The Legend Of Sara Reid(Revised)

It all started on Halloween night 1989. Four High School jocks were out looking for some fun and hoping to score with any unfortunate girl they could find. On this night that unfortunate girl was Sara Reid.....

"Take a swig and pass it around" Billy Tolliver said as he sat there around the bonfire. Matt Henderson, Brett Swensen and John Lancaster followed suit and each drank from the bottle of Bourbon. After they got sufficiently wasted, they sat around for a little while longer until it got close to Midnight. John Lancaster jumped up and said "Let's go find us a girl and have some fun"

"That sounds like a great idea! added Matt. Brett and Billy joined in agreement and they all piled into John's car and headed to town. They decided to cruise through the parking lot at Jefferson High School and see if they could catch up to one of the girls coming out of the Halloween party. Matt got out of the car and hid in the shadows at the side of the building. At that moment, Sara Reid was walking to her car and didn't see Matt coming up behind her. He put his hand over her mouth and dragged her to the car as she kicked and struggled. He pushed her into the backseat and the car sped out of the parking lot. John drove them to an abandoned warehouse in a rundown part of town. "If you cooperate with us like a good girl. We will let you go when we're through" John told her. Sara was terrified and knew that she was as good as dead when this was over.She cursed silently that she had been caught in weakened state. Those guys had too much to lose if they let her go. She hoped that it would be over quick. They each took their turn with her and then passed around the bottle until they were unconscious. Sara started to believe she just might make it through this after all. She crept out of the warehouse and started to walk back toward town to get help. At that moment, John woke up and realized that Sara was gone. He jumped up and ran to his car and tore off down the road. Sara saw the headlights of the car but there was nowhere to go. The front bumper made contact and knocked her off into the frigid waters of Lake Lawrence. The body would be found two days later, but it would be a long time before Sara would rest in peace.

Over the next few weeks, strange things would happen that had no rational explanation. One by one the four young men would face a reckoning that none of them ever expected. What they didn't know was that Sara Reid was a member of one of the most powerful Covens in the region. Her mother, Ruth Reid, was a woman that no one in their right mind wanted to mess with. She was determined that her daughter's death would not go unpunished. The Coven met that night just after Sara's spirit came to her mother and let her know what happened. The boys even had the nerve to show up at the funeral and this made the Coven even angrier.

John Lancaster was the first one to face retribution. Ruth and Christine,Sara's younger sister, found him home alone playing a game on his computer. "What the hell are you doing here? John asked. He started to shake when he saw the two women start to glow. "We are here to let you know that your reckoning is at hand. You made a really serious mistake when you chose to rape and murder an innocent young woman. You compounded your mistake by doing it to my daughter because she was a part of a very powerful Coven. Your punishment shall be that you will spend the rest of your days as a Mare, being screwed year after year by big strong Stallions. You will know what it means to be raped by someone bigger than you"

"You can't do anything to me. Witchcraft is nothing but B.S" sneered John.

"If you are so sure of that, then answer one question. How did we both get in here and why are we both glowing? Christine asked.

"I don't know, but I think it is just my imagination playing tricks. John insisted.

"Okay, If you insist"

He began to really understand he was in some deep trouble when the two witches started to chant.The three of them were transported to a green pasture where John began to glow and changes overtook his body. He became an Arabian mare and started to attract the attention of one of the biggest Stallions that Greentree Farms had. He reared up and mounted her just as Ruth and Christine disappeared and continued on their mission. Sara stood there and watched with a satisfied smile on her face. Her killer would know just what it felt like to be a sex object.

Billy Tolliver was lying on his bed looking at a porn magazine. His particular favorite was Miss June. Her blonde hair and big double D breasts were driving him wild. "Enjoying yourself? I bet you really have a thing for blondes don't you Billy? You certainly enjoyed yourself with my daughter. You took something from her that you had no right to. We are here to make sure you can never do it to another young woman" Ruth said angrily.

"How the hell did you get in here? Billy asked.

"Witches are quite resourceful and we can go where we need to go. We could even put a spell on your parents so that they would not even remember we were here. My mother and I have decided that since you like Miss June so much, you will be her image on the page. You will be frozen in time and admired by men the world over. Your body will in demand by all the casting directors for Porn flicks the world over" stated Christine.

"You two are full of shit! There is no way that I will ever be that slut in the magazine. You can't scare me!

"You'll see just how wrong you are" Christine insisted with a laugh.

Ruth and Christine joined hand and started reciting a spell in a language Billy had never heard. A ball of light took over his body and he became an exact copy of "Miss June" Her body began to be absorbed into the page of the magazine, while back in Hollywood, she was being screwed on the casting couch of Jake Lopez's office. His films were some of the raunchiest that ever graced the back room of a video store. Sara flipped through the magazine after her mother and sister left. She couldn't help but laugh at what the former boy was in for.

Matt Henderson was out with his regular girlfriend, Mary Jane Stewart parked out on Lover's Lane and got busy undressing each other. Ruth and Christine tapped on the window and Matt turned around to see who it was. "Go away and leave us alone" an annoyed Matt said.

"I am afraid we can't do that. I think your girlfriend would be very interested to hear what you did to my daughter. You will regret that you ever laid a finger on her when we get through with you"

" I didn't do anything to your daughter and even if I did she probably deserved it"

Mary Jane slapped his face hard and then jumped from the car, put her clothes back on and was going to start walking back toward town. Ruth asked her if she was okay and she started to cry. She was mortified that her boyfriend was involved in what happened to one of her best friends."Can you do something to make me forget I ever knew this jerk? Mary Jane fumed.

"After we get done with him, no one will ever remember who he was" Ruth assured her

Ruth started to chant and Mary Jane found herself back in her room doing homework. She completely forgot that she ever knew a Matt Henderson. Ruth and Christine returned to the matter at hand.

"Where were we? Oh yes, since you think my daughter was a slut, you will find out what being one is really like. You will know just what it feels like to be used for pleasure"

Ruth and Christine began to chant and a beam of light surrounded Matt and he began to change into a beautiful redhead with large kissable lips, long legs, green eyes and a sultry voice that would drive all the guys wild. She had on a black PVC Mini and a tight tube top that just covered her D cup breasts. Her name was Leeza, but everyone in school would call her "Easy Leezy" because she was well known around the school and all over town. After Ruth and Christine left, Officer Ted Jenkins caught her and her latest Joe McCallister in a very compromising position in the same spot on Lover's Lane. Sara giggled as she saw what kind of enjoyment the boys got from Leeza Henderson's many "talents".

Brett Swensen liked to sneak looks at the cheerleaders as they were undressing. He had figured out that the locker rooms were connected by a single wall. He borrowed his father's Cordless drill and place a small video camera behind a ceiling panel while work on the Summer maintenance crew for the school system. He even sold his films to any guy who was willing to shell out twenty bucks. He was home watching his latest collection when he heard someone call out to him.

"See something you like? My daughter certainly didn't deserve what you did to her. I am willing to bet that you even took video of her undressing in the locker room as well. Am I right? inquired Ruth.

"I didn't do anything and even if I did, you can't prove it. My father is a powerful Senator and he would not let anything happen to his son" insisted Brett.

"Your father's power and influence will not help you in this case. You raped my daughter and you will pay dearly. When we get through with you, you will be a public embarrassment to your whole family. How will you father feel knowing that his daughter is known all over the internet as "Busty Betty Swensen" added Christine.

" You're joking! You can't do anything like that! laughed Brett.

"We will see who is the joke. You will find out that witches always get justice" Ruth declared.

The two witches joined hands and began to chant. Brett sat there laughing at them until he noticed the long blonde hair start cascading down his shoulders. He noticed that he had E cup breasts and and really tight Red Mini dress, fishnets and four inch heels. The room was filled with a high priced computer with the most advanced video and editing software available. There were stacks of video tapes in just about every corner of the room. The two women left the house just as the Internet Sex Crimes Unit descended on the house. A reporter for Channel 6 was there as well as agents from the local FBI. Senator Thomas Swensen's would be soundly defeated in the next election. Sara stood across the street with a huge smile on her face and a sense of peace in knowing her perpetrators were finally being punished.

Present Day 2008

Jordan Michael Lucas! I thought I told you to clean your room" Christine barked.
"I will get to it after I finish my homework" Jordan answered back.

"You have been saying that for weeks" She reminded him."I am going to the grocery store and I will be back soon"

"Okay Mom, I will see you later. Could you get me a new spiral notebook for school?

Christine added it to her list,grabbed her purse and set out in her Buick. Her mind began going over all the things she had to do when she got home and she wondered when her husband, Bill, would get home from his business trip. They had been married during her Freshmen year of college just after she found she was pregnant with Jordan. Jordan was now fifteen and she was a bit worried about him. He had never developed the same physical characteristics as her husband and he always treated Jordan harshly, even though the boy had made the Jefferson High Track team. Christine knew that Jordan was always more sensitive than other boys his age. The Council of Elders for her Coven was always giving her advice on what to do for Jordan. It was as if they were harboring a secret they didn't want her to know about.

She guided the Buick into the Parking space and grabbed her cloth bags out of the backseat and went inside the store. She started filling her cart and walked around the corner to the Deli counter. Mary Wilkins, a member of her coven, was at the counter getting some Roast beef. "How are you doing Mary? Christine asked.

"Hi Christine! How is everything with you? I haven't seen you since our last meeting. Are you coming to our meeting on the Solstice? Mary asked.

"I will be there. I have some concerns about Jordan that I just can't shake. I think that there is a power that resides just below the surface that I just can't put my finger on"

"You know that his power is somewhat subdued because he is a male and part mortal. He would have been more powerful as as your daughter" added Mary.

"I know, but I am not sure he is inclined that way though. He is always trying to be tough like his father" insisted Christine.

"Your mother can probably read him when he turns sixteen in two weeks. She has always been able to recognize the intensity of the powers that others have"

"Mom has studied the Craft for longer than we have all been alive. I still can't understand why, with all our collective powers that we have not been able to really find out what secret Jordan is keeping"

"There is a time that we will all know, but it will come when it is meant to" Mary insisted cryptically.

"I suppose, but it doesn't make it easier to understand"

Christine went about her shopping and proceeded to the checkout lane. She loaded the car and started back toward home.

Meanwhile Jordan was back at home standing in front of Christine's mirror admiring the blue dress and putting the finishing touches on his makeup. He blinked and saw the image of a pretty young girl looking back at him from the mirror.

"Please don't be frightened Jordan. I am your Aunt Sara. You know that I was found in the lake before you were born, but I have always been around you even during the times your father called you those horrible names. I know that you have been too ashamed to tell your mother about the things your dad has said to you.I am aware your parents have been on the verge of divorce for a long time.

" My dad has made my life a living hell for as long as I can remember. I can't be the son that he wants, because I know who I really am. I am his daughter. Why can't he love me?

"Your father is like a lot of men. They think that if you are a male, you have to be tough and stand up and take it. He can't understand why any boy would not want to be like his father. He has a rude awakening coming for the way he has treated you. You are very special to a lot of people and we love you very much. Your mother will be just fine. Don't be afraid to tell her what is in your heart. She has always been a good listener. It will all be made clear really soon"

"When will all this happen?

"It will all come down on the night of the next Solstice in two weeks. That is also the night of a certain person's sixteenth birthday.You will inherit your powers and join the Coven" smiled Sara

" How can I join the Coven? I am a boy and I am half mortal. I know that I am the son of a powerful witch , but I would have limited abilities" Jordan insisted.

"Don't worry about that Sweetheart. There is a plan in place for you to assume your full birthright. Your heart and mind already knows the truth and you will be just fine honey. I am here to tell you that I will help you be the best young woman you can be.

"I will talk to her Aunt Sara. I have been keeping so much inside for so long. I love you Aunt Sara. Thank you for understanding"

"I love you too Honey!

"Could you teach me how to use my magic to clean my room?

"I suppose I should since I took up all your time with our chat" laughed Sara.

"Thank you Aunt Sara"

Jordan changed out of the clothes and cleaned off the makeup. He went downstairs to start dinner and wait for Christine to get home. He put some chicken breasts in the oven, made a salad and brewed a pitcher of tea. Christine got home and honked her horn for him to come help with the groceries. He helped her put them away and then they sat down to eat.

"Mom, thanks for getting me the notebook. I really needed a new one for my Biology class. Ms. Brooks has really been throwing a bunch of info at us to get us ready for our test next Friday"

"I know you will do well. Did you clean your room while I was gone? asked Christine.

" Yep, I did everything but get my laundry going. I will do that after dinner. I need some clean underwear and jeans for school on Monday"

"Okay, I think that I will take a long soak in the bathtub and retire to my room to read. Let Wendy out to potty and lockup before you go to bed" reminded Christine.

"I will. Goodnight Mom"

Jordan took the Black Lab out and waited while she did her business. The moon cast a glow over the back yard as Jordan thought of all the changes yet to come in her life. She always knew deep down that she was a girl and it filled her with joy in knowing that she would be who she was meant to be on her birthday.She thought of the tremendous responsibility that would go with her new powers and decided to start thinking of herself as the girl she was from that moment on. She also decided that she would call herself Sara Lynn after her beautiful aunt. Her mother told her that that was what her name would have been as a girl at birth anyway. She vowed that her father would never be able abuse her again. She started her laundry and stayed up until she had it finished. She and Wendy turned in for the night at around ten. Jordan pulled her nightgown out from the secret place she kept it and did her nightly ritual before falling fast asleep with a smile of contentment.

School dragged on for the next two weeks and Jordan was happy that she got an A on her Biology test. Her best friend Leslie was her lab partner and knew her deepest secret. She was also in the Coven, so they got to know each other really well over the years. On that Friday before Solstice, the Coven met in a secret meeting. Christine finally found out the truth about what has been happening to Jordan and who was responsible. She was livid that her husband would dare treat their child that way. The Council Of Elders let her vent and then her mother calmly explained that Bill would not escape their wrath for what he did to her grandchild. A plan was agreed to. Jordan was also called into the meeting and had Sara's image come up in the mirror."Jordan, after the plan is carried out, You will stand in front of the mirror, touch palm to palm with me and we will become one.You have always looked like me so now you will be my twin with curves in all the right places. You will inherit my powers and become completely female" Sara explained.

"Reality will change so that all your friends outside of this room will have always known you as Sara Lynn" Grandma explained.

"I will also take the last name Reid. I do not want to carry the name of that bigotted S.O.B any longer" Jordan declared angrily.

The meeting broke up and they went their separate ways until the next evening. Jordan and her mother sat up and talked about the things they would do together as mother and daughter and looked forward to future that was wide open.

"Mom, I need to tell you something else about me. While you were in the meeting with the Coven for the first part of the evening, Leslie Jansen and I decided that we will take our friendship to a different level after I become Sara Lynn. We have loved each other for years, but never went any further because Leslie likes girls. She knew who I was a long time ago. I hope you don't mind?

"Honey, I don't mind at all. I am bisexual myself and after what I found out about your father, I will probably stay on the lesbian side of the fence. Are you ready for my surprise? Leslie's mother Janet and I have been lovers since we went to Jefferson High! I guess it will be like mother like daughter then" laughed Christine.

They went up to bed and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

The next evening the plan started to unfold. Bill Lucas arrived home from his business trip to a darkened house. He opened the door and called out" Anybody home? He heard someone come up behind him.

"Hello Daddy Dearest! I told Mom about the way you have been treating me all these years. I refuse to cower in fear and I am here to declare that I am going to be my true self from this night on" Jordan declared.

"I will not tolerate a faggot for a son. You will do as I say because I am the man of the house and you and your bitch of a mother will obey what I say. I will beat you whenever I feel like it! You are nothing but a weak minded sissy and you can't stop me" Bill ranted.

"That's where you're wrong! You lowlife bastard! The Coven is going to take care of you once and for all. Ruth stated forcefully.

Bill knew that he had finally gone too far. He stood there with pee running down his leg. He blinked and saw that he was surrounded by the Coven. Christine took off her wedding ring and threw it at his feet and slapped his face so hard that he almost fell to his knees. The women joined hands and began to chant. Within five minutes, a rat crawled out of the pile of clothes and scurried across the street. Mrs. O'Malley's cat, Jinx, was ready and waiting for his dinner.


Sara and Leslie kissed each other passionately when she emerged from the mirror. Their future would include four daughters, with them each enduring two pregnancies. Their oldest, Jenna, would eventually become High Priestess and her sister's Michelle, Jamie and Marcy went on to set up a healing center to treat seriously ill children. They are always reminded that they had a very special great aunt and they honor her memory in everything they did. Christine and Janet are both enjoying their granddaughters and more in love with each other every day. They are all members of the Council of Elders and teaching the next generation the Craft.

Greentree Farm has a very successful crop of new foals every year. "Diamond Girl" is one of the best mares they have and continues to enjoy getting screwed every breeding season. John's parents don't miss their son, because Ruth replaced him with a beautiful daughter who is the apple of her parent's eye. Reality shifted and it is as if she always existed.

"Easy Leezy" is now a very popular escort and high society call girl. It was just revealed that she is carrying former Senator Swensen's love child. His wife Janice took him to the cleaners in the divorce so now they are living in a two bedroom apartment over "Ming's Chinese Laundry"

His daughter "Busty Betty" starred in a movie along with "Miss June". "Reel Video" can't even keep it on the shelf.


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