It has been on my mind a lot lately.
I do keep making ridiculously terrible decisions, through poorly thought out perceptions.
I upset people, without any intent to do so.
I have a history, of helping people a lot in the course of my life, and have on occasion even given some good feedback.
I am not in the right frame of mind, I am truly unstable, I should and so I am going to keep my thoughtless opinions to myself, good & or bad.
There is nothing, obviously that I can do to make up for my actions.
I can only say the honesty of the fact that I truly am sorry.
I do hope all. especially the one I recently hurt, can forgive me....even though I do not deserve it....I hope I have not deterred her from her excellent creativity.
So, I am sorry. Wish I could do or say more, but the last thing I desire to do is cause anymore unintended hard feelings.
hugs hon
I've been there, done that too. have a huggle on me.
Don't be too hard on yourself
WE are all human, Erin. Including you.
Best wishes
Start with an apology
A good start to mend your bridges is to apologize. Hurt feelings can take time to heal, but neither of you will feel any better if you do not reach out to her. Do not be upset if your apology is not accepted immediately, it just means that it is too early. But you have to keep trying.
Big Sweet Hugs...
Big Sweet Hugs...
Peace & Love tmf
Life is tough
Around here, that's an understatement!
Guess what? Noboby - and I mean nobody - gets it right all the time. Hell, most of us get it right some of the time, wrong about the same amount and the rest is in between.
Gues what? There's no instruction book. There's no instruction book on being a kid. There's nothing at all about being a teen. Adulthood is a laugh! No matter what, you are unprepared for it.
Then, add an 'unusual condition' and you are screwed!
Welcome to our big leaky boat. All of us know and understand the crap. Some of us are doing better than others, but that's life, ain't it?
Grab all the good stuff you can. You have been of great help to many people. Hold onto that! You are a good person, who has lived as good a life as you could. Keep on keeping on! Just like the rest of us.
And, keep up with BC/TS. You're among friends.
With love
Red MacDonald
One thing to avoid in comments
Don't tell the author what sort of story you don't want to read. That always comes off as an unfriendly attack.
If you find out a story is one you don't want to read, don't read it. Simple as that.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
We all eff up,
and FSM knows I have made my share (hopefully fewer now that am older and, supposedly, wiser). Stay the course and always remember we never come into this life with an instruction manual; it is all learn as you go. Do better, apologise for the hurt and hope they can forgive you so that you can forgive yourself. To Erin's Rules, I might add - being kind to others never costs you anything, this also goes for one's own self. By the way, someone once explained to me what the quote "Act in haste, repent at leisure" meant - it is like hitting a tree with an axe, the injury to the tree may heal with time, but the memory of it will always be there in the core of the tree. My grandfather was a very wise man...
Take care and may you find peace, Diana
You're responsible only for what you can control.
When you make a comment and a person responds badly, You might have been partially responsible, if your comment was provocative.
You're not responsible if the person is choosing to misconstrue or be over-sensitive.
Always apologize. Adjust your behavior only if you're at fault.
You seem like a sensitive person who chews her words. That's enough.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
the big 'if' is the greatest question or response
There are so many 'ifs' in life.
Like if I hadn't jumped on my dirt bike when I was 15 and gone fishing instead, would I have crushed my pelvis.
Or if I hadn't started on the performance enhancements that Cycling Coach wanted the team to go on back in the late 1980's, would certain things not have happened like the cup size runneth over or the widening of the bottom.
Or if I had let things develope to the feminine instead of fighting the changes and then putting my health at risk in later years.
Or if I had followed a different path in my photography instead of the steady income of industrial photography.
Like I said, many many ifs in the world. It's the path we choose that's the hardest.
'Do or Do Not, There is no Try' - Yoda