Warriors way chapter 8...they use twins in magic shows!

Warriors way chapter 8...they use twins in magic shows!

So what will happen now, the story goes on!

New story in the growing Hekawi universe!
Read the others in this new universe

Meagan's Tail

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” and “Déjà vu”





A few weeks passed.

In Los Angeles Cathy Elwen had awoken early because of her parents ongoing fury with her and her past acts in high school. Somehow someone...some interfering nobody had informed the elder council of the teen's several fights while attending school and her getting into deep legal trouble by stealing Mark's very costly frame. When the council ruling over her family has found all of this out, they demanded that the whole family come to LA and not to some small office of a lowly administration person, but to the main tower the council owned...where only top leadership worked!

Cathy knew deep down being called here was bad, VERY bad and she was in deep trouble if her father could not talk his way out of it in the family name. He had more than one friend on the main council, plus several on the elder council and all of them turned their back on him and to this matter of his eldest daughter's fate!

When the family arrived at the tower her meeting, the girl running the greeting station and administration desk in the main lobby almost growled at Cathy as she pointed out the elevator bank behind the desk that lead going up over eighty floors to the office's floor.

Cathy's next clue that she was in deep trouble was when the next receptionist told the family to stay here in the vast atrium area that covered the floor and that Cathy was to head up to the office a few floors above all alone. Going directly to ones office was bad in her community, only official business took place there and normal, family or community matters were normally spoken of inside one's home or in the atrium on this floor, this was bad!

Her family found a place in one of the many coves that were hidden amongst the huge atrium that filled this floor and soared up a few more floors of this huge skyscraper in LA. Cathy gulped when her daddy shoved her into one of the waiting cars, "Mind your manners and do not fail us!" he demanded of her.

The elevator chimed as the floor she was instructed to be on came, the door slid open and a tall impeccably dressed man was already waiting for her there, "Follow me," he ordered and she did. Cathy had no choice in the matter!

A well dressed man led her down a hallway that was lined with some of the finest woods and stonework she had ever seen and looked VERY out of place inside a modern skyscraper in LA. "This hallway should be inside a castle,' " she thought.

He opened a door for her and waved a hand to guide her inside, "Wait here for your appointment, they will open the inner door, then you can enter," he instructed.

Cathy nodded while silently doing as the tall man ordered, he closed the door while she took a seat in one of the many huge leather chairs arranged about the room that surrounded a huge stone fireplace or ringed other small conversation tables.

She scanned the walls of the huge outer office and greeting room for any clue who this person Cathy was meeting with and found two names displayed on the longest far wall just on either side of the main office doors. One's official title was the 'right hand' person of the leader of her community and the other side's name was the 'right hand' of leader of the community that Cathy's council had never really got along with during its long history, but for right now they were at an unsteady peace.

Two people, belonging to or representing two very different, very separated factions...but shared the same last name!? This was very strange indeed to the teen.

Cathy had been sitting in the outer office and greeting room for well over an hour before the huge wooden doors that guarded the inner office 'clicked', then swung open silently.

"Cathy come in here and have a seat," a woman's voice demanded from within the office and Cathy noted that the voice offered no greeting or even a 'please' at the demand's end!

The teen shrugged her shoulders to the voice while standing up, "Now to face the music," she silently sighed to herself.

As Cathy strolled into the main office slowly, she noted that the office was divided up into two distinct halves and the desk that she saw first was vacant. But she kept walking deep into the huge room to see if anyone was at the other desk slightly hidden from her sight right now by a few large tall back leather chairs.

The young teen walked into the office just enough to see who had called her and when she finally recognized who it was, Cathy had to keep her fear in check and keep from running in terror from the room. Behind that huge ornate desk was a single woman Drow, a being so rare among the Fae or Sidhe that Cathy had never seen one in person and add to that fact that Elvin mothers had used the Drow as boogie men or women in scaring young elves into obedience for thousands of years. Even Cathy's mother had done so to her or her brothers many, many times! "Go to bed and be good or the Drow will come and get ya!" her mom had said many times of the years to all the kids.

The Drow pointed out a large chair right in front of her desk, "Sit there and be silent until I finish with this paperwork," she demanded in a cold voice, one that scared Cathy to her core.

Cathy sat down that is when she noticed a Pixie dressed in Violet trimmed leather armor standing on the desk's edge closest to her with a spear out and at the ready. This Pixie never stopped staring intently at her, as if the little Fae was guarding her or keeping Cathy from doing anything she should not. The small Fae creature never seemed to relax even when Cathy adjusted her clothes to keep up well groomed appearances out of boredom.

Her dad had read Cathy many stories of Pixies that protected small children over the eons, but none of the legends mentioned that they would work with a Drow? It seemed strange that a Pixie 'a hero' among several legends would be working with a legendary evil in many of those same legends!

Well over fifteen minutes had passed by since Cathy had entered the office and the Drow never slowed down on intensely scratching at the paperwork covering her desk. The teen was about to say something when a twin to Drow entered the room from a hidden door that Cathy had missed when she came into the office and the new Drow barely noted the teen's presence while she strolled over to a twin desk of her own.

This is when Cathy knew for sure what or who she was meeting with. She was meeting with 'the twins'! The Drow twins that have appeared in several movies over the years and had an unmatched reputation among the Sidhe and Fae creatures for fighting skills. These two had trained the Queen's guard and the guard of the council of elders, then add they basically wrote the book for martial training of all Sidhe warriors!

The newer twin went about stacking several piles of loose paperwork on her desk to neaten it up a little, then placed one file on her twin's desk while she pulled a large chair over to be in on the coming conversation.

This new twin made herself a bit more comfortable in the large chair while opening that slim folder and that is when yet another hidden door opened up to a girl dressed in violet or was it purple trimmed armor Cathy guessed at. Then she settled down on the trim was a more Lilac in color. This new arrival carried a large tea service tray in her hands that she placed on the desk and handed a ready cup to the Drow in the chair and placed one before the desk's owner.

The new girl once done with her serving sat on the desk's edge while placing a plate of several cookies before them all and started to nibble at one as she spoke, "Ji ph'udos xundus nindol xor zhal'la Usstan fridj belbau nindol impetulant dalhar olt ph'zhin sidloruten lu'tlu rid d'ilta?" she questioned to group in a language that Cathy had never heard before and she knew three Sidhe languages, then add several other Fae ones too!

(So are we doing this or should I just give this impetulant child its walking papers and be rid of her?)

"Yes let's start," the Drow at the desk said with an evil fang filled grin that truly terrified Cathy right now.

"Fine by me," said the twin before she turned towards Cathy, "So little girl do you know why you are here?" she asked.

"No Ma'am, I do...," Cathy started and then was interrupted suddenly by the other Drow barking at her, "It is not ma'am, we are not humans! We are Drow and the correct term for us to be addressed by is Jabbress. You should know how to address your betters by this point in your age, no wonder you are in such deep trouble. Your parents have coddled you all your life and left off many items you should be well drilled in by this point in your short life!"

Cathy quickly nodded to being corrected, "No Jabbress, I do not know why I am here?"

"Hummm I find that hard to believe!" this first Drow growled, "But the reason why you are here, is that your family has coddled you far too long and they should have sent you to one of the Sidhe or Fae academies years ago! There is a reason why general practice for our young is to alternate one year human schooling, then one full year at a Fae academy and that is to challenge you youngsters for your own betterment."

"I did go to an academy in the past for a whole term, was that not enough and I thought the family had the choice to send its children to one or not?" Cathy asked, but deep down she knew the Drow was correct and she had chosen the easy way for her schooling.

"Yes in many situations, but in yours, NO!" she barked again, "Your family should have had you tutored by a Fae or Sidhe master or mistress on the side at the very least and required you to at the very least take summer classes somewhere? But no in both cases!"

"I did not know Jabbress." she offered.

"LIAR!" both Drow shouted at her in unison, plus the one behind the desk jumping up to slam a fist into it and the act sacred Cathy so much that she jumped back in fright deeper into the chair, "We Drow can tell when others lie to us and little girl you just did!" one twin barked as she took a seat behind her desk once again.

"Cathy be truthful with yourself and us. You somehow convinced your family to give you the easy way in your schooling and they did. Then add even with attending a human school...genuinely your grades SUCK at best. You are getting 'C's and 'B's most of the time, then add a few 'D's and for a Sidhe that is a shameful showing. It shows to all concerned that you lack discipline or a wanting to excel."

"Sorry?" she tried to play, she had always felt that schooling was beneath her place and that the family name was more than enough to get her whatever she desired!

"SORRY JABBERESS!" both Drow corrected the teen with a shout and Cathy meekly whimpered back, "Sorry, Jabbress."

"Not only is your schooling lacking, but you are fighting with the humans at your school and bullying those who can't fight back. AND you did this to the point of being expelled because you stole from one. How far must you fall, before even one as dim as you seem to be notices it!" one twin demanded of the teen an answering to all her recent faults.

"That littl...Marcus...he tricked me!" Cathy stuttered out her weak answer.

"Ticked you...WHAT!" one corrected Cathy again.

"Jabbress," she corrected quickly hoping this meeting would not get worse.

"That was the last time I or my sister corrects your addressing us, the next time your are going to regret it!" a Drow warned her.

"You can't?" Cathy started, but never finished before the girl dressed in Lilac trimmed armor leapt up at great speed and slapped the unruly teen once into silence.

The first Drow gazed menacingly at Cathy still cupping her now red cheek, "That was only the start, keep up these bad manners of yours and you will be cleaning your own blood out of my carpets. Do you understand us?"

A now teary eyed Cathy whimpered back, "Yes Jabbress, I understand."

"Good!" Both barked out, then the one behind the desk started, "This next term you will attend the Sidhe-Fae academy that is part of the Hekawi academy here in Los Angeles and you are going to be our personal little project. We Drow are going to ride you very hard for all four years of your enrollment and you had better get all 'A's in your classes or you will be an ohhhhh so sorry child. You will not fail us or you will regret it!" she warned with a deep growl that sent shivers down Cathy's spine.

"Now get out," the twin in the chair demanded, "AND don't even think of asking dear 'daddy' to get you out of this mess of your own making! He does not have that kind of pull with the elected Queen or the true Queen or the elder council and we both do in spades!"

"Yes Jabbress," Cathy cried as she stood and walked to the door.

"Be sure to close the door on your way out and go cry or snivel to your parents. But be at school on time and ready or you will regret it!" the Drow at her desk shouted at Cathy's back.

Cathy walked out of the office like a condemned man on the green mile, stepped into the first elevator going down and then found her worried family waiting for her return when the door slid open several floors below. "What happened?" her dad asked the crying teen.

"They demanded that I go to the academy here next term, I seem to not have any choice in the matter and they promised to make my life a living hell there for the next four years daddy!" Cathy cried on.

"That is not fair for my girl!" her mother raged out, "Do something Adanell for your daughter."

"I'll call Arl Qinceran honey, he maybe a second cousin to me and one of the family's best partners. But he always comes through when I press him, he has very high contacts in the elder council," Her dad offered while trying to soothe the distraught teen by rubbing her back a little while starting his calls.

Her dad was on the phone seeming to wait to be connected to Arl, a person Cathy only meet with a few times during her life. But her brother knew of him from his time at the Sidhe academy here in LA. Laelithar was entering his third year there, but Cathy wanted nothing to do with the place and deep down she wanted the easy life that her dad so far had laid out for all of her life.

Cathy noticed that her dad was strolling farther and farther away from the waiting family as he became agitated by the call with someone in the family tree that should be able to help her out of this mess with ease?

After several tense minutes of her daddy conversing with Arl he finally came back over to the waiting family and flipped out his frame to engage the speaker phone feature, "Can all of you hear me and please say so?" Arl asked.

"Yes we all hear you Arl, we are all here." Cathy's mother Synnorha said to the device and the fellow Sidhe on the other end.

"Cathy are you there too, I have to be very sure you hear all of this for yourself?" he asked once more and this sounded like really bad news even more.

"I am here Arl," Cathy said still sniffing back her tears.

"Cathy you have no choice in this matter and you are going to the Sidhe academy next term." Arl said in monotone at left no feeling behind his words.

"I can't, I won't and daddy will fight this!" she cried back.

"No he will not!" Arl barked back, "If your father does try to use his influence on the elder council, he risks censure and barring from council matters for the rest of his life. Then add if he is silly enough to appeal to the Queen, the whole family will be excommunicated for life and the only ones in your immediate family free of that stain will be your yet unborn kids."

"They can't do that!" Synnorha gasped and hugged her baby girl closer.

"They can and they will!" he warned once more, "the two people your daughter just saw are not your normal Sidhe...they are the Leigh twins and they have the ear of the elected Queen, then add the true Queen on top of that!"

"The Drow twins...'the Drow twins'?" her older brother asked twice to be clear about what his sister had just said.

"Yes the same ones and they called me over an hour before your meeting Cathy to warn me that your father would pull this maneuver. They told me to cut him off and end this mess right here and now!"

"Sis, mom, dad," her older brother began, "Leave it all be as it is and Cathy has to go to the academy as told or there will be gigantic trouble for the whole family!"

"I can handle it." her dad started.

"Ahhh no dad you can't. The twins virtually run the military arm of the council and if pressed they will fall back on old Sidhe covenants. Then use them to personally challenge you to duel to the death...and either of them can off you with ease, even half blind drunk with a broken leg!" Laelithar warned while shaking his head to his father.

"The boy is right Adanell, I personally have known these Drow for years. They even went to the same school as my nice did and they do not play fair, they always win in the end!" Arl added to Laelithar's dire warning.

"I will use other means at my disposal and approach the council without your help Arl." Cathy's father nodded to the frame.

"And you will fail Adanell. They have means past yours and I already told you that they have already cut you off and pressing them will get you killed. Those twins do not like any of the old Sidhe families such as your's and will seek vengeance on your family for pressing the matter as one or acting like one of the privileged class." Arl counseled the defensive father once again.



I was leading the way for us both with my twin Rehanna taking up the rear by keeping up with our many calls. Rehanna went off to grab some wine for our guests tonight at the fine wine store next door to the Swartz bakery that I was already heading into. Inside the insanely yummy bakeshop we used all the time, I smiled to the owners wife and then noticed that her husband was involved in a very hot debate with two rough looking men.

"Ariel is there something wrong here?" I had to ask as the closest man finally took note of me walking in from the street.

"Nothing I am sure, now!" Leah the wife of the owner of this Jewish bakery huffed out angrily.

"Time for you two gents to leave my establishment, I am not paying for any protection 'service' from a gang of hoods!" Ariel shouted at both men that seemed to 'buck up' and get even angrier at Ariel's defiance!

"Time to pay up old man, we are moving into this hood and the fee is due today with a surcharge for our extra effort!" one man yelled out and who seemed to be the obvious leader of the pair.

"What is going on here?" Rehanna asked from just coming in the door several feet behind me and placing her bag of wine bottles next to the door out of any line of fire.

"I was about to ask myself sister!" I barked to the room while I walked slowly into the business to be closer to Ariel and his wife if these two gangsters got stupid!

"Both of you two office bitches had better leave before you both get hurt or worse!" the one nearest me ordered, while insulting us both for the fine office suits we wore and drew a pistol from his back.

"Humm don't let the Versace suit fool you boys, us girls are a hand full and will hurt you badly if you don't leave right now?" I asked.

The other man pulled his out his pistol as he yelled, "Get me the money now or the bitches die!"

"Leah, please go into the back and stay out of this. While you are there, please get the bucket and mop...as we are about to get lots of blood on your nice floor." I asked the wife and she nodded back to me while walking away, "Yes I will and please don't make too much of a mess this time?"

"We will try Leah." I offered not sure if I could...this time.

"Well let's do this," Rehanna said from the door, "Gentlemen...Manners...Maketh...Man!" she quipped while locking the door and the only way out.

"You like that movie too much" I immediately sassed over to her.

"So? Rehanna questioned me, "you did too and its a great line that fits right now!" she smiled back at me.

"Fine whatever!" I blew her off with a grin then glared at the pair of men once again, "We are not what or who you think we are!" I said as both of our forms shimmered as our illusions fell away.

"Elves?" the leader asked while he noted our strange colored skin and pointy ears.

"Well of course! Many elves or the Sidhe or Fae shop in my bakery all the time, who else but them pays one hundred bucks for a rare chocolate brownie!" Ariel huffed out while pointing out the locked display of them.

"Yummmmm your brownies are the best!" Rehanna moaned out sexily.

"Shit elves, we don't fight elves!" the man nearest me barked to his buddy who was leading this mess.

"What can two elf girls do, man up you have a gun!" the leader warned.

"We are not elves, we are Drow," Rehanna corrected him, "and our kind would consider us two the "Baba Yaga" of our race." she evilly laughed on.

"Really?" I sighed out, "John wick quotes and what is next a pencil?" I asked her and Rehanna smiled back while pulling a bright yellow colored one from nowhere!

"I could use this one on these two and it would be lots less messy then using our blades?" she shrugged back to me with a giggle.

"Enough of this shit!" the leader yelled at me and started to aim his pistol at me. I dodged out of the line of fire as I sliced off his gun hand. The hand fell to the shops tile floor with the pistol clattering away and his severed stump streamed out blood all over. To finish the fight, I smashed my swords butt into his chest nerve cluster and locked his muscles up body wide...now he stood there like a statue waiting for us Drow to choose what to do with him alive or let him bleed out slowly to death.

The other man spun on to me at seeing his buddy defeated and his aim started to level with my head. But he never made it, Rehanna made a Ticonderoga pencil vanish into the man's head with a nasty sounding crunch of bone being smashed, as the simple yellow pencil penetrated his skull and the brain beyond its thin protection to her attack.

The dead man fell over with a thud to the smiling Rehanna.

"Well mine was far neater than yours!" Rehanna boasted with a grin.

"Ya and he is dead now? So now I have to kill mine or he talks!" I sighed in defeat.

The still living man was sweating, he knew what was coming and it was death! "Do you want to live?" I asked him while tapping a nerve on his neck to at least give him control of his head.

"Yesssssss" he cried to me.

"Good," I said while heating up my blade with a spell to a now glowing hot and placed it on his still bleeding stump to seal the end up. The wound hissed and smoked as the heat burned and sealed the stump from bleeding anymore.

He screamed like a wounded dog and whimpered to me from the massive pain, "Please?"

"I want you to go back to your boss and tell him the who and the what that protects this whole section of LA around the mega block just across the street." I said talking about our office towers and other buildings that covered several blocks, "We Fae creatures own it all and the city for a minimum of twenty blocks in each direction. If we catch you or your human gangs trying to run any 'biz' within that zone and we catch you...you die. Tell them!"

He nodded back meekly to me as I yanked his wallet from his inner jacket pocket and I whipped out his ID then pocketed it, "I am keeping this, you go tell them and then call me here," I said while marking a phone number into his arm with a spell, "During your call I will tell you where to meet me and how long you have to make amends or close your last affairs. Just so you know the cops of LA are on our side and not yours. So do not even think of going to the cops, you do and they will tell me. That would be a bad thing for you and your gang, a life ending thing!"

"I thought you were not going to kill me?" he whimpered to me.

"I am not, but my plans for you will end your current life and start a whole new one. That means your old human life as you know it ends before the new one begins and if you think of running from us...I will hunt your wife and kids down, then kill them very slowly over a coarse of weeks while you watch the whole thing!" I growled at him, knowing I would not hurt kids. But my threat was enough to scare this simple human!

I finished emptying his wallet and his buddy's of any cash, then handed the whole wad to Leah as she showed up with the mop and bucket. "Now go and call me in twenty four hours and no more!" I continued to tell the man.

"Yesssss," he cried and ran out of the store's now open door hiding his bloody stump under this jacket.

With the man gone, I helped Leah clean up the floor a bit with a few well placed spells and made sure there was no evidence left behind. Rehanna was busy picking out sweet treats for tonight's party.

Ariel rang up our bill and Rehanna checked it out to be sure he or she got everything, "You left off the charge for the brownies?" she questioned.

"Of course I did, you should get something for this?" he stated simply.

"Ari, we asked you to carry those rare brownies that are made with super rare coco beans and who are you going to sell them to but us Fae? Your normal human customers would die from even licking one let alone nibbling on one!"

"Okay, okay...Add three hundred and call it even!" the baker offered cutting his own price and dramatically raising his arms in surrender.

"Done!" we both sang out in unison.



Shadowsblade here.

But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

this warning is for our story stealers off site, not the BC family of readers we all know and love!

Copyright © 2019 by Shadowsblade

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