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