Feral Saga Chapter 5 - Scents


Feral Saga Chapter 5 – Scents

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In this Special Mega Publication, our frenetic fifth issue, Wolverine, still trying to find a way to deal with a new reality and desires, must go deep into enemy territory to gain vital information about Magneto’s latest gambit! Jean fears she will lose Logan forever, yet must still face the ramifications of her own actions. It seems Magneto’s war on humans will escalate to a massive scale unless the X-Men can foil his plot. But do they really know what is going on?

Author Note:

This chapter is very much a return to action. But there is still much for Logan and Jean to work out. Unfortunately, they’re going to have to do some of it “on the job”. The violence is pretty graphic, as is the sex. There’s no non-consensual sex, but we’re inching closer to the scene I warned everyone about in my introduction. Maybe a couple more chapters. You’ll note that this chapter is much longer than usual. I really wanted to get to a certain point. However, I also will need to take a week off from publishing. I greatly underestimated how much rewriting I would end up doing. Also, some readers have sent me some lovely notes offering to proofread and I think I’m going to take one or two up on it. But I need to give them time and I’m just barely making my deadlines, so that’s why I need a week.

To those of you kind enough to comment, kudo, or drop me a line thank you very much. Writing is a great release, but it can be a little lonely. I realize that with something this explicit, some of you (especially you lurkers) might not want to comment, but I do want to hear what you like, where you hope or suspect the story will go, etc. so feel free to PM. I’m also just glad you’re still reading.

A special note to all my lurkers - Just wanted to let you know that kudos are completely anonymous. I don’t get to see who gave me a kudo, just the total.

I scared a lot of readers off with the CAUTIONS and tags on this story (I had to, in order to be a responsible author), but for those who make their way through the sometimes challenging content, the only way others will know if it’s a worthy story is via your feedback. So, I hope you’ll help get the word out if you are enjoying the story. ‘Nuff said.

August 20, 2020 - I made some minor edits to the story and am posting them all at once.

Here’s a wiki you can use if you’re really lost: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men

© Nyssa 2019

Promise me you’ll always remember you’re braver than you believe, you are stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

          • Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)


    “Jean,” said Logan as they headed up the stairs after the briefing where Logan had explained his plan. “I feel incredibly stupid saying this, but… I have nothing to wear to a raid on an enemy base.”

    Jean’s laughter at the unexpected admission was loud and stopped her in her tracks. Then, after a moment she grabbed Logan’s hand and began dragging him the rest of the way up the stairs. “C’mon, I have just the thing. Don is gonna love it!”

    “Wait, what?”

    When they got to Jean’s room, Jean turned and, putting both hands on Logan’s shoulders, she looked into his somewhat confused eyes. “Do you remember Ororo’s special catsuits?”

    “Uhh, the stretch leathers that she made for all the girls? Yeah, but she was the only one with the balls… I mean ovaries to wear it.” Logan replied.

    “Are you sure?”

    Logan thought for a moment. “Wait! Ewww, I… You wore it just for Scott. Why would you remind me of that?”

    “I didn’t wear it for long,” smirked Jean.

    Logan shook himself at the very distinct memories of exactly what had occurred when Jean wore the catsuit that Storm had made for her. He was very disconcerted that the memories were first person. “I definitely do not need to remember Scott fucking you, or me thank you very much,” said Logan, trying to sound disgusted.

    “C’mon, we loved it.”

    “There was no we! That was all you.”

    “Ooh, now who’s jealous,” teased Jean with a smirk.

    “Look, I just need something that I can move in, but that won’t cut easily. Maybe I can just keep this jacket zipped up.”

    Jean pulled the catsuit from the back of her closet and held it in front of her. It looked to be made of a thick black leather that was smooth but not shiny. It looked like it would fit Jean like a glove - when she was nine years old. “You know exactly how sturdy this leather is and what this suit looks like, how it stretches over our every curve, compressing a little here and lifting a little there. I’m going nuts imagining you in it and I can guess at the reaction a certain Captain will have when he sees you in it.”

    “I am not trying to impress Captain Andrews, I just need something functional.” Logan crossed his arms.

    “Coulda fooled me,” said Jean. After a moment, she just shook the catsuit on its hanger slightly.

    “Fine,” he said, grabbing it. “But I’m wearing the jacket too. I can carry my cigars in it.”

    “And take it off for dramatic effect. I approve,” said Jean who then giggled.

    As Logan began stripping off his clothes, Jean was riveted.

    “Bra too,” she said.

    “You just want me naked,” smirked Logan.

    Jean sighed, “Guilty.”

    “Actually,” said Logan as he zipped up the catsuit, “we probably should talk.”

    “Now?” Jean was very impressed with how Logan looked in the catsuit. Seeing herself in the mirror before had made her feel sexy even if she could never have gone out in public in it. But seeing Logan in it, she had been hoping for a little time to show him just how impressed she was.

    “It’s just… There’s a couple of questions I need to ask you. I already know the answers, but I really think you need to hear the questions. I think it’s pretty important.”

    “OK, if you think we should take the time right now,” said Jean carefully.

    “Do you remember ever having a real sexual desire for another woman? I don’t mean wanting to snuggle or a crush, not a warm feeling, not appreciation of another woman’s looks or character or anything like that. I mean real lust, real sexual desire.” Logan watched as Jean went through several emotions during this little speech.

    “Huh. No, and yet…”

    “And yet it seems perfectly natural now, doesn’t it?”

    “Is that your other question?”

    “No,” said Logan. He came over to Jean until their breasts were just touching and moved towards her as if offering his lips for a kiss. But just before they’d be in reach, he asked, ”Would you say that you were a dominant sort of person, or that I was a submissive personality?”

    Jean, who had been about to lean in and grab Logan to kiss him passionately, instead stepped back. “No. What… what are you saying?”

    “I think that we might have exchanged a little more in that dreamwalk than just some memories,” said Logan quietly. “I mean, that’s obviously what I got, but I think you took something back with you when you left.”

    The look Logan gave Jean at that point was so forlorn and lost, it nearly broke her heart.

    “I think,” Logan said, and Jean could see tears swimming in his eyes, “I think maybe Logan died in that control room. I don’t know who I am now. I have your memories, but I don’t really think like you. I don’t think like a guy either. Not exactly. I can’t even tell if I think like me. If I am me. I may never have known who I really was with how screwed up my memories were, but I think whoever it was… is dead.”

    Jean moved back to Logan and took his face in her hands. Firmly she said, “No! You are not dead! You’re here with me and you have to stay with me! You can’t die, you can never die.”

    Logan placed his right hand on Jean’s. “Jean, even with my healing ability, eventually I will die. But I think…”

    “No,” interrupted Jean. “I mean I won’t allow it and because…” She had to look down for a moment. Then, gathering her courage, she said, “Because that would mean that I killed you... and I could never do that. I love you.”

    The moment lingered. Jean felt like an eternity was passing, even if it was only seconds.

    Then Logan said, “And Scott?”

    Jean was certain at that moment that her heart had broken.

    “I’m sorry,” Jean couldn’t hold Logan’s gaze and dropped her hands.

    Logan stood there for a moment.

    He began moving towards the door. “We should go. We have a mission.” At the door, he turned slightly and paused.

    “I promise not to die. For you.”


    Four hours later, the mini X-Jet landed south of the base in an area that the surveillance team had not used before. Three figures departed. Two were in heavy cold gear – hooded parkas, snow pants, gloves, and boots while the third wore a black leather catsuit and a black and yellow leather jacket.

    “Here,” said Logan handing the jacket to Jean. “Take care of my cigars, I’ll want one when this is over.” His long red hair was whipped by the cold wind.

    Jean came over and took the jacket and then embraced him tightly. “You promise?” she whispered in his ear.

    Logan nodded as they broke apart. The four-hour ride with Don present had been consumed with reviews of the plans, contingencies, and the layout of the base. Don had been a wealth of information from his previous time there. There had been no further discussion with Jean of their relationship, but Logan knew exactly what Jean meant.

    On the way, the Professor had informed them that the equipment being moved into the facility included some of their stolen computer components. Don had also been informed by his command that someone had put through a “contingency planning” request to upgrade the abandoned base’s communications lines. It now had multiple high-speed lines connecting them to the DISN (Defense Information Systems Network). Any doubts the team had about the urgency of the mission were eliminated by that discovery.

    As Jean stepped back, Don, for his part, was staring at Logan in his catsuit. Don had definitely been sneaking looks at Logan during the ride, but Logan had kept his jacket zipped up the entire time. While far from bulky, the jacket could only hint at the magnificent swell of Logan’s breasts and the deep curve of his waist. And the catsuit enhanced those curves while minimizing any that Jean, or Logan now, might consider flaws. “No wonder Storm always looks so fantastic, the woman has real talent,” thought Logan, noting Don’s reaction with a pleased smile.

    “Aren’t you cold?” asked Don incredulously. “How can you stay warm in these temperatures?”

    Logan looked him up and down and, smirking, replied, “I just focus on something hot.”

    Such a tease,” came Jean’s telepathic voice with amusement and a touch of melancholy.

    Jean then began to head north toward the base while Don and Logan circled to the east.

    Thirty minutes later, Logan heard Jean’s voice in his head, “In position.

    Logan responded, “Ditto. How’s the link from your end?

    I hear your sweet voice in my head and can also feel that link we’ve had since you woke up in the lab.

    Uhh, good,” replied Logan. “I.. I sound like a, a girl in your head?

    Uh-huh,” Jean’s mental voice carried a tinkling amusement. “Do you want to know if you always have?

    Just tell dickhead what he has to do.” And then aloud, to Don, “She’s set, shouldn’t be long.”


    Jean sent another signal to Cyclops, informing him of the plan. “Scott, Logan and I are here. I assume you have the plans from the Professor, so it’s time. We need to draw out the base’s forces to see if we can distract them. Can you create a diversion?”

    “I thought that was Logan’s specialty?” joked Scott. “No problem. You’ll know when it’s started.” Scott relayed plans for the surveillance forces to fall back and bring the X-Men and tactical forces up to the front line. They would lay down a field of fire directly into the opening of the base, with the X-Men taking a cross-fire position to either side. “On my order you are to disengage,” Scott told the special forces commander. “Understand? No delays. We will cover your retreat.”

    “Are you certain that is the best strategy? Shouldn’t we try to maintain our position?” asked the commander.

    “There will no longer be a need for surveillance after this as we either won’t need this position, or we won’t want to be anywhere near here. No, at this point position is irrelevant, we’re just hoping that the timing of our attack gives us some advantage.”

    Once everyone was in place, the order was given and the guns opened up on the unsuspecting mutant crew moving material into the base. Large shells hit the base doors and anti-personnel mortars sent shrapnel buzzing through the air. The effect was dramatic and immediate. One-third of the workers were killed in the first few seconds, but the remainder either rushed into the base or straight into the line of fire.

    “Now! Begin fallback and disengage,” yelled Scott.

    One or two at a time, the special forces members ceased firing and fell back along their sightlines. Every other “line” they would turn and fire while members of that line retreated. Within 5 minutes, they were nearly gone from the mostly open area below the base opening – but the mutants had almost reached the initial area where the forces had been waiting in cover. It was at this point that the lightning strikes began. Then, an icy blast turned the area into a sheet of ice. The mutants scattered – except for two who seemed to glow with the energy from the lightning for a few moments. They stood and reached outward towards where Storm floated above them. A new bolt of lightning leapt from them towards her – but it did nothing.

    “Cyclops,” called out Storm. “They called up that strike from the ground. I think they are able to generate a powerful negative field. They could be a problem even if the lightning can’t affect me. Can you lift them to break the contact, that might keep them from trying it again?”

    “On it,” replied Cyclops. Soon the two mutants had been knocked into the air by twin beams of ruby light. Storm then hit them with a frigid blast and they were frozen.

    “That should get some attention,” said Cyclops to himself.


    “Leave the gun.”

    “What?” asked Don.

    “Too loud. If you have it, you’ll be tempted to use it and we can’t afford to be discovered.”

    “But we might need it to get out. We shouldn’t go in unarmed.”

    Logan just extended his claws in response.

    “Bringing a knife to a gunfight,” muttered Don quietly.

    “Actually six,” responded Logan. He walked over to Don and put his hand upon his shoulder. “I promise I will get you back out safely. I saved your life before and I’m ready to do it again.” He stared into Don’s eyes. “I promise.”

    After a moment Don said, “I believe you will.” Don took off his holster and laid it at the opening to the access vent where they were positioned. “But I’m keeping the knife.”

    Hearing the explosions, Don and Logan lowered themselves through a fresh-air access vent into one of the adjunct areas of the base. As the base had begun shutdown, this area had been sealed off. It was mostly empty and, of course, unheated. To Don, it seemed colder than it had been outside. But the lack of power also meant there wouldn’t be any cameras and the chances of encountering a patrol were greatly reduced.

    They had moved quickly, using their flashlights to ensure there were no surprises. Everything had gone well for the first two minutes of the plan,

    “Ugh,” said Logan. “What is that stench?”

    “I don’t know,” answered Don in a whisper. “Pretty bad, though.”

    “I think I’m going to be sick.” Logan felt his stomach spasm. He managed to keep it down. He knew that if it got any worse, the smell would be strong enough to completely incapacitate him. He and Don had pretty far into the base, but were still moving along the unheated tunnel that ran parallel to the main corridor of the base. Once they crossed over to that tunnel, a series of storage areas and briefing rooms would provide them with enough cover to get closer to the center of the complex. Exactly as planned.

    Until they encountered the smell. It wasn’t just bad, it was if it contained repellents specifically targeted for the Wolverine.

    “I’m pretty sure this smell is meant for me,” Logan leaned in close to Don and whispered in his ear. He tried to concentrate on Don’s smell to block out the odor that was making him want to retch. The only problem was that concentrating on Don’s smell made his nipples erect.

    “Huh?” responded Don, turning his head to find Logan’s face a little closer than it really should be and a strange look in his eyes. “Why would they target you with a smell?”

    Logan found it hard to move away, “The smell is so much better this way and the closeness is very nice too.” He smiled slightly but managed to turn it into more of a wry grin to hide his true feelings. “Just trust me. And trust me that it’s working. We may have to find another way in.”

    “We can’t afford to. Can’t you make it? Maybe if we use some cloth to cover your nose?”

    “I don’t know about you, but I’m fresh out of cloth. And gas-masks, for that matter. No, it’s probably going to get stronger. I can’t go this way,” decided Logan who turned to leave.

    “Wait,” said Don as he grabbed Logan’s arm. “If they’re trying to keep you from going this way there must be a reason. Doesn’t that mean you should go this way?”

    “It also means that this corridor isn’t as abandoned as we hoped. And if I can’t function when we are discovered, I can’t protect us.”

    “But how long can your friends hold their attention? We need information and this is the time and the way to get it. We’re talking about one of the most powerful and diabolical mutants there is and he may be able to access the entire Defense network. People are making great sacrifices to get us this chance,” urged Don. “Isn’t there something I can do to help you get through this?”

    Logan considered for a moment. The idea did appeal to his berserker personality. But the only way it was going to work appealed to an entirely different part of his personality. “OK. Here’s what we have to do…”

    So, it was an oddly shaped shadow that observed the main command floor a few minutes later. “There, I think something big is happening,” said Don.

    Logan was behind him, under Don’s jacket. At some point during the walk here, Logan had wrapped his arms around the Captain. His nose was pressed against Don’s back to try to block out the smell. But Logan found himself both queasy and with a very slick pussy, which he decided was a very strange combination. He responded to Don’s statement, without fully registering what the words actually meant, by taking a deep breath and peeking out from under the coat.

    There, on the floor below them, large crates were being loaded onto carts. As he looked, a direct hit from the big guns outside hit the blast doors, causing a deep shudder throughout the facility. As various personnel scurried around, trying to load up all of the crates, there was an obvious panic in their actions.

    Into this chaotic scene strode a figure in a red and purple helmet and a long cape. “Fools, they built this facility to withstand the very force they are using. Get all of this equipment loaded and ready for evacuation! I will take care of securing our departure. Panic now and you won’t have to worry about their mercy, I’ll kill you myself!”

    “Magneto. Shit,” Logan swore and then ducked under the jacket. His head was spinning from the stench and the surprise of running into Magneto so soon.

    Jean,” he thought, trying to contact her. There was only a vague feeling of concern and a slight tinge of fear in response. “Jean, can you hear me? We’ve found Magneto, but we’re not in a good position.

    “What’s going on, what are we doing?” asked Don in a harsh whisper.

    “I’m trying to get in touch with Jean, but it’s not working. I only get a faint emotional trace.”

    “I think I hear something coming,” said Don.

    That cleared any lingering cobwebs caused by the smell for Logan and he was instantly out from under the jacket and springing towards the sound. It was a guard. Logan grabbed his head and spun it, dislocating the guard’s head from his spine and killing him instantly. It had been nearly silent. Unfortunately, the action had caused pain to shoot up Logan’s arm and into his shoulder. His shoulder felt like it was full of shattered glass. The action had also exposed him to the smell and he needed to breathe. He turned back to Don just in time to see another guard raise some sort of weapon.

    “Down!” yelled Logan as he leapt across the intervening 15 feet. Pain from his knees and hips caused him to take in an involuntary breath. He unsheathed his claws as he was propelled toward the guard, but the effect of the smell was visceral. Logan was dizzy, his eyes burned and his throat began to convulse. The guard managed to change the direction of his shot and caught Logan in the head before Logan slammed into him. His claws automatically resheathing.

    Don ran over to the guard and wrested the gun away. As he stood there, he was surrounded by ten more guards who had run in, all with weapons drawn. Don dropped the gun and stood, arms raised, looking at what should be a serious head wound on Logan. Instead, it appeared that Logan’s hair was growing in that area and the scalp beneath it was only slightly pink. The guards hadn’t seen the shot, nor the healing wound.

    Logan rose at that moment, a crazed look in his eye, clearly in full berserker mode. Seeing Don surrounded, he let out a fierce cry and prepared to launch himself at the nearest guard. But the guard, while unnerved by the cry, still shot Logan with his taser.

    Pain erupted throughout his body and his muscles convulsed involuntarily, but he didn’t go down. With a snarl and a grimace, Logan leaned forward and took another step toward the guard.

    Three other guards used their tasers and more pain shot through his body. Logan looked at Don and took another step forward.

    The remaining three guards nearest Logan shot taser probes into Logan and, finally, he went down.

    “Crazy bitch,” said one. “Damn, I don’t think even the Wolverine coulda taken that much juice.”

    When Logan awoke he found himself in a dark room. He could only make out general shapes, so he was certain that the average person would be blind here. At his wrists and ankles, iron cuffs held him to the floor. Based on the buzzing sensation in his adamantium-laced skeleton, he was sure that it was with magnetic force. Fortunately, the stench was gone, but in its place was a pulsing vibration that was giving him a slight headache and there was the sound of some machinery almost like a dentist’s drill. From somewhere in the memories he thought of as his “Jean” thoughts, it came to him that this was a familiar trap. It had been used to immobilize Jean Grey in the past. The pulses were machine-generated interference for her telepathic abilities.

    “Good day, Dr. Grey,” came the smooth, confident voice of Magneto over speakers in the room. A little light now shone on the machinery all around Logan. “I must say, this is a bold new look for you. It’s so very nice of you to drop in.”

    “I’ve had better welcomes.”

    “Undoubtedly. I assure you that the devices spinning just out of reach in that complex pattern are extremely deadly and if disturbed by a telekinetic wave of any kind, will strike. Since you didn’t ask, I will volunteer that the Captain is also enjoying our hospitality,” said Magneto.

    “Is there a point to this discussion?”

    “Ransom, my dear. Pure and simple. I wish to depart without escalating the fighting or wasting any more precious resources. You and the Captain will be the collateral to ensure that. So I would prefer you didn’t kill yourself or require me to kill the Captain before I can complete my negotiations.”

    “We’re not about to let you just run off and hide. This sort of operation reveals that you’re about to try something big.”

    “Dr. Grey. You are a lovely, spirited, and intelligent young woman. However, my dear, you fail to realize that collateral does not negotiate for itself.” With that, the speakers and the lights went dead and Logan was left alone in the dark.

    He was tempted to loosen his claws and carve his way to Don and get them the Hell out of there. But, just before he allowed his panic over what might be happening to Don to cause him to do something rash (and typical), he realized something. “They think I’m Jean. This trap is designed for her, not me. And there’s no way that Magneto would make that mistake, especially if he put these cuffs on. And since when does he notice my… Jean’s wardrobe? What game is Mystique playing?” he wondered.

    Some 30 minutes later, Logan heard a door open. There was no additional light, but there was the sound of four people entering. A thrill ran through Logan as he recognized the scent of one of the people entering. That thrill was extremely muted when he realized that one of the people was stumbling as he entered.

    The lights in the cell came on, but only shining on Logan. The others were still in shadow. However, it was if it were daylight for Logan. He could see Don being held up by two guards. It was impossible to tell if he was sedated or injured. He was wearing only a thin camo T-shirt and camo pants. He at least had boots on.

    That’s going to complicate the escape,” thought Logan. Then, after a moment. “Once I figure out how to escape.

    “I do hope you will forgive my intrusion,” began ‘Magneto’. “I have brought a guest. Notice I did not say prisoner. It is my hope that since you have demonstrated a desire to negotiate that we might be able to quickly strike some sort of deal,” said Magneto from the darkness.

    “One where you give up this crazy war against everyone on the planet?” asked Logan. “I’m in.”

    “No, no, no my dear,” cooed Magneto, striding close enough to Logan that he could smell Mystique’s unique scent. “Not everyone. Just those on the side of those pesky humans. Like this one here. I was hoping we could be civil and you could provide me with information about where your forces are positioned so that I can make certain that my escape can be made with minimal loss of life.”

    “Negotiations not going well? Not enough collateral?”

    “It’s more a matter of trust. I don’t trust the humans and if I can’t be assured that they will allow me to exit gracefully and without bloodshed… Well then, I might need to invite the Captain to accompany me. Surely you see that it is better for everyone if we minimize casualties. Especially among our guests...”

    Logan tried to stay calm, but he was very concerned about Don. “What have you done to him?” Logan couldn’t keep his concern from his voice.

    “You mean the Captain? I assure you he is quite unharmed. Merely sedated. A wonderful drug given to me by… an ally. It is a strong muscle relaxant combined with something that confuses the waking mind. Makes them very compliant.”

    “Don, can you hear me? Don?” Logan needed to assess whether Don would be able to move under his own power, but he couldn’t completely hide the desperation from his voice.

    “Don, is it? And such concern… Tsk, tsk, tsk my dear Dr. Grey, what would young Mr. Summers think?” Magneto leaned condescending towards Logan. “I suspected you might have a soft spot for the human, but…”

    That’s it, just another step,” thought Logan.

    Once the imposter Magneto had stepped into range, Logan lunged forward, extending his claws and burying them deep into Mystique’s chest, making sure to shred her heart thoroughly.

    “You? How…,” Mystique croaked out as her face flashed between Magneto’s and her own.

    “The collateral, my dear, has just closed negotiations.” snarled Logan. He knew this wouldn’t actually kill Mystique, but he was also sure it hurt like Hell and would keep her out of the fight for a day at least.

    However, there were still two guards to deal with. Lifting Mystique’s limp body, he threw it at the guard on his right. Again, his shoulder felt like ground glass was inside it and his elbow protested in pain. But he did hit the guard. A quick swipe across with each claw and his bonds were severed. Without power, the cuff’s magnetic seal let go. But before they could hit the ground, Logan was leaping toward the second guard.

    As quick as he was, the guard was faster. He fired before Logan could reach him.

    Unfortunately for the guard, his shot went wide and before he could fire again, Logan’s claw was in his throat. Another quick turn and slash and the guard who had been working his way out from under Mystique’s body was also dead.

    Logan had to take a couple of breaths for the bloodlust to settle. Even so, when he took Don’t face in his hands and patted his cheek, the force was enough to set Don’s eyes spinning slightly.

    “Oops, Don? Don bay… buddy? Hey, I need you to focus.”

    “Hi,” said Don with a rather goofy grin.

    “Hi yourself. Can you walk?”

    “Sure,” said Don happily and immediately fell once he tried.

    Fortunately Logan caught him before he hit the ground and picked him up. “Looks like we do this the hard way.”

    “You’re strong,” said Don goofily. “And hot.”

    “Yeah, I’m just full of surprises.” But he couldn’t help but feel a little thrill that Don thought he was hot. He dreaded this next part as he was sure that it was going to be painful. He lifted Don up and onto his shoulders into a ‘fireman carry’. His arms protested the weight, as did his knees, but it wasn’t a strain to lift him, just painful. “Oh well, pain is a part of life,” he said.

    “But not the only part,” came a muffled voice from behind him.

    “Don, I’m going to need you to be quiet now, OK?”

    After a moment, a very loud “Shhhh” indicated that Don had at least heard him.

    Logan grabbed Magneto’s helmet since it was far too valuable to leave behind and made his way out into the corridor outside the cell.

    He began to formulate plans in a very un-berserker manner.

    Gotta get my bearings since there weren’t any prison cells in the blueprints and then get to one of the alternate exit routes. I also have to get to a point where I can contact Jean so they know they need to go all out. If they drag out the assault, then Mystique could escape or contact Magneto and then who knows? Shit, they probably think I’m still a hostage.


    Meanwhile, the real Jean Grey was in a near panic. For the first time since Logan woke up she couldn’t sense him in her mind. The link she had come to depend on was down and she feared what it might mean. “Logan!” she practically screamed in her mind every few seconds. If it were a true scream her throat would have been raw.

    Jean,” came Charles’ calm and clear thought in her mind. “Patience. Our Wolverine is very resourceful and quite resilient.

    First of all,” replied Jean angrily, pointing at the frigid air from where she stood with the attacking forces as if she was speaking to Charles and he was right there. “We don’t know what he walked into, we still don’t know what game Magneto is playing, and Logan isn’t himself. He isn’t even a HIM right now.

    I realize that the parameters…” began Charles.

    At that moment, Jean felt the link to Logan reassert itself. “Wait… I found him.

    I do not detect anything,” said Charles, “and I am connected to Cerebro. Are you quite certain?

    Shut up! Yes, he’s alive. And he’s giving me a plan.”


    Logan had worked his way to one of the primary exit routes from the contingency plans. He was currently in a storage room 10 feet from the access door into the corridor they would need. Unfortunately, none of the contingency plans had Don in a T-shirt and, since stealth was still the primary concern, all of the routes had been the unheated, abandoned sections. Not exactly ideal.

    Logan had, however, found that this storage room was close enough to the surface that he could again contact Jean and had just finished briefing her.

    Logan,” she said at that moment, just a few minutes after he had briefed her. “Now that we know Magneto isn’t there and Mystique is incapacitated, we’re going to blast our way in. Where are you? We’ll come to you.

    Logan turned to Don, who was sitting against a wall of the storage room. “That solves the problem of how to get you out without freezing to death. He then looked around the storage room again in disgust. “How is it that there’s no cold gear anywhere in here?”

    Don just grinned in reply.

    Logan was about to tell Jean where they were when he heard voices.

    “Yes, I’m still tracking,” came a faint voice from far up the corridor. “It’s slow going because it’s hard to make out the trail.” After a moment where Logan assumed that someone was communicating over radio, the voice continued. “Yes, I know we’re in a tunnel, but there’s also rooms and places to hide and I for one would rather not die trying to find them. That's what you guys are for, I just track.”

    Logan?” said Jean. “Are you OK?

    Kinda busy Sis. Looks like we might be on the move.

    At that point, the entire base shook violently.

    “Shit,” yelled the voice in the corridor. “Just seal the tunnel and flood it with gas; we don’t have time for this. There’s no way out and my team can hold here outside the blast door in case they come back this way.”

    Logan heard a heavy door being swung into place with a deep “thunk” and then the air movement in the hallway went still.

    “OK hot stuff, we need to move. Now.” Logan went over and lifted Don back onto his shoulders, grimacing slightly at the pain. “Be a lot easier to concentrate if you didn’t smell so good,” he muttered.

    “You smell good too. Hmm, hmm, hmm,” Don said quietly from his position near Logan’s left shoulder blade.

    Logan rushed out of the storage room and found the access door he needed behind a drywall wall that had been erected after the corridor had been abandoned. With no time to waste, as he could already hear the gas starting to pump into the area, Logan slashed at the lock. Each time, it was like fire dancing through his hand and up his arm. Fortunately, it only took about four strokes to break through.

    Unfortunately, they would no longer have an airtight seal behind them and so Logan was going to have to move quickly.

    Another huge vibration ran through the facility, nearly knocking Logan off his feet. Resetting his balance caused another pain in his knees. “Definitely need to get that looked at. If I survive.

    As he raced along the abandoned corridor with Don bouncing on his back, he could feel an almost electric shock as their combined weight hit with each step. Oddly, it was the feeling of his breasts bouncing with each stride that seemed the most foreign to him. But he was making good time. When the end of the corridor came into sight, there was an even more massive shake of the facility. This time, pieces of the ceiling fell all around him. Several shelves at the corridor’s end fell over, knocking their containers into a pile.

    Noticing just how sturdy the containers were, Logan quickly calculated the uneven terrain the containers provided and used them to get up to the access door without needing to jump. Unfortunately, when he got there he saw that the blasts and the quakes had deformed the hatch area and the door was wedged in place.

    Isn’t that just peachy?” Logan snarled. Just then another violent shake shuffled his pile of containers, nearly taking him away from the portal door.

    Jean,” he sent. “Do you think the boys could hold off with their toys for a minute?

    Logan, thank God. Wait, you’re in pain,” Jean was a mixture of relief and concern in his mind. He realized how clearly he could feel her emotions along with hearing her voice.

    Yeah, not a problem. But I need some stability for a minute.

    Actually, those last two weren’t us. We think they’re trying to collapse the entrance. They must have a back way out. But wait where you are, I can divert a team to get to you.

    Damn. No, there’s no time. Your first priority needs to be getting in there and getting Mystique. Also Magneto’s helmet, I had to stash it back in a storage room. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.

    Logan, you promised...

    Don’t worry babe, I’m not breaking any promises today.” With that, he began slashing at the opening until he had actually carved out the entire port. It fell past him onto the containers as his head swam with the pain of his efforts. Gathering himself, he jumped up into the opening with Don still on his back.

    He landed in a large cavern and stumbled a little as he adjusted and absorbed the pain from the leap. This access area was very different from the one they had used to get in.

    Was that really just a couple of hours ago?

    About 50 meters ahead, he could see light coming into the tunnel where he was. Unfortunately, so was the cold. He still didn’t have a solution for how to keep Don from freezing to death before they could get to help.

    Once again, the entire mountain shook.

    Just keeps getting better and better,” he thought.

    A sharp cracking sound, followed by more localized rumbling let Logan know things were about to get much worse. Boulders, rocks, and other debris started falling and sliding down the walls of the cavern. Logan began an all-out sprint towards the light 50 meters ahead. He only made it 10 meters before the light was snuffed out. At 20 meters, the way was blocked.

    It was now pitch black. It was also many degrees below freezing, whether one used Fahrenheit or Celcius.

    Logan knew that Don had been shivering for some time now. “How you doing back there?”

    “Well, I was enjoying the view until the lights went out,” said Don.

    “You sound much better,” said Logan, lowering him to the ground. “You fully recovered?”

    “That might be an exaggeration.” Don grimaced and made a small noise of pain when he tried to put weight on his right foot. “Yeah, thought so.”

    “What is it?” asked Logan, supporting Don to keep him from falling. He couldn’t see in this darkness, but he’d heard the noise Don made.

    “I think my ankle is broken. I got hit by something. Did… did you throw somebody at me?”

    “Not at you specifically, I was trying to hit the guard.”

    “With a person, right? It’s all a little fuzzy. I have flashes of you carrying me. I kinda woke up just before you jumped up on a pile of stuff and cut through the ceiling and jumped in here. I guess I’m not going to be much use getting us out of here with this ankle.”

    “Neither of us are. I’m going to call for help.”

    “You have a radio?”

    “Shush, I need to concentrate.”

    Jean, can you hear me?

    I’m here Logan, where are you?

    I’m in a cavern outside the corridor we identified as Escape Route E.

    OK, I can be there in just a few minutes.

    Are you inside the facility yet?” pressed Logan.

    Doesn’t matter. I’m coming to get you.

    Actually, it’s not that simple. There’s no longer an opening. We sorta had a cave-in.

    You mean that, with explosions still occurring, you’re in an unstable cavern that’s already had a cave-in?

    You could put it that way, but I think they call it subsidence.

    This isn’t funny. Can you tell how much rock is blocking the opening?

    Not without a light source.” Logan began patting the side pockets on Don’s pants.

    “Didn’t you bring a back-up torch?” He asked Don.

    “Oh, yeah. Here. Kinda hate ending the search, that’s the warmest I’ve felt since you put me down.” Don switched on the torch, set the beam to its widest setting and handed it to Logan. Logan could now see that they were in a large chamber and that it wasn’t all natural. The floor was smooth and level, obviously poured concrete. A dozen feet to each side, every 4-5 meters was a stonework column leading to an arch that stretched down what had been the tunnel. The ceiling was at least 10 meters above them. But there were cracks running all along the ceiling, especially near where there had been a collapse. When he turned around, he saw that debris had also slid down to completely cover the access hole they had come through. Not that they could get out that way anyway.

    I’m guessing we are about 5 meters from where the debris starts. I’d say there’s at least 20 meters of rock if the entire opening collapsed.

    OK, I’m bringing a team to come get you. I’ll dig you out with my bare hands if necessary.

    Actually, better bring medical as well.

    What happened?

    Don is injured and without his cold gear.

    There was a slight pause. Logan could tell Jean was concerned but hesitant about what she was about to say. “Logan, he might go into shock and at these temperatures, hypothermia will set in before we can get to you. You know what you have to do, right?

    Yeah, I remember the same medical training you got.” Logan looked over at Don shivering and knew he wasn’t exactly reluctant to do what was needed.

    I could use a little privacy though,” he thought after a moment to collect himself.

    OK, I’ll let you know when we’re about 10 minutes out. Could be a couple of hours.


    And Logan?


    I love you,” Logan could feel the sincerity of the statement, but also an echo of the love she felt for Scott.

    Me too babe.

    And hey, no reason you can’t enjoy yourself. Good luck.

    With that Logan put the torch base in his mouth, turned to Don and began unbuckling Don’t pants.

    “What? What are you doing?” Don asked.

    Logan didn’t answer but instead stripped off his catsuit. Don stopped objecting and just stared dumbfounded as Logan quickly stripped naked. Once he had stripped off the suit and his boots, he bent down and pulled out the torch’s stand and placed it on the ground. He used a claw to slice through the laces of the boot on Don’s uninjured foot and pulled the boot off. Then, looking up at the stunned face of Captain Andrews, pulled down his pants as far as they would go and then completely off the uninjured leg, supporting Don’s full weight so that he never had to put any on the injured ankle.

    Don continued to stare, but tried to maintain eye contact rather than stare at Logan’s breasts, even with the shivering. “Such a sweetie,” thought Logan. “Clearly this is going to require more than just shared body heat, especially with nothing to keep the heat in. What was it that Jean said about enjoying myself…

    At this point, Logan stood up and, putting his hands on either side of Don’s face, gently pulled him down towards him as he pressed his naked body up against the Captain, pressing his large, teardrop-shaped breasts into Don’s hard chest. “Now listen, we need to keep you warm and active. With your injury, our options are limited. We’re going to share body heat and I’m going to take care of the activity.”

    “Logan, you don’t have to do this, I understand…”

    Logan placed his right index finger on Don’s lips. “I am not breaking any promises today, got it buster?”

    Don nodded his head, but still said, “Are you sure you…”

    Logan placed his finger back on Don’s lips and, with a smile, said, “Don’t ask stupid questions when you’re about to get the shit fucked out of you.”

    With that, Logan presented his lips for Don, who was still shivering violently. Don was a little overwhelmed and thinking a little slowly.

    Oh God,” Logan thought. “He’s repulsed by me, that I used to be a man.

    But then Don leaned forward and managed to kiss Logan quite thoroughly. Don's stubble tickled at his cheeks and made his lips tingle as the stubble at the edge of Don's lips scraped them. It was very different from kissing Jean and her soft cheeks and fuller lips. He decided he liked both very much.

    “Buh, b-been wanting to do that,” said Don when they broke off the kiss after several smaller and shorter kisses. His nipples, which had already been stiff from the cold, now seemed to be aching and felt like heat sources.

    “Actually, so have I,” said Logan grinning up at him and finding that at some point, his arms had encircled Don’s neck and his legs were nearly wrapped around Don’s bare leg. “Now let's get you situated.”

    Logan then lifted Don up and placed him on an improvised bed made of the catsuit, their boots and Don’s one pant leg.

    OK, you can do this. You’re a woman now and you certainly have memories of doing it before. The fact that it wasn’t actually you doesn’t matter. I just wish the fact that I want to do this didn’t bother me at all. But fuck it, whether I ever become a man again or not, this is something I want to do and need to do. So get to it already.

    The next challenge was the state of Don’t erection, or what amounted to the exact opposite of an erection. Don’s testicles and penis had reacted predictably to the frigid temperatures.

    Logan scooted around until he was kneeling over Don’s left shoulder. He then pulled up Don’s shirt and slid his body along Don’s body. His erect nipples practically digging gouges into the skin of Don’s chest and stomach. As he neared his objective, he spread Don’s shirt over his legs to try to hold in some body heat.

    Then, his objective limply staring back at him, Logan opened his mouth and gently sucked it in. Carefully, he moved his lips around it until he had taken all of it in, even the testicles. The taste wasn’t strong - mostly just like skin and slightly salty, but Don’s scent, which he found so attractive normally and had been muted by the cold, was intense here and positively intoxicating. Far from being repulsed, Logan found himself very aroused and couldn’t help but rub his legs together so as to stimulate his vagina slightly. His nether lips were already getting slippery. Everything was at once familiar and yet new and exciting at the same time. He did manage to keep from thinking about Scott.

    He ran his tongue over the entire surface of Don’s cock and balls in his mouth. But it was clearly not enough. Logan began wriggling his body vigorously against Don, trying not to be distracted by how amazing this felt on his nipples. He reached back and placed Don’s arms around him and moved them up and down his back and ass to give Don the idea. Don immediately took over and began to rub Logan as Logan squirmed and continued to suck lightly and lick any surface he could find.

    He used his hands to vigorously rub up and down Don’s legs. He could tell that it was beginning to have some effect. Don’s shaking had mostly stopped. Logan began to bob his head up and down even though there was very little that could be called an erection at this point. But the testicles had loosened up.

    Don reached up and pulled Logan’s right leg over to the other side of his head. Logan obliged, assuming that this will be warmer for Don. When he felt Don’s tongue slide all the way up his labia, he let out a loud moan. “Oh, you darling man,” he thought.

    Logan kept wriggling atop Don, sometimes involuntarily, as Don continued to lick and suck at Logan’s labia. When he ran the flat of his tongue over Logan’s clitoral hood and up into his inner labia, Logan had to stop for a moment. He quickly resumed, alternating running his hands up and down Don’s legs and up along his sides. He noted that his efforts were starting to have an effect as Don’s cock was starting to firm up.

    Now Don began moaning and moved both his hands to grip Logan’s hips. With this hold, Don raised himself up closer to Logan’s vagina and began to lick and run his tongue all around his clit.

    It wasn’t until one of his moans was cut off by Don’s cock reaching into his throat that Logan realized how erect it had become. Don chose that moment to begin furiously tonguing the area all around Logan’s clit and into his vagina.

    With little squeals of delight and even more wriggling and stroking, Logan began to furiously bob his head up and down, sliding his lips along the hardened shaft of Don’s cock. He felt himself moving towards orgasm. His excitement at Don’s obvious enjoyment and the grunts and moans he heard drove him wild. He lost track of time. The feelings from what Don was doing, the heady excitement of the act he was performing, the scents and the feelings he was experiencing were like a drug. He sucked softly, but greedily as he pulled up and felt his lips tingle as they slid up Don’s cock. Then he ran his tongue all over the head before plunging down again taking it deep into his throat. Over and over, there seemed to be nothing to his world but the cock in his mouth, the man he was stroking, and the wonderful sensations coming from his vagina.

    “Lo… Logan, I’m gonna,” And with that, Don began cumming.

    Logan, surprised by this, was able to keep from choking and began swallowing as cum filled his mouth. The taste was different from Scott’s, a thought which Logan immediately suppressed so that he could focus.

    Damn it, It’s only been a few minutes, I shouldn’t have lost track like that.

    Don continued to try to bring Logan to orgasm, but Logan was too upset at how he had lost focus to orgasm at this point.

    Gonna need to get him ready to go again before he cools off too much. Let’s see how seductive I can be.

    Logan swiveled around so that he was now kneeling between Don’s legs. Looking up at him, Logan could feel that some cum had leaked out of his mouth. Looking Don in the eye, he licked up as much as he could and then used a fingernail to scoop some from his chin into his mouth. It wasn’t the best-tasting stuff in the world, but it was so full of Don’s scent, plus the thought of what it represented to Logan somehow spiked his arousal even higher. He was loving Don’s response to his actions.

    “I hope you’re not thinking we’re done?” Logan said huskily, then slid his way up Don’s hard belly and chest until Don could embrace him and began kissing him. Their tongues slid over each other and dueled slightly before Logan eagerly accepted Don’s tongue into his mouth. He tried to concentrate, but when Don took one of his breasts in his large hand, he realized that he had forgotten to keep wriggling. He also reached down to lightly stroke and pull at Don’s cock, keeping it warm and willing it to rise back up.

    After several more minutes of making out and lots of wriggling, Logan decided it is time for some more direct attention. So, he slid himself down between Don’s legs again, maintaining a heavily lidded eye contact the entire time. “Don baby, I need some more from you.”

    Still looking Don in the eye, Logan licked up the entire length of Don’s semi-rigid cock. Then he swirled his tongue around the head. He could taste the residue of Don’s cum. He could taste it so much deeper than Jean ever could. The depth of various flavors, the mixture of pheromones, and the heady feeling of control while performing an act that seemed so submissive all combined to make him more aroused than he believed he ever has been without any actual contact with his sex. He then took Don’s cock into his mouth and again began to bob his head up and down, sliding his lips along the shaft.

    Realizing as he continued to stroke Don’s sides and chest with his hands, that Don was getting cold, Logan paused for a second. “Here, you need to be a little more involved.” Then, taking Don’s hands, he placed them on the sides of his head so that Don could control his bobbing on his cock. He put Don’s cock back in his mouth after a long, swirling lick around the head. Don began to guide Logan’s head up and down his cock.

    Logan found this incredibly arousing, even though it’s something his ‘Jean’ memories tell him she never really enjoyed. But he still needs Don to be more aggressive. Not just because of how much it is turning him on, but also to get his muscles more engaged. So Logan began to resist Don’s pushes and pulls on his head.

    Don immediately stopped.

    Logan rather sloppily removed Don’s cock again. “Why did you stop?” he asked.

    “You started resisting.”

    “I just needed you to work your arms a little more, so I was resisting. It’s OK, I like it.”

    “Then maybe a little less resisting, I couldn’t budge you anyway.”

    “Oh, sorry.” And with that, they were able to resume a much better rhythm and Don’s cock returned to full attention. Once Logan began to taste some precum, he knew it was time for the next stage in their little dance. Switching to using just his hand to keep Don firm, he helped Don to switch places with him so that he was the one lying down.

    “Watch your ankle.”

    “Logan,” said Don, hovering over Logan. “You don’t have to do this.”

    Now you’re unsure?” Logan placed his hand on Don’s cheek. “In a second you’re going to find out just how much I want this.” With that, he guided Don’s cock into position, and wrapping his legs around him pulled Don into his warm, slippery vagina.

    “Oh god, that is incredible,” grunted Don.

    This was a transformative moment for Logan. This was no phantom cock, no mere memory, this was a real, live man’s cock that had pushed its way into him. The warmth of it as it pushed aside his vaginal walls was the main difference between the phantom cock Jean had formed and this real one. Don had quickly slipped in to his full length and was pressing deeply against his clit with a lovely twisting motion on each drive inward. As he pulled out, it stretched his labia as Logan involuntarily tried to grip the cock that brought that wonderful combination of sensations.

    In that moment Logan decided to face some hard truths. She was a woman. Not because of some cliche’, that Don had made her a woman, but because it was a fact. Not because she was having sex with a man, but because she enjoyed being a woman. She realized she thought of herself as a woman and had been for some time. She definitely was enjoying sex as a woman, and yet it was still more than that. She might never be able to be male again, but she was never going to be the person she was before. And she was more than fine with that. As lost as she felt, she liked who she was. She had Jean’s love and, currently, some wonderful attention from Don. She was also more than fine with what she was doing and how much she wanted to do it again and again.

    “Oh. My. God.” the thought just kept repeating over and over in Logan’s head. After a few times she realized it was because she was saying it aloud. Don began thrusting harder and rubbing the base of his cock into Logan harder and longer on each stroke in. When he reached a hand up and began to stroke Logan’s breast and pull at the nipple, Logan thought she would lose her mind. She looked up at Don and tried to tell him just how wonderful this was.

    Don kissed her with a passion and a fierceness that made Logan lose all ability for coherent thought. She began to use her legs to urge Don on. When Don broke off the kiss and began to kiss and suck on her neck, Logan felt like she had exploded. Her vagina began pulsing and incredible shudders took hold of her body from her hips outwards. She felt like he’d turned to jelly. Spasming jelly.

    And then she remembered.

    “Baby, hey, we… we need to, ohh god. We need to make this last. You can’t cum yet.”

    “You’re not making that easy,” grimaced Don. But he slowed down.

    “Sorry,” Logan kissed him. “That was wonderful, but we need to keep you active for as long as possible.”

    “I don’t think I can hold off if you cum again.”

    “Don’t worry, as wonderful as this feels, I’m way too upset and anxious about how I forgot myself to cum again. But maybe you could go easy on my nipples, they kinda ache after all that. They need a minute.”

    Logan and Don were able to keep going, slowing down every now and then to keep Don from cumming. Several times Logan felt herself rising towards orgasm, but never was able to relax enough and never allowed herself to lose track enough to cum. But eventually, Don had reached a point where he wasn’t going to be able to continue. Logan could tell that it was time.

    This time, as Don began to speed up, Logan encouraged him “That’s it baby, yes. Keep going. Cum for me. Cum in me.”

    “You sure?” asked Don.

    Logan responded by pulling Don into her with her legs. “Please.”

    As Don began to drive deeper and faster into her, Logan thought maybe she could let loose and cum with him. So she tried to relax and just enjoy it. The next few minutes were amazing. She could feel her vagina grasping at his cock and the beginning of a quivering that signaled her impending orgasm. “Oh yes, oh yes baby. Please fuck me!”

    Don began to cum. She felt his cum flood into her vagina. She was flooded with an incredible warmth that seemed to spread out from the semen that had entered her. She felt such happiness, such a glowing pleasure suffuse her body she knew she must have a completely dopey grin on her face. No, she hadn’t cum; she was probably still too uptight, but it had still been absolutely wonderful.

    “Baby,” said Logan. “You can’t sleep. You can rest a bit, but you need to stay awake.”

    “Slavedriver,” responded Don as he moved to pull out.

    “No, stay like this. I like it, but even more, I can keep you warm longer this way.”

    Eventually though, Don was getting cold again, so Logan had them switch places again and went back to sucking and licking Don’s cock while wriggling all over his chest and stomach. At first, licking her own juices from Don’s cock had been strange. After several minutes, it was clear that Don wasn’t going to be able to rise to the occasion and was starting to get dangerously cold.

    “I’m sorry,” said Don. “I don’t think I can keep going. Maybe after a nap.”

    “No, no naps. You need to stay warm, it’s way too cold. You’d never wake up.”

    “OK, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to go again.”

    “Look, I am going to save your ass. Again,” said Logan urgently. Shen then placed a fingernail along Don’s very strong jaw and leaned into his face. Because then… it belongs to me, got it?”

    “Well, I don’t think I’m going to get a better offer…” said Don with several shivers.

    “Damn straight,” she said. “Now, about Mr. Happy…” Logan began to stroke Don’s still flaccid cock and leaned over as if to kiss Don. But she kept moving until her lips were at his ear.

    “Have you ever tried anal?”

    About ten minutes later, Don was furiously driving his cock into Logan’s ass. He had his T-shirt back on and Logan’s catsuit draped over his shoulders and a boot under his ankle for support. But his entire focus was on the incredible woman driving back at him with every thrust while squealing and moaning and shouting encouragement.

    Logan had actually been very nervous about suggesting this, but was pretty sure it would have the desired effect. She was thrilled with how it had turned out. At first it had been painful as hell, but that hadn’t lasted. Maybe it was due to her healing ability, but she didn’t care. Eventually the pain faded and a warm pleasure began. She was never going to orgasm from it, but it was a pleasant feeling. The thing was,it wasn’t just about the physical act, it was just as much about how it made her feel. She had no ‘Jean’ memories to fall back on for this, but she was definitely going to have to share just how sexy this made her feel. And she could tell just how excited Don was and that just fed her pleasure even further.

    Logan, you might want to wrap up and get dressed. We’re about 10 minutes out,” said Jean.

    “Fuck that,” said Logan aloud.

    “Wha, what?” Don asked.

    “Nothing baby, just fuck me. Ohh. Ohh yes. Baby you can cum in a minute. But give me a minute…” She reached back with one hand and began stroking her clit. “Actually might not take a full minute,” she thought.

    Ten minutes later, the chamber was flooded with light as several huge boulders lifted up and away from the pile where the opening had been. Logan was standing by one of the columns, having just zipped up her catsuit to about her belly button. Don was fully dressed as well and leaning against the other nearby column, standing apart as if they hadn’t both been fucking (and cumming) together just a few minutes ago.

    Jean rushed in and ran straight to Logan, kissing her firmly and then pulling her into a tight hug. She then whispered hotly into Logan’s ear. “You adorable, hot little slut, do you have any idea what you’ve been projecting along our link for over an hour? I nearly had to throw one of the rescue team to the ground and fuck their brains out.”

    When she stepped back, Logan blushed furiously as men began to pour into the opening that Jean had created and the cavern was flooded with light. “Sorry,” she said.

    “Here,” said Jean, offering Logan her black and yellow jacket. “And you might want to light one up little Miss Cumbreath.” The last was said more as a whisper and was followed by a giggle.

    You owe me. And tonight, after I have thoroughly worn out Scott I expect to ravish you as payment,” said Jean in her head.

    Logan was too embarrassed to answer, even mentally, but thought a cigar was a great idea and lit one up and leaned back against the column. As she exhaled, she realized that no one was moving. All of the rescue team were standing around staring at her. One of them was behind Don holding an insulated blanket, but not moving to put it on him.

    “What?” asked Logan looking around.

    “Sweetie,” said Jean, trying not to laugh. “Why don’t you zip up so the boys can get something done?”

    Logan quickly complied and everyone began moving, in part for being called out. Don, at least, got his blanket. But Logan could tell they were still rather focused on her and distracted. She decided to make it clear that she wasn’t there for their enjoyment. She could try to make them think she was with Jean, but that might make matters worse. So she made a decision.

    She walked over to Don and pressed herself lightly against him. She then offered her lips up to Don for a kiss. Don wasted no time and kissed her very thoroughly. Logan wrapped one arm around his neck, but was worried about pulling him off balance. When Don finished their kiss, she looked at the cigar in her hand as if a little surprised to find it there. “Want one?” she asked, raising her hand a little to communicate what she meant.

    “No thanks, I think I need all the oxygen I can get.”

    At this point, the rescue crew who had the blanket asked, “Sir, is there anything else you need?”

    “Fluids,” said Don. “Lots of fluids.”

    “Yes sir,” said the rescue worker, slapping Don on the back and then assisting him out of the cave.

    That was impressively done. My little sister is becoming a grown woman,” said Jean in his head.

    You have no idea.


    Fun fact #354: I don’t smoke and never did. Also, the only cigar smoker I really know was my grandfather and he passed away many years ago. However, I know cheese very well.

    End Note:

    I really want to know what you think of the story, so please comment. It doesn't have to be positive but if you have a correction, a DM would be more appropriate than a comment, so we don't bore everyone else with trivialities. If you want to discuss your thinking on consent or rape, then I'd suggest your blog would be the place to do that, not here. If you are upset that this story contained violence, graphic sex, non consensual actions, or mind control even after all my warnings and flags then I can't help you. If you want to demonstrate your superior knowledge of all things X-Men, please save it and just make lots of smug faces as you read my egregious errors. I'm here to have some fun and I hope I have provided you with some as well. ‘Nuff said. Until next time - Excelsior!

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