Sorority Boy 11

The slumber party rolls on and Caitlin has to deal with more Truth or Dare, the loss of her gaff, sleeping arrangements and so much more. If that weren't enough the Hairy Navels are making her a bit stupid. More fun for her.

This is a work of fiction. There should be no way that these characters are like anyone else, but if that isn’t the case, it has definitely been unintentional. Also, if you happen to find that your life is represented in these pages, I’ll be impressed.

Sorority Boy
By poetheather
Chap 11

I stared at the strip of latex in my hand in horror. This piece of latex was meant to provide me with the support and security that simply tucking wouldn’t. What the fuck could I do? I was going to get caught, the other girls would be in an uproar and the House would need to bring up charges against me to cover themselves. Crap, crap, crap!

I frantically scanned the bathroom for something, anything. I had no idea what I was looking for, just something to help with things. I looked in the shower, in the medicine chest and then I opened the cabinets under the sink. I stared at the bag for a moment trying to put my thoughts together. This might work, or at least give me more protection than I might have otherwise. I didn’t want to loose my friends and I would do anything to keep them.

My hand shook some as I reached for the bag. Part of this squicked me, as these were to collect bloody bodily fluids that I didn’t have. Of course, right now, that didn’t matter. This was a certain case of safety first.

The pad was not terribly thick, saying something on the bag about regular, but it would most certainly do the job. I looked at it, figuring out its use pretty easily. I undid the tapes and got it settled correctly in my panties. I pulled them up, tucking myself as much as I could, stretching my penis toward the back as much as possible. I made sure they were snug, put the latex in my pocket and headed back to everyone else.

Since I told them I needed a refill, which got a few giggling, I headed towards the kitchen where my bag was. I tucked the latex vagina in one of the pockets and headed in to get myself another drink. I found myself in another conundrum. Did I want more alcohol or something else? I stood there a moment before deciding that something not alcoholic would be the better choice. I just might need my wits about me as the night went on.

I got some Coke and sat back down. The game had paused while I had gone to the bathroom. Holly waited until I was actually seated before she gave the bottle a spin. It slowed and stopped pointing at me. Fuck! “Uh…Dare.”

Holly smiled; it looked evil from where I was sitting. “Okay. What I want you to do is let Alison here dress you all goth.”

A number of people liked the idea. I was a bit worried as that meant I had to undress in front of her. Alley Cat bounded to her feet and took my hand. “Come with me.”

I was dragged into her room and she headed to her closet. She hemmed and hurmed a bit, looking at things. We were close to the same size but not exactly. She finally gave out a loud, “Ah-hah!”

She pulled out this gothic Lolita dress that was similar to one she had worn earlier but not quite. It had ruffles and lace and was cute in an odd sort of way. How would this look on me, since I didn’t have dark hair and I had never worn anything like this ever before. Plus the dress looked like it would come down to mid-thigh and might expose my panties, which might expose me. “Uh…”

“Don’t worry, you’ll look great. Just undress and put this on. Usually I wear a pair of ruffled panties with this, so you can put them on over yours. And stockings, you gotta have the stockings.” Alley headed over to her drawers and pulled out a pair of white thigh highs.

I undressed, feeling very self-conscious. She handed me the ruffled panties, which I pulled on. Then the thigh highs, then she lowered the dress onto me. It was a bit poofy, and didn’t sit flat against me. Alison stared at me intently, as if trying to figure out if there was anything missing. I squirmed a bit under the intense scrutiny.

“Nope. You look good. Come on, let’s give everyone a good look.”

I felt really shy when I followed her back out to the living room.

Everyone smiled at me. There were a couple of comments about how cute I looked and that was that. I sat carefully, trying to keep my panties from being totally visible. I managed it, but only by doing it slower than I usually would have sat.

I spun the bottle and it landed on Devin. She smiled, “Truth.”

“What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?” Sure someone else had asked that, but I couldn’t think of anything else as I was still a bit flustered from the vagina breaking.

“Well, I guess that would have to be the time when my then boyfriend found out about my Barbie collection. I had been going to his house all the time, as I really didn’t want to take a chance on him discovering that. However, my parents invited him over to dinner one night, so I couldn’t really get out of it.

“I kept trying to avoid taking him upstairs and showing him my room, but my mother insisted that I show him around the house. I think I started blushing around that point, getting brighter the closer we got to my room. When I opened the door to my room and showed him it, he sort of goggled at the sight. The fact that I had so many Barbie dolls caused some issues, as he started calling me Skipper after that. I dumped him over that but good was it embarrassing to have to show him my room.” She gave the bottle a spin and it ended up pointing at Brittany.

Brittany confidently stated, “Dare.”

Devin looked ponder some. “Do you know the musical Rent?”

This apparently confused the girl. “Uh…yeah.”

“Okay. Alison, do you have a pair of hand cuffs?”


“I’ll need them for this. Brittany, I dare you to do the lawn chair hand cuff dance to the sound of iced tea being stirred.”

We all started laughing, as the look on Brittany’s face was priceless. Alison came out of her bedroom with a pair of cuffs dangling from her thumb. Someone grabbed a dining room chair and put it where everyone else had danced. Brittany was looking thoughtful as she headed over to the chair. With a snap the cuffs were closed and Brittany was trapped to the chair. Holly had gotten up and had grabbed an iced tea and a spoon. She smiled, “Ready?”

Brittany nodded and Holly started stirring, with the spoon clanking against the glass and the ice. The dance was awesome and funny as hell. There was a great deal of applause after that. Holly handed the iced tea to her after Alison released her from the chair. With a big smile the girl drank the tea and said, “That’s refreshing.”

Holly cleared her throat, which got everyone’s attention. “Well, that’s enough of that game. We have another movie to watch and then we can get ready for bed.”

We all shifted our seats, trying to get into a good position while Holly had gotten something from her bag. I could tell that this made several of us nervous. It started and several of us laughed.

The movie was called Sorority Girls and the Creature from Hell. It was a really stupid horror movie that wasn’t really all that scary. Mostly we MST3K’d the story and mocked a great deal. It felt good to laugh this much. We were bonding and that was a good thing.

After the film, the clothes changing began.

I kept myself farther back in line as people were using Alison’s bedroom or her bathroom to change. I thought about the nightgown I had. Maybe I should have gone to the store and gotten something else to wear, something that was less revealing, and something that didn’t really cling to the body. The fact that I might just become untucked scared me beyond belief. I mean, I really liked these people and I really didn’t want to loose them.

The outfits ranged from slightly risqué to fairly modest. Amazingly enough mine was rather tame. Alison’s was naturally like something out of Dracula or something and Dawn’s baby doll number fit her as well. I mean for someone who said she wasn’t a model she did do what she could to look pretty. Maybe she was a kind of girly tomboy sort of person…maybe? Or maybe I was just over thinking as usual. Sometimes I let my thought go a bit too far and that almost always got me into trouble.

I changed and made sure the pad was keeping me well tucked. It certainly looked like it. I breathed a sigh of relief at that. Not having to worry as much about getting caught would allow me to relax and get back to having fun. I headed back out to the living room and people had kind of broken up into groups, talking.

I headed over to Alison, who was busy talking with Dawn and Esperanza. “Hey.”

“Hey.” replied Alley. “So Esperanza, do you go by anything else, like a nickname? Cause your name can be somewhat of a mouthful. Maybe something like E or something?”

Esperanza shook her head. “No, at least nothing in English, or anything I would like to be called. Why? Do you think I need something?”

Dawn chuckled. “I don’t think so, but calling you E occasionally might be fine. I mean it’s not like it’s derogatory or something.”

“I suppose. What do you think Caitlin?”

“Well, nicknames can be okay as long as they aren’t anything mean or such. My best friend calls me Cait, so it’s not that bad. I just can’t think of a way to shorten Esperanza, can you?” I wanted to be honest, as nicknames were a button issue with me. I mean, after years of being called gay boy, or Dick or such I really wasn’t a fan of anything that was mean spirited or cruel. So far, E wasn’t too bad, for a nickname.

“No, I can’t think of one. I think I can be okay with E and Alison here goes by Alley Cat. We have Cait here, so what’s your nickname then Dawn?” Esperanza turned the tables, shifting the focus from her to Dawn.

“Uhm…people just call me Dawn. Never had a nickname, except for what my dad called me.” She blushed slightly, which made it clear that her Dad’s nickname for her had to be good.

“What was that?” prodded Alison.

“I’d really rather not say.” The color was growing in Dawn’s cheeks. This had to be good.

“It has to be a really great name for her to get this embarrassed over it and refuse to tell us.” stated Esperanza.

Dawn’s blush deepened. “I’d really rather not say. Please.”

“Okay. No problem, but you will tell us at some point.” said Alison. “But you don’t have to tell us now. But next Truth or Dare, you bet that’s gonna be asked.”

“Okay, fine, just so long as I don’t have to say it now, okay?” Dawn really seemed uncomfortable.

“Sure. No problem. So…what did you used to do back in High School?” asked Alison, working to change the topic.

Dawn shook her head. “That was pretty cheesy. Can we just talk and not have to choose topics?”

“Sure. Works for me.” I said, as I really didn’t want to get into High School any way. I hadn’t really worked through that and how I would answer any questions. High School had been bad enough, but rethinking High School as if I had been a girl was proving to be a bit difficult. I needed to talk to Becca about it, but I was here and not there. I would certainly rather avoiding anything that might make me get discovered.

“Okay. Hey, do you think me should have a pillow fight, just to live up to the fantasies of the patriarchy?”

We all stopped and stared at Alison. “What? It would be fun.”

A few of the girls groaned and I just sort of chuckled. It seemed that the idea was not well received. Alley pouted some but brightened when talk turned to sex. “So Dawn, who are you dating now, a boy or a girl?”

“I have a girlfriend right now. We hooked up this summer but I’m not sure it’s gonna last, as she isn’t going to the school here. For me the person is what’s sexy, not just the package.” Dawn smiled. “Why, you interested?”

Esperanza blushed at that, embarrassed for opening that can of worms. “Uhm…no…I mean…uh…”

“I wouldn’t mind.” piped up Alison. “I am like totally into the person, since people are sexy and not just innies or outies.”

There was some chuckling at that. I was really not sure how to answer that as the conversation was in that border area where I might just get into trouble over the truth. “And you Caitlin, you into innies, outies or both?”

“Uhm, innies but I did have fun on my date with someone who’s an outie.” I could feel my face warm.

“That’s cool. You Esperanza?” asked Dawn.

“Outies all the way. Innies aren’t my thing, they do nothing for me.” Esperanza wasn’t blushing now and seemed to be teasing back. “I mean, don’t you just like the feel of an innie in your outie?”

This busted up Dawn and Alison, but I was a little squicked. I mean, my only outie was my…well…yeah, anyway, and the thought of anything entering me made me a little queasy. Esperanza patted me on the back. “That’s okay. Not everyone gets the outie thing.”

Being gay did seem to have its uses, but was I gay? I mean I am a guy, well sort of, well, bigenderal, and I like having sex with women but kissing Paul was nice. Which was homosexual? Which was heterosexual? I shook my head, not wanting to deal with thoughts like that. I was here to have fun and get to know people, not spend my time brooding.

A number of the girls were starting to yawn. Holly said, “Let’s call it a night, and if you’re still not tired talk quietly.”

“Okay. Oh, hey, I have room on my bed for another person and the bed folds out. I also have some mattress pads for cushioning. So, anyone want to join me or should we spin for it?” Alison seemed somewhat awake.

I was okay sleeping on the floor, alone, and unmolested but somehow I ended up in the spin off for sleeping with Alison. She looked at the crowd, as if trying to decide and then closed her eyes, concentrating. The bottle spun and ended up pointing at me. Crap.

She opened her eyes, saw where it pointed and said, “Yes!”

The bed was pulled out, cushions handed around and I followed Alley into her room, where the deadly spiders lived. It made me nervous but Alley seemed to have things under control.

“Want the wall? That way you are farther from any possible arachnid invasion?” asked Alison gently, trying not to wind me up.

I nodded.

“Great. Go on…schootch in.” I climbed into the bed carefully, making sure that the nightgown covered everything. Of all the dumbass things I have done, getting into bed with her like this was near the top. Why me?

She grabbed a some what large goth doll with near dreadlocked hair, kind of like Raggedy Anne on crack. It was cute, in a scary gothy sort of way, but certainly not something I would buy for myself or Meredith.

We got in and lay back staring at the ceiling. It glittered some from what looked like glow in the dark stars under the sheer curtains. The affect was pretty neat and I did like that a lot. We lay there quietly for a while and I listened to her breathing, a bit too scared to go to sleep yet.



“Thank you. If it hadn’t been for you talking to me and helping me have the courage to go through with this I would never have met everyone. Thank you so much.” She rolled over and gave me a big hug, pulling me close to her, or maybe shifting closer to me.

“You’re welcome. It was my pleasure. Besides, it helped me meet you.”

She giggled and hugged me tighter. I could feel me breasts squish uncomfortably against me. It actually kind of hurt. Alison pulled back and I could barely make out her face. It look confused or concerned or something. I couldn’t make out all the details easily.



“Is there some sort of reason that you are wearing breast forms?”

“Uh…uhm…uh…er…uh…well…uh…” Shit, shit, shit, what the fuck was I going to say? What the hell would work here? My mind was blank and I lay there, mouth wide and my eyes darting for some sort of escape or answer, I wasn’t sure.

“There is, isn’t there? You freaked at the Mexican restaurant when I gave you the note that said I know and calmed a lot faster than expected when I said I knew you and Merri were a couple. What else is there for me to know?”

“Uhm…er…well…uh…ehh…er…” What the fuck could I say? Shit! If only Meredith were here, or even Becca.

“Let me guess…your trans, aren’t you?” Her voice was calm and even, as if pointing out her argument logically.

Oh, Fuck!! I was screwed.


Just a quick note to everybody. I will not be writing any Sorority Boy for the month of November as I will be busy doing NaNoWriMo again this year. I have a nice Trans story in mind and it should be fun. I wanted to leave you guys with two larger than normal chapters to tide you over until then. Take care and I will be on-line occasionally, so feel free to send me a note.

See you all again in December.

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