So here we are again.
Well the initial shock of Thursday has subsided so I can be a little more rational now. Just to recap, I got home from my ride Thursday afternoon to find my home of 30+ years had been repossessed, literally at that point my possessions ran to what I was wearing and the bike! Not a good place to be for sure.
Anyhow, I got access on Friday for a couple of hours to rescue a bit of stuff and i'm arranging for a day this week to get anything else I can reasonably gather. There's a lot of stuff, bikes, books, clothes etc so its hire a van, abandon some stuff and be thankful that a) I've got a temporary store and roof and b) it didn't happen while i'm away (I had the surprise of a redundancy on my return from one trip, stressful much!). Where did all this stuff come from? how did it all accumulate? What am I going to do with it? Answers on a postcard to PO Box Stupid.
I'll admit its mostly my own fault but casting stones and tearing myself up over it is hardly gonna help matters, no one died, nothing has been irrevocably lost but I have, temporarily I hope, lost my independence, i'm reliant on others good will, its not my bed, living out of a suitcase when its not your hols is not fun.
So in the short term, I've got a bed, i'll worry about a longer term fix when I get back from my trip (which is mostly paid for, losing all that money would be rather stupid!) I do have some ideas for at least a medium term solution - long term - well that may depend on this Brexit crap.
In the meantime, Stupid will continue posting here and if I can get my head around things, writing more prose for your enjoyment.
After all the heavy stuff therefore, I give you Saturday Night, the next thrill less instalment of the Saga of Gaby Bond.
Well that has you all brought up to date
bye for now
Lulu Digital
Lulu Print
Got to look forward
'cause some stuff can't be un-broken. Still here if needed, and thanks for letting us all know you aren't on a park bench.
I hope the trip goes a bit better than the home bit!
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Pod, yeah, i'm hoping the trip will be epic in a good way, my previous visit to Sweden was when I was @ 3! So it's a whole new country for me to explore as I search for Wallander!
I might be looking for some 'help' when I get back, by which time I should have fine tuned my 'cunning plan'.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
to hear that your place got repossessed, Maddy. I hope things work out for you.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
Trying to be philosophical about it - the worst thing is being held to ransom with my stuff - a day to pack and shift everything is a big ask. A bunch of stuff will be abandoned to its fate, I just hope I don't miss anything that I really don't want to lose.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I can identify. Good luck.
I'm sorry to hear what happened to you, and your home.
Now's not the time for preachy statements which might smack of 20-20 hindsight, so all I can say, I guess, is that I feel for you. I have gone through a time when I had nothing to my name except clothes, a five-year-old car, some personal belongings and not much else.
I was stone-broke, or skint as you guys would say, and I had been selling off my possessions to get by, and temporarily putting off the bills that I could delay paying. Eventually, though, I was given a two weeks notice to clear out of my apartment unless I can settle my outstanding rent.
I was all set to sell my car actually, but I was able to find a way to settle my outstanding rent at the nick of time. It was a memorable time, but I don't think "memorable" is the proper word - I guess I'm looking for a word that means it remains in my memory, but not because it was a good memory. But I can't think of the right word atm.
I posted a story about that time in my life here several years ago.
So I guess what I'm saying is that I know what you're going through. I hope you'll be able to get past this soon, and get yourself sorted out eventually. Is there no way to refund your ticket to your upcoming trip and other tickets/reservations connected to that trip? I'm sure you can transfer the names on the reservations etc. You said it's "mostly paid for," which is a bit worrying to hear because it implies you're still going to have to pay for some other things, and in your position atm, that may not be a wise thing. Perhaps you can package the trip and sell it to one of your fellow biking enthusiasts?
I have no right to have an opinion about it, of course - these are suggestions only. It's your decision to make.
We all have passions and things that drive us, and it is up to us to find the right balance between real life needs with our passion-driven wants. I didn't have that balance before, when I went through my own period of being stone-broke, when my wants and desires didn't match up with my real-life needs. I still don't have that kind of balance, though I'm much closer to that balance now.
It's my wish that you find that balance.
click here to read all of my blogs,
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p.s. I'll purchase your books online as soon as I can set up an anonymous non-back-trace payment account.
For your support.
Cancelling the trip would serve no purpose and indeed I would lose all the money i've already spent - the flights are non transferable, the accomodation i've booked is non refundable as I got it cheap - etc. Etc. I'm not without funds for the trip, I just can't be extravagant! Beyond the monetary aspect, I really need a break away from everything.
As an aside, i'm pretty sure part of my problem has been that the downstairs neighbour smokes a lot of weed and is growing it in his flat. Every morning I got up to a flat full of fumes which i'm pretty sure have been having a negative effect on my well being.
So whilst it is quite traumatic in some ways it's a good thing to be moving on. Where it will take me i've no idea
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Think of it as grist for the writing mill.
Young man loses his flat and has to take any accommodation he can, even one with his dotty old aunt who is convinced he would be much happier if he wore skirts. :)
Something like that but with wheels.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
cloud eh?
Can't get my head around writing anything until after the big recovery operation on Wednesday - have to box up over 1000 books plus maps etc, decide what else I can rescue - all in a 6 hour window. Van organised, one helper organised, storage facility organised, now its fingers crossed there's enough hours in the day!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
All hopes
Hope the packing and moving and et cetera goes smoothly. Good luck!

click here to read all of my blogs,
click here to read my stories in BCTS, and
click here to see my profile & know more about me.
If I wasn't close to 200 miles away, I'd volunteer to give you a hand. I hope it all goes well and that you find a new place to live that does not involve carrying your bike up all those flights of stairs.
At least this will give you a chance to find out where that Mouse of yours gets in!
Good Luck,
silver linings
And all that! Not gonna miss the stairs or the meece but i'm already missing the view out into the Peaks!
Currently i'm staying in the most urban location i've lived since I was 6 - I already don't like it but it's lo cost and available (if only for a short period). Instead of birds in the morning it's the M1 which provides the soundtrack to the day.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Meece. Lol.
Haven't heard "meece" used in a long time.
I guess I'm a little different - I'm used to traffic noise, and would probably be woken up by all that rural quiet.
I am impressed by your positivism. Some people can take a lesson from you.
Keep it up!
click here to read all of my blogs,
click here to read my stories in BCTS, and
click here to see my profile & know more about me.
There's no gain in going into meltdown, things still need to be organised etc. Shit happens and if you fall apart everytime something goes wrong in your life it's a quick downward spiral. Doesn't mean i'm unemotional just pragmatic.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Hope things turn around and stabilize.
My copy of Fame is scheduled for Wednesday delivery, and I'm gonna need more Gaby after that!
I hope
That you enjoy Fame.
I'm sure that I will work out a solution to my current pickle and that along the way I will get more words onto pages. The suddenness of events has really been a curve ball but one I intend to hit for six!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Oh Mads !
Hit that curve ball, make it fly over the fence.
Enjoy Sweden.
I wish you well,