Professionals, politicians, most everyone wants to make transgender a yes or no situation. Either one is or one isn't . There are only perfect males and perfect females in so many minds as they refuse to accept the birth defects or problems in life. Intersex divides the only male and female ideology. One can not be made transgender if they aren't nor can't they be made not transgender if they are. There is no medical science that can treat it and "cure" it. Those same politicians and bible thumpers who wish to second guess God and medical science on how to treat and care for transgender are delusional on how great their knowledge is.
We are so diverse in the separation between male and female there is no magic cure for everyone. Transvestite is part of transexual without going all the way. Others transition part way and are able to live their life. And yet there are those who manage life even though they passed all the tests indicating they are F and they accept their life as male.
If one is dedicated, willing to put the effort into it and positive this is their future, almost anything is possible. I was a muscular WWE star and lost all my muscle mass when I transitioned. Here's how I transformed my body
He transistioned and then detransitioned. I have been warning many lives are too easily destroyed and a life time of misery is ahead for those who made the biggest mistake of their life. Transition is not the answer to most of life’s miseries.
Don't expect life to turn into the Cinderella story if one manages to transition to the life they have felt they belonged as. Life will most likely plod on the same as before, only a little easier emotionally for many. It will get worse for a few. I wish everyone to find their niche in life and happiness. There are so many who have provided a path for us to follow. What they have done isn't necessarily what we should do or can do. Make the right choices, and make your own path whether it's change or acceptance.
hugs people
Barbie Jean
Well Said!
The 'right' wants to label everyone simply. You either fit in the boxes they define OR you are a threat to their predominantly White Male dominated life.
The boxes for us are so small that they might as well not exist. We are a threat to them or that is how they see us. Because we are all different they can't put a nice simple label on us. Therefore we are to be exterminated like some pest.
Personally, I feel that if things are bad now, should No 45 become No 47 then life for all sorts of people in the USA is going to get an awful lot harder. LGBT, Immigrants and especially Women are right there in their sights to be taken down.
Like 1984, 'A Handmaids Tale' was meant to be a warning not, a handbook to their idea of a white male controlled utopia. Immigrant caravans won't be a problem, it will be the millions of people leaving that they'll want to stop. Those internment camps will have to be the size of Rhode Island or Maryland just to hold those who survive the new Room 101.
That's my view from 3000 miles away, but I do have a spare room for a refugee from No 47 should anyone need it.
I am right there with you on
I am right there with you on this. I already cannot safely travel to visit my parent in Florida. WV is trying to pass a bill that would make it obscene for a minor to see a transgender person.
Florida has a bill that would make calling out someone for transphobia, homophobia, racism, and other things, automatically considered defamatory, and limits the ability to prove the claim, in ways to make it impossible to legally win a defense of defaming the person.
We are under attack, plain and simple.
And it absolutely will not stop with transgender people, they are already attacking all LGBTQ people, any discussion of racism, women's rights, and any access to education about any of these topics.
And they are trying to use their slim majority in the House of Representative to push these attacks via funding bills at the federal level.
It is scary as hell.
It's the Economy
Polls are not elections.
Trump lost by seven million votes in 2020. That was before he incited an insurrection.
Calling Biden old ignores the fact that there isn't any space between their lack of youth.
The stock market is at an all time high.
Inflation seems to be under control.
Unemployment is at a low not seen for years.
Compare that to China's economic struggles.
Combine that with the continued alarm of those watching the nightmare anti-abortion laws creating a reality the majority does not want.
Most elections are won by whoever can capture the independent female vote. There isn't enough lipstick in the world to dress up the Roe fiasco.
My guess is the Democratic Party is doing a rope-a-dope hoping the Reps will continue to spend their treasury on their primaries.
Biden is anything but senile. His speech last week was masterful.
Haley will do well in the next two primaries and might be able to draw Trump into a debate. Even the blind will be able to see Trump 2024 is a shadow of Trump 2016. She might decide to actually compete and call out Trump's discretions..
There will be a blue wave and the rule of law will prevail. Sanity will return. Biden led the charge on same sex marriage. He will push back on trans bigotry. With control of both houses he will have the muscle to shove all of this nonsense into the abyss.
You can take that to the bank!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
What you say is mostly correct
and yes, many GQP state orgs are in dire financial states. the party in MA is AFAIK, $300,000 in debt, Michigan is bankwupt. But, to the MAGA faithful none of those facts matter or are dismissed as fake news as they queue up to see their new messiah, aka DJT.
His grift has contributed to the financial downfall of the GQP.
The MAGA cult loves the low income uneducated rural voter. They have been told by the likes of Pox Spews that Biden is totally senile. That message is spread almost every hour, on the hour. The other thing is that the current POTUS is even more corrupt than TFG. No evidence but if you tell a lie often enough then people will believe it. Then TFG gets up on stage and calls him 'Crooked Joe'. All that leaves an impression that will take a very long time to eradicate.
Yes Biden's speech in SC last week was powerful but how many MAGA cult members saw even a 5 second clip of it. Pox didn't cover it at all just like they are ignoring the current trial in NYC. TFG getting hit with $100M in damages does not fit in with their (or should I say their corporate overlords ) agenda so it gets ignored.
Hayley is IMHO the greatest threat to Biden. In some ways, her policies are worse than TFG's but she is seen differently because she is a woman.
It is only just beginning and TFG will not let it go easily even if he is behind bars come November, the cultists will vote for him without a second thought after all, many of them think that God sent him to save the USA (no mention of the rest of humanity. Strange that?)
It's very confusing for we Europeans ...
... with all this talk of a 'blue wave'. In most of the world, red is the colour of the left (remember 'the East is Red' and, in the USA, 'Reds under the bed'). Only in the USA ... :) Your Mr Trump (a word for fart in the UK!) scares the shit out of me. We had a significant right wing leader a few years ago who was extremely competent and intelligent. I disagreed with Thatcher on almost every topic but I could see her attraction to others. I just don't see why Trump is so popular (or our Johnson, for that matter). He seems to be such a self aggrandising, narcissistic prat, to put it politely.
On the main subject, I'm with most of the contributions here (why would I even visit, otherwise?). I'm on the lowest rung on the TG ladder. For some strange reason it fascinates me and when I was a teen long, long ago I thought I was TS but having been very happily married for almost 57 years to a wonderful woman whom I still love more than life itself I realise I'm not. However, the attraction remains.
Best wishes to you all.
Red and Blue
The GOP colour is Red, the DNC colour is Blue.
The irony of the 'Reds under the bed'/Red==commie seems to have passed the US by. Irony is not a strong point in that part of the world.
By todays measures Maggie T was almost centrist. The opposition of the time were much farther to the left than Starmers shambles.
Your description of Trump is pretty good. He promises those who are mostly uneducated the earth which is just another lie. (when has he ever told the truth? Don't try to answer that, there is no answer)
Hopefully, he'll get banged up before the election but that won't stop people 'writing in' his name if he is not on the ballot.
Fun fact. Up until the Bush-Gore election in 2000, some networks showed states won by Republicans as blue and states won by Democrats as red during their election-night coverage. For example, NBC anchor David Brinkley said the 1980 election map showing (Republican) Ronald Reagan's 44-state victory in blue looked like a "suburban swimming pool.” But the networks all gravitated towards the opposite color scheme in 2000, for no particular reason. And because that election was so traumatic and contested, people started talking about “red states” for Republicans and “blue states” for Democrats. It’s locked in, now.
Going further back in history
the Republicans were the progessives and democrats conservative. Of course back then the left-right scale was not as pronounced between the parties. You had a sliding scale within the parties. And then it became more polarised. Even if Nixon was a crook you can't deny that he had a huge impact on US history, even if he wasn't alone in the process.
"a self aggrandising, narcissistic prat"
An apt description.
Get your head on straight
It is paramount that we get our head on straight before transition. If you're screwed up in your head while trying to impersonate the average male and then transition thinking that will take care of the problem, you'll end up a screwed up trans woman.
Transitioning only addresses gender dysphoria. It doesn't address insecurity, guilt or obsessive compulsive disorder. You need to come to terms with all of these separately and before transition. While I feel we, as a community, are better off with the decline of medical practitioners that rigidly followed the Harry Benjamin Stands of Care, there were some aspects of those standards that had merit.
If you are suffering from mental syndrome beyond gender dysphoria, for goodness sake get some counseling for that before addressing the GID.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Get your head on straight
I agree with this Patricia, at least the spirit of it if not every fine detail. And it's important someone said it. People dealing with serious issues in life invariably do better if they're in a good headspace. Unfortunately, as the above comments show (Trump comments) some things make that virtually impossible; political situations, financial situations, education or work situations, familial situations, housing situations, etc.
Transititioning is not a magic cure, it will not solve all the other problems in your life, in fact it could compound them and add new ones you didn't anticipate. What will help is slow and steady progress on making your life more comfortable, whatever form that comes in. In Toni With An i, Trevor (lifelong friend to the trans community, a gentleman in his 60s) says there's new "forms" of trans people still being discovered all the time, which is one person's view but a general truth. How you're trans is as individual as every person is individual. How you deal with being trans is as an individual. What your journey is, how you progress, and even if you want to progress, is unique to each individual. The key to it is doing what makes your life better, not what you feel you should do or have to do, and finding the support in letting you do that. Thankfully with the older models of treatment being phased out and new, modern thinkers coming in in medicine that's somtimes possible, or at least more possible.
I will say, writing on BC has been massively helpful for me. Sure, what I write is very much a fantasy (not magic and dragons fantasy, the other kind) but it's allowed me to explore thoughts with myself in positive ways, and to vicariously experience how I sometimes wish things were. Being allowed to have that life, for many people, will be helpful in how they see themselves, and will be another of the many bricks (or sinew and muscles, maybe even the spine) in putting your head on straight.
It looks to me like many people think transitioning is an instant ticket to joy. It's not, it's just another one of the many factors in life that might bring you joy. And that's the real problem with the world, in a broad sense, today. The world seems to work to deny people joy, and it's not just in denying people their transness, it's in everything.
Right ON!
The Mental Health folk and most Doctors don't get it and perhaps never will. I posit that there are ful on XX females and XY males with much variation in between. I am XXY but not Kleinfelter's, and a bunch of other stuff. Perhaps the Aliens made us all that way?
Just live your life, do good, and hope that no Trumpers murder you.
Screwed up, but transition was still the right choice
That's how it has been for me. I didn't expect it to solve all my problems, and it didn't. I still have the same problems I had before (esp. complex PTSD), and they tend to be the focus of my feelings and thoughts now, but whenever I imagine going back to living as a man, everything in me screams "No xxxx way!" My life since transition is IMHO proof that transition was the right choice for me.
And I did choose my own path. Granted, those who went before blazed and paved a lot of it, but I didn't transition to become somebody else's idea of "woman," I transitioned to become myself. I chose the stuff that I liked and wasn't too much of a hassle and ignored the rest. In the wider world, I call myself "woman" because it's just easier if people put you into a familiar category and my preferred way of living fits the category "woman" a lot better than the category "man." It works for me, and I don't care if some people think I'm not doing all the stuff that a True MTF Trans Woman has to do. (I'll tell you a secret: most of the cis women I know don't do a lot of that stuff, either.)