MtF possible no matter what size one comes in

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Watching a video yesterday of one of the most amazing transformations of a woman finally achieving what had been driving her, all her life. Like many from an early age she did everything macho to deny the girl and prove she was a man's man. All well and good until the girl inside said enough is enough. Let me drive and I'll bring peace and comfort to us both.

Ladies, if this girl can do it, anyone can. No matter what the size, weight, or what one has done to themselves to try and prove they are a male before realizing true happiness comes only when one finds their true self. I'm not saying everything is going to be Cinderella perfect. Life is still life with all the pleasures and problems after the transformation. Just no longer fighting on two fronts, the one going inside and all the ones outside. So many girls breaks my heart when they finally become the girl they always knew they were and the world is still just as "shitty" afterwards as it was before. Sometimes better, sometimes worse but it is still the same world with all the related problems.

One of the sites I log into asked me to fill out a personal questionnaire. "Oh this is gonna be fun, as anyone who knows me understands."
one of the many questions: are you TG or TS?
answer: does it make any difference
question: when you transition what part of this persona are you taking with you?
answer: All of it. God, I'm not ashamed of who or what I am. I understand that isn't the answer for most.

The point was, why are we splitting hairs when it doesn't change the big picture? It isn't only that question but so many more there is no reason to box one's self into a definitive that is contrived up by others outside looking in. Time and time again I tell the girls each one of them are unique unto themselves. There isn't another like her anyplace on this screwed up Star Ship we call Earth. Blend in if one wishes but for God's sake be yourself.

May God grant each peace withing their own souls, their own bodies.
I hope the following video helps everyone understand whether they are TG or not, it's possible to touch the moon.
hugs all



To be fair, she was a good looking kid and would’ve been a good looking woman also if fate was kind.

The potential was there but the Will to change was what is impressive.

I know her

She was local to where I live and we used to go to the same support group together before that group lost access to a meeting site. She's an amazing inspiration.


Internet High Fives All Around

( •_•)>⌐■-■

My Deviantart


I am just me

About three and a half decades ago, I wondered if I was gay and then about two decades ago I wondered if I had trans inclinations. Since then I have realized that I am just weird or as I now describe myself, a weird older fart. In not too many months, I will complete 70 orbits. I am finding that I like pantyhose and tights now that I have to wear compression hosiery for my legs and will look at women's shorts to find some that are as short as I like them. Back when I was growing up shorts meant mid thigh not at top of knee or below. And I am short enough in the inseam that "normal" men's shorts are much longer than I prefer.

Wonderful story,

' with such a happy ending ! In 2011 ,at age 77 ,I was depressed ,angry and suicidal so went looking for support and help.
I was fortunate enough to find a psychologist who not only saved my life but gave me a new one ,with a serenity and
happiness that I never new existed in my previous life .Now, at 86 ,I present as somewhat androgynous but seriously
happy senior who is kept alive by my weekly injection of Estradiol Valerate .Would not "pass" to a blind man on a dark
night but am enjoying life to the full and have full acceptance from my four grand daughters and a myriad of female
friends and relations -----it is never too late !!!! I love it !!

question: when you transition what part of this persona are you

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Before I start on what I want to say, I'll preface it by saying, what an inspirational story. The theme is one I've heard and seen played out many times. She made it obvious that it was hard work, but obviously well worth it in the end.

Now, on to the headline. I'm with you; all of it. I spent too many years reconciling my feminine side to my masculine persona and then to many years reconciling my masculine side to my feminine persona. As a result, I'm kind of like homogenized milk. Raw milk, left in the raw will separated with cream floating to the top and milk settling to the bottom. In the raw, trans me, did that. For decades I fought to keep the milk covering the cream (masculine side up) but in the end, the cream (feminine) rose to the surface. When I finally admitted that my feminine side wasn't a side at all, but my true nature, I then had to figure out how to homogenize the two. I wasn't willing to give up my family, both my dad and siblings as well as my wife and kids, so I had to find a way to blend masculine and feminine.

I started by walking that thin line between the two. I was able to accept myself and present myself as androgynous. But still the cream kept wanting to rise. I struggled with my relationships, finally coming totally out to my dad a couple of years before he died and his acceptance with hardly an eye blink made me regret not doing it as teenager. My wife, who walked in on me five years into our marriage, was a little harder to deal with. She had to see me day in and day out letting the masculine slide in favor of the feminine. It took a couple of decades of baby-steps to reach a point of equilibrium in both our relationship and my masculine/feminine persona.

At this point in my life, I'm homogenized, but a bit more like half and half rather than milk. My two sides won't separate, but the feminine is quite strong to the point of needing to give my body chemistry a strong push to the feminine (HRT) and my wardrobe the same. Though my presentation may still sometimes border on androgynous, I'm always wearing women's clothes and have taken to appearing nearly always with brown (true brown, not brown/black) mascara and soft rose lipstick which is near my natural lip color, the marked difference is they are a bit shiny. That and when drinking out of a straw, leave a telltale mark.

My old life is thoroughly mixed with my old and are inseparable, so I'll not leave anything behind.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

You're always you -- aren't you??

question: when you transition what part of this persona are you taking with you?
answer: All of it. God, I'm not ashamed of who or what I am.....

I've never understood the "male side" and "female side" thing. Not that I'm saying that it isn't true for some people (I assume they know themselves better than I), but I've just never been able to make sense of it.

I mean, whatever you do, you're still you, aren't you?

Whether you're wearing high heels and painting your nails or running around on a football field knocking people over, you're still the same person, aren't you? (Assuming you don't have DID.) And if you're a man (whatever that means), then you're as much a man while wearing high heels, etc., as when you're knocking people over. The same logic applies if you're a woman (or if you're something else.)

Why should transitioning mean that you have to force yourself to be anything or anybody other than who you are? Why not just accept that all the parts inside you are just you? Why subject the essence of who you are to the Procrustean bed of society's inhuman gender expectations?

I realized, a while into my transition process, that I wasn't transitioning to "become a woman," I was transitioning to become more me. I wasn't trying to turn myself into somebody's idea of "Woman;" I was trying to find a way to live that would allow me to stop hiding huge parts of who I am and that would have people deal with me in ways that were more comfortable.

(YMMV, of course...)