OK I am unsure if my mind is mixing together 2 stories but given its like around 10 years ago since i originally read it, which I think it was then old but was new to me sorta situation
It is set in mid late 1700's or really early 1800's I believe, there was something about a war, I think confederacy was mentioned, I remember something about a bell in a tower.
Boy if memory serves is abused by father for his femininity
Somehow is left to appear the boy is dead, but or is faking death, mother I think assists this fact
Goes to live as a decendant relative, if memory serves asa new or deceast female descendant to lady of the manor or you know lady of the home whom is a widow or spinster
She gives him the choice to be that girl or go on his merry way, he agrees.
Picking flowers
Minor 'hushed' surgery to correct the 'issue' was done, with deal to keep the doctor's mention out of it, because did not want to loose rights to practice medicine let alone have his name besmurched.
There is a handmaiden that assists her, they sorta get along I think
I think the original age of the our heroin is, somewhere between elder child/intermediate, or child up to mid early teens, puberty has not even begun yet
Anyone have any idea, what this one is?
I know for a fact it was here that I read it, certain there was a picture then too but I may be wrong
There is another story I have been looking for as well...
A boy with gynocolmastia babysits for a single mother (pretty sure she was single) for her infant.
He tries on one of her nursing bras & begins having episodes of lactation
Pretty sure he nurses the baby when she is walking in and catches it all... originally furious
Ends up somehow having a mock gyno exam at a doctors office
study/research/project thing where he has to go under an experimental procedure that will make him a completely fertile female, but the deal is has to be a natural surrogate for a couple or up to 10 unsure about 1 or more surrogacies to pay off the deal, but as a natural surrogate, he has to be bedded by the father of the expecting/desiring child
Episode there I think where the fertility rears its ugly head, but its a sweet chapter of when her first period starts... in public of all places and the population of girls come to assist, of all ages
never got to finish much after that part i do not think anyways
any idea?
Too many stories
It reads more like four or five story descriptions all mixed together.
The surrogate part sounds like Elrod W's "Operation Rescue - The New Coed" https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/39898/operation-rescu...
Otherwise I have no ideas on the others that might be mixed in.
Was one story "The Taylor
Was one story "The Taylor Project" by Tracey Willows?
-- Daphne Xu
May be looking through the wrong fence
Erins Blog, reminded me of a story, may be the same one
Set early 1800's I think, but definitely set in 1800's
Boy walking dog down street, dog slips leash and jumps through fence of mansion boy follows to retrieve the dog, and finds the only maintained part of the grounds that also has a fountain.
Boy is from a large family in working class area, also youngest and the runt.
Father looses job, becomes abusive.
Boy is offered job as gardener at mansion, catch is he has to dress as girl
If memory serves, lord of manor dies in accident then soon after only child dies from an illness leaving the lady of the manor alone
The discovered part of the grounds turns out to be the daughters favourite part of the grounds, she may have also been painter.
Lady of manor comes to crave company of the child, offers to take the child in permanently.
"Forever Claire" by Torey
I remembered the story title and the author, yay
There is one called "Unexpected Mommy" by Trish5160
That covers the gynecomastia and lactation part.
Seems to be on BC but incomplete. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/author/trish5160
No idea why I remembered this one.